20 CENTS A WEEK. XjL. VII NO. 5 ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER i 1891 FOK SALK. WANTS. KTC. TMS0LUTIO.S OP Partvfrquid. w . ? ta herb- tht the flrm cf mi airamoris, uoins business uouer tht awns at B j. tori Mill i hereby i iarolved hj mutual consent. Stvi Noel retiring-. The business will be continued by S.uiuions a T 09f On the roa.1 near Albany or in Al jj Mae, a black sUc-hel or grip coutaining a buvk Test ami eoat, a pair ol overall, a br.sul brimmed hat, a pair ol shoes, 2 shirts, a - rv, ruu ami jrush, a pair ol -v. mm rauustres mr a race noise and brae in bottle, aim a revolver. Liberal re ward will be paid to thadojeroo leaving mm wnu. mm U UiltD TjVYyourtxh J. tn year 131, Ux-Th si-hoo! tax lar , la now due a:id navmbla. era are reuesce-i to can promptly at the u-fL.- ol the clerk. U. O. Burs hart and pay ui same, oifc-ueil, f. G. Burkbart, VICT. TAR RENT A n.it live room cottage, J. near Southern Pavinc depot. Apply at Depot Hotel. B. WINN, AO KMT FOR TUB LEAD J tag lire, lire and accident inauraoca coot- pan lea f ONEY TO LOAN HOMK CAPITAL ON iTA. rood real estate tecurity. For particu- wnoinvi uen. numpnrejr. I AORES OK LKSb All flt for cult i I OU vation, and un ler font, for sale at iu per am. wnnin I) milea from railroad Kati in and ID milea from Albany. Apply at una viuce. SAN WA has removed h a laumlry to the iron hou the coner of Serond and Lyoo streets. Land far Kale. . 10, SO, 10. 80 acres, easy terms, install tens plan cnoap anil htith-pnced. Also s w city lots all owned by H. Bryant. Lanel SarveylBg. Psanas maiHw soavirrss Domoiaos tain accurate nd prompt work by cailinir upon county surveyor; K r. T. Fisher. He has complete copies ol Held note and town ship plats, and is prepare I to do surveying in any part of Linn county. PostolAoe address. Millers Station. Linn cou it . Oreiron. ALUMINUM AGK-A Impure II .me printed Sientilir Mechanical Journal ol Ltte Fo eitfn Inventions and Prucesse,. V.)l, It. No -Circulation guaranteed If.,. dHI Su wcription 35 els per year, with i Aluminum Lord's Grayer Souvenirs, Have this ailvertisen ent. It will lead ou to sue ooee, Aia aiMin Aoa Pi slihiii.no Co, New port, Ky. Notice to Stock Holders. NOTICE is hereby triven that Iho annual sto k holders meeting ol III Farmers A Men-hanta Insurance Company ol Allianv, Lim. e nnty Oregon, will be he'd at the company 's otllce in the citv rf Aihan. Ore Iron, o Wedm-sala'-, January lith., iMii'J, a' the hour of 2 o'clock r. a. of said ilaj, Inr th purpose ol electi-? nine directors ol said cominv, to serve lor one yea-, anu to tran sact su h other hawies as may regu'arif corns belore eiil mevtinir. By order of the I'ri-oilent. J O. Wrrvu, Secretary. Dated P.-emler 1st, !! STANOSf-jjUMcniX Envy The Great Prestige of Royal Baking Powder envied by all competitors. The envy shown by other baking powder man ufacturers of the great prestige of the Royal Baking Powder is not at all surprising. For thirty years the Royal has been the stand ard for purity and strength in baking powders, and has been placed at the head by every board of official examiners whether State or National. The Royal Baking Powder Company controls its own cream of tartar factory and the processes for miking the. only absolutely pure cre.im of tartar; it sends its product to millions of homes all over the world, supplies the Army and Navy, the great transatlantic steamers, :he finest hotels and res taurants, and is recommended bv the best chefs authorities on cuisine in every land. is larger than that of a!! oilier cream powders combined; it has more housekeepers than any other article. aad sale Its of tartar friends similar These inferior baking a: nong bin f icts are jakinLf po u 1 ments, f!L-d with against the Rovai. Consumers r e c o j 1 i e rncss to the makers of the lers; hencj their advertisc malice, envv and falsehood, ol "sour grapes. ' A lrs". TAVASTirrcurpuq .Smoking Toflflcco- A pure Virginia cut plug smoking tobacco that does not bite the tongue and is free from any foreign mixture. More solid comfort iu one package of Mastiff than you can get out of a dozen others. Packed in canvas pouches. J. D. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, V. frP , riffifw, OfSffOAC Fur 77:i:rrHi;h EOOKKEEFiGG. SHORTHAND. FENJIAHSHIP, THIS SCHOOL lb THC BES r. 1891 1892 FOE THE HOLIDAYS -Nothing is Nicer Than the Fine Display tf i8 7 I Si I -3i ti. OKBGG, Tailoring &Repairing. Mfn's ami Riivs' vlnrhifitf mads to ortlsr or Clssnxl aiut rairetl od short notice ami rsasonahlo ratea. 8htp on tae street car line between Ttair.l nd Fourth streetsi Conral Meyer's new oven is now completed, and he is better prepared ttan ever to serve liia old customers as well as new ones with the best of fresh bread, rakes, in fact everything from the dainti est hit rolls to the most elaborate wedding rakes. Housekeepers are invited to give the productof bit new oven a trial. ' At Will A Stark's can be seen some of the most beautiful ladies void watches, which have jnst been received. Some of tne test styles of ele gant bed lounges can be seen at Fortmiller A living's, aa they Lave jnst received a large invoice. "a 7 'Bu-n-f' 4 Site IXVIMTMEVT. Is one which 1 guaranteed to brh. you satisfactory results, or in ease o.' imiure a return ol purcnase price, On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druirsc'ists a bottle of Ur Kini?B New Dseovery for Con sumption. Jt i jruarniiteeil to brim; relief in every case, when used fo any affection oV Threat, Lunirs, oi Chest, such as Gontnimption, lull.iina tion of Lunip, Bronchitis, Asthupi, U'hoopins Cough. Croup, etc, etc It ii. I'b-asant and agrceible to t.isle. perfectly safe, andean always be de pended upon, Trial bottles free at Foshay & Mason, DrugistR, STATE AND COAST. SPMI IATIOM IMStiKKOr. Scarcely a day passes without the news of some large failure (iHshini; over the wires the usual result of speculation in stocks or some eiiially langerons venture. The same electric current carries to dear distant friend the sad tidinirs of death of loved outs too often the result of speculation in patent nostrums. Moore's licvcalcd ltcincdy is no speculation but is sold on positive guarantee. Uo not fail to go to your druggist and ask for your mo-iey if not satisfied. We known you will go and buy another bottle, or sale by all druggists. Silverware, - Novelties. At the Old and Kstablishul Jewelry SU.r - of FI. EWERT'S. QUARTER iiVilM.AM aft THE MORNING MEAL Found Satisfactory F. F. Allen's He keeps a first-class stock of staole ami fsincv groceries of all kinds; also vegetables and all kinds of fruits in season Choice talde delit acies :i sim'i- ialy. Keniemlrer the place, First Street, opposite Masonic lemple, Albany. Oregon. t-Wk 'i huro set tlulin Ita- ktr county "Ore-nt- a in, near whatUi r is iiuw liaker City. "PCUTIIDV man who has sinceUCIl I Ull I liccomc Mentificd with the rfviurnvann and development o( that country. ThwAUU man is no other than Mr. John Stewart, one of the wsalthiest and moat influential citizmj hi me ruiiniy. in a recent letter ho nvrs I had been suflerinK from pains in my hat k will nencral kidney complaint ior tome time. anu nao useu many reined nn without ant but temporary relief. The pains in ni) back hail bvcnme so severe thu I v.as crevcnUil frimi attending to my work and could nol in -vc without the ue of a cane. Hearing, through a friend, of the wonderful cures ef fort by (H-eicon Kidney Tea, I wad induced to try a box, and from that vcv Brst dose I found instant relief, anil before n ! I.-.H the contents of the box the p-iins in c j lioi-k ent in ly disappeareil I have everv f ith in the virtues of the Oregon Kidney" Tea, and cjn conscientiously recommend it to mi friends. 1 would not be without it for any thinir." Oregon Kidney Tea cures headache, incon tinence of urine, brick dust sediment, bum iniror painful sensation while urinating, and all affections of the kidney or urinary oriranr of either sex. Further Statistics of the Salmon -industry of Oregon. NEWS FROM THE CAPITAL. t Tfc Stats .'Sail -old Gommlislousrs Havs About rialihsd Inipsctirg tbt Esadi of OrsROt tiorthweit Btt:i- Salem, Dec. 4. The figures from the fish commissioner's re port show that din ing the Beasoa the salmon consumed at home and shipped east fresh, amounted to the Faci lie Coast in Hie United States, nineteen and a half million pounds; British Columbia, four million ; the grand total valuation for the coast amounts to seven and a tli it d million dollars. Concern ing the world's fair rt-iiort he says in part: We think il the people of Orepon let pass this great op K)rtutiity to advertise the re sources of this growing state that it will lie one of the greatest mis take ever made, and imre es pecially in regard t our iish ' industry. Tht? one product that Oregon is best known by in remote states, our own country and in foreign coun tries is its canned salmon. People coming to this exposition will ex- wcl. to see this great iiiuusirv in its details fully fliown, and if disappointed would very naturally conclude that as a btate we were lacking in enterprise, anil our in tlustiies in dcadence. We believe such a showing as this state coulu make of lish and lish products would be an inducement to hun dreds of people and thousands of dollars to come here. .John Mco.iev. a one leuged bur- ar wl o has been in the peniten tiary before came back to-uay from The Dalles to serre a two year term. J lie Lorva'iis tannery to. 10- day filed ar ieles of incorporation. Capita1 s'ock, $1".000; incorpo'a- lois l!,. rkipton, V. fccluuHit anu W. . Wells. Object, to construct a caiim rv and ice factory. The state board of capitol build ing eomniissioners has employed J. F. Krumbein,an architect o. l'oit'and, to siipeiiniend the aicli itectcre of the cap tol's new glass and Pteel dome, winch is to be erected pext year, the legislature last yeir having appropriated j.'HU'OU. Mr. Krumbcia was t.'ie architect of the capitol. M tcliael Alley, an insane patient, died at the asylum of consump tion. He was years of age, and cm jus here from East Portland wl.'eii the asylum was moved here KAlXKOAD COMMISMOXEKS ii,.. Hare About Completed tie Inapt vtioo of the Oregon "bcISc jOK1 .m, Dec. 4. A.N. Ham ilton i. W. Colvig and Robert f M lu t llA etate railroad comm s sionern. reacltfd here this mnrriincr fl OfU iSaker City, hav ing nearly c impleted their annual inspection of tue i-ailroaas t ure iron innlnilinir the Union J'ac'lfic . lio Snntiiprn I "arific. and East and West Side narrow gauges and the Oregon Pacitto. This includes some IOCiO miles of road. The forty imles.M JNortliern I'acifir- trurk iroin Portland to K :l Ml til a u ill nrobablv le looked over to-morrow or in a ffcvv days, was il'Justrated recently, according to th e Telegiaph Age, when an ODera Urin New York remarked to the man he was working with in Ner Uaven that l'arnell bad just died. "Who?" was the inquiry. "l'arneU."' was the reply. After a short interval, dur;ng which, it is supposed, the New Heaven . operator was in con ference with somebody, this mea eage was sent: 'Jf you mean P. T. Barnum we neard that Ions' ago. but no one knows who Patnem is." Another story from Hie same source relates to a farmer who entered an office in Central New York and sent his message to a oman in Canada:. "Will you be oi v wife ? Please answer quic by telegraph." Although lie watted the rest of the day he got no answer, but the next morning lie got a nignt dispatch, sent col lect, but favorable. Tiie operator, in expressing his sympathy, said : "Little rough to keep jouin sus pense so long." "Look a-heie, sonny," the farmer remarked, "I'll stand all the suspense. Any woman that'll ho'd back her answer all day to a proposal of marriage jut so that she kin tend i'- ha'f ru-e at night is economical enough to make up after 1 get her for all the loss of time and injury to feelins I've sutlered waitin." New York Sun. WHAT ARE THEY ? that the expenses To 1V.H rtiiTAK Of THK IlKKAI.II, Mayor Cowan says council paid the actual of one of its members on two trips to San Francisco. I was not aware that the council paid such bills. Had 1 known it 1 would have been a candidate for the posi tion myself, liutsineetheaiuount has been paid. I woukl like ti see in print, for the taxpayers to read, an itemi.ed statement of the cost of the two trips. A It sad eh, OR ushelT Yo 1)EATH F7FTEKN WORKMEN BURIED KEMCATtl A FALLING WALL Several Dead Bodies Recovered The Details of How the Horri ble Accident Occurred. ACJlDENtS AHD I1T01DEKXP. CITY ELECTION. NOTICE IS 1IF.KKBV OIVKN THAT ON Monday, the 7th ilay .f Pcein'ier, 1!U. the an.iusl eleetion in ami for the eitv of Alliany. Linn coDi.ty. Oregon, will lie lii-M for the purpose of electing the following mu nicipal othYcrs: A Mavnr, a Marshal, a. Itc.nli-r, a Tr.-awiror, ai.il a inemlier of tin. council from each wanl. The i-lLvtiuu will be held at the fullouiuir phtces: Kirst Wsr. At the County C"erk's oTr Sactmd Ward At the Uounty Tnanuns oflice. mini vtary -At the olneeof the Fanner's ,1 war-house. I .... .. - The -MDsieil of said ritv has selecte.1 thr 1 " VV."' ses and clerks t laruette valley, ine icport oi nie GlfaoedFrcmHerand Thai of Genrl Ints'ost, Tin. north bond freiubt on Jive N. I. K. R. while Koinu do n the Iwiuuit irruitM north of tunnel M "IU 1 ? ' Kumlav moining broke in two, uii.l aitAr runnimr for some dis tance without the accident heing liscovereil, the front section, con aistinir of u II at car. two box cars and the caboose, crashed into it. In the caboor, Jaraieson, con- luctor, and Hutl, Johnson, and Coiihiin, was killed, and tfie others badlv cut and contused, though no "bones were broken. An unfortunate booo was stealing a ride in the tool box underneath the ciIhjosc, and received and ugly gash acrops the forehead and temple and a number of severe bruises about the body. McMinnville Telephone-Keg-ister: The lightning struck two trees near the farmehouse of John Petminuton, about two miles south of town Tuesday. jioon. One of the trees was a very tall one, over 150 feet high and badlf splintered, from the top to the ground .Several panes of glass were broken from the windows in the house, and Mr. Pennington, who was nearing home with a load of lumber, was knocked off tho load; but not ftunned Hriverelv. Occurrences of this fbllowin persons as Judges 8aiu election, camel : Firvt Ward Judges, David F. (.mm Mir tin Payne and W. 0. Twccd-ilc. cluiks. A. J. Auslyn and F. U. KcdHeM. Seeord Wsnl- Judges. S. From.a- 1 Senders and E. L. Knox, Clerks. J. k. Wyatt and D, T. Wjnian. Third Ward Judges, It. A. Irvine 'J It. CoiKfil! and W. K. Kelly, Clerk. P. U. Marshall and W. S. Ki. harus. Said e'ection will commence at 9 o'clock in the inorninir and continue without closing the Hdls, until 6 o'jlo.-k in the eieuinfrof said day. Done by order of the council of said city, mvle Novem jer, lltb, 1SS1. Dated this ltitli day of iN'orcnilier, 1-!M, N J. IIENro.V. Recorder of tl.e cj)y of Albany stroke was plain'y heard here. TELEGKIPHEKS' STORIES. A Couple of Yarns Told in tire Operating Rooms. Telecrraphers' stories are unique Bo;metimes, and 'hey do not hesi ta te to tell them to' one another. It' is paid that the operators in Nt w Heaven, having always lived th ere, seldom hear ot anything be .St. Paul, Pec. 4. The most horrible accident that ever oc curred in St. Paul took place rbort'y afier 1 o'clock to-day, when the center wall of toe west section of the Shepara bttilili'ig, recently orcup'ed by Far well, 0.mun & Kirk, fe'l in, burying the work men be-.'eath the ruins. Fifteen mec are supixise.l to have been beneath tl.e wall at the time it fell, and a uiaiorit" of them were killed or received injures which will probably piove ';tal. A 1 1 the patrol wagons in th city j were at once suuiuoned, a the po'ice attempted to organize lab orers wiio wee not unuer the wall and get them at work rescuing tiie injuted. The men were wild with excitement, rnd it was along time before more than half a dozen could be induced to go to work. In less than half an hour the men had taken out ten companions. live of whom were killed, and five injured fatally. Contractor Wil cox wa.i taken out dead, and mangled beyond recognition. The wounded were removed to the hospitals. The wall had l)een suppoped to be brm up to the time it suddenly collapsed. DEED OF A LUNATIC Russell Sage's Oflice in New York Blown Up With Dynamite, BK DEMANDED A MILLION An Awfal Explosion Fragments of DU membtrsd Human Bsdisi Strewn Over tbs Eoildinj. New York, Dec. 4. At 12:15 o'clock this afternoon a small, shabbily-dressed man, apparently about U5 years old. carrying a brown leather hand valise, called at Russell Sage's office, .) -the second floor, 70 Broadway, and asked to see Sage. W. . R. Laid law, Safe's clerk, told him Sage was busy and could not be seen. The man persisted and continued talking in a loud tone. .sage, who was in an inner otlice came out to see what was the matter. He told the man he could not see him then. lhe mm, wiio seemed crazed, continued to de mand an interview then and there, and sa;'8 ordered him to leave the otlice. On this, the man dropped his leather ha, and an explos.on, which shook tiie entite hl-ck, in stantly followed. Sag was thrown Clots the room and stunned. Laidlow was also thrown across' the olli e, and had one leg badly lacerated. The stranger was blown against a partition wall. KusaeJl Niire was taken to a drug store eppogite his otlice, where it was loiind his injuries were not serious. II is Uce is badly burned, and the hair on bis bead and fat e burned oil". He was much excited, but said brokenly: 'A man, who gave his name as 11. L. Wilson, came to my otlice ju: now. 1 never saw mm neiorc. lie had a carpet bag in his hand, and said: 'li vou will not give me $1, 2()i),000 I "will blow you all ta Pieces.' I know nothing further. except hearing a great explosion." Three rooms were totally wreck ed. All that remained unimpaired in tiie office of Sage was hisdek and otlice chair. The windows on the Kector-street eide of the build ing were blown out, and those on the other side of the building were chattered. A human leg was found, which the police think to be that of a woman. The latest reiorts are four peo ple ki'Ied, ono being r v woman typewriter r Saee's offices. The man who thre "i" also died and it is d' his name ia Lord. In s of Sage tiie safe was r n and securities scatters ouild iug an 1 streets. j tory that a switch was brought in to requisiton. It was arrangea that the grandmother e hou Id ap ply the poultice, while the mother was to stand with the uplifted switch at the bedside. The boy was told that if he "opened his mouth" he would receive that which would keep him quiet. Aa the hot poultice touched the boy's foot be opened his anouth. "You " he began. "Keep still!" raid his mother, shaking her stick, while the grand mother busily applied the pultice. Once more the little fellow opened his mouth. But the uplifted switch awed iiim intof ilenoe. In a minute more the poultice was firmly in place and the boy wrHKncked in bed -,. -.-.- "There now," said the mother, "the old sliver will be drawn oat and Eddie's foot will be all well." As the mother and grandmother moved triumphantly away a shrill, small voice came from under the bedclothes : "You've got it on the wrong foot!" A FltlUIITFI L ACCIDENT. Thrr ISailroasI Trains Wrecked ami Many People Killed. Wkmster, Mass., Dec. 4. At 6 o'ch-ek this morning a collision ocurred lietweeu two freight tra ns and a lng Island express on the New York & New England railroail at J'.ast Ihompson. lhe accident was caused by an open switch. Ail three trains are piled up tigether. The engineer and iiit man ol one train were killed. One p-.issenger on the Pullman car is rep 'ttevt burned to death, and many injured. The cars immedi ately took tire and engines and doctors were summoned from ad jacent points. The railroad of- liciaU report many killed. One report says the number killed is seven. DEADLY INFLUENZA Pieces of sev picked up on the ing near the see id placed in a .eces of tiie L-o .tie head of a h the head of a brown hair gro head. As botr Ooborn are miss, that this compos' mangled heap. were build p'osion, of lhe up un it was an with v on the .nd 1). W. 8ilpp sed . t ion of the Willi INK Striped for Nine Years. The Dalles Sun in commenting upon the sentence oi unaries Stone for forgery says that nine years is a good long term ol penal servitude but none too severe for tuecrime of forgery. Such was the punishment meted out to Charles E. Stone, who plead guilty to three charges of forgery and there is still another indictment hanging over him in Linn county lor the came otl'ense. It will be sometime be fore he will have another opportu nity of be i tic handy with pen and ink and other person's name and lv the time lie has served his nine years' sentence he may have come to the conclusion that forgery is not a paving business. Stone claims he has wealthy relatives in Cincinnati, where he formerly lived, and this may be the reason he was so desiriotis of being in dicted under the name of Schmid'. It makes little difference now as to his name he will have to answer to a number for a long while to ciirne. The Bank Teller's Dream. St. Peter You were a bauk teller, were you not? New Arrival es, M. l'eter. St. Peter Well, people are ar riving herein- the million billions from all the inhabited planets in the universe. Just tnt around among them and limit up some body to identify you. New York Weekly. A. R. Chapman, of this city, has the agency of the Canadian Pacitic railway company, and will sell tickets over that line from Albany to an points .bast. Just received at the Ladies Bazaar an elegant line of fancy cords, fringes and ponpons suitable yo nd the limits of the city and 1 for all kinds of fancy work.also the th ir operating rooms. The fact ntiw shades in zephyrs. The principal difference between a lobster and a lobbyist is that you can make a lobster blush. Terhaps it was Thanksgiving turkey that Shakespeare alluded to when he said: "i-air is fowl is 0ir." "That dog is one of our famous Maryland breed." "Yes, 1 te cognixed his Chesapeake bay last night." This world ia so crowded that you can't pat one man on tiie hack without stepping on auoihct man's toes when you do it. Wattf Say, Williamsport, Penn., was named atter Wil.iain Pf nn, wasn't it? Potts 1 guest not. William wasn't that sori of a man. Spatts The government is hav ing a lot of rapid-firing guns made Bloobumper They will be useful in removing officials to make room for others. The editor Well, I've a good notion to run for congress. The grocery mar Why do you wsntti go to congress, when you can get all the bijuor you want right here? Viditti at citns museum What makes you go without food and destroy your digestion by these fasting exhibitions? Protessioi.al faster (i idignantly) Humph ! I've got to get my bread and bu'. ter in some way, haven't I ? Til EDISKaSE SPREADING WITH ALAUMINO FATALITIES. Over 10,000 I'ersons Attacked W fi It lii Berlin -Many Deaths Are Reported. Berlin. Dec. 4. Epidemic in- fluenza, w lrch has been prevail ing in this cm iv lor some time past, is daily spreading a d the number ot peraons a fllicted witli the dis ease is very large. It is estimated that over 40,000 persons in Berlin have been attacked w ith the in llueir.a since November 1. The .iifccsc is pronounced of a much more violent tyie than that which pn vailed here two years ago, and manv deatils are reported. So widespread has been its ravages that judicial and municipal affairs are itiieii'ered with, owing to the iilne-s of many of those connected with the various departments. A simi'ar state of affairs exists in the different offitJes. Even the aili-.ad lines and other concerns having a large number of em ployes a.e seriously affected. The hospita.s are crowded to their ut most capacity. From many parts of the country the same reperts of widespread suffering from the di eaai are coming in. M A KiilKD IN HASTK. A Yucmg Man (liven the Altera., live of Marrying or Death. I'lFKAi.o, X. Y., Dec. 4. A strange wedding was celebrated at Fredouia, X. Y., this afternoon. For some time Gi o ga White a young man of the vi'lage, has b en paying attentions to flattie Hill, a pretty voting daughter of f'harlfs Hill. Whitecallcd at the. . tMrl'e home this afternoon, and Mr.-- , Hill asked him the nature of his intentions. Some words followed. The irate father demanded that he marry the young woman at once. White refused ; then Mr. Hill sent for a clergyman, and when he ar rived the angered father pointed a revolver at White's head and excla-med: ''You may take yonr choice ; marry my daughter or have your brains blowed out.' White ipiickly agreed to the fortnar propoeit on. THE WRONG FOOT. That Funny Kesnlts of the Silence Enferced I' pan Illm. There is a time to keep silence, but it evidently was not the right tine in the case of a certain boy who liyes on John Day's. He got a sliver in his foot, and in spite of his protestations, his mother de cided to place a poultice over his wound. The boy vigorously re sisted. "I won't have no poultice," he declared etoutlv. "Yes you will, Eddie," declared both mother and grandtiioiher, firmly, and the majority being two to one, at bedtime the poltice was If the poltice was ready the boy was not, and lie proved so refrac- A Billiard Katrine. S r. P.i l, Dec. 4. A blizzard :is raging throughout Minnesota, Dakota and Manitoba. All trains running into Winnipeg are de layed. Threshing has stopped in Dakota, and it is feaied the rail roads will be blocked. Wxxiii-u. .Man., Dec. 4. All oulgoirzg trains ate canceled, and-, inconiMv; trains are many boon i behind time because of the saoir slorm now raging. Another ruciliatSerlonsly HI. - Xi-w Yokk, Dec. 4. Pugilist Bill Siavin, brother to Frank and". Jack Siavin, is in the St. Peter's" hospital, Brookiyn, seriously ill ' with pneumonia. A Woman Outraged and Killed. Maiianv.y Citv, Pa., Dec. 4. Tho finding of Mrs. Agnes Law rence's dead Wly near ?Tew Bos ton, and the mystery surrounding t'-H death, has caused much ex citement. The woman was oat raged and killed. Repairing neatly done at the large gilt boot store. I r i. i- i i ,-v v..; ,& 1 .a1