TIIE MOUSING ;ItEI?ALD, THUKSDAT, liECEMBER 31, 1891. ON 8Ai.lt. The Daily Herald will be on ale each morning at H. J. Jones' book store, where itcan be procured at 5 cento per copy. THE JMIl. Mkila t the Albany ptwtctfice clro t or all olUce north ) Iha Kutern Katea , . I h Wl Shis ) C.rvllim,l Yviuina 'I.W . u ill olflct wmth 7:'-' f- (ione-ul delivery oieu v Min-lay I'oin to 9 . a. mi-' t t 7 r. rW.oih i1!"'" if box turner itll ily. JOTTIKOS ABOUT TOWN. Husking bee and watch n feting. The Misses Lewis are visiting friends in this city. Miss Etta Strattoii, of this city, is vieiting iti Salem. ' K. L. Tower, of Brow nHvil'c.wa in the city yesterday. iMr. Y. Nichols, o( Halsty, wa1 ii the city yesterday. Go and eee the husking lee at he W. C. T. U. ball to-night. The little daughter of John Rob son ie dangerousy ill with irain ever. D. H. Tierce, living east of llarrisbiirg, was in the city yes terday. Mrs. R. A. Brown, of Woodhurn is visiting her son (i.AV. Cochran in this city. Hon Jelf Myers has returned from eastern Oregon, and was in the city yesterday. Miss Abhie Wright went to Eu gene yesterday to attend the dis trict teachers' institute iu sexsion there. W. T. Cochrane, of Brow nsville, held the lucky ticket w inning the elegant piano given awav bv Klein Bros. " " I Merrill Fi-ih. of Tortland, is in he city, having come up to .it end the marriage of hi brother George. Attend the social and husking We at the W. O. T. U. hall this evening. Mrs.. Thou. Kay and-daughter pent Chrictinas in Albany and returned to their hoaie in Salem on Monday. Admirers of sweet toned pianos and latest improved organs should call at Will k Link's and see their magnificent instruments. Mm. Dr. Gall", of Tortland formerly of Shedd is visiting her parents J.his week Mr. and .Mrs. M Acbibon, who live near Oiikville Mr. W. II. Hulburt, general passenger agent of the I'nion Ta citic system, and Mr. ( i. 11. lli'L, traveling passenger agent, were in the city yesterday. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Young Men's ChmtUn As.-ocia tion will tender a reception to the yo'injr men of the ity on ew Year's dav from 3 to 8 p. m. in the W. C. T. U. ball. A daily water gauge service has been established at Albany. Under it a daily report will be made of the rise ami fall of the water in the Willamette at thi city. An officer will be apoiuted ior me purpose. Thi Weather To-Day. The weather forecast for the next twent v-loiir hours is: tor Oregon aiid Washington fair, ex cept sca'tering light rns ou upper ji-oast,. Generally cooler. Albany Military C. ml, IV) not forget the ball to he given by the band boys this New Year's eve. The boys ate doing ail they can to make a sum ss. Ar rangements have 1 fen liu-.il;- at t tie I Vlmonieo reehmraiit for tlios,r desiring supper. Go and help the b .ys out. Money 4rdr l'oMtiiIlre. The follow it g will be made money order postotliees January A : Oregon Klkton, Ioiiglas county; Thiiomath, I'.entoii runt. Ida ho t ry, Kootenai county. Wash ington Caslltt Um-k, t'owlit county; liadloek, JellVrson eotin ty ; llwaco, Tacilic county ; Kelso, Cowlitz county ; Marysville, Sno boinish county ; Crilla, King coun ty ; Tenino, Thurston county. jAIso additional postal note o'llice at Gale, Klamath county, Ooregoii. Sociable Anit Hu.klnt; I'arty. The Y. P. S C. K. of the United Presbyterian church, will give a social" at the W. C.T. I', hall this evening, that will contain nmiy uniiUe features. At S i. m.. will commence a regu'ai old in.-iii' iied husking bee interspersed with a regular programme of songs and recitations, and provided with the genuine red ea's that inyoancien buckings used to 1m; sought after BO eagerly. During the evening refreshments will be tervtd, and the sociable w ill finally merge into a "watch meeting," to see the new year come in. Admission 15 cts. Bote Core for the I.IUr-ur 4liim Habit. The Kast India cure for these awful habits can be given without the patient's knowledge, anil is the only known secilie for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; maiiiiiacturtd by Emerson Drug Co., San .lose, Cab, wnd for sale at J. A. Cumming's drug store only. Imperial Neclar. Is a new and delightful temper ance drink manufacturei I expressly for C. E. Brownell, and is lioutiil to take the lead as a iion-alcoholic beverage. Those w ho use it once will Lave it again, and we have determined to deliver it to fami lies and the trade in quantities to suit, or desired. Its totalities are attractive and its result beneficial. For high teas, lunches at home, ladies, there is nothing liner or more delicious. To lie had in all the delicate llavors. Try them. C. E. Bbowseli.. HiRSHBORO L0CAL3. Nwsj Notes Frcm our Kealir Cirri pon:lnt. Our Santa Clans made his h(ad jnarlt rs at the Chris' i-.in t-liurch, in tha interest of the school chil dren, and as a eurpiife the people of I lurrisbiirg and vicinity came out in full foM-e, and lil'led the church house even ! a jam, all of whom were delightfully entertain ed with a well rendered pro gramme of recitations, dialogues and music. Then appeared old Santa with his gray hair, uiay wliis-fceis and bel.s, to the delight of the little folks ; imtead of the usual tree, was araiiged a frame work extending from the tloor to the ceding, through the bars rr cross pieces of which was entwined evergreens in profusion, and when fully laden with beautiful and cosi ly presents, it furnished a view to be long ami pleasantly remem bered by all present. Th pre sents were distributed und-r the ellicient management oi Professor Ku'beford. wi.hout a mistake and every body w;ts happy. He v. Geo. Wheeler, and estim able lady, took their departure from here to day wi'h their Chapel Car, attr a twelve days session of evangelical work, during which time lie in thtir earnest christian work and exemplary conduct, they have won the atlections and good wishes of all our best people, join in a full and unreserved recom mendation of them to ail who may be f tvoreJ with their services in the future. The river was thirteen feet ab.ive low water mark last night, the highest water since 18S: and the lirst severe test of the log har bor of the llarrisbiirg l.uuiocr Co. which in this emergency proves to be all that could be desired, and now this company can with fu'1 conlidcitce carry as large a htock of logs through the winter as needed. Mr. Hargrave representing the New York Life Insurance com pany, has been iu the city for eeveial days. and bom their liberal basis of business and bis peculiar pleasantness, the people are giving the matter considerable thought. All business men think well of the scheme. The hotel llarrisbiirg is doing a better business now under tne manageniwit of mine boat .Mr. Phegley, than for many years. The genial phiz of J. K. Wyalt, the limb of the law from Albany, was on the streets Saturday, ami was dreesed ts if with bunting in tent, and on his way to the classic banks of the "roaring muddy." a. . , Ml 1 . i;ev. j.ongnoiioni win leave us j tins week and go to brownsviue to occupy the new parsonage. We very much regret to louse so nice a family. The high waters have seriously interfered with .Mr. Kricksous work, grading ou the Kail Uoad near the bridge, and it is feared that in the incomplete condition, that the grading done may be partially washed out. It is noticed that the Grimes Bros, and Macy have materinl on the ground to commence building on the lots lately purchased of the llarrisbiirg band Company as soon as the weather will permit. Johu-H. Cartright ha sold his farm, i formerly ow ned by John Kdgar) to :ni eatein gentleman by t lie mime of li. A. I'.imis. Cr.cle Henry Kcyshas the new house and bar.n about completed ou the ten acre tract puiciiased irom the llarrisbiirg I ... n I com pany, anil situated adjoMiing llar risbiirg 'at the north-tast corner, the tracts are making niie little Im.'in. s. Dr. II. A. Davis has completed a colitfait for the lumber and building of hop kiln, which will lake .';). 01,0 f.vt oi lumber. Ik- thinks this in addition to the tw be has aheady has will furnish ample drving capacity to take aie of ihe seven'y-ti ve acres of Imps that lie will have the coining sea son. Monday Dec. LN,Js.d. JhB Sew Year's "Mvralri." Tiie New Year's edition of the 1 1 nt 1. 1) w ill be issued to-morrow morning. It will c -ntai n fourteen pages, profusely illu.-dratcd. set tjng forth the lesourees and ad vantagesof Albany and tributary country, besides mucn interesting lit-'raiy and historical matter. There will beartie'es upon : "The Wealth of the Forests." "The Health Kesorls of Linn Coiintv," 'I'ruitGroAing," ''The Horses" of the Coast, The City Schools," The Chinches," "Indian War Sketches," an article on Albany's growth, "The Towns of Linn County," "The City's Mannfa -lories, portraits -and ioneer sketches, ami much other interest ing matter. Leave vonr orders at this otlice for extra copies, wbidi wili be sold at 10 cent each. lVetltlliig BclU. Yesterday morning at 10::!0 was the occasion id a very tpiiet wed ding at the reside nceof the bride's father, comer of Third and Ferry, Kev. S. G. Irvine olliciating. The contracting parties being Mr. George E. l ish, formerly of Al bany, but now a rising young bus iness man of Corvallis, and Miss Kate Schlosser, the accomplished liaughjer of"Mr. P. Schlo ser. ol this city. Only the immediate friends ami relatives were present. The happy couple immediately started, amidst a shower of rice, for their future home in Corvallis, taking with them the best wishes of thtir many Albany friends. Those present were: Mr, and Mrs. Schlosser, Miss Scblos-er, Mrs. J. M. Fish, Miss Hester Merrill, Mies Ella Merrill, Miss Alice Brenner, Miss Amelia Senders, Mr. Merrill Thihips. Mrs. Conrad Mer, Mrs, I'll ile, Mr. Lake Dorris. of Corval lis, and Mr. Merrill Fish, of Portland. Pigs feet Allen Lrji. and s .ur kraut at KLATLY ROBBED OP $100. Weill, IVC & Cu-'s Agett at the Suil mit Too Aff cti. nat Willi Mil, Foat. Co: vail is Times: For some time past Mr. J. 1', Drown, a young man of good character and stand ing, has acted iu the capacity of telegraph oiwrator for the O. P., as well as Wells, Fargo & Co. 'a a---ent at Summit, in tins county. Mr. Bro.vn, in his double capacity of representing the O. P. and Wells Fargo, has at times been in the possession of large sums of money, -but notwithstanding this fact, neither the O. P. It. li. or the express .ompany has furnished a safe to tlieir agent. The agent was thereMre compelled to carry the nioneyjon his person. On the night of Dc. LMd Mr. Brown and Mrs. Katie Post were eeated on a 'ounge at her residence, a short distance from the Summit station. Mr. Brow it claims that he hud L'U U. S. notes of the enumeration of $'J0 each when Mrs, Katie tool her position on the lounge by bis side. It is certain that Mr. Brown took it for granted that Mrs. Katie was actuated by ove and affection toward him and in a modest way submitted to her embraces, and perchance went through the ty ing ordeal with much misgivings. It is expiesstd out at the Miiumit as a "gentle laying on of hands." Mr. brown, in some mysterious way, was done up brown, for as he placed his vest under bis pillow, lie discovered his pocket book had been "obRquatulatcd" and the $400 was lion est. He left Mrs. Katie on the lounge when he re tired, but immediately on discov ering his large pocket book taken from his inside vest pocket re turned to that "fated" room only to hear M rs. Katie clink tiie door of a room connected therewith in his face. Mr. Blown is positive he had the $ h;0 whoi Katie took her place at his side that there w as no other pers'ou in .the room except himself a.i.d Mrs. Katie for about one half hour before going iO his room that he immediately returned on the dis.xrvtry of the lo..t treasure supposing that Katie took it from him only us a joke. (Katie Post has the repute of be ing a j. ker at the Summit.) Katie had retired to her room and notwithstanding Mr. Brown de manded in loud tones h s lost coin, id Katie rtHpoirded. Mr. Brown has roomed at the Post mansion for some months past and it is certain he must have bud much confidence in h:s carnal sur roundings. Mrs. Katie was arrested on the charge of robnery of the $100 from Mr. Brown, and is now held to answer upon that chargebefue the next grand jury. Call and Nettle. G. L. Blackman wishes to state that he has retired from the drug husine ::: Albany, and that out standing accounts nrist be settled within K-i days, or they will be lelt for. collection. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor proscribed : Castorial HIGH It pays to make honest,-pure goods. Take the success of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder that has maintained its standard for purity and excellence for the past forty years. It is the oldest and now the only Pure Cream Tartar Powder to be obtained. Dr. Price has spent almost his whole life perfecting it, and enjoys the distinction of being the only physician that has devoted his time entirely to perfecting the articles of human food that bear his name a name and a reputation synony mous with pure food preparations throughout the land. Here arc the indorsements of the United Cooks and the Pastry Cooks' Association of tjie United States. What higher praise. Its officers, whose signatures are given, are all men who have given dignity and character to their profession. Members of these associa tions are the chefs .and cooks of the leading hotels, restaurants, clubs and private families, and certainly no higher commendation could be found for an article of daily use in the practical culinary art, like that of baking powder. Here is what they say: This is to Certify, That the Cooks of this Associa tion, and its members, have used Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and recommend its use in preference to all others. For quick raising and fine cakes, pastty, etc., it has no equal. It is free from ammonia, lime or alum. The most perfect Baking Powder made. REAL L51ATL SALllS- Matilda Brauning and husband to M. Kellv, acres in donation land claim' of E. C. Ollicer; tl2")(). Wni. Bassett et ux to W. B. Pratt, block 2, K. Haves' addition, Halsty; $100. J. M. Ralston et ux to S. II. Myers. 11. 7o acres in Ralston 's Ith addition, Lebanon; $17i-. B. It. Forbes (o Lilly K. Porter, 1-14 acres iu township 13 south, range 4 west; $i;i(H). A. Hackleman to Amanda Long, lot 3 and east .j of lot 2, block Hi, Hackleman's 4th addition, Al bany; $225. Otbo A. Hall et ux to W. K. Kelly, 87 acres in sections 11 and 14, tow nship 11 south, range 2 west; $1740. Willamette Real Estate Com pany to Caleb Gray, lot 0, block C, and lot 4, block 5, Ilalsey ; $100. W. K. Kirk to Julia A. Kirk, 5 acres, Brownsville; $1. U. S. to James Sanderson, 40.0. acres, section 4, tow nship 11 south, range 2 west; patent. To IinproTe the Willamette. Representative . Hermann has embraced in one bill the several amounts for the improvement of the AYillamette river above Port land and beyond Corvallis to F.ugene City. This bill calls for special work at Ross island and Clackamas rapids under separate projects. The former is to be im proved by returning dams and dredging and the latter by a mud dam and other construction, for each of which projects separate estimates are submitted, as well as for the improvement to rectify the couise of the river above Corvallis. The bill also provides $('.0,000 for miscellaneous work on the upper j liver alio ve Oregon City, such as at Independence. Salem and I special poin's and for the closing of chutes, scraping of bars and re moving snags. The engineer de partment think $(i0,000 will give depth over the bars so that boats can make trips for a longer time in the year, airl carry greater loads. Under the system so far pracitced only temjuirary benefits have been obtained. Mr. Hermann expresses the hope that with the present estimates better results ,can be obtained in the way of appropriations. He will ask his committee also to allow for a special survey and examination of the river at Salem, with a view to the revetment of the banks, which on personal inspection, he says be Lund badly washing away. I HAVK Smoked F.Ik, New Orleans .Molasses, Imperial Nectar, . Chow Chow, : Saner Kraut, China Cups and Saucers, (Quaker Oats, Christmas Candies, Hickory Nuts, Choice Honey, Library Lamps, At C. K. BROWN ELL'S. Oysters for families 50 cents a pint at lsom's. Choice eating and cookin g apple at Allen Bros. Mince meat, raisins, currants, jellies and jams etc., for Thanks giving at Barker Bros. APPRECIATION. lit'SINEHS XdCALIi. F. M.French, jeweler. Will .Vi Stark, the jewelers. Sauer kraut at Parker Bros. Fresh crisp celery at Allen Bros. Oysters in every style at Isom,s. Ladies delight soap at Parker Eros. Isom has the only oyster parlors in the city. Will it Stark have some elegant souvenir spoons. Fresh roasted codecs and line teas at F. K. Allen's. Swiss cheese, the finest ever in Albany, at Parker Bros. Oh! Mamma! Buy mo one of thos:3 lovely dolls at the Ladies Bazaar. Subscriptions for all the leading newspapers and magazines re ceived by F. L. Kenton at the grocery stole near the post ollice. Great reduction in embroidered flouncing at W. F. Uead. The finest line of handkerchiefs ever brought to Albanv can :e seen at the Ladies Bazaar. All prices, from live cents upwards A line line of gold rings iust opened at Will & Stark's. New jewelry of latest pat Units at Will & Stark's. Kmpiire for Magnolia syrup, the finest in the market, at F. 10. Allen's. I have just received direct from Vermont a shipment of nine manle' syrup and will guarantee it abso lutely pure. C. L. Brownell. Necessaries delicacies and luxuries, at Allen Bros., grocery, Subscriptions for all the leading magazines and newspapers taken at the postollice. Remember von can get the hr-st i kid glove in town fur one dollar at ' . t . -.!- 1 , ine i -no ic.i iia. tar. All the Irdics passing Will A Link's music store and sewing machine denot should step in and see the full cabinet New Homo sew ing machine, the lim st sewing machine ever seen in Albany. A. U. Chapman, of this city, h'a the agency of the Canadian I'acilic railway company, and wi'l seM tickets over that line from Albany to all points East. Look at G. W. Simpson's dis play of holiday goods iu his show window. Then step inside and set bis splendid stock of l.oauiiiul goods for Christmas. SI'Kt ItltA st;s. S. II. Clifford, NewCassel, Wis.. was troubled with Neuralgia :-.iul and Rheumatism, his Stomach as disordered, his Liver was all'ected to and alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly re duced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisbirg, 111., bad a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bit'.eis and seven boxs of Bucklen's Salve, and bis leg is sound ; nd well. John Speaker, Cataw bp., 0., bad five large Fever sores on bis leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and cue box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him .entirely. Sold by Foshay Mason, Drug store. A IKK IT WIKS Wc di.-i:i to say to our titi- I zc in-, thai fur yeais we have been sell- nig lr Kings ew- Iliseuvi-ry for 'oiisiui(i'.i I)r King's New Life I'ilis, Kin kirn's Arnica 'Salve mul t .ii'i- rt iiiiit Mini i ii'ii .p liiuiilleil rcini'tlics Unit sell as, or that j have given micIi universal satisfac j tit n. We do not liesitate to guarun-tt-n tlieut every ticie ami we Rlaml ri aily to refund the purchase pi ice, if sal i.-factory n Mills thi not follow their use These remedies Jiavc won tlioir ?:reit Y"iiiiaritj- purely on their merits, l-V-hay it Mason "Druggists, Ask for Crescent tea at F. E. Allen's. Call and see the brilliant dis play of I brarv lamps ft C. E. Browneii's. Not one kept over fit'iu last year but all this year's styles and will be sold at the lowest living prices. .mwiti M tldilKII. Ll.ELAN-KKiNKNCKlt On Wed nrsilay noi-ii, lien-iiiorr :;u, 1J!I1, at the I'reslu t -riaii" Manse, in Albany, bv Kev. K. K. Pi it-hard, Mr. Otto I'lebui mid Miss nnie K'-inenger. Mr. anil M:s. Clelan left on the aft trillion train fur Lebanon on a short visit wrh friends. They will return and h;git house keeping in Albany. NKW Tll-DAY, IOl'Mi M ihea ninrv iheilay after the it- inn iul a kim! clove liu t'Uier i:h ire't'e. Owner iiui lene Ihe naaie by cali ii",' at Littler &. i:urentist oltlee. l?o Com minora. Notice'"! Iieiehy givfau that bids will he 'receive t for ll.e uiltling of t hi 'Cii in In-1 laic. I PnstiytcrinTVlitircli iriitil one o'clock i". vi. on Weihiltjluy, 'January , I V ri. lit Hie linrJw:ireore of V. II. li'isnw, in .Vbany, OregJta, u here phin :intl spce iticutions may lie seen. The ri'hl to r.-jtet any or all biti is lejcrxcil. li.JV. IllMXE. Committee. - J.C. Phuteii. I II, KlIVANT. l''or Hal. nOl'SKII il.l : t)!is AND A SPRI.VM w I'.r n -Ic. r'ir par-icu'apt inquire u th.r hntui' mi Ne'inil ilr.et jiwi below the or;--. ii l'.i..-;lic r i'r.'iul. Aih.iiii, O.e 1!1. . ' Mantis IIiMahun AN i KO t:irl tor ir''ieral h qtewtirk. If li.iiirvN. K. l:or. 7c!i ami r'erry ,SU. Ur A.NTLIi --A h-irl fur m rl h niew.irk ill asm ih fiinily liciilire at voriirr ol f'ltianil Monl oiiu-ry hi reit.t, JJKMEM BKIi " The Rwcrt tom J pi:tnothtt Ntan-N in tune I'nvi -it, iit Uvy h hti- k n dump or cuM w tuth it an I pe-ffct p:ttiNf;ution is the Ihiitiiic I .oh. I.'fc' in a ilt:iHiire witn Miich a tn-.-i.Miire in the house. ( and yet om-at Mm. IImiiuiih. l.F.AVIJ Vmii o it i k n Kill A NICK FAT ClIinsTMASTl'RKKV WITH A LLF.X BROS. I'OU A Christmas Present, Nothing ih nieer limn a t;ox of JuiiiiH .loenli's line eijiarf, or one of his (-lt'iiant lueeraeliaum or gen nine Ininr pies. A fine aNsort ment of smokers articles always on li.in.1. The cut eug-'est the mer time soon coming, when many willjhe miJe g'al b; some. 17,3 token of love or friendship. L M D I E S Presents : for ; Grentlemeii ! ( ;..1.1 and Silver Handled Silk UMBRELLAS. A great variey or Initial, Hem ; .! ami I Beautifully Colore.1 IIAN1.K.F.KC111eE;S and Ml'FFLV US. An i-leifint display of all styles and colors ol Tecks, U indsors, honr-n -hand. Etc., nNFcfflll. Manv kinds.of Fancy Bosomed WII1TK Sill UTS, and Artis tically Embroidered XIG11T SIIIKTS. - Xothing ie inor practically suitable for a "Cliristmass present than a tine OVERCOAT. Then we have Slippers, Kid and Lined Gloves, Jewelry, Smoking Jackets, HU, and dczens of other things we have not room to mention. . -trAtii. You better conic soon for we are always overcrowded wr.li customers for a few days b.fore ULriatniM. L. The New Year is Here! T. L. WALLACE & CO., "The Leading Clothier?.'' Prices -Reduced oo AH No one regrets the departure of tlecrepit M '91. He wived hia lay or rather the 3G5 of them and his Bii.-vewor will be hisMipeiior. Tiie oltl is gone the new in here. You tare nothing ahoiit the inany things we hat! in stock lat ftuininer; but now, that's different. L'tteii and you can't help but be interested. Although we have nothing in that yoo would call "old" we are determined to close out 'all gijotln purchased for this Feafon aid we have "marked the prices down" in order that we may ke-1 our stock perfectly clean as it now is ainl haye at all times the latent styles and new, fresh goods. OVERCOATS! You know we have got the stork of the city, and we have "marked 'email down" bo that you now have an opportunity to mipply your self with a nice overcoat at reduced prices, and if in need of au over coat you should take at-vantage of this offer. Xi'w (jowls Constantly Arriving. .Inst Received Some Lute Styles in Men's Hats. T. L. WALLACE & CO., ALBANY, Strulian I'LEASK KKAD OUR LIST OF i if. II ii i E). BLAI Liaes of Winter Good. Clock. OREGON. For 77iurfutrh PriK-f Marf 7'romiFit; to BOOKKEEPING. ur.9Ti.-!iiin vtvvr. BEST. N.