• \ • I I .! -!'"'--•--. • • c. - ; ; r . : , . . , . _ , , . L ~ .. - --- ,-onn-n- I ~:-...,"""""..-,+,...,....., •~ '-. ., . .,.:!'.I' _ ,. _ _ , , . . , . . ~ - ~ : . ~ Th - \ + I·<. ' 11 t! ,~ 1 t·l= · " li<' h con1 " ; to hi:1 ,·hit- 275 x,.,·, ~1:/i, ,·, ,,1;.i',T . I .. 70 I 37:J lW u2 102 Gfi , Tt.c Cc..11·,::-:~n. (.lt tho Old TWW&till B&ore.) -I ~ [,:!I: :1:lti ,)-• I -' lii " / I GE~ER.\.L - 1:'0HESTGHo\· J·~, l'0S1'EUS (of any Size), \ I 01:' PltODU E. OUl-~( OJX. , ?·l'rcmium on Cn•h Custom~ra. nt!i:tf na.1. IIE.\D~, Clll(Tl,,\llS, BHi r:r:-, snow c.,nns, Attorne,--at-14aw, I Office in l: Ef'r•: II.ff II I ,.\ BEl."i, I . . th-.! 1na!h·r i"' tL.d JK• let :\[r. ) L!,·'.1 11. t'" , •: :.•1 l (•\ 1 :: i1, l:l' l ,, :,'.0:1 (.,!l • 0 c-:d~lt~! --- - r 1 t , ' i. l t !l • -'l 1 ..) 1 ,; ·,.•1 • ~- ~: : ... t :l .1S . '-• ·~:·~ l11l .,l l d!:.:,:· li ~- ,I. . · ll ]: 1. 11 ! l:e ·~:· ,.; (•, .: p:: ,•l!u1 ·r · I l !(.' t 1 w- ) !1 1. ' ' ltl . h! ,t': l~ ... , i,: r . l. t11 ' t, "'J J r. !J .. ,... i - ,I . • lr;, 1 111, t!. !"--! I 1 •' !. .. ; •t• I.:-: 1,. , i. 1 ; t L' .,r ~·1 ,:: :r · t'O lt);ELlt ' :-i. O 1:EGO:-.. . fn•.111d ~ l :Jt ,·,,~ 11:·:11- 1 ' . · '';-JLL J-TTic\; SI[ l' J..\XS .\ \°D SPEC- , I si·· : 11< "1 1 lo J', \JI' . itit ·nt i,111..; €(1 t· lhli1"1 11g~ 11f .dl il ' -.•·l'lP• ·.1 "ld . 1 f( 1. 11 111t y ii1011..; :Hlil ~n;n ri u t, ·tHl l )H' l 'fl ll ... tr11dion'{ ~•f ·: 11 !I 1 " '' 1 : i ,., t !w ~a·n1' : al:--v, l ~r i,J...~l' n ntl l:-1,1i r h11ild ln g . l I!-:....• .·11•., I l , . ,· 1'' 1- · · 1 1 · , ' l' I. hun r hv \\"1 lll,1 h.n·c, LU!,l' c •·t·\',t" •.. \: r_ ·ii-;1~:·wl · ", , ,.._ • · l ll il fo u t IC ,d 1olt .·II' t,.• \ .1 J ,:1 (Ir ( ul .:~1 .. 'lH l 111;::-, i11l1 ;:.,...:·ll :,1.,1 !\ i' ~o~lt· ll. ------- • j 1 · ] 11· rt l-,; \f.., 1.ll- 1,alt l t'..:t " b I\~ J' 11 ·- I' .1, 11"1' :·v h'i ,, •H td, J•:l il- j .Jt . u\h1•1 :1 _ , ' ii:' : , dlh" l t!ie . ft·t•l- . , iu __ td' r! i(: \',l:,.1!L· !l. :u u ~Il•l er,• - ·-, .• 1 , " ..• \\- 11-11 ., , •1t i'l "-' • 1 .. , x . 1 Jll'l.., •1fl(-}'-. .. 1, l !\ Ill •• . • > •• • 1 1 I "'-. • • •~ <. ... ;;i t lir 111 -1:ly . H C lllTlsCT .\~D Bl. lLUEU, J··=--k. .., - 1\ l[ . Mdlonald. -=---------- BEE HIVE STORE• 1 : ,, .. . in (> ·1: ,l ''°, t .1,' t ,\ d,,11·.r -~••hl t•ii.': C~ p:t,,-:-; tl1l• prit•c o i hlu01.1. Tl1e t'dllor,·iu~ i-; tlt t· se11tc·n<·• 1-l •.. - •J up- ,' / • ii! t HI, ,. 11: l,:l l.1 Wl \L r JI): \ _'° ,·oou 1 {' Oll l.i 1n h. · Ju .1o•p D.1:ii.; : I t1 J 1,~!o ea-..tr:·n (.-:, •·ti,::-; .. h ,\,, q!ll r: t 1 it ti,£ . :: 1 i--it ;1nt!11, r iti( 6 ·· In r 1• :l hr··• ~ t:1 .. • •:<'r,1:.-~ th<1 ju- I °"':hi,I '. !lie ,, in,l J,: ,,ws . ] hl' ,.!iH) r .,1 : ,i,.t t.,.y c ·1 Lu ,1:o11 1. Tl ,. 1-v h 1 :0 c \ · • d. ,I 1.1 ·11 11\.' th·1u m:- , ) 1 J , L·pt. ,dC!l D Pt~ <:.,L-; I :.,·c gru,, , 1 t?:•t.11 \\l \ lc:--~J1..• '-:: ct··t,. :ou uf C'ni ,:. ii iu ~ur- e~c t• l, :ill t~~,, td lT~·y tL .n ~l~oi.tl/ l h,• j ._•'\· ·11l1 ·tl. · ' ) ;l1ll)· . • 1 b > tl11-.; ( JtHl , f co1· ·ui tic· .., !Ulll p reu 1:tt?P ii -, in, :~\.:.. .. i - . u: ,.•,i .v i t:t '-«·n-·~l lc :11~,1 e ,' 't l!i111i1tl~h t1.l.! · • },t·atc·llt:<· l 1dl , w ! cJ'a ·r, t .t· { r~lit, J[ u!,ilt.- r sw:1:tl'c . ~h .Ju 1 1 l~i.11 (• i'"!l ~u·;•ic\.1 int •l' Yl'llt:1u1 th .. · l!i :" l1t ,t 11.._•1: t! 1Y ti •·d \,··.t ln~-l!lt- i '11 0 , i(.'.'~(\l': . McDonald, u,1i,, ;i,l ( 1" GOODELL, . 1 11 I. ·1! d-:. ,,( l ',·,,rl1l•'t' (Y.111 ;/,l (f11 d ,-.:, ,[, 1. l l('- 1n 1 I 1 11~< 11 ly frit. ·11tl3 , lf .L u1l rni lin~. ~, \n ·l 1 111-. t ~ a wl H ,t\11 -.11 r:--. l f lil 1: · ( I 1· 1 · a l~o. all bn il s of s,,1111 furn i11ll't'' , \·j .; : J3nl- :--n: ) 1 t 1 ,_ , ·tl :i 1 ·.l ·:· 1:., , r 11r 1;111 :-.t, ,1>1.•. T a l,ll'~. Hnr, :111 ~ . :-il!ln tl -. . ,\: c• .• o n tn t 't' t C t:. : .. :ll ~·-:t1 ,.i :1' 'c),t!..' - Iii; ) t".t.;1 11 Jfil 1l t • t• ·r ms. ~h11p llll• l oflit-t• un. r ,.·, l.• l ,· ,··. ~,, I I ,, 1 J l·,·.~ 1_ .,, l i('l'l l Jnhn..,1, n·'l-< l' lai11in !! ~lill. Fon•:-,t (iu,,·e. . ,~ l 'd d ' J,' Prv1hlt'l' takt.: 11 iu " l "Xt h n 11~~e . f, The E:~c,io n. • ' ;.?t, ' l t )i }>Olilic.il y when hi; 1,ri,a 'e u:,\., ry l>ect:111 " ' ~\!! .n.,:n ~:,Ll \\l1y ... -::\ i\,uli,lt an tl :-::1 a:~c :ls tv L'- , p !-- li t),lt1t1,~· aJH. sl :d , Lin;• :L Hu :: a! tr l,c i~ ,h •:L<_I. I ! • I C \•d 1, t;•:• ., ,•1 i r1· 'l I l' I the l .. , ,l.,l., d fish of ·.,fficl' nu.! ;n:1t,ni :l J a' r 11- :\1l•1 !1 1 i11 g :-,: ron~ . )11·. :'.Iitdwll ".-:i~ l. ill, ·,1 ,·uuti 1.u 1'.l?l \ \ ,. ! ' our e11u,t.: 1t~ 1 · ~111 1. ·~ :tl•.; H. l:1 ·:..· 11<•1:°'v! .d r~H ll f I ti~: n 111a'ttr."> i•!t\, u11i- p, lili a l 1°1..u·,,, u, l:,1t t!H:: 1 1:iy . ! r . .. ' uthcr nt"'n ~:,,!l,1 t• !1 L i, ""ll 11•·,·i,, ~.t :1 t 1 ! or ,1, Ul ,:'.~ u1.,l th·:t ,J.., ·,!,·s ,,f .:,•I . --.--=~- l. .... 1 a ! ti•:, ·l t ;.• rg1•,.:1 • ; ~1111 \', i:--e t1Jt11t ..... ;,:r :.itd j,111 -·,,. ah l.1,Ji,~ l l nl~- t!,Lt n. ; :t I a .: •.. t 11, i~.• .. 1:i/ct1l ,·i\- :: r·11 . it:i.:. . . l!1 l~!\- I,. }i"-; U,·•lu l1E - . ' C,.1\.Sll s 1)1 :t1, ·r , \ IS! I ,·oted for the abo,·v nnmcll &wiw:.llP, 110111,• (i urc·ti1! t·nl i-, iu dw t!i H ( , c; th an R e publican. But h owc,w·r ll'II<' I , ,-,,:! ,:,.r 1. l!P1"1l:11g 1w p .,.ttd:u11 t his m ay he, it 110('., not ~ati>,fy tl1 c· lu t;li. ,Ji .t.111 \ p:" ·i:i. ·<' . ,,1 1 ;,.1, -<•,·:,-., ,. J l I [1 . 1 )COp l C 'I\ l 1cn tl t('_Y ,;n ow t 1·1 I IC: ·,s :. , . ' 1 . • r . ,rnu _: I l \ •·c ,, , YC 1:1. l· l Hr•puhlicnn p a r ty h ad lar,:.;-e 1LH'j1 ,ri- 1 li., u, tu l,. •·p lljl tl,o , ::rn,l i1 ,•~ arn1i l', tic.~ i11 both hou5c·s of C ou(;"r c-.;-i :uul I of tl,o C o,·,•n.iH(H t. Th e (J 11 et 11 c,f 11ho the Teto power of the l're,i,kut, I the .\ , 'l'.e;, c.,:i ' i_:, ,H tu 11·,r r.ud so ll}{'y h hl the J>art,· r <''l'"'' i-1,:1 Jl"c· ,. in ,;•: ,,1·,;t l,·; 1:i I, ull l' ",: - • . ' ' • n l "'IC !or the-~c n1 enc;1n·,,:5. Jt n ·111; iu- t.•n 11w 11~ . v;o:il1. i ,n-; a :-.ta i.· in \j H, ( ' \ill - to 1 .-.e:c n wh l'l !1c·r lhc ·r: ptd1:i,·:1 !1 1 :-- :ll:tti ,u o our re pult!i<·, :--h al..; (' off CoD!;l'C.,s wil: ref ,nu tlii ~ win l<-r ,n·.~·- , 1!.c J, .' 1 lie (, f loa ,·!,,11-:, 111 n, 11 1 1,L·- ulate cxtor t:our,lc h-an -1•,.da!io:1 ' <·,mH at P1iec in tlll: (; ,J!f th e 1,ul- . \ • .\ Of ull J.-i111l .::. an ,l Turning, Scroll and He-S.winf,. • Done to Order In a At!'J(l I~I: PT UY - ~10l"LDI1'0S, I DB.. O ~ N . ll.\.JXSTI:IlS (Tunaedlltld SeroU): ._,T .lJ ...... O T OW;,; 11_~I'\ ._",·.,-r ._,t -r1·n'\ot·Ts I 1 01 :ti! Lour~. J-~ .\ nno ri•.u'y n 8.\DDJ.E-~onsE • w:1)·, AL- ! :, .li nt·.;: Nmn~:,, t-; with tll carii ut Cor- :1 ,fay. ndins t wice : .' llnrs,-s l mnnl, 11 n1 r 1<-mLhle ra1eH. Stair Ballllten and Xenll ..._ Cons! nntly on hsud a11dm1tdelo0rder. To THO!':E wn u COXTEllPLATE bnild·ng iu this ,·ic-inity Superior- l:1dl!cem1mt1 are • • ~ I F or_..e,·c,ryflting: n,;('f"f-.t1try to tl1e Eftretiaa"' Corn)'!• tion unJ fnn,i•hing of &DJ l.iuilclin~ run he butl at tllis Fnctvry • My mu,·hinery is !\°I,:\\· A:\°D FIRST CLA.881 An,1 tWe •·or1t done will II • el \ Steve H a.rris, , HI); ( ; .\l' l'.\J : ~L. I (;all and ElUl•l • e h• r .\ rt i,·!, ... t,• n 11nmt r- tu\ tl f'., 11 • . \ 11d lt,:J ... liy I 'Bdorc purN>asi11g <'lt«'nt'l'P. ,r.,r,-. ' . : :,· :tM (/~111-. .,, T. 11 ,1,l,rr m,, I D«ildi.Hf ». in ,,!1i.:h , yon :l l', ' 1 o ll-. 1,1 1·ir1l tal,·c.t, iu ("'J't:lht,•!J" fu1 1.·,,n•;i·,. ·d . n!i l 1!1:it i, ·a,q,nrt·ntly 1 Ad,lrcsis all ordP111- to "-- s!i\:It \du·n l ,·01Hp tl"t.!1.l tu the gr ·at r .11 ,: . l I Tn 1: g:r1:fltc-st 1~nd Lrst ,·nrid,· of C. t• n Cr1, l A. L. IOHXOX ForeaO-. eru.;, \ ll 1:l \"C (.d:llllldt.... . d o '[ l 1' · . al :f 11 __ 11 l1, ·.·,~ _.,. td Jd, d.t .~ I I\" fnrtli c r i·c - ~• <·n· 1,u1t IS(' 1:-1 kept in th e Bu~ H ive Store Only to rnnit a Li ,i rnl ] 1:- fa1H:tgt~ of th C' B1.aol.:s: F-m~.:th., ' • • I • t f a ft)· pbt·c• in tlu• County. This Ht nn.1 has r11l 1li1.·. i. 1::r,;.s 111 l 1:, ,.,,. ", l»1l ~li: dl i1t1J><"',f' :d wny~ 1Jct·u nokd for its vorid,· 11tH.l it, G-.ft.A. ·/ I 111, ... 1 .n, u :ill tl ,.J 1111:,i, !iu, c nt that 0 w 1I,11.~ .~Ji ,tll be uot on ly noted for tht· · C1 :xte:nt. FORCST GROVE, - . - • OREGON. Highest Cash Prlcc P:::id lnr rroduce. 1 I the :t l, ll-i.~ ·~. t nly r;•,~rcttiJ1g vr i h Y,u·i1•ty, hnt f or t he l :a•,y l .\11 l; in1 !-. nf l 1,\t Lh~ St1I!l\.·:p•(: {" ,Lll,U>i lie 11\t) l"\..' - . :u 1 ',jllillC to t 1 1c , wtul cri iuo · l,at , JOB WORK and HOnS!::S~OEING ! Qua or if s Good s SOLF. .\GF.XCT FOB ,.. <, Iii'"" _\° <>' It' gni]•y hbt: l. 'l'h,· I) .. ,,~ 1r.'fh (·11',·11 T of tl,u Cuurt i, tii:,t • n,u l><· l'OST o F:·1(·1: ::::r~:s. :: ,q, r >ullt ,l in t h,- S tn•<' J' ,i,,0 11 at A'l>TII E __ ; ll1(• t l ll11 • li \ .. :, ,..:' I 1 I I S '. t1..:- ' "i i !~ a hard Ld 11 n· • 0 '-· the tcl'! i1 \,t 1 11 ·, tr yt·,.r"I, , lie,· · \ · .. s: ra IUSIC 8T11Jl • i "iluRDETI Dllllt :\f.1 il g .. 'l in-..: :,;n11th d,\._, .... at '4 \. ,1.: )1. .i l :1l 1 1'. )I. , )!Ht lu iii l<'...,t 111 g~ 1 i11~ t w-.t d,'--• " ,;u n,lHv fr,,, ., 1,1,~.1:., 11 , . ,,. .tor ~Dt or lD'"t&!:a 0 ~. ,w ]\ :::, H::;: ·,; S,,.,~, .... _ _: Tua C!Ii : .\l'.\°l::!-S OI·' IT S PUICl-: S ! :·J ~odq ,,u111n fr'"' th, , rn l,• . --. t ] "t ] t \\. ] );,, 1-: . l; Ul) l)! : 1.L, 1 1 l',1~ t :OLi-,h•r. 1"1·,·1•11 ]lll : ,, l'C urc , t llr,Y ,lrt . 1 I sill fvr C.\SU, eousc')roth1•1·. H " \ '! 1 l',1rti.,-11 l:ll' att,,1di,,u pnid to hon-e . " In nc:ltne,s of en~ qd parity of'-, II wa~ l oll ~ti.J..!Y lo gd d111I1k. H L' I • I ~lu.>(•ing-, h:iJ fuutt.ll hor:--us u c,cr neg- hJ unu1ualled ." '"qh too · <·,u1tiow;. tou <:dl,1, too uu - O N L Y 9 4 0. ))R. TROlfAST. MOE&. lected . . ni:ly I.,fo~;ett~ Lo ~iit la •j,: l \iou:-1 y. IJ_\" J~· J/.IS'i ' JIOSJ;r I:; .IS G'UO /J ny 't•u~·ing th(' I 111prn,·1 ,l I on, e Shut- sc riu, '" . '( . 1lc :-O cwin~ )[:11·hi11 ' · :!,:!nil in 11-..j • 011 t he Il e w:h h·:Lll 111ea11 st;1 · :n"l prope r . • ~- l'. (' o:isl. l'Hl<'l-: 1:1-:lH TI-:ll \ " ·i1h ' AS .-1.YO'L'II L'l.'8'. H<: w:1,-g,,iu:; t" ltl'aY0n lil; c ,1 mu 1.11- ~)t•lt:-. \\" .,111111 tali!~~ ,rnd :rr, ;H il l~ n~c•t ly tin- ! ,,_ i-.hl'1l, 4•0111 pl, ·tt•) ::., ltl. ~ t•\\ -. 1•q11aliy wt'll , 1n 1 I bOldr THE N E\f }i(J"M E BUILDll!l'II l~llTERIAL 0 ~~,;:n:;;:\:,.~'.'ifit!::. . '?~\:::,.,~:1,i, ~::'. \ ~,.1 ;:~~': I •~l, c;: 1 Ii n1~ o Rea • · 1: s. •Tiu,.- 1 , au RD ET •1 '· - -- . ... ' LUMBER! BURDET ORCAN I · the lighh•"'t :\l n-.li11 ,\· lil·u, il.'.~t doll1. tiu:u-- IIL' ~l:1·,le I,,r- - BURDET O.llllf MONEY SA lJED I How -- ~ . -i • ·!L1,ry "\: :, -.1 i., s,,:ucwit:,l 11ot<••l a 11t cc:,l to ~ivc ~:1ti-..f:ldio11. the,· get t h~iz in.-;t ,l e"i~l'i. ~ a--; ot!i<'l , ;r;n i:n1 ud:di,Jn-.: . for ;1l1 :1d11 iiralitJ ll f,,i- U!at lou.-;c cla ss ! 1 II.\ nxr. " O\\' fO )I PLF.TED A ~'1::.W "I think th•ir to11e far 1'11peri.,..t:,::la- p~ple do r. t the h n!h l., of j11 ,, i,-~. ' of pr•<>pl0 .. "litl, in the 1.».nlJ!'rn 11ec ' ~h :111 T :i ; L 1:.1:1 vs. - OJ ·; cn,)0f' t C.:;s~ . .\ll will for<' :ilikc• in rlri <•p•: . whi~h 1 II tl l t t 1 • · I t ' I' 1 1 ~fru:u, nts of thn.t ,h.-!-.Cri1·•·1011 1'ntb.. •• , l :.Xl'C: S ll O lt~r -- . ... a P:,i •. , rn1 p n , . •t :,.t , • l'J Ut ' *LAH ~Ur.ti, J .\ ~~ ~o,v l'Il& " If thc l :<'',,11L_l;cn11 ( 'on,'YJ·,»,s . ,1 1> i!11· ;c- ,,f tl11·i r •1 11i11J1i/ '1,i rits, " ~1,,1> O\(•r,·' . 1,,-.. ,,·., . I,,·, 'l'HE , .El,' \. LO\',°£, "T l h ey can Nucoµ wh ,-d , nr 011111· 1·,mq ,li,·11t, 1l 11 u1 - l 'A l: DTOI-' IL f,O BDl·'.l lSFOll G I\\ ' I . H. )((11180lf .ehiu, •rv. A !k>Sili,·-· lllO \<·lll\ Il l of Str:1H ,1 'II ' \°.\HfuvS hl:-.Ds 01!' rtllll ·orthy S.-cretruy, I. 0. o.'T. tbin{,'S th e n th e . p r<,pl,· \I ill 'J •<' r ,1 ·c•;;,i 1111 ui l)c Supr<' lll C 1 :b h e t, n ,1s it. ,l:<- v,il l ,c:tt lo 1,iu e h th:1t t he P rodig,1 r., h roll,c,· 11-. s 1,i,m l hy :11:, ,1.11·,· ,li,1,• 1•.1q , ,s : lll' llHH·hin,· uulion nn,l s cun·,1 th o lil,1 -rty a11,l ,l111il,t r c, ,,,., .i; 11, 1:u , J titl.,.; of l1o- ·' ka11 ., " stiil' :tml p roi,:• r. ·' 'l'hf' F o r C a s h ! ·- ii equality o f rJ l .\1111•1·il'~n ci t iz ·n ,, 1.,11:. 11 , l .. i·, 11 :L11tsi 11 th i-.. ('Hll ily a ml p rupcr, tho (·:L'1tiP 11'; , :tll •l Ilic ,n hl' r, l'n n· !\o. 1. ~(,U : ~{J. ~ - ~1,.,: ... :J. ::-,o. r Ou sl1or t uohcc :Lnd • loeforo Ili c l..w. If i'iot tl 1l·t• 11·,, w·\l pr-·.-, :it a 11 _,· li <•.sil,uu•;; '-! II tlw pir t of ser-: 11 tu b e in lll:L II ol j cetiua:, h lc .E.ith l' r ;nad1iw .. • pn,111ptl~· t--1 t1l to1 :m~· uJf / I~ not onlr •mrrnnred for au .,., ._ • '.\ ,-, •• ''" 1\ ,·1-i pt '.'r. pli\"'.'· TIil' o nly A~l'lltf ll J~ As O X A n r. F. T ·~ H 1\1 Xl:w Goo os ar<' constantly !lrriviug nnt: ; l,inil . Th ,·rP is n • ,- .s, C HE.\l' GOODS, in c0 1111t i, s ""' 1:11', rt i u Ur<'"" ", \l":1 , bin~- YELLOW FlR TiM3ER OID:GON BRANCRIII,_ \. l\°·.,1.1 ··, .. ru:,. '.·,1JY • . ,1:. - I n tl1t· el:i., · o f l'~ ,:,It iu tl,i-i \\·011-1 to (nu and J,htho T, rr1t t• ri1 ~. !'-,1·1d f,,1· work lie. in side tho Coast. lt:rng1\ t.ogcthcr with a 1 p-,• I O I J Fi' , 8 I aml drcnlar-.i. All kind~ f, f :,-:.l wi11g- 1\Ia• ~~•.tpi·u.:L· ( ·uurt to-ll.,y, in th e <·asc 11 f w _1il'l1_ ~- [r. Bec c- lJ •r bc·!u !1gs \\ 11< 1 nd -, w LL Er. L. thine 1n·1·11lt-. awl (Iii for ... nh~ Good :Uill a nd E, 11<'rieuecd Sawyers, I La, .. l, Y~ . D :tn·upurt 011 appeal f,-,;, 11 I llll!"'J th~ h <·re:lly li1: t·11 !:t, ns _ an i"~ ·i11- GEU. 11°. Tl.I.\\" 1•:H. (., rn ra l .\ ,:,•nt. I will nlwnys keep nll lh c St:1111lard Bm11<1s Ycl:cw Fc>:. r. Lii o 'in11it l' om't of 0 1T;;o 11 it wa; I tcmprra.c r.pc 1111tlmfl, lh:1t 1n l,1 ,; /.,·- nf G oo,I~ arnl. liy n strit>t i ntc;...'Tity o f pnr- S. \r. L'vr. Thir,l ,\:.. ~[ ~ir.d,ott-~,ts . Portl,u.:il .-\ YD {'/ '/:J'08R nn.•yr.Qnf.W; C l' - ' TU.ILEJ:.~ II T/'// T]f}; 111:.:s r We nrC' g1ml to lrn1·n l,y lair ,li-- i,<:H !',a l ,-, , 11 ,nw,.- 11111 ,lc bv actual ,,,.,. ,/, " ' fi t,; s c·alt~n his 111 u11 c•y pose to d1 ·:1l :1s I "·onld be ,fou lt IJy. I r:ow / .\- OU: USE. p:ltcl:cs . th:.t tl,i ~ fe arful :11 .. l f:it:il sc•t:1,r, ., 1, tl;'~ pal ,li c J, 11 1 . ., 11 _ 1 :u,wn,; 11.c fo ,,J.:, :,11< l ,1 ~ p:·ic lh e in,·it,· yu11 tv myStorf, whi ch I now christ<'n ' ROUGH OR DRESSED LUMBER tho fC 'ililcnc-c i~ fa"- t t1i1"11.p pr·:1 r i11 :~ at •·\·r11inri t1H ir )'l),..,::c·s . .,o r,· r i•fiil:-i :t nd sa\' ill ,'j , f':tu: i1Jtt ;, :-111 •1 p !.'OP l'l", 1r1 n.~1 l of all kin,ls fnsnisheJ to order nn,l dcl iv red 0 I l\fem1,his r.nu othr•r 1,,,i ,.,., , .. hen ii · <:'•Jll·i·rniw; ti: 0 to · ·1w ,w,[li irctl 1 i11:I 1Pm·c ln, :.lway.; h ~o n for in :my pa rt of ,h,\ d t_y or f.iurround• \ inH (•otmt1:· ut tlif• en~t on1- ,le\"nsf ntin:; t ot1t·!1 h n~; 1'1; _,~ h: <·(1 ~, ill tli(• f11!ure fri \m tho l ·,iit<',1 n 1at,••; 1 1:nv a n, l • ut·,l ~n- Hl soui~f .v arut 1 • ' I arv 1 1 1·itt whi. n so r,,nny h omes nn ,1 111f11l<· tl1n11 -:1111b c,f a rc \ a lid'" l,..t1\: r n p:wt i,-,; lo t1 ,,, 1 <: co uu ,,1_,· u, l,,Ju -,el, ,l, l and 1 g, J1·orn- "i,lows r.lH1 orph:-tn~ . .', l S!. re•l·;,,,1t ,-,,1·lrc«·l, tJ ,,'n:.;· 1. 1: iuc 1,<' nt t ,c, 111e 11 t. ll ha<; l,l'<• 11 a l"n.•;· ii .J,,,tc•,l JtrmrmLcr the pln<·r. J :S. Can, pLd:· 0 .,...,.,._i#.~ - -_,thc t111.,th rat.> \\ a.· fuui"11l n,11·,1, ,., ti.1 1Le uo :ll' t< ( ( 'o!l,','J"!':,s h j· \d ti c·h ii ' '[ 1 l<-st:nu ,d,ctlicr ll,c .-1':)11d thrift 01· Qiu StuuJ , f'orcst Gro.rn . fn,w tw~ufy l o ti,irly 1,c·r day 1,i , h 111 :: he n,-,1uir ... ,1,_ :uul th ouf; li lh e ' lh e 1t1i ,cr i ~ th o 1110,t injurious TUE BEST OREGON. J. U. lll.\TTlll;:\VS, 1icpul11iiun 0£ n11ly -1,lJOll. :\frill- ( :u\"l•nt n11-nt is u11J r r ll :' obli ga tions I tl, p ro,11n ,11 11 ity . .l~ot h a rc au evi l i with a popula~ion of l,a, l·, ~i 1h9r of the parlicH j 11 rr·,, r ,l to - 11 111 '·"r~ally a .-tm ilte,1, l,11.t th e 111i s!'r Po,· st Grove, Or., Nov. •1th, 18i3. 11nlil \Tit.Linn \Teck altu o;t OC":!.- "'i.CS rntcq,_>ek offi ·i:11 eh ,trh'•1:1-; r:11 l warl; of """ ,l efcn,c a11,l !! w hr>1,w 1,1,.- .. , thic,·es out of ul:ice: a110\, Fl";..\.l[F.R, Tll\°Gl E a11J cmoon;:n t' LOORING, PL.\ tX nn,I :Cl'Sl'IC CEILINGS S twh n~ 11 0 I H e h as f-.onw tliin ,ri gl)otl to ti !l th u n an d D l'h~Pl .. l';~<'_, . :'°"~- Tll.\"I' IIE I ('.ill ;tnd !'-ct• H , m . .,. ~l.\~Y CED.\ U, ' l'l:C :mcl HARDWOOD • -- -.. l11](1~(;S _ DOORS AXD BLI~DS "flm~ST GfiOVE" tirER r .1xn FE£D ST1BLE. 1·->oS"[., ~)_ ,~f 1 [if]]~, - ._ SASH, _, . F1.rs"t 01.s .... &-t,r1e. ~_l:'()lD!~ Tif t:: P!° l;J,! (' :,l lLJ. " """" T!IE -- . ' FUUXITL,lE, in GENERAL MERCHAr~DISE! I A. L . .TOJlliSOll,Proprletor, IT Is HERE ,. l j {; E .\° 1-: IL\ 1_. i\ll~lll'll .\ ~ r>ISIC:, • Court B ouse . lllanufacturcr llJld Dealer In -, 1- J. :Et. . spc:n.ccr, DC"' PLANINC MILLS- Sash&. DoorFactory I(. X I·'. \\° ' Fores"t Grove · ·'-c.l &c. • , JJJLLSJJQJIO, OREGON. \°l~IT::'\U (' ltll~ • mrrr, FlWIX t. Ill ,.\ :'\ KS. 1..n,·y;:ns· ,. Ores•• 1',\.JU l 'lUCEs PAID FOit ALL KINO. "'IND ; tPE~:J"DENT" C>FF:CCE, • ,. ,/ Forest G1·0,·c • • • • • .\ t th e ] pf'; ?NDl8B GUOCEIUER, "nd o .st ~ cnsona. b1o :Fta:!c s, 1,:Ja: l I DUY GOODS, Awl ~t tho 8ft I ,I Dl:.'11LEB Ill DONE IN TIJE OEST STYLE OF THE AR.,. uu 2!H) , I vv ax,s: ee a.. J. El.- Of all ' il 11ls 273 l li \l 1-IIJ I • :a, \lii.,,e Bee Hive Store. .. -·- - ( • ;;o,oc ·a. Wm. McCREADY. pmt . ~- The Election. ib l""' ·n;;e, mis<:~ n st rong- it.1plic:1lio11 in f n.rn r " llici l' \ nlirompt- I worn umd o complete hy the receipt of SADDLES Cnll on J. ll. :'.lfottbew• fl.r drea aoeu. - • ne~s 1111d Ui ~l•lcl •• fl nnnclfl, c1tr.1.~i mercK, j('aJUf, etc., al[ Yerj B ake r Count,y, :rnil the volci'i were (?'Repairing promrtly lltlcndr