THE MORNING HfcRALD: SUNDAY, KOVEALBEK 15, 1891 Iptorotog gaily QtxM UN SALE. Th Daily Herald will be on ale each morning al H. J. Jones' book tore.where iti n be procured at 6 cents per copy. THE MtllM. Malta t the Albany poatotrice c!om Fur all office north In Kaatem I h West Side C nrallia and Yaquina ll ottltf south... 5 00 P M. ) 11:30 . ::. r. a : inula v - to t;cne al Ueiiv.iv 0n ot 9 a a. an e to " r. l'osroih e rpiii m box cwnrra all daj . JOTT1NOS ABOUT TOWS. Tbilip Phillips Monday evening. Tip Humphrey, f Scio, is in the city. Tbe Noss Jollities an- coining t Albany on Nov. 2:;. Don't forget to try Kenton' tine sweet ciiler while it i fre.-h. Henry Williams ami wife re turned last evening from Portland. M'i68 Sadie Cohen came up yes terday from Portland on it short visit.' Remember when yon want any thing in the spectacle line French, the jewele it. There will le no meeting of the Apollo club next Mndav night. J. l Littler, President. W. F. Chase who ha been em ployed on I'r. Wallace's house left yesterday to engage in school teaching in a dittr'ct cast rf Lebanon. Marriage license was issued i-9-terday to A. U. Prown and Miss Lulu Whedbf r, Matthew S. Farley and Ida Iriver, V. T. lavenport ami Mary Hasgler. Ir. R. Powney Dluir, a Cumber lain Presbyterian minister, will preach in the Southein Meth(dit-t church Sunday morning ami t ve iling at the usual hours. Rev. II. II. Dobbins I. !., of California, will preach in the First M. E. church to-day at 11 a. si., and Bishop Becker at 7:30i m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The th- me for the discourse at the Christian church to-day at 1 1 a. M., is Why Am I a Christian. 7 ::J0 I", m., lypeB in tne I ld Test ntent. All an- invited to attend both services. You will be wel comed. A praycrmecting of the leal union of the Y. 1'. S. C. K. will he held in tlm Congregational church Sunday, Nov. l.". at i:l" r. i. Knbjeet: "In the World, but not of It.""' John 17:l5-lti. Ail are cordially invited. Services will 1 held to-day. nicrning and evening, at the First I'rcsbvtetian church by the pa? tor. Iter, fc. R. Prichard. Subject of morning discourse, "Courage of Conviction;" evening, '"Crime and Criminals." The Noss Jollities will take summer boarders and make "A Quick Match" at tbe opera house, Monday, Nov. '11. Engage your eats early at the usual place. 1; you want ro see a first-class; olio be sure to see the Noss Jollities in "A Quick Match " A Beautiful Siclit. Julius (iradwohl wishes to re iiew his invitation to the ladies of Albany to call and fee his beaut i ful array of hanging l;iiujs It is a sight wotth looking at. He has just received a complete line of bicycles and tricyles for boys and girl. He has also received an other large lot of sugar, and thot-c Who wish to purchase while si::'r is cheap, tbould not wait. II fctill sella choice Arhuckle's col lee at one pourd for "" out-". It will pay you to ca'l and inspect his Kods. Those ln want tine holiday presents Ehotild call early and have them laid a ay fur tin in. Vuiler the Nw Law. The Pendleton ci'y elect ijti will be corulucteil under the new Australian ballot law en..c!ed by the last legislature. Th s is i.t because the law in itself pertains to the conduct of city elections, but because a scct'ou of Pendle ton's .charter provides that the city's elections ''hall be conducted according to the provisions regula ting the eltct'ous of the state." As state elections must be held wi der the new law, so must those of Pendleton hereafter. There can be no objection to it. It was tried in the recent Ilaker City election and met with general favor. Thanksgiving Moi-mhU. The Christina Fndeavor siciety of the 1. P. church will give a pumpkin pie Eociahle and ito- i.ouncing bee on Thanksgiving I evening (Thursday. Novt mber i.'t) 1 in the church, the pronouncing bee takes tbe place of the old fashioned spelling school, and is very amusing an well ns instruc tive, and is all the rage F.a.-t. V-j ides the pumpkin pie part there will be other ltfreshlnents with hot collee. Evangelical i;evlal. The revival meeting at the Evangelical church still continue, notwithstanding the inciemencv oi me weather the congregations j have been ei.coiiraging. Rev. L. ' S. Fisher will conduct three serv-1 ices to-day as follows: K'gu-1 lar services at 11 a. m. Consecration I service at i. m., ami a revival sermon in the tning on 'Mmry." A o dial iiiviration is extended to all. Faueral Notl-. The funeral obsciiiioa fr Mr Amos Howard will take place at tne residence on the corner tfi Second and Calapooia streets, at j 1 ::ft p. at., to dar. Ti e funeral ill 1 ... in tlia iti f..ti,. K.rv I Largely Attended. lt!.I.An l!ujirii, CtkL.. lout ..l.t1. ing in the Methodist church to a ' larj concourse of eager littencrs ' TUE TWO CITY CONVENTIONS. Call fcr tbe R-publican and Democrat:!) on December 5th. nit i:n i in h as co.svK.srioS. The reblicaa vo'ers of the city of A I ban v are reUested to meet in convention at the Armory on Saturday. December 5th. at 7:30 r. m. for" I he jurp.seof nominal inu' tho following candidates for eitv cilice": Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, Treasurer, and to ratify the ward nominations for eouncil n.en. The ward meetings, for the noin iuaticn tf one council mm horn each ward and one committee man from each warJ, will be held n ihurnday evening, December :'rd, at 7 I-. m., at the following places : First Ward On the west side of the circuit court rociu. S com! Waid On the east side of the circuit cjurt room. Third Ward At the Farmers' warehouse otlice. Albanv, Or., Nov. 14, lS'll. J. F. Cons, W. II. IllSTl.X, S S. Tkaix, Committee. IMIMOCKATR' CONVENTION. A mass meeting of the demo cratic voters of the city of Albany will be held in the circuit court ro -m at the court house on Satur day evening, December 5th, 1891, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating candidates for Mayer, Marshal, Recorder and Treasurer, t i re voted for at the regular an nual eitv election to be held on", December 7th, 185)1. WAKD MEETINGS. The committee would recom mend that ward meetings be held on Friday evening, December 4th, ls'Jl, at 7 o'clock, at the following places: First Ward I'pstairs in the cir cuit court room at the court house. Second Waid In the county court room at the court house. Third Ward At the office of the Farmers' warehouse. F.aeh ward will nominate a can didate for councilman and sehct a member of the city central com mittee. J.O. Whitsmaw, ('. II. Stkwakt, T. J. Stites, Central Committee. REAL ESTATE, SALES. A. M. Acheson to R. A. Bam f js.I, :'.2.15 acres. 12 W. 2; 050. A. M. Achesoti to school district :5r. S-lil acre ; r). Wm. Kvalln to Wm. Gregary, ;; tiJ acres' 11 W. 2; $181. K. Coin to Robert Cary, 5, 18, Scio: f.";0U. C S. to Andrew J. Proebstel, 150 acres, 12 K. 3; patent. Ftlwin M. Burkbart to J. B. Flower, 50 acres 11 W. 2; $1500. Oil Bui k hart to Peter Sist, loS acres 11 W. :j; t;'ID. R. Davis to F. A. Rankin et al., 3 lots, Sodaville; $1000. Thos. l'.randon to J. H. Robb, parcel land 14 W. 3; $3000. I'.ioa nsville B. & A. to J. J. White. I blocks, 's 2d add; $540. W. R. Kirk to D. C. Cushman, 31-loi.t acres, P.rownsville : $.'5. .las. Scribner to M. A. Rodgerf, 171-. acres, llarrisburg; $1. O. & V. It. R. Co. to David Meyers, 120 aires, 10 E. 1; $12'). I Andrew Swanton to David j ll.rseburj;h. (i:;!.S21 acres, 10 W. I ; !f::.-n(. I II. W. IVny to Uriah Terhnne, iiit"ie.-t in lot 3, block 2, Leba non ; $rLi. Mr. Dunlnajr at Work. The (.''Unine Century, a journal of progrtss and prosperity, for which Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway issued a prospecus a few weeks ago, has leceived such ample en coiira'; incut from the frientU and admirers of her former success as a journalist as to warrant the formation of a jo nt stock com pany, which has just tiled articles I of incorporation as The Coming 'Century Pulili.-liing Company, I w ith a p:iid up, non-assessabie j capit:.! ot.x-k of $21,000. Ihe board I of directors has engaged Mrs. I Duniway as editor-in-chief of the new publication, which will make its .'irst appearance as a first-clas, high-toned weekly literary maga zine on Dei-ember 2, and Mr. Jumes A. ('a rev as manager, while (ieorge P. Wheeler will have chaigo of the typugiajdiiual de partment. A I'leaitaiit Murprlt. A pleasant farewell and surprise party was tcndeied Miss Mina Illici t at her liome in this city Thursday evening, Nov. 12. A number of her friends assembled Uking Miss Mina completely by surprise. An elegant lunch was MTvcd and a "very pleasant even ing pjeiit. The following were present: Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. F.hert. Misses Mollic, Jefsie and Maggie Hunter, M. andran, M iry Rilaud, Kate Riland, Anna Hunt, Ktite Uherha't. Miua Khert, Winnie Fei.nill, Kate 1-Viiii ill, Misses Folevs, Misses SkaUy, Nt Hi,- .Nash, Y.i-W Parker, Messrs. l'iraiitana Yandran, Al. Boenicke, Murray Vaughn, Chas. lfi gan, lUrt Vagers, D. Mc Mahan. V. 1.. Buck. lie I.tvel In Albany Once. "Cail I.uderman, one of the shoe t'u m of I.uderman, McGrath A Co.. 1 ft tow n rather uncermoniously Tuesdi ni"rning neglecting to pay his hills. An attempt was made to a'tra-h his'househoid goods, but he had taken the precaution to fell them to other parties." The foieg ing appeared in the Re veille, oi Baker City, a few clays ago. I'leaaant A It air. The sociable given on Friday nig'it at the I'nited Presbyterian church, by the Christian F'n deavor society of that church, was a veiy peasant and enjoyable iillair. The center seats in" the church were taken out, giving ample room and-the young people exerted tin mselves to have a good time and su ceeded admirably. 00TJHTI TREASURER'S BEP0RT Following is the semi annual f tatement of the county treasurer of Linn county, Oregon, for the six months erding on the 30th day of September, A. D., 18il, of money received and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on what account paid out. AMOINTS HECKIVEU, UKNEKAL FIND. Ain't on hand from last report H 761 56 Am't from tax, 185X). ... 44 SOU 83 Am't from license 85 Am't from coroner 105 01 Am't from tines 85 50 Am't from other eources 288 85 fbo 048 40 AMOUNTS PAID OCT, GENERAL FUND. Paid on county warrants $12 5)02 80 Paid state tax 13 5M.0 11 Balance. 6 025 20 $32 548 26 AMOUNTS PAID OUT, SCHOOL FUND. Paid school suerintend- ent'B warrants $32 307 30 Balance H2 84 $32 500 14 State ok Oregon, i 83. County ok Linn, j I, W. E. Cnrl, do hereby certify that.the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining . t .1 . . on nana, in tue county treasury of said county for the six months ending on the 30th day of Septem ber, A. D., 185)1. Witness my hand this 1st day of October, A. D., 1891. W. E. Curl, County Treasurer. ITEM 9 OF INTEREST. Julius SiJel fell in the river near the J. E. Davis place last Wednesday and come near being drowned, the boat he was iu capsized and he was washed into a drift and had his leg broken by the boat being dashed against him. He w as rescued by his companions with dithculty. Dr. T. W. Harris, of Eugene, was sent for and went over and dressed the wound. A. L. Selman and Miss Mabel Allen, of Zona, eloped Wednesday evening, because of objections to the mariiage made by the girl's parents. Their reason for object ing are that Selman had nothing to support a wife, no home, no means and no trade. J. F. Wright, who has been for several years one of Douglas county's best school teachers, was taken to the asylum tnis week. He has been unwell for a couple of weeks, and Wednesday fainted in his school at Peel, and since that time his reason has been dethroned except at short intervals. A very small proportion only of the I-an'e county wheat crop has left the hands of the growers. The present advanced price will result in large sales, and the re sult will be the present stringent money markets will be relieved, says the F.ugene Guard. Gocd juuges estimate that less than 20 per cent of the crop in Lane county has been disposed of. j A track waiter near Hood River, while going his rounds, was caught on a bridge by a trench t train and thrown over, resulting in breaking several ribs and injury to the spine. A surgeon from The Dalles went uowr on tiie evening train and placed the man in the sleeper, intending to take him to St. Vincent's hospital in Portland : but when near Fairhaven he died from the result of his injuries. At the Chemawa Indian train ing tchool, just north of Salem, the rjster ot students containing the names of a larger number than during any previous time since the establishment of the M'tiool. 1 he latest ariivals are from Bandon and Port Oiford, and there are now 240 attending the school. At the same time last year the attend' ance wa but 175. The total en rollment last year reached 220. The new buildings are completed, and ready for occupancy, which adds quite a little to the school's ability to accommodate the youth ful Indians. A gentleman from Athena in forms the F'.ast Oregon ian that people there are exercised over a case of land jumping in the neigh borhood. A man named Clark, from Walla Walla, has tiled upon a quarter-section of forfei'ed rail road land four or five miles west of Athena in possession of minor heirs of the A. J. Anderson estate. He ordered the children off, but they refused to go. Clark's son has filed upon a piece of land belong ing to Mr. Ashpaugh, of which the latter has been in possession for twelve yenrs. A woodc'iopper named E. G. SohUze aa brought to Portland from Kalama yesterday, and taken to the St. Vincent hospital to have an eye removed. While at work splitting some timber a piece of steel flew up, striking him in the right eye, destroying his sight. Themes McMahan, a railroad man from Yaquina, was also taken to the hospital for tbe treatment of an injured hand, that was crushed between the bumpers of two cars. Around th World, Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Phil ip Phillips' to the editication of a large and fashionable audience, started around the world last night in what is aptly termed a chariot of song. It is at tbe Seattle opera house Mr. Phillips is showing and he will complete his tour this evening. The entertainment is novel, interesting and beautiful. To describe the many and interest ing things, which are illustrated with song, would till a vol u id and tbe entertainment must i e seen to be appreciated. The pict ures shown oj the canvas by the phc to-opticon are of the h ghest older, and many of them will put to blush the work of the best artists. Mr. Phillips will appear again this evening. At the opera house Monday, Tueeday and Wednesday. THE CHURCHES. Whfcre and by Whom Suv'ces Will Bo Held To-Ddj. Wba, Conkkecai ION AL Corner of Fourth and Ferry t-lreets, Preaching every Sunday at 11 A. M., ami 7:45 i m. Sabbath seti o at 12:i. Pruyer meeting Wednesday evening. Kev. S. K. Webster, I). U. of I'cnrylvauia, Pastor, Phesiiyteki an. corner of rimuclul bln and Fifth streets. Services at 11 a, ni. and 7:o0 p. in. Pastor Kev. K. U. Prichard. Sabbath school at Pi: 15 p. ru. Prayer meeting every Wednesday eAening. M etuoihst. Corner Ellsworth and Third streets. Services at 1 1 a. hi. and 7::W p. in. Pastor, Kev. 8. K. Meiiiin irer. Pastor. Sabbath school 2::W p. ni. Prayer meeting every Thursday eve ning. St. Pail Methodist Corner Mont gomery and Third streets. Services at 11 a. iu. and 7::0 p. m. Pastor, 11, S. Sliunele Sabbath school nt 10 a ru. Prayer meeting on Thursday evenings. Lniteo Pkesiivtekian. Corner ol Washington and Fifth streets. Servi ces at 11 a. in. unci 7::U) p. in. Pastor Kev. S.G .Irvine. Sabbath school at 2::iilp. in Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Evanoei.ical. Corner of Lyon urn) Fourth streets, services at 11a. in. and 7 30 p. m. Pastor, Kev. L. S. Fisher. Subbatn school 10 a. in. Prayer meet ing ever Wednesday evening. CumsTlAN CiU'Kcii Services every every Stimtav ut their church at 11 a. in. and ?::J0 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Pra)cr niecMng Thursday evenings at 7::W p. ru. Ail are invited to attend. Kev. Jas. F. Steward, pastor. Catholic Services every Suuday at It a. iu., by Kev. Fr. L. Metayer. Uaitist. Corner of Lyon and Fifth streets, Services at 11 a. nt. and 7::Ur p. m. Pastor Kev. Geo. 11. Hill. Sabbath school immediately after the morning services. Prae-r meeting every Wednesday evening. Episcopal Services every Sal), bath morning at It a. in. Kev. M Plummer, pastor. MotfaeraT Castoria is recommended by physicians for children teething. It is a purely vegetable preparation its ingredients are published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely barm less. It relieves constipation, regulates the bowels, quires pain, cures diarrlnet and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, soothes the child and gives it re freshing and natural sleep. Cas soria is the children's panacea the mothers' friend. 35 d--!s, 35 cents. THE WOKLD KNK1CHED. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on ty perfect laxative known, as it ie Ihe only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual tocleanse the system gently in the SpriL- time or, in fact, at juiy time any the better it is known the more popular it becomes. Fine Suitings. . W. It. Graham, the tailor has received one of the largest lines of line suiting-) and trouserings to i e seen in Oregon, outside of Port land, e.Tihrac-ng all the desirable patterns for winter wear. His prices will be found so low that any one can afl'ord to wear one of his neat tilting tailor made suits aud overcoats. He warrants his goods to be tirst -class, and guaran tees a lit. Call and see his new patterns. Fell Dead. 1 heee words are laminar to our readers, as not a day p-es with out the report of the sudden death of some prominent citizens. The explanation is "Heart Disease Iherelore beware it you have any of the following symptoi is : Short Breath. Pe in in Side, Smothering Spells. Swollen Ankles, Asthma'ic Breathing, Weak and Hungry Spells, Tenderness in Si.oiilder or Irregular Pulse. These symptoms mean heart disease. 1 lie- most reliable remedy is Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, which has saved thousands of lives. Book of testimonials free at Stanard & Cusick, who also sells the New Heart Cure. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Ca.storia I wiiitil's a lo v-nT- TINU KeailvCotWiibtLiiiioi These lines hive been inven'ed by Mr. (iio. White. The LADIES' TAILOK. of Hi. New Kurlingtun et. , . London England, anil 1112 F. Street. J. Y.. Washington. 1). C. The success since introduced , I ye irs ago, ha been marvelous. Mure a uiillibii mules in h unue and this couiitiy are using tin in with the greatest saii'faction. Thcc linings are cut to your order, therefore an elegant titling and slyli.-li waist aud sleeves are always guaranteed. Thiy are cut of Best English Sik-sia in all shades. Id ordering send the bust measure, over the highest part cf bun and waist measure; if extra long waisted tuention it. Price, .r cents; in Fancy Figu;ed Silesia, 75 cents extra postage. Semi potal note, money order or stamps to Geo. WLite, l.ailies' lailo', 1 VZ F St. X. W . , W-hingtou, I). C. WHITE'S l'KICFKCT F1T1INH AND HANG- INU KK.4DY ( IT SKIKT 1.1 NINO The Skirts are cut of hist Engli h Perealine, in al) bhades. They are cut toy nir order, trier f ire an elegant liting kirt is always guaranteed. In order ng send wuist niru.-uire and len ith of skirt iu front. Price 7.1 e-uit-and 12 cenle for (Histagp. Send postal note, money order or hiniie, totico. White, Emlie.-'Tail ir; III:) Street. N. I V., vYaehingtou, D. C. Bl'SISKSS LOCALS. F. M.French, jewel r. Will A Stark, the jewelers. Fresh crisp celery at Allen Bros. Oysters in every slyleat Isorn,s. Cranberries at C. E. Browneil's. Meals at the Delinonieo 2f cents. Isom has the only oyster parlors in the city. Pigs feet tnd sour kraut at Allen Bros. Choice eiting andcookingapples at Allen Bros. Oysters for families 50 cents a pint at Isom's. New jewelrv of latest pat terns at Will & Stark's. Repairing neatly done at Klein Bros shoe storo. Will A Rtatk have some elegant souvenir spoons. Repairing neatly done at the large gilt boot stoic. Go to the Delinonieo restaurant for Eastern oysters. When iu town call at the Del- monico for your meals. Choice pickles in bulk, or quan tities to suit, at Parker Bros. Great reduction in embroidered flouncing at W. F. Read?. r.uv vour heating and cook stoves of Hopkins Bros. A line line of gold rings ju opened at Will A Stark's. Klein Bros., are giving their customers an eleg tut piaro. rresh comb hoaey, Linn county jrouuciion. at J'arxer liro vto lo Klein Bros, and have vour shoes repaired while you wait. A inn line ot choice cigars ant tobaccos kept at b K. Allen's. Fresh oysters in any style at the 1'iamonu Chop House cents Alien Bros., alwavg supply their customers with butter and egg, Necessaries delicacies and luxuries, at Allen Bros., grocery Beautiful gold watches in every imaginaLie design at ill iV Stark's. Keep your ejes open for bar gains at F. E. Allen's cheap gro eery store. Fresh Mocha, Java, and Blende collee received on every steamer at .Allen Uros. Great reduction suit Gradwt. hl's for particulate. in sugar, con ad vert is --incut Another lot of those one dollar kid gloves, just received at the I.aiies Bazaar. Subscriptions for all tho lending ni igazines and new spapers taken at the postoihee, Ladies, Misses and children's all wool urn. or wear in great variety at the Ladies Bazaar. Sodaville water is kept constant ly on hand tiv the bottle at d. L Blackman's drug store. Go to the Albany Baths A Pur b r Shop for fir t class woik Geo. A. Landrcth proprietor. All kimis ol truit hoxes in quantities to suit at the Sugir Pine Door A Lumlr Company s Special oa'gair.s iu ladies' gold and gold tilled w niches t F. M Freiivh's, the corner ji- Aeiry store Klein i.ros can make voii any style cf a boot or a t-hoe you wi.-h, and will guarantee a perfect lit Try I hem on a pair. Furnished r. tit suitabL for one or two gentlemen. I'se of bath convenient location. Impure ol C. B. Winn. Just received at t lie Ladies Bazaar an elegant line of fancy cords, fringes ami i.oiipoiis suitable for all kinds of fancy work, also the new shades in zephyrs. F. L. Kenton has just received a largn lot ol line sweet cider w hich will be sold at f cent?" per glass or 25 cent.-: per gallon. Inters should he left at jrico, whin- lliilresh and sweet. Call and see the brillir.nt dis play of library lamps 1 1 C. 1 nrowneii s. .ot one kept over from last year but all this year's styles and will be sold at the lowet living price. Mi. J. S. Morgan has just completed burning a fresh kiln at bis brick yard one mile west of the court house, nnd is prepared to fill all orders. A man will be in waiting at the yard to attend to all cl! rs for brick. Pliiiiip Phiirpi-, the singing pil g.iru, will be in Albany oil Nov. Hi, 17 and IS in his great rendition of "Around the World in a Char iot of Sung," which will be illus trated with a roy:i! p!!can. He will be assisted by his talented son. Klein K.os. are nw better pre pared than ever to do repairing on huots aid tin es, they having added another lirst-clas shoemak er to their working force in their it-pairing aud custom department. All repaint g brought to thfiu will receive prompt attention, and they will allow none but first-class work io leave their shop. Tho Delsarto cortet affords a support both light and strong, freed in in all motion and elegance of shape. The Delsarto- waisis fr ladies and children are recommen d"d by all who have tried them. Perfect lit guarantee 1. Mrs. Talt. exclusive agent. Sample may be seen at Mrs. Gilbert's dressmak ing parlois, over Gfldin Rule Bazaar. CIsed in Millions of Homes 0" PRICES MEN'S, OMERGOH We have overcoats for the big. And Overcoats for the small, Overcoats for you one, And Overcoats for you all. A Great Overcoat Sale ! We make OVERCOATS a leading specialty, and can truthfully assert that no sn h an arsortmcnt has ever before been seen in the Willamette Valley. We have : Cava Gvsrcoats Long1 overcoats Meltsn ovorcoita Worsted overcoats Wo have Blue, Slack and Broa Ovorcoats Wc have Tan, Snuff ani Slate Colored Overco t3, Overcoats with fur on and overcoat without fur Overcoats with Velvet Collars, Ovorcoats with cloth callars "Weha-ve single and double hreasted ovorcoats "We have ovor:;at: for .he small man as well as the large man We have overcoats w ith si'k lining, and overcoats with cassiineie Bniag, we have overcoats w ith faruier sal n lining, and overcoats with worsted lining. Call while the as sortment is large and make a selection. Wil-tatiii 111 Soi IF YOU J. 1. ALBANY, I hi re xet QUARTER in I la kit t ouritv 'Ore Ui- A 'n, nvnr U new lialitr City. apCUTIIDV muii Mho hm siin.-i wEllI I Uli F l'i-conic iileuti1t-l wi:h tho riNiurctft All ui'I lit(luniciit oil hut country. TtiUflUU n.-ei i no nthur than Mr. John Stewart, out 'ii the wealthiest aridnmBt inSii?ntial citisent in the county. In a recent le-ltcr he says: hail been sufferim; Irom ai'i8 in my lark untl catml kidney cmpKint 1'or name time. ml iiiit u.mI many n-tneiuea without any hut temporary relief. The paina in my back hi.l Inronif m nevcre th it 1 was i-rcventud from attcmlin to my work and could not iimvc wiihnut the U'e ol a cane. Hearing, throntih a frlund, of the wonderful cures ef foit hy Oregon Kidney Tea, I wm induced Ut try a ho, and from that vc'V Unit dnae I f'liind instaiit relief, and before u-iinf half tic ciiilcntx o! the hox the puna in c y nack cKlircIv dinnpcred I have every f ith is th! ii tucs of the O.-cvon Kidney Tea, and run ci.iutciftiti'uisly re'itnimend it to djj frii inls. I would not be without it for any thing." Orvjon KMnev Tea curw headache, Incon- tini-ncc of iirioc, hriek dust aetlitnent, burn itnfor iaitifjl tcuxation ahile urinating, and til ullc- tions of the kidney or urinary organs of either sex. Opera House, n urnc- .- tririor, Ltswcs li .Managers. Nov. liith, 17th and 13th, PHILLIP :-: PHILLIPS. The Singing Pilgrim , Ar.oitnl thu V.rlil in a fWinrt1 nf Songs. A jeerlesa pilgrimage gr:i;iliically llliiHtratea witn 1IMJ colsgai views t:iken from nature ar-.d coloretl by eminent artiste, magnified nnl iliumimtted by the tioyal Photo Opticon, Il'ustrating accurately the most magnilictnt cilier?, editice9, pc.n- erv, pori'aiip, art, arcuiiecuu-e, Htatuary, co4tum e and social life, from the -0 dlllerent countries vi., itcd, with gniphicd Hcriptionsand wonile-ful suriiriats, mechanical hiinges and fu-ciriating transfor- lnati uH. Ueplete Willi not.g pu iieiblv illustrated, while being in imitably sung. Seats on Fale at Will & Links, 50 and 7"cei:ts ; children, 25 cents ; mrpe, $1.75. 40 Years the Standatc BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S: TJlster overcoats Chinchilla overcoats Zersoy overcsat3 Stockist ovorcoats IWE HAVK A FEW OF OUR" WISH ONE- UaIla(;e STRAHAN BLOCK. JUDGE? VOL'IiSKLF ii inn iiriT uuauty, OIB1 OTJB We invite attentioa NECK JCST New Lines of BOYS' CLOTIJIXO. L. E. BLAIN, The :-: Uadinr Merchant Box overcoat: Cheviot overcoats leaver overcoats Corkscrew overcoats fc for JOB & Qd., OREGON. G-OOIDS to cur large ii. voice of W K A R OPENED. Immenpe Stock of 0 VEJ ('0 A T S. :-: Mm Tailor. end Prices