Forest Grove independent. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1873-1874, June 04, 1874, Image 1

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VOL. 11 .
F o re s t Gravó.
Í I .
13 ,
V u in n anil P ro p rie to r.
The it vttnnil‘first man and first
woman were spayed the usual pie-
liminarios of mnViinony. There was
neither fib* difficulty .of making a
wise choice i.oi tlie pain cf r refib :fl
for Mr. Aihuu; and Mrs. Aihmi, that
was to he, .lid not s*Tt pensive in
Paradise, awaiting the “ pop” Avifh
tremendous' anxiety, nor
TF.KMs of srn s cK irrio N :
Our year, ............................
conij>elled to lay herself out on ehd -
-,o orate leaf drapery to eateh a hus-
2 1 »* *t *»•
♦ *« i
• *n-h. S *2 (Mi ¿i ;l 110$ 5 imi S 7 itti Sin 00
;{ V» A ini 7 n*» !•» oo 1"» «*»
4 ixt r. imi *» no 12 oo 17 .%*•
r. Hi 7 oo io ih » n oo * 2 «» ott
7 H»
oo 12 01 » 10 oo 2 m oo
.i T
•» o*» 12 oo 15 oo 2 o 00 :;o oo
. ni
12 ih »
15 oo
Is ih »
::*» o »
•*" hand. So
»V the beginning of
in things, it seems, the mailing«* con-
Six in* • i. t tin......................................
Tim*** months,.................
Hm-jjlr rooirs,
... ..................
1 ( *.|,,
50 imi
15 il» * 2 »» ml ;»*» (Hi 5 <) imi : ni ih »
tiact was a m*«n“ fniv nVtfl'irijVat ad­
justment than the one-sided system
since adopted. One woman,at least
had then(lTfs'ott her side in this
world; hut as soon as there was even
a Hobson's choice for the sons of
Adam, we Slid the I.eah's left out in
this day, ma y
th e c o l d ; alni to
hcautifulfaud sad-eyed women have
'hidden c ' m V i :ovp*r .)>. ovf hunger he-
neath :.n indilterent or cvnical e\te-
J m \i Ni>ru v:- •'"> i*.*iit*¡ i>**r tin« f'»r 'Hi**
Ìli f i r rill'll
1.1 * 11 t » tío«». :t. n * 1
V i A«*’ 1 *»• lit Íl »-*1 •‘tini;.
V <>K I. *,'.ll >111 il ti.-a-ó’*.it «ilv* .li- meut**.
^ l 5 » i»* r mi ..f 12 lit».*** f*>. tin* tir-At shrine which held the image of one
ills*•|t|l»]| itila C* 1 INI J H* 1 * StjUdlt* for nu h
iii unison
who passed them unno iec 1 bv, and
■'thorn they knew was tln ir soul s
l * b'i ,i b> t'<*H»*iif* /»• W
I")! tilt' / * 'itti iS^if T •
mate, but dared make no sign.
In their purity and noble intent'' hev
veiled th emselves: while other wo-
l'R O E K S S IG *A .L_ ( ARDS.
O’^n “ set t’ uk r‘::p ” and caught the
noble soul,who proved therehv wed-
M ILS O N IIO U L I I Y , 31 . I>.
h>ek a snaie and women”Alven,s. and
I ’h y rirl.i« mid Surueim ,
1 » ire his fate as manfully a> circum­
stances would allow. of
(I l<F.
The paramount reason why man
»V Vi it:it ; VilK
•arrogates to n.m >t ii, tin* preroga­
tive of "popping the ipie.tion,” is
\V. II. S V V I.O U . 31 . I).
wholly the pecuniary one. We ‘V>re
Phvsi à . y
•,v? oi.
t«nn th'it etiquette requires that the
• ¡ 7 CCN money q>it .!i. n lie q’r «»fly kept in
1 * 11 * iiaci; r mud, iu » i withstanding it
1 »:
• .i,.i nit .. j ,.
is ciintiuiiallv in the foreground of
:t v
:he mutual thought. The right of
'U* Hi to ‘ ‘ pop fhe <|U".pi'i' 'nellx t<>
I : lu . v î » ‘list »ii « « ! f 1 lie j 1 Cillli « '*
•FiiriKVr GIOVE, . . . . I’KEKOV
Aj-on-i1 bilily !..
> l: .Y I
« >i: :
3 E
ZM .
vv Inch
i T T o II \ F.n s - A T I, A W
' . C 1 * !-»’ »«i - I mi >h,
« * u \’
, '
ti. '
i ■
tu e oi ¡lie u« i» tei r. I V ,i> f ,V -! iat-
«i sT*>rr.
ter day s, vv hen mai l i: je i> 1 i «*i*iii-
o'* a .lines v. i. a lu r .
g. » l ma n. j i ».,>:» •«•r-H.i
l i - .
ì ( ‘ *’
l'i C . ¡ 111-1 sill* f l * l ' 1 A ill
1 V t *i(.‘ il*. t
i *¿ > i > b * i
w ho can in ike of'litc ;
i Min, >h«* may go frani
I n i e d to lii . Vnd s¡
' i le Aj.t et
il. My c-
you. sir. and I admin
gard is based uj>i• 11 your in vdy c ia. -
;u*ii rUtics jtnd youv intelh irtlial
I 1 « » y 1 * von. 1 «un convinteti
happy. Will Vf.|i
Tit lake you
• V
v\ ■ ) ; ‘ t*
in g ¡in intricate maze, made II it of fu» »
< xp* vi« mees, nini uuina« le bv i ina] «a-
» V, V . t .
Vili tbs ,’ it i.A the iu*)iion o f a few «Ì ».u * - ¡ * e* lofi • !..
iconoclasts to p >ke their nosets '♦»■ri­
táis, aR well as other social mazes.or
messes,we ttlight more juoperly say,
mio smell out what is the cause of
the corruption ilia' rises foul to
heaven, and ask, “ What is going to
U t » r n f y - a • • 1« n w
be Hone abbht i f 5’
. 7 n. 1 . s It" li<>. O/.'F'.'O V.
The inequality of the sexes is
i »»i.'i in lu-w ( oiirt H .u-**.
stamped as « mphatii ally in regard to
“ popping the question” as in *->s»-
iag the vote; and the money reason
o r ii 1 1 - a t - L a w *
which is lifted for tliis one-sidedness
is the very subject which fust need-.
Hill-lM.r.'. Washiug'TC*» bounty, Oregon.
the attention of the strong-minded
noses. Women universallv are ln*g-
. . *» killiv gtii”s although thev may never beg
t n sHvrrrcs.
S liattu ek A
the ltnnd of an adinn.Td gentleinaii.
4 , 1874 .
TEL«£Q;€ a P» 3 IG!
f !l l-A »<■! e i « w 11 « v j ICO » I « ■ i ng . 1•eral as N il* .i** v ;i ;,'ii a v» 11
d e e ü i’ tl*' f M í * ¡ i ivileg«*. and 1 « »1 ( • \ t • u
) i li. Sii» € * i ; * a .
* « lg*>*S ¡ HI A U 1 •*.
Maneuvering hackers do no,however, I nest, and so make it such a joyous Should sue far her hand,he w. uld 1 e
surround the majority of women. ! h«»:n j-pl ice t'n i' noLli in ' but »ring accused of mercenary mot;ves. Has-
ten the time when all women shall
.Proportionate efforts is made iudi- i ig shall therein he heard.
ftallv according to the potency of the ■ ’ Poverty is never so bitter a be Queens truly, and the balance of
his benefit be so equally adjusted that
“ purpose;” but there are many wo­ as when itTeeps a lover from
men who cannot con.Yint to r $ 1 beloved,and leaves him a homeless mercenary motives shall sink out of
day sight, and the ideal m a Fringe be the
their caps,” and who “ bid a wee” in worker in the weary,
modest hope, hut altogether vain — I world. Marriage is too often a inis- common realization. — Cliirajo Trilt-
** " • l,r-
m —
—---- —
that merit will win against maneu­ take, but no marriage is a much
vering, and their soul's mate goes
o f •V,. <>r three <li ¡u*s, and two or three sweets.
a seeldVg its lciudrod spirit, so long : taught to simplify the methods
Two or three halls, or two or three treats,
as it cannot go a seeking him. Rare­
of young
l’r*t,irw *>
«*• “ i,!‘«*
ly once orttwiee in »generation may­ thereby , save thousands
... -i .
two or three oaths, how much they endure,
be, a woman has the money power, men who cannot now altord to marry ,r
I'.o or three messages sent in one day,
and ^ like
* Jtrowning’s “ Genevieve,” from the miserable demoralization Two or three times h «1 out from the play,
v« oos „ml wins the man sin* prefers that befalls almost inevitably il 1 C 'I w.i or three h.vt -letters writ all in rhymes,
»hit e months keeping stri.-t to th.-se
above all others. Rut the heggailv • ‘ noil iiiarrving mail.' “ Popping t ile I « °
lot dare not do so untoward a thing. quesliou” is assuming a mot* than
' «i lvvi r fail making a e.iPple of fools.
\\ hat matters a broke u heart or so, usually serious phase in These days j
provided etiquette is of elaboration and reckless extrava-I
ganee. Men dare not take the re- j
preserved immaculate?
,\vome feel, is the:in­ spoiisihd;; ;es »>1 marriage without r. ^
sertion we hear continually made; foi i tine, large or small; and many j
and the truth of this assertion is women are,to-day losing the* chance ' . A icroni.v, Alay 13 . - -The steamer
h mission o» \\ ie
urged against a woman’s ability to of luliilling the
j C alfornia sailed’lr»st rih’ h 3(10
decide in matters that pertain to her and mother 1 hi'ough (lie lollies
passengers, some stool: and a large
weilare. A . iove not yet been llie mass of uneducated parasites who freight for Gassiar. Tiie steamer
reduced io a scieucef wo co.vleutial- have never been taught that to mit . ¡ Otter followed this morning with
Jye the time is coming their own should, is to tliç wlieel « * 1 1 about liuti passengers.
when u «¡it lie, liowe*er); as it is I u H.vtunc is better thnn to h tng ahelp-
1 lie s'eainiv Is* bel. from Cassiav,
mali s : . .
einO ioiial obYTily altogether — why lcss burden unon astingghug
, with .SU nnners velurued ibis mori
should noi the lt-eling have the pre- siiotih'.cr. (• irls must be ivoperiy uig. rJ hey report much snow on the
domoiauee over the reasoning in edne .iini fi*i :v’ ifo work, ffitfoir hic cricks, rendering prospecting im­
this inaiier of marr.age? li women can inculi success, usi fui ne.-.s,
possible, and uo provisions at the
is iivtuave, wliyVhould she noi he »»leasiue io in in. Li thè faroilgood mines. Some of lite claims arc‘Hav­
ilMoweil to act upon iutuiiioii? She litiie-coniing for v.oman, when si*e ing very high, r ’¡though the dut has
oiteu sees in LucDquali.icx peculiarly has secare.! o.hcr riglits she i> iiou to be thawed out before bciim
attractive to her. Slic leels tiiai dcni; udingv he may posscss lue righi washed. rJ lie stoanicr ( ileii' i'a was
t hese q Unimex are the v\*i\ ones that o l»o a ii in* help ilicit ; thè righi «o snagged in S. ickeen River, but got
wouht insure her h>»ip nne .. Such i a..« . «I. her labo" of love sudi coui- oil agai'i. U'Uir men ha\e bien
Woiu.'ii are the l ist one-, in the world »» 'li ..*, .oli ;is wiJ! in aire io lu i" ilit* drowned by tin upsetting of a canoe
to overstep couventiii’ial eustom. o ■ \ 'e e o ' >n i r sn..H! li'ii'r mori i » in S,ickeen liner, andai Oregonian
• .ley him v not care lor Mrs. Grumiv . tic •>»’ • * Uri ■>'.* U S.H‘
named James 'I rook h *d died of
hiu they ilo care .or the man oi tlm; I ll-Wil . V > COIVI•••«*
bleciiing of t'u* lungs.
choice, and know men well enmi ;ii nei* . a . .i b a i uess o.
\\ asci noto ::, .May JÎ).—The mar­
t » he ai.ure.l liiai. even the wise, b«*st t; i«**nl ned couig
riage oi ,ii< a tir.iiu to .Jr. S.ucon.s
Jb .ivn* , iu ihnt vi;
good men iii« \ i •v i'giii/,* as
la .Às s place oil i
‘sda V. Duly in-
him tec
.‘I . M lie
«•mat s.•br a .tv a 1.1 i.v r d v. i •
. vili I.*C
' >.i' thè ijui dio.i,’ k
% ’.!1 ' IV» « » J i| , I « i ; 1 ,
I V IH 1 - < ili*
.1 si,* :o
i 1 • » i l t » l * * , ! t \ lit« j
lie s llbjeetx
id ms 1! bv i ikhi i t « hi III a **’ l’ ;:i vv « e
Í l' i*
. \ \. ' 1 ., ■ -ill in:*y !.*l v 1 lb« li **
. 1 hi v it li t V *V t »1 4*1 ,V|, .1
¡1 ts V 1 wiles, ulu I 1 1111
: l“ .v « I! !.. r 4i. i » « *f, • V. ♦
« O 1 1 1 A * t h j ovve r. 1*. In in g a !«" :;! ! in
V1 - lie* - i .Vi i
“ pi* 1! in*'” •'•*
•MU«/«« r 'Ì ' 1'
^ l • 11* 4.» X . ! > > . •
1 i 1 1 A j I*» *! .i ;‘ \
1‘* ‘ri.'i,
¡«»ti ¡A 1 .41» 1 4 li I.I l t V
I l l IN I*. K“ M>* r.i ir
N. \\'. .-.n,. i <>f Fn-t ; ad W.i-hot - ♦ ‘l-lon g llu* agi* ittioli <>i any
., f, l*.».fl ». 1 O».■.•on
»••'ri Iv ininib:«
■ von.
W VS¿u:sa i o n * . May 20 . — A letter
i it ) 1 * 4 \ *,! k .:\«> 1 * u » -N c W Onerili s Li» fi
* i .4 *l»îV*»il ^Uiièlt’iii.ui d . i \ -, lieu illi-
Jeri .S t : i ,>.
* lor
« i kv >*¿¡i»it»
1 í 1 tí 1 \ 41 * . I.’C, *>t 1 A 1 » ClVtl '»fil 1 « » ^^- î * « t UVu. lil *
.S ill tEw 1 jt'tEiil.
Cu;« * A t i o, Al iv
— At ;i Milu o i*
I»iuOv 4 v*vi iiw»i >k'.A U v I va I j ' L ii ’* io
y \\ 'Ji ill
.1 ot l ‘v)i'., .11 l, t 1
Oo.i^vit >i\ mi«; hoi.'ic.s io uc
X».. ; oii
\ V ilei
Gl A. I
" »Un
. i,
Ullvil ‘Dll, \ X *:
.4 V J' ' . - - r o r t y - t l n e e
ai i. - ie .l
l’ .i-'.i ‘ -'i»ug
Ilio saie i*. i.ii.. a .
; y w .*; * . i« .. vii.Aiij lasci! w..n ali
: . a olii . li et iili'.t i’il Ilio lievi oci’il ululi
n .i-s her.Ai .. !-.
pliU lSUCit.
¡»lion vly peri <i. i liât fu
.ii.irciit'd Li» ch.ii.ii ìi ti il pr.tyv.r-
er and the teacher appeal* to trail* - i e; and the man who would scorn , ic cC ilV g , 5 V v. lt..Ciite*i un U u iiiin g l'e-
late jangle into m elod y.--Y ou must smh a propoval as this from lu rlip- gui'iiihg XUiUic ac violi.
l i is asserted that Invili is Corning
i»e more am'able; you must la* more woultl be silly and unworthy ot the
ne.Xt i.i. / i l i li, ulivi ne bus ]»o.>
Retter he sav
this, that, and the oilier, to make loves she proffer.
e t *. j . a *0 11 O l l V C e l p i a . I n v i . ) l * I J . ' j
l v U'
home a heaven. The din iH these yes. thankfully; »or he m.iv be sou*
liu* c*ooi),la»«» S|iciit ai vt ii.Ainitgloli io
i 4'p *als nearly drives her to di>iiac- ! she will never give over the“ «rying." neoure m e v. inuu Alali suuniviy.
lui.i. Sue exclaims,“ Here is anoth­ ( The imp iilanceof llie sue»« d
v\ vs.iixiir.ix, May 20.— The Coni-
er one-sided busines, only ott the sli»* Ims'nssumeil will never be lost
mi,tee on vWiy.s an.l .\Ieaas to-iiay
o.imr si.I j this ime. She may or sight of.
¡i itliorize i r o>.er i-* re^iorc a reso.u-
All this one ridi 1 eqindily in Ihe liou celi>uung ilic Liccivi.iry ot ine
m iy not kuo’v what's the matter that
u i rcasurer, tue Liecrelarv,
she cannot, d » what she will, make relative condition <*i ihe sexes ia
heii» only iimsu: out of the mai t ied wrong that tin* world i waking up and Solicitor i).tnii«*i.l lor lux aiivt
c.uxdexx iniaum.Airalioii oi la«s in tiic
state. It matters not; music is ex­ to. it has been waking up «lowly ^'animili caso.
pected, and she is to extract. It for eeu*,urics. T ime libs been when
W AsniNiiTON, M. iy 21 —The wed-
proves a blurre 1 scon*; (he keynote women ih U a I not sit at table
din-; nt Ne >lll* « ì i\un io .Mr. Su 1 idol is
4 'rn » l:X E Y S A M ) r o r x s KLOU S o
ns tllUv eontinue to be la g •v.i a svi u led wrong,and discords me men. S.ep by sicj) they climb iuto Lo« > K. piace ul 11 o clock tnis
gars, they must accept the hand of c »u'inn illy recurring, li ¡dl this recogm.uui ol ilieir rig hi v,»»id claim ili- iu tue lbasi, li -uni, Rev. Dr . Tiff-
the first man, or the richest man, ii» :lo ly exacted depends upon the wo­ them. Never, in the ii ¡story of the «ili > pei ÌUV;nui,; me cereiiiunv. The
I>. ’¡urn's Pudding,
Padding- First
Fii Street,
never needs
to \ beg nn’.toing men then, in H c it'd : s name, let lim world, wax the clamor loud e Thau Ivi D R »o;ai was eianoruui v alvi
POPTI.ANI», ( » P la i n s .
save a fair band. When women he- g *1 :he right keynote to begin vviiii to-ilay. InjiiAlice is the cry: Let ;is i »fini .itili ; v deeorn tell wuh I¡i > \\ e rs,
evergreens *\.c. ,1 ¡l¡ e central ¡ iecr be-
hut Imve justice. \\ e a.c.ii'o>l
liV sT N l! sS (A R D S ,
LODGE'-' ’?*onl#* ^lf-siipi.«»rti»ig and inde. cu.i-
Woimiii disjioses, though man pro
mg a large marrmg.* Iii il com post'll
enl, and are free to refine, if not to po .es. On her d*»**s rest ihe*liati»i*)- gi'Pauily : we want libc* iy. \Ye are ol 1 ine cimice-li while bios».’Vv »Ills.
choose, there will be less business
The piati ui ni *vas arranged ¡u oil(*
ny of llie home. It miiy d o, could individuals; let on» imlividnality' be
end Ol toc room. On till:;,the bridal
n U g ilc S j
for divorce manufacturers. There
shr- cltt'ost; her mate, that there respected.
,»;;rt V stuui 1 winch Cull Ais,od on 1 V of
NOTARY PUBLIC AND COLLECTOR, is no alternative for these women would be a contented chirruping in
A woman has as much right tosuy the bridegroom, the bride, and ' ( ’*d.
•«eggars but’c , !nud all sur-
her nest continually, albeit it whom she shall love as to love at all; Fred Grunt, the oii.y groomsman,
f EOM. PAPElts * im ;’ \ v » n .
ack -
Jyu ^i<w!edg. ui. i»ts t iK. n. Will att.-nd idus e n e rg y is d e v o te d religiously
has the Y,p'ue right to say,I love yui , 'v«*h seva*n brnlesumnis.
«.i . .iiptiy to all liii-.iiX’s-» ♦•ntrust*-il to Ins to securing a hu.-ihund bv fair n.eai s crowded with lledglings who depend­
of j S in E kvmx . io , Mav 21 . —The
ed on her mot Iter-care mi l denied >»s she has to feel the iuihience
IlK» Iv
or fojU. Into the wiles the first
law. A steamer .Mikado today bring« Hen­
.her the ibdi'ghts Of the outside world that great, comprehensive
man thfl» is drawn is seized upon;
^ O tin
O o o p o r ,
‘ »hilu dates to May ff.'i. iim L gis-
in place of flij:; co.itim.ous wail of
lature was «»peiieit on the •» Itli ct
♦ here is danger of standing upon any
. *.
. . i ... i
weariness vvl.ic’ i babydoin elicits. on the otliir hand, as women * posse*.s April.
1 > K X T I S T A X /> ./ A H ’ K I. K /.*
1 here were present about 1 ,-
ground of particularity. Re he a
AYoniaii is the disposer in the house­ to-day— those of lmiking himself us (K,o p(.,,ple. Th ■ King delivered an
hold, after all. To her we nnut fair in may lady’s eyes ¡is he will,and address, and said the resources of
j « i*., v « . II ..ii w nri‘inini .♦•«!'). n:. diUhr la* he rich matters everything.
jftf.v iiig X.» o inplrnticiilly,i 1 he does tlie.eountry hailbeeu largely dcple-
Valimi :m«l Firn* ritrci-t*.
i»” ** kv The rich man has about uv ut siife n look to r *gtihite this infclieitousTlhs
‘ ° .
ted bv.the extrwmliuurv expenditure
* « . ,
iuess that is*-in reproach of domes not return her love.
necessary lor the removal ol lepers
prospect in this world as in kingdom
j Oil! it candor di»l but rule, instead i*t> Mtffo t;i, the burial of two sover-
come. He can nar.lly enter Heaven
Rut the preachers must take a new of «•urihiiig, ill the ii:ariiilge contract eigns, aiivl the «'lection of their siir-
M nl eing south Host s at a a . m . , Mm) w ith money-bags; he can h a rd ly es-
misery cessors. He favors a commercial
st . h.s. s at 1 e. a. Office ho ms on n l j )P ip .itn m u io
wi t h them
R ic h textl**on which to inculcate har­ | an iuli ite amount of
treaty with the United States, but
v fri ai I»»::«» to 11 a m .
condi deprecates any c O asìoh ot territory
mony. Cry aloud and spare not, to would he banished from it«
No «i. i«,.itur* from this rule.
N E. (¡♦»UliHl.l .
,pt>c*d of. ffiiaydive the first game mothers who educate their daugh­ tions! Perfect equality alone will in- to the United Suites. He f.ivois
.1 OMt .Vast, -r
freedom. Frafi kness furni* hiltir facilities for steam navi­
I' igcd. They come tb»* rising young ter- to.practical business instead of ! sure j»«•
the gation with San 1 iaiieisco and Aus-
lunn; and mammas exert extraordi­
tialii». and recommends ¡i Commis­
nary man euvering tactics to decoy husbands; to train tlVe in’to self-re­ ' htmcLure that is raisedd'hr all time. sion of learned men to c o lifv t!u?
this class, and they are soon done liance; to make them self-support­ Mutual traukness and mutual funds laws The Legislature defeated the
ing, and give them such noble aims will rivet permanent
partnership. projiosed ainendineiit to the* Cousti-
They,have been “ ptipped” i»>
eets a t rrs n u .p e v e r y s v t - for.
iu life that they can well wait, for Put money in thy purse, () Woman, tutiou, separating the Home.
1 liis
unla.y • .. 11111 ,' .* *'• o'. lo. k. All siiite of thob pohliing R»erogatile.
the drilling of the kiutlreil sj.-irit
rintl ' pop the qiieotion” if von will, measure was a Ivanced b» L na ilo,
•oi la.lly iiivit.«! to att.n.l
Now, tins is all very well for the
tilling their days with usefulness and ami let us see vvliut Wt VlufV i»<!e ivh 1 1 ‘.,,l,e‘l to
-v iejtolW tUe
weaker portion of humanity so far.
( ’unstttution of ld.» 2 .
their portcnionnaies with greenbacks Hoyulty
can cio tliirA now. A ‘ Queen
_ ,
T he odds would rather appear ip
and .bide llie advent of the true may propose, and lose none of her I Ni w \ o ; ck . May 21.- 11 lie contil'ii
IlD IJ IR !O k
’ j their favor. They get bpshands,and |
«■¡I heavy Recline her** and abroad in
A. k . & A t / M.
maybe get the ones they.desire; but j mute. A woman uiny thu^be able dignity. Here the balance of bene­ Central Pacific bonds excite much
FORESI tiROt E. OREGON. Meet this is 1 >v no nieaus certain. Àt all ' to wed a good man, though lie be fit is o ’ i tnc side of the woman, and I i peculation as to the cause. The ex-
Saturday before the Full Moon in
. pooi(and the name of the-e is legion);
the invitation to the placo of
high 1 pJanution acceptable a*» most plutisi-
V i each montfi. Rr**threu iu g(>0«i events the social jangle getieraly
t tudins »n invitisi to attend.
« grows out of this soit of marriages. she may bel]» him build the homo- rank is her prerogative. I f a lover ble, is a rumor which no one takes
in iM l.A M »
g! net.;' y receives to
*'a*'le? li is
yi»u. vt vvouii:ii , to wtiiiiii the preach­ C* 'll'-l*
i . o . o . r r ..
KO. 11
pains to effectually contradict, that
t ie California Pacific will default in
its interest soon due. This adds to
the growing distrust in everything
crntiolled by the Central managers,
and the explanation which makes
less impression, attributes the de­
cline to the sale bv the city of Gene­
va of four bundl ed tlioiisauil Central
bonds, bequeathed thereto by the
late Duke of Brunswick. The fall
in Union Pacific is accepted as a na­
tural lesult of decline.
Killing np from Bmigor,
On tii«* l'nllm.'iu train.
Freni ii six wei ks' sliimtiug
In tin* xvoik L® ofMuine,
Quite extorsive xvhiskt rs,
lieuril, musuiche ns w. 11 ,
.Sat a 1 *sl 11 .li lit Willow,''
Tall ami line, unwell.
Empty seat lieluml him.
No one at liissiile;
To a pli p.A int htation, May in. - The ¡Ministry has
been finally constituted as follows:
General Cisscy, Minister of War and
Vice President of the Council; Duke
ib* Gazes,Minister of Foreign Affairs;
Defouvten. Minister of the Interior;
Pierre Magne, Minister of Finance
Eugene Gail lam, M inisterof Public
Mor es; Louis Grivart, Minister of
Agriculture and ( 'ommerce¡Viscount!
de Ciimoat, Miuister of Public
In ­
struction; Adriena Lai.hand, Minis­
ter of Justice.
X i ’.v O v.Kws, AF iv * 2 2 .— A special '
to thcGal vest eon AVes.froniBrowns-
ville, rsiys a terrible state of affairs
is existing on the border. Tho Mex­
icans are raiding on rattle and tiring
on the people. Companies
been formed for defense. Iu Corpsu
Uuiisti some Mexicans 'tltsai L >ted, '
uiisii. cessfully, to rescue some
(heir count»ynieii who are confined
there for .cinder. They swear they
will rob and burn the eitv. Mr.
Smiih, living twelve miles from Fort
Davis, was attacked by four Indians
and slightly woihidi d,ai:d ten of his
cat tie kdlo 1 .
s .v.i ;. , 0 , Mass., May 21 .—The
M 11 River Relief Committee report
(lie number of sufferers by llie li le
di.-aster nee ling assistance to be 1 R‘>
families, containing 710
Cun!! ¡luttions so far amount to s 7 J,-ri
( idi. and s 27 ,OUO move is needed.
Now the train doth glide.
Enter ng.,
Take I ii' hinders <-.(
I-ut. r gentle maid« n,
lh-Hlltiful, petite.
Kltisbiiigly she falters:
"Is tl»ia s< it i'
(See tic aged conplo
Properly enrag ilri
Student, quite e, atie.
>• i s her tickets “ tUojigh;*
Thinks <«f the long tunnel—•
Knows what he xiiil uo.
v*o they "-it an.*» i-l.alter,
Y\ llili- the emd. is )lv.
Till tlri “ stndi at f,-ll, r”
til ts on«, in Ig- ,. j
And the geu!»* maiden
tpiiekly turns nl.Mi’.t—
* .May I. if you phase, sir,
7 i v to get it out ■*"
Happy “student feller”
I'ei Is a daj’ity.tipKh;
.H e a r s « g. iiilew h isjM r —
‘ •Doe- i* h’ivt - on »..uch?''
Out Iff- ’ iy’ i '.t
T* rtS t ij< i ,11 .)•
St ulcut's 1 > \i r i t.* * «1
•T ua I thr* im i ^ t ffia-
M,;ti 'i*u'.' h.i:' is lieulji '.i,
i nit,, vt* sojii :ir*v«'urc«l
Cniiuin;' littli* i-.'ir-riiig
«’••.«ala i?i .-¡.¡.I* ia ‘ , Iv;
■■ 1 1 1 •*«•*••* mmrmtmrn—m i i—
Crop Statistics.
the National Crop R. porter pub­
lishes tin* esrimntes of its rori'( -.j*ol -
donts in relation to the pereentago
of bast years croj s of corn,
hay, f.rnl Irish p<)biloes which will
’be consumed during the current
crop year, tho estimates having ref­
erence to the S.atos of Illinois, Indi­
iv -•>. — . nero is a ana, Iowa, Kankes. Mine ota,
growing belief
rc that Ren Rutier souri, r»hio ainl \\ i-con-in. In ad­
will accept the Vienna mission. His dition there are also very fu’ l returns
suddenly broken licalih seems unlike­ in relation to the fruit pro*pec's in
ly to be restoied unless he
retires tho same States. The following
1 rom active Ino.
an abstract of the leading point“
« * )\ V.
T okonto , Aisiy il». — The
of corn
birtlnhiy obsei veil as a genend
IN/.» in the S *i 1 e - ■ er niC'd was neaf'v
holiday ihro«ighout the D.»million.
Riu xswi«;,, lie., May
2 ( 5 .— The .» 15 ,(. 00 ,Frill bu del«, of v.h eh nniout
Faculty to lay suspend d on** lmn- nearly 0.7 per c nt., or 033 , 000 , 0 (;p
dres stirili nts at Rowjoiu College, bushol a . will be nstii ¡i.‘ hiuiie. I\an­
sa s consumes !)(»{»ereent. «m l Illi­
for refusing to drill.
j nois o i l per rent. Of 4 he ]>ro h«etiop
box don , May 2 d.- The 77 a? e. o
iu the respective Suites.
this morning announces that Prince
Arthur lias been made Duke of Con­
1 he pvodtse!.o.i of oafs last -T-rm
in tho i-mrie Stab s placed
. W vsmx.iTOji, May 27 . -Richard-on i(i.S,oOO ,000 bu-holx, of which nearlv
wii soon withdraw from .'he Tri a*-- i >2 per cent.. ««• it: J,( oo,tmo ilm.-iiJis
ury Deptirlmen. It D believed that will be required for lioi'ee US'*. Tlie
Dv lano will succeed hi n.
States showing tlie
heaviest and
A report is ¡'revuileut that the Sec- lightest percentage of e*»n^nmpi;ou
r. tary of the Tre.asury will be ap- are the same as in the « ¡ise of corn.
Vi asu . w to n , May 2 .— ¡Mitchell’s
b li wa- icjiorleit favorably from the
S. n ge ( 'oaiuiiitee on Claims to-day.
i ^ )i
j i . t i t>\ i«i.*
,\ ! lins s » n.* '2
0 »stole:i from him
on ¡i s e un -in.»
S.« ti Ì* i tinciseo,
1 » »i.itcd wuldli the next t»venty-four
Cnrly Marnages.
lvirlv marriages are not bv 111 iv
means invariably happy ones,though
truth compels us to admit that
have known brilliant
“ She stood beside the albir when she
was bat sixteen. STo was in loto;
lie ii. stiny resb’d or a creature as
delicate ns herself. Sue looked*:ove-
1 asxlio pirmouee 1 the vow. Think
of a voiv lr«j.ii auburn hair, eyes,an l
pouting lips, only six ecu years old!
She stood by the wash-tub when her
t wenty-fii't i b.rrii l iy arrived. The
hair, tho eyes, the lips, were not c.d-
uhilt d to excite t he heart. Five
cross young ones were rolling on t;»r
lloor, and some evying: some bieak-
liig things. She siopped in despa:
ainl sat down,and tears trickled down
her cu plump and ruddy
Ahis, Cora, early marriages are rot
ju ¡t the rosy thing they look to be.
Reter enjoy youth ¡it home, and hold
.1 »vers at a proper distance until you
have muscle,Vimb,and heart enough
o i i ;j ¡i fr >.v lin * iv arid an 1 f;«:uilv.
I f your ‘ Chinny’ really cares lor yoi^
ho can wait two or three years, make
lots of resents,take you to concerts,
11 \Y.
Tu 'lie *t:n of ha*,, th:
sum])iion in theei.dit States s ever-
aged at 8 J 3 10 per cent., the
production l ot yc:*.* la in sO'c'-tbing
«'ver 10 ,.» 0 :i.(i 0 . This
represents nearly 8.0 »¡t, 0 t )0 tons. In-
itiana mtes lx’latm ly tlie
consumer, and shows a surplus of
about 2:3 per cent.
I*. IT VTOI's.
Out of the 28 , 000.000 bushels ol
r-risli ]»otato *s produced last year ir
Stai«*s named, there is an estimated
consumption of nearlv 7 .' poi cent,
or about i'lJJrit» rit.o b* T < Is.
i ;:i i r.
In va garli to the «tildi i Ìi »11 o f tilt M.yvii ! there ia liavdly
i <*.:t Pattering
: ti**. There
I 1 *
Kàili .l 111 Vii-
■ ut diali Iiv-
. *» a ¡ i
rule, in
th ! - ! pn rib!. -• i d for a large
cr. p, wi.ii favorable v.v.ohcr *'n the
'ST i V 4 iv t . Iii. 1 .^.
T lie average prices of the leading
arlicles iq the Stales named
show for Feb. 1 “»th,as follows: Ceni,
l 7 10 cents per bushel; oats,-I cents
per bushel; hay, 8 *) cents per
¡inn so on until the
time comes swine, 3 .» cents per 100 pounds
Early marriages and, early cabbages
The Grange movement 1 ms reached;
are tender productions.”
the sea-beat shores of the far West.
ftobn Turney, of McMinnville, wax
Y.iqibna R iy l as an organisation.
making shove 1 plows the other day, 1
M heat is now selling at from 7 j tu
when ¡i pieeo of steel fievv and struck
him in the ueek,injuring him severe­ 7 ñ c 8 uU par b id iil i.i L m c jiu ly ;
I oats from 3 d to . 1 .» ce.i.s.