THE INDEPENDENT. THE INDEPENDENTS IN THE WEST. | fruit-raising also for a fair yield of FOBEMT GROVE, DEtKMREK 20. 1K7: RAILROAD TO ASTORIA. 7* mm bur exchanges we find that the Independents or Vnti-monopo- lists, sometimes called Dolly Var­ dans, are quite popular and the new organization is not a local one uor is it likely to die in the throe of its birth. It bus sprung up in a troub- ulous time when corruption and thieving are running riot and the people are being robbed of their substance by political «harks nnd blood suckers. Iu California, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois etc., it lias taken a strong hold on the people and is likely to become a permanent organization. It took its first lease o f power iu California where two Legislatures one Demo­ cratic and one Republican had been bought up by the Ceutral Pncifiic R. R. ,and under the leadership of Booth elected a larger representation in the State Legislature than either o f the old parties; and it is quite certain that unless the Republican and Democratic parties coalesce, Booth will 1 e elected to the U. S. Senate. Last year in Wisconsin the Senate stood 27 Republican, and 12 opposition, the house GO Republi­ can and 40 opposition — giving the Republicans 29 majority on joint ballot. The returns of the late election show a great change — the Republicans on joint ballot number­ ing 58 and the Anti-monopolists 75, giving the P olly Vnrdens a majority of 17. In Iowa the Republicans carried the State ticket by n greatly reduced majority and the Independ­ ents were successful iu the coun­ ties. The total expense of the Dolly Vardens, as given in a pub­ lished statement of their State cen­ tral committee, for the campaign, was $5,00, expended for postage, stationerv and telegrams. This is quite economical in comparison with the system of the Democratic and Republican parties of to-day who spend hundreds of thousands every election to elect their tickets. In Illinois the Anti-monopolists have beaten both the other parties. In Minnesota they developed great strength. And in Oregon another year will see the Independents carry the State by a sweeping majority. The Grangers have generally acted with Anti-monopolists,but have at all times shown an entire independence of party, having cast their votes for men whom they could trust whether Democratic, Republican or Anti- monopolist. And it is to be hoped that this young Sampson will not listen to the soft words and golden wiles of political Delilas, but bury the Philistiues in the ruins of their nfamv. wheat. And there are the Beaver- dam lauds and swamp lands of which there are several thousand acres lying idle, waiting for capitul to bring them into cultivation. Mr. Isaac Myers owns some fifteen or twenty thousand acres of land in this Coun- tv which are very valuable and lying idle waiting for farmers to come and buy them and make them productive. We invite those desiring homes to come to Washington county to settle. Here we aro situated near the Port land market, with a railroad running through the County, with the best schools in the State and, the richest soil and most beautiful climate in the world. ‘‘TEETH AND CLAWS.” December. ------ recent lecture by Prof. G'ou- Thou gentle wind, whose sighing murmurs flow i ^on on “ Teeth nnd Claws ” at the Congregational church in Portland And full with pleasing cadence on the ear f calls out a pretty sharp rebuke from Thou seem'st some heavenly visntanthelow Nor car’st to linger with us mortals here. j ^ e editor of the Adrot'ale. That Leafless and sad is cold December drear; l>aI)er ca^s the Professors state- No matin lay or song of gentle bird inents mere unsupported assertions Is voiced among the branches withered sere; *' contradicting the views of nine But thy low murm'ring sighing tones are heard. ou^ the ordinary readers of When Spring returns and early flowers ap - the scriptures.” And so forth the . \V. H. SAYLOR, PROPRIETOR. pear, Advocate digs at the Professor with j And deck with beauty gay the verdant sod tooth and nail, and says in conclu-1 Again thy whispered notes beguile the ear sion “ we think skeptics would In grateful orisons of praise to God. D E A L E R IN W . N. G o o d el l have been fully as well pleased with the lecture as were Christians, j DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, BOOKS &c., ft EDITORIAL CHANGE. \\ bile we take pleasure among the j rocks of science, let us never forget The Salem Statesman comes out G l a s s c u t to a n y s i z e . the Rock of Ages.” under the editorial control of Sam. SCHOOL "MATTERS. Now if the lecture pleased both i Clark, and we congratulate its sub­ Our stock consists in part of The New Northwest accuses our skeptics and Christians, that in our gcribers on the change. The States- TARNISH BRUSHES. PAINT BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, CLOTHES BRUSHES, County School Superintendents of humble opinion, though we are not man will now bo conducted as an STRIPING BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, stock jobbing in Oregon’s educa­ a theologian, is just what is needed, independent Republican paper and tional interests, and says it is very Skeptics will not accept Christianity we welcome it to its new and high plain how it was that these gentle­ and if geologx* can be made a basis field of labor. Rings, cliques and men, with two or three exceptions, of agreement then all will be well, factions have too many friends al- C O M B S OF A L L S I Z E S AND V A R I E T I E S voted the uniform system of text The rocks of science were evidently ready, and the people too few and books. It publishes a “ confidential” made by the Rock of Ages and are in the.1Statesman under its new Editor RAW OILS, NEATSFOOT OIL, LARD OIL, circular, emanating from the agent | consequently his written books, and we believe the people have an able CASTOR OIL, SWEET OIL, BOILED OILS, CHINA NUT OIL, ETC of Bancroft Sc C'o's. publishing house if through these the infidel can look and honest advocate. in San Francisco, sent to a certain up to the Christian’s God then the School B ooks, su itable for the A cadem y or P u b lic School. EDITORIAL NOTES. uncorruptible Superintendent who mission of the preacher is accom- makes the disclosure. The follow- 1 plished and unbelief resolved into All articles warranted. Prescriptions compounded with care and correctness. The Liberal Republicans have sig­ ing extracts explain the whole matter: sublimcst faith. i n33 :ly It is our desire—and we are sure it is The Advocate misunderstands nified their wish that the Republic­ yours —to so perfect our arrangements that , , . . ans do not class them as Democrats every pupil in Oregon shall have opportunity | th e P ro fe s s e r , is th e tro u b le . and they will accept such pluces on to procure his text-books at the reduced j P r o fe s s o r C o n d o n is n o t, in his rates. To this end I shall establish a dis- . . . Congressional committees as tho R e­ tributing agency in each county of the State, g e o lo g ic a l a n d e th n o lo g ic a l liiv esti- publican caucus may assign them. No other person can have such facilities for ¿rations, seeking to learn the super­ doing this work thoroughly as the County ” 1 There will be a new committee on Superintendent, and I therefore tender you niltural nut the lliltunu. He IS seek- the agency for your county, to be conducted Jn rr t ru (}j j n t]ie domain of llis Civil Service appointed, of which the Of all Kinds as follows: Republicans will probably appoint j Then follows the conditions upon science stripped of all other consid­ Sumner chairman. which such “ distributing agency ” erations. And this is the only wav Scott is o f opinion that Hill “ lies” J will be made, and the profits thereof— in which he enn arrive at correct as to certain charges of bribery the j And at the the real milk in the coaca-nut. W e conclusions. The science of geol­ ogy was hampered in its inception latter has made and Hill comes to j give the more important articles: the front with the name— H. Cason I o s t H .c o s o n a 'b le R a t o s , Fourth. I icill pay all charges on the by zealots trying to make it con- books, delivering them to you at our own form to their particular religious or who used money in the sums of $2,50 | At the expense, you deduc ting any sums of money to $5,00 to influence voters at the 1 you may advance on the account from first anti-religious views and the Profes­ receipts from sales. “ IN TD EPEN TD EN TT” O F F I C E , sor has wisely determined to study last election. Fiflth. To compensate you for your The Oregon Granger in its last ar­ trouble, I will allow you a commission of the scienc pure; and we bid him FORESTGROVE, - - - - - . . . . OREGON ten per cent. (10 per cent.) on all sales to God speede. W e wish he had $100,- ticle on Clatsop County in speaking i schools in your county, whether public or HILL HEADS, private, commissions to be deducted from 000 at his command to prosecute his of the timber that grows there savs OSTERS ( o f any S ize), your remittances. “ The alder tree attains a size of from researches in this State and contig- J Sixth. Satisfactory arrangements will be three to four feet in diameter aud is f l l l i l . t l 'S * BLANKS. made for the disposition of any stock you uous territory. may have left over at the end of the time an annual. O Mercer! Now we don’t specified, by sale to your local dealers, or by PREPARE FOR FIRE. L A W Y E R S’ B R IE F S, doubt but that alder trees do attain SHOW CARDS, return to myself. If you will undertake it I will do all that size in that county but that they LAW YER S’ BLANKS, VISITING CARDS, A short time ago the dwelling of in my power to facilitate the work; and I am grow that large iu a gear is too thick. quite sure that while it will be profitable to Mr. MeCreadv in this town took fire yourself it will be more satisfactory to the LABELS, A gentleman writing to the Advo­ RECEIPT B u J K i people of your county than any other arrange­ and had it not been that it was dis­ cate describing the country through ment that can be made. covered early in its progress, the The New Northwest says further: BLANK BOOKS, whole row of business buildings from which he had been traveling mixed A C ., AC. Dr. Glenn informs us that the direct Steve Harris’s blacksmith shop to his metaphors tlm s:- F O R E S T GROVE DRUG AND B O O K STORE! ! The Columbia rivex is frozen up ti>»ht and fast, and communication with the outside world is not possi- ble. At such a time as this our eves liegin to open to the actual wants of the country. And to what point in our extremity do we iuvoluutarily turn? — to ASTORIA. There lies an open )*>rt where the heaving sea scorns the ice, where vessel« of the largest draught ride safely at an­ chor. Here our wheat lies stored iu our ware-houses and the merchant ships at Astoria lie waiting for freight, and a frozen river intervenes which may lx* locked in in winter’ s icy chains for a mouth or more. And what is tho remedy ? HV need a braneh railroad running beiireen „ Istoria and finm t Grove conru'rf- ing with the West Side railroad. This is our great and immediate want and we must and will have it. The peo­ ple o f Oregon cannot close their eyes to the fact that we are liable ever}- winter to be shut out from commercial relations with the world by tho freezing of the Columbia river. Here is a distance of only some sixty miles with an easy grade through a valuable region of coun­ try which otherwise would not be opened to civilization for a half cen­ tury, to a sea-port open to the com­ merce of the world all the year and forever. Now who will take a hold of this inntter and carry it into exe­ cution? A valuable land grant was made by the government to Den Hol- laday to build this road and it inter­ ests the jieople of the Willamette valley particularly to know whether we are to have the benefit of it or not. "We call upon our delegation at Washington to see to this matter nnd use their utmost exertion to have the proposed branch road built from Forest Grove to Astoria immediately. Appropriations of money have been expended in dredging out the bars of the Columbia river uselessly try­ ing to remedy defects that cannot be cured since these bars are constantly forming anew. The fact of the matter is that it is folly for vessels of more than sixteen feet draught to attempt to run up to Portland in seasons of low water. Astoria is our expense to Portland District alone for these natural port of entry and this strug­ Imagine a gentle sloping plain 125 miles text-books (including State Superintendent Mathew’s store would undoubtedly Printed to order, and iu the best Strie. long by IU wide. Imagine it now thrown gling of Portland against fate is all Sam. and compiler Syl. Simpson's Readers, even at the “ introductory rates,” which any have been burned to the ground. into a “ chopped sea” nnd furrowed with lost time and money, for the rail­ “ co^ d en tial” dealer could exceed at liis Now a fire is likely to happen at any long sinuous “ troughs" winding endlessly among the changeless waves. Think <{f pleasure, thus adding indefinitely to his road will be built whether that city those waves of all possible forms and outline time in this city and sweep it to de­ “ profitable” commission of 10 i* r cent.) be willing or no. Besides the people will exceed $5,000, and R. J. Ladd, the struction in an hour. The buildings from a few feet to hundreds in liight, but few comparatively too steep for the plow. district Clerk, who is well acquainted with o f this valley cannot afford to stand the District finances, puts the price at $10, are wooden structures of li"ht and Just think of a man flowing a with their hands in their pockets T I i o O n e P r ic e ooo. The whole thiug is a put-up job, and highly combustible material,and once “ chopped sea” u-arc and you get the an outraije upon our public school systr n>. and their produce lying in ware fire gets started among them where force and beauty of the metaphor. W e have a little Credit Mobilier houses w hile Portland is using up they are close together as in the Congress has passed a General government appropriations in a FARMING IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, j in onr educational system, it seems. “ business row,” nothing could save Amnesty bill removing all political Ten per cent, on $10,000 would be Dame Partington fight with sand them. Now the town authorities disabilities imposed by the Constitu­ In this Countv of course we do ; $1,000—a nice little thing that it bars and ice fields. * . 1 should see that every house has its N. E . G O O D E L L tional Amendment and now the ex- uot have large farms, in comparison : would not do for a man without flue or flues properly constructed so confederate chiefs have a chance at TOO MANY ‘‘ COLLEGES.” with the extensive fields of California teeth to smile at. The New North­ Dealer in that a fire may be avoided if possible. tho loaves and fishes. T h is aer will but here each man has a section, west deserves credit for exposing And further, the town should be do more to heal political jealousies There are more colleges (on paper) half-section or a quarter, as the case this nicely laid scheme of men which GENERAL M E R C H A N D I S E ! provided with ladders for scaling at the South than any measure that in Oregon than can be sustained. may lie, and so we have a thickly set­ unfortunately for Oregon, did not and water vessels and tackle for pul­ h a s rr.oxi could have been adopted. "Whatever Wlmt we want are high schools and tled community, where wealth is “ gang » "le y .” ___________ NFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE ling down buildings, if necessary to STILL K ee ps the opponents of the Administration academies, which will give our young evenlydistributedand no large landed THE RAILROADS BEATEN. stop the progress o f a conflagration. may sav, our government has been men and women a thorough element­ proprietor lords it over tenants. The , ‘ . . I A word to the wise is sufficient. W ashington , Dec. 15. — The Supreme the most magnannmous conqueror in j ary education. Two Colleges in the land in our County, that is adapted Court to-dav derided in the case of Nebraska There nre some men whose whole the world. Not a decade has passed State are all that is needed or will for wheat raising is evenly fertile, against the Union Pacific Railroad Company, means are concentrated iu the busi- emphatically sustaining the right of the since the rebellion and nil political be needed for a long time to come— both high and low producing well— State to tax the Pacific Railroad. This j ness portion of the town nnd they cres of excellent lanttfor disabilities have been removed and the College at Salem and the College all the way from twelve to fifty and practically decides the Califnrnia case against sale in Washington County. are constantly dreft lini? some ncci- no rebel offender languishes in dur­ at Forest Grove. These a re Colleges sixty bushels of wheat to the acre, j the Central Pacific Railroad. This is one victory of the people 1 Cental ^re to sweep away their hard ance vile. (not Unversities) and they need the The farming lands on the Tualatin C a ll and See H im manv entire patronage of the Willamette Plains generally produce about and justice over railroad rings, and j earnet^ property the fruit of John Ryan one of the ring repeat­ rears of anxiety and labor. He has something good to tell them nnd Valley at least. If another College twenty bushels to the acre, on the | we throw up our hat accordingly. ers pleads guilty to the charge of is to l>e located it should be in East­ river bottoms from forty to sixty, on The Central Pacific Railroad a ls o ' voting twice, notwithstanding the THE BACK-PAY REACTION. i ern Oregon to accommodate a com­ the river and creek borders t h e ! has refused to pay its taxes in the I Bulletin holds a stiff upper lip. c s K State of California for two years and ! munity widely separated from us. ground being overflowed even’ winter 1 Now comes Andrew Johnson in a Congress is sorely exercised now X Such as The high schools and academies is consequently richer. Take the j now it comes Stanford Sc C o.’s turn about the Salarv-Grab, and “ virtu- four column letter in the Washington of which we speak should be thor­ farm of Henry Buxton near Forest j to pay their debts. Two years ago j ous ” members are preparing to dis­ Chronicle and says that there was no HATS AND CAFS, oughly graded and text books used Grove, for example. This has about that Company objected to the assess-! gorge. They are not satisfied with recommendation of mercy accompa- BOOTS AND SHOES, t>f the same kind as are used at the 275 acres of wheat land. A large ment of the State as being too high, nyiug the sentence of Mrs. Surratt repealing the high salary act but LADIES’ AND GENTS’ Salem and Forest Grove Colleges— part of tins land lies on Gales’ creek and the State Board of Equalization propose in their honest fit to return who was executed as one of the con- f. >r the text l>ooks in these institutions bottom aod is exceedingly fertile. cut it down one-half and then the WEARING APPAREL, their overpay to the treasury, They spirators in the assassination of Pres- do not differ materially. So that the It has l>een inconstant use for thirty Company refused to pay. And they . . . . . . . , , . T • , , , . . * desire to return to the republican ident Lincoln, lle denies the im- . « ! G r o c e r ie s in d en ts on graduating at the high successive years, each year a crop would not pay their taxes for this . . . . . , , ^ . 1 ____ ,____ x simplicity of former years. Ever peaehment and proves the falsity of schools or academies could, after a having l>een raised off of it; it shows j year and the matter is in the Supreme Of all kinds, nnd other Articles too nunier- since Congress convened this has the charges that his enemies have ous4<> meution. And hopes l»y preliminary examination and some but little sign of failing. In these i Court for adjudication. The above i been their only subject of discussion. : niade. reviewing, pass right into College. thirty years Mr. Buxton has raised decision against the Union Pacific FAIR DEALING If they would only go to work and j W e are glad to see friend C. A. These divers “ Colleges” that are every season from 8,000 to 5,000 practically decides the case against cut down the salaries of Senators \ Ball’s vindication from the charere Only to merit a Liberal Patronage of the planted all over the State take away bushels of grain, aggregating al>ont them aud they will have to pay their j Public. and Congressmen to the old rates ; preferred against him bv the Ilttlle- patronage from the two institutions DM),000 bushels. His wheat he j taxes as well as other folks. and stop making speeches at the ex- j tin. We hope that he will soon give before-named and do them injury has sold generally at $1 00 p er' Highest Cash Price Paid for Produce. THE FINEST AND ; CHEAPEST pense of the government the people the public the names of those parties DEATH OF AGASSIZ. nnd turn out V graduates” every year bushel; for being a farmer of meuus ' would thank them therefor, and who paid the repeaters for voting and LANDS IN THE STATE ! ! who arc scarcely fit to enter College. and pretty shrewd he has always g o t ; Louis Agassiz, the eminent natu- n>i .1 v man to enter the Salem or Forest amount of $40,000 or $50,000. the scroll of fame. He was born in to cut down the salaries of officers members of the “ ring” seeking parts Grove Institution. These two C ol­ And there is the farm of Mr. A.T. i 1807 ; studied at Zurich, Heidleherg whose pay is none to great. The unknown nnd taking on aliases. leges have large endowment funds Smith which has just lieen rented by and Munich ; visited tho . United people are willing tc? pay their pub- T hanks from S panish S tatesmen to the one here liavnig «bout $70,000 Messrs. Shipley Sc Tyler, lying near a es in b, was elected Profes- pc lie servants servants the full value of their S umner . — A Washington dispatch of subeerilied, the one at Salem less, the Grove having 500 acres of nor of geology and zoology in Har­ services and had not the high salary November 30, says: Senator Sumner we l>elieve—they have large libraries, excellent river liottom land all of vard University in 1847, since which arrived here on friday night. He bill increased the pay of Senators j has recieved a dispatch from Madrid, and each has a corps o f teachers, which a man with fair means could time he has devoted himself to teach­ and Congressmen who were already signed by six of the Republican mem- able, experienced and thorough, nnd raise from 10,000 to 15,000 bushels ing his favorite sciences and writing (At the Old Tualatin i'tore.) receiving a higher price for their la- bers of the Cortes, thanking him for it is a pity for parents to send their of wheat per annum. And there is on and investigating scientific sub­ bor than it was worth, they would ; kindness and appeals in behalf of youth to paper Colleges, thinking Jacob Hoover's farm on the North jects. He was and long will remain DEALER IN have said amen to the increased pay. j Peac® an<1 the stability of Hopubli- that they are fitting them to enter Plains, a section claim and every the great opponent on this side of , , , . can Government. I lie dispatch savs Y e are glad to see that these j the Republicans of the United State8> DRY GOODS, the learned professions and giving foot of it productive and easily put the sea of Darwin and Huxley, whose gentlemen feel the prick o f public France and Spain should stand to- them thorough classical and scientific into cultivation. W e cannot tell writings he successfully combatted. GROCERIES, and | opinion through their thick hides, gether; the republicans of Spain have FOREST G R O V E OREGON. education. how much grain Mr. Hoover has He was one of the great scientists The fall eloctious have had a very ; already sacrificed 53,000 lives, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE ------- ----- — v raised on it but enough we imagine who found science to accord in her they intend that every person under JKJAN FFACTU BER AND DEALER IN healthy effect on the official pulse. A Missouri paper thihks “ what the to feed all W ebfoot for several grand and solemn undertone with all kinds of the Spanish flag shall be free. Forest G rove, - - - - Oregon women of this country most need is months. And there are hundreds Revelation. Requiescat in pace. One ton (2,000 pounds avoirdupois) The monument to Genoral Robert not suffrage, but symmetry; not N U SS. of farms in this County equally of gold or silver contains 29,163 troy E. Lee, now in process of construc­ AIR TRICEs PAID FOR ALL KIND» right«, but rationality; not a place in The v Editor v of the Progression is/ . i ounces, and,therefore, the x-alu© of tion in Virginia, will be surmounted SA D D LE S, B R ID LES, W H IPS ft L ashes Then there are the , our legislative balls, but a place to productive. OF PRODUCE. has discovered n new group of islands ! a ton of pure gold is $602 799 21 by a reclining figure of the General hang their stockings.” timber lands which arc adapted to t3URepairing promptly attended to. the ‘ < aiiuibal Island».” , and of a ton of silver $37,704 84. enveloped in his military cloak. tyrrem ium on Cash Cnstomers. uI5Xf n!3^m JOB P R IN T IN G DONE IN THE BEST STYLE OF THE AH' CASH STORE ! I. MYERS I 15 ,0 00 to 2 0 ,0 0 0 POST OFFICE. A L W m . M cC R E A D Y . 2