Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, December 31, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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    -O CENTS
. ; t
a r
fi. L fetalis
lou cau t make a mistake it you
buy your holiday goods at Black
man'f, us tiia stock ia large ami
prices always the lowest. His as
sortment of plush goods, toilet
case, xrfuuHTy, dainty trifles
and useful articles is worth look
ing at.
Fall to ilu Our Duty.
Everbo ly has at times failed to
do their duty towards themselves.
Hundreds of l:idy readers sillier
from sick headache, nervousness,
sh-cplessne'-s and female troubles.
Let them f.illow th example of
Mr. H. llerl.echt.r, Stevens
l'oiut, is., who for live years
suffered greatly from Nervous Pro
stration and sleeplessness, tried
physican and different medicines
without success. Hut one bottle
of Dr. .Miles' Nervine caused sound
sleep every nig'ii an I she is fceling
like a new pcr.-o:i. Mrs. Elizabeth
Wheeler. I .a ramie City, Wyoming
who tried all other remedies, de
clares that a'er three week's use
of the Ni- vine f r lltalache,
Nervous l'i -si ration, etc., she was
entirely relieved. Sold hy Stunard
.4 Cu-ick. Trial Hottle Free.
French Tatny Wafer.
Thes wafers are for the relief
ami cure of painful and iregular
menses, and will remove all ob
structions, no matter what the
eaiiHe, and sure and safe every
tune. .Manufactured lv Emerson
Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and tor
saie at J. A. Cumunng a ding
store only.
- m
The .llonim; Cm-ktall.
Taken before hieakfast creates
a lale, iniurious ap.xtit-. A
wineglass full of Dr. Henley's
English Dandelion Tonic taken
htfore meals strengthens the di
gestive organs and enables you to
relish a hear'y meal without in-
jurv l the st. in ich. l or sale bv
ro.-liav A Muson.
Highest of all ia Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report.
g Baking
. i r i: i r ii i: t.
Is one which is gnat uiitcctl to Itriiig
you satisfactory re.-u'ls, or in t-m-u of
failure u return of purchase price,
On tliis sale you can buy from
our silyerti-cd ilrtiggNts a bottle of
lr King's New Dscovery fur Con
sum plioit. It is guar nteei! to bring
relief in every case, when used for
tiny all'cction of Tliroat. I.unga, or
Chest, kucli as Consumption, Inll.iiiia
tion of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Whooping Courh. l'roii, etc, etc
It is j leusant tmti un-u ble to taste,
perfectly safe, uiei can always be de
jiemled upon,. Trial bottles free at
r'osliay iV MasJui, Druits,
Act on a new principle rtulu
ling the liver, slomach
through the nerves. A new dii-
He Came Across the Plains
Early as 1844,
Ooa More at the Ajlom-Nearly Periahed
' -Wind Storm Frigbto a Hto to
Death-Dead in tt Qatter. '
Also anewBitir
for the ensuing
i::vitkKiiL: liixri:.
Mrs Michael Curtain, Plain field,
111, in ikes ttu- ftutemcnt that she
ciiuirlit cold, which settled on lier
hins; she was treated for a month by
her family physician, but Krew worse.
He told her she was a hopeless victim
of consumption and that no medicine
couid cute her. Her drui;f;Ut sui;
tested Dr. Kinir's New Discovery for
Consiunplion; she bouarht a bottl'J;
. j . .. .1 . i i . r . i. .. i . T
aim in iter uentciiL louuu jicrneii uene
lifted from 'he lirst tose. lie con
tinued its use an I after takim; ten
bottles, found herself sound and well,
now does her ow n housework and is
as well as the was. b'ree trial bottle
of this irreat Discovery lit Kohay V
Mason's Drux Store, lare b .titles icte,
and iW
si'ii I I tnov tA.t:itoi s.
W... .1... ...M ,
..m.. ..... Ik ii. . n. i ;... i: I .. . K.Je.ii,,if ,., r.lilllle .ls,lin
cure i.liiousness, t.a.i taste, torpi I Ver th.- wires -the usual result of
liver, lilies, t.oiisLpatlonr Uu- i siieeulatinn in stock
eiiii!el lor men. women,
Smaliest, mildect, purest !
i for L'.") cents. Saino'.- s
St-isuirtt v Cnsick.
ft-, at
II. J. JONES' -:-
UAS !KKN ulmovkd INTO
the I'ipe hiiildlnt;, opposite his
1 1 former place ol business, where
I I lie has more room and a larger
stock than ever. lie invites
the public to call and see him in
In new quarters.
CI.ook out for his display of
Holiday good. It will he something
3toue5 i Sipuare
or some equally
da iien. lis venture. The same electric
en vent carries lo dear distant friend
the sad ti lniL's of death ol htveil ones
ti.o often the result of speculation
in pab lit lii'-tmnis. Moore's Wevealed
I l!i iiM'iH is no speculation lm is sold
on i'0.-:l'e guarantee. Do not fail to
i;o tit your ihuui.-t and ark for your
j money if not satisfied. We known
you ml! voaiel buy another bottle,
or .-ale l ail ilniL'tr'ists.
r ; LJ 1
0bL II,eLatMff
iTraysi P'" I
. iiltiui's A'K.let C'roHiu
I'm the luot. exipiii-itt' prepara
tion in the world lor sottenirg arid
w hite::iug the hands and face. It
is not only a suhstitute for, hut in
every respect superior to glyeerine,
cold cream, vaseline nnd like
piepaiatioiis. Try it. For sale
liv Fuehav it Mason.
kt-r i ount
Has opened a
Holiday (iimhIs
and leather allium
nana painteii tiluiiuep, screens
fancy irkstands, wall pockets and
holders, ordor cases, novelties and
dainty nic. nacs for holiday pres
ents, fall early and make your
FIRST stkf.i:t,
I'.li'mp.i::;'; hlock
1891 - - 1892
SrSFOK toe holidays
wh:uur n
in now I taker fiiv
man who lt.v -tin
httoini' iilt nli Utl wilh tilt rcurn"rt ft A
:iitiltlt't'ioiiiifitt of that irouiitrv . 'I hi
m:ii ih no iiT than Mr. John faU w;iri, out
of the wtul'hk't .il!iio-tt inliiienti;l titiKciiij
in t!i (idiiity. Ina recent letter he ttays:
"I! hwn HiilTerinK from j-aii in n;y Uuk
vnil general ktiiiicy vein plaint i'or hciiio time.
nl hm' u:m! inuny mnniits wihcat am
l-ut toiKiH.rarv relief. The pains in in hae
hal lK.'eom so Mi vtre thai 1 waa ifrcventr'
from !u it'Jin- to my work ftiiil couhl !i f wuh .tit the uv; of a cane. lUarirt,
hrouh a frtiTitl, (( the woinlenul t-.nei tf
foil h Ori u n Kilney Tea, I was in-lneed U
try a m, at 1 tfim that ve- Hrnt Jca I
fotmil insT.ii t r. iii f, and before u ii-c half
ilie eohti-rts of the hox the piihS in I: V ha.-)i
ei-tiri ly ili?:i;j' ;,re(l I have every f itii ifj
th iitpes n! th-: Oregon Kulney IVaf anu
t an v n.vii'iiti'iiisly rteimniirinl it to nij
frit ntN. 1 wi'iiM not he withoiit it for a ;"
thir,.' rei;iin Kiilney Tea etire-i hea!aehe, tni'i
tinenie nf urine, hrii k ihi-t Heiliin iil, hum
iiUor painful -viiition while urmatin;, and
all a If 1 1 tions of the kiilney or urinary
of either 8i x.
Nttltin is Nirer Tliun the Fine Ui'lay tf
(or Sale, s
. 'nBlBBiir :w -t Hto!
Si 1
Two Car
1 Salem, Dec. 30. Beni. Vaushan.
aged 80 years, a pioneer who camo
across the plains in i844, died lost
ftionuay near lurner. lie was a
member of the Jefferson Masonic
LMlge and was buried under the
auspices of that order at Turner
1 uesuay. -
No trace has vet been found of
j-'halen, the escaped convict, but
, taru.i:oa;e at Aianon was bur
diarized last niht, and it ia eup-
eoseil that lie coin nutted the rob-
('has. V. Merchant was brought
to the PH.vluin to-day irom (.'oos
county. He is a student, aged 21
.... . ....
X lie hoard ol equalization lo-uay
mstled with a multitude of prob
lems and hold a session to-ni''!it
It whs decided to raise the assess
uient on wa;on road land 1U0 per
cent, and on ewamp land LTO per
cent, rami implement, lurni
ture, etc., L'o as ass1 ssed, and
money, notes, account, Hlmres
and stock po at face value. It was
also decided to eiiialiyejthe assess
ment of telegraph lines by laising
iho assessment ol main lines in
eastern Oreirnn and the valley to
$2' 0 per mile. The O. YV. rail
road company protests against its
llenrv Jolinson was found un
conscious This morning, lying in a
ditch in east Salem, where he had
been a'l ninht. He was drunk
last night and tell into the giuter,
where he was found, nearly dead.
He was unable to speak, and has
remained in a critical condition
all day.
.Monday a wind etonn raed
fm iously up in the mountain on
the Luckiainiite near Falls City,
in Folk county. Several houses
and a number of trees were blown
down. A newcomer from Iakota
named 1'ugh died from fright, his
house having been blown from it
foundation. He had heart disease
At Falls City, 1'olk county, on
Monday irirht, Mrs. Win. btod
uanl uivd lioni la grippe. 1 Ins is
the lirsf death from this ailment
in this part of the country since
enrlv last spring, although there
are many cases iiuw.
a class of three.
officers elected
e expect to beem the new vear
wiiti a iun iietermine.tion to carry
on the good work. If the new
officers will always be prompt, and
tho restof the members do their
pirt, we certainly will have
success. At the nj;t reeular
meeting we intend to install the
officers for the new year, and con
fer the third and fourth degrees
upon a class of live. Members
who can visit us will find a cordial
welcome. Grange will meet
promptly :it ten o'clock.
Let us begin the New Year's
work earnestly, and strive la gain
the objects, lor which our order
was created.
Following are the officers of
Tangent Grange : M., J. 11. Scott,
V., J. W.MeGhee. L.. A. Ulevins.
8., G. W. Knthe, A., S., . S.
r.irdgefartuer, Chan., J. A. Me-
Gliee, T., AnnaD. Hudson. Sec.
Miss Minnie McGhe, G., K., (i.
W. Holt, I'.. Miss Dena nridue-
farmer, F., Miss Kliiha Loonev,
('., Miss S. J. Neetham. L. A. s.
Miss K. F. Scott, Organist, Sa'lie
Ai.'auis. liiHlallation the fmnth
Suiurdav in Jan , at ten o'clock.
1'at rolls in good standing invited
to meet with us
Railroad accident
Four Mon Killed on tho Union
All kinils ot iiry wiHtd tor sale at
reasonable prices, at the f'xtt ol
rerry si reel. Leave vour onlers
and have it deliveied pron.ptly
ai.y where lit tlif cilv.
M'MI I ( A T I 1 1 V7C1
PuikiT Bros. Baktrv
Silverware, - Novelties.
At the Old and Established Jewelry Store of
F- iller;'s
Holiday jVTKTvn
C.inned Meats, Canned Yiwtnliltxi l iv:io
Coimd I5eef 1'aked T.eans. Ciii;i.,ri.ia P.-nra 'i i..f
firing P.ea ns, lihickberries. Ivviled llVm.
"liuar I .'in. ( loosenerria.u I imuln.l T..
"-, t-o imits, lomatoes. t lierrws
CV lill ANTS,
lllT litH.LS,
J 1:1.1.1 1,
Cove Ovsters,
Peaches, I'lums.
Mince Meat,
:.n .-r ui:c::ivi:it t:
Forloiiller it I.
Also .rlOuO worth of CHOICE
MOl'l.l'iNii-;, for picture frames,
selectc I from an eastern factory.
Trice lower than ever, and all
guarai:!. ed tirst-class.
A Woman Arrestpil. Hutmel to
lie 111 Wife.
Sas Francisco. Ih' :'.0. A
woman giving the name of Flor
ence Waterman has been arrested
bv detectives here, and it is
claimed she has not onlv ac
knowledged being the wife of
Marion Iledpoth. who is suspected
of being one of the gang of train
robbers w hich held up the train at
(ileinlale, Mo., November M), but
has L'i veil inloi ination which may
lead to the arrest of other mem
hers of the band in addition to
Albert Sly, who was arrestfd last
week in Los Angeles by l'etectives
ruikerton and lutaker, and who
was taken East on Sunday with
out the formality of extradition
iDieresun; items irom iisciang.
Throughout the Nortbw.n.
Athena is making stronir eli'orts
10 nave an eastern Oregon brain
ol the state exneri menial h'tation
orated there.
A Grant county man has receiv
ed a patent lor a device lor pprav
ing water on the blades 01 a mow
ing machine while in motion. Th
invention is intended to prevent
the ai (iiiniil.i'ioii of funi mi
cutting bar.
llie population of Gran! county
at the hut census was oU). This
shows an increase of lS.lii per
cent, over tlie population of IShO
not including something over L'OOJ
people that since that date were
cut oil into Harney county.
John Winn, Umatilla countv'.
stock inspector, tiniihed ids tall
inspection about two weeks auo
linding about 121,010 head of sheet
in the countv. Sheep, uenerallv
speamng, are in go.ii coiidi;ion
iiure iteing very little icao as
co in pan a wuii oilier eais.
Malheur city has 110 saloon. It
is in the center of an old mining
uisinct ana was founded onirinallv
as a mining camp, yet is inhabited
It- a people who do not indulge in
intoxicants, and therefore the ex
istanceof a saloon there is inmrac
The La Grande Gazette declare
evidence is satisfactory that Wil
I ia 111 Ashinead, whose mysterious
disappearance was recently noted
left the etate toi the purpose of ct
frauding creditors. One chargi
igainst hun is that he sold prop
erty which lie had previously
tirade Cat-up, ( how Chow,
f-ieinh Mustard, Pepper Sauce,
Olive Oil, Fiench Caiidu a
Dye Work
Or anything else go d. to tat,
lemeuther you can get -it at
reasonable rates at -
American Candies,
All Kin. Is of Nuts.
Maple Syrup.
Genu Meal
Cigars and T
Magnolia Syrup. "New Orleans Molassrss, Gormen,
.....,,, i, atai caioiii. lartiiti'ii n. ...... I i
baceo. Green Fuit8 and Yegetabli s., '
-'econd street, belween Montgom
ery and Jelferson.
p ofiite Masonic Temple
A 1 licit s of every description
leaned and dyed. Gentleman's
cl tthing a specialty.
Shonld See the Wouderful Array at Jalina
Grsdwohl's Bazaar.
Mr. Julius Gradwohl, the enter
prising iiroprietor of the I'azaar
store in this city, w hich contains
the largest and best selected stock
of crockery, glass and other waree
for domestic use, in the valley, as
well as fancy wares, toys and
beautiful holiday goods, has re
plenished and enlarged his entire
stock and now has a store that is
a credit to himself and an orna
ment to the city. His shelves,
counters and every available space
are filled with the choicest and
most varied stock of goods ever
seen in this valley, including a
mammoth display of holiday
goods. He has added a new line
which consists of a beautiful as
sortment of lolled gold jewelry
wanaiied to wear as good as gold
and costing one-tenth as much
money, diamond cut pins, rings,
line ii'mliid'as for holiday presents
ami novelties. His stock is now in
and holiday shopper should. lose
no time in seeing his wonderful
array wliieh is not surpassed by
any on the coast either in elegance
or prices.
He also can ies a gigantic stock
of beautiful hanging lamps, stand
lamps, bicycles, tricycles, safeties
and velocipedes, which he guaran
tees to sell ii low as any place in
11 is assortment of fine u'ss and
collees is alw ays complete, as well
as a general stock of family
groceries. He I uys his goods
diiect for net casn and tells them
the same way.
Saturday lec. L'ti, the regular
monthly meeting of Tangent
grarign was held. Owing to the
muddy condition of the roads and
the day being very stonny, but few
ventured out. The meeting was
full of interest. The first and
second degrees was conferred upon
The If ulldlUK lllon u Down.
1 kii acii vri, Cal., Pee. 30. A
terrilic wind storm came up from
the southeast last night at a late
Iiour and blew down three 1 uild
ings and four or live windmills.
1 lie buildings area total wre-k,
also the windmills. One of the
building was a new twaston
building. A heavy snow is fall
ing this morning."
Illeh-Tuneil Chilian l;rfiie.
Washington I :;o. A dis
patch states that the fact was de
veloped at vesterdav s cabinet
meeting that the refugees at the
American legation 111 Santiago are
proving a source of great embar
rassment to the administration.
In the event of lo.ti:ities hotween
the n:ted States and- Chili it
would be impossible for this gov
eminent to all'ord them any fnrth
er protection. In theevent of war
Ei:an would be giveu his nassi otts
and permitted to leave fie coun
try 111 safety, but not so the refu
gees. It eeems, too, the refugees
are proving themselves a white
elephant on Kgan's hands. They
iniist upon being enteiiained ill
the most hospitable fashion, nnd
they seem to feel the
the best, which tlit !
fords is unquestioned.
This is what you ought Jo invc.
in fact, you must have it, to fully
enjoy life. Th jusands are search
ing for it daily, nnd mourning be
cause they find it nut. Thousands
upon thousandsof dollars are sp.nt
annually by our peoph' in the
hope that they may attain this
boon. And jet it 111.1v be h id by
all. We guarantee that Electric
Hitters, i! r.:;ed according to direc
tion." and the use persist ! in, v. ill
bring you good Digestion and oust
the d.-mon lj-spepsta and instail
instead Eupepsy. We recomi lend
l-.leclric hitters lor I vsi epsia an I
al' diseases of Liver. Stom ich and
Kidnevs. Sold at ;"0c and U'0
per lsiitle by Fo.-iiav it M.'.S'jn,
Druggists. " " ,
T4X.OOK TLlil'LWio.
Do you know that Moore's Re
vealed Remedy is the only patet.t
medicine in the world that dm 3
not contain a dropol iJcohol; thi.t
the mode of preparing it is known
only to its discoveier; that it is aa
advance in the science of medicine
without a parallel in the nine
teenth century ; that its proprietoi 1
ofl'er to forfeit l.COO for any case
of dysjtepsia it w ill not cure"?
r right lo
legation ai-
Eggiooer aad Fireman IniUntly Killed
Hlrteoloci Eioape of th Mail
Ag nt-Unlocky Tramps.
La Gkanob. Dec. 30. Train No.
I , or the Union Pacific, w hich left
here Ht 8:30 r. m, last nfght, met
witn an accident w hich caused the
the death of Engineer R. E. Law,
Fireman George Miller, a trauiD
named -.uuuntln. and fatal lniur-
ies to another tramp named Sig
uier, when about two miles west
of this city. No. 1 was- the fast
mail train : it was drawn bv two
engines, the head one ' being ore
of the huge ninety t n hogs.
It is supposed that in rounding
ine curve me head engine spread
ine rills precipitating the second
engine, the mail and baggage cr.r
biio the river below. Engineer and fireman .Miller were
instantly killed. Mail Agent Hot-
loway had a miraculous escane.
Although his car plunged bodily
into the river from an elevation of
not less than fifty ftet, he got out
wim out. a siigiit hruised arm.
None of ti e passengers were in
Laltitiielirra'e Truth Predict What 1
It Will lie.
London, Dec. 30. Truth, La-
itouciiere s paper, puu.iMies an
article on Canada's future, draw n
out by the troubles in the province
of tjuebec. Truth save it is the
manliest destiny of the Dominion
to be 'ome a new United States, or
to become attached to the great
republic, iiiectuiige is inevita
ble, and the sooner it oceurs the
better. The emancipation of the
grotesque Dominion and its ab
sorption in tbe United States
would be a Iteneht to Canadians
and also to Great Britain. Such a
couise would relieve Great 1'ritain
of the necessity of engaging in
transatlantic Fuiiabbles in which
she has 110 concern. It would,
moreover, give the Canadians en
ergy and enterprise which no mere
colonists can possess, lhe onlv
sullerers would be the Indians
who would be transferred to the
tender mercies of w hat is proba
bly the most corrupt and rascally
institution on earth The Wash
ington Indian bureau. The paper
luriner says 1 anaua once lree.
Australia will soon follow. The
talk of Austialian loyally to the
ftiitisii crown. Truth savs. is all
Snow Storms In New Mexico.
Ai uiut KRurK, Dec. 30. Both
the Santa Fe and Atlantic and Pa- i
c:lic roads are troubled with seri
ous snow blockades. No eastern
mails were received here over the
Santa Fe route for four dave. Pas
senger trains are blockaded in the
baton mountains anl in tho vicin
ity of Springer. The blockade on
the Atlantic & Pacific is between
rant s and ( haves, altout 100
miles west of the city. The enow
storms in the mountains are re
ported as something unheard of
for several years, and stories of
.reat sult'ering among towns in the
mountains are in circulation.
i, . p . . .1 itopulatiorf of I 315,000, there
1 . V.L , i IT bu 2'VW dwelling houses,
Try lug to Kare the
fresh snow fell last night. A large
f jrce of men are striving to keep
the various ice ponds clear of snow
but enough workmen cannot lie
obtained. The fineet crop of ice
ever known on the Truckee river
ready for harvesting; $10.(M0
will be expended, if necessary, to
save the ice crop. Hundreds of
spans of horses are di awing
crapers over the ice constantly.
and a regiment of men w ith shov
els ate busy. Two rotary snow
plows and all the push plows are
Icing ued to keep the road clear.
I am an old man and have been
constant suuerer with catarrh
for the last ten years. I am en
tirely cured by the use of Ely's
("ream Balm. It is strange that so
simple a'remedy will cure such a
stubborn disease. Henry Bill
ings, U. S. Pension Atl'yJ Wash
ington, D. C.
I-or eight years I have suffered
from catarrh, which effected my
yes ami Hearing; liave employed
many phvsicians without relief.
I am dow on my second bottle of
Ely's Gream Balm, and feel conti-
leul of a complete cure. Mary C.
Thompson, Cerro Gordo, 111.
A. NewnpnperOlllco Where no N'erte
Tonic Wan Needeil.
He walked into a Chicago news
paper othce confidently and took a
'Are vou' the manager?" he
asked briskly.
What can I do for you?'' re
plied the newspaperman in a non
committal tone.
I'm a patent medicine manu
facturer. Yout paper has a pretty
wide circulation, hasn't it?"
Wide!' The newspaper man
swung round in his chair.
ide! I should say so. We have
a circulation greater by two to oi
than any other paper in the state
s sworn circulation, sir, of 100,
0M copies daily, and it's a paid
circulation, too, and we teach the
families, sir. Our paper is read
by 500,000 people every day, and
when you consider this our adver-'
tising rates are well, they're 60
low that we re going to
advance 'em 50 per cent right after
tho first. I don't exaggerate in
the least, sir, when I say that we
offer positively the best advertis
ing medium in the United States.
Why, you can see for yourself
what the results would be from an
ad placed before 3,500,000 people
eveiy week and where are yon
"O, 'round town a little," replied
the stranger, patting on bis hat.
"Theart.clel make is a nerve
medicine, and I came in to sell
yon a bottle, but I see yon don't
nead it." Detroit Free Prees. -
Oorerior of M arqaeeaa lalaada.
San Francisco, Dec. 30, Cap- .
lain A Tan'ain, of Paris, who baa
been appointed governor of the A
Marque 'as islands by President
Sadi-Carnot, has arrived here on
his way to Taiohae, the island
capital. He is accompanied by
Mine, Tantam and ckild. Under
the protectorate he has rendered
service to the FYench government
of material importance. It is be
lieved, now he bus become gov
ernor, he will take measures to
suppress the wars that have been
waged for many years among the
islanders. Governor Tantain is
about 40 years of age. His ser
vices have been nearly all in the
armv hitherto The force of troops
at Taiohae and elsewhere 011 the
islands hitherto has been too
small, and to strengthen them is
one of the purposes of the new ex
ecutive. Governor Tantain will
sail for his pot st Taiohae on the
bark lropic Bird January I.
General Sherman' Daughter.
Washington, Dec 30 The
marriage of Miss Kaelieal Sher
man, daughter of the late General
W. 1. Siierman, and Dr. Paul
Thorndyke, of Boston, was solemn
ized at h .gh noon to-day at the
residence of Senator Sherman, in
the presence of a large number of
friends, relatives and high officials
from tiere and all parts of the
country. Father Sherman, broth
er of the bride, lierformed the
marriage ceremony. After the .
ceremony a reception was held,
and the guests partook of a wed
ding breakfast. Among those
present were : President and Mrs.
Harrison, Mrs. Mctee. lce-I resi-
dent and Mrs. Morton, Secretary
ftlaine, Miss Blaine, Mr. and Mrs.
Damrosch, Secretaries Rusk and
Tracy, Senator and Mrs. Stanford,
Mr Julian and Lady fauncelote.
Misses Pauncefote, General Alex
ander, and Admiral and Mrs.
Call at French's jewelry store
and see the "Lunar" clock. The
latest thing out.
Twenty-two newspapers in the
state of Kansas are edited bv
It is difficult to trust a rterson's
theology when his .grammar is
A siiiL'le ranch in Washington
produced fifty tons of hops last
An old Chinese proverb declares
that good fond is not as impor
tant as g tod cookery.
One lumlter mill in the state of
Washington turned out in 180. ti!.-
000,000 fVet of lumber.
In the city of Berlin, with a
A Steamer Thrown on Her Beam
A novel and exciting incident
occurred on the recent voyage of
the steamer litus from .Melbourne
to!Newca6tle through the vessle
striking a large whale. The Titus
returned to port from Newcastle
this morning. Chief OflicerJNichol
son, in alluding the affair, sard
that on the 8th inst. the vessel
was ten miles north of ft'ollon-
gong, w hen it happened. A south
erly gale was blowing, and, with
me aid ot squaresails, the Titus
was hustling along at a ten-knot
F.veryth:tig was come alone
merrily. Mr. Bell, the second en
gineer, and he were located aft
amusing themselves by shooting
gulls. It was altout 10 o'clock in
the morning when the steamer
suddenly bumped and canted sea
ward, lhe chief officer and en
gineer were sent sprawling on lhe'
deck. The men below rushed ui-
011 the deck to ascertain the cause
of the commotion. On looking
astern Chief Officer Nicholson
noticed the sea was crimson
with bli;xl, and it then dawned
upon them that the vessel bad hit
a sea monster.
Glancing further seaward an
unusual sight met their gaze. A
large whale was lashing the
waves in its death struggle.
It was plainly seen to leap three
times out of the water. With the
aid cf powerful glasses the finish
ing moments of the monster were
visible. The whale appeared to
have been struck just above its
pe.rtoral fin. It whirled and
lashed the sea at first with tre
mendous rapidity. Slowly its ef
forts grew feebler. There was a
brief revival of the death stroke
end the creature I hen disappeared.