o THE MORNING HERALD, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1891. BCSIMB89 LOCALS. French keeps railroad tine. New cloaki at W. F. Read's. Fresh bread every day at Parker Bros. Oxford ties very cheap at Klein Bros. New stock of Hats at W. F. Read's. Phoenix pure mixed paints at Stewart A Sox. Freeman feed cutters and mills at Stewart & Sox. Oxford ties at your own price at Idem Bros. 10 per cent reduction on dress g ouJa at VV. F. Reads. Take a look at the piano at Klein Bros, shoe store. Admirers of sweet toned pianos and latest improved organs should call at Will & Link's and see their magnitkeut instruments. Paraaols and sun umbrellas less than co.-tat W. F. Read. Have you examined that beauti ful $400 piano at Klein Bros, shoe store. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at Parker Bros. Try our chow chow now on sale in i-uantities to suit at C. E. Brownell's. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igara, manufactured at Julius Jom h 'a cigar factory. II you want a dur.ihle monu ment go to E. W. Achison, who are handling nothing but the beet grades. Look out for a grand display of Christ nuts g'Htds at F. M. French's, the turner jnwelry store. Special bargain in ladies and gents gold watches for the next 30 days. If you suffer pricking pains or moving the eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and find your sight week and falling, you should promptly use lr. 11. McLean's Strengthening Eye Salve. -5 cents a box. That sour-tempered, cross, dys peptic individual, should take I'r. J. II. McLean's Sarasaparilla! It will make him feel as well and heart as the healthiest of us. He ne-d- bracing no, vitalizing, that is all. Kxperts pronounce Klein Bros. piano one of the fittest toned in stru menis. I reorient I v accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such case lJr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. Klein Bros, are now better pre pared than ever to (to repairing on boots and sh'.e-t, thry having added aii'ttlu-r first-class shoemak er to their working force in their repairing and custom department. All repai ting brought to them will receive prompt attention, and they will allow none but first-class work to leave their shop. Lawn sprinklets, Matthews & Wahburn, garden hose, Matthews & Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews A Washburn, pumps, Matth ews A Washburn, bath tubs, Matthews A Washburn, water closets, Matthews A Washburn, gasoli ne stoves, Matthews A Wash burn, the best of everything Matthews A Washburn. fall at S. E. Young's and see the lare and varied stock of cloaks, sacks and jackets just re ceived. I have received my new bUm k of fall and winter garments, including, all the novelties in snort ami long jackets, etc., and am better prepared to suit the trade than ever before. Those that ctll early are sure to be satis fied. They are going very fast. Samuel E. Young. IK MV.X S. II. Cliirord.NewCassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia find ami Kheumatism, his Stomach as disordered, his Liver was affected to and alarming degree, appetite fell awiiy, and he was terribly re duced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cared him. Edward Shepherd. Harrisbirg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eiitht vears' standing. LJ3ed three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxs of Bucklen's Salve, and his leg is sound ; nd well. John Speaker, Catawbp., 0., bail live large r ever sores on lus leg, doctors said be was incurable. Due bottle Electric Bitters and cne box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Foshay A Mason, Drug store. Sot Cure (or the Liquor or Upturn Habit. The East India cure for these awful habits can be given without the patient's knowledge, and is the only known specific for the purpose, it is not injurious ia the least degree ; manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., wnd for sale at J. A. Cumming's drug store only. Bl41kl.EVft AKltA SALTS. Tl.t beet salve in the world for CuU. Bruises, So.es, fleers, Suit Ktieum, Fever aores. Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains. Corns, aiiilskiu Eruptions, and pus tively cures files, or i.o pay iciiuirud. It is guaranteed to give tierfect satisfaction, or money re- iuiiilcil. l'rii o'6 cenU per box. Fcr als by Fostisy A Maou H. H. Men and Athletes Wear our Vulcanized Gum Sus pensory lo prevent jar, strain or injury. Weak men are cured wearing our vulcanized gum sus pensory, of varioccle (enlarged wins) octurnal emissions and impotent1)', Vigor, comfort and longer life assured. No pain; no poisonous drugs. , I'riceOuly t-. Sealed circulars free. Vulcanized Gum Suspensory Co., Kooms LM, ilcVickers Theatre Building, Chi. -ago 111. THE MARKETS. At-BANT QUOTATIONS. Wheal 0c Oats 40 Flour $4.25 per bbl Potatoes 25c Eggs 30c Butter 30(i25c Lard 1013c Hams 14l5c. Shoulders lUc. Bacon 12c Hops 12 14c. Hay Timothy, 10, oats and cheat Apples Green. 50c per bu. Plu.na Dried, 08c per lb. App'es dried bleached 5(3 7c sun dried 4 t c. Chickens young $3 50; old $4t4.50 Beef 3:5c gross. Mutton :i3 50per head. Hosts 5c dres&ec. Veal 68ic. Wool 180-Jle. XMS ORDERS! Th-ie wish'ng painting and eniboidery work done for .inao, ihould leave their or dira e.rly with ilia. Hiuan, e as not to be ruined at time of wanting them. Order takeu for holiday book, and other good liter ture. Hi let at. "Not Coming, But Here to Stay 1" GENE E. LARRIMORE, The Painter, Has opened a shop in Stewart A KilT'Q ri1irlr avid i a nMnaroil ti-wviita estimates on and do a'l kinds of uouse ana uarriage painting ana trimming. Graining and paper hanging a specialty. Leave orders ... : v . . .. . t. n.u oiewuri, en, cox. TAILOR MADE Cost no more made of kooJ material than ready made ill-titting garments. W. CRAHAM, The Merchant Tailor. has in stock the finest Une of fall and winter suit ings ever br slight to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any style desired. Call and see if it is not true. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen for a first-slass Cigar Company. Must give good references. if . O. B. CIGAR CO., Salem, N. C. BKCRKT SOCIETIES. McPherson Post Ne. i, G. A. R. Stated meetings at the O, A. K, Hall on the second and Fourth Friday eveninirs cf each monrh. Transient Comrades are cordi y invited to meet with us J. r. WHUiau, B. F. TasLsa, Commander Adlutant. , O. U, W. Safety Loclje No, 13; meets C. every Monday evening at ui U. A. K. hall on Ferry street, between Seeond and Third. Albany, Oregon. Stranifere in the city and transient brethren cordially invited to attend. Chanffe of Business. I have this day sold to K. (i. Watson A Co., the grocery store and comission business heretofore carried on by me, at the corner of Ellsworth and Second street, con sisting of stock of groceries, pro visions fixtures, etc. I will pay all bilis incurred by we w hile con ducting said business, on presenta tion. I retain the book accounts, and parties indebted to me can call and pav at the store until Dec. 1st, 1891. "K. G. Watson & Co., receipting for me. After that date all unpaid accounts will be placed in the hands of my attorney for collection. E. J. Lanninu. Nov. 2, 1891. Having bought the grocery and commission business carried on at the corner of Second and Ellsworth streets by Capt. E. J. Lanning, and laid in a full and complete stock of choice family groceries and supplies, we respectfully solicit the patronage of former customers and of the people generally of Al bany and vicinity. N R. G. Watson k Co. Referring to the above 1 take pleasure in recommending my eucceasors, It. It. Watson & Co., to former customers and the eo ple of Albany and vicinity. h.. J. Lax nino. Nov. 2, 1891. I have jnst received direct from Vermont a shipment of pure maple syrup and will guarantee it abso lutely pure. V. . Brownell. Keep your eyes open for bar gains at F. E. Allen's cheap gro cery store. ' V ' - Vrv 7 JUDGE? :F0R Y0UKSELF OF: pity 5 OUT OTJE, We invite attention NECK J 1ST New Lines of HOYS' (L0TIIIN(J. L. E. lie :-: Merchant - - j. s n Si o a b II II Si W SI r- fyy Also carries the finest lines of Pianos & Organs IN TUB WILLAMETTE VALLEY. o- CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMTLE, ALBANY, OREGON. Portland Uniyers'tv. OPESS SEI'TKMIIKK 14. Beautiful healthful site near the city. Expenses are as reasonable as any other institution of learning on the coapt. Classical, literary, scientific, theological, preparatory, normal ami business courses. Stu dents of all grades received. Care ful oversight and direction given to all students. Ladies boarding hall under experienced super vision. Professors of excellent scholarship and much experience employed. For information ad dress C. C. Stratton, D. D., presi dent, or Thos. Van Scoy, I. D., dean of college, Portland Univer sity, Portland, Or. FOR SALE OR RENT. JEFFRS0N FLOURING MILLS Also SAW ANDPLANING MILLS, Jefferson, Marion Co., Or. For particulars apply to CORBETT A M.VCLEAY, 64 and 0t Front St., Portland O f V- 4 r and Prices GrOOHDS. to our large invoice of WEAR, OPENED. ! Immense Stock of j 0 VKKC0 A T S. BLAIN, eadinff :-:Clothier Tailor. G.L. Blackmau, DEALER IN Dnws, Paints. Oils, PerAimcry AND TOII.KT ARTICtE9 And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Prescriptions Carefully Comoounded. -THK- icuuirai liouegi Opens September 18th, JS!)1. COURSE OF STl'DY arranged exprcwlr to meet the nccdH of the farniiiiK and incvn:fcni cai interests of the Mtute. Lartfe, onitiOKiM!j atid well-ventlatoil buildinH. 1'hc ;illue in lfK .ilol in a cultivate! and Christian eom niimity, and one if the healthiest in :h btate. Military Trainiiuj. Kxnws Need Not. Kviwed Sl.'.O tor Kntire Sciiaon. the Two rr more free wholrnhi.ii fiont iverj iinnty. W rite fnr catalogue B. L. AKXOMJ, ITea., C..rva!li,-. Or. Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on tho Corvallis ro.id.ono half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and gf t our prices and catalogue free. 1IYMAN A BROWNELL. Have you seen tfiose beautiful cement walls in the cemter tfl, put up by E. W. Achison, at alf the fost of toue. ill I 10 an lea so rfe u ViAU si '51 tmmons Liver Regulator One Dose mo Dollar?. Vr.kK S. I,. R: I ponsider one doto lr.n' monfl l.ivi-r K'ui.btor worth $IO. coiiNti;ati'il, had Ilea laohe, could eat oth inir with h iii-if urtion or appetite hi the iiims, and ( it a!toiithi r out of sorts. I re sortid to lilue Marts, Cal. unci, tuinin , ami en-iy remedy sugevti-d, but onlv .blainel tempi r:u v n-lii f. One dose of S I. K did ni more nod than IOO worth of dix tors an doctoring.. I!cp'y, J C .Mautin. 1 ha-, i lam a ti'.ihi rf or twentv vears, and during Ihji time have ha I n pcated attacks ol h.-ail lie, produced by tnrphl Liver, and have 1 'vii rntip lv cn id by Kiiniiinns I.lvei Kcul i'or. I foun. t to be of so mild 1 hara. ti r in its a tion not to interfere. In he levt ith my duti tin the school room, r th-.'.e similv sitiu . d and subject tohe iiiic. I cannot 3 hii-r . recomuieud Sim uious Live I'.fi'Mator. K. K Omit ' .mi.nllsvlll. Kl 1 ft ORE FOR f-AI.K HY ALL nRUGOIRTS. "Siiim ni(itit!is niro I Durcliased a b is of ii J. 1. Gill's Catarrh Cure for my mvii 'urn-, but ti ml in tr my nephew, t'. A, MrMsiliiin, tii-t'iliiiir such .nedi. I it e, I let him have my box of medi cine, lie now sends for tlirec more lioxc-, SMj ini; it is the best thinir for catarrh ever tried by liim and his friri-.ils. I irt.t another box to use in i:iy ca.'o, t.nd cheerfully recommend it too! hers, (furti- di. .)OIIN McMAHAN, (,'ounty Coiuinissioner Lane Co, 'n-ijim, Srint;llel(l. Lane county, Oregon. Prof J, Johnson, president of the State university, says it cured liim of a eoiu'li alter two oilier prescriptions li id failed. 1,'ikewiv two of his little L'irls use;! it to cure their eoliths. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of l'rof. Bailey, sent it to l'rof. .lohnson, and recom mends it ) all who sutler from eolds and i-ouirlis. For couirh it nets like II charm, and can Ui inhaled into the ij.es or passives, where no other coutrh cures -.-an reaeb. It rr. M I It k A It I K It KM I K Mrs Michael Curtain, l'la'mlii'lil," 111, makes tin; statcim-iit that she in -lit ,..,1,) uliii-h si-lllcil on her luiijs; she was treati (1 fr a month by iicr laimiy p, y iician, imii, -jicw iii-.u. II.. ',.., kin. c:,s :i hrtiicli-ss vil-tiiii of ciiin-iiiiiption ami that no medicine iihl cnic In r. ucr uiul'!;i-i buk- ;-.-lcil )r. Kin" New Discovery for CoiiKiiniption; hc liimi;lit a bottle ami to lu-r dcliKhl loumi nersi-n uune littetl from the lirst ilose. i-hu eon-liniu-d ils use an. I after takiui; ten bullies, round horsed smind and well. now dues her own housework und is as well as i-lie was. rice trial bottle of this jrre.it Discovery at Foshay it M ison's Dru Store, Ure bottles otic, andl.(M) Jrick for At niv kiln one mile east of town, or delivered anywhere in the city. P.eaiitiful gold watches in every inia'inalile design at Will A .'lark's. BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, ORIXJON. 3. F. Merill, Pre?.- J. Lanning-, V. P( J. W. Bitten Cashier. Trinia.-tsa irenor.il hanking; busncss. Km Iii'iitc Imnsht anil sold 'ii all the prin cipal cities "f the I'niteil States, also, lireit Crit iin, Kranee ami tierinany. C'ollecli'is at all ac essihle points made on ta-orahle terms. Interest paid mi time deK)sit8. Fresh oysters in any style at the Diamond Chop House 2 cents. Allen Bros., always supply their customers with butUr and eggs. ' sale FIRST NATIONAL BABE TIRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. PRESIDENT L FUNS. VlCK PRESIDENT S. K T0UN0, ASUIEB E. W. LASQ30N. EIHECTCKO : S. t: Toukb, L E. BLaiH, L Fuas ' E. F. Sox." E. W Lanodon Cahior. Health is Wealth I Dr. E. C. Weafr'l" nerve and hraib triattnent, a Ifuar nleed 8ieciHc for hysteria, dizziness tits, headache, i'r vous proetratioD caused hy tno use 01 alcohol or toli"co aoltciiinif of hrair resulting in insanitj and leiiiiu' to nna ery, dci-ay ai.d lo of power in eithei six hach box cob tains one in mtb'r treatment. One ilol lar a box. or six box es for ive dollars sent by mail pre paid on receipt o; price. Guarantee) issueii only by J. A, Cumming's, diutrgist wdc axent, Albany Oreyor. 4500 REWlRD We will pay the above reward', for any ca of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, coiiBtiitioo or custiveness wt cannot cure with West's liver pilln, when tr direction are strictly complied with. The; are purely vegetable and never fail to gin satisfaction. Lame boxes, coi taining 81 pills, 23 cents. The genuine manufacturer only by the John C. West company. Chicaio Illinois. Sold by J. A. Cumuiiugs, drugnr' Albany, Oregon. JOHN SCHMEER'S n Corner Second aruL E'Utv.orth St ALBANY. - - OREG01 Hoas as boadu by the day or month Ca rtages or buggies 011 reasonable terms vtiiU NEW FEEDSTORE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEEL Always on hand. AIho Lime, Plaster & Cement, Couie to the corner of Water and Ferry sU for all kinds of t'e-.d. 1'. W. SPINK, Albany, Or. Canadian Facile H'y. THE (iRKAT TOURIST KOUTK TO ALL EASTKUN l'OINTS. rawing the Creat Clajier of the SclkirKs, 1,'anadiaii National I'ark, the Celebrated Hot Spring at Kan IT, and other l'iclare!ue IVints. riSlST PINING ANIJ SLEKP1NO CA KOUI E IS THE WOULD. PrivAe Praving Rooms, Luxurious SmoVinf Kooms and Elegant Ua'h Koonu At tacJied to all Sleepers, TH HOUGH SLEEPIN(J CAUS WITHOUT CHA.NUK. Kates from $3 to $10 lower than hy any other Iloute. roTATOKS KOK SAI.K- -G.rl Hortei Hurliank potatoc at 'ij cents per bushel, in 5 tiui-hcl lots apwariln, ilclivcrwl in any tart t,1 the city. Apply to A:in Carothcrt throuj; h tlie poctortica or titliL-rwiso. Memrs 'his. L. Wchstcr i l'r., have )oi tion, for two first clans a-cut- for tiiciini.ni "Lir.rarv of Amcricm Literature, one aifent cleared Jn",:;i in three himru work t;iv a referencep, resilience, ami present t o ploymciit. T. M. Williams, Manacer. tw Fifth Ave., New Vcrk. HaDan A Son's fine shoes sell on their own merit, and always gives satisfaction. Try a pair at 1 . J-. Wallace -.v Co. 'a. Alo.-n.vs on time with the best the market affords. Try, and be convinced. U. tj. urowneu. I'lesv. This is w hat you ought to have, m fact, vou must have it. to liiuy enjoy life. Thousands are search inir for it dailv. and niournini be cause they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually Dy our people in me hore that thev may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee tliat Electric Hitters, if used according to direc tions and the use persisted in, w ill bring you good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recomi jend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and al' diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c and $1.00 per bottle by Foshay A Mason, Druggists. OI K t lMIIICADIK K. It is seldom that wc appear in the roll of spiritual adviser ot family phy sician but there are. times when we feel justitied in culling the utteiitior ol our many subscribers to an article of true merit. We feel jusf itieii in snyiiii; 1 hat Moore'a Reverted Remedy con laim more actual merit than any medicine it ha ever bet n ourgmil fortune to test. One triul will make you at euthniaitic as the writer. RED CROWN MILLS ISOM, L.lSKIStt t CO., Prop. NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Sujierlor for Fatuiljand Baker's use) Best Siorage Facilities H"IUgkest cash price aid for wheat ALBANY - OREGON MRS. GRAHAM'S CUCUMBER ELDER FLOWER CREAM It not a cosmetic in the sense in which thut term popularly used, hut permanent iy tivau tines. It creates a ou( kiuooiii, near. velvety sksii, and by daily itt-e (,Tailu:uIy makea the complexion several shades whiter. it is a cinKtant protection from the'ffeets of Mun and wind and prevails hun hurti uid freckles, and hlmkheads will tieer cne while you use it. It cieai.ses me vmu- larrict ter than w an and water, it urirhcs and 1'iiiltls un the skin tissue.- and thus pre vents the foi motion uf wrinkles. It the frishnebs, clearness and finoothnes uf skin that ou Ahen a tittle uirl. Kverv Ialv, jounj; or old, ouht to use it, as it triws : more vouthlul apiteararicc t any lady, ui.-t that tcrmanently . It cnUiirts in acid, jatiwdt r or alkali, and is as harmless aJ, ikw Hnd as nourish irix lo the skin ns dtw is to the Honor- Frice ftl.(Mr, ftt all d moists and hairdre-si is, or at Mrs. ;rvaiss lira ham's establishment, 10:; Tost Street, Kan KraneiM-'o, where ne treats 'atiis tor al; blemishes f the f-ict or liiKe. Ladies at a distance treated by letter. Send stnn p U.r her little book, ':Ho'.v to t c Leauttful." SiHiplS BdtiS miihd free to any 'adyoi, re ee't ot lo nts in stamps to pay ir potac and pat kiu, Ladv Amenta wanted, MRS GRAHAM'S Face -:- Bleach, Cures the worst cases of Ki-eklcs, Suni:urn Sal'owness. Moth patches, I'imp'es ai d all hkiu hleiniahcs. I rice $1..0. llaiuiMfH and effeetivc. No iun ple cn be tent. Lady Af,ents wanted. Tas Cm wist - n ..:i ,.tW,t, . in this town who first orders a hid oiwwniy rrepiratiwns will hae Lis U'line added to this advertisement. My preparatioi s are for sale, by wholesale drus',(ta in Chicago and ecry city west ot it V At my yard, or at hit refiIn i on 7tli Htreet littween Koilroml at;d Montgoinory. or Klivf red any where in tiie fit y. Jin-uiri- at lluslon it Co'a track and dr;iy ollice or at grocery e'ore in oust part cf the eitv. A man at vard frniii 8 to 12 and 2 to 1 DYlork." V. C. C.r.M.I.. SO If bo call on- IBEAM lie delivers his oods to any part of the city free of cl a'-;!' Frefcli vegetables every d.iy. iT"N'tliii'g hut the hrf-t keit at 1. IlKAM'S, 2d at., cor. Jackson and J eilVi soi; 1 lilt! 1 1 1 1 It. Keep a KuM A-wortint-t t of GUNS AND FIREARMS r r. Rkpaihino 1'noMi-n. y Dunk. I.'KMEMIJKK Th- Kwert tuu l piano th ;t frtan!s iiitn-o tonj;r-t, n kr n stii U ;n datnp (r n!(l cut ti cr an 1 pcft-rt H;itir-fartim is tht- H'Tiiiur k Lot if. Life is a pYasMiv u it t mi. h a trwisurt-in the ln'iit-L. i'.dl and ut-f cut at Mrs. tiMiiann. Aiicce Tut up at J. W. Tathani's meat market, on Second and Maine streetH, in the lower ward. For sale at wholesale and retail. "CHOWDER BROS Contractois and Builders. Jfiice on First street with Wal lace & Cusick, real estate a)jent-, cJjany, Oregon, r.suinates niveii n all kinds of buildinjrsor carpen- er work. All work :ntrn.-;tvd to will lie promptly exeeuied. .. A FULL STOCK 0' Staple Groceries Crockery. Glassw Hie best quality of it an, co0;fa. taiiiiitF OUtH, ftt;. FRESH BARED liREAJ) EVF..V DAY. At thl old reliable houre In aluo to he found a complete aasortiuetit of frc-di f.vnilj (rroceriO), t whieh ia count-in ilv tieii.iraddi.il all the geasonal le line of icroeerieg and ro viBiuna, aucn an Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds. Bohemian Glassware, Etc, Them (to-uls were all hnn-rlit when jirices ere low arid the benefit of the margin w ill he (riven to his eunUmicrs. Keiiietnhcr tlic.!aec, at the old corner on Kim and Crouli-.H.-n sto! Conrad Myer. m E! n v n i Star Bakery DM. MASTOX 4 DAVIS, I'll YPICIAN8 Sur'e..iis, Ortice, Sec ond and liroadaliia .Street-i. A'liany, Or. Calls i-rouiptljf attend d in cay aid ci'imcy, f 1 C. K E f.LV," I'H YsiciANASD riCR- J. iti-cii Aljatiy, (.'recoil, oflice in Pierce a ne block. CiLce huurs, from Ha. at. ( i I-. M. J. liOSSlTKR, VETERINARY SIR i.treon, graduate of Ontario veterinary cclleue and meii ler of the Ontario veterin arj ii., -In al H-i-l.v, is prepared to treat tha diseases of all tteinerticated animals on se:c:.li'ic princ ph s. Oillce at Ans Marshall'a iir ( !e I. essence i'-h and C'xlapooia str-ji I.-, Aliany, Ori'KOii. J.)tt-S; A. Will V.VKY, rilVSICIAS AND in. Graduate, of iicllcvue llospl- tal Medial Collide, New Vork City. Diseases .fwiinicn t spcciilty, Otlice in r'i-ter block ATIOUMV i'l.o. K. I IA.Mi;Kf:L.IX-ATl-OltXEr VT at law w ill practice ic ail tiic- courts of lie- l.ilc. P'jliai allelltioli --ileu to uiat i. r-. in pr- hatj ar;d to collections, oilicc io t nr. n ii vi.. i ' i:o. W. WKlUi: r, ATToKN K V-AT-LA W VI i4P.lN.-t .r-, l-iiliii, . Will practice iii all tiie . irt-1 1" t! i. .-tutc, Ollice, front rooms 'jur I...I.K ! Uie,on, Alhany, Oregon. U. K. , it; hia ks. ii. c. Kareo.N. I l.A'.K lit U.N, WATSt'.V. Attorneys at L) I.a.. Aibaiiy ure.'..n; urti-e in Odd i eiio-. 'd 'leiiipie. bii-tos in our haniia i.l r..:eie proii.pt and careful attention. UKWItT i IliVI.NK, Al lolt.NKYS AT I.a. Will pm.'llie in ali the courts o tiio t.tt-j. .!. in lliiiu's block, tita I reel. T. bl KNKV. J. W. UKAfRa j)UKX-.Y & bKAI'KIl, ATfOUXKYS 1J at la-, otc-on C'itv, Orciron. Iwen tv eais . vpcriene as renter of tiia U. S. l.an-i 0:iiwc nt Orison City aral in tiie land practice- riconimtnds us in our gpecialty ;-u-:m--m hct-.re tin; l.i.i oluce or the couruj ai .i im the practice in t.'m Kccral i..-.i.J Oliiiv. J. aul DIICAX - AlTKXEY-iT LAW I not;-.ry pui. lie. V lice in the Struhan tlnri Xo. 1 &!I z. .V'til VKK'-ON (.HAM.I-iiE. AITORNK? V at liw. Aii jn; , Or. Otti;e in rooms 13 -.1 It Kosiut a iii -ci., over L. K. Ulaiu's ;lerc J. i:cA . Ai::t. , yon . 'ft in the I'tl'tll k. W I'.i rz.-tu n all tlie cirtir-i' hf-'i ::.-, s-i'i iz'iw. fijt-t:a. attt-ntiOD to U'.'l l-:itn-H TAvrs p :i:m, attoknky-at-law 9 tit't vft')iiTit i Ail-Miy, Or. Will l-r.!-: i i" ;M 'he court of the uti'.te. Al--:irvf.-of it i- furtiiliei on nhcrt otitti?e, I ii y t.rs fvpt rii i-nrr-it-?.::-rx-5 t - - : 7 wmm's FRIEND o rv. -cosfful and delightful have !etn the cliVt-ts of '"Moore's Re ve;:lii Kuiiedy" ujioii the delicate ailuitiits of womankind, that this wonderful remedy has been called ' Woman's Friend. " Mooro's Revealed Remedy In a few do.-as shows woman kind ii,- ji.'t'riliar virtues for their ii!iiieiii. Its eileets are gentle, sootiiini; and uiulornily successful. Hundreds of testimonials from ladies all over the coast bear wit ness to its success. ."-old by all druggists'. We are ir-w repa:ed to do cus tom chop; inj; lur either cash or to!!. We are agents fur H. F. Fipcher Ciirvrtliis Keller Mills, Hour, niii!i!!in's, sl: ills and bran. Also hay. oats, -hj, etc, always on hand and sold reasonable. Free delivery insi.b; of city limits. Tiy dir (.'"i vallis liotir and you ft ill u.v no other. MoI-KIS it Kl.OfXT. TAKE THE CAIJ SCIIllt'S STABLES RATES: To any part of tba city, 50 "cent For cal'ii-i.', tirst ho'-rf 1.50, each 3tll) 'iUf!t il'T!t'J 1. FOSHAY ft MASON .Wlixknatc and Ketail Mm Booksellers onst;o! Liiio Co. NalioEai Bank OF .!,1UNV, OH.- CAI Ii A I. M. K, - - - $100,0(10. .1.1.. Cowan, 1'ies., J. M. Kalston, Vice l'res., V. A. Archibald, Ca.-bit r. ii -etoi ?.r. L. Cow Jin, J. M. Hals ton. W. S. l.a.U. W. II. Coltra, J. A, C raw ford, O. A. Archibald. Transact a peneral banltitir; bnsi-)io-.-. draw t-if-'ht drafts on New Viii k, San Francisco and Portland. I 1 tli I I'Hi'i'irik it. i tint t i m unliiAnt s-a hjek. v ' " IS liiiiii Chopping ( - J"