MORNING HERALD: SUN DAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1891 BUSINESS LOCALS. French keeps railroad time. New cloaks at V. F. Read's. Fresh bread every day at Parker Broe. Oxford ties very cheap at Klein Bros. New stock of Hais at W. F. Read's. Phoenix pure mixed paints at Stewart A Sox. Freeman feed cutters and mills at Stewart A Sox. Oxford ties at your own price at l.lein Bros. 10 per cent reduction on dress g.xxU at W. F. Reads. Take a look at the piano at Klein Bros, shoe store. Paraaols and sun umbrellas less thancoat W. F. Read. Have you examined that beauti ful $100 piano at Klein Bros, shoe store. Fresh vegetables every morning from liinn county gardens at Parker Broi. Try our chow chow now on sale in i:aiititi;B to suit at V. E. Urow noil's. Smoke tht celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igrs, sianufactnred at Julius Jos ill's i-igar factory. If you want a dunhle monu ment go to K. W. Achison. who are handling nothing but the best grades. Julius tiralwohl invites you to call and set) bis beautiful lamps, th Finest in the Willamette Valley. I have just received direct from Vermont a shipment of pme maple tyiupand will guarantee it abso lutely pure. C. K. Brownell. Some of tne test styles of ele gant bed lounges can be seen at Forimiller & lrving's, as they have just received a large invoice. It, you sutler pricking pains or moving the eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and tind your sight week and fati ng, you should promptly use lr. II. McLean's .Strengthening Eye Salve. 23 cents a box. Tint sour-tempered cross, dys- in-ptio individual, should take lr. .11. McLean's Sarasaparil.'a! It will make him feel as well and hearty as the healthiest of us. He iiimN bracing up, vitalizing, that is all. Expeits pr mounce Klein Bros, piano one of the tim-st toned in strumsnts. Frequently accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in audi casen Dr. J. 11. McLean's Volcanic OU Liniment has for tunny years lieeu the constant favotite family remedy. Lawn sprinkle! s, Matthews A Wadiburn, garden hose, Matthews !k Washburn, lawn mowers.Matth- evts A Washburn, pumps, Matth ews A Washburn, bath tubs, Matthews A Washburn, water closet, Matthews A Washburn, gasoline stoves, Matthews & Wash burn, the hest of everything Matthews A Washburn. (.'111 at S. E. Young's and see the 'large and varied stock of cloaks, sacks and jackets just re ceived. 1 have received my new 8to'k of fall and winter garmeuts, in.:l'uling all the novelties in snrt and long jackets, etc., ami am '-etter p epared to suit the trale than ever before. Those that c !! early are Bure to lie satis lied. They are going very fast. Samuel E. Young. The Ouestlou oftlie Hour, And one that is frequently akcd Mr. Wisdom, "what is it in your Robert ine that produces sucu a delightfully cooling and refresh ing sensation and aJds a most deiicMtK tint to the complexion?" to which we answer: It is a conciliation of rare anl harmless iurei.i. nts scientilically prepared. Ther ei.t rs into the comHsition of tliic- hi title ingredients which liave never l-cfore U'en used in prepartions ol this kind, hence the cited is so strikingly ditferent from that produced by all other toilet fuiedws. The Kwders used in the composition f Robert ine are all of the very smoothest and tinest divison it i posible to pro luce, futher more each and every ingredient must stand the crucical test of chemical purity, insuring freedom from all foreign and .leleterioiis substances. Thus wiiii rare and harmless ingredients of the very tinest division it is possible t make all of absolute purity and combined with scientific precision, it is but natural that we should produce a superior article an-1 one that has long been aptly termed the "Peerless iseauu s a. t! . .1..... a tier." for sale oy rosuay A Mason. 11. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis.. v4 troubled with Neuralgia i;nd and Kbeuniati-iii, his Stomach was disordered, his Livtr was affected to and alarnrng degree, appetite fell awav, ami he was terribly re timed hi flesh and strength. Three liottiesof Klectric Bitters cured him. . . , Kdard Shepherd, Harrisb trg, III., had a running sore on his leg (d eight veara standing. Used three bottles of Klectric Bit'-ers and seven boxs of Bucklen's talve, and his leg is sound . nd well. John Speaker, Catawbf , O., hail live larire t ever sores on uib leg.d H-tors said he was incurable. One lott!e Klectric Bitters andene box Bucklen's Ainica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Foeha? A Mason. Drug store. But Cur for the Liquor or Opium Habits. The Eapt India cure for these awful habits can be given without the patient's knowledge, and is the oniy known specific for the puipose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cuiuniing's drug store only. MRS. GRAHAM'S CUCUMBER AND ELDER FLOWER CREAM U not a cosmetic in the lente in which that term popularly used, but permanently beautifies, it create a tott, smootn, clear, velvety akin, and by daily uae gradually makea the complexion several soades whiter. It ia a constant protection from the effects of sun and wind and prevents sun burn and freckles, and blackheads will never come while you use it. It cleanses the face far bet ter than soap and water, nourishes and builds up the skic tissues and thus prevents the (ii mat ion of wrinkles. It gives the freshness, clearness and smoothness of skin that )ou had arhen a little girl. Every lady, younic or old, ought to use it, as it gives a more youthful appearance t) any lady, and that permanently. It contains no acid, powdetor alkali, and is as harmless as dew and as nourishing to the skin as dew is to the flower. Pries) Sl.OO, at all druggists and haird -esters, or at Mrs. G( rvalue Gra ham's establishment, 103 Post Street, San Francisco, where she treats 'adies tor all blemishes uf tbe face or figure. Ladies at a distance treated by letter. Send stamp for li t la Vuink "Una In k. n..i..f.l " Sample Bottle m. cepl'of 10 .tuts in and packing. Lad; MRS- mailed free to any lady on re I in stamps to pay for uostave Lady Agents wanted. MRS- GRAHAM'S Face -:- Bleach, Cure the worst cases of Freckles, Sunburn Salluwness, Moth patches. Pimples and all skin blemishes. trlceS)l.SO. Harmless and effective. No sample can be sent. Lady Amenta wanted. sll9 BrSggiSi In this town who flrst orders a bill oiuiy nrep rationi will have his bim alilod t J this advertisement. My prvparatioi s are for sale, by wholesale druggists in Chicago and every city west of it We are now prepared to do cus tom chopping for either cash or tol'. We are agents for II. F. Fischer Corvallis Holler Mills, Hour, middlings, shorts and bran. Also hay. oats, chop, etc., always on hand and sold reasonable. Free delivery inside of city limits. Try our Corvallis Hour and you will use no other. MoRKIH A Bl.Ol'ST. IN mil STILE AT t 1 or sale At rny yard, or at my residence on 7th street between Railroad and Montgomery, or delivered any where in the city. Inquire at IliiBton A Co's truck and dray otlice or at grocery store in east part of the city. A man at yard from 8 to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock. W. C. Cahskll. Not Coming, But Here to Stay!" GENE E. LARRIMORE, The Painter, Has opened a shop in Stewart A Sox's block and is prepared to rive estimateson nnd do a' I kinds of House and Carrfage painting and trimmini;. Graining and paper hanging a specialty. Leaye orders with Stewart A Sox. LiobCo. Natiounl Bank -OF ALBANY, OR.- CAPITAL stock, - $100,000, J. L. Cowan, Pies Vied Pres., O. ,J. A. M. Ralston, Archibald, Cashier. Director J. L. Cowan, J. M. Rals ton. W. S. Ladd. W. II. tioltra. J. A. Crawford. O. A Archibald. Transact a general hanking busi ness, draw sight d'afts on ftew York. San Francisco and Portland, and receive deposits subject to check. X11AS ORDERS! Thr.. ihir naiiitiuc and eniboidery wnrkilonelor Xuiae, should leave their or .i. riv with Mm. lit man. so ss not to be ru.hed at time of wanting them. Orders taken lor holiday book and other K"01 liter ature. 115 1st st. KEMEMBER The mmerl twed nianothit (tarn's in tune lonxett, n- keys sti k 'n damp or cold weath er an I gives pe'fect satisfaction is the liemnie & LoiiK. Life is a pleasure with such a treasure in the bouse. Call and net one at Mrs. Uymans. Put up at J. W. Tatham's meat market, on Second and Maine streets, in the lower ward. For Bale at wholesale and retail. Custom MM JOHN SI Brick tte - ;iinr -THE- ObDEST, IdARGEST & bEAST EXPENSIVE Institution of learning in the Northwest. ' 336 students in 1887, 495 in 1891 an increase of nearly 50 per cent in four years. Graduates in Art, Business, Classical, Law, Literary, Med ical, Musical, Normal, Pharmaceutical and Scientific courses. Gradu ates from the normal course have all the advantages of graduates from the State Normal schools. Better facilities for teaching next year than ever before. First term begins SEPTEMBER 7th, 18J1. For cata ogue, with full information.address Wm, 8. ARNOLD. A. M., Salem.Or. Springfield. Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIELD,) PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD. - - - OREGON. 'Albany yard and office on Railroad, between Fourth and Fifth eets, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities nit surpassed the prompt and satisfactory iiling of orders, I respectfully s dicit a re of the trade. A. WHEELER. JTJXilCTS Manufacturer of -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars Ping and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pi peseta full line o 8uiokers Articles. Ne -eot to Pffelffer'e candy store, Albany, Oregon, Ask my at for W. Ii. Dona-las II net ror voar slim its It j . !7 " - " takVVo sCBfTlTiTE.i WHY IS THE ' lot fa; equals f rencn mi- W. L DOUGLAS o$i?OC8Whichc08tfrom CfcO CUAC fPR H hand sewed welt shoe, fine OO OnUC GENTLEMEN caiff etylish, comfortable and TK BEST SHOE IH THE WORLD FOB THE MOSEY? Zrkbl The best shoe ever offered at this price; same grn'' ts, custom made shoes costing from $6 to Jit. $3.50 police shoe ; farmers, railroad them; tine call, seamlcs, amootn incide, neavy tnree souis, exten sion edee : one Dair will wear a year. A 2.50 fine calf ; no better hoe ever convince those who want a shoe $2.25 and $2.00 Workingman's shoes who have given them a trial wilt wear no other make. BOYS' $2 and $1.75 school shoes are worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits as the increasing sales show. LADIES $3 hand sewed shoe, uest Dongola ; very stylish ; equals Frencb imDorted shoes costing from $4 to $t. Ladies $2.50, $2 and $1 75 shoe for and durable. Caution See that W. L. Eouglas' bottom of each shoe. W. 1 ?s 1 is In I M 9 tt . nil? Also carries the finest lines of Pianos & Organs IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL AND .'EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALBANY, OREGON. OI'ESS SEPTEMDKR 14. Beautiful healthful site near the city. Expenses are as reasonable as any other institution of learning on the coast. Classical, literary, scientific, theological, preparatory, normal and business conrses. Stu dents of all grades received. Care ful oversight and direction given to all students. Ladies boarding hall under experienced super vision. Professors of excellent scholarship and much experience employed. For information ad dress C. C Stratton, D. D., presi dent, or Thos. Van Scoy, I). 1)., dean of college, Portland Univer sity, Portland, Or. FOR SALE OR RENT. JEFFRSOS FLOURING MILLS, Also SAW AND PLANING MILLS, Jefferson, Marion Co., Or. For particulars apply to CORBETT& MACLEAY, .64 and 6G Front St., Portland O TT S : - tv. JOSEPH, Choice Cigars Shoes. L. E. BLAIN, vour ' SOLE AGENT, ALBANY, - - OREGON. It is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; laade of the best fine calf, stylish and easy and because we make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equals hand sewed shoes costing from $4 to $5. $".00 genuiue hand sewed, the finest calf shoe ever offered men and letter carriers all wear cTered at this price ; one trial w ill lor comto't ana service. are strong and durab.e. Those Misses are the best Dongola. Stylish name and pi ice are stamped on the L. DOUbLAS, Brockton, Mass. nivers G.L. Blackmau, DEALER IN Druffs, Paint?, Oils Perfumer) ND TOILET ARTICLES! And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodical. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded I -THE- M AgriciU College Opens September 18th, 1391. COURSE OF STUDY arranged expressly to met the Meeds ol the farming and mecnani cal interests of the stste. Large, comoilioua and aell-vrntilated buildings. The coltexs is located in a cultivated and Christian com munity, and one of the healthiest tn Ux State, Military Training. Kx;mrs Seed Not Exceed tl50 tor the Ebtire Season. tmcmffl Two cr more free st hoi irships from every county. Write for catalogue to B. U ARNOLD, fres., Corvallis, Or. Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUB nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If yon contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see onr stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN A BROWNELL. Have yon seen those beaut. inl cement walls in the cemeter vs, put up by E. W. Achison, at all the cost of stone. Albany Collegiate Institute, ALBANY, OREGON, September 9, 1891. A Full Corps of Experienced Teachers. Four departments of study : Collegiate, Normal, Business, Primary. Type writing and Short-hand are taught. For catalogue address, FEED -:- STORE AD GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET: WANTRD SPRC'IA LLY- Ha v. oats and rotators, to suddIv sustomr on the Oregon Paoifio Railroad extension and my increasing home trade s here I sell in quantities to suit the purchasers. Store in Strahan Brick. Second street 0f7 irrY- i ake 'immons Liver Regulatot One Dose ioo Dollars. Diss S. L. R: I consider one doss 1m mons Liver Regulator north ras consUiiated, had Headauhs, could sat oth Ing with satisfaction or appetite- ha the blues, and felt altogether out of sorts. I rs sorted to Blue Mass, Calomel, Quinln , and every rease ly suggested, but only obtained temiorarv relief. One dose of S L R did m more good than KIM worth of doctors an dxtorlng. Kesp'y, 1 C Mabtu. I have been a teacher for twenty Tears, and during that time have had lepeated attacks of headache, produced by torpid Liver, and have been entirely cu od by Simmons Lives Regulator. I founn t to be of so mild character in Its a tiou not to Interfere, tn he least with my dun tin tne scnooi room. To those similac slttlt ' d and subject to the asms, I cannot 9 higt recommend Sun uver negmawr. it a. flussa OawinhsllOTUU TOR BALK BY ALL 'ORCGOISTS. "Some months ago I ourchased a twtw nrrir J. P. SiU's Catarrh Cure for my own use. but finding my nephew, U. A, Xncassuan. uccuiuie bucii iucui cine, I let bim have idt box of medi- TJ- nnw arnda for thren more boxes, saylnir it is the beat thlnjr for catarrh ever irieu vj aim sua nis friends. 1 got another box to use in my rase, and cheerfully recommend it toothers. (Signed). JOHN McMAHAN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, Oregon. Springfield. Lane county, Oregon. Prof J, VV, Johnson, president of tbe State university, says it cured him ol a rough after two other prescriptions bad failed. Likewise two of his little girls use! it to cure their coughs. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of Prof. Bailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, anJ reeom inends it to all who suffer from colds and coughs. For coughs it acts like a charm, and can be inhaled into the jipes or passages, where no other cough cures :an reach. !n ,g June 10. 1892. KEY. ELBERT JN. UOJNIJir, A. 41., 1'reBiUent. R. ad. ROBERTSON. tfMO ffff CTAlffEi Fur Thorovah Practical Training in BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND, QIWOK BEST. FIRST NATIONAL BANE r RANSACTS A OEMRAL BANKING BUSuiESa. PRKSIDRM L f LIN J1. VICE PRESIDENT 8. B YOUNO. ASHIKK B. W. LAIU O.N. S. K. Toosa, L Fumi E. F. Sox. L a. Bum, K. W Laseooa Cashier, Health is Wealth I Dr E. C. West') nerve and brair treatment, a guar anteed specific foi hysteria, dizzine tits, headache, ner vuus prostratiot caused by the use ol alcohol or tobacco, softening of brail resulting in insanit and leading to mis ery, decay and lost of power in either stx fcacn box con tains one in jnth'i treatment, Onedol' lar a box, or six bos es for vc dollars sent by mail pre paid on receipt ol price. Guarantee Issued only by J. A, Uummings, druggist sole sgent, Albany. Oregon. . 5500 REWiRD Wa will pay the above reward for any can of liver complaint, dyspeosia, sick headache, indigestion, constition or costiveness w cannot cure with West's liver pills, when U direction are strictly complied with. The arspuiely vegetable and never fail to girt satisfaction. Larue boxes, cotitainiiig H pills, 26 cents. The genuine nianufacturec only by the John C. West conirny. Chicago Illinois. Sold by i. A. Cuinmiugs, druggist Albany, Oregon. JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery Feed & Sale stable, Corner 8eeond and KUtworih 8U ALBANY. ORSOOi E oaaaa aoaaoiD fay the day or month. Ca rtages or buggies on reasonable terms rem NEW FEEDJTORE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEEL Always on hand. Also Lime, Plaster & Cement. Coma to the comer of Water and Perry st for all kinds of Feed. P. W. 8P1NK, Albany. Of Canadian Pacific Ily. THE GREAT TOURIST ROUTE TO ALL EASTERN POINTS. Passing the Great (Jla -ier of the Selkirk, Canadian National Park, the Celebrated Hot Springs at Banff, and other Picturesuue Points. FINEST PINING AND SLEEPING CA ROUTE IN THE WORLD. Private Draaing Rooms, Luxurious Smoking Knoms and K.ll;aiit Bath Rooms At tached to all Sleepers, 'THROUGH SLEEPING CARS WITHOUT CHA.VUE. Rates from $5 to if 10 lower than by any other Route. POTATOES FOR SALE Good sorted Burba k potatoes at 23 cents per bushel, in & buthe! lots upwards, delivered in any t art of the c ty. Apply to Alvin Carothert throug h the poetotfice or rtherwiae. Mesir Chas. L. Webster A Or., have poi lions for two first class aenU for Steilinan's Library of Americui Literature," One asent cleared tfA,:w in three hours work. Give reference, residence, and present em ployment. T. M. Williams. Manager. ' 67 Filih Ae., New Vcrk. Hanan A Son's fine shoes sell on their own merit, and always gives satisfaction. Try a pair at T. L. Wallace A Co.' 8. Always on time with the best the market affords. Try. and be sonvineei. C. E. Brownell. PHYSICIANS DRS. M ASTON & DAVIS, PHYSICIAN'S & Surgeons, Office, Second end Bnudnbin Street. Albany, Or. Calls prompt y attend d in city and county, CI cTkELLYTpHYSICIAN AND . geon Albany, Oregon, office n Pierce' new block. Office hours, from 8 a. h. to A J. ROSSITER, VETERINARY 8UR . geon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college and met ber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases of all domesticated animals on seientulc principles. Office at Ans Marshall's livery stable Residence 4th and Calapooia streets, Albany, Oregon. DRG. A. WHI rNEY, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospi tal Medical College, New York City. Dueaws of women a specialty. Office in Foster block ATTORNEY GlbO. E. CI1AMUERLAI.N-ATTORNEY T at-law will practice ir ail the courts of the DtAte. Special attention given to mat ters in probats and to collections, otfii-e in riiuu block. EO. W. WKIGUT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW r and Notary Public, Will practice in all the courts of this state. Office, front rooms over Hank of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. O. a. H, BLACKBUBM. H. c. WATSON. BLACKBURN, & WATSON, Attorneys at Law, Albany Oregon; Office in Odd enow- lempie. uiuiness in our nanus will receive pruapt and careful attention. He, WITT & IRVINE, ATfOKNEYS-AT Law. Will practice in all tbe courts u the state. OlKce in Fl inn's block, Mia tree i. w, T. busjist. t. w naarxi BURNiY & DRAPER, ATfORNEYS at law, Oiegoo City, Oregon. Twen ty years experience as register of tiu V. S. Laud Office at Oregon City and in tne land practice recommends us in our specialty oiMinees before the Land Office or the courts and involving tbe practice in the get era! Land Office. JN. DUNCAN - ATTORNEY-VT LaW . and notary public. OUce in the Strahan block, rooms No. I and 2. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms IS and It Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain e Store, JR. WEATHFRFORD, ATTCRNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. Of) in the Fdnn Block. Will practice n all the courts of thestate, and give specia. attention to all business. JAMES P. MEAD, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Ab stracts of title furnished on short notice, feu years experience. WOMAN'S FRIEND So successful and delightful have been the e fleets of ''Moore's Re vealed Remedy" upon the delicate ailments of womankind, that this wonderful remedy has been called "Woman's Friend." Moore's Revealed Remedy In a few doses shows woman kind its peculiar virtues for their ailments. Its effects are gentle, soothing and uniformly successful. Hundreds of testimonials from ladies all over the coast bear w it ness to its success. Sold by all druggists. e of Bosk Notice to the Public In Reference to Matters of Interest. I have this day sold to R Ci. Watson & Co., the grocery store and coinission business heretofore carried on by me, at the corner of Ellsworth and Second street, con sisting of stock of groceries, pro visions lixtures, etc. I will pay all hilis incurred by me w hile con ducting said business, on presenta tion. 1 retain the book accounts, and parties indebted to ine cau call and pav at the store until Dec, 1st, 18!11. R. G. Watson A Co.. receipting for me. After that date all unpaid accounts w ill be placed in the hands of tny attorney for collection. E. J. Lanninu. Nov. 2, 1891. Having; bought the grocery and commission business carried on at the corner ef Second and Kllswortli streets by Capt. E. J. Lsnning, and laid in a full and complete stck of choice family groceries and supplies, we respectfully solicit the patronage of former customers and of the people genctally of Al bany and vicinity. R. J. Watson i Co. Referring to the above I take pleai-ure iu recommendirg my surceasors, R. O. Watson it Co , to former customers and the peo ple of Albany and vicinity. E. J. Lansing. Nov. 2, 1.891. O. K. T.-Hunqst Kesalts U. K T Many of the pioneers of Oregon and Washington have cheerfully testified to the wonderful curative properties of '.he celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Purely vegetable and pleasant to the taete and ran be taken bv the ytungeet child or most delicate woman. O. K. T. is a never failing remedy for pains in the back and lions, non-retention of urine, scalding or burning sensation while urinating, mucous discharges and all kidney troubles of either sex, $1 at all druggests. For sale by Fohay A Mason. jf!w 1 rsranmraiD jf Deyoe & Froman Bros., Keep a Full Assortmet t of GUNS AND FIREARMS Repairing Promptly Done. TAILOR MADE Cost no more made of good material than ready made ill-fitting garments. W. R. CRAHAM, The Merchant Tailor, has in stock the finest line of fall and wiuter suit ings ever bought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He has also a beautiiul line of pants goods in any style desired. Call and see if it is not true. Reliable Men Wantkii sit trftvi'linc futlnHmrn for a first-jlass Cigar Company. Must give good reierences. r . U. is. fJIuAK UO.. Salem, K. C. BO 73U WT TEN FRESH ? If so call on- I.BEAM He delivers his goods to any part of the city free of charge. Fresh vegetables every day. arNothing but the best keot at I. BEAM'S, 2d st., cor. Jackson and Jefferson. SECRET SOCIETIES. McPhersnn Poet No. 6, Q. A. R. Stated nieetinin at the O, A. R. liall on tne second and r'ourtn Friday evening cf each monrh. Transient Comrades ate cordi y invited tn meet with as J. r. wuitiu, B. F. Tin., Commander Adjutant, A. O. U. W. Safety Lodge No, IS; meets every Monday evening at the O. A. K. hall on Kerry street, between Second and Third. Albany, Oregon. Strangers in the city and transient brethren cordially invited to attend. Pension, Postal, Land and Indian lepr -dation Claims. LAW Or KIC KS OF I'ndt r the management of W. R. HEARST. F.d. A Prop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDKRBURN, Manager, CIS F. Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. Will practice in the supreme court of the United States, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, before) committees of congress, and tbe executive departments. We obtain pensions and patents, Indian depredation claims and all clashes of land claims, mining, pie emption and homestead cases pros-e--uted before the general land of fice, department of the interior and the supreme court. Retire of I'innl PrUlrmraf. NOTICE i hereby given that this undersigned has tiled his final account a adiiiiutrutor of the ei-tate of Win. feebler, deceased, and the county eoun t f Mnn county Oregon has fixtd the Mh day of lK-tember, 1SSII, at 1 p. m. of said day at the court housn in Albai.y, Oregon, for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Uated this 4th day of N' v. 1U. J. If. Keakns. Adminibtrator, 11. 11. lit A ITT, Attornty. For lite pocket knives best pa tent temiwred shears and scissors . nd extra hollow ground razoia to Stewart 1 Sox. ' I