i* VOL. 11. TH E FOREST GROVE, PNhFlUiOUS PAYNE. OF PORTLAND. ------ t A Scoundrel from Portland, Or?gon, Deceives. Marries and Oe^e-ts a Topeka Belle. IN D E P E N D E N T . PUBLISHED AT Forest G i o v e ,................... Oregoi l From the Si. Lou;; /'ail / ChAm of IX . 15. L U C E . Muv 21th we copy the following: Some eighteen months since a man Editor and l*roj*rMor. named G. A. Payne came Eastward from Portland, < Jiv • >n, and settled al"*i\»j'éka, Kansas. H is represent- TERMS o f SllISilHlTION cd t > h ive been a m en of engaging a I io ss, age« able man¡n rs, and pos- ses.-ing a^upeiioi < .im ation, oeeu- pi- d an «■.!:!• rial | od: i:.ii at Fori land >F ADVERTISING: as id -> ivas he a piactic.d printer, After lie hid >■ . i led in Topeka ill- fi rtune cursed his lot, and tailing to 1 i» b> "O secure the position lie anticip.pntcd, la had rea »arse to hi ora la. and oh- tai.it* ' empn y incut ; n the offi *e of th ogeka í Rumor I.’ ii is it that he kepi steadiiV at won», maintaining n plausible i di rior: !.. u prompt in the discharge of tl ,e obli- gâtions impose«! on him, and free í r» ’ii* tin y t»i i l)c ììiiìt1 \ la s \» liirii liv* in- rt quen Iv attach to ad degrees . : men. iic1 \* us not Ion Fib HT.SSK >N \ L \\ 1 I.S O N C \RDS. H O U L 1ÌY . M. D. IMr.deiaR ami Mir.'ctm, H)Ui:vr UIOY L. . . . - FRELON. OFFTFF \r h b \l - A no\ •Johnson's r .i a m a M.lU. -t i>f nt'F.y \V. II. S A Y L O R . M. I».. Physician rad Surgeon FOREST GROVE. - - - OREGON OFFICE At tie f' R r - II * t.Nl 1. * of the I'Pi • Steri Work smith u22:lv "'»IO. TI. P* l.HOI, 11 A. illiiMPSOX. JuarO-t Mt h-nfij. m i h rut in » i n * i 11 ii i - .1 T T O II S E Y S M rare •. the facility with which tered tnoses»v« -*t ii' am L A IP , delight to be the N... irei l ir-t Street. ( » i ; f F elt ri. \NI». ;o v their command to defeat the end in view and Kept so strict a w.i'ch upon her movements us for a short timeestopp .1 thecunsumati'uiof th* ceremony. In tlie meantime Payne was no less engaged in contriving ways and means that would balk their efforts, and by the collusion of a mutual lady friend, the ol«l folks were n utod and thevoting lady et- capid their vigilance, two weeks ago on i’ lm liy miming ni'cr, tiny were privately manied at Do: house of this la lj fricad, i*u»l, eluding the wat *ix* illness of her guardians, they earn * direct to St. Louis, established their hi atlquartersat the St. Clair Hotel, and entered upon thepleasur- c-ol lacho uyni >on. Theyl;emnined at this lints«* for ncarlv a week,engaged in doing the city, and in such other am M-nueiits as their fancy dictated. i ney gradual!*.' became discontented willl tue monotonous .-ameiiess pe­ culiar to hotel life, and she being of a quiet domestic nature suggested that they seek the quiet of private ipamnents during the remainder of eir sojourn in the city. At liist lie mm lad to It e mow meni. a--m it g her tina their stay would be nniv briei. as lie had concluded to extend t ¡r bii.lal tn¡» to the Ea.-t, it, •lain U's i c . .1 1 .toe \ l • Her selieitatiOilá 11 seh into tlie conti lem-■ of his suj ert- ors, wh > exteu led. h; a their p.gron- whenevoi an c. ¡ » itm.it il ••."itCil its« li. red 1 i• • ■ . * . . 1 ( ep/'e, to i * * **** **- ni* ab ululai ■s,and it 0»lily waii ( «I lu » gras]> ti ) fl’i )Wa the : u e d to lu ove. 1 c* ■ iff. •rt. \V 1 ; ». . 1 L> W t YK á ag o lj « t il¡¡¿ht they . t i * • ¡US (‘ ’ 11 1 ' A 1, a \ ()• tig la.iy , iUli:' J M .* / :*[.< i m'o. l-ed the t!, sir e* i ;ì ' ‘ L* L 1urn* )' ili­ i]iv r îiifii'vt'i re- paid a vi'h to Oil (* in tin? lion sc ol a £ ( lite ci pri- siding in 1 optka,, alni. 1 ! 1 ’ 1 f ■ i* per- Üllil V resit ling near the corm -r ambulations ; 1 1. * ; ; t tow il .aruit i i utally leen* il nlii i Finte s!.r act s, and A .* .S .S t * : '»''¿OU o f tii Citi otltcrwise. or at tíiau tinrough i nice. i i . , ! I. the■ culinary .socia 1 lilil lie lu *re ; • s i - !e ils ;i¿ U ( n "i l_ !l, la, made « T 1 > :n-dr ; * i « j * > \ cry-i lav i xi't- •lU'c \ li­ th« acquaiatance Ui i »i.y tic. B sÑtVÜlS , » • 4 j , .-:e lit rie fi ill* till!it, in a i.l,ilion tl> ili Yother a I* >îil- 1 i 1 s , I ban ics plishinents, he p l)L -(.It ¡nt "f fas- bent oli have ever L » ' . i r . 1 s « iliating the oJ'J Osile sex.a: )US ,n • 1 i. • IV,. ease lie exert* d it cessi a was charm ed bv ! D irham & Thompsor he ; when .»lie depart« ! it was with lue na li u ,. t In* aia i u.tiu 1 anee ALFRED KINNEY, H. D , *.\ a ti«*d. The viinn 1 of the best famii City, and toa ... FF H E IN D b i l 'M S i ;i J LIHNÍ . H - i . nt and W ishii - many graces ■ »1 in ton Stri' ts. 1‘ortlan 1, Ort-cmi. a¡7 tv tractions, p..sv. • il V ; : » • ; * not to ’ e ree a: i- -i ! * 11 «. v 9 a \ v * RAI.EIC.H 'TOTT. c A. BALL. r her lathe» «1 lid, tiiey i H A L L à STOTT, iry covet • u (• ^ IJ i illS S U XX G- E O N . O A T T O K N 11 V S . .V T - L A , ti3T.lv PORT LA NI», ( LEO ON. FRANK L. STOTT, Attorney a t • L ip v « Itti. LSfi‘ iRO, fiftHHO V. Offl'-A *n iic v (.’rturt II ius.-. THOMAS H. TONGUE. A r n «* ! • a t . L a w » a H.lNhop*. w usliiuetou County, Ur -guu. K. D. SHATTCCK. B- KILI.IN. Shuttuck ‘v K illing M i n i : M A S A M ; < OCXS E l O H A T L A YV. B kam's F aiding. Fir»t Street, 1*' >1: rr.ANI), j / : ir /; l t n j n i . i l ITS THE PATRON.\< i E < »F THE 11 .//*/,• \oorii'Uil. Oil! ' « a Walnut and Pine Street». tiii '.ly S d rri'V«'. K »1 Ol’FU E HOI KS. Mail going south <*1'.si s ut N A. Mg Mail e • I- ist .-1, , -..-S ;it I I’ . M. O fliCC huUl'rt Oil Sun 1 iv frolli ligan to 11 ». m . .■g No d 'i alture from this rule. N E. GOOPELL, l*i*.-»t Master. ’ ~ ' j FOREST GROVE LODGE, No. 136, x. o . o . T ., A JF.F.TS A I ITS MALL EVERY S \T- -T J urdu\ veiling, at *1 o ’elurk. All members «if tin- < Ird'-r ill g.... 1 -talami " arc TKTtv iir.it« d to attend. tlHIIi LOIM .L Ntj. : jo , A. F. A A. M FORESTOROVE, OREGON. M o Saturili v Ii for»* the Full Moon in i ii*'h )*>oi»»l» Br* tbr* u ii :l ♦t/rd zenith in ihe *r t lu* witiiii I lie aciiua i ,i u - com j * .tallied, and the conti to all g in the b io . ,« N o. fi In ‘ m m 's B lock, WASHINGTON COUNTY, THURSDAY THE NAYLOR ESTA'iE. IM P O R TA N T DECISION P.Y J t'P O K T T T O N . hi llii' *1 iroo if ( 'mi rt o/ tin’ Stato oj ()r~ i ’ i / oh f <>i‘ I Variti nylon Comity, t E. X I'/lnr ri/i'.r >■ Joint E. Gioa- ..71, 42. D i ieinl»iut lie:mu rred and say s that tbe i••.Tiipiaint filed Ìlier»■in Il< 1 !':» not . ; .. j ■ fact x suffi ■lent to eon .'til 11 to a can '; .* ot act .on. At■ com m on 1 .iv a ten ant ill Ifoni- :.i cm can n o 1, su e hi.-1 CO ten: m t ,‘ ■ who ex-k i. l',' Ol";*unii* s tlie tiren 11 S 0 s ■uni it .•••Ives tin ■ etti:ire pro fits, 1111 - i i « , 8 w1>3 is OU . 1 o f p i •ion. or unit* - , the oihei IS viudii 1 is b aiilli o: .ii- mter. -I bv agreement. ( i t’ as (.* »it i.¡'bit,, 12 Cal . 41 4. t vs Fa*.■s. >n.; , 12 M i 1 Id. r v.s :v i ■: P . 18 Bal­. 255.) V. i. S 11 > lt r 11 1t »:i ia 1»he cum­ 1 * i i 1 l . 1 » '» » l if w libai e in be ; *1 inti) a Cl.il m t hat Piff. * ; vi a• tha ' d •:ï \V 1 IS !l.d ill,;’ !:* , , j‘ » j i 1 • v , a kcm vi. » « Î :. 12 i , 1i all l I i ' g ' i C V fl Oí>1 Ili.» . » *. j ut V )ïi»mon iHW 4 >nl y such ax h ‘ re •C: Vi'S j W ill'll ’ * Ci.V-:li 1' p \ ont edbv tlii* t**n- t >s¡ ni fr mi i * in. l his t i re î t w a » \ y I t , • i • ■ »c ».i f i rereived i \ artie;S, an 1 to Wliieh ;is co­ . » e i » eu « I . i (i 1 to an » its oceu- :d and .arm ; it at hisi own is e. -tl l..ini. Cell ¡not maintain •n 'gai list him as 1lailiff for b» ■* ;v. d inore ; han his shan i »Ji, (J ling . Li L \V i k Eq f ■ *« » H OREGON. . voiin tations of her ¡»right, conoid« red a sent to nr» a el . proposition ina le with a vi«-w t > mar­ t a,.;! . riage. Things progrès * d curvar 1, sJie relying on hi - integ'rity, and In- bearer *r our slat ate, Cluq.i cr Tl pursuing his occupation at Topi-La. ■ i. U* 3: Section 38 on page 71S, It is very strange that one, with so t- i n 1 mu t be const rued in connection many t xampies tji man s mtidc*i.tv I ani]>b* il, \v!io i i j: wit!i S ction 32.1 on pag(*32S,in Title which are constantly t urri !! ’•. s 1 of (. iiapi' y !. By the la! 1er section, should have 1icon deceived lit* VT i î (Î Wit S i t :t :«*t iy construed a” tenant in coin- parativi í» 1\ «;n tarer, ci.i: : mu of Rood property’’ could not stranger with out other r* maintain noy action against hiJ co 1!. H commend him than that he a d o ! • B V tenant ex opt in cases where ilio co- daily intercou rsc v.¡ili ]>* »>{? Iw q. v : lniw .ft distance from « 1 « 1 V » » » « ‘ 1 1 < C ..t alt wi.u t.B í • ‘u'.»t .¡gait oí iiioriiing. ac- tenant “ cither (l -nii d tin* plaintiffs omo act amounting to events, such i » , t I lie Cil o -; an î i > - • i ¡ t v c o n i p a t . ; i d by a 11 in n riteof ilio lioti <», right, or di a strangi i ma. it c;tv, wuhoiii start«" I <>it. in l'tir-uil (’*' 1!> o f i*. it ivo Siii h denial. ’ But the former section, 38, 718 f Metí * !.■' than lì. her misfortune Payne. I hoy ¡earn'd that ihe siesta- takes an action for “ rents and prof­ has attracted, ( ¡tin r trini cuti > - 1 ‘ v er would not arrive for several davs, » » . i «ir sympathy, ¡-h" tuourus :!:< l.g to 1 i liât xtie wa ' e lev a its, "out of the rule laid down in See. which her sir a r.'-.'ii.ige other t’u.ui ( ' unpi»c*ll, who .72 i F.age 228, and says that “ a ten­ nu ly h .s commi’di 1 h r. la the «mix was entirely unknown to the officers ant in common may maintain any part of this month, so «1« xterou-dv oí the company in who:-;«' pervieo the proper action, suit or proceeding, had he mamuveii d that he d taim i x(earner is employe"!. After proxe- against his co-tenant for more than her cotisent to a mai ria ye, and she ciitiug her inquiries fruiiles'ly all his ju-.! portion of the n ills or prof­ its.” This section construe as pre­ at li> r li'»me aw abed the coming venting the other enactment from her future lord. < >n ii.c ! i ii he barring a “ proper” action for re- rivi'd in ( > ii c ( i;y ati l was war ccixitig “ more than his jm't pro­ wt »coined by liis dun •inca, who, portion” of the rents and profits and the Ul'.-t tine•, ]>. i -iMi: » 1 1 him to viewed in that light it affirms the parents. Tliev did ilot .'((Mil to very favoralily impressed with the him in an honorable light before rule at common law, and does not :il P of Mr. 1 avtic, and treat.- those who have ticru-ed tlieia, and change the law applicable to this d him with a Rigidity that would confirm the suspicion Ids mvxtcnous case. ii.aw* br f-n : illii'ieiit to congeal the absence gives rise to. lie had in j If viewed by itself See. 38, Page manuA in tin i on . ot any one with his possession nearly j-otK) in ca h, 718 docs not entitle the plaintiff to a modicum of a*:;, lit but ji ■ suraiicc in their joint estate, out of which lie the relief lu* seeks to acquire under main­ his composition, if tin re is one e’- gave her but $ ¡0 . ¡-die has tcle- it. for at the most ho can tain his action only in case defend­ emeut in I’avre’s character that graphed to her homo for means to stands out more pronnm nt than ( i- enable her to reach there and thoii'di ant, or his eo-t(*nmit, has received tlier of the others,it is ulnt is known almost confident that she will not be “ more than his just proportion of to the world a-> impudence. 1 na- received, she ix determined to at- the rent i or the profits;” which in bir-iiied at the indifference that was temp: it. In the ( vent of lmi parents the light of the cast s already cited manifested toward him by the young regarding the d< s«ited wife as an is the rent and profits, other than lady's parents, he pro-eented his outcast,she says that her sisters,who such as accuro by reason and as the suit with such passionate ardor that are married and well to do, will pro- legitimate result of plaintiff’s labor biie was induced to name the day vide her a home, lb* has not been on the premises in question. It does when liis endeuvois should be re- heard iron?, but should he he come not appear affirmatively upon the warded. Having settled this import- uj> w ith, it is to bo hoped that he i complaint that the so called rents ant incident to their mutual sat is lac- will receive the^ “ butt end of the and profits use and occupation” (which the Piff values at $1,271, 42 tion, she instituted preparation for law.’ for each one seventh interest) were tin-event and advised her protectors t . . . . 1 . J he esteem of wise and good men not fhe result of labor performed by ot what she held in contem plation. | is the greatness of all temporal c:i-j M hen they were made acquainted . conra "cmcnts to virtue; and it. is a j t he said cotenant himself on the with the d termination of tlieirdaugh- j mark of an abandoned spirit to have j property in question, but the whole t*r i'll", i s. i pe l cverv means at no regard to it. (Burke. hearing ol Ui« bids stated in the JUNE 11 , 1874. complaint would seem to indicate that such is tlie case, if so, they be­ longed to the co-tenant whose work produced them and to him alone and an action to recover a portion of them, by a tenant who did no r.r.rt of the work and who was in no way responsible for any portion of any loss that might be sustained, would not be a just nor proper action. If the amount claimed by pin. arose from rents or profits from the land itself which were not the result of pltV’s labor or application,but moved from other sources, that fact would entitle him to recover,— but it. does not so appear, the complaint does not disclose facts sufficient to consti­ tute a cause of action. NO. 12 -7 0 0 ,0 0 0 for Tahoe Observatory ; | THE OLD CANOE. ¡¡*300,000 to endow a School of Me- ------- chanical Arts in this State; $-120,000 tTlie following charming little literaly ... foundling is from an old paper, now extinct, lor public monuments; £lo0,0(K) for which was once published in Arkansas«* Nc* public baths; $100,000 for an Old nanm or luldr' ss fur the writer is attached:] Ladies' Home,and the residue in ex- W’her«*the rocks arc gray and the shore is ! cess of $1,780,000, to the Academy' of Sciences and the Pioneers. ' ^ dth* "'¡m-rs h..'ioW look dark and deep; / . . j w hi re the rugged pine, in its lonely pride, Washington, June 3 .— The Presi- Leans gloomily over the inurky tide; dent has nominated Harvey M Scott here the reeds and rushes ure long and for Collector of customs at l'ortlaud. ! rank, T t> , . , T . r, ir Anl ,! , 3 3 ,3i»4,()ilJ. ( i'll in T reasury,coin, and Lebanon George are the liyas ti­ $sl,(>.')S,'.)7'J; currency, $• ! .177,7 a lléis of the outfit. The display was grand, gloomy and peculiar, and :. 1 1 deposits, : oG.tioO.t f I, i tal, $14t),18t>,Ggij. Debt less cas’d in t hive du'liy maidens, riding clothes- Treasury. >2,14">,2bS 438. Decrease pin fashion, were the observed of all observers. past month, $ 1,4dG,S:»8. Nrvr Yor.K, .Tunc 1 .—increasing business via. the Isthmus since the railroad and steamer combination was broken, is shown by the* fact that thcFanam i railroad receipts for April were $14.000 greater than for the sa ■*(,' month a year ago, i morra’ * St. Loirs, Jun. 1.—Th i-k special says Baxter Little Rock is making efforts to break ut> the Ti - publican party in Aakatisas bv in- lUuiilating and imprisoning promi­ nent members. M vsinv. . t o n . June 2. The Senate colirmcd the nomination of James B. McKean for Chief Justice of Utah, and S. J. McCormick as Pension Agent at Portland. ■\Y a 8U ixutox , June 2. — Tim Senate unanimously continue 1 the nomina­ tion of Bristow fin* Secretary of the I reasury. Richardson’s nomination for Judge of the Court of Claims re­ ceived a bare majority, several lie- publican Senators refusing to vote, and Denucrats openly declaring against the nominee on the ground ot the report of the Committee of W ays and Means on the Sanborn case. Ni:w Y ouk , J line 3 .— It is an­ nounce 1 from Washington that sub­ scriptions to the now five per cent, loan continue to be received at tin* Treasury, and a call for five millions of five-twenty bonds may be shortly expected. Ni.w Y our , Juno 3.— During May the funded debt of the city,according to the eomtrollor’s report, increased $1,¡>00,000 making an inercii'C of over $11.000,000 in two years and three-quarters of the reform govern­ ment. While many a blossom of loveliest hue Springs up o ’er the 3Urn of the old canoe. l The cnrrentleBswaters are dead and still — But the fight wind plays with the boat at ,, And lazily in and out ag-m It floats the 1 ,-ngth of the rusty chrin. Like the weary march of the hands of time, That meet and part at the noontide chime; And the shore i ; kissed at r ich turn anew, By the dripping Lev of the old canoe. Oh. many a time, with a careless hand,* 1 ll;iV0 l,Uîilied il ;iwa>' from the l’cbbIy strand: And paddled d vu to where the stream runs (|niciit Where the whirls are wide and the eddies thick. And laughed as I !< aned o’er *he rocking side, And looked b low in th" broken tide. To see that the faces anil boats were two, 'That wt^C mirrored back from the old canoe. I*nt aow- as 1 l,au ° ’ei' F*ie crumbling side, And look below in tim sluggish title. The face that I Vi- tln r«* is grav« r grown. And tho laugh that I hear has a soberer tone. And th" hands that lent to the light skiSf, wings, Have grown familiar with sterner things. But I love to think of the hours that sped As T rocked where the whirls their white spray shed, Ere the blossom waved, or the green grass grew, O’er the inolili ring stern of the old canoe. I he Coos Bay A'ivs.in speaking of GRAINS OF GOLD. *ho shipyards,says: “ At North Bend and Marshfield. the sound of the Heaven means principle.— [Con­ busy hands can be heard on all sides. fucius. At the former place,the big ship has Moroseness B the evening of tur­ bulence.—[Latidor. jo-t received her ceiling and decks Great hopes belong only to great and t'n outside planking will be com- mi’llm t .lu « :.« tbc M i i i t . ,vcck. ’•ouls-HUartmcilu. < aplaiu Abut so s schooner at Marsh- Faith and hope cure more diseases ii Id, has seven tiers of her outside than medicine. ¡Martin Luther. pi ankin wid be ready for That wold a race in an ungracious launching about the third week in mouth is but profane.— [Shake- Juno. Site will be the largest atul spear. tuiesT v(■'.-;•-•( ! of her class on the coast i Purchase no friends by gifts; and will carrv as much as some when thou cease to give, such will thn e-masted v< - s d s running out of to - [ Fullei. ‘-’ uccess has no secrecy about it S in F ram save this: Never attempt to do that A < i ' -ponil'Mit ot the Roeoro you are not able to perform.— [Rev. writ ng al ' ut the election at Gervias W. H. H. Murray. Aluiii n couiiiN. r»a;, s: It was evident We lose some friends for whom fi.iiu quite early in the morning that we regret more than we grieve; and lively tiai-’ ' were coming. So about others for whom we grieve, jet do 3 o’clock in the evening the ball was 1('iirfci*' [Rochefoucauld, set fairly in motion. A small row A sudden lie may be sometimes a was started among the half-breed el- manslaughter upon truth; but by a , • , , , carefully constructed equivocation ement which soon assumed the form . ., »' ■ »• * truth always is with malice aforo- of a live fight,and so all hands wad- thought deliberately murdered.— cd in; men wi re knocked down in [Morley. c\ cry direction. At least twenty; Universal love is a^glove without wen* ci) age in a hand to hand con- lingers, which fits all hands alike, lliet, and till they fought the main aI“ 1 none closely; but true affection i*. ii .e i »«I • r i * is like a glove with fingers, which held ol battle beimr m front ot ... »” » , » , .. . g tits one hand only, and sits close to Jlaw s drug -ore, m the middle of that one.— [Richter. the stri ct. Officers of the peace: ,, . . > . .» 1 ! t uriositv is one of itie permanent could do nothing with the fighting siml certain characteristics of a vigor- element, so they stood back and let ous intelect. Every advance into it s] end its force. And so it con- knowledge opens new prospects and tinned for 10 or 15 minutes when produces new incitements to further progress.— [J ontisou. quiet was partially restored, when The brightest liamond is’ only there was an afterpiece came in by . . . ... .. crystallized carboT, or, as it might way of one of the bullies ^ mounting ,** .a,iC(l> charcoal glorified; and so on the sidewalk iii lront of the drug p ¡s with souls that were coal black store and knocking a mail off head- ¡u the defilements of sin, which, l>y long into the street. An « t’ticer ]>ut the power of God’s grace, are made in his timely appear«nee atidsep.ua- God s jewels forever, ted th«* wary combatants. So ends Tint controversy about Mt. Ara-t 4- -Secretary the fight at present writing. There rat continues, but there is no uso it in the United States just Bristow took the oath of office to­ ix quite a demand lor sticking phis- . t T i * fit i because Noah came out of the Ark day. The ceremony took place in ter, and the Justice of the Peace and n Twi l ___. illiA r>lt\Y . the President's room at the Execu-, constable are doing a lively busi- Nesmith,of Oregon, gave the mule five Mansion, after which the Secre­ ness. — — - a very clear ami unique status when tary went to the Treasury Depart­ These are the days in which she l>r‘ alluded to it as “ onoof thoseuse- ment and entered upon his duties. iys, “ I don’t care -I w ish I was ful animals that has no prido of an- The President to-day tigned the dead ! ” and he s n a p athotieally re- ecstry, and no hope o f p o sterity .’ commission of Judge Richardson as j «n s. ^ the bonnet! You’re l ‘osion Globe. Associate Justice of the Court of never ar. “ Doctor,” said a conceited literary A parson once prefaced his sc r-1 ass to Holmes on the streets of Bos- Claims. . r mon with, “ My friends, let us say a ton, “ I am going to deliver roy lect- S\ n Francisco, June 4.—Jan.es j f0w* words before we beg»n.” 1 his ; ure inLowell to-night. ”1 aril glad of Lick donates nearly his entire >rop- i-, about equal to the chap who took | it; 1 dislike those Lowell people retorted the d »ctor. ’ erty to the public by deedx of trust a snort nap before lie went to sleep, W ashington , June L m