a Simplicity in Dres*. \ I i There is wisdom as well as com­ mon sense in the following article, which we would recomeml as well worthy the cousideretiou of our read­ ers: There is no belter mark of a sen­ sible and well regulated mind than the exhihtion of good taste in the' choice of dress. Weak people in this more than anything else, betray the natural silliness of their character, and give proof to the world their un­ fitness to assume any of the import­ ant responsibilities of life. It is almost an impossibility for a sensible or well educated man to l*e a fop; his nature rebels at the thought of gaudy or vulgar display; his eyes shrink from garish colors, and all his nicer feelings revolt at the idea of mere outward embellishment. Simplicity nrnl neatness iu dress must, therefore, be viewed as evidences of good judg­ ment and a well balanced iimlerstitnd- nig, just as gntrdiness and foppishness ire to be considered indications of mental weakness. This truth should be borne in mind by the young, par­ ticularly those just starting out in life, for young people are very apt, unless guided in their tastes, to cul­ tivate a love of dress at the risk, in the first place, of endangering their ...... sense, and sco­ reputation for «*ooil 1*11(11V ot exposing themselves to permanent injury from the possibility tliut an outward habit thus acquired may intluenee the inward character. O f course, we must not be under­ stood as recommending negligence or even indifference, in the selection of dress, for we esteem cleanliness and neatness as two of the cardinal virtues; what we desire to inculcate is, that simplicity and plaint ss, freedom from elaborate display and all vulgar ornament, are unerring marks of re­ finement and good common sense, and that they should l>e sedulously cultivated In' every one who desires to secure a reputation for good taste and solidity of understanding. Baker Connty, •Auburn, Augusta, ‘ Baker (’ if/, Clarksville, Express ltan-'li. El.ii »ratio, Gem. Humboldt Basin, Jordan Valley, Wingville. Benton» Alsea Valley, ‘ Corvallis. K ings Valley, Liberty, Little Elk, Newport, Newton, Philomath, Starr’s Point, Summit, Hum i'. everlasting Fence Posts, I discovered many years ago that wood could be made to last longer than iron in the ground, but thought the process so simple and inexpensive that it was not worth i while making anv stir al*out it. I would as soon have poplar, basswood or quaking ash, as any other kind of timber for fence posts. I have taken out bass­ wood posts aft* ."having been set seven years, which were as sound when taken up as when first put in the ground. Time and weather seamed to have no effect on them. The posts can be prepared for less than two cents apiece. This is the receipe: Take boiled linseed oil and stir it in pulverized charcoal to the consisten­ cy of paint. Put a coat of this over ♦.h«» timber, and there is not a man G//#f- t? at will ive i > so t it rotten . ad. Vaguina. Clackamas Barlow, Beaver. Butte Creek, Clackamas, Clear Creek, Cnttingavill, Damascus. Eagle Creek, < Bad Tidings, Highland, M. >lulla, Mtlwnukie, Needy, Norton, *( >regn» City. Oswego, Sandy. Clatsop. ‘ Astoria. Isthmus, Kuapjia, Nelialem, Skipanon, Summer House, Westport. Coos- Coos River, CoquiHe, Empire City. Enchanted Prairie, lb rnmnsville, Marshfield, North Bend, Randolph. Columbia. Columbia City, Clatskanie, Rainier, St. Heiens, Sanvies Island, Seappoose. Curry t ’lietet >»*, Ellcnsbursf. Port Orforil. Re v. John Kahastuin Cabot Abbott, who has written mare unreliable his- t o r y than any other author, living or dead, has announced bis intention to write a series o f histories of every State in the Union. Aud every S ate in the Union should apply for an injunction to prevent the consum­ mation of such an outrage. -St. Pleasant Hill, Rattlesnake, Siuslaw, Springfield, W illa m e tte F o r k s . Linn. ‘ Allmuy, Brownsville, Orawfordarille, Pimond Hill, Harrisburg, Halsey, Lelmnon, Miller, Peoria, Pine, Seio, Soda Springs, Shedd’ii Aurora, Aumsville, Butteville, Brooks. Fairfield, la ir Ground, Gervais, Huddard’s, .*efferson, Marion, Monitor, Newe llsville, ‘ Salem, Silverton, St. Louis, Stay ton. Sublimity, T turner, Vernon, Waeonda, Woodburn. Multnomah, East Portland, ‘ Portland. Powell’s Valiev, Springville, Wallanut Slough. Douglas North Canvonville, Camas Valley, Butler, Elkton. Galesville, Gardiner. Kelloggs, L. tokinglaoa. Myrtle Creek, i » o Bethel, Bridgej»ort, Buena Vista, ‘ Dallas, Eota. Elk Horn. Grand Bound, Independence, Lincoln, Ewkimute, Lewisville, Monmouth, Perrydale, lviekreall, Zena, Josephine. Ki rby, Lelaud. Slate Creek, Waldo. Tillamook. Garibaldi, Kilehis, Netara», Nestoekton, Tillamook, Track. C coils, Cayuse, Marshall. Meadow ville, Mitchell’s Station, Eilton, 1’ilot Rock, Pendleton, ‘ Umatilla, * Weston, Wasco. Antelope, Bridge Creek, Deschuttes, Heppner, Hood River, Mt. Hood, Prineville, Rock Cret-k, Scott s, Spanish Hollow, ‘ The Dalles, Warm Springs, Wasco, Willoughby. W a sh in g to n . C enterville, Cornelius, ‘ Forest Grove, Glenco, Greenville, Uillslioro, Middleton, Shofla Ferry. Taylor’s Ferry, Tualatin, Wapato, Yamhill. Bellevue, Butt«- Disap'ntm’t, Cottage ( irove, Coast Fork, Camp Creek, Cartwright’s, ‘ Eugene City, Franklin, Junction, Long Tom, ORNDA in as f o l l o w s : Dayton, ‘ Lafayette, McMinnville, Mountain Hou,e, North Yamhill, Sheridan, West Cliehalems When viand, Ntwbe rg, ‘ Money Oider Offices. C ITY ORDINANCES. — of th e to w s of I i O ORDAIN' AS F o l l o w s : S ec . 1. That from and BLOOD PURIFIER. VIRTUE OF A W RIT OF EXECU- B Y tion issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County in favor of Hamilton Boyd, and against G. W. Betts and Elizabeth Betts, and to un­ directed, commanding me to satisfy tin sum of Fiv - Hundred and seventc n Dollars and eighty cents, coin, due on judgment, with ii t- li st at th*- late o! 12 per cent. p. r annum from thi-2f»th day of May. A.D, 1*7.”,, and the further sum of four ’ dbllars ami twenty-five cents costs, I have levied upon the following described property, to-wit : Part of the donation land claim of John S. Mhite, and Elizabeth his wife, beginning at the S. E. corner of said donation claim, tlunce north to the X. E. corner of said claim, thence with north line of said claim seventy-four (71) rods and sixteen links, thence south to the south line of said claim, thence east to the place of beginning; containing one hundred (MU) acres, more or less, situate in Washington County, Ore­ gon, being the equal, undivided half interest of the above named defendants in and to the premises above described. And on Satur­ day the 29th day of November next, 1*73, at the hour of one o ’clock, r. m . of said day, at the ( ourt House door in Hillsboro, Wash­ ington ( ounty, Oregon. I wills.-ll the abioe described one equal, undivided interest in the above described premises at public auc­ tion to the highest bidder therefor in U. S. coin, cash in hand, to satisfy said execution yarn! accruing costs. Witness my hand this 30th day of Octo­ ber, 1873. C harles T. T ozter , Sheriff of Washington Countv, Oregon. n32 It N O T I C E . T^T’ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A v the undersigned has been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Chas. E. Estes, deceased, by the County Court of Washington county, Oregon, All persons having claims against said Estate are re­ quir'd to present them to me at the residence of Win. Jolly, in the above named County, within six months from the date of this notice, and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to make immediate settlement. ARMANDA M. ESTES. Hillsboro, Nov. 10th, 1*73. n35:4t. senteil their final account as Executors of the estate of William Porter, deceased, notice is hereby given that the first Monday in January, 1874, has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, as the day for the final hearing of said matter. JOHN ll. PORTER, n35:4t J. A. WETMORE. a certain cure for Steve Harris, K ID X E V S u i G E X IT A L O R G A N S , n t i cally cures s c a o r i ' L A , Disease, , It i» P U R E L Y V E G E T A B L E , beings»ada from au herb found indigenous in c . i i h wil« . It is therefore p 'cul arly suitable for ate bp. Female» and Chihlrra, a» a b l o o b E a r s a» F IE B > ad B t X O V .I T O n . HORSESHOEING! Sheriff's Sale. Also manufacturers of By virtue of a writ of Execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of WAGONS Oregon for Washington County, in favor of A Mark Hoffman and against I). O. Quick and CARRIAGES. l’ ermelia E. Qnick and to me directed, com­ manding me to mak* the sum of seven hun­ dred and ninety dollars and eighty six cents, U. S. coin, now cue on said judgment, with FAIRBANKS’ HAY SCALES ; interest at the rate of 12 per cent, perannum from the 3rd day of June, A, D. 1873, and in connection with shop. the further sum of fifteen dollars and fifty five cents, costs, out of the following lie­ Particular attention paid to horse scribed real estate, to wit: The s', E. \ o i shoeing, bad footed horses never neg the S. E. l4 and the S. *, and N. W. *4 of n7: lv tlm N. E. \ of Sect. 16, T. 2, N, R. 3, W. leetod. “ Will. Mer.,” containing ICO acres in Washington Comity, Oregon. Therefore by virtue of said writ of Execution 1 have levied upon the uhuve described premises, and on Monday the 13th day of October next, 1873, J F L W A L K E D at the hour of one o ’clock, i>, m . of said day, at rhe Court House door in Hillsboro, coun­ ty and state aforesaid, I will sell the al ove (At the Old Tualatin Store.) I described tract of land at Public Auction to the highest bidder therefor, in U. S. Gold DEALER I y Coin, cash in hand, to satisfy said execu­ tion and accruing costs. Witness my hand this 11th day of Kept., | DRY GOODS A. D. 1873. C has . T. T osikr , Sheriff' of Washington Co., C’rcgon. j GROCERIES, and I GENERAL MERCHANDISE A d m i n i s t r a t o r 's N o t ic e .1 F o rw t G rove. - - - - For SiU . liar preparations. It is not aurpnslbg you abould be reluctant to try something else after tbe many au penments you have made o f traaby cem puaa« foisted on the public a» a certain curs, but NEW S T O C K OF NEWELL’S Pulmonary Syrup So vast in Quality, So Superior in Styles, So Beautiful in Material, ii really the VF.RY BEST remedy ever eompessdad for the cure of Coughs. Colds. Sore Throat, Asthma, Whooping Cough. Bronchitis aud Consumption. Thou­ sands of people in California and Oregon have been already bene<ed by the aurpnaing curative pow e* That we are at a loss to describe, and sim­ ply say C O M E A N D S E E WE HAVE ADOPTED A SCALE OF • PRICKS SO LOW NEWELL’S Pulmonary Syrup AS TO MAKE COMPETITION A FOLLY. Call and set- to satisfy yourself that we mean what we say. We also have Fine Stock of the latest stvle of HATS and CAP* J. KOHN A CO. u3;tf Portland Or. BÜRDET ORGAN! in v o h o xaaana and with one accord give It their unqualiied appro- bail-m. We now address ourselves lo all whs are un­ acquainted with tins, the greatest Panace* « f tbe *CA for the healing of all disease# o f th« >uroat t a t Lung», assuring you that NEWELL’S Pulmonary Syruj has cured thousands and it will cure YOU i f ye« try U. j Thia Invalnable medicine Is pleasant to tbe taM«; Boothing. healing and strengthening in Its «Sects; «n- Xrely fn-e from all |»oisouous or deleterious drugs, and -»erfectly harmless under all circ iniitancer. C^.tilicates from many proininenl ciuzeua e f SaA Umicisco accompany evory bottle of NEWELL’S Pulmonary Syrup RFPINCTON Jr CO. Agents. San Frsnclsr«. ’ X D O T ‘.vnrjoioag Aqjro ^ putug X O SX .1K 11 f . . ’ b^l-nuuo q ju in o t jd u o s o p jw jj j o squam najs -ut a ’ uv uj jo u o d u s j i : j o u o j J ioip jp tiq j j , , ¡ NVDdo x a a u n s X ’ AV Tnas | -tVROj v io j ‘uou.v>p,»j jo o fp o q ¿poAiquq j U'JNIIV X SVKOIIX UU ,/poiirubaun si p ‘ouoj jo Ajund pun osiio jo ss .ujuau uj,, Is not only warranted for five or ten years (if you want), but warranted to give satis­ faction, or no sale. G. L. D el'K ANS, M anager. OREGON BRANCH HOUSE. Portland, Oregon FOREST GROVE’ LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. I^JO TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT i Gw undersigned lias been appointed administrator of the estate of Donald McLeod by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, and all per­ sons having claims against said estate are requested to present them to me at the late residence of said deceased, in said county and State, within six months from date hereof. HENRY MuLEOD. Not the marks of age or sorrow, On your tresses long should stay — You can live that each to-morrow Find them darker than to-day Time is long, but ape shall find you, Though your hair with lustre wave. Soon when fading, t will remind you, Fashion Stable r o p r i c t o r B BEST BUGGIES AND reailv at all times. I llI - Horses N g iv e n In the world's sublimer calling. Where we each our race must run, ■ RIDING EPSON* DESIRING TO BE FITTED out with a good team will do well bv giving me a call. P A l l o r d e r s F ille d W it h P r o m p t ­ n e s s a n d l)is|ttrli. Trust no other, howe’er pleasant, — ' Nona can do what this has dona; Try it — always keep It present, — Use ths “ Martha Washington.” Twenty thousand heads remind U* What a noble test i t ’s stood ; Millions mors shall come behind US, With their tresses all renewed. " MARTHA WASHINGTON" h a ir r e s t o r e r . Is a wonder of the world, and stands above M R . narison with ar.v other article for tbe Hair mew brought before the public Sold everywhere. I » r le c , 8 1 .0 0 . SIMONDS & CO., Proprietors, FITZWILLIAM, N. H . Wm. M cCREADY. XOTIOB. M that the undersigned has l»een a p p o in te d by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington Connty, administratrix of the estate of Truman Garrett, deceased, and all persons having claims against suid estate are requested to present them to me at niv residence, eight miles north-east of Hills­ boro, County and State' aforesaid, or to my attorney, Thus. II. Tongue, at Hillslioro, within six months from the date of this notice. REBECCA A. GARRETT. Hillsboro. Nov. lôth. 1873. n3.»:4t Y'ou are marching to ths grave. I f your hair be falling, falling. Use the «• Martha Washington.’ • J. FRANK i¡er;DFRSON — KEPT BY — hereby Life is sinking to decay, Should there come in frightful nuaibecE Life Is real, life is earnest, Why should any one despair, “ Dust thou art, to dust returnest,** Was not spoken of ths hair. [■yH ack connects with the cars twice nl7tf. 2‘J-4t o t i c e is Yell me not in mournful number* O'er your heads the silvery gTay. NEEDING DONE AT THE MONT rea- . sonable rates. Ml Corner of Pine and Birch. 1 MEINEST TURNOUTS' JT reday at all hours. IN TOWN FOREST M GROVE OREGON. ANI'FACTURER AND DEALER IN all kinds of A GOOD SADDLE-HORSE AL- ways ready. j y Hack connects with the cars at Cor- ! nelius twice a day. ! fy^ Horses lw»nrdcd at rcsonable rates •»V 620 and 531 Market Strsst, DO NOW OFFER FOR THE INSPEC­ TION OF THE PUBLIC A COMPLETE O regon Notice is hereby given that the under­ FAIR TRICEs PAID FOR ALL KINDs signed has been appointed by the County Court of the Mate of <)3egon for Washing­ OF PRODUCE. ton Comity, Administrator of the Estate of John B. Harrison, deceased. All persons UP“Premium on Curfi Customers. nl5:tf having claims against said Estate will pre­ sent the same at my office at Forest Grove, within six months from the date of this notice. And all persons indebted to said Kstare are hereby required to make imme- d-iate payment, S. H ughes , Administrator. / RCDtNQTON, A 0 S T C T T C * 4 0 0 . *J1 Front Street between Washington and Alder, All kinds of JOB WORK and . Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and 8orea; eradi­ cate» from tbe system ali traces o f Mercuriaf J. KGHN & C O . 1er lunt or Seid on Instalments! ! rr evw AFTER ALLY}' Mo S T IIS OF P R E P AH- \ A TJOX, H E, BURDE1r ORGAN! FOREST GROVE, - - - - OREGON- salt j p l all E B l 'F T l V E a * 4 C U T A N E O U S D tt, oases, gives immediate and permanent reliai In D Y S P E P X i a , E R Y S I P E L A S , T B Q o d , SOLE AGENCY FOR Blacltemitli, , s a in , It completely restores the system when lnU paired by disease, revives the action o f tba I | | j | 1 j r h e v b a t m b K E i n t L U X , and all kindredIfyeagea, Pone icith Neatness and Pisj>atch. F orest G rove aftor the passage of this Ordinance, no shows, circuses, theatricals or other amusements shall be permitted to exhibit within the corporate limits of this town without first having obtained a License for that purpose; and the Recorder is hereby an horized to issue Licenses us hereinafter provided. S ec . 2. Any person wishing to obtain a License shall apply to the Marshal and it shall l*e his duty t>> enquire Lnro the charac­ ter of the exhibition proposed to Is-given, and to charge such a sum as may apjs nr to him tola-just and proper Profit led. That no License shall be granted for less than five dollars for eacli exhibition given. Nor shall the Recorder issue any License until tin- applicant shall file with him the Marshal’s rt ceipt for the amount charged speci­ fying the number of exhibitions paid for. S ec . 3. Any person or persons who shall ii date the provisions of Sec. l,o f this Ordi­ nance, shall on conviction thereof before the K- «-order’s Court in a suit in the name of the people of the Town of Forest Grove, be punished by a fine of not less than twenty- five dollars u*>r more tluui one hundred I'.dlars and shall I k - imprisoned until said fmo is paid, said- imprisonment in no case to exceed thirty illiys^ S ec . 4. It shall lx- the duty of the Mar­ shall to prosecute the suit contemplated by this Ordinance, and to pay all moneys col­ lected in accordance with its provisions,, into the Treasury in tfce same manner ns other taxes. S ec . 5. Nothing in this Ordinance shall }>e so construed as to require a License from the people of tho Town for any concert, lecture, fair, festival, or school exhibition tin y nni}' wish to give. Adopted, Nov. 14th, 1873. A. S. WATT, President Board Trustees. A. L. JOHNSON. Recorder. n36:lw An Infallible b l o o d P L B i r i U . p o t M t lug rare t o x i c and x f . r v i x e propcrU— — KUSIC STORE! NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. T * WE ARE READY! m i E ( m IIERR I I I! O r d i n a n c e N o. 3. T he P eople THE GREAT JOB PRINTING Beaverton, Amity, Lane. * uote In the matter of the Estate of Henry B. Bones, deceased. To Sarah Bones, Is/tar and Mart/ Bones. Eliz­ abeth Bones and Him Bones, daughters o f deceased, and to all persons interested in said Kstate: You are hereby cited to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington county, at the Court House at Hillsboro, in said County and State, on the first Monday in January, A. D. 1874, to show canse, if any there be, why the petition of S. A. Holcomb, Executor of said Estate, praying for license fo- sell the following described real estate, being the west half of of the Donation claim of H. B. Bones, and an undivided one-half interest in the cast half of said Donation claim,all in Sec. 19, Town. 1, North Range 1, west, in Washing­ ton County, Oregon, should not l>e granted. By order of THOB. D. HrMPHRKTR, Attest: County Judge. W. D. PlTTENOER, County Clerk. u3G:4w ( *rodell, ‘ Ashland Mills, Brownslmorgh, Central Point, Eagle Point. Grant's Pass, Hut Springs, ‘ Jacksonville, Klamath, Linkville, Laugell Valley, I’ll«» nix. Rock Point; Sam’s Valley, Tuble Rook, ' Willow Springs, Yauax. F or est Q Iu the County Court of the State of Ore­ gon, for Washington County. Summerville, Union. Jackson, Applegate, the tow n of SHERIFFS SALE. Polk. Union. Grant. or* ost Roasonatolo Ratos, Cove, ‘ La Grand, North Powder ‘ Canyon City, Ciunp Watson, DaVille, Grant, John Day City. Praire City. PeorL* DONE IN I HEBEST STYLE OF T H E M ' ( iu k la n d . Pass Cretk, ‘ Rosebnrg, Se. »ttsbnrg, Ten Mill. ITnpqna City, Wilbur, Yoncalla. he S ec . 1. That from and after the passage of this Ordinance no pernon shall be per- inited within this Town to sell, barter, give or Of ull Kinds or in any manner dispose of any spirituous, alelioholic or intoxicating liquors, ale, beer, or any “ bitters” to be used as a beverage compounded in whole or in part of the forego­ ing described liquids, Provided, the foregoing clause of this section shall not apply to a regular practicingphysician, prescribing for And at the a case of actual sickness, or to a druggist upon like prescriptions. S ec . 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of the foregoing section of this i Ordinance sfiull be deemed guilty of a At the ; misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof tt before the Recorder, shall be subjected to a fine of fifty dollars for the first offence and for each subsequent offence not less than O R E C ON. FO RE STGROVE, - - | fifty nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 3. Upon complaint of any citizen of BILL HEADS, i this Town to the Recorder, supported by OSTERS (o f any Size), | oath or affirmation, that any clause of See. , 1. of this Ordinance has been violated it is i hereby made the duty of the Recorder to BLANKS, CIRCULARS, issue a warrant to the Marshal commanding him to arrest and bring forthwith, the person so complained of before him for triul. SHOW CARDS, LAWYERS’ BRIEFS, S ec . 4. Whenever any person is arrested VISITING CARDS, LAWYERS’ BLANKS, for a violation of this Ordinance nil property owned or in possession of such person at the time of his arrest shall be held by the RECEIPT l i d J L . LABELS, Marshal subject to determination of suit. When no property is found the Marshal shall hold the person convicted in custody, BLANK BOOKS, either imprisoned or at work upon the AC., &C. & streets of the Town, until such fine and costs rre fully paid, Provided, that such i custody shall not continue longer than Printed to order, and in the best Stvle. thirty days for each offence. S ec . 5th. All proceedings had under this Ordinance not herein provided for, shall be . conducted as like cases under the laws of ] the State. Passed Dec. 5th, 1873. AHTO WATT. President Board Trustees A. L. JOHNSON. Reorder. Umatilla. T» i ; kvity .— The «rood is bettered by bi-in0' short ; even happiness, for ns the splendor of the snn is en- hiii r id l\y the passing cloud, so joy catches a ¡lightened glow from tem- ]K>rary anxiely, und the quickest to suffer is tin* readiest to enjov; even i; vet nr the longest, is niff 1<> too long when the capacity to enjoy, the power to reason, and the means of usefullne.»s are gone. See how well brevity works in the conduct of life. Rebuke a child or a ser­ vant pin few words, and you produce an impression; emphasize it, and ym i talk to the wind. Speak an apt word in public, a word that burns, and you hit the mark; add a word superfluous dud you efface it. P a r a short visit — clamor will seek to detain you; spin the time out — failing attention ought to warn you of the fnte o f the bore. A note of sympathy is to bo preferred to a cross folio, difficult V) decipher, harder to digest; a word in season is worth an hour o f well meant ud- vice; the brevity o f a sonnet eli­ luutc si its p 'rfection. — Christian tieni. T M ohaw k, Marion, T ( tled o, F kf . tfit . IU bies . — 1 »abics often cry without any apparent reason; but a mother can usually discover a rea­ son if she stops to think about it. And it is worth stopping to think al*out, no matter if the housework or sowing be delayed awhile in con­ sequence. Perhaps it has eaten something which disagrees with its stomach; perhaps it is thirsty, for little babies are often thirsty, and ill drink a teaspoonful of eold wa- t»v with the greatest eagerness, aim l*e quiet and satisfied after it Perhaps its little sock is tied too tight, us my babes was the other day. I found a deep red mark around her little ankle which at once explained her fretfillness. More likely than anything else, the flannel band nround his bowls — if hapily one is there—or its skirt-band is pinned too tightlv. I know a babv who has cried a great deal since its birth. I thing the chief reason of it is l>e- «ause he has always been dressed foo tightly. The mother said to me one afternoon when the child was so cross she hardly know what to do: “ I've a great mind to undress him and put on his night-gown; he is- always real good then.” So she did, and lie commenced to be good at once. Mothers should search for a/t possible anuses when their babes get fretful. They should not be too ready to attribute their crying to nervous tempenneut or to hunger, for it is more likely to be carded by the prick of a pin or an overfed stomach than either. — Hearth and L oots I h'llll M-l'llI Ordinance No. 4. List of the Post-Offices of Oregon. SADDLES, BRIDLES, WHIPS & Lashes ■Repairing promptly uttended to. n 13;.3* p l^ rO T IC E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT -A w the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Washington Connty, Ogu., administrator of the estate of George Buemann, deceased, and all persona haring claims against said estate are requeated to present them to me at my residence, five miles north-east of Hillsboro, Washington County, Ogn., or to Thou. H. Tongue, my attorney, at Hillsboro, within six month* from the date of this notice. ROBERT IMBRIE. Hillsboro, Nov. 15th. 1873. n35:4t / I A