Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, November 07, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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v r Aft.
i-TM IT A ""'SIM Tltf
ro.'CSlLE. W1NT3. ETC.
X mu ' it ,
N-Kjl A -nllio . .;!
iiiuid ki ii .r u .
Hill 11V t Or I -.
r.nr44 ,'. ,.e ,
lhoitiio t.
M I i
Hi i
-I- ' I
ii" f . tiiMHii:a 4
OVl ,
U i. li t. J.i, a
-. Ml Oil
-'i tr m i
. ' ic Vk- the
ll. t :',!
ajf a n -r. i;.
file .t ia-. I
tune .u II km t
OS-0n tn r
A ' ' or in A.
m i. t-M.t !:fii r
.- o. '" a
y .., it
. r c
' i" t Ml tf fl
IM .'if u.l itUvi
it r ,
lro. I i i ' .i
r t. j'hl r . , (i
mir4 i i .i .
W l ll IM . til
M I t
t; ...
1) V ' ur .-'
Mr vet" '!,.)
1". jir j
t I tie 11 J f fi
Ktv the a fir.., a
i i-j m .1 p. ill e.
l i i .rt m,
'it ri.iii vo I
.1 I'j
1 B.
t coin
I. .
ir.K. I -1'
tv. l-or Jtrl fi-.
la- n-iatrtj
SS Or" t. . i
i a: ciru
i .or i'e a'
ti.T a -r , v r. t-u l
ii-;-. ro ii r .:iro-il
c m.. iii a ''I ii uii'tri i.j.i
iUi .. A.ijiv ar
I i i Irv to the
'flail ne ) -!
Lyon vrit i.
t.' ac'-oitd ami
La nil
'0. . W. Kf
Bii.fC . i t-i:- n.;.
c '. 'a 4 ( in f.
t fi..
A o i
I :ilt
UflO'l c
any .
II-.-. a-
Li V . .
!! .i .
oi L l t .
Vol, II. S.y
A'i"i:'"l ii I.
th' k tri.-t
c A' '
O If -ll ;.
C", N.
Alba n v
Ve sre otTei i'v tj i-l.ii'rra
finest lot of ril t r, (r t o- Mil
ei'ttli'e vi ii i-'-. in i i He.
One liii'nlrcil a l li.'v tlio-ia il
trwi for tliM u n ': lie.
I:n; -c IO I t i I '.ill l is'.li.'.
tiou (iM.jr.ui . '.
heii'l for i -.i: 'e c '-' l aoil
Be mat tlie i: I i e li'rn.ieml
one Lulf j'i'e .i,r i.ii'-to' ii.inv
i I i I i l'.i:- .i.u.
- Saiiiiie
406. A eORD
KOWAitO & S0.V,
2 if-
: ;-f?
' -si
. y i ;
ri.tfiiiit k .o "-.
ICS, Prosi.,
mzi, Mto:cia:3. chekis. fahcy
ar.l Tn't rt r 'i ' . M ...itit'ti. I; u-htil,
fer'u.iui., St it vV b-f a,, aiid Ar
ts vi ;.
fj' rhvsicK'.'i s prescription f
carefit! y coinpouiiilcl.
1-1 . OK EGO,
Tailorius & Slrpairiss.
Mfl.iS in I P
Mjlirl'r'r f M i
' t o l m ' to r I t or
-.tAt on liuit ii ti.e i
Mil-ill N - '-i "t
Il'l Ip'u'Iiio uitua ' n lievurci 1 hi.
Con r.t I M : ov n is
now c.i'ii;"--.ed, m I ne 19 oetier
...... ....! 11 a'i evpr to s ive his
oltl cin'o'iiers wo I i ne on
u-iii. i!, be toi li. li 'oitail.c-.Nef1
in fact e.ei vlhin liu.11 d l' tlu 11. i
eat lut nils to the tr'n' o-ate
wedding thkei. Hoit.-eHteiers
yive tl.e piotbict of
h; new oven a t i.d.
At Will tt Stark's ennboseen
Rome of iii u.ost'iil ladies
ulil watch's, which have just
tttva receive-l.
Do vo i know ih.ii Muoie'a Rs
vealeii Ueinuilv :tlieon!y patei.l
iiit'ilirine in the wo that do 3
uolcofK;! n a lroi o a'coliol : tlii.t
iiie inoiie of preiaiiii it in knoAn
O'i'y to its iliscoverer; that it is an
aiiir.mcu in the science of nieilic'ne
Aul o u a parallel in the n:io
tcciuh century ;"that ita proprletm i
oiiei to lorieit THKIU lor any case
of lysiepai;i it will not cure"'
Craui'a t'lirlvallvil Atlaa,
The new- c-'litiun of thix iinrivall-
el work id now being delivered ly
(rue aeni, .vrs. .. ai. Tail. The
wo-k is a inoHi excellent one, and
tiii tvition is a treat improve-
merit upon former ones, giving
an me latent dare and mucli new
matter that was not in the previous
eiiuioim. ll snoilhl lie in every
family, and on eveiv bnt;nesa
in in niii nioie who ae not
t - .1 T1 t .
Hii'ijilieil can prociire tueatl ia bv
mliireniing P. O. liox No. 00 Al
bany Oregon.
We are the o.ilv people who car
iy tiie ceieb-ated'K. & W. colbir
aii-i cuiru. A'wavs have the latest
s.vles in stoc'i, T. L. Wallace & Co.
Wholesale oric" of su-jar: 100
lb, cm a C. .-.IH: 100 11m. .'ranii-
la c.l. li (ID.
M dlsp'ay of new toys and
n .-i'lies lor the holidays
is year will be eoiuethini?
il'bifc. Jatkek For Trimmed Garments aiii!
.i09tinyjn K.
HO HAS OlMiNKl) K.m Tin- i-.,,
1-adies I'res (i ds' Jt fff1' "NM V,N K
linens, and l it. ... i. ' - :h Mti.r
MT ART.IStIRO TV Tllli m,wi.,.,.
H. bv keeping a sleek la're enoiwl,
li as will give fatisfaotion l;b in
-' i.v
invited to inspect hia stock, which is complete in t..ll i,,, n
nnnts, aud purchased eepecially for
Highest of all in Leavening Tower.
I am an old man and have been
a constant suiferer with catarrh
for the last ten ycars. I am p i
li'ely cured hv the use of K'y's
C'eam l!alm. It is pan'-e thai so
eimplo a remedy will cure nu ll a
stubborn disease llenrv Hi I '-
imrs. U. S. lVnuion Att'v' WahIi-
. .
; ington, U. U,
For e'Kbt years I have sulTeied
from cata rh, which etrccted my
eyes and hep'ing; have employed
many phvucians without relie
I mn dow on my second bottle of
Kly's Cream l!alm, and feel con!i-
deal of a complete cure. Mary C.
Tnompson, Cerro tiordo, 111.
I is that you can buy a
x (jiradwoii!8 Ba::iari
cash, goods as follos :
1 lbs. gran jlated spy: ir
.Illl ll.S
for ret
. . 1. 00
l!l IDS. ext'H t ' PH"0
No. 1 kerosene, r'et-ii'M'egal
5 gallons good p ckles ,
Z lbs. .o. 1 a-o 1 FOIO !M'I i
jv: co.ii'jieie naT.n:.j 'amp ".
I will co 'duct as c. casn sio e.
and all g-?0( . wi'i be '; .'or et
v h i-'om ) to li.) i'c ci it. b :-s
than reubir p -'ce.
, llv s.'.c't i f Oii. lavage, (.nicy
goiMfn and a'l iK d; si-aM- ; lej
oi'uis'ies, as wel'a9 h iii le j: t.'iv -ie.s
co.' e-;-lamps n-v" li.nrcs
is co iiolet.' io cve-v :. ; -ake
a speciaV . of lio tea. C":"ec.-ai'.i
baking jiowder, a.'.'. :ilw'avj!e.i.ucH
my cuxionicT).
Jc; 'f.'. G mowoiii.,
Ai.banv, Oct. 17. IGJil.
The' Largest M ff
and mm
Soiilii Of Poi'lilllilJ I!
s.uisfac'.orilly answeretl .il the old t
ip'y (iroceries.
Vn .... -' "'"N
tpialiiy and prices'.
an I
in i
the (all season of
OlimON, iSATUUDAY, NOV rHMKtt yoL yi Jyf 288
Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report.
Hrliool Tax Nuliie.
The school tax in ncboo'.
district No 5, is now due and pa
able. Call at my oilica and :vA
the pamo liefore it becomes de
linquent. C. O. ri i:Kini:T.
l)il rict Clerk.
The men of this vicinity need
not be jivlous because their wivcn
talk so constantly about Matthews
I n'"1 Wush-ju; n. Its not their nou:
! 'oks ladies are talking about.
I ,l ,,ie Kood ijualites of the cook
I an'1 heatiiij dtoves they wll. Kvery
one HceiiTa to ue (i-'iiirmea wiien
they buy from M. and W.
HKKir His,
Vc iU'.smc to say Id our i i
Z' u-, lliat lor year we liavo been .-: "
'; lr N.'iv Di-cowiy .
Co i-i:!ii;i..o.i, Dr KT,c,'s Xeiv 1.' ;;
1" li.'a.-l.'cu'i A' D'Ci .S''ve y nl
'n.iic Li : . p. mI ii.-vc r.cvi'i-
ll tlx 'l'l ll'IIHl, - j ,i.i gi-'l us, o i. i
il..C I Jll hi' ll I i! V. v.! s .1 .
lirii, vVo c im., lic-; .1 c 10 i.e. ' it
i'c . ilii in '( ver iit:ie rmi ii: i ,i.
,c. i y .i i f s :iitl lie n.i ( li.. -e p. ' v. tr
s i . !'..( i. y l i -ii'.i !d ro, foPou . ii .
use 1 lie c ciiicii c. Ii won
H'lt ";.'' .'.' i.-i "v oi ii i.
un-ii Ko-ii y i; M. -! U ii ;'; .,
8iir(iia I'liiiaiiraiilia i.flliu Worlil
One of the most I f.iiMv-'i'l ; -
apisiop-'it'te iioimav iiookh mn
1km t)ec;i issiud.
l:ea'M the title
ii nil'v e::-
si:-oe ,iveii. I'
I I lined hv I ho l"
'e, for it, iilns- J
l.aleK ai" ol tee object and b -."ie-of
iatcrent in the d'UV-'ci! t p.nts o
wor'd, and that two wi-'i all the
t 'luii'iiliiosti ami I'e.'.uly i'
tl't' genuine ;lioto!;'.j'ii. Overt'io
tiuinivd ami liny oi ll.t. e fu'l
pa;o phulcg.apliH aie given. T! e
Ikiok is one of I he li ti;t ;iit b: -that
could be iiimMi'-d of, r.n 1
tiinti'v aiinerb. li will in.' sold br
sub-ci ijition.
4 SttK ll. ...
Tt o ! wii'cli is I." ''
yo .t.Miiy it- -, ti
: r.
.! In - ,
i i i t 1 1
i- . " a i'fii:.n i- ;mi -e ji
) I lil!-i a i e pl.lll yti.i t I li -
0 i. jiiive ii-cil tin s, - a i. . i
l)r K u ;'s New 11 . ; I
ftl-lll .1 'tl.l. 1 1 it 1 .1 r ! .
. i'i.'i' in t'V.iy c . .
l .y ;i , ' c;:oll tl." '1 ,11 . 1
1 .f-. mi i at (in i-i in :. .
in. i tr l. i: o -. i
tillll I'll-' ( nl ;;i. .11 ., i
1. I ; ' IU lli't! 11-iH f ' It .1
i'."-rrr( y ."'.', a.lii f.l I A - ..
iirnilril i'imi'i, T."a: li-i
-'ti-!i:iV .M:ii'll, il;
.J II int -t j ..
St iiri'i-ly n tl 'V p -;i'. n ' r, .
news o. Minn: l:ii-e i.i'' ' e .
ivi-r tin' wiit'3 . in ii .i -I i
StM'i-llI "tillll ill - ii- - in r-'IIIH' i-.,
il iii-.i.-tiii" M'i: f. Tin-- vit i iii
(ii ii-iit rii-1 its ii . ...r il - .
llifHiul's ti tli-:-. Ii in lnn-l'i
inn iii;'ii .he rr.ili o, sit.-'-ii';!
'II '.it.t 111 llli.-il'liilli. M l V vr
Ki'ini'ilV is no ;ei-.1 1 ;. ! on 'iti
ntl jio i.ivc u. III..' I tl.l .l.'t ''. '
tn to vui'r il. -ii' ;i-t Hiul :t- I... v.
luu'ii'V if ii'i. .Iill,'il . Vi- l,.i..
ill! i-. I ll l;il :l l.l bl'V fllliill-r lit..
I-iii .ie uy all !l s.
niiiid and on the lips of every woman w ill b,
"Who has the bept sr,ck tif
Ladi.s Fall mw.
slab'isbed bouse of
ruiK v M.vMvionr vsoutmrnt of
f.ibi i.'i, s'i:i vl.s, 'in I!ir, gl iviM, hosiery,
spviuhy ( sslectitiiS filch goods
i. I.IA
Tlin Dalles Penp'e Want An
Cxi a Session of legislature.
NEWS F ISO ill 1IIK CiriT.41.
un-gia.s Koli a Stoie -f Rare Oil Coks
-Ihe Nuws of tie P
l'o'fii ami, N'.v. C.--"An
sebhiim nt t'ie li vrnla. nie, lo at
piopi'i.'e 1'ioncy lor binUiii g a
pni.iv .e at '1 h lXHc;,
cilh d,'' sa'ti A. s. Mca (litter, of
l'!,i ia:le-) '! I. if.,v that the last
s; ,-sin i ;c. 'in , ' is. 'C I i.oiniiig in
iii.u ii ii cuoii, put lii.u h n it hay
ing llirti a .-ji cial ses.o.i until
i.'.l du 'i in ;iii :ig.
"j'he 1'oilae n-enH lo be," he
co.-iiiiM I . s far oil ps ever.
Mo!:i . " i I- r hi- 1 know, has not ac
iij i pi s m i iin'i-li. lies-"fly lias
pijt .air- l t, ie ?y l "'H' in lVi llano
a'.-l I iJo col see t e.i ihe sc
l.; i;nV i.f the iiiOiiey is in couie
' A fpi-cu.l spsm,.'! toi'ld be C li
ed tar tiii pnrjiose of making Uiij
t )i'! iju fll,j e. iSo" ie if.V.10,
' I or could J'e I'ur united by
' ie ii.tlc ;'iui the piojicl si.oved
T r. :.ii iii one.'. A b!'0-93 has
bi'ifii in;e o of I'm stale luitae in,
tue C:-caic9, and nhv ci"n it an
Oi r be cieit-i, I'ljil? Wbpt is
iaeucetfa joiiai.0 jt li.e C.s
iudL'8 and none at The i 'alien?
Bee iue onft oo-it.tici oil) iiavi
gaiimi has ' ecu r e ved -t-s ..o,
leiii ivc -de oil er ol-i iic " n.
I'lie i i .-e ik.-w u?neiils only I .ie
peor. e t; a: l' to V'.e
Mat es. I lie oitjreH: i.."t ..i n e
livllic. I. .
the I'aloii
1 1 . in Wu i Wii'la ..lid
Miioi" tries in int belie.;
tit all.'-
"It is '
t o.i'-rers.
i0 ll-itl S8 lo v-';,-c .i
If we t.o it aid e t e
a J 1 1.9 b'.'tll i. kl ll Hi
!-a;.ie eoii':-.-t
lit; line oe I.
" s. i. r.t n w d'
1 i ;'. id u S i. on)
b-ng coiiij Ifle.l
V-V s can g i ;
1 1 ncttiy r i"0,(
i .ice in the t'ii o
it'.' I he cane. T e
i.i p.. n.e 1 icks. I;
:i er. Ct.u
: '! .),(! I j.:s as
and 1'ie ii lie -s
will pot en
i .'ine u- v er that
ck vv ill !ia-.d the
coii-iu- s out i i
I'l'iitpria 1'ii'S oi
i . els. as is 'low tline at the aa
lei." I i:oI SAI.H.II.
ltiiila.t Frt.tii the
m.i:m, 'uv. ;. Wm. l.;i U, i.
i. W Tcojk. .1. Watson. A. K.
(' iwii-k ami (i. 8. II: atiy to-day
inc i p r.ili'il le Oil we;: O Co'ti
iii: i i.d :.n '. Sav:n(S I'.ank of ( 's
Ac.ii ( 'l.ii l.auias conm wi 'i a
cjpiial s.ii ck of ',."11.(1. ..
1' e l-!t inn iicl-g.ucs l.i a.-
' ft t )-a Ha- ii nun in ircs?, t i e
eM I over, on Ni v ' e. is. b,
IV.Ii suit! '.' 'In, weie aiiH'i'iteil t' -il
-V " i;i'fiior I ennoyci I. i.
r.invii . i.. ! .k r I i y ; .1 . K. Ii -
, ii l.a iirti de ; K. I'r.i ik
. . i.i I'm 'tla.ii' : Arios r
I ui n :n ii.e i-iii jHist" i i;us
, C. w il. II IS ! tll-t 1 .'S a" taait
!:!.' iiii-tii lo 11 iuing.
I 1 1 v i in-c-viniy court ; ant :l
l .. I.1.111 r.i .l r.'i l l.'.iili 1 litit.
' ' . - j ......
i.. hi a f i,iy 1. 11 oiitli Coiiilueic- '
H i'-. ti i'ie li III ( t'l'-i i , a
ni -tanc oi' ::''.o a -i'ie mile.
,i- i .'i , li.. en- eu ;he
sin. c 01 l i t's. 1 it'iuaV'ii'iil fe
.cd ; ; ins ;i:nl cu 'eiy v..l
ei t:.i 'iu t 1 1' I. They bint tl a
hii'i 1 old i-.i e that "-as .io.
i , 11 u 1 1 . btii. pilt . in gi'tiing in o
i . li- iiiit saj .ii isi-1 i.y the police.
I 11 M'liv IHft'iitei eil III Oil. 'or. i a
Siv iii:ii', ?'f'. 0. 1 "at July
U : rc.i Whiaidc loi'i'lcil some
tl pi-iiso!li:i too o.i the ea-lern
sin. .e o." tlie Imuii'i.i mouniaiiis,
sixty liie ini'es of this cily.
lie ", as I ei 11 fiwaged in making
jut 'i.ti.iti'i s to develop ihe 111111
ei:' . To-tlay be rcln.iiii'i ith a
.piaii-ily of oie, wbic 1 a local as--ayci"
hI iiws inns over lt cr cent,
i : lin. Wi.cailov sta. i lie tle
l osit 11. ay be tiacetl by r
1'.. ovei "two iniltM ai tl ti al nine
locations have .il ready I eeu matle.
San F'aiici co capital is promised,
a very l.tige amo'iut, to develop
.he mi ne.
r.irllantl FolijiT Cauglit.
S.s Fr wcist o. No.. 6. H. L.
lUiles, as agent of ihe sia'e of
bt gii.i, ai icsleu John laison, a
mac. ii. 1st at .niejo. ycsiemay.
I be piisuiicr v. id be taken back t
ort"' )ii. David n casbetl til Lidd
.:. 1 . - . 1. : i. . I ... A a
Ci iiiions oaniv im jui.i.i
t brck on a terittle Ii:: 11k for 17."),
an. 1 I add Sc Tiliun s b.'nk att-.r-ward
discover 11 ilut Davidson had
im funds in eltle. Comi.o? to
an Fraiicicu, Davidson eulisled
in tiie navv, and w.iS assigned to
tliecniisi rChaile-toii, ft 111 which
ship lie descried in Mn Die;,o.
Ni'iutlnK Urled Fruit to tlie Kail.
Vacammb, Cl., Nov. C The
California Fruit Assotiali t M-nt
out this niorniig a tra,n
of tf teen cars ot drietl iruit con
figncd to Chicago. The shipment
is va.ueil at over O.rO).
isect Saitar Factoijr Stmt Down.
Los, Nov. 0 C.
Weir, chief I'ni'cd States fiusrar
icHpcotorat Cbico, is at present in
this c;,.y. The h' gar factory con
t huitti runiiiiigon beets a w eek ago
it has consumed 11.117 lonu of
beets, turning out 1,1)00,000 pounds
of suar. The fa-toiy is shut dow n
from Washington whether
ii-i in 'i en io tioi.i irs tyinpg
over until nt si seaso'. befoie ihev
are run ihimigii ii,e in; chiiury
aid te.mced.
Tha (iialn Fleet in Call u na.
Sa v Fiiavc s o, Nov. 5. The
B:i.:8 veeselfi, repie.sen. ng t e
i;iain ! eel, arrived yesler.lay, t nd
w I' , i y away on ,'hen dep.nture
not! s loan CICOJ o a of dead
weig -t.
Killed While 8eekl-r Trraiuro
Sunken Vnir',
A-.ieni, Mich.. Not.-. 0. The
Wi-eckMis ng - Eire. a'iI
i "cent I v
locaJ?tl ne t lie . t e w k oi ll e
I'ewabir, vnicli hh; k h v 'iil yeais
ago. '1 ut'ttlay IVIkey, a ' -.iunal dice, went litinn In
the w reck lo recov r her rt asure.
in tweiry minim h his signals
Fl'iipeti. a.'ti it w is diicuveietl
th.-.t he was Tic t ' the weck;'.L'e.
Si .en weie ii'-aole t t pull him
up. The lu w.'H M at cd i'iid !.
was av lt itl'eil lo l!i htii." ce.
Water ii hJ iii-'hiI iolo bis armor
through a h 1'e i"il Hira-Vcd him.
He giFjie l scve::l lb. e.s ain'r
reacliiii; ll i ug ami o' -. !le
lett a wiil.i'v a d -rid, who live at
West Siij-e io. , i-t.
All Oulit. h. Klo Jauelru.
T. o J 'nk '.:, Nov fi. The fitu
?li'i.i t-(i i ' 1 h lime to nay is ic
n rug. TroopH whicli have :."."'ii
giiii.l: 1 liietclegiaiiiiolliceShiiii e
io ; oislin 'ii' cc . I'lienccil l:pve
b en Vai'.'i'.'i'atvn. Comj leie oh'.s
ui'V!lg !it nstirtl ."mount ' f
busi.iess is ieiii ti.'ns.ictcJ. The i.ic.'iiL Iimm cc.sedtointeii'e-.'
wiip ji.,y t. Ifv pi.i.s, a id Ihe gc.- iiwe: ..ion 13 a ivvuluiion
u.1 'il.ety loot cur. 1 he oiospc. i.y
o. i..e connii v 19 unii.r.iuired bv
. ie etc it oieiiienccs.
A I'lut AS'lott tlie C
r.. -1 .
that I' e
I -uvelin;
I is i.avi
. .itiv. 0. -. tia.isp--es
'.:ji aliercii his otite in
to l.iti-'lia, -ivciu-e of
jreesivci. a wainnc' fioai
tlie poli. -3 of a plotazainsl his life
Iliscock the SI.. leneut.
T-o-, ".'. Y.. Nov. I-.. The T.oy
Tinies pui'lisiies a tbspa.cri lioui
Fran-K. l-'tK'Ofk. :it iyra'Uhe, say
ing Hi.. 1 he oat! inert icii leicd the
po.tfolio of Si-cretary of War was
without the sliglite t founiU.ioii.
lDtere8tlng Items from Eichangfi
TuronRhoot the Norifawmt.
Coi'Vfl'Iis wr-iith a Pr.' i'',ine.
Lutre .in wants iivr hoeses Juto
e cp s Dtiinui "V'.l.
Iioselii-:. '-t'l1 Ian jiiisiiea wilii
oi:. elect. - I' 'lily.
.I11.1 11::!' of Koi-e.i;-- bits a
1 11. e CiOo of -I'l.C " Ion for
! Itj-ioi Slla.iiie t, 1 ,.l.i 11. tin Li.n1
ijt.'eiisy! ti ":o 1 r.t-iit ni co 11 y
if cf'i. I.", ia e.:d.
T"e pii e '(H'o1 oT Mc in 11 vi : t
alio s ai ave-a '.epte.itl.iiice vi ''.'.
lor lb liU'iii i p si.
A pfcui'ar contiition of a-Tti". 81 I'entdelon, wheie sni'-i
.lsve b-'e brtiiight .-gainst rie
O.i'lton aiitl ."Mimgio.i Ti-nitory
railroad tn ter
e pavmeiii, of sen ie
ojca'ii's. co some rafonco:
nccld wiab 'bad.- ov, nere;ii tbe
epgii "i are out lia'ole ai.acb
i.'e ;. ii"l .be cod in the engine
i-. .;.id siii.ip .s w'uo tin not want
al.'ir c ipmeuls delaveit now
p.i'ciiaue a. id '.rovH'e laiecnginfE
v it I anal sutlicieiit io r mi tPem
oir of Umat dla coi'iii v.
A Mr. Mania a 'c.nple . loiute--feie
with the inarriege of ('has.
Minkler, and Miss l.olui CiAeser,
at Koee u.'g iccen'ly im toe
giorn.; that be wanted lo wed the
girl hi.iite'f. Ai when
l tie lo'.uisie ' asketl if aiiv one bt'd
objections w by tiie biarri-igesiiould
not procccai. j'Oiing M ' iriic'e
imnelf aa'Hiwi. He sa:d be loved
t'.e young lady antl bail a'w vs
intended lo m.i;ry her bin nail
never broached the subject to her.
He thought this was Ids la -'I
chance ami n.-oposed tobrin mat
ters to a ciilinipalion. Tho mar
liage however, went on.
II Dl F.Y.. M.K.Oct. 2(i, 18!H.
Eugene Otiartl ; The Lane Co.
A Hi.'. nee met on the 24th i'-st.,
with the following sub al'i.uices
repioseiiteu : Fern K'dge. Iog
Tom, tSweet Home. Elnora,
Libe ly. Mohawk, Davis, )-tn-caster,"'iviiiionR.
Iimiston, W il
ia, 'ctte Forks. This was aiegrlar
business meeting. The liiit busi-pe-iH
was receivin : report of ex
ccutive cotn.iiiiteo with . tiie re
qupsl t' at the subs take action of
the same and to reoovtat tbe
.iavt uipeiincr w hich w ill be on the
lirst Sal unlay of January. 1S'.2;
the second was adoption of t'uesno
lieasuiv plan; the third was the
adoption of a resolution
Sudor ing the People's Tarty, to
.vit: That in the Feoi-le's Tarty
the bri-lit ami inondiig
star of iioe for Ce. sting b-.g
millionsof wealth piod.iceisol this
cotinti v, ami that we w il' use our
koai a.n.ieavois ti t-ectiie its sue
tess; adopted upiiimmiousIv. At
ii.o l ianinrv nieCii:'. : we ivtllele-t
dcleva es to attend the state AI
i-nce in Maich, at Oregon City.
F. M. Nllitt WASHER,
County Lecturer.
now until it can be
I s! II 17 f HI AM nV-CII VVV
He S.-ys Free Coinage Will
a Chief Issue in 1892
Ilia E.l roads it the Wcbt We.-eT-fii.
Factor io the & cent State EU t.oss
-Tat-y E'rcfd E itg.
Ci.kvm.xsi, Nov. 0.--A t'l.n1;
IKiniteiil'of I. mlera' Ma: 'ii- IJ
semis i i .tervi-.'A with i?e- Pn
Sherman on ih: rec"iit elect 0.1.
l'l Mi8.r-r lo toe tr'c'.nni cs 10
what ci! ct flit) icmili in O. e
Wol'il luve 'i' -t ihe fl-'M 'O lost
e 'i'. tin' h- :a . 8.- ". : "la i.-e
iiisl place so 1 ar as de ie ubii-
1 . 11 n't y is tii'i.t mi .1 be ii-stdi
in Ooiii ir es the tti'vr in hoii as
one of :i e i-sui-s ol the in .l , ics
ideiii ai co.itfhl, .iml tlrcides i, :u
far as bis stale i-i ton-e ii'd. I
iibl cO'iVI.-.ced fee itiin.te ' I
wdl he pas ci by c ingress whico
-s ea'ib es 1 1 I'eit-m ,er. 1 :.l-o
Leiieve t ui su: h a : 1.' win "-
vetoetl uy I'lc-oeol .-i?0.'..
Tiial wib .-att'ial y a. .ake ee -.liver
iiie lean1 e of ihe lie :l pr s -oeHial
:i;,:if. It is cxaU'v I ke
1 119 tar' 1 lot a' 1 fntlit'oiri c.i. '. ' -
t . ret-t g-lVC 1 belli I unit, ; : . o t.
1 ou'oo veiv 111. co wiiet-e-ti.e
t'H)')cip..'y in t'.e l aii'i jl c)"Ven
t on wid pio.'!:' ?.i p r '' ee -..i ir; e.
It tiiey sho-r-:, the;e ni'l be no
o. 'er is tif o- siji .1 iit-.. iii i in ; be
.text ciuiipain. Toe '-u;1 .1 ia' ; .tt
'le ti'iit we fougi.t i i O". o i 1
then oe l a i' 1 ; . t the ia io .1. '
. c Ust' s u 11 i'"- hive ee.
8ce 1 v. : I tl e ei; iit. ' be a-'. 'I
IpltSllO'l 1- 1 'till
y et ied f ji
v. i'l f- W..VS
; iie .111.0 -g -"I
be a u ni . e of ugh, t on a 1
tiie o ei ti.aieru '.isis. ! 1
next Mssit-n of co ie-s
11 V
ms tleteti .
. 1 te
; c. tnurii'i il w'l be t e '
(fi.e. .. ii 1 i ne (' . r ipK"..'o
as il has been Ml O. o ii .e
Ciut a .0, Nov
tb' Wtst l;ie
m en lacb rs iu
cleciii. ns. Th.'v
NKI.I K ti K.
0. I.'a bo.tos in
been Hi'1 lnu-t
t:.e s'ii e
. aim thev weie
fore -d to tb
"on se o i-.an1 tbeii
r.t i t al conCst' !icn,
lo.' ex'-ie. ce Mini
won. It was the
lilies fioiu ;i
ll was a iig
the raiPraua
iu;i!a. rl er than the deii'ocrats,
tiial ek'-.r'etl i;oicH gove 10. tiiuwa
a-ti ciiare-l t-io oinp'e.xion .i t e
ladr- a-' ti.iiiiiiisi'io.i. Even more
wa- . heir .I'awn' .11 l.-'fiKis, wh re
a lie lai'ioaii Micceeicd -n.itf. i-.iig
ii-ue of eL'V'-n i l'i.tnce cand .,!. s
10 co'inty j:i.'igi-Hhip-a. s a co -c-i::ei)ce,
w ilhoi'i e-a t! t: ji ty.
Chifa'.o officials 1. 1 low a 'ind K.a
s.'.s nes aie ln:itli gleh cu a
over tlui elections ia I use r-.aici-.
It Mi,l a III-; IliiTe etx-e Wiio
Weot Into the 1)1. tli.
i!tl fcO
S.' lOCKCla ltlCm b a? til a,ti.
i ei 'ines il -ee . eti as t . o r-
' fi' w.'eels were oil" i' e fci.
t once, s. vs i ie Ciiic -sn T i' . :v .
I Toe cj.ubutir il? v.
e -I- b'aig no!'! of ii.e n tW.
. ih"i io sady bi.ii-fl.. a i ibt
i pallid ii i'v.ay olliciai s.0,'11'' a .liin.
co .uiicio , l;e (;' f i l is
an ,i' ul lot'u 8iie'fu i :o.' i.
'"No loi'vjber tha.i u has n!.v y
b en," re lied ape cuiiaiiviu.'.
"l iieie's U'tiiiei'ijnw ii' e .o iv
miles of il just. I te .;' n(' r
aiie'id of s.'
"l'.ut ii.vii't vi . iin ii,i ir'g'
f l'v
.as! :
iitli.ial, .4.'m
viniit.w s'dl ill
t-i'ov. -l it' I e
'ttVic I'ui.i '
.lg Imbi
keep f oui
ie iv wd'
f i lit
" re-
a iie. I I'-e. co. n nil i' . us In
: ao'm'. lit. I-I oi" t hcai t i-eepf o.,i
tiiviii. in o liia ofli i ' s ! n.
'"We'.e i.i k'.og i ,a ;inn. The
siaii ns a c t-u e i'msI. ie i piit
iiiu.ig . ere iiu- 'I g.vcsuscc: i'n.ti
We've gtii. tu g.'. in o ti ce."
"tiea ;.i ti '-eic -He.; ven? 'nsked
lite oiiicial, t'9 i't" b'. tctl i.'.s kn c
ins; toe back of ine s".it a .'a-
oi l.i.ti and to"i. an c ..a jl.oii.-
Iu oi the window-sill, "ion
fc:gnal tiie eiigiioer lo slow pp."
sir, lots is tie blietch
you've always on.t" d r i to i.iake
iip t'"ie on bt cause tbeae
are so few statiu is."
''1 have?"' a od the ra-hvaj
oflic;al, i-itei io-ial'vel.
'ies, sr. whenever we -e late
von Wire us to maue it up aiong
"I wire you?"
' Yes, fci.v'
"Well, that's wVeo I'm sitting
in the anii' bair in my cflice. :
dotj't hiii'i if you're two hours
late to day."
Fan'My I'blaoneil M :aiaVea
Amiies.-, Nov. fi. A tl.unfi.'ci
of Oeorge M. Kay put ars- n f in
panc tkes, i.iist.iki'ig it for b.king
po'ier. All ol the lAiii -y jv.uih
of the cakee. 1 dac-ne-
tleiid.biitthe rem:i"iilei ol tue laui-
ily are slow.y leccvt mig.
A Elec. 'iu In Bianc!.
Par s, Nov. - disoaich ' oin Janeiro stans tiie clecti"ais fo.
iiiembt s f the new chamber of
reine-.-iiiatives a e exacted to
t.- .e pbee in Jan at-. Cong. ess
will tt-V'se the consUmi-on, a in!
will letain ila iepublican n I fetl
eialied c .aia. lt'. The tiif-puicii
timber Ptates a cotiiiniSHOii tin
been appointed for the stimui-vy
.il.. e itol r-?rsoB l iiargeu wuu
in' eiieiiuts 01 in repiionc.
Lpjn conrico .f that charge
iiiey wi lfbe Kan -neti from the
ci-"liy. f
An A: 'em pi. to Chance the Boia
ttaiiea -f Ohio a aid Indiana.
Inpian "t" ;-, TTov. 0 The In
11 .-i ia ar.ii O -o Ijo.imlary line
l'l i- n '1. a iiiaiin stanb.ig as
pft n. '1 .e i-aiwy wiihli is now
.lug .nail" iia.iu r tl.. t.irec.ion of
ti.ei. : on;-.. g. -nin.-nl will prob
ai' . tab!i-ii the f .el ibm the
ii e .'re, vn oi.'iud when Ohio
was '; z i in 1 a Sta e, K'g:na int s v s of t e present
iKi iiiu.vy .oe a the PC ih.and.
. .iii-io. icIcBou h of the present
i e be wptn O -io and Indiana,
thus .uaki iga tlriti I'CJ miles long
and of tn a.ei;'-0u witl.h of six
ni'lfs, 10 Wii.cti t ie tS.a eofObio
1 1 v da... 1. 1 e S.1.0 dct-ciibt d
in- i .ties tiie ci v-s 01 1 "oil Wayne,
i;,c' mi :d in.t' L nion Lay, w ith a
I o.iu'ai on . alio . 10'),0i)t). State
or Shock.iey, of Union Cily,
'id Ii 1.1 co. ftS V a tn'frtWDrtliy
s .uce tii i a " ji ia authority
fo li K a 'ei. 01 igiitlin? the
"isc ver'es ..f i'"' b.irv.vor. Their
ie- 0 , be as, . 11 be ready for
s.. !'iii- m i 40 tt.e goveiiiiueuti 111
no I 'iie wees. A'i ? .ijuiiy
I- 1 ibe c'ii-- 'at. led to the
Hi i." tse "a-o 'iidaty li'iep,
i a-iu-ut; 1 ;.i , .....i ;.t tue time
Oii:u .,a- 1 te s i' 1 toe-e weie
.aticrs otait '- .t LichnKMui
1 1 Fo 1 W. . n-, Tvhti-e trade witii
' . . . Illl .
me .,f ..'. s t oi.i "ne. 11 mc
ue . a-i e-' on 01 fci .v, 1 cse
u-ilr v ulii b. ve b ea taken i lo
tue ne '..eci U1-0 au-i me oj- .
luii.i ". 11 oi J iese t,iader8 would
:i. t c bee i io. e. Ti.e .al-traders
.'d a''e s- veyo-8 wnitatcd
1 j i ie ami b e I ciii.-oiiii and
F t :v -ie iki'S were leitonihe
Inc a ii a.tie. be j esiionisan
iii ioat. nt. aiid toaiiiiic. ted one;
for', - io'! Uu'oH clii-ni on lo-d'C.-'a
i-e etia'o ced. I ivai'a 0.1 the
mine 0 tti'itl .o 'd ..ave cjose of
;ii;ii mi aa: .8' Il ino:s. If Indiana
on sbenO' lu?oyl e same
a iig. 'e eu.i leu to a i-lice 01
1. .-, ibis would ,ie the
otius t uicn .0 a. id the world's
Kleclii-'U Day in Cork lo Choose
I'K'.neH's Sucreaaor.
Co::n, Sow C. -To-tlay is t jsettle
thec ei ion oi' the tuci-eewon to
ihe scat '.n the House of Commons
fro tiie ci v oi'Co.k, ,.mde vacaDt
hv tue 'f Cbilea IStewa.'t
I'a'iiei.. 'Ihe rarneliite can
.! aie is J i F. Kedmotid,
tth'le Marti : 1 'a-n stands for
be McCa tnyi.j i a .rest. The
d.iv's work opened witli vigor,
Lit" votes bein'i ca-t in the tirec
.'mn.-. The i.eeis aie lull of noipy
'i.i so p'ayin? TTtit, fo far, fair-y
ii ii.-v.'i crowds ol people. Nev
e liie''.si lie a ctisinmed black-
o :i piej.-s t ot.: beneath man'
.oat 1.1 - ami the.e are not want
:ii' vi ie.H-es Iiat tiutiiy hundreds
.d '.' dirongs woo . atrol toe
si-fets t'e anylii'Ua bui, averse
ii i i fvcb'. '.ge ci blows.
1 i sis. ne miters cf parliament,
. t d'al ics for oli'ical honors, are
tnce-'.cn 1 . orivnj from boo ah to
j Iuki b. t'l.t'ouiagiiiz their follower
I ind oo' abor The interests of
' thci"- icstieclive factions,
i 1 t.t. i
A ir'.iii? ;o-ce oi limitary aim
ii' vi'ari'oi duty and ready to
irt-.e.i. pnyo."t'.)rak.
I lorn tlie r turns a'teaily in it
ai s a- ii me iti-rarnellite cin
tl.t'.ale woti'dbe elected.
-:iiaasla f. tStilldlnE a Navy.
S.. i . r.r. I'.icii, Nov. Tlie
K issian v e nw I is pushing
.o. w..r.l t--e -aiiiltli-'g of a fleet witti
no a e .ei v than ever, and seve-
t. . iv. se hi iv : i will soon be
anie lb J.rtiiie:i' of i lie g.)vern-
lii. ii t'l .. is sail', to 'ie anx
im to iv ke 1 ssi r- tirt-lcUfS
aiava' piw ,i 1. 1 c me?:isto have
. 0". . .if eea-goi.igi vi'dada
l it i't' id ci iii'.':?. ,
i;ale.:ad CuDiirU In Tenneaeee.
Nas;:m;.: e. Tenn., Nov. C. Up
o last niiiht 127 cf the releasetl
tin ia is broil returned io
N. tMitiiie. Tie miners in Coal
ceeK tjieirio.1 t:ra Mitt iu a leruiem.
I ue releasing of the convicts does
. t . ..
nut, seem to nave Fiiuaneu mem.
nd .inies othtr demands made
by thi'tn are tunceded by the oper
ators a 6tn..e m.-y occur. me
ivernmeiit has not yet done auy-
li'ns ii reeard to ordering out
t rO'inf.
Fell Dead.
Tlit se wo:ds are familiar to our
readers, as not a day passes with
out. theieKt of the sudden death
of some proinuent citizens, ihe
exolniiiitioii is "Heart Disease."
therefore beware if you have any
of the follow ing syniptot is: Short
Ibealli. Tnn in Side, biiiotliering
Siells, Swollen Antlee. Asthma' ic
Ihealliinaf, weak ana Hungry
-tpells. Tenderness iu Shoultlrfr or
Irregular Pulse. These symptoms
mean heart disease. Tiie most
:e ia' iie remedy is Dr. Miles Ner
lleai t Cure, which has raved
thousands of lives. Book of
at Staoard k
sells the New
Cin-ick, who
Hea- t Ct'e.
Have you seen those beautiful
cement walls in the cenieter '.s,
put np by E. W. Achison, at all
tlie cost of stone.