FOREST GROVE, VÖL. 1. THE INDEPENDENT. WASHINGTON COUNTY, ORËGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 , NO. 1873 - ful voices of the boys and girls, understood in a way to redeem his Church claims supremacy. She do­ playing in the streets and fields—all promis. The following are the mes the right of the State to exist, [The following is a laughable parody on j which are the tokens of prosperity leading propositions of his essay, without her permission, and regards P U B L IS H E D AT Sheridan's Ride, and we would gladly give i t s t o w n s a n d s h i p p i n o p o i n t s __ it s WHEAT product — PHK’fi or LAND— and haPPines8‘ stated partly in our own language, it but as a part o f her machinery-^* credit to the author if we knew his name.— j Forest G r o v e ,...................... Oregon* g ran ges . j TUE s h i p m e n t o f w h e a t f r o m l i n n co. which we trust is plain enough, and an instrument to do her will; Hetf Ei>.] ____ W ill be greater than many calculated, not to plain, for the common reader: authority flfid her teaching cover all Albany will ship at least 550,000 1. The organization of woman her duties—morai anil religious» E C . IB . L U C E , H arrisburg , N ov . 2(>, 1872. Right from der front, von pootiful day, 1 bushels; Tangeut, 100,000; Shedd, defines for her a special career of civil social ami political. Het* mis­ Bringing der rear some fresh dismay, The « » “ “ f 1 irapiession omonK ex-1 HaUey? 165,000'’; Harris- her“ OAvn, as that of man does for sion is to subdue the world. Where A frightened sentinel brought der news — E d ito r a n d P roprietor. H*; looked as if he was scared like de duse, penenceil fanners is,that this season, j b u r g 188,000 ; Miller’s Station, 1 him. she has not the civil power at her Der vay vat he kicked his legs so loose— so far, is among tile most favorable 1 - . ’ 2. The maturing process in the command, her only means o f succeed . . f ,, . t 5 , 000 ; Peoria, 30,000; making a Telling der Rebels vus cornin’ ahead, kn ow n in Ore on for the coming tlutal of i ,148,000 bushels. There female covers the same four or five is political action. Hence politics Und shooting like hell— croP\ . »e 1!lin coiner own just at * s ag mucb xvheatin the hands of the years which are commonly given to becomes an essential part of her re* T erm » of Subscription: Yel, dat’s vat he said! C the ng i 1,1U U 1 1 1 1 ,1 ine p owing farmera yet unsold as will brilig the education iu the better instructed ligion. If she does not instruct her On« year ( payable in advance),.......... $2 00 Der gallant soldiers, I had no doud, general and easy, and the grass a n d , llw jor Hbipment up to 1,200,- classes. feix months “ “ .............. 1 25 subjects in this theory of govern­ At this sweet news with joy should shoud; Thr*1»* montlm " *' ............. 75 young w heat to spung up abund- Qbb bushels, and the total produc- j 3. If the brain is overworked du- ment she neglects a most important But, as der news vas spread around, Binale copies “ ** .............. 10 Tell-der truth dey looked down in defmoud, antly. Iheie is every reason to tjon 0f Linn county is fully 1,500,- ring this period, the force intended part of her duty — an olilil?9««n that Especially one poujr Dutchman dere, HAS FROM hope that the harvest of 1..71 will poo bushels, including what is kepi for the development of the special cannot be laid to her charge. Who veil heard der guns in der air, be as abundant amt prohtaole as it for bome consumption and seed for life of the female is diverted from it, THE PROTESTANT DOCTRINE. Did almost turn himself gray hair! Advertising Rates: vvas this vear, and tha. the hearts of tbe coluj„ got himself shod with a cannon ball— 60 jar square for each subsequent in­ classes wen rew aiaeuior ineir moor. )the fanper8 of Liun county lor 4. 1 he coeducation of the s>xes j cept8 the revealed will of that Being And talk as you may dat Dutchman vhs sertion for 1< ss time than a month. ll.cre never was more good an. sulv wheat alone not taking into account is generally understood to mean their a9 hig ^uide in religion, and the right, L o c a l N o t i c e s , 1 2 ' , cents per line for the st ant ml reasons .o f keepiiig a day of j the UIUOU|lt availed from oats, barley, identical education, and it is in this In a battle, it is better you vas out of sight! first insertion, umloceutsa line for each sub- only basis of morals. But instead of Thanksgiving in this State than this To got shod uud explodt d dot aind much fun sequent inrertion. No notice less than 50 4 CRF.S OF EXCELLENT LAND^FOR !IS hay, sheep, cattle and the other pro- identical education that the dangers accepting “ The Church,” or amy So long a * > you got a chance foe to run. affords. a As o n e anorus. s to-morrow is cents. A sale in Washington County. 10 ductious of the farm. From every pointed out in the essay are to be .lav set apart for this purpose in the part ot Linn county there comes the looked for. The coeducation of the church as the exponent of the D i­ T*i n Brevier lin**s make a Square. Cud as der shod did buzz around, Knockin’ der soldiers on der ground I’ Mlua « » t o » , the people of Oregon - ihe(,r;„ ncvvs of j,leutv prosperity sexes is an experiment which the vine will, he claims the right to read 1 month. 2 months. ti months. Cud exploding mit a pootiful sound, $ 7 uo ÿ 2 no $ 3 00 I square... ; «11, no .loubt, keep it Jo, and >nJ satisflll.lion tts the result ,‘,f the poverty of our colleges practically and interpret it for liinlseifi ’Thifi a •• Dat Schneider quick made up his mind, right of private interpretation ifi 4 10 00 . 3 50 5 DO M giaduess* prohibits, and which presents au in­ fundamental principle of Protest­ year’s industry and a smiling Provi- Der first good nmole vat he could find, 6 no 12 00 . 4 00 3 ** -4* shkdd ’ s He rides uvay so quick like der wind, 7 00 herent difficulty iu the matter of ad­ antism and its most distinguished . 5 00 14 0 0 tw A dence. Is u small town created hv, and one Und leave dat battle far behind. 1 (> (N) l4 column . 7 00 9 lH) ¿1 justing the methods of instruction American Protest* © 2 3 pO . 9 00 12 0 0 of the natural results of the build­ THE PRICE CF LANDS IN LINN COUNTY. to the physiological needs of each characteristic; Der was a road righd near dad spot— 1/ autism ascribes to the State not only 3 0 0 0 15 00 . 12 00 Iu the southern part of Li uh , » ing of the Oregon and California A first rate road fora moole todrot, sox; hut these difficulties are not in­ supreme but extensive jurisdiction 20 00 50 00 1 . 15 0 0 Railroad. I t has a few good stores, county farm land is not as good as superable; “ the former can be re­ Und dere dat frightened Schneider rides, Und kicks d**r poor mule in der sides, neat cottages, a good public school the Albany prairie nor so well culti- moved whenever those who heartily in all civil matters and over all per* sons within her limits, wnile it con* Und screams so mooch at him besides— Advertising Agents: aml church It is distinguished as vated, and the improvements are not believe in'the success of the experi- Der trees und der road dey pass like shot; , cedes to any church or religious so* a favorite point for storing and ship- H0 t{ir advanced. Ibis is evident - -- - - - - L. SAMVEL—Portland. Oregon. Fatigue und exposure dat couple feel not; j. inent choose to get rid of it; and the exclusive jurisdiction in spirit- A L. P. FISHER—San Francisco, C al. Dev only visli to got uvay from dat spot, ping wheat The Farmers’ Union from the difference in the price of j.^ter bv patient and intelligent ef- ef- I uaj ^Y m attw s over o v e r ‘its~own“ mem own members; warehouse is a large, convenient land and the production of wheat to 3 fort » ky patient and intelligent ° | ual matters matters o . er its its own mem Two-fordy dat tnoftle he goes Hying a vay, s fort. I 'pbug Der hills riM* und fall, und Schneider gay BUSINESS CARDS. building; it is leased and partly the acre In the Albany prairie 5 ’ p erodicitv is the tvne flawl of I _____ „ n A ’Cause now he is more as five miles uvay. |JC1 aric u lu i , 5 ’ . Perodicity is the type (law) of | t h e term “ religion , ” owned bv A. NN heeler A Co., the ; land sells at ?3.) per « 4 >x . 1 ■ . n ^ .. an A A »-4 ««»-4 yw W of / , f 4 L « 111 tf lv w s leading business firm of the town, M produces average thirty bush- i e w ^ n d w o r ^ P®lSlstence’ In the mind of the Catholic and the Still der hair on dat old moole C. A. B A LL. RALEIGH STOTT. , ^ T - »I i , of w’ork. . - * - oi male maie force iorce and anu woik Protestant, means verv different Did not for von minute ever cool, and is of great advantage to the far- els of wheat to the acre. In the A boy safel Rtut] v sjx He strained him every strength he got, mors-of the district for storing their south eastern end of the county’prai- hour8 aailv^ a girl not* m ore‘ than things. To the Catholic it means a B A L L N, S T O T T , Uud Schneider as he on him sot universal empire, governed by 4 wheat so as to take advantage of the j n e farms sell from $1-| to an i , x, ])o r r , Vas heard to laugh ’n a jolly vay — A T T O R N E Y S . A T - L A W, ‘Cause now he vas more as ten miles aavy! market at any time. The warehouse | acre and raise from eighteen to rem L toS oi both hierarchy clothed with supreme au­ can hold at one time G5,000 b u s h e l s twenty bushels to the acre. These gtudv and work for oue or more thority, spiritual and temporal, and No. 0 Dekum's Block, Stdl old Schneider did pnsh him ahead— a State with just so much power as of wheat; A. Wheeler & Co., will are average prices and quantities. ! Javs‘ at certaiu lar inten-als. “ I feel quite better now,” he said, PORTLAND, OREGON. ! ship for this season at least 100,000 1 here are farms in the Albany prai-j * 7. The physical evils which fol- the hierarchy may choose to confer Uud his face it vas so jolly red— ti35:ly But not a minute did he stay, bushels. The district of the c o u n -! rie , that would bring $50 an and 1 , low neglect of compliance with the upon it; the hierarchy itself, being . . . . acre , Und soon he vas dwendy miles uvay! THE FINEST AND 1' CHEAPEST try, of which the town of Shedd is [hat produce from forty to fifty physiological conditions of maturing above the State, its memliers aie not So good dat moole his duty done, th e center, contains a large num- bushels to the acre. Ihel>est farms , wo‘uiaili,oodare most evidently mani- amenable to it, but to an Ecclesiasti­ FOREST GROVE LODGE NO. 136, cal Court of their own choosing. Dat before der setting of der sun ber of successful farmers, whose in Linn county are capable of still fested after scliool-davs are over LANDS IN THE STATE ! 1 I . O . G . T . lie carried his rider, dat son of a gun. dwellings, office houses and farms higher cultivation and increased j 8 \S^ eia l and a ^ p r i a l e educa- To the Protestant religion, though A w ay fro m th e s o u n d o f an y gu n, 14 f EFTS AT ITS HALL EVERY SAT bcar evidence of much taste, great production. Lands in the foothills ! tion for eacll sex is the need of the an important, is a very simple matter Uud v.-n der battle vas at its top, — a matter of individual responsibil* a V i I'llD AY evening at 6 o ’clock. Al comfort and consid erable culti- adapted for sheep, can be bought time Und der swords with awful noise did pop, members of the Order in good standing ar- Und der ground mit healdv blood did sop, vatioli; from $4 to $5 an acre, with a cousid-1 AI\ these piincip’ e3 Dr. Clarke ity. It involves his duty to his G od, fordiallv invited to attend. m22:ly Dat Schneider as he rode along H.xLsr.Y. erable free range m the Cascade | maintains ¿ re overlooked or his country and his neighbor. ______ ____________________________ 1 Singed himself a funny song— TUT PROTESTANT VIEWS OP CHURCH A X 9 Is one of the prosperous railroad mountains. The farms for sale are , disregarded in the education of oui^ He vusn’t «linkin’ aboud der vrav, STATE. ’Cause now he vas more as a hundred thous­ towns that has spvung up within the held^firin at present riitcs, %ith a American girls, and to this fact he FRANK L* STOTT. He regards the State as an Instliii* and miles a vay! last few years. It is not more than decided tendency upwards. As soon attributes, bv no means exclusively, Dree cheers! dree cheers for dat Schneider tion established for the administra­ A t t o r n e y - a t - L a tv , thirty months since the foundation as Oregon has direct communication but in large measure, the discourag­ so bold! tion of justice and the protection of I I I L L S n o i a >, O R EOO V . Four cheers! four cheers for dat moole so old! of the first house was laid; it is now "ith the Eastern and Western States ing aspects of American womanhood. the rights of man, with jurisdictidH Office in new Court House. a thriving town with a reasonable by railroad, emigration will come in * * * * * * over all the inhabitants within its prospect of a sure and steady growth, rapidly and prices of land will No one pretends that any single territory; and that it may fulfill its Wêndell Phillips on the Saxon. Having the direct advantage of the advance in proportion. More direct opinion on such a subject is final, or W . II. S A Y L O R , 31. l>., railroad for forwarding wheat, and communication with Europe by sea That a^singie series of cases can sat­ functions, it is clothed with the Physician and Surgeon. in a lecture in Boston, the other located in the very heart of an ext- " d l secure a greatly increased de- isfy ab inquirers. But there is power of the sword. A church he regards as a voluntary association of FOREST GROVE, - - - - OREGON I n the new building, comer of Oak pan evening,‘Wendell Phillips is reported ensive and valuable prairie, it is a maud for the fine wheat and choice probab lv n o o n e w a n in th is c o u n tr v individvals, united for their spiritual Elm Avenues, opposite the Congre­ to have said: “ It docs not suit our dcsiral le place for shipping and an flour of the btate at enhanced prices. I wilose opinion would carry more OFTTt'-E At the Drug Store. edification, having authority over gational church, Forest Grove, Oregon, Saxon men to use their muscle, attractive centre for business. the g ran g es . ! weight with it than Dr. Clarke’s, RESIDENt ’K Corner Second Block south none bnt its own members, and over rhe genuine Yankee disdains work ; lh e la n n e is N\ arehouse w ill ship Such is the popularity of this' Of mature age, of a judicial habit of the Drug Store. m22:lv he makes his brains work for him. t n . season oH.OOO bushels of wheat; organization in Linn county, that of mind, of great and varied exiie- them only ill spiritual matters. I f his church assume the exercise of reat maioritv F This is not the age of work; we i-T h om p son & Son, 87, «00 bushels; t l * great majority of the local ricnce, recognized ‘ by the community political power, he regards it as a r0S T OFFICE HOURS. make our brains do the work of ten Thompson & Higley, 18,000. Mak­ granges have to hold meetings once An 1 his oxvn profession as standing thousand hands. We work through ing in all 105,000 bushels. Halsey a xveek to initiate members. They j in the very front, rank of American usurpation,and,as a Christian within Mail going south closes a t 8 a . m . ; Mail invention, through sagacity. We has, in addition to these three xvare- are wisely confining the membership practitioners, his testimony on this the church xvill resist her efforts, in going e a s t ch>se«at 1 i*. m . Office hours on stand to-day in Boston and labor­ houses, four large general stores of to farmers exclusively. If the pastj vital question, supported by his order to keep her withiu her legiti* nnndav from l o . i t o t o 11 a . m U^ No departure fiom this rule. iously lax a wire to San Francisco, a superior class; an excellent drug­ is a guarantee for the good ju d g -] clinical evidence, is not, indeed, at mate sphere; while as a citizen—a N . E . CVOODF.LL. 5,000 miles away, and with one man store, kept by Major Smith; two ment, xvise counsels and prudent ; once to he pecked at xvith petty criti- statesman—he will resist them by Post Master. shops, txvo saddlers’ action of the future, the Patrons of cisnis, but to he “ weighed and con- political means. In doing so he is has unpacked a lurge and well-selected stock at each end of the wire, xve send a blacksmith n7 :ly of message, and think it a grand achieve­ stores, a tin store, a small chair fac­ Husban.lry xvill work a great revolu- sidered ” and committed to the veri- not opposing religion, in liis concep­ ment. But the men at each end tory, and an excellent door and sash tion in favor of themselves and the fication or the modification or the tion of the term, yet he is opposing the church in its attempts to usurp C O R N K L I l'S I.O lH .lb I. O. O. F. know what is sent, and could betray factory, kept by Bassett it Ailing- industrial classes generally; xvhon confutation xvliich men and xx'omen political poxver. He is but perform* the confidence reposed in them if ham. 'l ibs factory used 200,000 feet the farmers are prosperous in an as competent as himself, if such can N O. 4 O. ing a duty which be owes to both DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, they pleased. We think xve have of lumber last year. The proprie- among us, v shall out A x I i lx. ii 11 ii I i l l i State H ill v 11IV VJ v Oregon, / i t p W i i , (All v/ I«*** i i i u i i work n ota w ui agricultural like all he » found MEETINGS EVERY TUESDAY Church and State. reached the goal, but the patient in- t ° ls huve contracts for supplying other industries are benefited to a by the same care, with the same op- availing at 7 l J o ’clock in Odd FANCY ARHCLES &c. INCOMPATIBLE THfcORlES. genuity of the Saxon blood, of the materials for seven new houses. It great extent.— Oregonian ' • ^ Hall. Members of the Í portunities as those which ‘ ‘ have led It is obvious these tx\-o theories art Order in good standing are nvited to at- ! Yankee race, xvill keep at xvork until li:ls a neat church, a large fine pub- him to his momentous conclusions. incompatible. The Catholic cannot tend. By order of N. G. finally in your grandchildren’s day be school, xx’ell attended; a hotel, Dr Holmes on the Co-Education of A L SO tolerate a Church that claims inde­ - . it will send a message from Sail kept by Mr. and Mrs. Penland, more , the Sexes. Politics and Religion Church and pendence of the Churchy and the Francisco to Boston without a xvire; than usually comfortable, where the ! ------------------ State. HOLBROOK L O D G E NO. 30» Protestant cannot tolerate a Church no man at either end xvill know good things of the season are more Oliver W eldell Holmes in the De« Family tiroccrio* and Provisions, that denies the independence of the A. F. & A. M. what that message is, and it xvill run than amply provided and elegantly cember Atlantic thus writes of the PROTESTANT IDEAS AND CATHOLIC IDEAS State, and whose members acknbwl- FORESTGROYE. OREGON. Meets both xvavs at the same time. We served, and where rich cream is sub-j sexes: CONTRASTED. edge civil allegiance to 4 foreign w h o l e s a l e a n d r e t a il , i y Saturdav before the Full Moon in The doors of our educational in­ ' are only touching just on the edge stituted for watery xvilk, or no milk each month. Brethren in good power. It matters not whether that or fringe of the garment, and un- at all, ns is the case in some places stitutions have been besieged of late Eiitor Chronicle.— I am much power l>e called civil or religious— a funding are invited to attend. i doubtedly electricity, superseding called hotels. The Good Templars years by considerable numbers of pleased xvith your judicious article numerous and influential. xvornen who have asked and some­ entitled “ The Crescent and the Church or a State. The allegiance steam, xvill light our houses, perhaps are it demands is both civil and religious, HARDWARE, CROCKERY de., Ac. lift us into the air, carry us across Among a number of neat cottages times demanded entrance for them­ Cross.” You admit that “ if the! THOMAS H* TONGUE. t and thore who acknowledge its de­ the xxorld, and absolutely make man and pine houses in the town and selves and their vounger sisters on Homan Church or its members have mands cannot be loyal to any other A t t o r n e y - a t - L a \v « the lord, without movement, of cre­ neighborhood. Dr. Smith’s stands the same terms xvith those of the any secret conclaves that regard the 1 Governm ent W h v should the But the Saxon has his great conspicuous for extent, neatness and other sex who have enjoyed the In fact, everything to be found in a first- ation. Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon. class Varietv Store. demerits. The Roman god xvas force, •omplcteness. When one or more privelcges furnished by these insti-j olics have a right to ' 'employ ^he I They have knocked loudly same instrumentalities against them* kw oxvn theory i the Greek god xvas beauty, the Arab­ years’ of improvement are added, it tutious. ian god sensuality, the Mohammedan will pass for a model establishment, » ^ j long, ^nw er tLe*V ClJn be ef; I the°lnumph of his theorv, theTath- K. D. S H A T T U IK . B . KILLIN’ . H XRRISBURG god exquisite perfumes, the beauty Sliattu« K X K lllln , ‘ of woman, exquisite wines; the Saxon Is located not far from the south ex­ V arious n U i v ^ f I Z Z ™ . f but t 7 the ^ * „ulm 1 ^ t and ^ “ ‘i pulpit the " press, and pediency have in most, or many _. ' . ~ »D .^ cret - p roceedin ~ g. ! , .but tbe m-ess. idea of a god before Christianity tremity of Linn county. It is built I nat the ( at holies have such con- ,{0eS his utmost to add the teacher ■A TV > It S E VS A X V COl XS EL OHS My goods xvrro selected expressly for this had come to the race, xvas not an on the east hank of the "Willamette cases, been alleged as the excuse for claves is susceptible of deinonstra- ; ajso> market and I shall always keep up a full out-door scene; it was no beauty river, and has the advantage of ship­ keeping them out; but the sister­ tion. But this is liot my present ‘ ' HIS maHX To ikj s o AT LAW. assortment making like the Greek; his heaven xvas a ping by that river during the winter hood and its advocates have not been o .jeet. 1 quite agree xvith you as to Cannot he denied, for it is guaran* they commonly Dfkniu'** Buililint{, First Strrit, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING hall, beneath whose roof xvere gath­ and spring months, and by the Ore­ satisfied; and, t h e p r o p e r m o d e o f WARFARE. ! tied by this Constitution; so is the make themselxes heard in these gon and California railroad at all ered the victorious xvarriors, their PORTLAND, OREGON. If our non-Catholic papers were a s ! right of the Mormon to protect a prominent feature in my store. My goods dripping blood, and seasons of the vear. It is the sec- times xvhon suffering from nnv real free to advocate the American theorx’ , polygamy and the “ De.strox’inif An* are all neir, my salesroom In rye and ic*7f- battle-axes lighted, and my they were quaffing the means of ond most extensive point for ship- ■ or supposed wrong, there must he of government as Catholic papers gels;” so is the right o f the Moham­ FURNITURE '.T FURNITURE ! ! intoxication out of the skulls of ¡»ing xvheat in Linn county. Those few readers of a periodical like this are to oppose it, there would he no medan to establish the authority o f A T their enemies. It represented txvo who should he xveil informed and xvlio have not been reached bv the occasion for secret societies, and the tqe Prophet; so is tbeCominunistto R. MALKER S STORE. PERSONS ideas—force and the stimulus to competent judges, outside of Har- cry of equal privileges in education Crescents’ occupation would soon be overthrow civil goverflnent» But - LO XV at* the LO WEST. • wishing anythin',* in this lint- will do m i ( 'ES ON victorv, and then enhancing the de- risburg, have estimated the ship- for*both sexes. are their rights more sacred than gone. The (.'hnmiclc has the honor well to call before buying elsewhere. ulJhtf for The most prominent objection , ■ . . . ( light of the hour of victorv bv intox-i ments of wheat from ....... this ...... place ,---- - • ”* -**- ---- - r . ......... ..w uujut-uun r ottrs liecause they choose to call ¡cation. And if you xvill watch this the season, at 85,000 bushels, when apart from temporary economic oh- j a\.li(lVc 'diverse p! the Catholic theory t i e n relig o w ? I f ¿ jo , it Is full time . S p e n c e r , Saxon race of ours as it marches down the fact is there xvill be at least 1 8 8 ,-1 stacles, has been the questionable J . of government. Ibis evidence of xve had au authoritative definition of the centuries for a thousand years, 000 bushels forwarded to Portland effort of too close association upon the term. As our Constitution D E A L E R IN tow nte you xvill find txvo great passions, see for shipment there to foreign ports. I more susceptable voung persons of im p e n d e n ce encourages me stands, any absurdity may claim your 1 - - - - - - - 1 • n differ 1 arti- Opinions as to 1 this communication. In L, „ „ 4 . tir u r u iv n u r To my fnmer customers and nil in this it in England and see it here- first, Gerst, Myers vS c Co. xvill ship 15,000 the txxai sexes. protection under the name of relig­ E N E R A Li 3 I E R C H A N D I . L ? vicinity the invitation is to “ come anil see.” to trample under our feet every bushels; \V. H. Barber, 30,000; this, and experience has hardly been d o of the (ith instant you sav: “ The ion, while it affords no protection for We like to show goods whether vou purchase neighboring race to clear the ground Lexy, Seller & C o., 50,000; Far­ ample enough to settle the question Crescents say of themselves that op­ either State or individual rights CORNELIUS, OREGON. or not. pose no m a il’s religion. There is a ! around us, allow no rival, no com­ mers’ Warehouse, 18,000; Smith, finally, at least in the minds of sop h ism in this, when it is admitted against the encroachments of the petitor. The genuine John Bull Grist & Co., 05,000 (in wheat and many whose oxvn purity of charac­ that they withhold their votes from Church. The only weapon left us is All kinds o f Product brciaht and sold. nl4 :ly | can neither hear a Scotchman nor an flour.) making a total of 188,000 ter leads them to take the highest a citizen because of his religion.” the ballot, while the Catholic Irishman unless they are under his i bushels. views of human nature. It is not Is there not rather a misapprehen­ the pulpit and the press besides« A large section of ceuntrv trades an easy matter to cfet to the bottom ! feet; the genuine Yankee must ah- j sion of the term “ religion” than a I Give us these— a free press and a ' sorb Mexico, invade Mexico, and at Harrisburg, where there are four of, for the sweet poison o f ndolscence “ sophism ?” The term has various ! fearless pulpit—and we shall have take all the outlying islands. And large stores kept by Smith, Brads- is subtiler than any Tofnna ever meanings. It includes the Catholic j no need of secret organizations« A R C IIIT K C T A N D B U IL D E R , it must intensify this glory of con- ?C .‘vv* «MW ° w . ’ , 1 "w «” "«>«*» f'"' llw >nvol»nt..ry pamit«, , ,uld )lie i.ri,tcsta„ V i g i l a h c * tj . the „.„„„thrift Highest Market Price paid for Butter l quest by adding its intoxicants, and !u i,b i „ ‘ ' H Rut the consi, eration« I)r. ( hill , Jnd the polytheist; «„d with each poly and Eggs Little Tomy didn’t disobey mam* l so you find xve are the txvo drunken- J>*iIx i. 1 heso n,re iill ldifjp stores, urj^cshiivcbcGiiiilinostsysteiiiftticall^ his theory of religion is the founda­ Y V I L L FURNISH PLANS AND SPEC- i inn and go in swimming did he?” ▼ ▼ iticatioim fur Buildings of all descrip- { est nations on the face of the earth.” "*-U stocked, kept xvith great taste, overlooked. They xvere and are tion of his morality. It recognizes No, mamma; Jimmy Brown and tion» and suj»enntend the constructions of and the proprietor« men of business 1 embarrassing to deal with, and yet man’s responsibility to a spiritual be­ the same, also. Bridge and Stair Building, ; the rest of the boys went in, but I Probably the oldest timber in the j habits, ample capital and reliable the root of the matter lies there, and ing. and without this there cau be remembered, and would not disobey Hand railing, Newell posts and Balusters, j world which has been subjected to character. The numerous machines must be "ot. at sooner or later. also, all kinds of solid furniture, viz: Bed- j NO LEGAL BASIS FOR MORALITY. you .” “ AndTommy nev^r lies, does the use of man is found in the an- and manufacturing shops have all as “ Great plainness of speech was steads, Tables, Bureaus, Stands, Ac., on 1 i of i Egypt. * t • found i much xvork as they can do. The necessary if the question xxas to he The Catholic substitutes for that he?” No mamma; or I couldn’t go reasonable terms. Shop and office over | cient i.* temples It , is Johnson’s Plaining Mill. Forest Grove. Being the “ teaching to heaven.” “ Then how does Tom­ in connection xvith stone xvork xvliich hammer in the toxvn keeps time to treated at all; and Dr. ( lark has spiritual A . H IN M A N . Produce tak en in exchange. Church.” and accepts her dogmas my happen to have on Jimmy Brown’» is known to he at least four thousand not only promised it in his Preface, the air in the xvoods, merry xvhistle Forest Grove, Nov. 7, 1873. all things as infallible. The shirt?* viars old. O i l f 'l U n7:1v II. M i O i m i u M, of (no men at tlie plow ami the iox*- but hai taken care to make himself in NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Schneider’s Ride. Linn County. LANDS FÜRTIIE LANDLESS ! ! I. MYERS 1 5 ,0 0 0 to 2 0 ,0 0 0 NEW STORE! JEST OPENED!! A . H IN M A N J H . McDonald, : "r?t