FOREST GROVE, VO L. 1. THE INDEPENDENT. W ASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, The River of Time. CITY ORDINANCES. SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1874* NO. 43, Grains of Gold. garments and darn their tattered one of the partnership, but for both socks, afld the lone bachelor trans­ The vow includes in its letter and An ordinance to restrain sheep and swine ; A reconciled friend is ajdouble en­ fixes liis thumbs (his fingers are all spirit the solemn obligation o f cleav­ PUBI ISP k ÌS AT from running at large. O r d in a n c e No- 1- Oh, n wonderful stream is the River Time, emy. thumbs) in futil endeavors to make ing unto this new ^nd exclusive own­ TUK PKOPLK OP THK TOXrjf OF FOREST OROTB | As it Hows through therwilra of tenrs, . : . 1 . Oregon. his Wardrobe presentable. A widow­ ership. No man should transgress, Forest Grove, 1)0 OKll.UN AS fo llo w s : A willful man bad need to be very A n ordinance to provide for the collec ­ With a faultless rhythm and a musical rhyme, er has only to look at a woman and for by so doing he may invite unclean tion and disbursement of THE REVE- i As it blends with the ocean of years. wise. SBCTiot 1 . No swrino or sheep shall be i • • nues of F oukst G rove . hint a proposal and he is accepted lips tc speak her name. The wan- allowed to run at large in the Town of For- 1 A wise man hath no more ballast withouta word or protest, a murmur dering of eye and thought and fancy L U C est Grove, except when being driven through . S ection !. 'Hie people of the Town of j How the Winters are «mining like flakes of snow! _ , than sail. the Town in which case thej must be driven i Forest Grove do ordain as follows: That 1 or a sigh. is forbidden. W e leave so much to And the Summer like buds between; • the Board of Trustees at their tirst regular without unnecessary delay. I know an old widower who is the vision, and so little to the imag- A man can do without his own ap­ Yilitor and Proprietor. S ec . 2. Ii shall be the duty of the meeting after the municipal» election, or as And the year in the sheaf—so they come and they go,t — , now living with his* fourth wife, a | ination, that we ieave our wives to probation in much society, but he Marshal to take up auj such animal or ani­ soon thereafter us may be practicable shall j On the river’s breast with its ebb .and flow, mals. found running at large within the lim­ appoint nil Assessor, a Collector and . a I must mako great exertions to gain it most lovely and estimable woman, , the promiscuous emdraces o f a stran- its of the town of Forest Grove, except as PieaSnror, who shall- b° legal voters, aid J As they glide in the shndox** and sheen. ( % v when he lives alone.— [Sydney Smith. who is nearly gone with the quick ger. provided in the foregoing section, and to shall continue in office for the term of i ue j There’s a magic isle up the River Time, consumption; and I know o f a dozen , immoral tendency of . dancing . i confine and keep it or them in a pound or year and until their successors are appointed Turn oyer a new leaf! Ah, those Where tlm softest pi airs are playing; fascinating females who are alarm- Dr. Htone represents dancreg as TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: j enclosure, and to provide any such animal j and qualified. There’s a cloudless sky and a tropical clime, new leaves! If half of them are S ec . 2. Said officers shall each, before ingly profuse in their expressions of one of the striking tendencies o f . JÜ 50 or animals with proper rare and food while And a voice ns,R vesper chime, One year,---- turnend over that are talked about, entering upon their respective duties, «{nid­ 50 I so confined. sympathy for him, in the matter of blighting of morals. A young wmn .. 1 And the Junes with the roses staying. Six months,.. what ft gigantic volume would they S ec . 3. Any animal or animals mentioned ify in the same manner as like Comity .. 1 po his prospective bereavement. I trust once remarked, after flancing in a n»r**c months 10 in section tirst of this ordinance found run­ Officers, except that the official undertaking And the name of this isle is Long Ago, iorm m the life of even- one of ns! Single copies. they are prompted in their words of crowded ball room. “ If another,*n‘ shall be to the Town of Forest Grove; the ning at large within the limits of the town And wc bury our treasures there; j l mty by motives of pure philanthropy, were i to hug Thoughts come into our minds 1 > may be taken up by «ay fierson nd delivered j amount of Bond to be fixed and approved There arc 1 grows of booutv and bosoms of nug ana hndr anrank^ tera c - u w f * ’wife to the Marshal, and it shall be the duty of b> Board of Trustees. . oïl These disinterested women will be a as I did that lady I would never avenues which we never ’ left open, the Marshal to confine such animal or uni- RATE* o f ADVERTISING : Affinity, al­ bt dn8t’ but W° loVcd them | and thoughts go out of Olir m inds b y great comfort to him, poor man, speak to her again.” ; n'.tds as proridod in the foregoing section. j Treasurer slndf l go veined in ' thrir o f f i S lh e,^ )f W » 2 when she is gone. 1 M 3 in avenues which (we never voleutarily though the word hVs been much 1 !m . S kc . i. The Marshal shall innmdittrip duties by the p no: al laws of tl.e State gov- j Thcr’c ar# ^ n k et* and tresses of hair, ¡10 ( i - ----- .--------------------- Ui—: give notice of the taking up of any such ; ermng like G ouiity Officers, wherever said j opened,— [Emerson. 1 inch. $ 2 IMI ? 3 (Ml;ï ó OOi abused, is another idea that should 5 IK* 7 on 10 on 15 p14. , animal or animals. an* Board, and return made at shall th-livt r such ai iuial or animals to such ; ter lessons as we ought. NVheu the wind down the river was fair. ! er for slow and heavy draft. He subsequent insertion. thfl regular meeting of the Beard in Octo­ owner t'r his iej>n st litatives. Be gentle, for the nolile hearts | had seen in Palestine, a b-oman and The tastb for emotion mnyhecome Oh remembered for aye lie the blesse«! isle, I ¡»oil Ser. *!. If any such animal or animals ber of each year. At times may have some grief, Isual Adrertisrnmits t -« tu’ ¡ylid a donkey yoked together at the’plow, S ec . 7. 'i'h** Assessor shall receixe f ir All the «lay of our life till night. shall remain unclainie«] in the enstotty of And even in o*fr«*ttisli world a dangerous taste; we shouhi be very nut king proof l>y Ute PubPsher. each day actually and necessarily employed And when the evening comc-s with its beau­ and he tliouhthe had sbensuch fellow- tli< Marshal at the expiration of five days May seek to find relit f. cautious how we attempt to squeeze Sul*soriptions «ent Last, $2 oo a year. tiful smile. * from the giving of tin notice required by in making and returning assessment, Two ships nearerliome. May and Decem­ Bu gentle, fur unkindness now And our eyes. <«re closing in slumber awlnle. out of human life more ecstasy and - ti. »11 four of this rtlinanee, the Marshal Dollars per day. ber cannot revel in joy, for in the May mise an angry storm, Mav that “ Greenwood” of soul be bright. paroxism than it can well afford.— The Collector shall receive as fall com­ shall pn >«•**• ii to sell the same at public PROFESSION AL CARDS, ETC. miction veins of one is the pulsating ardor of That all the uft«-r y**ars of life pensation on all moneys by him collected II Sydney Smith. to the highest bidder for cash; and In vuin may seek to calm. spring, and in the other the chilling after tie hu-ting liis legal fees and all costs, ami paid into the Treasury, five p* r cent. Bits of Fun*. 4 eharg-s and < \p« n»t - of taking up. keeping The Treas n r shall receive as full compen­ Attraction acts on all ami at all I frosts qf. winter. It was a qusint Be gentle; perfect, there is none; a* 1 selling, shall pay the piooeeds into the sation, op all moneys received, two per cent, distances. To feel repulsion we I proposal that an old bachelor once Thou’rt sei*vos: “I and on ail moneys paid out. two p< r cent. Town Treasury. i must be very near. It is a pretty j Then, husband, bear and still forbear, made to a young girl; “ Madame, tfiTARY PUBLIC AND COLLECT-»R. Passed by the vote of the Board April 7th never place reliance on a man who And if tin owner of any property so Be gentle to thy wife. and personal feeling; orjat the best, ; will you do me the honor to become 1873. sold, nr l'.is legal representatives shall at is telling what he would have «lone J i ’K- 1 ■any time within one year from such salt*, A. S. WATT. is the protest of natural affinities ’ EGAL PAPERS DRAWN. my widow ?” And in all such cases 1 have noticed Mill ntt. nd i ii k»* s-,ti f -tory proof of his ownership, J nowl ig- meats t;«k«n. Prest dud Board Trustees. hatt he been there, Rev. Dr. Stone Discoursing or the againit unsought proximity.— [Mrs. he believed this would be the proper that somehow this kind of people promptly to a li basine -s « ntrusted to his he or ta» y sh ill b*> entitled to n*c<*ive such A. L. JOHNSON. Lowell. Beauties and Obligations of Mar ried form of proposal. R'eTmement and i lv ii 1 Reorder. n41:2w never do get there.” pr e. 1 - -,» il ]H»,-iie,l in the Treasury. ear»*. Life. intelligence should not be mated Sj 7. Ai.y p rsen or persons who shall Speaking truth is like writing fair, N. , In Nevada a contemplative Digger H. ’1 . i «H1 m rs.! ► G in H. DtT.lIAM, .• . -r tt ■ : ¡it to r l-'.ase such animal or O r d in a n c e \ o . 2, ------ with coarseness and ignorance. Indian sat watching a party of base­ anil comes only by practice; it is less JiL'ti■tet .Worn py. ailin' i Is fi • - id without the consent Rev. A. L. Stone continuedhislec- Such contraries should not be wed- An Ordinance creating the office of Strict ball players, who seined to him to l>e a matter of will than of habit; and of the Me ■dial, hai' on <*< nvietion tlv-reof D n r h a m . it » Fil t Str. et. ( 4 i !* ù e o » o r d a i n as f o l l o w s : Si , « 1 . \n\ p ns or person who shall A young gentleman at Kansas City, N . vsrse ol the 2d chaptes of Genesis: marriage is the best reproduction - < Iti 7A ; • >* S ection 1. That ii" Ui i-.nnunllv be r » > 1 a TÍ- \ N !\ - - - - - d iv r ay s'.*,"in or sti *cp into the Town sent seventy-five cents to Nc w York About Widowers. “ Therefore shall a man leave bis OF MAN S LOST PLACE IN PARADISE. fr »ni with ut. fiM* the purpose of having appoint«-*! bv tin Board ‘of Trust* * s a Hua i■* D. « father and his mother, and shall su h anima t iti-irsui’ id* « si iati be siller* t to Commissioner whose «luti- s shall lie defined rrren tly for a method of writing Marriage implies a complete mu- a : L F R E D 3 : 1 : ; n 2 j , H without pen or ink. He received the They wear woods upon their time­ cleave unto his wife, and they shall tual self-surrender, but there sh'ohld a fin * of n ti. .n tv. tiitv nor more than from time to time by the Board. S ec . 2. The Strict Commissi. m**r shall. following inscription in large type, worn hats. They wear sanctimon-1 be one flesh.” hffv Ó«»!': a The reverend gen- be one and the same _______________ spirit of loyalty r-v ". ! 'Q S k > . it. I he Ai irshal "1 1 entitled to 1 av - * xclus' .e control of all crossings, side­ on a card—»“ Write with a pencil.” C 3 r -Í-J O ïâ t ious countenances. They are easily tleman sain that the marriage lie is to truth and goodness, aud the whole r* 'sii- as h i . 1 » i d f«*“s. lift« « cuts for each walks and shad.; or ether trees within the ■*- * A A institution *** ** of •• human *■* - should - ----- be i John Randolph met a pers.»nnl ene­ distinguished from other men by ren- * the first life and * wealth and ’ nature of - each an*l * very swine hr shall t ik e up and li.i- limits of the streets. t ;. G TV GU IL S ec . 1 . No person shall be allow « «Ito cut son ot their subdued and solemn air; » -isi o ;»n*l t'vrntv-rivr cen*s br each sheep, my in the street one day who refused ft y T T » F. IN 1i):.;K r:»î S and human fellowship. Other ties, ‘ made over to the common stock, •■» tt 1.’ * 1 - also for tl.. keeping <>f * :«••!« : inch animal he d« iwn or mar «iuy growing tr< a- v ¡thin t h«*str>«t 4 9 N. AV. ci-.u r >: 1 ii>» t » to give him half of the sidewalk, and their tender consideration for however sacred, are secondary to There must be no reserves, no private Li-Ji lv shell receive twenty-five cent 1 for each day limits excepting by written p» i m’ -sion of ts. P o ti a 1. < »r* _ >n lo 1 ï* sweet young ladies of sixteen or this one. The heart has to forego or personal goods, no divided profc- ¡« shall remain in bis eo-to V . f ir each the Sfre* ♦ ('•■iinii'—iom r. a« 1 all persons saying that he never turned out for Randolph, thereabouts. ;.U « edi ­ m nt tin Marshal shall he entitled o!b nding uga:ii-t liiis section, ujion convic­ a rascal. “ I d o” , says every cherished thought for this erty in the treasures of intellect and ST 0 ! rr. Al.EÎ -H R ’I hey are usually «juite anxious to transcendent and imperial union, sensibility; such reserves will build to r i * fiftv cents, and f >r each side he tion theia f, sh ill 1 fintal at the «liscre- stepping aside ami politely raising his C. A. BAT.]L. tion of th» Re« .:d«r from one to twa nty .-in 11 be entitled » receive one dollar. marry again, and are seldom unsuc­ God made man for this very end. uj) a solid wall of Eolation. Re- hat, “ Pass on.”; on : te.ii brought by the Strict j P a n V other son ti-*n the Mars 1 «1 r S T O TT, Iî A L L A young lady who had coquetted cessful in their various matrimonial f he joy o f Paradise was that of the serve on the one side or on the either shall tul.e up nnd deliver t-i ti in" d it l ominisviiner, for < •« h uu«l every tree s' s he « ul « 1 * > n i* l.air.. d. Avith her beau until his patience was endeavors. They know how to han­ bloom and beauty of the fragrant »will react and produce the same ,\ T T O li N l'. Y S . A T L l AV. tlir i ’uii’d any Kiieii Hui.ird <«r an’ S*. I Tiiut > fe t on each si«Ie of al s ‘ , jl 1 ). . I . t u i i t o 11 1 IV«» t :i. • s th* completely exhausted aud lie rose to dle a woman; they understand her earth, and here man, blessed with , baneful influences which turn one Marshal w. »uldbe entitled to r No. 0 D ’ .«Un a B.OCJ», r the str*-» ts i . i cm rved and s t apart for side­ away , whispered, as she accom­ whims and caprices;, they aTe posted fellowship with G od, the crowned one wav, and the other the other walks. nt.d that wlui. v,r shall b ' aiuue service. with regard to the exact location of regent of a new and fair creation, way, until love and frankness and PORTLAND, CREGON. S ec . b*. Tliis ordinance si. .11 i ff ct i .*ii truc’ i l unih r til .lir«« tnai o.’ tl’.e Streit ' panied nim to tin* door, “ I shall be the vulnerable corner in the heart, was imperfect and incomplete. Edt-b heart, aud all .self-surrender gives n 3 5 : l y ________________________________ anil lx» in fore* from and aft r th first dix C'oi. nii- sion« r a gooil aid sn::k: nt -!«'«• ri homo no\* sun «lay evening. “ ’ So " ■ bv at 1 - -t Mur fe. i m wiilih, ol the i«ia- and they besiege this tender spot so lacked its dearest, terrestrial treas- j way to mutual suspicion. of February, a . d . lM7t. There shall I ,” her« plied. i i. ii for com i , -uc and a q lartcr im hes in Tas-t d January llith, 1-74. assiduously that they rarely fail to ure, until another and fairer self was may also be a harmonious fcllowsbio thickness -across two n*lj u nt block.», the A merchant wno has a class in ! effect a conquest. AHIO WATT. FOREST GROVE LODGE NO. 136 created in the ursuit of evil, but no agree- street crossings shall be put in at the expense SlindlV- rhool askoi “ What is 1‘reMdent Po>¡"d Trustees. Widows are particularly fond of of the Town. LOVE, JOY AND HOPE. ment should fpr the pursuit ould be mode, made for riursuit X. O . G . T . A. L. JOHNSON. Passed by vo*c cf the Board, April 7th, solitude?” ami was visibly distilrl>ed widowers.. They even prefer n sec- No more ravishing picture has of sensuous gratification or accumu­ . Recorder. when a miserable boy e e t s a t it s h a l l e v e r y s a t 1*73. V answered,’‘ 7 The I ond-rate one to a first-class bachelor. been presented in the whole ratige lation of wealth. Marriage is de­ n42 It FKDAY evening at fi o'clock. Al AIIIO S. WATT, store that don’t advertise.” i I can account for tins upon no other of poetry than two hearts united by signed for co-working in good; for members of the Order in good standing ar- Preside id. A toper the other night got at the j theory than that they find it a labor- the bridal tie. Prose is too common­ mutual health, strength and cheer; eordiallv iiiMtOil to attend. nr 2 J:ly BUSINESS CARDS. a . L. JOHNSON, J«'* -order. ii 12 lxv yeast jug and took a swig. Putting ious anil difficult undertaking to in­ place to express it; it must be set to a school of wise and happy training ! it down he culled out to his wife, struct the uninitiated bachelors in music, for in our modern degeneracy for the young. It is the emblem of / O rd in a lir e No. .5. I ‘ Say, Jane, I wish you wouldn't the mysterious arts and rudiment« there is no liotlr so blessed as that .< • r FRANK L. STOTT, the mystic union of Christ with the mix that chicken feeil over the cider of hooking their dresses and per­ where two hearts, fully joined, Pike Church. It is better every way fo f Concerning offences and disorderly eon / A t t o r n e y - a t - L a xv jug, it’s ’miff to make a hog sick.” forming those other necessary and upon themselves duet. marriage vows, man to be ajene mid for woman to . f // 7 " t i f s h o - ) 1 The yea it made him hop soon after- essential acts and duties appertain. T he TEori e of the T own of F orest jTJL r.s no no. o n poo v. Here is found the one life of all; each ! be alone tuan to b(e conspirators G love no or. tain , as follows ; Office iu new Court House. ‘ Who dares to spit tobacco juice mg and belonging to householdeW>n- j giv-s all it has to love; all its stores against the welfare of society but rORTLAND, OREGON, shall i __ a S ei tton 1. That any person who »muí \ fin* any pistol, jjun or riti«.*, or any othvr j ^ flooi. satftgely usked a omy and domestic facility while a j of thoi^ht’ all its feelings of tender- in that happy state, where we see Affords ndvnntugi'S f«>r th** thorough anil speri«-» of fire-arnis, within th** limits of ¡he burly passenger on the Mobile train, j widower from long prevnous practical | ness, all its W . II. S A Y L O R , 31. D., confidences. Hope onr brightest' smiles reflected from pmctieai Foi-in. s s* ytion nf yrnng ;«n«l another’s face, we have the best Physician and Surgeon. midille-agetl inen. P*» th * for College Fii])«*r. «production of man’s lost place In n37 ly Di i KA,X a .1 ‘. « v JAMES. FOREST GROVE. - - - - OREGON 'aradise.— S. F. ItulU Un. they OFFICE—At tin* Drag Store. r .)S T OFFICE HOI RS. days: Provided, That the Marshal may jar A Good Turtle Dog. “ Pat, ’ ’said a traveler, “ why did training. Out in the wilderness they have RESIDENCE Corn« r Second Block south know a young widow Mail g< ng -outli elost s at H x. m .; M «il mit on days of public celebration, any you make the stone.wall around your of tke Drug Store. m22:ly found again the Eden that was lost, appropriate display of fire-arms anil other going oust ctoses at l r. m . Office liuurs on “ I f any noily ha? seen a black and tan j shanty so thick? “ Why, please yer Sh**isa tall, elegant, ami warm-heart­ for what spirits of all the heavenly instruments nr.m* «1 in this section’. Sunchiy fr«>m 10:3uto 11 a . m . S ec . 2. No person or persons shall ri«le ' honor, lheur they have extrornora ed woman; she is dignified in her band are stronger and truer than • . suvrrrcK. or drive any horse or horses, mule or mules, ! high winds in Americy, so I manners, cheerful in conversation, these three— Love Joy and Hope? sa.V8 the Peoria Reririr, going down N. F. GoniH.F.L. or any beast of burthen within the corporate S l i a t t m k N. K i l l i n , and stylish in her attire. She has . Post Master. now marriage may BE pehpetuated . I the street in ori»np*hT with a hard- thought it I build it about ari thick limits of this Town, at a greater speed than I n7 :ly The basis upon which, agreeably ! sUeU. • ^tuitle that won’t answer tq six miles per biiur. under a penalty of not [ us it was high, if it should Wow over pearly teeth, red lips, a pair of ten­ d 7 7 ^ /? v / : r * J.VD C O V S 8 E L O R less than live nor more than fifty dollars. it would be just as high Rs it was der bewildering eyes, aud a lngh in­ to the will of G od, marriage may be \ anything, and certainly won’t answer S ec . 3. No person shall suffer or permit afore, yer honor.” tellectual forehead,., surmounted by perpetuated, is the union of one man ! t<> tackle, as the dog will tell you if AT LAW . to go, or shall lead, drive, or ride any horse, ii Wealth of waving hair. Her w ith . one woman. There was but I ,vou can on^J Uet him to stop long W e have seen a stick of wood Dtknin’s Hiiilding, lirM Stri et, mule, or other beast of burthen upon any hands are soft, small and slen der,! one Adam and one Eve. By Divine ! enough; please to halt the eloping A R C H IT E C T A N D B l lL D E R , side-walk within the corporate limits, under weighing scarcely four ounces full PORTLAND, OREGON. and ehe possesses as pretty of little j prescription, thev twain “ shall be ! I'air as. they are thp property o f the a penalty of nut less than five nor more than ' from a b o v ’ s arm ’ and striki»" on his thirty il liars. " —• 1 - * ° O r d in a n c e No. 6 . BY B. P. TAYLOR. j S . Hughes, I E M 7 H . M cDonald, THOMAS H. TONGUE. Attorney - a t - L a w , Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon. J o l m C o o p e r , /> K A* T IS T .1 X T) J E W E L E Ii • S O L I C I T S THE PATRONAGE OF THE ) V Grove. li’orA' mo-ranted . Office c««r. Walnut and Pine Str« « ts. n3’.» ly FOREST GROVE LODGE, No. 136, I. O. G. T.f eets at M it s hall e v e r y sat uniay evening, at ^ o ’clock. All mt inb. r« of tlu* Order in good standing arc »••nliidlv invit* <1 to ah« ml. w S ec . 4. Any person or persons who shall resist any peace officer, or who shall refuse to assist him in tin* discharge of his duties, or who shall by any mean* whatever ai«l or assist any person in custody upon charge of the violation of any ordinance of this Town, in his endeavor to »-scape from such custody whether such cm-iqic shall be effected or not, shall, on conviction, be lined not less than tv . nly-flve nor more than one hundred D:U.u It. 3l<*DouaIus< » and mie St« «r*—lu «ns«- to r» n t W74. ‘ . ; cqnv* ni« ntly situated in the Citv of Forest AHIO S. WATT, Giove. j . T. SCOTT. President Board Trustees. DocemWr lOth, 1M3. n37 lin A. L. JOHNSON. Recorder. * n 4'2 lw 'IL L FURNISH PLANS AND SPF.C- ificnti«>ns f«>r Buildings of all descrip- tiniiK nn«l superinti'iid tlu* constructions of ........... > tlit* »time: also. Itridg«* and St »ir buildm Hand railing, Newell ,posts .and Balqatersi also; «11 Vinds of solid furniture viz Beil- »t. :i«l-. Tables, Bureaus, Stands, «¡v** , Oil reasonable t« rms. Shop and offi«:e o m r •loluisoii's Pliiining Mill. Forefit Grove. Produce taken in exeh. jige. Dü’ O T I C E . h o s e w i s h i n g t o a v a i l t i i f . m - selves of tl^* New Series of school Looks he “ introductory rut«*s,” which an* 33 ' t ut the C O R N E L I l S I .O D G L \ I . O . O . F . ! r«u,H 1, ss than Un y will sell nt after the time meiitiom <1 below, wnulil do well t send N O. 4 O. in their onlam to Dr. Saylor’s Drug Store before the tenth of January m xt. All orders MEETINGS EVERY TFF.'SDAY A O i • X« lung ut 7J.J «»’el«H*k in () retffm side, is there no obligation to-ffetAin the outwarn where the inner life is dead? Incompatibility is another ex- cuse. brought forward in these Tatter days«. Is it not a premium put upon inconstahcy, instead of long Butter­ ing and forbearance? Being then a union of one man and one woman, marriage is the consecration o f the flesh of ench to each; the person of each is sac red to the other not for an-l they lvoth started a trfp together. The dog was last seeu sauntering along like a whirl- wind, nnd the turtle staying right by him. We should be sorry to lose dog now that he I ias acqu ired another important and valuable qual- ity* He knows more about turtles than any other dog in tKe country, aiul it’s mighty hard to find a real good turtle d o g .” “ Grangers, I will sell you coffins cheaper than any other man in the city!” is what a Council Bluffs mari ad» ertises.