< > ^ THE INDEPENDENT. FOU EST «'.ROVE. F ì '.H r V a RYK WHAT OF THEDA WM T h p 'fo llo w in g call which TELEGRAPH IC ! STATE ITEMS. A n I n d e p e n d e n t M o v e ir te r tL “ W hat o f the N ight?” was aqucry 7 j tfTl * <■- : _______: we clip Th e t All>n 1 . 1 / Register w ill be . an • eight page sheet after its next issue. propounded not lon g since by the '.fron' ^l i 0 addressed to the POT CALLING KETTLE BLACK O ny m ia n and now we ask, what d f ¿ i\ « - p a v e r s o f Douglas issued ^ , ¡» county, j ‘ìt» ¡’* In* the Farm er’s Club held at Rose- ------ the dawn? F o r the shadbWs *cf our eighteenth amli versarv. In answer to an article in the political night are fleeing and the burg, Jan. 21 shovt;s that the In de- A F o lk count)* r.xIU’Hn charging the Democracy rosv fingers o f ligh t ¿hoot m uck and P l e a t s ahe ItetuaHy beginning to A F<»|k county man man found found an ox -.j _ * , »y,. . ‘ , ' *, i xt • ,• ! V; . move Tfdc movement begins ■ under shod,a crushed bv the fallin g with voting for Ferttftinto v, ood a . far through the gloom . Out o f ; ,nove- v * h * movement nc^ns H e sold beef in Dallas at salary “ grabber” , for 'Speaker o f the chaos comes creation, out c f “ dark- earlier t^ au wo cxP °ctc‘| an<. ‘ s M" " House o f Representative, the AVir* u<;ss, light. T h e morn o f our polit- n‘ h(‘ftn* ^ ie l^ccP 1 ls-Sftl13 ac ,10^ Now it is a fact that he was absent from the House when the final reform ation has dawned, i ^ ie l>eoF^e organizations. it where it I These questions carry their answer, would do him the most good. X n d T h e old Dem ocratic and Republican notwithstanding his “ gra b ” Record , 1 parties are breaking up «uni a au«i and the indignation o f the . Am erican ulie ls ppriuging with aw ift feet and 1 , i e »pie M r. W o o d was uofr uiated for strong arms from their ruins, Anrgf the W ild e rn e s s ‘ ahd tthe cap- ‘ i and that the auvance guard had penetrated thirteen miles beyond. I n the Uiw building, corner of O m I s pnv Elm Avenues, opposite the Congre- utional church, Forest Grove, Oregon, EASTERN NEWS. From San Francisco. .S an F uancisco , Jan. 31.— There is n u d i excitem ent in the qity to-night a publication in the Evening ¡ A. HINMAN f ROM WASHINGTON. Indian Distress in Siskiyou County. California ashington , F e b . l . — M r. L u t- has unpacked a large and well »elected stock of mituee on Indian A ft»»1*? sundry le t­ contained an edi­ ters just received by him from Spe­ torial article attacking the editor cial A gen t Steel, County Physician DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, and proprietor o f the Sun, and this *° w,®®n m>" ai.u . ¡“ ° ,1( week T h ey came from tho banks Ream and other citizens, stating FANCY ARTICLES Ac. evening they retaliated with a col­ or one we are w ° 1 111,1 1,11 o f the A\ illamina. ^ that in Siskiyou County the Indiana j,m°>em ent wi i p^easuro am s m , ]yjr( Haines, a practical tanner of umn and a half of the most scurril­ are k illin g the settlors cattle in o r­ I u?,® ' ou e b 1>e 1 0 a i sev^qtccn years standing, who has ous matter. A s soon as J he offen­ ALSO der th save themselves from starva­ W e have seen so much cor- , fo r ^ vera F y ea rs past conducted the sive article was discovered, Gus D e ­ lvifig lyw , » .• , -r>---------; ignorant, -------- business atScottsburg, Southern Or- Y ou n g went to V alentine’s print­ tion. H e was assured that the I n - ' Family Groceries and Provisions, T “ ,on •. , r> , > -V” ----------------- --- O ' ---------------- i » n ‘ 'P dian Bureau had given instructions j partisan prejudice and % b handed has l»een looking about Asto- in g office, and finding the Sun p ro ­ / i in • v i * „_x; 1 x],„x rm of late with the view of establisli- WHOLKSALt AND RETAIL, authorizing Steele to afford neces- ‘ f »»u d under tee,eld parties that we prietor, F itzgerald, there, proceed­ ing there. sary relief, and lh a t every effort The ship o f . ed to beat him and gave him a i w eIc,’ me » » F would be made to c a n y out L q t- St:ite nreds another orew i-ith K » w n i- T l! rce ! # « & * ! > % rail: f * '•( V . A HE, CliQCKRRT tf-c., * c f I»* 1 in fj'i ' * m . . . that the com ing contest ,, w ill . be ...... , „ ,n , L a fa l^ tfe ^ o n ^ *d a y ^last «■«fci-vUiiiiK to b« found in a first- W j le on the other baud the Repub-1 thiitr Resiruetive march? A nd to lican Caucus JecIaVea'for tbe * r «r ;,al those beligerents what are new v?AC - o f the“ g v *b " law and appointed a ries and defeats at the balbrt box but * * crossed the river P ra tt on the le t o f W dri C’a icus to denounce the salary g r a b ;! ^ W o|selev troll yesterday laid before the Com- ment was iC s lIW v o ’t eb w itji B u tle r ,' Illin ois and the “ W id e W est,” and and wbeh the b ill passed tie ^drew what ot party dissolution in Oregon? b main fo ic e under H arnett EIGN ANO EASTERN NEWS. CALIFORNIA ^ l0 l>o itica W e bave known that Ä E M S T O R E !J IÍS T O P E A E W ! J an.31.— In forin atio n SUMMARY OF THE LATEST FOR- ,r? ” a B u tler’s motion to reconshltr ‘ the lyin g dismafcticd and niinod n tne rote by which the • '* & > “ am?nd- *hore? What'VSf California, what p f | ldnai Caucus and L< > ndon , vote ; before on the “ grab” was taken, but tifjon the money and has put The Ashantee War. (/ three cents per tier pc pound. Th e W allam ot is higher at Salem than i t has been before this winter, and the back water retards the work n part in that measure, fn iin g that. i Look out over the storm troubled What of the ' the sPirit of in< tePpn< leni*ft 'vas strong ■ at the Ecuring mills. he was absent at the time o f tbe deep and the rank and file of ' ot.li parties L’rof. Condon w ill be invited lo passage o f the high salary b ill. Dawn?” asserts that M r. W ood ufa not "liave ' ¡cal M IS C E L L A N E O U S . FOREIGN NEWS. r mate repeal Of thht iniquitous m eas-, ture o f Richmond? These oiH party anH Congress. | wounds and the prnle o f wbr.t 'tbey And in connec inection with the repeal prejuoiod, the love o f o f tliis bill it wil 1 perhn]>sl»o o f some power and the inad lust and itch o f interest to read the voto of the re- < otHee is all that holds them together and we them a snee.lv sportive l»allies on the enactment , o f f now now ,.inti we wish wish uiern a speed) llie salary lull which w ill shew th a t' death as thev trfil lm v« a d » r t tfe- .er cent o f its strength for it than ; 'be old hates, and if new onea.be M aV fììc liepublieans. Th e vote o f l>orn they w ill at least have the in- the P cm oer ats in th e u»e was as ' ter e s to f W in g new and can be bpt- i t i . x •r i f ;*x ter lK»rne. L e t the strifes, and Git- inflows : F o r the b ill.....................................5 0 1 terness ■ness o f theUelTcuion l>t buried, as xVgaiust,........................ tion. Th e call reads as follow s: Xaphtnllv, the Sun editor; but lie is A petition against the gran tin g o f a license to sell liquor in the village secreted or has left, the ciiv. Per- 7b // • "Th r- Pngurs o f Dougin* Counlg, . . ,, . i o f Phieinx, Jackson County, signed sons hat e paid as high as $2 50 for j, 1v.7 « by a number o f citizens o f Eden Pro- cop ieH ofth c.S ’»o ),a n d itw ;is r e n o r t- Loseourg Jan. J4 , io<4 . •* , , , x i x x i 1 1 J cinct has been presented to the eJ i]lixi t]icy Wou ld get an extra edi- Board o f County Commissioners. j tion printed at Oakland. .Whereas, through political leaders Another romantic 4 man lago trart - 1 Ñ o verdict vet in the M än n in « and ring^. comprising, members of . 1. llOVf flip A fTf*! f'i^l 1111**11 \ i n _ SI*)11(3(1 111 X i l l l l l l l l l v - O lli lt \ ft ICW (l(l\ H 1 -i both par a s tlie A « r a w ta ra l, M e , { Th b riti 0 « r OOmr after b e in - ninr,lor c n s 0 ■ an F uancisco , Feb. 1 .— Last ¡m ve^e/ijrrii^inalh* knocked down w i& a boarll by .his ! A CALI., Store Torn S t . L o n s , T"eb. 1.— T h e entire amount of money secured by the ro b ­ bers of the train on the Iro n Moun- ! tain Railroad, last evening, was $4, My goods were selected, expressly for thie j 400, besides a number o f gold market njid-1 sliall always keep np a full i watches. V igorou s efforts are being assonuient making made to capture the gang. FASHIOXAHLE CLOTHING j future mother-in-likw, got up, landed j^uight the printers o f the E o nìrg ai» extinguisiier upon hei uose ........ 'G lieli Sun, nine o f them who were arrest- .... 1 ........... laid h ero q t, qi tl tl eii y; i nt ; w;i\ ed on com plaint of the D eY ou n g ; cd. brothers for libel, were released on \ " » » » bis dove and . got Spin* , , 1 S ' "n l T who k , l oc- g iv in g bail for $2,000 each. Th ey Hist Economy and in direct violation casion to visit Fheaunx and the sur- went to the Sun office and coin- feinocratic m ajority in favor j • >. aged and controlled as they aie h\ o f back pay, 24 votes . battle Volt its Tearful notes over a cliques and rings, as the foundation- . N ow the Republicati V^tc ifi the | d yin g nation? . , cause o f all our political corruption: House stood: ^Ve bid tFc Independents G od -1 aud are convinced tlnit it is a b illin g . A g a in s t,........................................... j .2 speed. Southern T^regon inaugu- 1 bartering, ainl selling si stem. ivlii»*!i forces honest men to the l c t , wliilc ° r* ................................................. rutrfi the ffio v r fie t t in our State members of rings ami un.sc iupnl'MjLs ""M a jo r ity against....................... 1 0 and when shall we bear .the sitp- I politicians c*rc purTcd d ó ectly Ï ; tl F In the Senate the Republican vote pressed voice o f the tVillam ettc front. . T. vi i Therefor M ood : refore, as Farm ers M e«“haiius break forth? V or, aud Lain 23 ab on n g M en o f all classes, wc A g a in s t,. call upon lpon the lax-payers o f Doug- 21 A W o m a n 's C ru m d e - las county t«» meet in their respective Mnjonty in favor,................... 2 ( ’ in «' in n a t t i , F e b .4 .—-Theexcitem ent precincts on S A T U R D A Y . T H E 21 st M aking altogether a Republiran of the wom en’s whiski* war is unaba- D A Y O F F E B R U A R Y , 1874, to elect delegates to attend a Countv < ’«*n P E U 'E S W W as the L O W ES7. $4,781,200; | special deposits for redem ption of certificates o f deposit, $45.AGO,< KM); ¡ v ■t’______ - * * _ V . i ! i i i tt .1 nr.r W rtOu. total in Treasury,. Í2,12 7 ,055,038; lecrease during tlie month, $1,845,-1 ' 2 211 . p Proqosed Amendment o f . the Postal Laws as to Newspapers. , M ajority iu favor, .. In the Scipito the vote r»artv stood : V o r ,* ... ................... A gaftist,........................ t v .»„I nu<* Uljr Tn my f<»mor custoniprs and all in thfi \ioinity the invit«tion is to “ come and »*♦*." 'Ve like to »how goods whether you purchaa« Highest Market Price paid for Batter and Eggs iVoay m orn in g the them« mieter stòo l ;^t twelve r o g fo e i below zero. Y ester'«'ey i'| was \varmer, snowing all day, with a heavy wind from the notftf . Snow from 1G to 2«l inch*“ ^ deep in Link river valley, over three feet at Swan lake, anf the Sun m e pound and on papei*s published six in jail., J he «vise will be ea|le«l to- jim».^ »rc««k eighteen emits: «lailies. d a ). It . Y ou n g wi ic p c it a lnnt '-.iis lio be ai lested t«»-«lai f«»i as- sault.ami batten*on F itzgerald , and f(ir misehh f in lrn al in - tho forms . ‘ . * [ ¡»»«d chopping nj» the type with Ins little hatchet, also that the (itli<“i twenty-ono cents. ^risecilatieoUs matter «*f the third class, inclndiug i„,,,i ^ „ „ „ .L , l r -^ o n is r s a m i k h ,«.u «G eU ., is to be charged at the into o f one cent for each two,punces or part ¡ireelsat f«»ur ounces. A . 11 I N m a n : Forest G i - ot «\ Nor. 7 , 1873 . * .. n 7 : 1 v .loj^pae.vi; •» * ¿ ujjavçw a:iî)XT n .r j: o r S : »u‘.I «(SIIJ ’.?UI]I90 J,q| jy Suipis *5UU00]J ‘H H H If.n o x K n i .m j o sa\TM TTV HSINU.ld OX UHUVdHUJ uOIV EASTERN STATES. ’S11IIN DNIH3BWm 3TTIAM31N33 TJirjL puo.uTOvjy “MÖfrtv Ifij “ w 8«> h í’m Ml**» uoi|jifiino.> ui r*«ji i. u « j u sjjoqs i«juit«»us measure, which g«»es to m m n m n « n «««« =■* « v . « , » . | , , n, , .ery fifteen votes and , ,,110nbu1^ P'ffitical parties. So we to the ex«»rbitant bail required in f i e ¡ „ V irgin ia, and 1‘ ved iu Adam s , I11|V | 4, pj.»|iioqjiqj ‘ p w j d oq j show that the Democrats are deeper ^ ie rcsitit is, to effiptv ^ r l ] sj*.loc?\j b^ m delegate for ur^each fraction over bavp another Independent m the l . ■ case, and said that whether the de- \ f rom bovhoud to 1857 when he iToi; 1 . . .. ., *, ' t he rear door, verv sib ld eillv, a.H tllqy >3uly»ptK , '|MIUUOJ in the mud in this matter tlian the . *». * \ u .. it., i ; W ent votes. | S. Senate to keep company with | f emi a n t 8 had published a libel or > enter the fr«»nt. A t New H olland, ° _____ m t<» Kansas. H e served through the 1 Ì- ‘- » o f I , .v . j ^ '^ ’ tb. E re ”( 6 there w ill bo enough not> \h(> - v U c K in the Sun was pro­ Republicans. And when the A«**v P i oka wav county, twontv-five ladies m n«m :t nn nowc war, an«l was elected G overnor in ‘aXVH NO ATXNYXSNOD S d X iX o f their stamp in Congress to ¿top voke(] ),y n Kimilar öhe appearing in derldnnecs the Republican ]>art v for have volunteered for the crusa«le. P ____ 1S57. H e is a » J- pratical fanner and a I ' . f # , 4 . i ,4 the salary grab business, corruption, Th ey visit ever)* shop daily. A t, m n . . . c. j t ix * ! stealing, stock-jobbing and such t]1P rhronülu o f Sat im lay, in the ed­ straight lio p ilb jica v, ,by.t ?v.;prs re­ ‘ s m w 9NIUn01d 31TIAH31N33 T h e Progressionist jin d s fault at , 111 e ' 1,1 W ashington, county, and extravagance it appears to an r Fayette « a iu «u ,.,,,«, where 1 ... 1 fantastic tncks. W e want to kick itorial columns. Naphtaly and form . The election is regarded, as a ‘8 3 D X n i i l H I ‘0 N H Q f . ° 11 1 the women initiated the movement, your not publishing a Kepnblican all these political tricksters, and °J A? IMK,(I «»J ia*Sv impai i. o »server o e t e caso o j the liqu or traffic has l»een entirely paper after the modern H ippie, Scott I itzgerald waived examination an«l t.riumpli for farmers and reform ers osjy *p-»in.»fiaaiGj s« pi»iuitxiBx& Mnnp outlaws o f the M itchell-Carpontcr the pot calling the kettle black. whose stopped. Charley Breek, were held to answer, and have not Earthquake near Quebec. Gauoj dq, u, iav ««q» and H ollid ay interpretaion o f the ilk out o f office, aud out o f society if accepted bail, although they had > ?^.ld‘ sH is oiltsidc o f t^ie c cor] »orate term. W o bad a paper of this kind j Q i - eiieo , F eb . 2 . A sharp shock H3dV3H0 HO dV3H3 SV 1T3S '‘•A P u b lic B f i i e l a c t ó r r ! limits, lias been visited bv «» ladies j ................. ” * v**‘ ” “ i possible several tenders made. The case of every day for nearly tiVq weeks. H e fresh arid p ipe front the very foun- J 1 . Hte PtUf tTViJ 10 0 ^ thc rest o f the compositors was eon- of earthquake was distinctly fe lt at | a, n^ i d i>; u»«'o jo soaiq 11 « joj 8a«i is a jo lly German and treats the la - 1 taili head. Th e very quirit-bssencO of ; ; Buo. U avis says we have misspelled The E ilitor down at Forest G rove mot F ath er.P oin t .yeste-rday .afternoon. -19 ‘ iu irS.itS ’ 1 i«i>ooiJ to qswj joj dies kindlv, but refuses to accede to H ip p le-M itch ell Republicanism, , Homeopath'/ aild tells D octor W ebster tinned till next Thursday. Ktation tliihks Ben H plladay is a £ A shock was also fe lt about ten miles s o u T O T P o m T X 9 $ « tl.H r p td p M tio n . T h « entire co a n -i { ii Uh H i , ¡ , J H ip p ie ««Id tlie h t t p a d n U m an to s tu ily ' I.-' tkb —T l.e yar jinblic beiibfaelor and that tbe heart ?1 K is W in g secure«] for signatures tct . 11 . . *a , . ... , . ... .. . > Chronicle and .Sun assumed a urm 0 below this city; it appeared to i avc .tv ixapfitmssv xv s j s s j A t G ol- «»on ey. H ow did yoit like it Bro. | their spelling books a while. Davis serioMl. asp P(.t to-day. About lmli llf- hf tbr ]»cH]i!e iff tlrbgtifi ought to total abstinence pledges. ^ w come from the southward. . OUT overflow with gratitude for his great lipot (ja illla county, the ladies’ bri- Davis? W h y are you hot favored as j has, become tod broad to take such past 2 o ’ clock Nft]jitaly¿. editor o f i ^ lienevolence i gtule of active workers nünibeiri 0 1 . ¡ <^as Frank Myers? F o r the simple fact j authority as W ebster an«l quotes ; the.s'i/ii,loftthe(’itv F rism iin thécus- Extraordinary Political Revelations SN0I10N 33NNVÀ QNV SA01 ‘ . . 1 J 1 # xi 1 Th ey work in three , divisiohs, but ¡ Unit you have ambition only to toady ! . .. ..e W e wbiild nd- to d v o f Olficcr M oM alion.for .thepui;- Alleged Wholesale Bribe-Taking Thorc ha. h ««n a g . « . I a « d o f till. ^ lilU e llea ! T n in ° <- the ¿iyindalpiis developments .threat- I or <*«*▼ him so savagely at us again. from beliiipl, and when within a few in Oregon, but tbe people see ter and put out lights. In most Of | S*.iij,nnitjj»<| ‘•IK) JP*H eiffind by a N ew Y ork paper, says --— ♦ . I yards drew a. revefiver and coin- „ . . . . the counties their success is marked, i _ _* *■;; ' • through it, au«l understand the man T iik Pacific Railway conj>any ex­ ‘ AJKllOjJBJS *—W N » A Jotts O s S ome O n e . -W e are told menced firing at Naphtaly. Th e the New Y ork Tribune's sensation T h e alx»ve dispatch quite graphical­ clude the Sacramento I n ion tioin ami his mode o f p-oceedure pretty Tno !*° I is »6 1.a«o tome to light 'L Z Wi ll. I t is rathef liSfd friend Davis ly depicts the earnestness of women their depots, stations and cars, and that 3. F. Captes, of porttend, i» ' JfO 1X3N1U0SSV lYUSJiSO Y the i'»i i’«»n calls the attention o f the fo make a man * ith Ü. H s rfccord I this war against the rum mills. on v Legislatu re to the fact and threatens np|>ear ;n tire role o f a publie beiic- W hether it. w ill be o f permanent a l- if that body do not give it the jus­ S 3 cl I d a .V V S H V O I 3 ‘o :> 3 V H O X factor. Ff y '«t lm«T lon g in this vantage is a question t o b e tcste.l* tice it demands it w ill “ Take an ap- asv » • * M - .. * •• p e fo tor r the tue best. nest, AVe u 0 recognize , j,oa] jn behalf o f the freedom o f the «»ountrv vtíff w nt*ldyt -ffifft fri tfirn ’ TV® hope I _ . , . , „ . tractinga great Crowd and. causing Is this a joke on ( ai e, j n] ouse excitement. Gus D eY ou n g the com pany’s files and books.. R ip (ho era^k t&’ tPat ti^nt. the right o f worn bn «to fight the whis- j ]»ress to a tribunal that w ill not fail Capíes or the constituents. having been taken to prison, Charles in or assigns to nearly every prom i­ Tiiere is 1» ftt m oth er RbrtJnfi o f kv despot. It is Hu ir ffioiitlis and p rotect.” do A i d IH VA ir U S K d D v and M ike were admitted. Shortly ! nent man in and dut o f Congress a N. our State legislature by-air^-W"‘ ffrtt? W»’® fWcfiitlis of their eliihirm thftt are J>no8i,F.(kr Or A Drxt«. The Wiish- ‘ spo |b n »ois a}4|dtuo3 after, Naphtaly returned in custody j place in these records, which show so H olladay, presuming that the rtfhbed by < these iniquitous in’- ( ^gton Dispatch says tiiat it is ru- T uk i t war between the 087T ... , , .J ; t. Chronicle of an officer. H e was standing in ; t],cm ] () bo gu ilty o f receivin g bri lies . “ . . ? .. . people are gu llib le, and that it is stitntiohs and vbb !^d them God speed mored that arrangements ai>n being ami Evening Sun offices in, San F ran ­ tlie corner, when M ike suddenly ap-1 . ‘a n v a l n i a a v v s b r a n ò only necessary to make big promises in their work. Arid if men will not »node for a duel between Jefferson cisco has produced not a little com- ,,foa,«l.ed iritU a revolver rocked aud ! fr0,u tbc “ » I * » ? >“ relur" tor th e ? AO A 13 1 UV A 7 YU 3 X 3 D Y Davis ex-Senator jtoiii H enry > their rights And re m e d y 1'^ '™ 8 ripd npo ex-riennwir ; pnt k v |t:|; W h ile Ihe scan was about to fire, Naphtaly started efforts to secure the subsidy in which to pei\sua«le them to anything, lo g in s recognize . , T * ; Foote, o f Mississippi, arising from a | nient by tne press. mte tne scan as v towards other end o. of tho prison, that corporation lias rejoiced for • . r.fd .«»X i •“ , 1 1 UIU the Ilio H*1 1 C1 o*n* ...o J/iinuil., tV (•.•ttkte .'»liMit a railroad to Me their wrongs by abolishing the rum limV« q , ^ i correspondence. (Inloils iifticle report .d to ln.ve liòen ftU(] before DeYoung could correct sjome venrs. There has been an un- ' # t •' 1* M m nviife. ti.iffiennd k illin g it n e rie , blood, and | . " . “ x, ! published by the .Sua was w h olly ! his Aim he w«*w Throttled by bystand- flagging interest disblaved «ill dav in j[0 H 0 0 ÌS i|>D3T3S V w Friends up in VaTiffiiH. fbat chick- '»o»®. we hope that they will dc- Throng it does not excuse the toward- eus and tile pistol Liken fio m him. 1 ’ . * . . . . stances connected w ith tho recent ant all circles b cie with regard to tlie ■ > «í j *. «i.«: « *X Cn is of a peculiar kifnf. Ftc ffever iuohsl, every* rum shop in America. r(;bberV oLWells’ FaagoA Co’s ex- ly attack on Napthaly by thc De H e was also placed under arrest. matter. The W avs and Means Com-, Tr | t *1 1 • « 1 __ I *1 _ . . . , 'saijaoaJd jo luaiujJMty »jajduiOQ Charles D eY ou n g whs then questioned cannot expect much good to re- press, at Kalam a; resulted in the ae- j Y ou n g brothers w hile ho was un- cackles when he lays. D ont r.ïjle>! concerning his designs . and de- luittee commenced an investigation of 1 ; V 0 . 9 7 K a a v u i > from their prayers and ex­ (juittal 6 f U n d lon g. an egg b»r you won’t fiffiT Orre. Tlie affair »s j annfcd and a prisoner in custody o f an nied having an) arms upon his per- : matter with closed doors in the F A U lV n O D S H J DA a & t j Ÿ r î v llie r e ; postulations, for their prayers and still involved in mystery. s„u , but OU b o ).« seu ,d ,«.l a tenvlo,! , ^ but Boon gave it -1>- saoottAua ao aiujuva iyuhxmd y have been no traces discovered o f 0111001 • _________^ ____ ___ teatfSTiitvè V»%en mocked for centuries, pistol was found. Naphtaly and Whisky War. • ' .• * < •y; OUT the missing currency. W k learn that there arò several F itzgera ld were placed in the new A s far as it was carried, however, it and their g fa fe s forgotten asquickly ‘s 'a ó ò d SS 3 BÒ u n I d 9 S 3 i a n ! ad ics here who wou Id like to attend : part of the oity* prison, hi aprecau- disclosed something yery ricli. ,Iti®, A n otb 8 ii ^Ition for li«*ens 6 tvV sell as their tfcafs. Bitt with men who Modoc War Claims to be Paid. 'j . ^ ~ ao • W ashinoton , Feb. «4.— D rafts on tlie wnfp'an Suffm ge A sso cia tio n t tion against any further attempts at said that the ^rst man caught was liqu or bV small at th1 © rallrohd have any heart/eft at «11 they can X O Ö X 8 ± 0 3 1 3 S eiibor. Th e D eY ou n g prpmihefiT pemocr'atfc Congressman station, is sof!Mtin£blotters- and* the tinfiuence'inorc OilcsS bV the means tlie Assistant Treasurer at Ban Frati- be h riil in*th?B*piacc but they "feu r /.,• j , j . J , , ... * , brothers have been arrested and held cisco to the amount of ever seventy- dNvaoHva YaasYHd«.* .*» ». est,, , K , i. 1 » people nf the OrAVd aVcr of the 1 ^ they have chosen. AVo th^ 6 'i^ii\»Mi,r hat being /oicfecT into in\o' false fnlsp positions and tob ail in lhe glim of $ 4 , 0 0 0 each for from the ing fo^cfed three thousand dollars’ w£re sfent to­ T lie question of givin g lands i ami -sad ONiAVH aaKOisttaaNA aux w hole precinct, are actively fo r the woman's crusade against nim. day to that city, addressed to M ajor then to be lam pooned by the Hen- attem pt^ to murder and for libel. Work g ettin g up a remonstrance. Th e D eY ou u g Brothers, G us and bonds tQ the Atehison branch' o f , the ^jackelder, fo r distribution among pecker as were some o f our G rove ■PtTRtUNT/' is it? r o( the filtliv ^ is the .. 1 >nti„s» lowance o f these accounts were effect­ which latter dislike newspaper no­ 000 bail each* Naphtaly and Fitz- gentlem en have visited W ashington^ G o d l Tem plar Lo