Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, November 19, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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C 7
VOL. VI NO. 298
f f otfce to h..r.b ic veu that l ha fir n 1 1
mm a mmo i, ilninx bun ice under lht
uwno at B Mt Mill i. hereby iarolved r-r
mutual content. St ui Noel retiring. The
Mitotan ixe irjiitiinie 1 by S iiimona &
IOST-ln thin city on II .unlay, Oct. a
J "t "iil lcl tharin, b-arni the nion
K i "r. :.'' iid oi the reverse aile
lire ace le. I'he tinner wi.l p eu leave the
auiuv i iirrai.o cni e.
IOrfC-On th) r il net-Albinr or in Al
J j ba iv, a ll ck aitctiel or griu couUinio'
!.v k vest o.l co it, a pair nl overall., a
brotd iiriciiued h it, a pair ol aluie. i shirts, a
r-4Z ail atrip, tim; ami ruh, a pair of
tjr ui J b in J-.ed lor a re h iiae and
brw in bolt V, alai a revolver. Liberal re
w will he paiil to th IliiJar ou leaving
tile aaiue at IlKKALD Office.
1VjT"Ur hvl U( - Ihvach mI (ax lor
the year lull, u n ilue a.l payable
Tx uvera are re intii'e 1 1 cail promptly,
at the fi -e ol the clerk, C. U Kara hart and
pay the auiie., C. U. liurkbart,
"LVJK KKST A. iiea Ave r.mni cottage.
T .iilie i pacittV depot. Apply at
Uep t Hotel.
Inir Are. life and anient insurance com
rood real e.tve eecurity. r or particu
larenUreo! Ue-. Humphrey.
V:KM Or l.Nl All lit for culti
vation, and un ler ten e, for aale al
tit) per a re. W.thin I) miici from railroad
K4U o a'Hl M nulea trjm Albany. Apply
thia office.
O S WA hu re uived laundry to the
KJ iron ni'l
Lyon treet4.
Land for Sale.
8. 10. 20, 10, SO acr., easy term,
turn t plan che tp and iiitfhpriceil.
city Iota all owneil by il. Bryant
tuaad Martelag.
I)AEna tniuin auivnm oo.n can oa
tain aovurate nd prompt work by callint
upou county urv.voi K r. T. rl.her. Hi
haaeouiplete copies ol Held uotea and town
hip plate, and to prepare I to do aurveyinir it
any part of Linn county. Povtotfli addret
Miller Station. Linu con itt.Oretcoa.
ALUMINIM AOK- lllpufe II an
printe I S-iet'tiil 54ch uiical Journal
of Lite r'o'eiisn l..vnti na ant Proceiwe..
V , II. No. -'.'ircui'Uio i icuarant wl l-,
0l u wripti'n :V eis per year, with t
Aluniimiin L r I'. rayer Houeniri. Sikve
th auvfrtiieti ent. It will lead yo'i to .no
c-m, Ali him n Auk Pi L'ot N.-p-rt,
Ky. '
Tobacco is man's most
universal luxury ; the fra
grant aroma of Mastiff
Plug Cut starts people to
pipe smoking, even those
who never used tobacco
J. n. race Tolxicco Co., Richmond, Va.
I 5 ?
f J C8 a,
l S3? fa
, - - a.
z ' s e
8TANARD 4 CU8ICK, Proot.,
Dealer in -
and Toilet artici-a, S:inicea. Bruxhea,
Perfuiutry, Shool liimk, and Ar
tiat'a Suprliea
"Pliysirian's prewriptionf
carefully comjiounilftl.
Tailoring RcpairiDf.
Wen't and Bova clothing made to nnler or
cleaned and repaired on abort notice and
reaaonablo ratee.
bhop on toe atreet car line between Third
ud Fourth atrreta.
Conral Meyer's new oven is
now com pie ted, and he is better
prepared tt an ever to serve tt is
old ciHtomi'M as well as new ones
with the best of fresh bread, rakes,
in fact everything from the dainti
est hi t rclls to the most elaborate
wedding cakes. Housekeepers
are invited to give the product of
bis new oven a trial.
At Will A Stark's can be seen
some of the most beautiful ladies
gold watches, which have just
bawn received.
Do von know that Moore's R)
vealed Remedy is the only patei.t
medicine in the world that dot 3
not contain a drop of alcohol ; thi.t
the mode of preparing it is known
only to its discoverer; that it is an
advance in the science of medicirre
without a parallel in the nine
teenth century ; that its propriet i 3
offer to forfeit UHX) for any case
of dyspepsia it will not cure?
Craui'a Unrivalled Atlae.
The new edition of this unrivall
ed work is now being delivered by
iheanent, Mrs. A. M..,Ta(t. The
work is a most excellent one, B and
this edition id a ureal improve
ment upon former ones. Kivinit
all the latest date and much new
matter that was not in the previous
editions. It should be in everv
fainilv. and on everv business
man's desk. Those who are nut
supplied can procure the a tins by
addressing I. O. liox No. 00 Al
bany Uretcon.
We are the only people who car
ry the celebrated E. A W. collar
ami cuffs. Always hive the latest
styles in stock, T.' L. Wallace & Co.
Wholesale price of surar: 100
lbs. extra (', f 4.7" ; 1( 0 lbs. g-anu-la'ed,
$." "t.
M v disp'av of new tovs and
novelties for the holidays
this year will lie something
j-loliday 5f?opper5
Shau!d see the elegant display of
Solid (old Itini, Diamond Kinis and Kar Drop.';
New Patteiiis in Silver Pirns, (Jold Tens. YAc. at
lvasonaMi' prices. Call early and make selections.
Cloaks, Jackek For Trimmed Garmoots and
-Thisijuestion'can be
Ladies Dress I roods, in cloth, silks, fo-eisjn and doumtio fabric, s'ia wis, uiiil,rn eir, gloves, hosiery,
laces, linens, and white goods, notions, novelties, etc. '
Also a complete assortment of Boots
r by keeping a stock large enough
as will give f atisfaction lioth in
invited to inspect Ida stock, which
ments, andipurchasfcd especially for
Highest of all in I-eavening Tower.
I am an old man and have been
a constant sufferer with catarrh
for the last ten years. 1 am en
tirely cured hv the use of Kly's
Cream Halm. It is strange that so
simple a remedy will cure such a
stubborn disease Henry Hill
ings, U. S. Pension Att'y, Wash
ington, I). C.
For eight years I have suffered
from catarrh, which effected my
eyes and hearing; have employed
many physicians without relief.
1 sin dow 011 my sei-ond It t tie of
Kly's Cream Halm, and feel conli
dent of a complete cure. .Mary V.
Thompson, Cerro (iurdo, 111.
:rv latkst xkws
I is that ;
you can Imv at .luliiis
iradwoli 'a lia iar, for net
cash, goods as fallows :
17 lbs. granulated su tr . .....$1.00
20 lbs. extra C fiwar l.oi)
No. 1 kerosene, per single gal. .25
5 gallons good pickles !()
20 lbs. Xo. 1 Savon Fotp iiO
Arhuckle cUV-e, 2"c per pomul
1 will conduct, a strict fash store,
and all g nm!s will be sold for net
ca h from 10 to 25 per cent, less
than regular price.
Aly stiK-k of Chinaware, fancy
gf'i.s and all the desirable Myles
of dishes, as w ell as staple grocer
ies crockeiy lamps and lix'iires,
is complete in every way. 1 make
A sociality of line teasc ll'cesaiid
baking powder, and always pleases
my customers.
Jl l.ll S GltAIIWOIII.,
Albany, Oct. 17. Hiil.
Watches and
Novelties ii?J-jfrelry
'Who has the
satisfactorily answered at the old
and Shoes, Staple a id Fancy tiroevries.
to supply any want, an 1 miking a
quality and prices.
is complete in it.II his numerous
thelall Beason of
Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report.
Scbyol lax Notice.
The school tax it school
district Xo 5, is now due and pay
able, ('all at my office and pay
the same before it becomes de
linquent. C. O. Bl KKIUKT.
District Clerk.
The men of this vicinitv need
not he jealous because their wives
talk so constantly about Matthews
and Washburn. Its not their good
looks the ladies are talking about,
it is the good qualites of the cook
j and heating stoves they sell. Every
one seems to ie Ueiignteu wnen
they buy from M. and W.
We (lesiri to say to our citi-
us, that for years we have been sell
ing Dr King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Dr King's New Life
Pi IK liuekleii'd Arnica Salve and
Kleitrie Bitters, and have cevr
hamlleil remedies that sell ub, or that
have given such universal Satisfae
tirn, Ve do not hesitate to guaran
tee them 'every time anil we stand
ready to refund the purchase pi ire, il
SH'iM.n-tory n suits do not follow their
use These remedies have won their
gre tt iMipularity purely on their
merits, Koshay A Mason Diuggisls,
8liri'a I'liotoerapha of the World
One of I he most beautiful and
appropriate holiday books that
has been issued, hear the title
above given. Jt is fully ex
plained by the title, for it illus
trates all of the objects and scene?
of interest in the dillerent parts of
world, and that two with all the
truthiiilness and beauty of
the genuine photograph. Over two
hundred and fifty of these full
page photographs ate given. The
book is one of the tinet-t gift books
that could be imagined of, and is
simply eunerb. It will be sold by
subci iption.
is one which is guaranteed to brhirf
you satisfactory results, or in ease ol
faiiure a return of purchase price.
On this sale plan you ran buy fnm
our adyerti ed druggists a liottle of
Dr King's New Dscovcry for Con
sumption. It is guaranteed to hring
relief in ev.ry ease, when used fin
ally affection of Throat. I.ungs, 01
Chest, nidi as (ionsumption, Inlljina
tiou of Lungs, lironeliitis, Asthm:,
Whooping Cough. Croup, ete, etc
It i.- 1 lcasant and agreu hie to taste,
perfectly safe, and can always lie de
peiided upou, Trial bottles free at
r'oshav Mason, Druggists,
M'M I l..iTII. 11 1 . i. r un V .
Scarcely a day passes without the
news of some large failure Kishing
over the wires the usual result ol
speculation in stocks or some equally
dangerous venture. The sainech-cti ie
011 vent tarries to dear distant Iriend
the sail tidings of death of loved tuns
too often the result of speculation
in patent nostrums. Moore's lievealed
Kemeily is no speculation hut ',n sold
on positive guarantee. Do not fail to
go to your druggist and ask for four
ino'iev if not satisfied. We known
von will go and buy another bottle
For sale by all druggists.
mind and on the lips of every woman will be,
best slock of-
Ladies Fall Mmm.
established house of
specialty of selecting such goods
Arrangements Perfected for the
New Inco ooratl mi-Koform School In
mate O.egon Horsei at the
' Wo:ld'a Fair.
SALrji, Nov. IS. At the annual
mer-t.iriTof the State Board of Agri-
cultu'ie, the boaid made a general
revision of the premium liste, and
rules and regulations. Premiums
in sever tl new departments were
added. The speed programme for
the s'a'.e fair ol ls'.rj wasarrai geo
There are to be eighteen races,
1'urses are amide and entries
promise to lie large. J. T. Apper
kon was rt'-eiected uri:-ldent. ant
J. T. (irigg. s:cretav. Date of
fair was placed on the fecou
Monday of Septemlier. lhe rec
retarv was authorized to pr. pare
statistical information of the re
souices of Oregon at an esiK-nse of
$10 0, in accordance with the res
olutum of the last legislature
Premiums of 3l)0 were ottered for
the bfst and largest display of
fruits in the form of a fruit pulai e
The executive coram it tie- was
authorized to make such improve
nents. additions and extensions
to the buildings as was deemed
nect arv. and to le made wi'h
reference to future peruianency
Articles ol incoriHraiion were
liled with lhe secretary of state to
day, by the Ctquille Creamery
Co.. of Ciauule Citv. The mci
naialors are J. A Lyons, A. I.
Nobler. S. J. Miller. Clark Bui
lard : caoital stock. M (K)
Win Wallace, aw d 15 years, and
weighing about Z'O pounds, was
brought 10 the reform s- hooi to
dav from Pendleton. 1 here are
four bjvH there now. This lad
helped in cattle stealing.
John 1). Sutherland, of the state
treasurers' ollice. to morrow at 11
a. m. iato wed Mrs Stella Mackey
Annie Williamson, 12 year-old
daughter of Dr. W. T. V illiamson
of the asvhiiu. died this evening
from heart disease.
Oregon is to be represented al
Washington Park club races, at
Chie:uro. during the wot Id's fair
in H)-2 3. R. K. By bee, of Salem
has made Humiliations in the big
gest race the world has ever
known. In the American derby
there is a guarantee f tOO.tXH).
There are 325 nomii.ations. In
th s race Mr. Bvbee eut-rs Wjana
shott and Kosebud. He also
enters them in the Sheridan
stakes. Kosebud is entered in the
Isai.-lla stakes and in llu Hyde
Park stakes. He will probably
have four entries. Mr. le I.ash-
mutt will have some entries iu the
trotting races at the same event,
aktek hki; liivkk.
He Promised 10 Marry hut Kan
I Away.
Dayton. O., Nov. IS. A flpnsa
tion lias come .0 hunt here, lhe
hero of tlie story is Edward 8.
Crane, whose father u president
of the Troy national bank. iir,
Crane has been bn tight up in
1 1 1 x 1 1 v an 1 wealth, and was con
sidered the net of the household
lie kept company with a lot of
smell fell" as1 here, and graduated
at a commercial college. His
father sent him to Welliston s.m
inarv. Kasthampton, Mass . to
nrenare tiim for Harvard or Yale
Whilrt thsie he visited his uncle
in P.rook'vn. N. Y.. who pnsi
dent of the Cleveland baking
powder company, also a large
Htockl o der and o; evident ol a
New York company. His uncle
resided in a mansion and near by
resid.d Miss Mary Degarno. The
young people met and an acquaint
ame sprang up. When Crane
had completed bis studies his
uncle made him eecretaiy of the
Cleveland baking powder com
pany. Crane frequently calltd
upon Miss Degarno, their friend
ship ripened into love and they
became engaged, miss uegarno
is a handsome, vivacious brunette,
wealthy, and a member of the
society clubs. Under promise of
immediate marriage sue yieiuea
to the desires of Crane, and she
soon saw that fho was to become a
mother. Crane, the daunt lcs
masher, with influence and
wealth, then resigned the secre
taryship, and suddenly changed
ltia mind, concluding not to marry
the girl he had wronged, ana,
telling her that he was coming to
Ohio to prepare for his wedding
with her, he went to Iroy,
Ohio, and there consul ed
relatives who advised mm
not to marry the girl. He
came here and mingled with his
wealthy relatives am1 continued
to write to Miss ivgarno, telling
her he intended to make his word
good and still loved bet. She
came here and stopped at the
Phillies house and very foolishly
called upon a friend of hers, who
was a relative of Crane's, and
asked if he was in town. Crane
immediately left for the West.
The girl has disobeyed her attor
neys in her anxiety to see ber
lover. They bad ii siructed her to
swear out a warrant for his arrest
before the made her presence
known, she believed he was anx
ious to see her and would come to
ber. Next day she swore out the
warrant but Crane had gone. At
torneys and rich relatives of the
Cranes offered to compromise the
su t with Miss Degarno for any
sum she would name, but she
scorned all offers and had detect
ives sent out in all directions for
her recreant lover. Then it is
alleged that inilueuces were
brought to bear and Miss D.'garno
was arrested as in adventurers
and blackmailer. She was taken
to police headquarters, where she
told her story and was allowed to
go free, fche then renewed her
wish to find Crane, stating that
she does not care to live with him,
but want a legal father for her
unborn child Crane was last
heard of nuking arrange ments to
sail for Europe. Miss Degarno's
father is n Europe and will 11 cot
Crane when he lands, if lie goes.
The wrongel girl's paren's and
attorneys say the w'll hunt Crane
down if it takes a lifetime, 'lhe
developments have created a great
sensation in society circles here.
Kvety Man to hlsTraue.
The old adage "every man to
his trade," has a sharp valiirf and
something of lhe Angl --Saxon
ring, but in the nibd. vision of
la' or incident to civilization every
mother becomes a nurse. She
decides whether the ti tle one is
sick and immediately consults her
Mentor which gives, at the outset
an amount of knowledge at w iiich
many arrive only after years of
experience. It is needless to state
whose Mentor Medicines she has
in ler possession. Dr. Hum
phreys' Mentor and Medicii.erf are
too well and widely known to r -quire
special comment from us.
i hey are called for, not only by
the mother prescribing fi.r In r
ailing child, berause they are mild
and efficacious, hut by old and
young throughout the land , in
whom a continued exiierieiiee of
their results has developed a con
fidence ep joyed by no o' her medi
cine. No. r-evt n has Im-coiuc a
household article for the speedy
relief of coughs and colds. No.
fifteen fir Rheumatism ; No.
twenty -seven for Kidney Disease;
No. one for Fever, ttc. If lhe
child is troubled with colic, cry it g
or wakefulness, No. three is what
the mother givi s now instead of
the old nauseating pare ;oric. Yes,
it must be conlessed that the
pTwer is mild but it cures.
A Moaveulr Thimble Free.
Any lady sending at once the
names and address of ten married
ladies or housekeepers to whom
we can send sample copies of the
most charming illustrated ladies'
newt-paper published today, will
receive an elegant folid silver
souvenir thimble. The L'idies
Pictorial Weekly is the handsom
est and most entertaining publi
cation ol its and is becoming uni
versally popular with intelligent
ladies in both Canada and the
United S'ati-s. It contains sixteen
lare pages, 8tme size as Haipcr'sj
Lia.aar, most profusely illu trated. i
and comes ea. h week at only $2
a year. If you desiie a souvenir
thimble nerd names of those you
think would he intereste 1 in the
Indies' Weekly and enclose lilteen
U. S. 2 cent stamps to cover ex
pense of mailing, etc. Forward
to-day. Address Ladies Picto-ial
Weekly, Cana la Life Building,
Toronto, Can.
Accident Inaurance fur Criminals, ov. in. lhe proposi
tion of the government to extend
the system of invalid and accident
insurance to prisons and reforma
tories, meets with considerable op
position on the ground that there
would be temptation to prisoners
to incur injuries in order to profit
thereby. At present the ierman
prisot s are comparatively free
from serious accidents, but there
is a fear that with an inducement
for accidents to happrn there
would be a change.
A Beautiful Might.
Julius (iradwohl wishes to re
new his invitation to the ladies of
Albany to call and eee his beauti
ful array of hanging lamps It is
a sight woith looking at. He has
just received a complete line of
bicycles and tr icy lea for boys and
girls, lie has also received an
other large lot of sugar, and those
who wish to purchase while
is cheap, Hiouul not wait. He
still sells choice Arbucklc's coffee
at one pourd for 25 cents. It
w ill pay you to call and insiiect
bis goods. Those who want tine
holiday presents should call early
and have them laid aw ay fur them
The facilities of the present dav
for the production of everything
that will conduce to the material
welfare and comfort of mankind
are almost unlimited and when
Syrup of Figs was first produced
the world was enriched with the on
ty perfect laxative know n, as it is
lhe only remedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing to the taste
and prompt and effectual to cleanse
the system gently in the Sprit.-
time or, in fact, at any time any
the better it is known the more
popular it becomes.
French Tanajr Wafer.
These wafers are for the relief
and cure of painful and irenular
menses, and will remove all ob
structions, no matter what the
cause, and are sure and safe every
time. Manufactured by Emerson
Drug Co., San Jose. Cal.. and for
sale at J. A. Cumming'e drug
store only.
Reliable News of the
of the Country,
They Pigbt With th
Police 8eval
Killed and Woooded Ad Actress
the Cause
Ntw York. Nov IS The steam-
Fh'P Eariul :le, fiom Rio Janeiro,1
arrived at P-rooklyn yisterdayi
-imrnirig. lhe ship It ft before
s-nous ttotihie began in I'.rail,
but liie otln ei a bring mine ltitei-l
ertinir news. The Karudale sailed NaKleon DeMontague, a French
f -o!n Ru Saueiro on the 111 u nine ! man employed in one of thel'lj
of October 24, having been in port j mouth mines, had fired a blast to
ahout two weeks. During mat ' lv and a spark set a pocket of gas
. ... . ! i- r,-, ;
t ine there were n) 1 niti-.l Mates
war vessels in t!ie hat hi r, but
there two Kriiinii ami 1-iein-h
cruiser. Of all the Pi:).ihau
men-ot-war in the Rio navy yard,
only two appeared to be in com
mis ion, so the reji.rt-i which
each here of activity in the l'r
zilian navy are probably exagger
ated. "Theonlv Double known
of."' said one) of the Fa lis lalt's
otlicprs, "occurred on the night of
Octobpr 8. A great crowd oi med
ical students had gathered at one
oi the theaters where a rather
popular actress was the cause of a
good deal of cheering and shout
ing. The police objected to the
disorder, and tiied to put a stop
to it. The result was a rush ol
s'udents agiinst the police, who
drew their nwoids and pistols, and
fought the crowd. .Several t-tn-ilentH
were ki led and a number of
the combatants on both side
badly injured. On the lolloping
night the police and students n.el
in a row which resulted iu lhe
death of two of the latter and a
number if minor cumaltic'. A
young Englishman, who happened
to pass dow n the stieet wheie lhe
liht occurred, was killed instantly
by astray bullet. As a resti t ol
this rlo'ing, mounted police pa
trol'ed the streets of the capital
night and day, and after dark it
was unsafe to go into the streets.
The garrison was not c tiled on for
assistance, probably becdu-t the
amv would have s d-'d with the
civilians. The soldiers hate the
p-ilice. The latter aie made up ol
the classes. They aie
mos'ly negroes. "Waj llivie any
political tigniricame in this
etuil-Mit liol," wis aslel. "J
think not. 'lhe republican form
of government has not panned out
as they expected. There is a
powerful faction tJesirinu the rein
statement of the empire. They
want IVim Pedro's ton or his
nephew on the throne. Si - ce the
fali of the emp re prices of eveiy
commodity have tioiioieii. the
g ivernment has imposed a hit:h
'arilL" The otlicer said furlhn .
it was the general opinion at Rio
when he It ft that the government
would not hut many months
longer. He was not surprised
when he read of the revo.utlonary
FI It K IN Sr. I" A II..
luuueiiae Damage by the Devouring-
Sr. Loris. Nov. IS. -t. Paul
last night sutlered o oof the most
diasiioiis tires in its history, the
bu Id ngs aned being those -f
Griggs, Cooper & Co., wholesale
gr cry, at.d FjtwrIi, Ozmun,
Kirk ct Do., wholesale hardware.
The total h S3 is e tiuiati d at from
I'HKUHM to $1,1 OO.OJO. The l isses
are ccv.-red by insurance. The
budding occupied by the two
lirnn was a brick and stone stiu -
ture live stories nitrii, ami luni a
frontage on Third street of .'Si Ml
feet, and on l'.toidvvay of 200 feet.
Griggs, Co iper it Co. occupied
twe-thin's of th I u 1 lin. The
flames made their appe.i ance at
II :45 o'clock in the fourth 11 or of
Griggs, Cooper it Co. 'a buildings.
Within less than live minutes the
lire departmeiit was on hand m
foice, but a general alarm had t
be turned in soon aft rwards. The
rapidity with which the flames
spread, the blinding volumes "i
smoke which filled the streets
surrounding, the cold weather and
inability of tho liremen to g t at
the fire, rendered their work very
bard. In half an hour from Un
tune the alarm w:n nn'in. lb?
flames leaped through' the neif and
communicated to the adjourn g
buildings, where they ma le rap.d
proves. The lircmen turned
their attention to saving the oilier
floors, and by hard woik for a
time succeeded in confining most
of the dam ige to this floor, al
ti iiugh the loss in this department
alone will reach fully $:;n,(XH)
The flames crept downward in the
t levatorjin the 1 ardAare building
through the elevator shaft, and
one by one the other floors suc
cumbtrd. The the in Griggs,
CoOcr t Co.'s build'ng at this
time turned dowuwanl to the
ground fljir. The lire depart
ment fought valiantly agaiust the
terrible odds, and at 3:;.0 o'clock
the walls fell. Ti e flames set lire
to a frame building used by the
Northern Pacific News Company.
Soon the. walls of the Farwefl
Ozmun building fell outward.
Seveial attempts were made to
save the stock in the less exj o ed
parts of the building without
avail, and the complete destruct on
of IkhTi stock and building was in-
evital.Ie. The building belonged
1 1 Ed C. Shepard, and was es i
mited as worth J 200,0(10. The
losses are estimated as follows:
' Faiwell. Omun & Co., $400,000,
with an insurance ci f.wu.uiu;
itigs, Coojier & Co., on build ng
and etu-k, lo?s $550,000, fully in
sured. Total loss, $1)50,000. Tha
tlami-s were under control at 4 :M0
I this morning, but fast consuming
1 ... 1 . . . : 1 t . 1 . 1. x
what remained of the stock. Xo
definite infoi mai ion is obtainable
:ih to the ciuse of the tire, but it is
th'iiight to have originated in a
packirg room on the fourth door,
lioth firms will continue businers
wit hout interruption. Their books
and acc ounts were saved.
The Death of a Hero,
Wii.kf.kkakkk, Pa., Nov. 18.
(in the. There aasno immediate
aner. but Montague thought the
t:e would spread and endanger the
lives of liOOmeu. Heat once took
t tl'his coat and etarted to beat out
the fir. He su ceeded, but before
be could get back in the breast
the roof fell in, crushing him to
death. He was well educated,
and was the sjii of a Frenchman
who was bairthed from his native
!:tinl forty yean ago. He settled
in Canada. Heveises came, the
son came to the coal regions, and
iu the absence of any other enc
plovment was compelled to work
iu the mines.
eevt re Weather In Russia.
Ki . Pki i'ksiu ui;. Nov. 18.
Ow i g to the exceptional severity
ol the weather thegovernment has
viven oiders that work on the
eastern portion of the Siberian
railway shall be suspended for tha
pit "cot. As a measure of relief to
many peasants in the famiut
hm , i-hi u districts the gjvernment
i- foundering the advieahility of
engaging thousands of them to
wuri in the construction of the
Sibeiian toad during winter. The
work of building the line will be
resumed as soon as the weather
uiodcratts eutliciently.
Flsht With the Mexican Rebel.
P.nowssvu.i.p., Tex., Nov. 18.
Mexican authorities say they had
a light with Garza in which be
was defeated, but they could
neither capture him or any of his
men. On this side of the Rio
Grande it is said the Mexican
troops were defeated with three
killed a-.d a number wounded, who
are now in the military hospital
at Mier, Mexico Garz a withdrew
to the morntains in good order af
ter the light.
Milking Coal Miner in Franc.
Paws, Nov. IS. Dispatches re
ceived heie to-day from various
pl.ios .'n Mie department of Pas de
Calais show the striking coal min
ers are catli ng many accessions to
tiieir ranks. The etrikers now
ntr"tier .jd.tiUJ iu-mi, a:d it is not
do-iliTe l a majority of the men
still r. niaining at work will quit
alsv. i u ru horities aie taking
every precaution to guard against
Famine Kerolta In Kan a.
London, Nov. 18. A Telegraph
copc-poiu'ent in . St. Petersburg,
says an illegal printing press has .
jus: been seized oy the authorities
theie. Revolts due to famine,
and attended with considerable
bloodshed, are reported in Chark
oll ai il Eka'tsiukstrov.
t n of a Srhoener Drowned.
I.oxiios. Nov. 18. The cap
la n of the American schoon
er, William N. Bradley,
w hich sailed from Charleston,
S. C, October 5. for Wey
mouth, Ma-sachusetts and which
was abandoned (yctober 13, states
that the crew of t' e sclu oner took
to the boats and were drowned.
Eip'ii t of Wheat Not Prohibited. Nov. 18. Wheat and
rye are steady. The repurt circu-la-eil
yestirday that Russia has
prohibit il ile export of wheat is
nut confirmed.
Vlriliting Annlveraarj.
f ast evmirg lieing the seven
teenth anniversary of their mar
riage, the friend of Mr. and
Mis. W. T. Hearst planned a sur
prise for them. On their return
from prayermeeting they were
most agreeably surprised on tee
i g a large crowd awaiting them
with tempting viands. The sur
p ise was complete, and the even
ing was spent in games of various
sorts until a late hour, when an
elegant lunch, prepared by the
ft it nds, w as served, after which
the ccol-nights were said with
hearty wishes for many happy re
lui us of the day.
Mure Valuable Than Gold.
Marshfleld Coast Mail: A plat
inum mil e has been discovered
about six miles from Grant's Pass,
in the Lonis treek country. Mr.
Pla't, who brought in specimens
of the ore last c-aturday, declined
to tell the exact location, but that
he has a g od lead is verv evident.
Platinum is more prclous than
gold, as it is used largely in elrc
tiic lighting, and this is the only
actual mine known to exist.
I'lano Recital.
At the oira house,
By the
. 6.
on one
evening ovemoer zuw.
idvsncd class of Prof.
Loiil'ard's pupils. The
uill include solos, duets
piano, duets on two pianos, and
ipiartetts (two pianos and eight