CALL FOR AM INDEPENDENT sjjjtf CONVENTION. Tho Doug tfiH enmity Independent Tax* Payer* Convention li m u ; assembled this 2^th «lav of February ,H M . and nominated ft full W s la t i v e and county ticket « u,l having udjourtied in full harmony, a huge majority 9! the member» theu assembl« d and jMjiiu/od for tho pnrjw'se of 'I'll liM lr p m iln il O u tlo o k . lu e success c f the Tt»KrKNi>Ev~ with said article and that you refused we once knew that we ha\e not the the army and gone into *1 e business of office to publish it. This rebel deserter has had war upon tho farmers. You “ in­ heart to indulge i.’. the lmrsh lan­ verv much to say about whisky drinking, dorse” an Independent move in the guage his letter suggests. If we bushwhacking. 1 then wrote a letter to AY. when uivself and others, while he X. l’ ickeril 1 of Clinton Missouri whom I «•utility while you act as a delegate I only had his hurt Is i."w wo would know to be it l-.anof ululonided veracity win» himself runs a gi> mill under the guise of a drug store, which was bought with another from a Hippie primary to nominate make them yearn for 1dm. It cer­ is « huirm.ui of the It -publican Ci Cuun- mail’s money, and started with a reform tain'^ cannot be the humorous l*. M. ty Committee, editor of the Clinton Ad co­ whisky license posted in a conspicuous Hippie men for office! Bosh. The at vour town, for it has been but a ca te and for six years Prosecuting attorney place, and who wends his way home Icte ir tliinnest kind of deceit. the evening bvthe luminous light of « Lis own short time since some of these ring i for his district. And as those charges beautiful j-eil ‘ nose; then returning in the Davis is afraid that tho Itidcpend- j men who are 011 tho call V ere labor­ against Davis had come to light since I morning to his editorial sanctum (comiiuf er, t party ui the »State v m defeat the ing to get him removed Horn o Ilice. had left, 1 knew Mr. Pickcrill would h hi/ tl„ Jruii store J and then with his lingers | ]{j ipplo pat! . That is just what the . , . ... I dripping with tin- blood of bis countrymen, il* llis hi; ,0!'-v ^ ; ’ bimunced all posted. Mr. Piekerill wrote me writes editorials to the Republican party, . , .. , . that class. Ami vet ns letter is so laaependents want. And if the In- c iuiractt.ri.stic L(f that gentleman’s af- letter stating that lie did not want the mat­ h ailing it by the hair of the head, und says ter made public. I apprised Mr. Davi- to others, ‘ Thou Bolter O, what a ln-auti dependents cannot carry tho election fable and exuberant style, and gives of the faets again, ami still urged him to re­ ful specimenthis is to sav “ bolter.” Aow let then we hope and pray that the Do- such unmistaka leevident-oof a lux­ him go mid write another article on bolters. fute the charges if not true Here is the Tours, uriant brain that almost any one fa­ mocracy will win the victory. This J. B B in h a m . miliar with him would say he was its letter: convention at Albany last wee a, in recuir.Bo uoitat »a Tuthp» tult-no Mute tiik igu*»ringuttorly the grange element ot, the following n ,« i on motion was •im| the disaffected within its ranks unanimously adopted: . . . llrsoiitti, That in the opinion 'f t';is bv putting out an unpopular ticket, Couveutiou the inter* sts of the j>< -]>1«- >f wtl nUso a great defection which Oregon will be b« ttcr substrved by i*eudent political action than by strict ad- wi ¡11 s J opl 'T' or irto the reform mOve- nereiice iu existing party «'rgniuzatu'n. r.n ’ ment. It is to he expected as a mat­ tffr.t the people of the itv. ral counties of the State be, and hi reby are, reiiu«‘st» d to ter of course that the H ipploeonven- •elect delegates to ail Independent Mate tion will put out a railroad ticket Convention to be held at Satem on the 1 >th day of April, a . i >. P Tt, at t«»o el > a a . M.. which will insure the triumph of the for the purpose of nominating 11 'tate ticket • to be presented to the voters at the coining Independent party. In fact the course »lection. of the Democratic cons cut ion in- This Convention recommends that in se­ su r f l'*) votes or over. Upon throats. They budded worse than is the ground we stand on. Wo this basi** the number of delegates from they knew. But it takes no very ac- \ prefer Democracy to Hippie Repub the respective counties will be a« foP<*v * 1 cute mind to penetrate the Hippie licauism. Total Vote. Ddt a Baker...... ............................. D45 millstone. That the Custom house- Benton.............. . . . . . . . . . j *»■>•» 6 Rr.riULiCAX P rimary F. auce .— T he 11 >11 a lay- otli •elioldcrs-ring will put «IfackamaM . . . . . . 1.4Ô0 7 • i C* atsop ............................... .. 3 m ) out a Hippie ticket is a foregone Republican primaries lust Saturday ÔM1 C “ >oa........................ 3 conclusion. The leap of that frog were a complete fizzle. At this place 1 Curry ... . 22H burelv enough“ straights” Columbia .......... 220 1 is known. Bat that the Democracv . . there were . . , , . , «1 1.H54 Douglas ........ r to make a similar mistake l ,rM f nt to complete the delegation, 1 were gom «»rant 3 641 Jackson .............. 1,357 ? ■ wasnot « p e e le d . So mu-Vi the better i At UilM>oro there wore net enough Josephine. .... 331 2 tor the Iml.eprn.ienU. Now we have for a delegation and they had to elect Lane.......... 1,859 Ci. inton , Mtssortti, Doc. 28, ’73. .author. Wo do not think so, but J. B. B imiuam , Sir: Yours of Dec regard it as one of those singular was rt “l ivi tl some time since uml, nc- coincidences that we timl sometimes 8th cortliug to your wish. I proceeded to collect wlii>n two men look so alike and :dl the reliable information 1 could concern­ write so near alike that no difference ing the previous history of Mr. 1». L. Davis. ip discoverable. He seems to think It seems that the evi l nee in relation to his career from boyhood is ¡, conclusive that we are hurt because he did not and uncoutradicted. When I received your disembowel him self f«n the inspec- | letter l went tip into White Oak township, lion of “ His rovul majesty.’ \\ C | Davis’s old neighborhood. I went to th • i iufer froIIl tllia t l ’ ,t lie is a* man of best men of all part it s in that towrishipto sueli men us Squire P. lilb y , ( opt. Sandy portentous bowels ns well as brains j Low A inci-nt Lane at.-i many others of — another strikin;.' coincidence. But «■mini veracity. Have also sivii many parties lie is mistaken in opr being; hurt for here ill town who concur in tho statements Answer to il.»7. E ditor I ndependent : It is said that the most untruthful man will in a given t’ me tell ten false­ hoods to onetruth. Taking this State­ ment as correct, the D ’srrtrr that professes to run the Hippie organ at Forest Grove slatinnevidently passed theliat around to the“ Wapato States­ man” the “ Forest Grove Granger,” the anxious man from Hillsboro and others, of the same sort for contri­ butions to bis truthful columns then clipped from the ban Ueoi falsc- hoodsaud misrepseutations sufficient to fill his delectable sheet. Hastily glancing over it 1 will to a *e of liis reckless assertions. To com ­ mence with the inventive genius of the said editor whose reputation L r bolting is as wide as the conti­ nent extending from the South C’ar- lina swamps to the Pacific Coast,wbo Cr'ci holds one political faith longer TELECRAPHIC ! C ity or M exico , March 15.— On the night of March 7tli u Catholic mob attacked a Protestant house in Pueblo, smashed the windows and furniture, destroyed the Bible, and »tom d the pustor, ltev. Antonio Corral. C leveland , O. March 20.— The Women Crusaders visited« number of saloons to-day, attracting the usual disorderly crowds. The Mayor, this evening, issued a proclamation warning citizens to abstain from all assem- binges calculated to disturb the peace of th® city under p* nalty of the law. This applies , to Crusaders, us well as to ethers whe create sensations. W ashington , March 23.— A movement is maturing here to concentrate and organi/.a strength in Congress and elsewhere, in fa­ vor of Newton Booth for the next President. Prominent men in labor organizations, say tln-re can be massed 3,(H)«( societies through­ out the country, in his support. V ienna . March 22.—Baron Schwarts has been appointed Austrian Minister at Wash­ ington. C hicago , Mrach 23. A Washington special says Mrs. Attorney General Williams is ly­ ing dangerously ill at her residence in that citv^of nervous disease. Aden, March 23.—The steamer Calcutta, with the remains of Dr. Livingston?, has arrived. BcsroN, Mar li 21.—The filial result of tin- ballot for Senator was as followsdlouse — Hoar *i8, Dawes 61, Curtis 63, Banks 4, Adams 12, Sanford 16. Senate— Dawes 14, Curtis 10, Iloar 10, Adams 2; no choice. OREGON. A Chinaman and an Indian woman were joined in wedlock at Corvallis last week. as given by hisn. ighb jrs. I’roni the mouth li.ivis’s ynunger brother, :is stated bv him The! *• is one case of smallpox at Oregon- fer himself to become disemboweled ' to f the people here, 1 get the curly history of City uml one at Salem. the sight would bo calamitous to nil him, ( Davis.) Beef on foot is bringing Sets, perlb at the beholders. No “ N ,’ yor had better 1>. I P.ivi-; \*a- bom and raised in S mth Dalles; mutton 3j^, aud polk 7. _ . keep them where they are. D on’t. Carolina, llis father and relatives were Ben Simpson »*‘ 1 i ^ >n'c in® duties of 1 olT the leeches that aic suck;ng their , B ob P or a.u’s post office and the You will need them to yearn with. all shiv-holders and of course went for Hu. Surveyor General of Oregon about the first South, and in the y« or 1 siil J» J Davis blood, mocks them continually. of April. ; W o m a 11 S u lira ge business have’ Tixed’ Keep them so that you «•an have enlisted in a South (’ nolum i- I • 1 regiment The Democratic aud Rcpubli an nn Independent in the Grove, con­ bowels of compassion f«»r those who under one Caj.t. Clark, ala* served in the Th«’ amount of lager beer made in Oregon Votai ........ last year was 24U,iKHI kegs, not quite a keg Southern cause for about nine month-, will sell you out by and by. Anoth­ .'or tho in­ sequently lie is a “ straight” now. Un motion, the Conventi i'll fuithe r rec­ parties are responsible l> T Da» is ,.iel another soldier by il piece for the people. er very weighty thought in his letter when oramemled that the peoplle through uit the crease of the Sheriffs’ ,and C’lorks’ fees tie mone of C ! Ni il '• -> i> < 1 and h It, I sup- Reports from all parts of Willamette val­ Another mnrtvr. “ Y’ our fellow .” that we notice is the following: “ And jtose in dis-tust. I i*i* s. an* lie s|.u Hu nts StateJass.Mubte in their r* «pective pr*t'cinet- ley,during the past few days, are to the effect (■n Satnrduv March 2Sth, and elect *1. le­ for the litigant act, for tho unconsti­ again his old .s/iirUaoun mlviser,a cer­ made bv D. I». Davis’s oiv . brother, who that tin* greatest activity is to be seen on gates to assemble in eountv Conventie'll s on tutional increase of salaries of Judges tain Mr. Porter, has clan ged past­ s.ivs hi* st to d three y*firs in the (.«mf- dt r- every hand, in agricultural matters. A JUST REBUKE. Saturday, April 4, I 'd «•xeept in tho«» ute armv and is ti *t ashumcil < t i ■. 1 his is ures and doesen’t run with ‘ Dow n A correspond* lit at Fort Kalamrtth, tinder of the district courts, tho enormous :*lrc:uly beell t.i rr.i'nti«*» where steps h iv all that is known of Davis until about t! date of March 7th, says that it Las been in llie Sticks any more.’ True. d ise of tin« v :'.r when be t imed up in kef. to ch os, «(el«-gat»“s for meet:ing ui price paid for public printing, the s;i"\» ing there without cessation since Feb­ Forest Grove, March ‘27th, 1ST».. some other time!.ana tlar*i' clod d,« - He has too much other running now Illinois as .1 South' rn loyalist win-re h* n |i- ruary 2->th The snow by actual meusurc- fat p erou V ics of the l reasuver’s of- ftccurdmc ti' the above :q»porti« nniei.t. i j n vented that In * h ’.Ito h * c.e his native State to run with “ Down in tho Sticks.” i mint, is afi-et 3* finches deep upon the pa- me i in Mate Convention te n »minate State* tice, lug road jobs, and unconstitu­ E ditor I ndependent : ¡onaeeount <“f l.'is loyally. N* \t. to H lay • rude ground. It is very cold also, the ther- Otti “ers. *lr. Davis in his review of tlie com­ He runs with the man of ‘ T uck and ! I'.iuntv. M 'l e i * his history is well known Happy Holler we don’t mean that ! until tie* d iv h** took his d -parture for Uri - tliun lie thinks it profitable to ad op t mmueter ranging below zero. Ou m »tion. the Convention adjourned, tional invasion of the School fund, munication of “ Vitides” which l?c W - learn says the Jacksonville Times, there being 7n delegates present, and the tho Military fund and the ’ aughing -Tusie of your town, but his I gon. When he « unie lu re he was very loyal, another, is strength to any political Swamp tlu.t sui’li has bel li the loss of stock in Lau- proceedings marked by complete unanimity and some others have foolishlv at­ counterpart; one that looks just like ! ext remi ly radical and s* • nu 1 to think the question. Some of us who have read g< D.s.Yitllcv.that it ist stiiuated that but,one Land fund, and that outrageous grab and h i^.u \pr* -* d a his arguments to show that tbe eou- In ,i 1 eb* i>f i*vi*rv ti n will survive the '- m- the Swamp Land act. F or these and ,tr. Many persims in this county, whoso that needs a passing liotiee. He > Hippie ring and a portion of the ln - 1 willingness to .¡e« I i*jit ¡it an anodi •( at th ir hail Is I tesi in the Presidential campaign only wealth was in their cuttle, arc nearly other corrupt, unwise and unlaw charges me with havingdirected“ the t deiiendents. H* is R s lv o l d f o x a n d i At th* It ! I ml *li ........P Ben •« C ui' ■ ntion of bankrupteil. .stock of ull kinds will un- Y o l u m e Second. ful acts these parties ought to die. j ...... T ° e , . I will run them all if tliev arc not-carc- 1 s 7 ii In i’ !'i -* ’ !>is I luims tu tin* li»»in>v ot was only a struggle between the ins doubli **ily be much higher than it Las been , , . L,L . course of the I ndependent for the List I . . . • , , r* |*r* m l.lilig this »'•.rnt> ¡nth State Hi*gi*-- , „ T •* . «• .1 1 lu l- But the most running he does lutiir**. but in this hr fat!** I, xvliiTriijuin be and the outs will come to tlie con­ fur some time. J And if the people of t this State should , With tins issre begins t*e «econ o« ! ' h™c w€t’k s* 1 " lsb to 8a.v fur the I is said to be at the saloon at Doruel- bream** verv ivrutli. w**nt lmtiit* acain dis- clusion that a man who is governed An Bllcnsburg coi respond* ot of *8* Jack- be so l»!iud to their ......... own ¡ntnrnOj interests as suiivilh Scntlwl says: .Salmon fishing .s to* 1 - lh v. rh *.v ( fftli** bandii' - bulti il thi> volume cf the I ndependent . Since it to support citlii r of them with their j benefit of that distinguished gentle- | ius where lie 1 ' sufficiently by such notions in his political actions coining quite an extensive business at the irtv w. :!;• d and vut. d fur the (iratz came into our posession we have present corrupt record we have m is-; man that there is not a word of truth . charged with electrical influence to t. atld ink Blair l> * ’ :a>*Tatir tiri; is at home in the amis of the Hipple- mouth ot Rogue River. There were about r.'ivii-l’i in it. Mr. Davis is either keep up eoinmutvoa ion with his d iv funvav 1 was a l>riuo •rat ei seventeen hundred barrels of salmon shipped doubleil its circulation in this Coun- interpreted the spirit of the times friends on all subj ot» pertaining t tin.* first wah V, .1 1« I v ■ I I - ! 'l.l' l'» Holladay ring, m ither are they sur­ fromtl is place last Fall, and great prep«.*ra­ , guiltv of misrepresentation or he is tv. W e have been justified in our „ (hey Jo th„ Jescn.e t0 b. sw ill- 1 0 to hang prise l that he, his master, an l the tions are now being made to catch the the interests of the ring, 1 il'’ ll t I 11i• 11 -• if I 1 . Mi ; suini, .Spring run of salmon. J. R. Norcott A Co. expectations that an independent and j ^ ' ¿ ’ * ' ¿ ¿ ' ¿ 6 independents have ^ r a n t of the facts. Charity m- mean that Mr. Porter that runs the ill tb urtln rii nini t-ba*. rest of his masters and understrap­ of Sail Francisco, are now employed in put­ i D m*. r. tic C“invan­ an il * * 1 r of llis e*>uiitry and Independent movement in thiscoun- wili employ about fifty u-eu during th .Nprir« a; cunning ■Jmuu. “ Down :u the Sticks.” The man I d r*- trïlvh r.*d !II - : Oi*s t » hi> o >111 j t ry and l hope by hard work and a fearless i ligenee and thoroughly temperate, on ! sure, for ignorance is not a suffi -ient The water in the Upper " ’ “'bunotU* ;s get­ tbit li^cs :n the ‘ ‘ If')ll‘ *r" thinks that tiu* ; >.*nio —ntic Ihn tv in anv c q*a ¡ty’ tli- y ty to their own base purposes. But excuse for departing from tlie m il- S*l\Y tit t » ‘Lwe lii. 11. t»ut it «ee ms that th" advocacy of truth to make the I npe - j ting wrv low, and b o a t s will nrol-a’ Jy n ■*. wo supposed we had so muddled the ! our County, State and National tick­ not ce» it in light. I much mistake the sentiments of the g t up to Harrisburg very much longer. i mon courtesies of civilized life. Mr. call that the ten could not explain i ('.tli »eliti' h , q J ; . dit es w; ta :i fi il il!id w■.“.S g ‘ìllg t > and child in "Washington county. hen a 1« vc ua the Umatilla river. l«st ,] county it they «lo not spew these men 1 is a chance for the Grange and the ! at th v t 1 hii n to il '11 oa, un! »It W e h ad n o i l i ng to tacks on m*'1 soon after I returnc 1 to ed. Not the lii l h wnU r from the uniting >;uowa The position of an independent h * slemld Ult. , îy 1 it i î r ! Vi! \vh(‘n « i out of the party before the evening coitus it sh.'.ll ovirlluw their town. Templars to unite their strength and my old home and have continued with muddlingthe < • a ! I. All th** mud­ Î1 IV» Il • C i itou i\ O. W ! ' Ve * 1M '[* he journal is a difficult one. Partisan of next June. dle t ure was about it came from Mr. William Wells, of BlltU.t Vista, rt.itra shape the legislation of oureumm«»n- t t » w‘ •rk itl ^ * *l a"U ;t, and it i '-.ri 1 of tlm 1st dav + «jr them ever since. What have been the plastic hand of < ne of the ten. Well hr- \v -rk* feeling and prejudice warp the that tln rc w ill bo a largely inoreai.tal - ai.J j ; j n -t and da> night ■ that Amongst his clipping's from one o age* of v.cdlth, to make statutory provisions li >ps grow n this aeaaon in the Wil­ his motives for thus attacking a judgement Criticism of the old p o­ "r «boi t menu tho man in tho “ H .il­ «put «doct: 'in* •nu,' \lit il fi u- days aft. r “ How ìsìl that iam* tte Valley. This is u growing inter­ give force t*. their peculiar views. h » \ y it v. i s tha t < ri-airi 1. at :r>7 I tin i li.J cumy î< » 1 1 . Au « « .i- verv lirici. stranger who lias In 1 nothing to *1 > l« r but on»? that litical parties shoots envenomed darts est iu Urcg-'ii, ami promiseKa profitable r« - .il. -1 . *U n o ; . is a my *t ry to \ ! » Let the outcroppings of personal our taxes have been increase« f'.'oni fr.rn to ih-'.-e tugag* <1 in it. Mr. Well* like him. The history and tl Aiid r OW It S. flIlS with him in any way has excited sur­ 11 ry co : ; i ' v ’ P into the proud flesh of Democrat or 1 hatred and spleen be smotliere 1 for .... f• *- of “ W ” wa quite • “ut planatoli satis fao- t Dit li«' r4; le a:u )[ ;1er tl«►p in tic* ], ?I0. lob. IP in 1S71 ,o $ JO,(177.12 in himself has m.- n 1*rofit.«bly engaged iu hop prise. If I was iu any public posi­ Republican, and he is looking and v is m i kills' îmoti ♦ r fi* «rt for un il lui tore ti> v«»u and the ] ! ublic but both p n the common good. Let the i ffice many culture for] ye.'.r^ j‘,..’ * tt ■r givo him a I*s»7o?” How did this man of tion there would he some excuse. contained anti-Hipple voii hai I think ItH.ving to tind whether tho inde­ * ti- sentimi-ntsand seekers’ .small discord be drowned in X 4Vp * or h will SI.. S j - p agi in. The aliases learn that the tax is increased Ilut even then then I would expect a were very distasteful to this cla-s of li: tl* THE HAWAIIAN IS L A N D ^ pendent paper is not after all a sort the gran .1 song-triumph of reform. l*«"'l df 11* io alid U] u U’ ilit. Ouk sav y«>u to $ 50,077. lo when it falls short of hightoned gentleman to «leal in ar­ men who. wcie political enemies to Si 1 « r tie y have no u-, f*>r of underhanded attack on his favor­ “lie t. hi.a We cannot afford to waste our , \»t, ! h an« 1 rouu. -t y«'U t<> ke<*p liis statement nearly ^1,000. “ Again iil tl. him the nian about tl.e size of the “ il l- f^r. tli- 1 *tu nit., when it was an­ gument and not in those bltle per­ ite notions. strength in petty quarrels when all ler” mau as well as politiigil enemies him : Vit mv a ;.. \Netlu ne t » 1« t i in go. “ If the per cent, of our taxes is l"*1, nounced itt Honolulu that Prince sonalities that only slicw r. depraved, so« »11« r tlu b ttCl ; fn th. l‘"ig. r voli Whether we have preserved an in­ to ourself. And hence ti.** linai expla­ the cur power is heeded to eepe v ith en­ î h» ■ vorst* \i»U WlIl b • off: all ì as mills on the dollar, this 1 >. b .1 t j]ie David Kalakanu had been elected k.*j or to say the least, a very narrow nation which was full and complete, ym > h him dependent course or not our readers King of the Hawaiian Islands, a mob t\ ••state 1 fn \o\ir l. tter. it is nothi.ig emies trained and confident from mind. I would suppose that his for we understand if to explain awav 1U"I than ri ..lit tha the B-pi i1 »1 i■ **iii party rate it was ia LS71, could they have who were not pleased w ith the result, may judge from the position we have past victories. We have not much \our d »unt\ ih 111 know the full history increased tlie revenue S ll,2 1 L 0 o :i in but desired that G ue<;1i Emma . , it own manhood and selfrespect wouh taken and the cause wo support. mid all opposition to any of tlie Hijiple *'f of the m:l ! 1 Wl o rui tleit pu liticai orgau. to fear from the fiipr>Ie haru-shells, i . . . .. W e have advocated an independent , .. . . , i induce him to let a private citizen ring and to take in anything that will an 1 f<>r this rea ni, I have had the fullest 1*71?” The School tax was in 187:5 should be the sovereign, made a and tho result of the “ straight 1 1 vote against tho pre .-»cut Judge. nu 1 fairest inv itigatiou of his case, l ’or raised one mill on the dollar making rush at the Council Hull, bloke ill Linn.................. M arion . . . Multnomah ................ Polk....................................... T lllamook U m atilla............................ Washington Wasco Yamhill . . 2,107 *2 -1(0 3.249 . 1,170 167 . 939 . 8»7 . 9‘M 1,212 11 12 16 6 1 5 4 5 6 ! a square tight and no reason for sup- . •»*'“ * ho " eie ,," t ilt “ *0 porting either of tile ol.l fossil p a r-! it is reported that some will not ties whoso corruption has condemned Mnr®* In nearly all the other pre- . them and whose imbecility to throw , « i » * » no nteelmgs were held at all. it seem s to us that if he shou ld stif- i 1 C r’ l 1 ~ I alone. I have come to t^o conclu- party in the Nation, denounced mo­ But the most remarkable passage | my own p u t 1 know but 1 itti** about the ui.m and demolished the furniture and Democrats in their convention has nopoly, and the salary grabbers from 1 sion that all I hate read about Soutli- in thntlelter is wl ìcre ho charges that personally, bat h ive known him by i* putu- an increase of i l ,(»00 more school t ix records, badly beat some of the »up* broken the center of our strongest as ;• political weither-epck, and what and this and the s l.o in al*o\ve stated from Grant down, fought the whisky ern manhood is a myth or that Davis the Douglas Cull * was gotten up by j lion porters of the new King, attacked 1 !. ivi it fit i isasit i tic o. .1 . ¡ti opposition, and, if we will, we can interest from the begiuiug, and have , • h a very poor specimen of that class. I ilomagouges living in Portland and /eus of li nvv county of dill' ì ut politics, in ike over i ‘>,0 K). J) • 1 u*t tiiis from the carriage of the committee tha^ ! march to the Capital in June. t it is disputed by il ‘in . and with this i l l . 211 0 »; leaves ^o,(>00.05 over ha«l been dispatched to notify him advocated the interests of the Pat­ Sometimes I think that he is so>itua- endorsed a sorehead living in Doug­ an las county. Poor fellow. What a care­ explanation, von are at liberty to do with it 1S71 «i-»,000- i s «piiie a difference of his election, and tore it in pieces, rons of Husbandry and demanded teJ that ho cannot help himself. ful reader lie must be? Jt was the a^ von sci fit. k‘ A W ord l o G iaiii;er!iv lh e authorities called on the “ ariiiv” | but a man who talks honesty sc much for them a fair representation in tne That he is compelled to write what­ | People of Douglas county that en­ — which consists of eighteen men— J. K. C li ne . | we think shoal 1 practice a little cf it to quell tli«' rioters, but a part of the Such is the heading of a washy ever he is instructed to halls of legislation. and gets dorsed the sorehead. But it is re­ N’«>to tint the man.Vill Thomson.r.ffi mil ;is well as preach so much. troops lmd been tampered with a id We depend on the farmers for article in tho Progressionist of this paid fordoin g so. ' It is the only markable that a man of such gi ! i n - to in the above letter is a S >ut hern g« title* tic brains and bowels would could not be relied on. The furv of take a K c m t ix . his personal support. Our interest was with them week. Like all of Davis’ stuff it has way I can reconcile oidi gotten up by demagogues living ! man of v* ra'.ty an l \v is m o .U • 'r in the the rioters continually incroased,and in the past and though now engaged no back-bone. It has a point to it, ! flouts at me with the opinion I had mi Portland to patent after, and af­ ' R**bi*l army. Before re ■ i>ing i 1*-tt r freni tin* King and Cabinet were obliged Hillsboro March l'Jth,lS71. in another calling our sympathy is however, aud that point is, the per • formed of what constitute 1 a frjmk, ter conforming to that patera almost i Mr. Piekerill. I a l In -s *l a letter t»M r. Mr. E ditor : to call on the foreign war vessels in with them still. i petuation of tho Hippie ring for courteous, highminded editor, tf my tothe letter to turnaround aud ridi­ i J. K. Clim of I’linton M .. a man whom I In the Progressionist o f the 12th port for aid. A company of marines j could e«»r fide in for wh it li • w .»nid s \ . Il** cule and denoir ee it just t■ > give a The I ndependent is tho best piper which Davis is the gong in this conclusions are correct I pity him. iii-it. I noticed several queries in re­ was furnished by the Birds 1. ship little spiee to his eomtnunieation. ! took tl e ji -,ii s o e *t 1:fr the f.i ! -. from relia- lenedos, and another by the United in the county. It contains more countv. And lie is a very cheap sort I very much prefer to be in that con -1 ‘ »«- 1 , , • , . in t puliti«*:*! ]>ivtii’ S. gard to t ixes in Washington county, J ; 4 I . . J . 1 1 \\ e are charged with t i n c o n s i s t e n c e ! ®’B* m«-» <*f States men-of-war Tuscarora und county and local news than our co- of goug too. He writes for the Ring dition which ho in his chaste lan­ because we said we would support An i Ie r is Mr. « Tin i s let '*r v.Tiii h l will and after careful examination of the Portsmouth. On their appearance his J ust guage desribos as a “ headless roos­ thè move. Our mimi is t«»o obtuso also stati i> like tlir* i* etr four others tint 1 finances of tho county we are pre­ the rioters dispersed. Seventy-three temj>orary at tlie railroad station and for board. we do all tlie legal advertising, an look for a moment at the inconsist­ ter” than to he obliged to throwaway to see thè ineonsistcncy. It is trac bramai: pare 1 to say, that rrery query in were arrested and a number com­ muted for trial. Nobody was killed, wc npposcd tho wav thè cali was important kind of news that the ency of this puerile driveler. Sec mv manhood in tho service of a mas­ Olite of P ickfkili . J* Bt *o ror.D, regard to taxes is false. The writer but some of the King's adherents made for it viri nuliy inviti li nien to Attorneys-A-Latr, Progressionist docs not get. There­ the blundering Hippie bladder col ter. If however it affords him anv niav have been intending to state the i't.iNToN, H nry «'•>.. Mo.. \ov. T>, ’73. were severely beaten. The Hono- , . the primaries who are well known to for© subscribe for the I ni - eieni e . v i . ; lapse. He advises thelndependonts gratification or pleasure to continue be opposed to an independent move •I. B. B inciii . vm . F,“*q.. Dear S'r: 1 have truth l>:it he failed and the records j lulu (iazette intimates that Emm aeu- letter of n reeent (Lite. Am well an 1 ! to be sr.tisr»ed with a county organi- ■ his flouts, why I should not perhaps only just so far as ........... to i«isp!;»rc mie or your Although wc are per- j courage*] he supporters in the out-* gei* 1 to hear the saint* of voti. I shonH nut w ill show it. IfiilcpciK leiit l >rin ta rirs . : zation and to support the Hippie ; interrupt that little pleasure for it two mon m tins C oiiuty. A u d « s- j ]K*rliq>.-> suy Iiuytliing about tliis man D. L. fectly uninterested in the matter so I Break, or at least Housed to restrain^ peciallv did we except to the m d is- Davis. Ifi'liat«*s nn* *uipri'’iu ly i»i>8 I gm*ss ! them. The Legislative Hall was To-day the Independent primaries State ticket. "What good would i must be little he has in such a state orimi nàte aitar/,-u pou all the olìiuials ! f'"" "..tliing but my r* fu-li to supp.'i-t bini. far as those who have had control of i completely gutted, and it was almost . *• (u: . . ... . 4 . . i i* i for r« pn s* ìjtiMivc, nf servitude. OI tìlis COllllt Il OSO . frioiuls con sti- * f l ' , I \1 I, . . * \ L4 l i i I was soim ttim ì f i a t rvis m in nutil \\ ili not having voted for either of the a “ revolution.” Says the Gazette: lliero is no use in dissembling the tute Olle hall o f tlie liulependi nts ot , Tliornt,.n j.-k. il me ni“« ut snppurting a go to the county convention. We elect men to hold office in the countv COMMUNICATION. >od rebel.” Whi n I ask« him what lie men who now compose our county fact that the most intense indigna­ the County. But tlie Call was made who would draw the pay the law gives want men who are known, and re­ and we propose to go into tho pri­ nn ant. In* told in that Davis’*- bn thn pjv'd c'-iut. And I say further in justice tion was felt and expressed during tin* Doctor was a bi tter r«*b«*l than he was sponsible tind who ha**e tlie inter-, them, just as tlie present countv D ow n in the S ticks . maries and urge the selection of suit­ and lie had served ill til»“ Confederate arinv. to the court that tli^ expanses of the and since the riot against the noble. ests of the people at heart. The officials do, and exactly what tho March 27th 1S7L able men for the County. And Then* is no doubt but he work* 1 against county in county matters aside from b»dy who was the rival candidate for man who shall be ubien» frAm tlie new officers would do. lluw would E ditor I ndependent : the throne. That she did not act dis­ we think it doubtful whether any most of our < 'utility ticket the fall of tin* building the court house, have not Liberal revolt; and I semi you a lb-nry they effect the needed reforms which \ \ e see from the last issue of the creetly in not seeking l*» stay tiic one else, except the inau of “ Luck primaries wni r.ssist tho ring men to county ft-ni'ic'lit of July 22, 1 n 73. in which been any greater for the last four destruction o f property and injury Progressionist that our communica­ am l Happy II o lh r ,” and tlie indefi­ arc dentandeiD How can the fee manipulate the ejections, increase there is an article entitled, “ I'lie Bolitii «1 tion to your paper produced quite a nitely postponed goose have dis- Outlook.” over tlie initials ‘ D. L. 1).’ which years than they were for the same to the persons of the Représenta-^ bill», the unconstitutional salaries the'burdens of the people and c< n- i commotion and they are down on us covered anv inconsistency in it. Dr Davis evidently wrote. That will show number of years preceding their tives, by calling off ber supporters,is tinuo the corruption of the times, i and the monstrous jobbing Hvstem “ like a thousand of brick.” The You til it he colisi* «‘red himself i l -lititied also evident, but what her reasons V l M 'E X . The records of tho with the Ur, * ly party, and h* i citainly didn’t term of office. M'e are all largely tv -j , a.:,i,i0 fl>,. of our partisan legislature he affected I editor of the Peoyerssinniet, unable were we do not know. inanift st linuh lovo f.»r (irant or tlir county will also show that every to dispose o f us, iuis called to his aid 1 v a countv clerk,or shcriffor iti«l"o'*’ the present condition of the country THE PROGRESSIONIST EO TOR PIL­ R< publican administration. I hope you will The s^phUniore class at tho M es- v J O and it is time that wo examine more Come,riddle us these questions,Hip­ a quondam friend of his who has LORIED BY A STRAIGHT REPUBIICAN. not mix my name up in your matter, because cent of revenue that has been raised levan University “ embraces f«jur I have eivon v >u this on your promi««“ that by tlie county lias been legitimately just retired to the town o f“ Luck and young ladies.” closely into the character of aspirants pie-singer. you would not. I want nothing to do with Happy H oller.” We have read with applied. It is true that men may “ NN'liat animal has the most this man Davis or liis paper. 11" has no use \\ o understand your tricks and a grout deal of care and amusement for office so that this ord* r of things Davis' Rebel and Bolter Record. for a party that don,t w* rk for him individ­ ; honestly differ about the propriety brains?” “ The hog. He lias a may have an end. When we jmt •nr manners,Uriah H ek . p . You want ! the criticisms of both those worth- uai Iv. hm/shead full of ’em .” 1 of building the Court house, but — Yours truly, Cons km rs Ogn. Mur, 27th ls7' men into office who are liars, liber­ the Independent Republicans to ies ami am reminded of the story of W. NT. Pu-KKRtl.1,. i there is not tho slightest grounds to tines, drunkards, swindlers or hood- voT; for the Hippie candidates in the tlie boy who when he was whipped E ditor F orest D rove I ndependent : P. f». Davis wasaregulareontrihutorami turned with tours in his eves and M ill you permit nu* thronqli your columns con e pond'at of the Henry count y liemorral base any charges of dishonesty on THE INDEPENDENT. fihrs v;e rfav expect to have our State. Aud you and certain office- said 'well iT f can’t whip you I can to say a few words to th< people of Wash­ for a year or mo I think there me other against those who hud control of tho rCBLISHED AT treasuries deplete! , ,,Ur substance seekers in this county want to put make months at your sister.” As is ington county eotuvrnin.q Mr. D. 1«. Davis things still im>r< xpressivo that can bo pro-i j finances therein. duced. wasted by taxation and the morals of up a mixed ticket that will give a i common among a class with certain th'“ present editor of the Oregon /*/•<>,/»•«•-■ Forest G r o v e , .............. o,.Cg 01 That the county is in debt $7,000 instincts, they have m tli**ir eriti- The newspaper referr oil to in Mr. Pick- p:’ "tiul supp >rt to your libertine and ! the community and nation debauch­ iniiist. I will contincucc by sayin' fjr»„ HQ. L U O B ( i « 'icgade Senator and Holladay’s ! oisms indulged chiefly in ridicule when 1 left Missouri my acquainUiiie' viih erill's letter, which coutai ncil Mr. Davis’ I deny and the records will show ed and personalities. They are not to Editer am! Proprietor. and his history previous to his Democratic letter I never saw, from the fact that I am correct in tho denial. candidate for Governor, T.R.Cornel- , blame for this for they can’t help it. him was limited __ that Mr. Davis was postmaster at this place nnino to Missouri was unknowu. But af- I base these statements upon the W hisky Gut s.\i»r..— The whisky ^ e 'lo not blauie them, for such men ter Mr. D. L Davis arrived ft*, this place I at that time, but I learn that the pap« l has TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: crusade in Portland has resulted so One year,.................................. m , L u t y oii aro in (avor of an Inde- seldom rise above that kind of argu­ commenced receiving tetters from «tiff, r* lit been shown to many Democrats of this county records. K imtux . Six months,............... | ¿¿j far to the advantage of the saloon pendent ticket in this eountv, win i ment. W e have not the time to at- porti» s in Missouri charging him with great place but to no Republicans. Three months,....................... 1 0> | tend to the goose and the man cf men. They are having a larger run are you a Hippie I will stale in conclusion, that I perhaps m ppie delegate tieiegale to the tlie Kc- He- ** t Mr.|. If, .« “.7 “i vtotlu- Itpublicuu party, all of which M Scotch papers aro warning their Single copies,..........." ! ! ! ! ! . . ! ! . ! ! ! ! would n \ <-r h i\c stated these facts had not o f custom than ever this poor unprincipled man, ever since I papers that waste of coal is fuelish RATES OF ADVERTISING ' * " * ............. . " * * • ■ * - «.* ■ fir. t made meiitiou cf thebe facta to buu f or : extravagance. REASONABLE