i If — i ■■JJ IJJiiJl -■C■ * 3TJJL* ' J THE INDEPENDENT. FOR ?MT ORO VE, \ I A a «1 1» JANU .«la . li» H71. P R O C L A M A T IO N . WaIKR£\S, Ul*. h r th • act of the T. gisla- ti ve \ssernMv of t*i ■ St ite of i >r■'g'»*». e::t:tlel. “ An Act to i>r«>(.•et T,iti * !nts, ” appr >ve l O 'tol» ■r *21, l s7(.i, ** T ur F. i>RKriT 1 » IWY e I nokpkni *»:»*-, *' fi \ n w .i» iper P'«t*- li»h*' 1 ¡it F >ro,t * 5 1 - tv.\ W lilngtoii * *o’ l III V. « )reg. »n. has 1»'* it d* -iljíllt 1 to p.»! li*.h the I-gal and jlldi'rial a 1 vert ii4» .ïil'llt' > Í* *1 r Ìli w; » . te of e ntntv of Washiugt on, in the Or.-" >n: an 1 'i.Fs r * pr»>|'e-i.'tor ('f ‘ Il i WilEliEVS, Th'► [ tue M .t I I fi!. « 1 ( » MV K I nd :: i ' e > . : * . xi h . - C'»»1T1 * V , Connty Clerk o f saio W .»• writ! •ii stipulati (»!1S 1»'*• T»l?Ti ' fil*« c» >11>(Iti»>ll-i i Il >1 >v ..Y. 1 with 1>*>n of sai l A't. to : an.i v r retiini* t -4 . W ith law .lire. ! as th. *»• C* iiî U t'* law. n .tie. •s t’a. r *of t'.thi* Now, ther.'fons s.li i *• ! IRSI O p. » r is îi r '.v or(n !ai:m r*d t i' l)t* I no *: •ENDV >r ut«-1 and e.atir ti «1 a.s tiie in« .unni t ir.» i jl, which a!1 ! gal and judiei;il Hi Ivi r- tl'» MÏI• ■ut * for Ih. • €\>n:i*v Of Waslitington, i»i t;»-' s fa* > of t>r* ■j in. shull 1>.A jmbli she*1 for tu«' i> •rl > 1 anti: »• IT/.* ! by 1 im I . I' k ♦TIMONY W UEKEOr, I h lv * h.-reunt*» *¡"t mv h.nd IV\ 1 1• msed f il • S.' :1 f the S: it of O'•c ; »n, 1 t.» 1u af- fix d at tli«* F.v '.Miti*. ,>t Y\ in tiie eit- t f l lem. this *22:. 1 (1 IV (>f l).-e*•ill b* r. A. D . 1.5*7:». L. F. G U m : r . R. th •* G 'veinor. TEE PARTY. ----- - "Wo aro suspicious of all nnxiMy fui the pi*oT n a t i o n of tlu* Repu blic m Party . Jt lias a bad look —the p r i n ­ ciples are worth cv en tilin g , the par­ ty r »thin". There arc two um PEOPLE PA’/,'* US' ROADS. i ! 1 * o f the word It A I L - i p u r if ic a t io n :! ■ ! P e rd it’ on— and The people have begun slowly to n .# 11 1 t 1 1 rrap the h.u vest o f 0 The j T iw t Supreme Court he* sustuine.l the f (*1oll-t it. decision of the Iowa Courts, which ’ First, for political reason« . . 1 .. . «i the farmers which F l. O lT U N d M IL !. N E E D E D j T E n ii i n t a it a n : . J at tUst was but sentiment has crystal i/od to action ami Forest Grove needs a flouring mill the railroad will eventually have to ami who will undertake the enter­ cóme to them instea 1 o f them goin g prise? As an inducement t<> some to il. These North Plain farmers prat tid e miller who is looking f o r a constitute the mass of our court\ good place to establish such a busi- producers ¿ml they haul their pio- ttess, we make this statement of the time to descend to the grave to w hich they will ultimately be consigned b ey erd a chance of resurection; the Pope holds ou to his empire with the grasp of despair, but lie finds m> longer a kaiser that will do his bid­ ding or a united people that fears his thunders. The littIt* popes of other orthodox creeds imitate their prototype, but with no bet ter success, idle truth cannot be buried nor de­ feated, but grows stronger in th* contest. ’ It is becoming quite popular with are starving superior advantages off* red for a th? railroad into terms. first-class flouring mill at this town; a class who wish to relax a little from Ilo lla d a y has made a station— The people of Forest Grove would the letter and the creed of denomi- “ Burnt B ic o n ” - - a mile and a h a lf probably donate a mill-site; for this nationalism in order the town to injure an l so the | eople view it and arc determine'! not to patron- a r spectable bonus would be given. i/.e ihe railroad until he shall eoiue t>* his sen-es and give them a station **t their door. The radroad is not inaking expenses and the sole reason T w o years ago Steplieu Blank in 011 c »lav got subscriptions amounting to $11*00, as a bonus for this purpose. At that time some parties were talk- is because he has attempted to gobble ing o f building a mill but for Ihe funds the project fell up this county, bully its citizens want of through. an 1 p'P their substance in lib pockets. Now* of the fa**ilities for building \\ itli foilv that L bliud ami cupidity that is amazing Iloiluduytias attempt- this mill. I f it is desired to run the* ( I t*i leiev.-). the cenfresof trade and mill by water, the water-power is V »pulation in this county, and has excellent provided the right o f wav 1 gnomiuio'.isly failed Hi!]sl>;*r*> is grow ing right up to h L railroad track. eouhl be got for a race. Gales’ r ;Ut»*is in ins ia *e ami hauls her guods from Portlantl; and the grow th o f Fore-.t Grove is unprecedented in the history of any o f our country towns; while wretched and outcast, the mushroom of the railroad, the Crt\ ul the P la in " — Cornelius— s in Is still an 1 stands idle. Hillsboro s tight with the railroad is 11 ce-sai y to h. *r fut ure welfare and mid that of the northern part of this om»v* V A m i why will l o t tlie ( »r».>v e* help her? It i.-* n r*;ght fa r tl yt whole county, for : he G rovi :>.'* *.v*d 1 Hillsboro, ami why' i.s it that vve patronize the active < nomv uf o n* ill :crests? I f Forest ( 11 .ve would i*.nite wit»* Hillsboro ami the farm: i i f the (.’«unity, haul a 1 <>nr fréi ht fr uni Portland, except j J * ]e fa -t ir» ig ht , tin* railroad wouhl be compelí. 1 *1 to nec* do to our tie- lau ids ami a**«*’ninni lute us with sta- • ion s at our »L ; 1 > ! : S. to make the we have the assurance o f some oi’ fin® of their belief coincide with tne the prominent men, and perhaps also creek a thirds an abundant supply of water summer and winter. The water wouhl l i e i e t o betaken out o f the creek at a point on W a f t s farm and brought a «listance less than three miles. Tn this distance, Jos. M c M i’d cii a man experienced in the mill business tells ns that a tall coiil.l P H I C ! — forty and one thousand istt nt. beliefs ex­ Denominationalism is tlie ting o ff communication between the I East and "\V est. N o th in " of juiv k i . . a f r o m NEWSTORE! JJ{f J?3 ¥J)!! any ponu east of Toledo. A SUMMARY OF THE LATEST FOR- u it supported\ictona \\ oodhull the d iets to Portland ami from Hillsboro ex pres ly A EIGN AND EASTERN NEWS. hel.l that the law regulating fares free.lovcr ehanipton and self-pub- and freights is valid, the State having lisheil prostitute j t .„¡»ports a lib- a property. Also there was a similar j H]JOet vas publishing a gambling A precious paper definition :*s the last. I f it were in­ decision in reference to the taxing of advertisement. deed the agency for carrying1 out the mil l oad property in T exas. 1 ’10111 truly to circulate among families principles of its adherents, then its these cases it w ill leilow that railroads with the Pharisaic pretention o f fate would be ideatine.! with that of in other Stated, refusing i<* pay their | teaching purity of nlohtls and cor- ..•«a.. : „ i „ . -» , , , just taxes, mav he compelled to do reet principles. Satan could quote tne principles it represented, and J ’ 1 so. T h e Union Pacific* may just as scripture too when he thought it tbe»*f might well be a struggle to well pay the two or three hundred would serve his purpose. perpetuate it. it ought to die only thousand dollars taxes which it owes when the principles it represented ilirit/i -M m n i.l, A ri’OlXTMKXT not to the* State of California. Had this wove unworthy of public support. ic papers appointing u*i mu lATi n. been a case of n poor man refusing A ll that any party can properly c laim Mr. H oxter Postmaster at this place, to pay bis State dues, his house is that it is mi ag for propaga- have arrived and Mr. Hoxter does would have been sold over the heads ting or advancing iil;g tu iniinoi 3 the not Want tlu? office. l i e did not of bis wife and children to get the principles of ts ceis! itmnts. I f it make any application for the place money, but Stanford A Co. i.re rich is only such it i» ;i fair <] question . F. C had »¡VI* K, and doubtlessly thinks that it is a men and therefore are to be re­ Srrr.'tnr 7/ ° f '\f tt*. tb il'son *■:i iis J) whether it subserves its purpose, bid from Mitchell and the Custom spected. T h ey have built a road lit 1 v ho arraign; ind it may rightly House King, Bribery is their forte, u i l l s - h o u o n a i n s T in : r a i l ­ with government money and besides *ar to l»e judged as u> »Í- sufficiency but they occasionally find a man who r o a d . have extensive grants of land given > Not only may th»s b. done but cannot be bought. them by the governm ent; they crush TIilsboro is making a vigorous and fidelity {.» principles makes it a duty every man who opposes their designs; Trie. TERRITORIES. effective tight against the Hollada* to thus try it. 1 he re is a tendency have corrupted two legislatures, and railroad in this county. T h e mer­ in parties to usurpation of power not The W yo m in g Legislature has only and have refused to pay their taxi s; delegated to them. Once organized ihe same kind of old women in it that chants o f that brave town with but a but the time has come when tin- it always had. single exception haul their goods they are apt to claim a Divine right people through the Courts comp -l lie « videuee shows that ho sot When guilty o f such un­ from Portland in wagons, paying to reign. these bloated nabobs to pay their up with ln*r night liter night, and tlie same freigh t— 2d cts. per hun­ democratic and iinrepublieun preten­ they sijiioze lands and talked soft, «.lc*!»..- dred pounds -that they would have sion, they should be overthrown. and 1 think she ought to be fined to pay the railroad comp my*. lint ,s?c .o'niin'i' t if minus. about 823 damages” w as the charge 1 H E T E R O D O X JEW . Fidelity to principle is not onlv of an Idaho Judge to a Jury. they realize more, for the men who if:« A movement has lately been inau­ rim*' as tid-litv to partv but do tile hauling take their freight The J.■irish 'J'ini 's thinks that de­ gurate* l for the establishment of a publicans now, nominational distinctions are becom­ t liarges “ in the store,” and thereby i* often as among college in Colorado lYrritorv. C o l­ the merchants make their percent. proved rather by o *ut ami out bolting ing more and more obnoxious to the orado Springs, Greeley and one or public generally, nnd adds that“ tbe One Hillsboro merchant has lately from party. religious question is looming up two other towns have made liberal As for the principles, they if true been shipping his goods by railroad more and more as the real question oilers to secure the location of the are eternal, they will reappear and nnd now bis former customers arc of the day; the spirits *.f the past re­ institution. and people down there view t! The opposition among question. R com.se 1()ok9 Bko it it-elf such leaving him and goin g to the other give life ami form to new and more gene io stores, which shows how the farmers faithful G N ‘w North party distinguished by the use of Pio arti.de in tlu* one use it is in organ­ tho right to protect die people from e rtin« and outlaw Senator for polit- 1111 positions. And lately the Courts ieal roasons aml for lll(.re. Mr. ization for the fu itIn-ranee o f certain principles— in the other it is thr agen- of Nebraska were sustained 1* the Duniwav has a place in the Custom cv. Now no one after reflection Supreme Court in the decision that House chain g a n g wo believe. And would claim that any p»arlv could the State had a right to tax railroad ; 011]y a f e ,v Weeks°ago that delectable properly arrogate to L E „ 0 iiosii. 1 o w talks about purification! • justice. the T E The Lines StiH Down* \ C hicago , Jan. 8.— The telegraphic ; situation is not changed for the bet­ ter this morning, and there is scarcely 1 v ., - ... . ‘ : tne new building, corner of Oak pn« a p o ssib ility o f getting anything Kim Avenue«, ^opposite the Congre- through from the East before to- gutioual church, Forest Grove, Oregon, EASTERN NEWS. Mr. Williams wants to W ithdraw. WASHINGTON CITY. WliTiams Confident of Confirmation. W ashington , Jan. 3.— Judge W i l i ­ ams still seems confident of his confirmation, notwithstanding the aw yers in the Senate almost unani­ mously protest against his candidacy, eral W illia m s Supreme Bench that the Department of Justice paid $1, (TO for a hindaulet used exclusive­ ly bv Mr. W illia m s ’ family, besides Church. tne temp Baptists, and every D R Y GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS', BY ATLANTIC CABLE. F A N C Y ARTICLES &c. Exciting News from Madrid. M adrid , Jan. 4.— A new miirstry At«0 has been formed— Minister of F o r ­ eign affairs, Sagasta; "War, Savola; Justice, Figeurola; Agriculture, Be- Family Groceries and Provisions^ cerra; Finance, Eiiehegara; Interior, several hundred dollars for repairs »> . , r • «»» , »*• , ___ . . 1 liuiz; Marine, Topete. I h e F inal | on the same, and $7d0 for horses to decisive vote by which Castelar was draw it. beaten in tnr Cortes stood 120 to 100, Gossip about the Chief Justiceship. the ruajoriy against him being 20not "W ashington , Dec. 5.— Frelinghuy- sen, it is said, is opposed to the 120 as first reported. confirmation of Williams, making six of seven members *>f the Judiciary Committee unit* d in that view. Pavia sent an offer to tlie Chamber with a b it» r demanding the dissolu­ tion of the Cortes. Halmeron* and others urged Castelar to continue in power, but their prayer was refused, The American and Mexican Commis­ sions. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, As HARDWARE, CROCKERY Ac., Ac. soon as the result was announced, General In fact. i-vcrytliinR tobe found in a first- class Variety Store. j ! W ashington , Jan. 4.— The United whereupon a company of municipal States and Mexican Commission has guards entered tne place of tlie C or­ My poods were selected expressly for this resumed business, ami will doubtless tes and expelled deputies, while Gen. mar larket and I shall always keep up a fun 1 1 . assortment making dispose of all cases 011 the docket Pavia with his stalf, held a position , by the expiration of if s extended outside with cannon pointed at t r e v time. W ith in the last two months building. a prominent feature in my store. My Roodfl E y i . m N g .— A ll strategic points in ®re n,y salesroom Ittnje and xctU- the Commissioners have decided at tho city were occupied by the militia al‘d nO least two hundred cases, including, among last nn hi. the adverse decisions, the 1 ]•:. w The civil and military i authorities of nearly all the Provinces case of Danie oodhouso against P R I C E S a» L O W the L O WEST. Mexico, know 11 as the Tehuantepec in communication with Madrid, have ! telegraphed to tien. Cavia their ap- I claim, in which the petitioner stated nduet. N o disturb- Tt is reported that Robert Vance th*' amount r d«*eroe has been :<3 promulgated ap- April, with his colony of New Kng- poii 1 til,ig Marshal ¡Strrano chief of oo.oro Sllf.,i ìiecount of damnIgfS un land meehan»'-*, and w ill 1 * 0 . ce l at * execu.i vc power. Toiny-fomer cur« and all in this om-e with the erection of 1 w mill fruii i Indian ih,cuisions is now in the is to “ come and see.*; » ' Cartagena. Be9un in ear- and shin yar* s<> eagerly looked lor t, I,„iS ..f Sir J-Mwiml Tlion iton , ,im- Thc goods whether you purchase rjc bv the 1 pie of that place. or not. pire, tlie American and Mexican 1 at eh from The Tacoma Trìtono <>t the 3*1 savs; commissions being divided in opih- T ’ 7’ ' 7’ ‘ , . ' 1 La l ’alona, *.a cu vesterdav, says the ••When the N*uth Paeitic left Port i " 11, Niexi* o * hums tha. umlei .!*«■ ao¡mi; on Cnrtngen lias begun, the Townsend last night there were 17 treaty of ( iuadaloup* the I luted collimami* r-in-i liief advansing upon vessels in port, all o f which had forcibly ^aii Antonio suburb, 1.70 yards froth come in together on a favorable* turn States pledged tln-mse] restrain Indian incursions into her this citv. A desperate engagement of tli*' wind, The si up is in prog ess. the is uc of which ii tliis po w as one of the numi territory, and that whenever such doubt fill. Highest Market Price paid for Batter am* •s« t and John Jay i and tli* raids could ii"t be prevented the In ­ and Eggs b i n i there. blit t'hat is • I ;U ¡in g, Ida • x i u . m : ' j t Governmeut and satisf»*: tion for th e' d Chris, y ig hcl were of *c >.»uj is-Ettoj »in ly the same * xacted. irj ihiypis sicae UREGON. Methodism is lament of a Cougregatioii- one has its *li>- leer, wincn is all that is necessaiv f*»r the purpose. On the property of the N aylor heirs about four or live hundred yards south-west o f town, there is an excellent mill-site. At this place Mr. M**Millcn tells us that the water eouhl he used twice. Or if the waiter privilege is not available tlu 11 steam power eouhl be used and to start with flii-. would perhaps lx the il.earnst plan. The town of Fores* Grove is situated within three ini'es of a railroa«l depot ami onlv twenty-five miles from Portland, the commercial emporium of the State, T ue Brr.T.KTi\ Ass. True a which would affoni such a mill with monkey could turn that crank as a ready market for all its flour math* well. Unti, tin. for exportation. All rigid. Scott, come on. we will 1 N ow o f the condition.** on which said mill-site ami bonus would be y«>u the j**b. You are m»f given. The people here would waul »m * v. fui* V* mi do m.t !*«• m ille a custom null, one that would *1*» l»eing that mu cil , but Vo>n tlo regular custom work, and **11 such h**»k lik « a <•* rtaini to•ng *ai*cd ¡i in­ Conditions woul I they grant the aid ■ rhy la* s wii !i Iiî**!.'«.* V aili 1 herein state*!. W e d o Hot say this ■torve our pmi» * >s0 full y as bv authr rity of tlie town, but from what we have heard from responsible ■ i > a s‘ t»:*y tìi; it the moiTikry men, and also from the above stated subscription signed at the instance *‘ W Or-lii i . d S( »1IH3Wliei i’t reiu» finì »er Where. r."t- of Stephen Llaitk of our city, which is pretty substantial evidence in itself. '»irse ai. :JS * XV• »llld n*)t re- Now in regard to the local suppor * auvt hing bi i L his town ears of thc mill. Forest Grove lias a nnd a n.*an w itlr H very* short population of near seven hundred. I.l “¡ 110 . V c oi u 1 «1 T r n ( m h e r Hillsboro, the ( minty seat, only six llitS ntjitlier miles distant has five hundred, and He« ¡tics Sc*>tt * 1 S :ot tune for memory or ......... teal *; ’ -- m» time the i«iin railway station, uiu:u three -- 1 * Cornelius, n.n, uir n y nuumii, but to bray f*M* Ins masters; m.t tin masters; not time j miles distant with about one hundred ♦ » bray for himself f poor a s. Stay land fifty inhabitants. T h e popuhi- ¿n tlie tread-iuill dull nil ass like your tion of the ( minty is between five I'.sopiun brother, it is the proper and six thousand and our ngricultu- fou wore the lion's j ral lands are as rich as any other I lace f*>r you. skin for a time mt your ears body of lands of like extent in th*' i »et rayed y u. In conclusion, us ^ State. And furthermore there is no Dogberry has it: 1ft not forget to ¡ custom mi in the Countv. Thor* ‘ .1 w rite you down, an ass. H o w a )i* ' are three flouring mills but tliev work you Ben. H. Uiday’s an* 1 H i n >le up only a very small portion of the M 'tc h rll » ass-: Don't you wish you wheat raised in the County. were s. ot-(rf‘St No, f<>r we have it W e invite the attention to these iron* high authority that the n>* facts wishing to encourage out* rprise P o TMISTRF.S8. — Airs. Judge likes his master’s crib. Now v.Inn :t-;d invite capital into Washington Wilson has been appointed Post- you «(e)ssay t<> bray again w* have count (*. W e have the interests *»f mistress at the Dallas, which is an ex- some more class»**«! ¡'Millions for this County at heart fi>r our interests r , i • . i * f ■ 1 'uii. Y o u ’rt* but a dull a°s fo are here and whatever the I nhepknd - colicut appointment. A fair share, J*»king Scott. Better stick t*» your r. nt can give only 8l .200.000 for the forti­ fications,instead of $3(1,(;('(),<:<•(» asked **UU00|j TrjfrK .rT Sliei elan, N ambii ■'vrn n.iM g o s * t \ t t It". 1 inhabitants and : Ti V m o x (laîiv.uiH.î h : i v idly. ’ S i l ì c i C:i!L3Gl'ini 3 U r « 3 i N 1 3 In the grand Round Valley, on and also to reduce the harbor and tli*' 2w /.« ro. inn: '»".-i *r *sr..jj j.g *f!^..]j th* se lines of distinction obliterated The Mointnim r is informed that (KiO asked to less than $3.(!(.»0,000, ’*S ''■¡IMA' '41 ip,i.*A uoijjxuuoo ui opjY a’i*l a conglomerate whole t f onne Mrs. .) (J. Wilson has received tin making the total reduction on 11.*3 •IIIMJI out of the several, the constitution:!. appointment of I’ o-tmasttT in that *'>timates under tin War 1 >* pertinent ‘ t » MU ‘ P°*kl ( city, in place of Mr. J .fl. Waldron, al out $20,000,0(10. The committee ‘ lK.HHU.I0J ^uqppTK rt sultant v o u ld be a »0 lv without I' sign* d. to take charge of the « Ilice also ascertained that tlie Treasury, riiu»].| uiripu;) on the first of April. life. umlei the construction of the law in A large number of railroad meet­ ‘(INVÌI NO A1J.NVJSNO0 As jiolitical parlies are necessary ings have been held in l nioncountv regard to the unexpired balances, to free government so sects are nec- recently, having for ilmir object the fixing the limit of two years to the 311 31 33 essary to the l i ' e o f Christianity, construction of the Port lami. Dalles last warrant draw n against tiie Quar­ Shouhl our political parties unite the ami Salt Lake Railroad. ter Alaster's Department, hasaciimu- TIJtLNI 1TJÎI1. 0 NHOf Amity is a flourishing Ullage con­ flu* result would be the death of the lated a surplus of $3,000.000, which *'*. » V l'l»»»*| *A .;.\\»']| jo; in»fly taining two hundred inhabitants, peculiar principles of each and the OSJV *p.>lU ts IJ.1.1J st! p.tJUKJJtMA has not been reported to Congress, with three suecessiul «irv goods -AJ »A*J nviimoj xji ut jiti ij ij im .Cun unip ultimate defeat of the intentions for stores, which carry from s 7,DI mi to and regarding w hich the law required which they were formed. So with $20,0110 stock. It has one grocery no report. This will be converted 3 3 113 ami dru gstore, one hotel and one into the Treasury through an amend­ sects in the Church 111 *\ pmt tir.) q»-u*u:A\ joo.w vt.inpojd a ' juuío .» sptii>{ q « j<>; Sutiqo 1 >lae!csinilh shoo p. So says the St ment in thc* law in regard to such -XX ui u »Api spool» jo ijsti.» jo ; U,>8 tp.vi inno. balance'». O I'E N C O LU M N S. « o x i f o i p o ^ c i i i o i ì j g r Dr. Cham c, a Salem dentist ■ n The Tax on Tea and Coffee. evei ma.lt t. ¡une AO AX’AKJAinSsT A'F s.JAAH The columns o f this paper are c* *riling to the M Cl * 11 IX Speaker Blaine expressed a decided I th OS1V open t<> any and all for the discus­ ventilili o f “ gold ¡xlints tor piugg* rs, opinion that the tax will not be re . sion o f local, political and social which have been patented in the stored on either tea, coflee or in- j ‘ SfJOüON 33MNYÀ QMV SA01 ami questions: or to any one aggrieved. 1 luted States and Lngland, eome.;,. supposed to become of gn at value Communications containing violent to the dental profession. The Case of Senator Pcmeroy. or unjust personal attacks will not ' S V 3 H 3 d d 2 d Seai*-Faced Charley, the expa­ S t . Loris. Jan. (i.— The Itepuhli- j be received. W e are i*» favor wom­ triated Modoc, has written a letter (IXV can's special from Topeka says the I an's rights and would welcome con­ from his new home in the Indian ‘s,»ll,»UlllJJ.\| ‘spo JJ«|f case of 11 1 <* State vs Pomeroy, for tributions from them especially. Territory to Judge Stud, of Yreka. ‘ A'.ira.qpqS ‘ sii ; sik }( bribery of Senator York, was culled He says.-* .Me all right here, (lot W'e have not room for long or tedious good new heait. L i f e with v hat in tlu* county court to-day. ’ Defend- ! articles. I f questions are discussed z/o JAAiiJAIOSSV 7 V U 3 X 3 0 V call Shawnee In dian ." nut not being present, bis counsel OSTT argumentatively let them be “ boiled The Albany Ih-ijisfer o f last Satur­ asked a further continuance, which s a d i c i ( I V Y S l i v ? ) l 3 (0 . 1 3 v n o x dow n,” condensed into a few para- day says: Wheat has been leaving was refuse J, and Pomeroy*,s bail of i (1>.v grapbs. A column article by an our warehouses at the rat** of thir- $20,000 ordered forfeit* d, with the amateur writer is t*»o Ion*» for anv teen thousand bushels per dav since understanding, however, that if the newsp iper in tliis age of books and ^ illaim-tt«* brouglit defendant appear for trial «luring stcamels t;: our wharf. The river is The I NIiKIT-NDUNT is t Ut AO A t Al U V 1 7 VU A X AO V journals. at present in good boating s*ta«o as this month the order for forfeiture organ of 110 ring, clique or monopoly far up ,ls Harrisburg, at least, and will lie rescinded, ft is believed j (Uj ‘spo jo >fcojs opidm oa is the outsjioken advocate of the freights will move rapidly with a here th.it, Pom eroy will never be j OSTV I)eol >le* Jt ow ts allegiance to no river full of steamboats. tried, but as the case now stands it ‘a ï i t \ \ v i a « v \ s . v a n n ò Tlie Astorian says: T he prospect paity but the party o f reform which puts him iu tlie p isitiou of a crimi­ of the State opening the Astoria, Ne- A0 A.LA l UVA 7 VU AX AD V is yet unborn in Oregon, hatem.Cornelius Road seems gloomy. nal at large, without bail, and liable ! a.xv Owing to the depreciation of the to arrest at any time. ‘s o o t i s p m ? s i o o r r bonds, nearly one-half of the appro, Cushing Confirmed as Minister to Aim est ron A hson .— The author of priation of $20.OCO was exhausted in AO H »)O IS L A H T IS Y Spain. the Portland tire of August last was the survey and location. A n d now CIKV W ashington , Tan. <>.— Caleb Crush arrested Wednesday of this week in comes the farmers through whose ing has beau confirmed as Minister *S3|JôOOJ0 JO JUGLUJJ0SSV 3J0|dUJ03 that city. H e had in his pocket at farm s and private roads this public to Spain. load has boon laid, and claim dam­ V Os' I V 'All VU A tlie time arrest SOII1« some fire-balls |........ . *' " f * i.is illlt.'Sl III «*-1 »alls ages enough to about take the re­ fi.jU.LXAn.iAlU. at. (lA.L.lVdY The Bar Association of New York Pro­ composed cotton twine twine wrapped wrapped composed of of cotton s'lIOOOA till A0 A.LA I UVA 7 VU A X A 0 V maining half of the appropriation. test against Williams' Confirmation. wi(h cloth saturated saturated in kerosene with cloth in kerosene. UXT Tt , . . . The Jacksonville S atinet says: N ew Y oiik , January* (»— At, a It was his intention to tne the citv From parties passing to an.l fro special meeting of the Bar Assoia- \ ‘ SG009 SS3aa S1NB9 y S3IGV1 ‘^ h n at his first opportunity. H e between tliis valley anil the country JO tion to-night a resolution was adopt­ I has told several persons that he fired ! east of the mountains we learn that j Portland last summer. His name rs this has been an unusually severe ed condemning and earnestly protest­ ^ O O J - S ± 0 3 1 3 S (IN v u o t i v i V d i s v i l i ing against the nomination ot'Gcorgc ; ; A. St. Clair. In default of $3,000 ¡ season in that part of the country H.T.Í ON I AMI (IlN O IS U ld N íl 3HX Snow fell in Langell, L in k River H. W illiams as Chief Justice. bonds lie was sent to jail to await and Tule Lake Valleys to the depth Severe Weather in the Middle and trial. _______ _ j o f from four to fourteen inches and bit* of the apndiod to f*hiss, so *>f alists: each Las unpacked a large and well-selected stock private source. for some foreign appointment. Mean­ time there seems no room to doubt wrote a letter this atternoon,requesting the withdrawal o f his nomination as Chief Justice. and urge an exchange o f his nomi­ nation to the A. HINMAN W ashington ,Jan.8.— I t is positively asserted to-niglit that A tto rn e y -G e n ­ *smw ONiHflOU the mercury fell to the region of zero and under. Considerable mortality NV!ls occasioned amoung the t*he«*p in aid to getting np. Books for County Clerk’s office. n38 tf nom HERE IT IS “ FOREST G R O V F ’ LIVERY VXD FEED STABLE- — KEPT BT— M i MOO!) l\:i\ i SflOOD V\3V terrible i storm of sleet and snow is prevail­ H . IAB N Uld'W1) RO dV H SV a m A . IIIN M A N . Forrtht (IroTf, Nov. 7, li<73. 3U01S a i 1IAH31N39 Corner of Pine I FINEST and Birch* TURNOUTS ts TO WN reday at all hours. A GOOD SADDLE-HORSE AL- waygready I '.y Hack connects with the ears at Cor­ nelius twice a day. r r * Horsos boardod at resonable ratoa*