"7 .jVER'fi S o, t il ci'i:.- . JO CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON, TIJISD.Y V. .NO VEMlSJiK Ji I.8SM VOL. VI NO. 302 to. 'cm M;i S.K. VNTS, ETC. 1 lli-SI(I.LTI; 07 l'ATMFRlllP I J otic if h.-r. veil that the In cf .N I & h-iiviw i. doing btiii-iem under that ii.n.-nt u Mi.ii 3i; il i. hereby involved . m-i-iiv coniLiit. Sit.n Noel retiring. The riiK- wi.i u tjiciiiiiei by S minima k x iioui m. f'! IL WANTKii-To do li,u-vork for a ' ! Iiwy, ror urt;cu'ar. tuuire M l.li- ll-IICC "I O-if - On ill ' r .1 I lif i- Alhinv or in II J J ti.ii ". a lil u-. ,t-ht.-I r "ru eiuitjiinini; a .' v k w-t m.i ,.,,. , p., C overall., a l.r . 1 1 r -i ii -.1 li it, a i.;nr nf !-i, i shirt, a r.. - a--. I 'ri , in i; &:il iriisii, a pair of "ii I. w-l i.- ra rice hiine and ti'i . i.i titV, i: rsvo.ti-r. Liberal re- . i w1: i.f (iiul to the tin Jer oil leaving ii-- ;i iihiii.ii itili -e. 1 - - i l tit -The h-kil ta for i. w i-- Ivl.e ii -v .(no tit luyable. I n.o'-r. .ee ft i'l 4"e 1 t irvil proulDtlv. ' t.' ti -e i t!i--tier. It. ti It irWhm and tii.- aim-. Su'iei, 0. li. Kurahart, I 1 .t l:lT--.Y ne-t live room cottatfe. y i rr -i che.-ii I'm.k' 'ieiot. Apply at l'Pj i ir.ir:, I 3. WIVV, .;Sr .in TIIK LEAK. v i'.; , mc n.i w-m.mi iiMurauu corn- pvil.M OSKV To LoAX-tloUfct CAPITAL ON I'L k' ! p.-I a-sainty. tor articu- I .;v'.,KKS (! ,NI. All fit fur cult i lljlj itn'i, in. I in i .-r fen e, for aale at r. re. w .thin lj miirt fr.nu railroad r iri :i A-nl mile fr.i.ti Altiaoy. Apply ar KIH O'llJ. SSVV hwrcnvMia laun lry to the ir'ili ) trie cor'ir of Second and L'.--" t.-. I :inl for Sjlr. int ii ai-rr. easy frm, hiatal! tr. 'in , I 1. 1 rti-t; ai i ii.ii-ru-o.l. AIho a a I ..r.,..l l.t 11. Krvnt. laml "urvrj lug. TAnS DKSIItlN M! aVITIlif DON! can 0. 1 i:ii;i -.-ti.' ?f in! promi't Anrk hv calltne u.-.'i .'i. Kit; K'lrnnoi r. I. T. r'inher. lie h i.-i;np;t oi-;.- of ticl.1 uotea and town al.ip n::'.s, a..i ;ir:iart I to do mirvevinic ii. r- i..r: . f '.nil ii.iioty. I'oit'.lii.'e a.l.lr, h ..v4St.Mii. Lino oii itv.Oreifuu A' MVISr A'iT - H;u;e Home pr.i.l S i' t:ri M-t'h tmr.tl Journal it fpti .n t-t-i jrvr year, with t A uni'i'i n L n - ''r.irr .uttMiiM, Sve tyi. r:-'- m. It will lc;i oitiic Qiwlity in smoking tokicco depends on the peculiar and cor rect selection of best varieties of leaf tobac co, and the proper knowledge of manufac ture. Thirty years' ex perience has enabled us to produce the splendid MAST!. T I'LLG CUT. J. P. I .i.v T.il :..-t, Co., Rii-hmriiiil. V.i. I.. - : j ; a 7 cm mm store ETA5AKD 4 CU3ICK, Proof., Pri.iKKi: r.l.i K K, - - ALBANY, He.tlrrr in DTJ3 o M"DiC!?lE3. CHEMICALS. FANCY an 1 Ti-i. t art! i . Siiii;e., Kriwhea, r'um. rv, S. hil ll- k. and Ar tist's Supvi.v. fAI'bysician's prescription r Carefully compounded. H. r.KKGG, lit hy 111" V.-,-:ir, l l'."V ei.nhiinj niale to order or c'.i'ir I -i.i ri-iieil 1111 short Dotic. au.i f.- w'-li il.I.i rate .-li"inn t it- itrtft car line betweeo Third iel r'nur'ti strtt O inr.i 1 M".ver's new oven is now c eni'leted, and he is better pi-eoire.l tl an ever to serve his o!.l ! iuiers as well as new ones with the best of fresh bread, cakes, in f;ict everything from the dainti-e-t hi t rc lis to the most elaborate wed ling cakes. Housekeepers ae invited to give the product of li s new oven a trial. At Will A Stark's can be seen some of the most beautiful ladies tfold w. if. -Ins. which iiave just been received. K j 3 ,r- --3 r 1 51 & Repairing TO COUn Tf'.HPLAKH. Do yon know that Mnore'e Ho vealed Remedy is the only patei t medit-ine in the world that dot 9 not contain a drop ol alcihol ; tin t the mode of preparing it is known only to its discoverer; that it is a i advance in the science of mfdiciiie without a parallel in the nim teenth century ; that itsproprict .13 offer to forfeit JjUiOO for any case of dyspepsia it w ill not cure Cram'a lurlvalled AtlKa, The new edition of thin unrivall ed work is now hi-in delivered hy 1 he agent, Mrs. A. M. Talt. The work is a most excellent one. and this edition is a treat improve ment upon former tines, rivin.i all the latest date mid murh new matter that was not in the previous editions. It should he in every family, and on every business' man's dsk. Those who are not j supplied can procdre the all-is bv addressing u. JJox No. GO A I- I bany Oregon. j 1 We are the onlv pe"ple -who car ry the celebrated K. & V. coll tr and cuffs. Always hive the latest styles in stocA, Tl L. Wails e A Vo. Bazaar Wholesale price nf suar: 100 lbs. extra (', j4.7"i; led lbs. granu- luteil, -. My disp!av of new tuvs and novelties for the 1 1 . I i . 1 ; 1 v d this vi-nr will be soinethinr woiideiful. Julius iiili MATTHEWS & I ASHBUM'S, ALBANY, OREGON, AUTUMN' Ms. Jacktk Fur Trinimed Gjirmeiits aod -This .iii slioii'i iti be SAM'L. K. YOUNG, Tf, S OPENED FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRVDE A MAMMOTH ASOIITM EXT OF IV Ladies Dress (i 00 Is. in cloth, silks, fn-eign and domHtio fabric., a'.iawls, un l-rAi ir, g! ve hosii 1 y, II laces, linens, and white g kkU, notions, novelties, etc. Also a co nidete assort m-Mit of Boots and Shoes, Staple and Fancy Groceries. I1STABLISHED IN H.iO.T II-! PIONEER DRV (J0")D3 HOUSE H AS M I by keening a slock large enough to supply any want, and making a sp - M vtiii 1. .v.. t :ii m ii'i 1111 iiiiiii 111 c LOSE CASH BUYERS VI-ITING THIS MARKET ARE ESPECIA invited to inspect his stock, which ments, and'purcliased especially for Highest of all in Leavening Power. 9 1 V 17 ABSOLUTELY PURE I am an old man and have been a constant sufferer with catarrh for the last ten years. I am en tirely cured by the use of Ely's Creati) Balm. It is strange that so t-iruple a remedy will cure such a rttubivirn disease Henry Bill ings, U. S. reiiBioii Att'y, Wash ington, D. C. Kor eight years I have suffered from catarrh, which effected my eyes and hearing; have employed many physicians without relief. I rfin dow on my se -ond b jttle of Kly's Cream Balm, and feel confi dent of a complete cure. Mary V. Thompson, Cerro Oordo, 111. atAHEVKRV LATEST NEWS I is that you can buy at .Julius (iradwohi's Bazaar, for net cash, goods as fallows : 17 lbs. granulated sug ir $1.00 20 lbs. extra (' siiL-ar 1. 00 No. 1 kerosene, pereing'egal. .25 ." trullons good pickles 1H) 20 lbs. No. 1 Savon eoip i0 Aibui-kle coffee, 2"ie per iund 1 w ill conduct a strict cash store, and all g,inls will be sold for net ca b from 10 to 2" per cent, less than regular price. My stock of I'hinaware, fancy g -tMls and all the desirable Myles of dishes, a1 well as staple grocer ies crockerv lanins ami lixt.itvx ii complete in every way. I make a sjieciality of line teas, coffees and baking mwder, and alw ays pleases my customers. Ji'i.ii s Oka i) worn., Ai.haxv, Oct. 17. ISiil. The Lawt Slock of M IJ0 ) l and WARE South of Portland at IS HERE, mind and on the 'Who has the satisfactorily answered at the old iiiiain u . v. ..v.a is complete in till liia nuincrotis the fall season of Latest U. S. Gov't Focd Report Baldn Powder Schoul Tax Ntiflrn. The school tax in school district No 5, is now due and pay able. Call at my ofnVe and p.i v the same before it bee n:es de linquent. C. G. Bl KKH hT. District Cleik. The men of this vicinity nred not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Mat'lir-us aud Washburn. Its not tlieir uood looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good tjualites of tbeook and heating stoves they si II. Kvci one seems to be delighted w hen they buy from M. and V. MKRir niK We ilrsiit to K:iy to ;ur ci'i zt ns. Unit for years e have Ih i ii m-II ilii; I)r Kind's New Disenvrry for Consumption, I)r Kitu'.s N.-w Lift I'iliH, Buckh-n's Arnica S.iive ami Kleetrie Bitters,, it nil li.ivc r.cv-i-hmiilU'U remeilies tti:it '!! uf, or have given such universal s-.rae. tien, We do not hesitate to iiiumi tee it hem 'every tii:ie anil wect.ind ready to rt-fiinil Hie purcli:ie pi ire, it sati.-r.ii tury n suits do not fuiiio Ih.-.r use These re medic, h;iv huh t!i.-'r ;reit opularitr purely 011 t;i;-;r merits, r'oiay v Mjm-ii K iiu'i:''-!. Bhepp's I'liotoerapliK of llit- WorM One of the most beautiful and appropriate holiday boks tii:;t lias ta-en issued, bears the title above given. It is fully ex plained by the title, for il illus trates all of the objects and scenes of interest in the different pu t 01 world, and that two with all the truthfulness and beauty ot the genuine photograph. Oxrrtwo hundred and lil'ly of these till! page photographs aie given. Tbe book is one of the lintt gilt books that could be imagined of, mi l simply superb. It will be sold by subscription. a : ivr.sTtii:r Is one which in triiaranteed to Ijriii you satisfactory results, or in rae ol failure a return of purchase price, Ou this safe plan you can li.iy fr-.m our advertised druggists a luttli of I)r King's New Useovery for ('011 sumpliiin. It is guar-'iilccd to lfi it ir relief in cvry ease, when use! fur any atTection of Throat. I.ini-, m Chest, biieh as cms 11 111 1 1 1 i 01, li.ll.niia tiou of Lunijs, lironehi'is, .lli!ni:, Whooping ('oliirli. I'roup, etc, etc It is I'leasant anil ugreutble to ta-te. perfectly safe, and can alwuy- lie lc pended upon. Trial hot 1 'i s f:c at Foshay & Mason, Drugi.-ts, HPtXILATIO IA4.I.II4I. Scarcely a day passes witlmiil H e news of some large failure !li-!ii;ii; over the wires -the usual result ol speculation in stocks or some . j 11 . I dangerous venture. The same elect ric cu rent carries to dear distant tre nd the Bad tidings of death of loved .ik - too often the result ot sj.i eu!.it ;.in in patent nostrums. Moure's lleveaVil Kemedy is no speculation Imt '. n'ii on positive guarantee. lo nut Call t. go to your druggist and asU tor yi.nr money if not sat'tslicd. We kim.111 you will go and liny another IwJi.'i. ir sale by all uruggisls. AND THE INQUIRY OX Til i lips of every woman will best stock of Ladies Fall hm. established house of- XINTAINED PIT.1,10 FAVOli 'cialty of selecting eucli goods LLY depart 1891 IS NOT A CANDIDATE (J,v;rnor rcr.r.iiyer Uoii't Vv'nnt to; C-? I". :'. Sen nor. !-"Ti;i.i: l:t A SUV-'lll.!.. Th V"or i't i: .: ;if'.-rs W to Kaow '.bit 0:i- 01 Pmpoiis ti D ) Abnat It- :-'.u.i:M, N.v.L,! In th. s'l.H-on? .Otili to-d ; 1 1 j -l.t e. .ii' -i i '.u'lt' ;.S loi'.oi s : r;;r.veb .Vrf''er, rv spot:-!, ut, ys Kuei Cr.sU 1, uppeStunt, app-::I !i o:ii i inn 4 1 ! 1 : y , ur.ne i ail 1 bltblililt.'il. I- : '.. ir. v-. ;. ii. I ;i! 1 .1 i 1 1. ! !. .'i ii er h, 'i- '! a;i.i':i Iumi i". ;ip- i ii 1: : 1 i ll !y a.'ji e-i .tod Mi'itii!'. !!. I'.'ir mo;.- it-ill rolls Wfie n eeiad :;t th's t..:y oi .-i. .ti.'s 1 1 1 1 i t'- d iV Willi sii -ii- . - i..; . s : i II- a:ii-'i k. lota! t t:;-i'!.! -opct !y. ' .li-l'i. ". I ; i.-i;--. ti -2. t'.is.-r, I 't.ii I. i. r:ni.-i i:. ssi ; i' .!!;. l-.t,;i ta--:i : r ij-eity. f, !,- Ji I. 1 1 ; , , ! !. .ix ible ;: t y. 2."71 ...'." ; ) -ii 2lli. Ai! ::mv a 1 i. :.'.!- 1:1 t 1 X".' ;! !"! t .- e eel il I '. 1 v. iiii-ii is .' l.t ' I bebi. 'd. Yeiv '!i:i:iv a-s.-s rs 1 In 111 ike aw . i ; . t ' i..i!..'r r 1' j e l I s t.:ii ;.i i 1 i ,'icir .1 s. "1 i.-.i'ii-," i.i: I . i-r;ii.r l'eii H11M r)i-.l.v to ;! i eji -Iter, "I II .! otii- ,1 i.'.ii'.lr.-! if ji-cis in this !; e 11 iv i:u-i'i mi A n.v .i.ti'te in 1 :;!!. i 'ii -.'..il-, tin- mwl I'nitei t:ii'.'s s. u;..oi--i.i;. !.:te I :uu eX I !' IIO-l - L'i'.t'ei. 1 t.j tll"!tl !'U lhi i:- k'f.'ii v in; ;.' i. ti , I want to sav n i i . v. i-.f I !.;;. . imii' : 1.1 s.ii .! I:.. I 'hi . r ., i . i'i i ; 1 1.-! ; f !' 'S .Ol..'ef '.lil. I II" ' .i'lil.llit.- tor ii.it p'.'e e. Tlo- I -i.:c i ..: ve.'ll.ii ":t r . nl - Unit ' :' i". and w!. i i 1 f i o iniin il i w .i steji out o !! fii.- i:iii :.i:d not iio.ru to li;:- si !:::. t--e e Ij-.-rnteTulellt M b'tiv iJ io itcei.M of a b-tler Ifoij, l!ie i'.-i..;1 to: i i of Ii n-ral ii ti ;' t'to V'i I !.- I ' j'linibia 1 expii i'i"i, :i'i: lie; fur lii-titii'e in ti a .a r- i .:ivo to :!.e wwrk 'i- 'g-fc j'ol ';: l-i -do fill ili.i World's lair i:i e.l-ic tt;o;ii-.l ii'ies, an I wh-ther i:i lliis.--t.it- wiilli'ake an xlii'iU, ; i d ii o. iiicv in'icli i-pa wi.i it r j':iv. Sdpeiic;-t-ju l.Mit Ms i.iroy atis-.'.veivd, mak :ui .jil:i-nr:o-! it :" ir tle.-n-n -id S' I 'life i-vl i l tiio buioliiij set ap.'.r; for l:N rid ai t-. This snare .vi. i i.e illicit i;V n fJiiiiM irom th puolii: and nivate schooU of i lie state. An -Xicutivj commit- !en for t he tta' will si.o;i be ap- .o nt'-d, a'so '-"iiiiitLi-s in caen iiu.it v ' l.o . ill work in colij uu loi! with the county Mipeiiir.cnd- eiifs in svi-sit-.rs st exhibit inns:', e. AI. I .'.'.vsiri w i re .: :'. t to II, state pi'iMUi tu-l,iv lrt.it a.-e- i-i f.ty, 'o sei vi; a 2i'-yiai teim lor a:i a : aiir. "ii an old woman an 1 t.o e.ns tor las iP.iy. lie i-- a S :aii'liiiav:a:;, rgu-l 0 year.'. John Sullivan I cached tue ceni ! uttaiy to-iay from Union county, ilewiii i rve an eighteen loon !"..;!( rin ;;rt!ie crime of l.ir-i-'.'iiy 11 1 1 it a ston'. Tiie siierill' rays lie w ill be livi: or six more 1-ri-iniiT.' fiuiii tlii i'' in a lew days. I i.e slit rill' ol iViii' i) t otiii'y Mtys the Fame about li s c-iunty. i here .i i.vw a lair p:o.--er! that ii-.' f.'cc. i ic line will b" LXlelidtd c.i.f oi (o.,,;!-:.- ..I stle.-i t . t lit; ci ui 'U : y . l':o, rly o-. . t r. ate laidiig a i-ui'tioy lor the raii .. ;:v c-j:M'i:"y. Sal.!, aii !il:i y Itn-i it f 1 M:e tea . in-r..' in:-'.;' ut'' for I tie S.'conii j ;d ca' ;ii-!; a-t .1 .nu t's i'a-s in '.oi l. Ti'i- in lii-it. -the i! .unties oi Jack-oii, .Jo i i'ii e, L ko and K aiiuUh. . i o :.! t:i:. tl.er.l Thrtii' fur l::eni:rtrnl J--pcli- in. CiiicAiio, Nov. 1" '"I-'i-r preach-i-is w ill. out I r litis ai;d fo, timst' bo are to busy in the vineyard of the I .md t-j i-peiiil much time in their f-t -idics one Helping Hand bureau is a g.e:it moral as will its iiitedcciu.'l ;:id." Simida young man v ta a broad forehead, a t iok'e in lii - eye aid a waving bead ol har, copied, alter (be stv'o ol I'i'iiiv Wail Beeiber. He win connect d wi'h a cuiuvrn wbi b for an ex! renicly small sum liii nisiifs pleat be:s with srriu ins w.tria'ited neve: to ba-e he. n do livi-red betoit'. (J. W. Stcvait is th" gencial m.iiiKgef. 1'lic woik, Mr. Mewart says, speaks for itself as it is the pro duel -nl ' a select stall' oi bti'liant aod able w lit 'is who are vigorous lii ::':ers find keen observers of n. en and t -vents "' He t'uai an tee -to supply a limited number of clergymen with original liunus script. sermons at the rale of two sermon"5 t-t-r wrck for the pittance of $1. Tiifotlieer is iu.nl? in strict confidence and c'e-gyn.cn aro as sured t h it I hi ir names and Cjn lidence wiil bo kept iavio'ably secret. Sir. .-t-.'wai t's vourg a sistant said to-day: "We supj.ly IHO cli'igymcii e i b week Irom this otiice; Xe-v York btiiplits oOi). We a;e a!.-o c. nnected with the bar.aii in Ei. gland, wbeie this iilen iir.-t oi ij'r.aie I. In that way we can pteic'n t'lnist and him crncilie i n'l over the wot Id for a ridi n.oiisly sinaM film to cichj miuirt'er, but a rest ectable one in the aggregate. Some of the br gb'. est scholars in Germany we em ploy to write seiinons fir the uvr.isters there. Then we buy un-l-iii:s- ed sermoiiH ol gr-at preachers who are dead, and one of o-ir stall' ic writes their thoughts and we sell them. A certain minister who is nnw get'ing ?bK a vear, muriieJ a rich woman who fell inloviiwitb him b"cause of the bcautv and worth of Irs sei tnoiis. which ueie written by us. We also write ecrniji s for re vivalists." The" lleliiing band Bureau bis boun in operation for one year. V. IiaLia (jiiid itaklne I'iiiiIt. It is welfnirtt'ii j'a.t tbit- enr bou.ite ot ammonia is u.-j.'d bv b keisin the piepaiiiou of the tia-'sl atld in :st w liole-o ne, 'il ea 1 ..a i c .ke, and has In en ir in time i:n memorial. It is a'norg tie.- oldest and at the sain-! Iiu.e In t bi'tt'l hfitl constituents of baking ooviilers. It i.-inli evoied in gas by tb 'lnalof the oven, and leaves no tr n e of itself in tin-io-d. aid d is this that gives il iis greal v.iiue as a levi neiug ng'-nt in the '.pillions of the p- y -ic ans. New Yoi k Jci.Tiial. AS-I'M Hl N.IHIK. r.nivlelfd mill Sent ti, I'i-Inoii I n.ler It. L I-okii:, 1 I . , N .v. 2.!. A viet a ho lin-'i at the Xodhein prison this week was sent il J from b-'!e i:u, lei' all its iini'-d name alter ii.il lor laiceny. Allhoiigli ayoiing man he bad spent S'Xl"eii years oi b s !i!e in prison, a:id had lor a long time kept his whereabouts n: ir.'ly unknown. When be was dying ii" said to hi physician lint h's name was !"di:iw and that bis mot her lived at J'.t aidsto'Aii. I'l.. an 1 aski-I to have her f lit for. .--iii' did not c mil', but a brot her who lives i.i t'-iiicago arrived a i-.- l hours b-. ;ore bis Heath. From i'it brother it was learned iha, unkiiort n to the piis.on.rr, his aiol'ier bad died six nioi.tlis :g iiiid lelt htm i-S 100, of w 'licti fact be was als!i in ignorance: wlien lie dad. minim; l.imis. V V ill untile Tract I'.cinc Trana fei red. Wkst Si I'MKioit, Wis., Nov. 2U. A big deal in mining lands on the .Uikokum range has been eoiiip'eted and the pap4rss are now i.t ing drawn up. By the terms of the contract Messrs. I'attison and liish .ti' transfer to King Leopold of Belgium, as head of the l'romo iion Society of Brussels, all their iiiU iL-sr. iu -I0C0 acres of land on :ho -itikokuni rai ge, i isr north ot i he international bound.-irj. The si.ciety agrees to coint i net a rail road from Port Arthur to the iniues and to get out en b month a i erlain ipiaiiiity of ore, on which they are to p.tv a rovlty iimoiint .ng lo in p..r ctnt oi its vabis at the :-urfac.i KKCKI'I ION. ColiialiU! Clul to A rclitlsho i:iirdiiii. Uiiii'Aiio, Nov. 2i!. The Coium tius ciiib gdve a reception in boner if the in-i..t l.'ev. Archbishop Uiotd.iu. of San Ftancis 'o. Arc'i b sliop leelian, who was expected, sent a letter of regret. Uenerai ieol.e W. Smith deliveied t:ie idlte.-s of welcome, and Arch- oisiiop Kioriian reriie i. lie is a ionia-r member ol the t'olumbtis club. Judge Thomas A. Moian .- oke br elly, aliei w hich rdresh- nie:i!s. were seivvil, Aictibisliop iiio'ilan, who is returning from a weeSt's visit l''.t, goes liom here to St. Louis to intend the golden jubilee of the Archbish ip of SI. I .Oil is. Itet urn nf a ISoy Stolen ly Cy nios. Eii'E. Pa.. Xov. L'S. A train brought to Erie to-night a young farmer from Somerset county w ho w as en route to his home near ;.,, lensbiirg, X. V., whence he ,vas tt'jleti by gypsies w in ll . years of age. '1 ho young man, now 22 vears old. was secureii in t lie way id' a transfer from a bard of gyi -sies. I le was adopted by George M. Xicholls. of Mmierset county. ind the story of ins adoption was piib'.iahed a few dajs ago in an K in 1 1-a naner. A ci pvicn in o un hands oi bis broiher, and he was identified by a birthmaik and iiijurv w bieli he had received w lit n a child. 'I be parents of the stolen bov are Mr. i;nd Mrs. John S.tp . . . i ... . i i i plnrc. aii'i iney live on no- iiiriii irom wli'.fi he was km -.nip ped. rii Crulur thilalillilii l l'iiafe. Xi:w Yohk. Xov. 2.".. TheTimcs suvs the nietraccntric height of the cruiser Philadelphia is so low that she is on'y prevented from turning bittom no by carrying alt the water she can bold in her double-bottom space. Naval Con structor Mintoiiye estimates the cost ef necessary alterations at $27".O0O, and involves a lowering oi her protective deck. The (ioveriinr of Indiana Deal. IsDiANAi'oi is. Xov. 2l. General .Alvin P. Hovey, governor of Indi an i, died this afternoon at twelve c'clock. 1 : in1il lean F.lerlfd In Teunenaee Ksoxsii.i.k, Tenn., Nov. 211. Tiie majority of Honk, Rep., over Williams. Don , for congress, p alont SO 0. A STORM RAGING The East Swept by Cyclones and Snow 5t)rnis. - A MM UK it OF I'EOS'LK KILLED 11. 03"a Bicvn D.-wa and Iclegrapb Licet l'rctrateJ-A Deadly Water Siieot. Xj-iv A'okk, Xov. 2l. A terrible wind aud rain storm it advancing ali tin? coast. telegraphic c.ommutiic.atio.i with ooints eoiith of Washington was interrupted ail mornmg, ami at 1 o clock a ois p.tteh was received from Washing- Ion that the worst storm eer ex- p-rienced there was raging, and Aires in all dlrcc ion were going down. 1 ho next heard from the eapital was a dispatch Irom Balti more tslling of a water-spoit and loss of life. Tlio s orni is evi dently advancing on t'ie north, as all co.nmui.ii-atioii uith l'.a tiaioie is cut oil". stokm at i-irr.si;i i;ti. Pi riMii Ko. Xov. 2U. A storm of great violence came over the city ibis inoi ning doin great damage, in I iiijming seveial persons, one, it. is thought, fatally. From all parts of Piltsbiirg and Allegheny toiiits lepoit? oi dama;e by the stuim. Houses were blown down or unroofed, trees and signs broken down, ami telegraph jioles torn up .ml wires broken. In the West end a building in course of con siructioii was blown down, crush nig a small dwelling house adj .in ing. The occupants escaped, but Mrj. Peebles was killed. A Ilk'AIU.V rYCLOSK. P.M.riMoKK, Md., Xov. 2:5. A telephone iii-.'ssagi! just received from Mount Washington reports a ci clone and waterspout struck that city. Sjveii persons were killed, and the Ket.eiot! hall is on lire. The storm struck Ihis c'ty making telegraphing almost im possible. Communication with Washington is cut oil' at present SN.tWSTOI'S THE FI.AMI'tS. Pah toot i.n, Ark., Xov. 23. Fire last night destroyed a num ber of bu-int ss blocks and stores. A heavy snow storm probably saved the town from destruction. The loss is estimated at $10.0 0. A FOOLISH MvIllEX. She Went Killing With Her Love In a Wrapper. T .msiv.j Mich.. Xov. 23. Rev Walter Nelson, a Baptist minister ul Bayliam, untario, w as airesteo at the Comme-ciil Iiotel on a charge of abdu ting Miss Rosabel Teetzel from St. Thomas. Miss ruil in at tb(? hotel and as ebe is 21 years old the minister cannot lie'l on the charge. Xeison and Miss Teetzel came to the ho tel together, the latter was cla.i in a morning wrapper and had no Thev rcL'isteretl undtl "ft-f-. j - a -- . . their proper names, and in their manner toward eacn oiner nave . ...M teiimiilous. v corrett. Mr. A'elsion says that he married Miss Olive Weiss in Centerville, 111., a year ago and lived with her three days, when thev agreed to sepa rate. He went to Biyli.un and fell in love with Misj Teetzel. Last Friday he invited her to take a ride, and" she, clad in her w rap per, went with him. They were gone longer than they intended to be, and Miss Teetzel feared to te tuni und explain to her friends her prolonged ab-euce in fuch a costume. He took her to St. Thomas, whence f-he was to re turn home home next morning while be was to proceed to Illinois to get a divorce. They did not intend to elope, but Miss Teetzel was unwilling to bs left alone, and they decided to seek some small western town wliere she could teach and he pieach until lie should get a divorce and be able to marrv her. Miss Teetzel is h:ghlv connee'ed and has two brut hers who are prominent at the Ontario hat. fikk in Horn.. Several Inmate Tertian In the FlRBiea. JlMESTOUN, X. Y., XOV. 2o. A fire broke out in the kitchen of the Old Homestead Iiotel, a three story brick structure, at aneaily hour this morning, and the whole building was soon in a blaze. It was rumored that several persons were in the burning building. As tho lire was driven back, the lirc- lu- n ii?netrat:"d into the structure, and as they reached the ft lid story thev found at the foot of lb? stairs leading to the tlMir ab .ve, the probably burned body ot Maggie Wilson, waiter. Mrs. Bu chanan, a pastry civ.fc, with her little son, and Mrs Marsh, the dishwasher, were found dear! in the room alxive. having been suffo cated. Several other inmates escaped from the hotel in their ti'ght clothing, not having time to dresi. The financial loss is small. TIIK HI-KAKKltSllir. Crisp and Mill Are the Two Lead ing Candidate fur the I'oaltlon. Washington-, Xov. 2:5. The iieslion of the Peaker8hip now that the two leading candidates, Crisp ami Mills, have cine to Washington, is beginning to be the topic of conversation here. The outcome of the recent rif it of the two gentlemen to New York seems to have come up in import ance to all expectations. The talk current indicates that Criep stock has taken a big jump upward, in conseipience of the Xew York visit. TiieCiisp men d not seem to have a doubt he will be elected on i he first ballot in caucus. He has pledged to him, they say, 107 votes can be counted on beyond any shadow of doubt. Thay in dignantly deny that there has been anything like a "deal" in his inter est in Xew York. They say Tam many's organization is for him. Tammany congressmen are for him, a. id so are most of the demo cratic congressmen liotn the state on' side of Xew York city. The olne'i candidates, McMillin, Spring er and Bynnm, are still in the rate, and there teems to be no reason to doubt that the two former at least w i'l stay in it to the end. Mr. Mc.Miilin's backeis still think the fight is so close be tween Mills and Crisp it will not be settled on the lirst nor for eev eia! succeeding ballots, and they believe McMillin stands the b-st chance of b ?ing elected as a com pr jniis j candidate. i KoNriF.u iiitiviiKr. . Itemarhaltle luel Over a Uame of loker. ii tiiiiij:, I. T., Xov. 2.5. Par ticulars of a strange duel have just rea. lied here from the Cim- iiiarou country, near the western border of the territory. A gam bler named Bassett hail a iiarrt-I with a ranchman named Weaver over a game of tinker in which the latter accused tfie former of cheat ing. I tut li men drew pistols, but bystanders stopped them before ttiey had a chance to use them. 1 he in- n were both fame and both lea I shots. It was decided that a luel was the only thing that would settle the trouble. Bv its terms they were to withdraw to a room and friends were to load one revolver. A blanket was placed over the table and two revolvers placed under the blanketr one empty and the other loaded. The men ca ne into the room and tossed a dollar for choice of pistols. ieaver won the choice. lhe terms were that both men should draw the revolvers from under the blanket, aim and fire at the same tnii". One would be sure to fall dead, while the other would be unharmed. The positions were taken and the revolvers drawn. Bassett tired first, or at least he was (pinkest to snap his gun, which failed to rospond, showing that he had received the unloaded pintjl. Without flinching he placed his revolver on the table and folded his arms, calmly looking Weaver in the face. Weaver took his time and deliber ately a;med at the center of lias sett's forenca I. After what must have seemed an eternity to the latter, Weaver Blowly raised the pistol and tired the ball through the ceiling, saying that Bassett was too brave a man to die and he did not believe he had cheated. The men became fast friends, and all danger of trouble is past as far as thev are concerned. IN SfcCKKT (SESSION. rhe Hejiublicaa National Commit tee at Work. Wasiiixotox. Nov. 23. There was bustle and confusion at the rlingtou hotel this morning be fore the meeting of the republican national committee. The leaders of tiie delegations prepared them selves lor piesentition to the com mittee of lhe superior merits of their respective cities, and were engaged in canvassing the list of committeemen and holding up the hopes of their delegations. Messrs. McKiidev and Foraker are con spicuous among the many persons thronging the loobies ami corri dors, sn l were everywhere greeted with marked consideration. Mem-b-rs of the committee itsoif are slow in getting together. When the committee met the doors were closed upon all but members, and thev heal a secret session. Til K INFLUENZA, It I Again Spreading with Deadly Effect. LoNiioN. Xov. 2.1. Influenza is spreading iu France and Germany. the ei'i leini'! lias closed several schools iu the department of Gers, France, and one s.chool in Paris. It has extended all over Berlin, where the painter Spargerburg, with manv others, succumbed to the disease, and it is also preva lent iu I'osen and West Prussia. The dea'h rate in Hamburg is 280 above the nornnl average. Tl.e ini'icasc is chiefly due to influ enza. KAKTHglJAKB IN CHINA. t housand of the Mongolian Kill-rd--Oreat Ileal ruction. Ss l"i:iNi'iseo, Nov. 2:!. The steamer China arrived fr in Hong Kong and Aokohsma this morn ing bringing details of the great earthquake which occurred in Japan on October 28. The latest , oilicial figures up to Novemlier 7 show that 4i:4 people were kilJeii in the various distticts where the earthquake was felt, 0122 injured, 07,-472 houses tottlly demolished, 8157 partly destroyed, 5534 burned and 182,-hrt) people rendered home less. , The details of the catastrophe show great suffe.ir.g, painful scenes, and destruction every where in the stricken city.