THE TW O ARMIES. BT O. W. HOLMES. A-* life’* timmling column prmr*, 1 w<> marshale«! hosts are seen — Two armies cm the trampled shores that death flows back between. \ A Sad Wreck-Old. Friendless, and Out of Money. The following advertisement ap­ peal’s every now and then in the Corriere iV Torino: _ “ Lessons in German, English, and One marches to the drum-beat's roll, Hungarian, given, at moderate l l»e wide-mouthed elarion's bruv, rates, by „ And Isars ujH*n a rrimsou scroll, L. Kossuth, 164 Strada Nuova. ** Our glory is to slay.” The advertiser is none other than the celebrated dictator of Hungary. One moves in silence ly the stream, He is now alnost utterly forgotten, With sad. yet watchful eyes, even in Hungary; be has grown very ( aim as the patient plain t's gleam old, and now so poor that he will 1 hat walk» the clouded ski« s. •dadlv give you a lesson for a single Along in front no sabers shine. franc. This would seen very humil- No blood-red pennon* wave; iatatng for him, and yet he is proud Its banner* bear the single line, of his poverty. He says: “ Ihree ” Cn»» duty is t«* save.” veal’s ag»’ » my friends at home, in F"r those n«> deuth-ltri's lingring shade Hungary, offered me a present of *>0.000 florins. I rejected t he offer, At Honor's trumpet rail. and never have regretted it even With knitted bn-w and lift«*«! blade. wlien 1 wa> h u n g r y , and had no In glory's arms tiny full. moil' y to buy fire. J\»i those »»«» flashing falchion-. bright, I had occasion, the other day, to No stining battl«*-«*i*y; call on him. I was no stranger to Tin* bloodless stabWr «’alls by might — Kossuth. Twenty veal’s ago he had Each answers, ” Here am I ! ” given me, in London, a great deal of valuable information for my book For these the soulptor’s laureled bust, — IIitiK/nrn in 1840. I found him in The builder’s marble piles. a very small room in the fourth sto- The anthems p«-u! ng o ’er th« ir «lust. rv of a dingy old building. He sat Through long eutln-dral nisi« s. alone in an easy-ehair pouring over For those th«- blossom-sprinkletl turf, an old volume. M ben I entered he That liooils tin* lonely graves, did not recognize me. I recognized When Spring iVlls in her sea-grveu surf him, and was shocked. NN hat a In flowery foaming waves. change these twenty years had pro­ duced in his «»nee handsome face! Two paths lead upward from below, His hair was entirely white, his And ang*“ls wait als>ve, cheeks wan and hollow, and his eyes U lio count each binning lif«-«lr<>p’s flow. utterly dimmed. His form, once Each falling tear of Love, erect and proud, was now painfully Though from the Hero’s hi« ssing breast bent. He almost groaned as he raised Her pulses Freedom «Irew, himself to bid me welcome, He Though the white lilies in her «-rest was deeply moved when I informed Sprang from that scarlet dew him who I was, His face bright­ While Valor’s haughty champions wait ened as lie warmly clasped my hand. Till all their scars are shown. “ Oh, yes, oh, yes,” he said, in Ger­ Love walks uuehall« ag«sl through the gate man, “ I know you now. Every­ To sit be».«ie tin throne! body forgets me; no one calls upon me; one cares for me! "Why should I THE DAWN F « BRIGHTER DAY n«> remember those w ho once wei’e my FOR ASTORIA. friends?" To this 1 objected. I asked bow he could be forgotten, From a lot* in 77n’ II all,' Mis- when his friends in Hungary wanted pioiiar;/ for J .a ary, by liev. W . A. him to return to his native country, Tencev pastor of the Congregational and take again another active part Church at Astoria we take the fol­ in its affairs. Kossuth smiled very bitterly. “ Oh, yes,’ , he said “ re­ low ing valuable extract: “ The location of the terminus of turn to Hungary dishonored, with an the North Pacific Railway at Tacoma, oath of allegiance to the Hapsburgs, which we feared might prove fatal to 1 who murdered my friends and kins­ our commerce, has given it a new men, and who seta price upon my life. The constantly rising bar in head. I am neither a Deak or an the Columbia, four miles above Andrassy.” I asked him how lie “ W ell,” he said sadly, us, settles the fact that the shipping got along. from Oregon must stop here or at “ were mv good children ami mv Tacoma. Self-respect ami pecuni­ poor wife alive yet, I would be lmppy ary interests prompt the Orego­ even in my old age and poverty. nians to retain a port at the mouth But they are all dead, and I am very of the Columbia, ami the produce lonesome! That is what renders my of this State is to be shipped from exile here, where people are so kind Astoria. So the realms been more to me, so «listrossing. It would be life ami thrift in town during the no better in Hungary. I have no last two months than at any time kinsfolks any where but in the New before in its history. Three exten­ W orld.” “ Why then, not go fo sive wharves are building— one by America again, where your name is the farmers of the upper Willamette, still revered?” I ventured to say. for storing wheat for shipping. So “ Oh,” he replied, “ I have often many families have come in that l»een sorely tempted to go back to every house in town is occupied, the Vnite«l States, but there are two even the old rookeries deemed unin­ obstacles in the way. In the first habitable. The idle crowds have place, it would cost more money found work, and everybody seems than I have to spare; and next, I am driven with business, as never be- almost sure that in my present con­ fore in Astoria. Improvements are dition, 1 would be unable to bear going on everywhere on the streets, the sea voyage.” All this was very melancholy, and the buildings and the harbor. I hastened to change the subject of The salmon fishery along the Columbia has l«een far more exten­ our conversation. I showed him sive and profitable than ever before. the proof-sheets o f the chapter on A single establishment will turn off Andrassy, in my new work on Aus­ some s i 2”»,(»ft» worth, and more than tria. He put on his spectacles, and, Sol 10,1*110 will be realized from the holding the paper in his trembling *n!e of salmon this year, taken liaml, read carefully what I lmd within forty miles of Astoria. The written. Meanwhie, I had time to wheat crop of the State was never look around in the room. Against so abundant as this year, and the the rear wall stood a narrow, plain prices are veiy high. One harbor bed. On the walls hung portraits of was never so lively with foreigy Mazzini, Bixio, Kisz, and strangely slii’ is, and such unusual exports at enough, of Louis Nappoleon. On high rates cannot fail to relieve the ; the book-shelf by my side I noticed tinaneial embarrassment of the last Victor H ugo’s An nee Tumble, Iving- lake’s Crimea, and ten or twelve year." well-worn grammars. On a table, Helps on the Journey. close to the bed, lay a loaf of bread and a plate of dried meat. To my The simple truth is, this first love dismay, I found than my glancing ought to more than hold its own. round the room had attracted Kos­ It should protect itself by increasing suth’s attention. “ Yes,” he said, from year to year. I.ovc grows bv with a smile, “ you see for yourself just loving. It is stimulated by the now that 1 am very poor; and yet diselosnre of new excellencies in the when I left Hungary in 1S411, I was person whom we love. It strength­ charged by all.the mean organs of ens itself by gentle ministries of the Hapsburgs with having enriched kindness. It b«.« «»mcs happier ami myself at my country’s expense. firmer with expression. No young Do you know what my whole in­ couvert was ever beguiled by the come was last year? Witlini a frac­ devil into a mightier mistake than tion of 80(t lire!” (Less than $200.) when he began to imagine that back­ 1 shook my head sorrowfully. He sliding into a common level of tohl me what lie thought about t lie anatliv and cohlness was the regular chapter on Andrassy, gave me plenty expectation and experience of true of valuable and interesting infor­ ( hristirn life.— ( ’. S. Robins,a>. mation on the subject, and then dis­ A iriwilrop, falling on the «»«•«•an wave, missed me, saying that it was time K%elaime«l in Car " I perish in this grave;” for one of his pupils to make his ap­ L it. in a >h»-II re« > iv< <1, this «lr«»p of «lew pearance.— lh\ Mux S, hlesiwjer, in 1 ail a ]»..rl of in.n v« Ions beauty grew; Ainl, ha|»py now. th«* grace nnull. Nilssons Cow-Sheds. I ntil again, “ I |H-rish quite,” it said, Torn by rude «livers from its «»«■«•an bed. t* uulslieving! So it came to gleam, Chi« f j« wc! a a monarch’s diadem. — Trench. So long as people keep to the re­ lation of facts in their letters, and think they know each other well enough, all is easy; but if thev go from facts to opinions and feelings, if they anxiously desire to know each other more, it is very hard to do this l»y such means. There is not the tell-tale human voice, and th© changing human eye to help them to this further acquaintance. The mystery that we want to pene­ trate, the soul that we want to reach with our soul, cannot unveil itself to us on a sheet of paper, even if it vearn to do so, and it is willing to b t us know as much as we can un* derstand.—Jean Inyelo. Rev. Arthur Mitchell, in a recent lecture on the late Rev. Thomas Guthrie, spoke of him as “ not a theologian in the sense of being constantly grinding at the intermin­ able chuff of doctrinal controversy, but in the higher sense of making his life a practical example, and the vices by w hich it is propagated. ’ N EW ADVERTISEM EN TS. KOSSUTH. We are told that Christine Nils­ son has erected an enormous cow- s h e d o n h e r land at Peoria. ¡She will doubtless thank the author of the following from the bottom of her pail for the information lie so pleas­ antly places before her. The author, it may not be necessany to add, is a Chicago bard: Christine, Christine, thy milking do, The morn un«l the evt* between. Ami not l»v the dim, religious light Of lhe tit fill keros«-nc. For the cow may kick and the lamp may “ hurst” And the fire-fiend ride the gale, And shriek the kn«*ll of tbeburnin town In the glow of the m«»lt<‘ii pail. The height of roughness— o come 1 o i »at nigh when your v fe has gone away for a day or two, and find that she has accidentally carried off the key to the closet where the the consolation is. An English Judge has decided that thread manufactures who mark “ 200 yards” on spools having but 150 yards are guilty of no offense if they ship the spools to America. Cuu’t we sbij) them another load of wooden hams aud nutmegs? WE ARE READY! ! THIS SPACE FOR HOXTER. C O M E O N ! H U R R A II AFTER 31 AN Y MONTHS OF PREPAR­ ATION, WE, J. X C N & CO. 91 Front Street hetweedfl^Oshington and A ld e r /^ DO NOW OFFER FOR T n E INSPEC­ TION OF THE PUBLIC A COMPLETE NEW S TO C K or So vast in Quality, So Superior in Styles, So Beautifnl in Material, That we are at a loss to describe, and sim­ ply say J. K. GILL & CO. (At the Old Tualatin Store.)“ 75 First Street, Portland, DEALER IN a v e j u s t r e c e iv e d t iie l a r g H DRY GOODS, For The Forest Grove, - - - - Oregon H o lid a y «COMPETITION A F O L L Y . F orest G rov e PLA N IN C M ILLS Sash S l Door Factory A. L. JOHNSON, Proprietor, Manufacturer and Dealer in FAIR PRICES PAID FOR ALL KIND Ever offered for sale in tills City, OF PRODUCE. F F ’ Premium on Cash Customers. nl5:tf W m . M cC R E A D Y coMrRisrso GIFT BOOKS, STANDARD BOOKS. JUVENILE Planing, Tongue and Grooving, Turning, Scroll and Ke-Suwing. Done to Order in a F irs t C lass Stylo. AMO DOOIt an.l WINDOW FRAMES, TONGUE and GROOVED FLOORING, PLAIN and RUSTIC CEILINGS MOULDINGS, BRACKETS. BALUSTERS( Turned and Scroll). ALSO Stair Balusters and Newell Posts, Dealer in Constantly on hand and made to Order. GENERAL MERCHANDISE! [XFORMS THE PUBLIC l STILL K e e p s t h e THAT HE 1 10 THOSE WHO CONTEMPLATE . building in this vicinity Superior Inducements are offered ! For everything necessary to tli** Erection* Compli ti'»n and furnishing of any building can l»e had at this Factory. POST OFFICE, My machinery is N E W AND FIRST CLASS! And the worK «lone will be of Call and See H im UPERIOR STYLE AND FINISH He has something good to tell them and Call mid Exam ine MM TIIIMiS TO SELL! Before purchasing elsewhere. n ’/ i (’)) At IIV R G R E X «{• SIIIXDLER'S STORE." «-* f They have marble-top bureaus and elegant e* sets I—« Of Bed-room furniture new, f X Mith center-tables, and what-nots, and mir­ > rors great, And an endless variety of chairs,not a few, Ö . _ 'XL They do a cash business, and with money in hand To purchase every style of furniture lower, Are able to supply all the public demand .1/ //URUREX Jc'SIIIXDLER’S S TORE. M e went, Mary ami I; aud can I ever forget 1 he pleasure that beamed in her face, As she gazed at the marvels of beauty dis­ played In UURGREN d SII1NDLERS place ! TEH FINEST AND CHEAPEST Me furnished our home in an elegant style, Have been married a twelve-month or more And Mary is singing this song to her babe, LANDS IN THE STATE ! ! Of UURGRENd SIIINDLER'SSTORE. nS5:ly u39 ly L IM S FOR TIIE UXDLESS!! I. MEYERS 1 5 ,0 0 0 to 2 0 ,0 0 0 and TOY BOOK FOREST GROVE OREGON. an u factu rer and d e a le r M all kinds of in WORK BOXES, IN D E P E N D E N T ! PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, AND EVERYTHING USUALLY FOUND IN TH E Book and Stationery Line. SADDLES, BRIDLES, WHIPS & Lashes pg'-Repairingpromptly attended to. nl3;2m Pleuso examine our Stock. n37 lm J. K • GILL B l C O . A journal devoted to the interests of Wash ington county and tlio State. OREGON POSTOFFICES. Washington County Directory. FURNITURE, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, CEDAR, F IR and HARDWOOD Y WT n . HOXTER HAS SO MANY v v • customers at his store all the time LUMBER, AC., AC. that he has no time to write an adverise- ment. That is what we call busines. 3*Jts. N. E. G O O D ELL, GOOds, PARLOR GAMES, Call and See to satisfy yourself that we mean what we say, IV e also have Fine Stock of the latest stvlc of HATS amlCAPt- J. KOHN A- CO. n3;tf Portland Or CASH STORE ! of GENERAL MERCHANDISE PRICES SO L O W T lio O n o P r ic e * st S tock G B £££R IE S , and WE H kVE ADOPTED A SCALE OF AS TO MAKE SUBSCRIBE List of the Post-Offices of Oregon. Baker C'onuty, "Auburn, Augusta. "Bilker Citv, Clarksville, Express Ranch, Eldorado, Gem, Humboldt Basin, Jordan Valley, Wingville. Benton, Alsea Valley, "('«»rvallis. King’s Valley, Libert v. Little Elk, Newport, Newton, Philomath, Starr’s Point, Summit, Toledo, Yaquiim. Clackamas- Barlow, UeriVt r. Butte Creek, Caiiliy, < 'lai'kamas, ( ’le;ir Cl'eel», Cuttingsvill, Damascus. Eagle C r e e k . Titling*, Highland, M. dalla, Milwankic, N. « «ly, Norton, "Oregon City. Oswego, Sandy. Clat-op. "Astoria, Isthmus, Kuappa, Nelialem, Skipanon, Summer House, Westport. Coos- Coos River, CoiplillQ. Empire < 'it v. Enchanted Prairie, 11« rmansville, Marshfield. North Bend, Randolph. Columbia. Columbia City, Clatskanie, Raini«*r, St. lb'iens, Sauries Island, Scappoose. Currv Chetcoe, w Ell. nsl >urg. Port Orforil. Douglas. North Canyonville, Camas Valiev, Butler, Elkton, Galesville, Gardiner. Kelloggs, Lookingluss, Myrtle Creek, < »aklaml. Pass Creek, "Roseburg, Soottsburg, T* n Mill, Umpqua Citv, Wilbur, Yoncalla. Grant. "Canyon City, Camp Watson, Day ville, Grant, John Day City, Praire City. Jackson. Applegate, "Ashland Mills, Brownsbonrgh, Central Point, Eagle Point, Grant’s Pass, Hot Springs, "Jacksonville, Klamath, Linkville, Langell Valley, Phu-nix, Rock Point; Sam’s Valley, Table Rock. Willow Springs, Yanax. Josephine. Ki rby, Leland, Shite Creek, Waldo. Lane, Butte Disap’ntm’t, Cottage Grove, Coast Fork, Camp Creek, Cartwright’s, "Eugene City, Franklin, Junction, Mohawk, Pleasant Hill, Rattlesnake, Siuslaw. Springfield, Willamette Forks. Linn. "Albany, Brownsville, Crawfordsville, Dimond Hill, Harrisburg, Halsey, L.-bauon, Miller, lVoria, Pine, Scio, Soda Springs, Sbedd's. County Jtidye,................. C lerk ,............................... Sheriff,.............................. Treasurer, ....................... T. D. Humphreys . . . W. D. Pittinger ..........C. T. Tosier ......... L. Patterson ( Samuel J. Stott Co. Commissioners............ 1 Ulysses Jackson Surreyor,......................... . .Columbus Smith Assessor,............................ ......... J. F. Piero«' School Slljit.,..................... .. A. J. Anderson ( 'oroner, State Senator,................... . . . T. R. Cornelius (G«*o. H. Collier Representatives,............... ( 1 bornas Stott OREGON O FFICIAL D IRE CTO R Y. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Governor,............... .......... ........L. F. Grover Secretary o f Sfar ............. .. S. F. Chadwick Treasurer o f State,......... . . . . L Fh isliner State Printer,................... . . Eugene Semple State Librarian,............... . . . S. C. Simpson Iiejister o f State Lands, .. E. S. McCoinas Marion, Aurora, Aumsville, Butteville, 1 >r< >«>ks, Fairfield, Fair Ground, (lervais, Ilmldard's, Jefferson, Marion, Monitor, New.llsville, "Salem, Silvt rton, St. Louis, Staytou. Sublimity, Turner, Vernon, Wnc. >nda, Wooilburn. Multnomah, E ist Portland, "Portland. Powell’s Valley, Spi ingvilh*. Mallamet Slough. Polk. Bethel, Bridgt port, Buena Vista, "Dallas, Eola. Elk Horn. Grand Round, Independence, Lincoln, Luckimute, Lewisville, M« •muouth, Pcrryilale, Rickreall, Zena, Tillamook. Garibaldi, Kilcliis, Neturas, Nestoekton, Tillamook, Track. Umatilla. Cecils, Cavnse, Marshall, Mcatlowville, M itch U’s Stati n, Eilton, Pilot Rock, Pomllcton, "Umatilla, Weston. Union. Cove. "La Grand, North Powder Orodell, Summerville, U uion. Wasco. Antelope, Bridge Creek, Desehuttes, Heppner, Hood River, Mt. Hood, Primville, R«»ek Creek, S«i»tts, Spanish Hollow, "The Dalles, Warm Springs, Wasco, Willoughby. Beaverton, Centerville, Cornelius, "Forest Grove,. GlellCO, Greenville, Hillshoro, Middleton, Shulls Ferry, Taylor’s Ferry, Tualatin, Wapato, Yamhill, Amity, Bellevue, Dayton, "Lafayette, McMinnville, Mountain Hou.e, North Yamhill, biu-ndan, West Chehalcms Whea viand, Newbe rg, Long Tom, •B*o®o J»Pr0 * «noW. CONGRESSI«.NAL. (Jas. K. Kelly U. S. Senators,................. ” ( j . H. Mitch« 11 C ongressma h , ................... J. M . Nesmith FEDERAL OFFICERS. 1 . S. District Judge,....... ......... M. P. Deady U. .S’. Marshal................... . .Tlios. (». Young Clerk U. S. Covri,s ......... ............. R. Wilcox Snrrei/ar General............... ......... W. H. Odell Snp't. Jiidtan Affairs, . . . . T. B. Od. neal 1 . Assessor,................. .. Thomas Frazer F. .S. Collectai',................. ....... O. B. Gibson The INDEPENDENT owes allegiance to no party but the party ot progress­ ive I d -a j r.t;«: " i ' s - n : - : : d :s con- t i im no or iiionoi . r. w v, Li« r . i « , luit is the leur- less and o ist spoken---------------- A D V O C A T E of th« PEOPLE. HND OU FU Ens. ^ ill is. Tìeaistrr.......... ............. Roseburg IL II« ìman. Receiver . . . ...............Roseburg Owen Wade, Rei/ister, ... . . . . Oregon Citv lb n rv Wamui. Reviver,. ......... Or«*gon Citv J. H, St« ])h« ns. . ......... i.a Granile 1>. Chaplin, liée* irer, . . . . ......... La Grand«* SUPREME COURT. P. r . Prim. Chi, f Justice, ......... Jacksonville A. J. Tbav. r.................... ............... Corvallis 15. F. Itouhiini,............... .................... Salem W. W. Upton.................... L. L. McArthur................ ........... Baker City SUBSCRIPTION, JUDICIAL Disrmrs. First Distile; Jackson and Josephine. 2d Distric t : Benton, Coos, C’ urrv. Douglas and Lane. 3«1 District : Lin», Marion. Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill. 4th District: Clackamas, Coumhia, Multnomah and Mashiugbin. 5th District: Grant, Umatilla. Union au«l M asco. TERMS OF CIRCUIT COURTS. First District.—Inthe c «unity of Josephine B £?J 3 0 a Year. 6n the fourth Mondav in < >ctoner; Jackson, second Monday in Februarv, June and No- vember. S« «'oml District—Douglias, third Mondav in October and second Momlav in Mar: I Coos, fourth Monday in May and fourth Monday in Septomlwr; Curry, first Monday i in June; Lane, third Monday in April, and first Monday In November: Benton, second i Monday in April, and third Monday in November. j Third District- -Linn, fourth Monday in March, and second Monday in October; Marion, second Monday in March, June and i November; Polk, second Monday in May, and fourth Monday in November; Yamhill, | second Momlav in April,and fourth Monday in October; Tillamook, second Monday in NOTICE------- THEINDEPEND I. T July. Fourth District - Clackamas, fourth Mon- j day in April ami Seph-mber; Multnomah, HAS THE SOLE EIGHT <>F | second Monday in February, June and Oc­ tober; Columbia, second Monday in April; DOING THE LITIGAN T i Clatsop, second Monday in August, and fourth Tuesday in January; Washington, PRINTING FOIi WASH­ , fourth Monday in May, and first Monday in October. Fifth ¡strict—Wasco, third Monday in INGTON Ç 0 V N I Y, AND June, and second Monday in November; Grant, first Monday in June, and third Mondav in September; Baker, tliir«l Mon­ IS THEREFORE IN VALI A RLE day in May and first Monday in Oetolter; Union, first Monday in May, and third O F OUR CITIZENS. Monday in October; Umatilla, last Monday TO ALL in April, and fourth Monday in Cctober. PROCLAMATION. W hkreas , Under the net of the Legisla­ tive Assembly of the State of Oregon, entitled, “ An Act to prot«*et Litigants.’ ’ approved October 24, 1*70, “ T he F orest ! G kcve I ndependent ,” a newspaper pub­ lished at Forest Grove, Washington County, i Oregon, has been designated to publish the j legal and ju«li«*inl advertisements for the county of Washington, in tL>e State of Oreg«*u: and W hereas , The proprietor of said “ F orest G rove I ndependent " has filed with the County Clerk of sai«l Washington county, written stipulations accepting the conditions of said Act. together with bonds approved | as the law directs, with proper returns and | ■ ■ I* * notices thereof to this office according to law. W W « » Now, therefore, said “ F orest G rove I ndependent ” is hereby proclaimed to be appointed and confirmed as tlie_ mcamrn through which all legal and judicial ad\er- tisements f«»r the county of Washington, m the State of Oregon, shall be published for the period authorized by law. I n T estimony M hereof , I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the State of Oregon, to be af­ fixed at the Executive office, in the city of Salem, this 22nd day of December, A. D., 1873. L. r . GROYEB. n n s £3 *S *a L 5 fl P r t j . | | | gjj g j ■ ■■■■■ to order. n a i i J I I I ] K 2* W I«H m