V FOREST Ci ROVE, VOL. 1. WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAVtólI JANUARY 1874- NO. 4 8 ' THE N ECKLAC £ O F ?EARlA traditions of the past. W e have | or the distress next year will he far TH E RAILROAD QUESTION. seen its workings, and we know : greater than this, for the simple THE INDEPENDENT. He met her in the garden, what it is. Of its ultimate triumph, i reason that /lie binh/ viu*>l ami will The subjoined comes from Wash­ A bright and beauteous uiaid. WO O D C O C K & I N T E R Ml E L A . We live in an age of improvement, we have no apprehension. Time is yrnwj Careful thought and statistic ington, Jan. lt t h : Who, grown at once a woman. musnKp at T h e mind of the world is directed to putting all things to the test, and id information can do the needful- The propossed bill for cheap trans­ \\ link-sale aiul Rotili Dealers in Was not of love afraid: quickening the old processes of la- every substitute for the genuine especially with the aid of judicious- portation calls fr»r legislation making She loV(-d, and cCuM not help it, Forest G rote, Oregon. bor and turning out its products <*t article of education, must be subject- i council, for everybody knows mnre it a penal offence for a public officer Her heart Went out to his', the’shortest notice. We build rail- ed to that test. That much will I k ? than anybody! the Government lias j to accept or use a free pass of any And as he stopped to kiss har, roads, and cut down days to hours, found spurious, we have no doubt, j taken all power to make circulating railroad company, and prohibiting Stolls Nos. V, t>, A, anil 7, She rose to meet hi* kiss. We bridge the ocean virtually by the That many of our so-called improve-; notes away from the several States. ! railroad companies from granting j A E ir v I T Y MA li K E T , I j U C He kissed hef in the garden, telegraph, and crumple the corrcs- inents will full into disrepute, is I It has undertaken to provide a suita-| passes to other than employes} anti it disclaims the granting of lands or ! And —was it what he said, pondenoe of weeks into the dispatch- equally clear. But it would be wise i ble and sufficient currency, and it Oregon. Portland^ Or the shadow of the ros**s es of a few minutes. Men expect to to anticipate disappointment, and must perform its undertaking. The subsidies in any form. It also rec- That made her checks so red? ALIFORNIA FRUITS RECEIVED make their fortunes before they are remove the occasion for it. Above j people will hold the Government commends that railroads and canals 1 Editor and Proprietor. Her bosom rising felling-, direct per »teamen». 1'»unify orders j fortv; and then retire to the ease and all, let no man imagine that because responsible for the faithful and < ffi- shall be constructed by Mm National tk ith hew and strange drii^ht dignity of wealth. We apply steam we can hew Hoosac Tunnels through cient performance or neglect of its j Government— the manner of Con­ structing railroads to be by contract, Tile string of jieai'ls u[«»n it to even'thing which can be made to j mountains, we can therefore level duty in this regard. Cash paid for Country Produce. all difficulties of intellectual disci- tiik qi'Ksno«* t* not w u s t ri . kments ■ to the lowest bidder; that, when con­ n42 lv Was not so white, so white. whirl faster than before. pline or attainment, or find uv m e- constitute ccukecy , structed, they should be used for the But there is a limit to this lig h t- TERM S OF SUBSCRIPTION: lie drew her down the garden. mug rapidity. There are some cliuuical substitute 1< r hard labor of They are the same as they have been j transportation of Government prop­ He would wot he^tr her “ No:‘ k O.ie roa r,........ I — but ra her which is the infiator, { erty, and, w hen not required for Go­ things that cannot be done by ma­ the braiu.— EritnyeltW Bite must g** if she loved him Siv months...... i specie of pap i? Look at home for] vernment use, all persons to have the chinery, that must have time to Who hiVed her, loved her so, Tlirp.** months. 'evidence, GaLfornia has produced. right to place cars and locomotives grow. Single copies. GKO. A. PEAsK. rnOPKIKTOK. They must go pluck the roses THE CURRENCY QUESTION. since ISIS— twenty-live years— at | thereon, ami to operate the same, But the impatience of ihe ego tries And listen to the dove: least fifty millions « year of gold and i subject to regulations to l>c provided 1 The Largest Stock on the Coast. to find some short cut to knowledge. The dove was wnoirtg, wooing-, Gold vs. Greenbacks— Which Causes silver (it will bo a undred millions! by the Government, they paying toll S. W. Coiiur of I list mid Moliseli stri • ts, Svstems of education are readjusted As he w as her— for love. this year), thus addi ig to the circula- i therefor sufficient to maintain the the Greatest Variation in Values? PORTLAND, OREGON. n!2 lv to meet the demands of the times. R\TES OF ADVERTISING: W e ublish below an extract from tion and commercial exchanges of railroad. He led her down the garden, We cannot wait for the slow revolu­ I a communication written by one of > the world, ¡?l,2."»t>,000 K M »! While the! The following is another dispatch And while her arms were round o Dl rt 1» A W I »/ tions of the suu to ripeu genius, am i 1» of the same date; the a' est financiers of the country The neck she, parting, clmig to, paper money of tlie hiited States, j Ì 210 oo 1 inch. 3 2 1» at n t ni * .*) 0U 2' 1 IM turn out finished men and women. The Cheap Transportation C o n -! to the New York /V h on the above in the same time, has been increased Bhe saw upon the ground 3 50 5 00 I OU 10 0») 1” A0 2 F h . We invoke the liot-honse stimulus. (piesti ai; less than $200,000,(Kn>— six dollars vention favors legislation, by which The String that held her necklace, 2 Fs. 4 00 A 00 0 (Ml 1? 00 17 r»o We prefer hot-air furnaces to sun­ .1 frt T 00 10 00 1 ( IÌIÌ 20 00 4 i*H, Mr. Editor, did it ever occur to of gold and silver to < ne of paper! our railroads can be regulated and With not a pearl thereon: beams. \\ hat took years for past 00 o 00 00 ¡TRANK McMILT.KN HAS ALL KINDS 25 1 > 00 1A i *i col.. i 00 improved by competition, which will you, in mourning over the high pric­ Which, then, is the ntlator— which The slender string was broken, (>f fn.it trivs for salv in Forest Grove. generations, we are eager to dispatch 0 Olì 12 liti 15 00 «0 00 OO 00 completly carry out the reform which 1 has raised values, sj -eia or pap t ? es you ttribute to paper, that gold And all the pearls were gone, v ont.. 12 00 15 00 IS 00 00 00 50 lif> EliU lT Tl!EK'',\<*,if /•> p -■ yu rs "hi 1 in months. Though the sphere of andsilvt •,utterall,maybetherealcul- ‘ “ Figures won’t lie. One is tempted legislation must inaugurate. It re- 1 col.. 15 00 20 eo no 00 50 00 00 00 Apples, Pears. On-nit**. Plums, Quinces. knowledge has widened; though sci­ Then up and down tlm-g.irden, | p its? L t us se e :l’et een 1 47 and to ask, do newspapers mean to? or coinends a national law’ providing for C CURAS TS: ence lias added immensely to the .She wandered w ith dismay, IMIS Calif >rnia produced no less do they merely suppress self-evident a bureau of commerce and transpor­ Cherry, White Crystal, Red Dutch. realms she has conquered, and though And wondered where her pearls were than $000,000,000 gold! and is now truths to uphold the obsolete, toter- tation, etc.; that members of the I'.lAi KBEUHIES: mental discipline is conditioned on And how they slipt away’ : T.or it N OTTI' e*.¡4 ° * CP ppf 1J TU' ItTr 1 )l A association shall eudeavor to obtain producing at the rate of at least $(¡0,- ing dogma of “ specie pavnieuts.” (VV ft• »1 1*M*#*nt « i\ fine fi>r c:loll Lawton and Kittatinnv. Li fixed laws that have existed from the They nestled in her bosom the passage of certain laws in tlieir ^ Modernllovels. sr'i.i onoor i Hstv »•\ *n»*'. davs of Aristotle, we are impatient of (UKi,(MH) a year. Australia between HAS THE HU V A M ) H HATE VISES. One little hour ago, respective States, including a law 18>l and i«SGi, yielded ¿130,000,000 ] ______ rutV PIt»s.•Tfirnt'î, Foi T.f ;.d fill!i e the tedious processes olpn-au isitiou, OliSAM ESTAL THEES: Before they plucked the roses; Ç» V» » * 1* > (TP »•’A l\» v;Ì »:!1PS fiir■ til*! f \rr c*fuh from making unjust and excessive ■regate *1 ,580,000,000—has other varieties. > f tiction which is constantly poured es of study, to meet the new demand, 1ÏW» t»on. s:it*sO(ine*it So round and round tlie garden li upon the public without some discrimination against places which -«n i : r n r , E n r we insist on sho it-mug tuem.— as it swollen since then to at least id ,000,- ffl >r ti;r>Oil .1,1,-<• 0,it* , y _ j’•> »iP ») are not competing points, and a law- She went with peering eyesi 0110,000. And now the annual gold doubt as to the intellectual h ibits Rose Rushes of all kinds. I the human nnnd could be quickened f ’»»/ tr* r-i ./¡s’ V hi obliging all companies to transport Oh, is not that tlie necklace product of the worldis$150,000,000. 1 LOWEtiS: which it fosters. Everv day brings bv horse-power or steam; as if meiii- the cars of other companies or of That shining yonder lies* SuKscriptìons SO!»t E lit. «w — no a rear. Tulip and Peony Imlhs. O U» jtidg i ment eoitld boi row speed individuals, for a just and impartial ’ J’is but a string of dew-drops HOUSE I'LASTS iron tue .i: legra j>h ! compensation, with the same dis­ years; that of this country lias also The wind has broken there, indeed, would be rather a rash as-I Of all kinds. No don! >t iÌK*:e is on inert1using I ks i nonnanent siuce 1804, for lie patch as they do cars belonging to Or the tears slie is shedding sumption, that they all succeed in PROFESSION AT. CARDS. ETC. yi>u! nit■ n am ug iiS W it' » • • r of littori said roods,etc. Josiah Quincy was C.:!l an«l see me Wfore ]>n iiasiiih That makes her look more fair. l iiiu . States’ notes have been re­ obtaining some kind of hearing, we i nil if :i i e U :ui.i'e to Î l ' ». i iie l’uii c ".ii ■e of duced a- much us the N ttioual 1»mk glieli*. Everyiîiiàihç warruii; «1. elected President, with Vice Presi-1 should be awe-struck by the rev­ Still round and round Ihe garden rii vii'(.. !(.»:l a < l tri 1 » AO. O i ; a :,ri .i. i hey notes have bee.i increased. Behold elation of the waste of human energy, j dents from each State, and R. H. She hunted high and low — must gat lier iq> the i- .• !■ .¡g l'aets of the ne* e i lt! The next Wittiin twenL' live It is bad enough that so many j Ferguson, Secretary. In the red hearts of the roses, sc t t : i•e iu the least lime jiossitile, yea hi eurreuey has accumulate 1 people should write such ti ish, that! session will be held at Richmond, NOTARY PUBLIC AND COLLECTOR. The lily’ s breast of snow: even at the risk of slialiow a; ■ ai ii­ bu ■ dies as fast as ]>aper currency! and the time will be fixed by the . ix . . . . so many papers should \ aste so ] Tin liio.ns they prick her flugn-s; nient aud fra;: meut;ary acquis it i on. EGAL PAPERS DR \ A N. A«'K- ;o thousand million of gdhl to five much paper m circulating t, and ! Executive Uommittee. FOREST GROVE Her fingers b»c«l nml bled, iu tlieir .mud,ed millions of paper. J ! Mil« ' :• 1«; - t.*L< .1. w ill •• • \Ve won Id not mit a atra The resolution or proposed bill It is »....n»it!v to .«ii Uns, h . s» , ntru-tt 1 t * îu- lint her heart was bleeding faster: \KTMA REì'.F. FIT AS BUTTER way. but they must not ask iIIS t tine that for the first ten or fifteen that s > many critics should be ] favoring ( Government improvement of 1 t'l 1 V doomed to give it at least a cursory ■ > .1 lu- h ci Ulte de to them vvfiat i» proT e .v Me.... . 1’i.ik, V, Oh, why was »lie not deed? years after California l»egan to yield glance. It would be still more la­ the various water routes leading from it. Fruit. Fl Ci 1.!»( •A'l'i >. (ed ill the ti For she ulcst leave the garden her product of gold and silver, the mentable if we could believe that a the West to the East, including the 1 > t educai d. Tiiev i ay Tiit*y a e . < Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, the n world was simply filling up with the And meet her mother's eyes, in li. Di • ' V nrecious metals, and therefore juices large class of reader derives chief Illinois, Michigan and Erie Canals, •1C <*.; minici 1 with fuels. They Wlio will perceive she sorrows, li.ve hlll't»' : ed many technical t: » ' s. were littleclmnged. Of late, how ever, intellectual sustenance from these1 an extent ion of the Chesapeake and A. L. J( »IJNSi >N. and ask the res«'*«» why : Dirham & Thompson, monotonous reproduction of old ma- ! HW--, e.c- (.01.0 VKLJ.SOS 1 HI. VAU EOl' ( OMMOlil lIKS l’bey may have aeq u'red a g!i And she must ineel Iter father, tenuis. How can standard literature ! Ohio Canals, etc., were adopted. u!3 It qua mi t; uce wiJi tinc comm0 to -Id per cent, even in hard mon­ of on lina y scirnec, 1 >111 to S'to; A and to them the plans for and reports W i’.. in's* the priceless necklace, become associated ‘ No. 10'.' First Street, is s itili V ey France, shows the silent but unfortunately t in m as ilit • el iv >'>'< ' ■n! of cheap transportation were refered, A l. JOHNSON. Anil line and strike her dead. p r i ; ;<» n 1M »RTLAND, nl'J 1 he world ii iivesistshle effects our gold has ac­ with much that is wearisome, and j with instructions to present the re^ n> -fd-f. an nb llsf of teems. '. //. Si-1 ' I if>l ni i' /*<,,* Jo.o>ary. limvcan the thoughts of men who find riL out in time. They will l'.ld complished there. Ir is the same in suits of the several papers to Senator O iiliiiitiu e N o. .» have really had something to say i ollt them : el V( s \\ hKit tin y u i0 Jrrt England ; ’('"although paper remains Advertising and the Panic. ALFRED KINNEY. M D., about the world—receive a due \\ indom's Transportation Commit­ Tin v uire i m »1 1 uè < W A IT . A to riil<■ . - mourn , id, i t -onsequence of share of attention when overwhelmed i tee. The convention then adjourned f life, init iueii i «. (I product, is cheapened, and Under the caption, “ Advantages L J( >HNS( >N. of articles ¡if commerce comparatively in this torrent of vapid literature? j isllCS. W 111est li 've m XT I L O -’ 3 3 O N . sLirin of advertising in Dull Times,” the n 11 H-for >l.i Hound Lfances Nobody, of course, would be pn- The world iiini> mad ■ d* arer. Old juices, then, can a diifcrent clas- New York /iVent«^ / ‘>W savs that a .so much ci mined me lies as never again come to new values. aitanic d enough to deny to In.id- I te a x i min ii c IN DF.KI M S D IT I.DING. | merchant who continued his ad vet- l)r ]>io Lewis, in his advice to disciplined iiit« llect.s. l l.e men Thank the precious metals, not the worked men and women the right 1 . corner ut Fii-t and A\iisliiu,- tisements during the w hole period of “ Our 0 iris’’ in his book of that r* Poitlaud, U k -"H. i»:t « lv w In im alone can accept as leaders, innocent paper, for that result; and ot unbending their minds over in- j stagnation in IN »7, and notwithstand­ ate m ui who think, am have I>e< n do ju-tice henceforth, to a currency noeent, if insipid, literature at odd name, says a t mely word against the y ing many perdictions that it would dist-ipliiied to think. We entrust at once the cheapest and most con­ moments. \Ye cannot all till up the immodest and impure “ German” not pay, declared that his sales were ^ ) t E j / j l f.J .J f the liehn ot the vessel nut to the tv- venient. Your beloved gold, not interstices of our lives with metaphy-; waltz, etc., for two reasons, the first RAI.KMM s T- i TT. steady and his profits satisfactory, C. A. BALL. ror. ! LAND, OREGON, ro, whatever his pluck or muscle. your much-abused paper currency, icalar scient ific or historical research- j being a sanitary one, and the second i while many merchants sat around We call in for the cr’tieal hour of has inflated ju ices everywhere. Here, rs. But certainly it is a natural im- ‘ a moral one. For the first, he says B A L L A- S T O T T , AfT'irds adviintagi* for the thorough and juession that the lmbit of endless; that the rotary motion is injurious to him, who couldn’t advertise, saw practii-ftl Business Education of young and danger, not t lie most accomplished then, is explained— it is hoped satis- story-telling and endless story-; the brain and spinal marrow, and their clerks stand idle behind their A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W , middle-aged men. Send for Colleg** l ’ajx r. (piaci but die expei iciiced pliysician. I faetorily— the question you ask “ as reading is hardly likely to encour- j that the peculiar contact between counters. There could not be a nJT lv D e FRANGE k JAMES. Surely our tunes d.-maud an iu- to the fact of the almost universal No. ♦> Dfkum's Rlw-k, If not dc-j man and woman is very apt to sug­ i better testimonial to the efficacy of e ease in the number of thoroughly rise in prices which has taken place age strenuous thought. PORTLAND, OREGON. moralizing in the sense of actually i gest impure thought. We can forgive i advertising. It it is a wall authentic educated men. What we demand of within the last ten or twelve years. POST OFFICE HOURS. | cated fact that during prosperous cT)iv our colleges is that they sliail give It is only remarkable that the e - encouraging vice, it is perhaps de- j Byron for many things he wrote times the house that advertises when we remember his manly, and moralizing in the sense of softening; Mcil go ng soi-th rlu e~> nt S m .; Al.dl them to us. And we want the genu­ planation did not occur to you. 1 the intellectual fibre. A man raised I indignant protest against tha waltz: larglv is the house that flourishes. goi.i g e. -t c»o c ; :-i 1 r. m . Office hours on ine article, not tinsel or show. We have given mv view of Indeed, the testimony of the Snnd.-v from lil;dUto 11 A. M. FOREST GROVE LODGE NO. 136, upon lice pudding and water-gruel ! “ Net Clenpatra on her galley's deck prefer not to be mocked by having x'ÿ'N o dcp.niure from ties rule. tiik cu si: of i miancf . o rnic s Displayed so much ofl.-c i»r more"of neck greatest merchants in the laud, the would not have strong bones and I X . O . G . T . N. E. GOODELL. the whitewash of seientiiic lecturing Than thou, ambrosial waltz, when first largest sliij) and steamboat owners, But I would ask you, who mustele- ^rm muscles; and amimi nourished Post Master. substituted for close study. And for member the panics of i and o< n tlio moon I | f .F.TS AT ITS H ALL EVERY SAT the most successful men of all classes, in :1 v ORDA Y evening at C o ’clock. Al tlye article we want, we expect to they did not occur in consequence by modern novels would hardly be | Belidd tliee whirling to n Kuxon tune;" is universally to the same effect, memhers <»f the Order in good standing ar- pay. It will cost something. The of the export of a f( w extra millions fitted for vigorous iutellecual labor. 1 He wrote in his finest strain of that advertising is the veritable bread m'iJdv In spite of the outcry about sen- ■ eordiallv invited to attend. v o lili' man who fancies I k l a s Son­ of gold to "Would they sationuli sin, the bulk of our novel1 sarcasm. The Doctor says, “ Let a upon the waters which turns unto xttrope? ins cnmi rii to jicvl’cct himself by a have happened could thev, if the couple stand iu the presence of a literature is dull and colorless enough | company, with their arms about each them after many days; and if there few months superficial acquaintance few more mill - A R C H IT E C T A N D B U IL D E R . banks had jiosses'c is any time in which the advantage FRANK L- STOTT, with books, will timl thal lie lias ions of specie? < r.' iuly not, and in all conscince. The objection to other, andjthcir persons in contact for of advertising is more particularly it is not that it is enervating; and i the ‘German’— let them sinml thus made a great mistake. No genius, so the banks su A 11 o r i» e y - a t - L a w , d. A general when Air. Trollope was delivering intertwined -what should we think? felt, it is during and after the de­ TILL FURNISH ri.ANS AND Sl’ EC- no improved methods of study, no aud ruin of prostrai ion of i pression consequent upou a panic. 11 li.J.S H))H<). Olì Fs IO V. tions for Buildings of all d< scrip- \v c it.'dogiies, can make fortunes tin n too a i,uice, although an address to youths who had won The dance is made the excuse for Not alone is the keeping np of ap* al »ridged Office in new Court House. >u|ii rintend the constructions of turns ¡e: <>f actual application, in specie-paying times, when all this prizes, in some kind of iutellecual wluit, without it, would he gross in­ j>eavances a sine

for lac til»- sa i Hand ra iling. N< well posts nnd Balusters, The ol i­ inal curse of sin that extracts happened! How much more disas­ competition, he would perhajts have delicacy.’ He says that he has many ful trade,.but we must never lose spoken more to the purjiose if in­ times asked the young men what they also, all kinds of solid furniture, viz: Bed­ la!» >r in tlie sweat of the brow, has trous that .than this? The simple sight of the fact that, however the \Y. II. S A Y L O R , M . D ., steads. Tallies. Bureaus, Stands, ,Vc., on ne\ er 1 >een repealed stead of proving that Dickens does thought of it. and aft It never will truth is, we have now the best finan­ . !}!i* ^ 'v,iS seller may I k : depressed in the day of reasonable ì-rin». Shop and office over Physician and Surgeon. be. If in the e sphere of muscle it. cial system we ever bad, for us. And not teach us to lie misers and de­ jo lly that they liked it first-rate, ; t it »it 1 >Ie .some one has been invariably ■Johnson's Plaining Mill. Forest Grove. were possible, Produce taken i.i exchange. * y it is not in the sphere it h'.s this one special advantage, bauchees, he had shown under what ihox ha\% geneialh, when urged to shrew«i enough to lav bv a store for FOREST GROVE. - - - - OREGON Dickens and other tell him seriously tlieir conviction, a rui|iv ,iliv while hundreds have 14: t u II 3I< Donald of mind. It has been we well said “ The that while it is good for us, it offers conditions modern writers may be used for pur­ confessed that, knowing how men hoarded uj» in anticipation of this OFFIUE—At th«* Drag Store. man who should build a railroad tqi no attraction to foreigners, so they RESIDENCE -Corner Secoud Block smith poses of rational relaxation without the hill of science, would people the are not tempted to tamper with it. feel and sometimes talk aboutit, if ; very crisis. These men want to buy DWELLING HOUSES AND STORE of the Drug Store. m‘2 2:ly summit with blockheads.” That As to a “ gold standard” we have crushing the loftier imaginative or they were women they would not in­ - they must buy--and their trade TO R E N T. reasoning faculties under a weight is an article we do not want. The that and always shall have. naturally rtoxvi» toward* the house But of common-place moralizing and in­ dulge. man that proposes to build the rail­ England takes our double eagles, our ! that advertises the most, nnd appears Love m^Swiden. dolent representation of every-day 2EVEIÏAL rOMFORTAULE ELL- road, need not ask us to subscribe K. D. BHATTU« K. b- XÏLLXX. to keep its head highest above water. cot.' m , or our wheat, only after they life. —Sol'1 eds’i I!•’i‘n'in. ¡11«' il •uses und one Store-house to rent to the stock. The enterprise is Sh aft ne k A K i l l i n , Whatever a man does in the midst of in < Htrtship and marri ige are made equivalent to the pound conveniently situated in the t'itv of Forest worse than a waste of capital. It sterling. So France turns our coins The many freinds of Mrs. T. J. K\v( .¡en are peeu’ iav instilu ions. a financial trial, so long as his ship (>ove. * J. ï ! SCOTT. A T W U S E YS A XJI CO i XS ELO U December l»»th, l-^Td. ie!7 lm must prove a positive nuisance. or commodities into francs; and at Hutisilker.s family were sadly shock­ Du Cnaillu says: “ 1 saw one match will float at all, let him advertise. IVe have no doubt there . are many Frankfort the same equation takes ed on last Wednesday, on learning made: He met her at the gate and | It will strengthen his credit then AT LAW. N O T IC E . persons who think that a four years’ ]>lace. Europe can take her choice that Mrs. Huusaker had suddenly poked li is fingers in in r ribs, and and forever after; it will bring to his Dekum’s Building. First Street, course of college study might be of all our commodities; the one she died. She 1 a 1 ri e i in usual h< alth saiil : I wan t to get married, don’t store or his counting-house scores of h o s e w i s h i n g t o a v a i l t h f . m - PORTLAND, OREGON. selvi-s of the New Series of school bonks materially and profitably abbreviat­ would like least, no doubt, is gold, on Wednesday morning. A few min­ von ? ’ ‘ Oh, I don’t know. Go ; customers who, from the dispeatatice • ut the “ introductory rates,” which arc ¡UP j ed. They would set aside “ the utes aftrrward she was seized with a • Yes yon do; lets get mnr- of their old freinds from the adver­ cents h ss than they will sell at after the e/i-tid languages.” They would elim­ for they can eat our butter, cheese, fit of epilepsy. The best medical away. ‘ Well*, ask papa.’ ‘ No, tising lists, limn imagined them lied.’ wheat and pork, and our cotton will time mentioned below, would do well to send in their orders to Dr. Saylor’s Drug Store inate whatever is not .of immediate help to keep alive a population not aid failed to render any relief, and never mind him, we ll get married defunct. In every respect it will THOMAS H. TONGUE. before the tenth of January next. All orders practical use. But they forget what too well fed. If then, Iheif do not she expired at 1 p . m . The funeral anyhow.’ And lie went mound tell­ pay. This is the experience aud is the education means. must t»e ace»impallidì by the They have no want our gold, ond we have little use was on friday and, notwithstanding ing everybody he saw, ‘ I ’m going the testimony of the most successful books are sold on (•«•wiuissiou A t t o r n e y - at - L a w , appreciation of the imoortaiieo of for it, its only purpose and effect the day was intensely stormy, the to marry that -u l.’ The prepara­ business men in the United Suites. I » ■•■»¡ot dl - dine. Their ideal of will be to inflate prices! If this be funeral wrs very largely attended. tion continued during the three — Chivrtfi» Infer-Oernv. HilUboro, Washington County, Oregon. (mining is simply a crammed mem­ so, had we not better p ohibit its l)r. Atkinson, aided by Revs. Wirth weeks required by law to have the J . R Eugene loo n m l: William Cum ory, ririher than intidectual vigor. production? It is clearly the cause of and Judy,conducted the funeral ser­ buns published in the churches. - , T , DF.AI.Er. IX The relation of the study of “ the enhanced prices! Perhaps this feeling vices at tin* Congregational Church, Fishes were oauelit, stores for the “ ,na' ° ! J '» “ '11“ " . «im ng the week FOREST GROVE LODGE, No. 136, ; dead ’ align c c s to this, js to them may account for die alarm some of w hich she was a mendier during feast laid in, i.. ri lo w e d , nod editing , AT’ for tlie . • 1 i i , • e J i round sum of $22,500. The same i ignorance, they tiuvrv t<• conclusions . , . ’ ' » “ . specie lrotn Lugland. How funny! circle of friends, and many were heat ions are indulged in for a week, i , CORNELIUS, OREGON. e e t s a t it s h a l l e v e r y s a t - I in direct conflict with the lessons of those who joined their tears with CIIUOMO 1 • Alt of papeu Tins couple were married. Thev ° ff. to" ‘ Sl>n" g niday evening, nt 6 o ’clock. All j experience. ' l,u “ ra« t" «*me m- It fit mx d sold. Sudden dread ot gold. But our pa­ those of the stricken and sorrowing then went from the church to Ihe members of the Order in good standing are All kinds o f rr»d nit :ly cordially invited to attend. honse, aud the bridesmaids locked thesale wa. not comp eted. We trust that our colleges will per currency we do want! And want family. stand firm to the duty assigned them, it adapted as to volume, and by wise The population of Nebraska was the bride io her room. The gr.H.m . ? “ » *‘ uct of la" d ' “ nJ and for which they were founded adjustment fitted to meet all the ex­ 28.000 in 1800. It is estimated at knocked nt the door. ' H * - l i i ' ! * " “ ? l’ rove re.uunei^Uve to J o l m C o o p e r , HOLBROOK L O D G E NO. 3 0 , and endowed. It is not for them to igencies of this wide country and 300,000,and half this increase has will you give to come in ? ' • Two lmrehnser. __ ___ shift their policy with the caprice of large business. It is evident the been made since 1870, when the last, cows and £5.’ ‘ That’s not enough.’ A young lady of Elmira, New A. F. & A. M. IJ E X TI ST A X D J E W E L E 11 the hour. That policy which has body politic has outgrown— used uji census was taken. And yet Nebraska ‘ Three cows and $10.* * Oh, you are York, spent four years iu learning AS FOREST GROVE, OREGON Meets been so uniformly adopted in assign­ — its limited, vital circulation— am­ is not near so good a country either rich; you must give more tlmn that.’ Greek, Latin, Freuch and Spunish, Saturday before the Full Moon in o l ic it s t iie p a t r o n a g e o f t h e ing their course of regular study, is ple as it was nine years ugo. That in soil,climate, or with reference to Five cows and 825 was the final and then married a vegetable ped­ each month. Brethren in good Grove. \V>rrk warranted. Office cor. auding arc atinvited to attend. not the mere result of accepting the dler. circulation must now be rejAcniuhrd, its market facilities, as Oregon. offer, which "a s accepted." M&lnut and Pine Streets. n39 ly. BUSIN O VR A NO RAILROAD TO KNOWLEDGE. BOOT & SHOE HOUSE À 1 . Fruit T re e s for S a le . ^ i kill 4 ( V i ti k S . H ughes, il t .. .. • -» .-va 1 rv C 4 1 , iL/v i^. d , N ew M eat M arket ! 1 Y O / H . M c D o n a ld , « « ■. i ,1, S' T M S / 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ , * I* I 1 - L T 1 1 L' i . i .. . . . .