Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, November 05, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL. Vi NO. 287
.1 otice I hereby ifivet, that . hi fir n el
name at rljetoa Mill i hereby ciso.ved by
aamua! consent. St in Nel n,"e
lunnes will be continue! by S.inuiiii A
1 4T In thi city i.n M. unlay, O,. l'.i, a
n vieu au.-n unarm, bearing th. ruin
K'fO I'-, i;." and oo the revrrw ile i
nr. mew. The ttnui-r will i raw Icare the
aiuw at iib..i.p crnt-e.
T OST-On th J r -l near Albmv ar in Al
J J ba'iv, a black satchel or grip coiitainini;
a liUk vest and cuat, a ii-air rl overall, a
broad briiiiin.'d h it, a pair ul sIi-.h-, 2 shirts, a
raawr and rap, in.i; and iriish, a iiair of
ltr and bnde br a rate home anl
bru-a inbott e. aio a revolver. Liberal re
ward will be paid tu the OoJer on listing
tie am at URhalo nrh :e.
I J V your at'hool tax - Tha school tax fur
A the year litl, u n-i due a .il payable,
lax pairera are remewe I t cad promptly.
t the :H or the clerk, !. li. iUrk hart and
ar the same. Si.ied, C. li. liurliharr.
IX)R RKNT A nett Ave room cottage.
near So ulie n I'acilic depot.
Apply at
pep-il Hotel,
ui( are. Ill and ao :Uenl insurance cum-
i?L ro-xl real otate security. For particu
lar enquire or ow. Humphrey.
1llV'KM OK Ll. All fit for eulli-
J 1)1 J nation, and un Icr (en -e, (or aale at
flu per a re. Within I) nine fr.nn railroul
atati n a id A) wiles from Ailuny. Apply at
thia office.
O AN WA ha reumed h n laundry to the
O iron 1 the cor icr ol S. ond aud
Lyon street.
Lane for Male.
. 10, VI, 10, t acre, easy t- nna, initall
aaont plau cheap and iii-h prietl. AIo i
aw city lute all owned t tl. brvant.
Laad Harvrylag.
PaBTias BMiaiH I'avaTi.iii otini can o.
tain accurate nd prompt ork by callinv
Qpou county aurvevoi K T. T. KiMluir. Hr
baaconipleto ccfpicrof Held note anil town
hip plala, a-nl la prepare I to do mirvewntf iu
ao part "( Linn county. Pnetotflre atldreae,
MilloreSttttli.n. Linu eon it. Oregon.
ALCMINI AiiK 1ip;e Home
pruiiel S. ii-lili M.ihuu. il J
df Lite Ko'ein l..vt'riti in a'et PrM-ei.e4.
Vol, II. No 'irii Ur.. i i;ii raiit e.l I:'.,
uk hu :i ii -rye', aiih i
Aluiuiuilui L ir l' 'ra'er Mouveiiira, Sit..
tin aiverti ent. It will lead yo-i to one
ceM, Auihi I ai,( 'i Hi.e-niMi C", N.w
Port, K).
Albany Xurserirs.
Ve are olT!rin to l:iotrfi t lie
fiiwtt lot of fruit tr.-i-n, il all tle
air.ili'e varinlii'S. in fit uliite.
Une limi'lrfil ami lift y tlionnaml
trena fur tlii- hiimiiii.t's la:i le.
lnirt'tioii itivitf l 'mil xuU-)f.iv
tioii ti:trjiii'),'l'.
Sen-l for ca'ulnir'le or rail anl
ee iMiit tin-ol 1 llline lioi-icr-tead
one-half ii'ile suiitli Ar-ct of Albany
HvMtN ISkownki.i..
- F'ot the Net 30 ! at -
40S. A 60RD !
a .9 -1
vl S C U a .
-er - - ?
e a
5 S ? a
8TANARD 4 CUSICt, Proof.,
leJrr in
and Toilet arfi.'i'., .sinnn.ea, liinheti.
Perfumery, School Hk, and Ar-
tint . Sup. lie
'Physician's prescriptionf
Carefully roiii)oiinlftl.
Men'aao-I Bi' elothlng" maile to order or
cleaned and rrpaireil on .hort liolne and
reaaouahl rate.
hop on atrert -ar tin between Third
Ml r mil ii . ,
Conrad Meyer's new oven is
.w.w nn.l hA 19 lttttpr
111 ' TV 1,1 j - - " -
lirepaiki tt an ever to serve liis
old r'Mioinfr" as wen as new tines
witli the liestof frefli breaI, rakes,
in fart everything from the vlainli
et htt rtlls to the most elal.orate
weiMing rakes. lloiisekeeH-rs
are invited to give the product of
lua new oven a trial.
At Will A Stark's can be seen
some of the most lieautiful ladies
void watrhes, which have just
Leeu received.
Failorinj & IHnrii
Do yon know that Moore's Rj
vealet! Remedy is the only patent
medicine in the world that dot s
not eontain a drop of alcohol : thr.t
the mode of preparing it is known
only to its discoverer; that it is an
advance in the science of medicine
without a parallel in the nine
teenth century ; that its proprietoi 3
otter to forfeit $1,000 for any case
of dyspepsia it will not cure?
Craut'a Unrivalled Atlas,
The new edition of this unrivall
ed work is now being delivered by
the agent, Mrs. A. M. Talt. The
work is a most excellent one, and
this edition is a itreat improve
ment upon former ones, giving
all the latest date and much new
matter that was not in the previous
editions. It should be iu every
family, and on every business
man's desk. Those who are not
supplied can procure the atlaa by
addressing P. O. Box No. CO Al
bany Oregon.
We are the only people who car
ry the celebrated E. A W. collar
and cuffs. Alwavs have the latest
styles in stock, 1 I,. Wallace & Co.
price of BU'ar: 100
".( ; 100 Un. granu-
His. extra (
l:fed, ti (HI,
My di.p!av of new tovs and
novelties fur the holidays
this year will Ik something I Int.
3tOUe5 ami
Cloaks, Jackets Trimmed tents aud
This questioncn be
ly Ladies Dress Goods, in cloth, silks, fo-eign and doumtic fabri.M, s.iauls, tiu-l jr.veir, gl jv, hosiery,
I laces, linens, and white g xxls, notions, noveltie, etc.
Aleo a complete assortment of Boots and Sho98, Staple a id Fancy Groceries.
H by keeping a stock large enough to supply any want, an 1 miking a specialty of a 'lei ling such gooils
li as will give ratisfartion both in quality and prices.
invited to inspect his stock, which is complete in nil his numerous depart
ments, aud purchased especially for
Highest of all ia Leavening Power.
I am an old man and have been
a constant sufferer with catarrh
for the last ten years. I am en
tirely cured by the use of Ely's
Cream Balm. It is strange that so
simple a remedy will cure such a
stubborn disease. Henry Eil'
ings, U. 6. Pension AU'y, Wash
ington, D. C.
For eight years I have suffered
from catarrh, which effected my
eyes and hearing ; have employed
many physicians without relief.
I am dow on my second bottle of
Ely's Cream Balm, and feel confi
dent of a complete cure. Mary C.
Thompson, Cerro Gordo, 111.
I is that you can buy at Julius
liradwohl's Bazaar, for net
cash, goods as follows :
Iti lbs. granulated sun ir $1.00
l!J lbs. extra t suoar 1 .00
No. 1 kerosene, iierainglegal. .'J'5
5 gallons good pickles 1.00
20 lbs. No. 1 Savon potp M)
One complete hanging lamp '-'.OO
1 will coiduet a strict rash store,
and all gvnls will be sold lor net
ca h from 10 to 2'i per c. nt. less
than regular price.
My stis-k of Oiin:vare, fancy
good's and all the desirable style's
of dishes, as well as staple grocer
ies crockery lamps and fixtures
is complete in every way. I make
a special' ly of tine teas, "cllees and
baking powder, and ulwayn pleases
my customers.
Jri.irs (ihadwoiii.,
Albany, Oct. 17. lS'il.
The! braest Slock tf
South of Portland al
satisfactorilly answered at the old
the fall season of
Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report
School rax Notice.
The school tax in school
district No 5, is now due and pay
able. Call at my ohVe and pay
the same before it becomes de
linquent. C. G. Bl'RKIMHT.
District Clerk.
The men of this vicinity need
not be jealous because their wives
talk so constantly about Matthews
and Washburn. Its not their good
looks the ladies are talking about,
it is the good qualites of the cook
and heating stoves they sell. Every
one seems to be delighted when
they buy from M. and W.
Mtmr tm.
We desire to say to our citi
7.t lis, that for years we have been sell,
he; lr Kind's New Discovery for
Consumption, Dr Kind's New Life
T'li, I'.iii klcn's Arnica 8ulvu ami
Klrctric Bitters, and have r.evnr
handled remedies that tell ;is, or that
have given such universal vulirfac
lien. We ilo not hesitate to guaran
tee them 'every time and we si. mil
ready to refund the purchase pi ice, if
!iifffactory ri suits ilu not follow their
use Tlie-e remedies have won their
Cre it Liopularit y purely on their
merits, r'oshay V Mason Di uggist.-i,
A N4Tiuti. i;w.r.
The hohliilgof the Woild's Fair
in a city scarcely fifty years oil
will lie a remarkable? event, lnu
whether it will realty benefit tin
nation as much as thediscoverv of
llio Kestorative Nervine by Hr.
Frank Ij n Miles is doubtful. This
is just what the Atuericiin peon'e
need to cure their excessive nei
vmisiiefs, dyspeji.sia, headache
d'ziiipss, sleeplessness, ueur.iL"a,
nervous deb'lity, du!lnes4. con
fusion of mind, etc. It acts 1;U; a
charm. Trial bottlesand line book
on "Nervous and Heart Iiisea-es,'"
with uneiU ili d lestiicoiiia's freeal
Stanard ; Cusick's. 1 1 is wan an ,ed
to contain no opium, moi pliiui or
dangerous drugs.
Is one whieh i:' L'Uar.niteeil to In in;
yon Kalisfatnry re..u!Is, or :u e.i c oi
failure it return of purchase p e,
Oil this eafe plan you can liny T om
our adyerti-eil druggists a In.;: e of
Dr King's New Dm-ovcI- f;ir Co.i
humpiioii. !l is guar-'iiii'i'd lo h i,
relief in eviy ease, when tiseu m
uny iillectiou of I.un, o
('ins,, Mich as (ioiiMimplio , linl t'li.i
I'ou of Lungs, liroiichili., A-lh'ii :,
Wliooning Cough. Ciuiip, eii. e.c
K N I leiisant uud agrees Lie to 1.1- e.
perfectly safe, ami can .iKvayi'n: ":e
peniled upon, I rial 1ml tie. -.ey a
Kohay A: Mason, Druggi.-t-,
M'M l l.A no ii.i:i:iii .
Scarcely a day p:t?e wiliioiil :!-e
Hews of some large laite e l! .i
over the wire -the iimi.iI hm', o.
speculation in slocks or some ei i'.i"v
U insierons venture, 1 he same eicc; c
t u lent carries to dear dislaui l ivi'u
the fcail tidings of deaili ol loved o us
ioo o.'len the resuli spei ula'iWi :
in patent n'oiiuin.s. Mooic's Kcvea'ci!
IJemedy is no spiciilatio i lin- ; so d
on positive guaranlee. Do noi, f ii 1 lo
go lo your druggist and a k for yo.'
miney if not suti.-licd. W'u known
vou will go and liny another bolt'e.
Vor sale by a'l ilruggisls.
mind and on the lips of every woman will be,
"Who has the best Block of
Ladies Fall Dresswear.
established house of
Lates Reports Make No Change
iii tue Situation.
Fo.-aker. for BDtor-Flower ia Nw
Yoik fall Behind Hill's Vote-
: $fce Legislator a Ti'.
Nkw Yi'RK, Nov. 4. The latest
returns Ibis evening show tint
Flower's majority over Fetsett in
the. i ettttn is 40,055. The whole
democratic state ticket is elected.
Intbiscity ffower'E plurality is
5,R57t(Owing a dem jcralij fall-
ingano. uiore mai iu.ojo iroiii
the vole ol Hill in 188.S.
Ketui us received make the state
a tie on joint ballot. The demo
crats have a majority of two in the
assembly and tin) republicans a
majority of two in the senate,
now oiiio iiKs.
Twenly-nne TIihiikhiiiI for McKinley
and Uepubllian l.ecllature.
t'oi.i Miit s, O , Nov. 4. Returns
from the elections still come in
slowly. At Hie state headquar
ters of the two parties unolticial
information has been obtained
from prubjbly half of the eighty
eight counties. Chairman llahn,
ol I lie republican eotiimi1 tee claims
the plurality of AI'.rKinley will be
between l!),i (I I and 000 and
that the repulil'can majority in
I he general asembly will be 37 on
joint .ballot. Chairman Ncalsays
AlcKinlev's jiliirjlity will be ut
least H.'.i"i0 and m iy reach 20,0'.) J,
a'ld thai the ie:iiblii ans w ill have
2S mi j . iut hall..'. A leatureof the
result i.s t lie complete dropout of
the people's party. Their vote in
the en tire sta'e ill not exceed II
01(1, and lliev claimed before elec
tion at least 75,1 00.
Cim-inx vm. Nov. 4 The Com-nii-i
t-'u.l Ua.elte this morning saye
editorially: "Tlie reMirns of the
IcMslatme show that it is reliably
republican, and a careful canvass
of the senatorial ptefe rences of the
membeis electi d, indicates that if
(iov. I'oiakei renlly lias senatorial
aspiration, his election is assured
beyond th shadow of a doubt.
I'rnplc Parly l.naea Ita
in lli .Cyclone Stale,
Kansas Ci rv, Nov. 4. Election
n turns are o.:iinir in very slowly.
Noihiug has been heard from any
counties in the western part of the
stale. Almost all thrt counties in
tin- eastern part of the st ue have
tuad partial returns. Such re
tarns as have been received indi
cate that people's parly has los
prestige. Out of lifiy counties
iroin which returns have been
ri ceivnl, si will probably electa
people's a ty ticket atgiiatly le
din c I pluriliiics. Other counties
w ill elect the straight npublitvn
ai d ilein- era io tickets. Of the
ten distiict judges the republicans
haw probably elected eight.
Keturns Are Ctunto
In Very
l'KSVi-:it. Col. Nov. 4 Refums
from the countv and s.ate are com
ing in unusually slow, aud it is as
vet impossible to Live any exact
li.'titvs of veilerjav's election
I lie republican county ticket i6
elected. Judge Helm, republican
s elected chief lusttce by over
The Lt-BiKlalure Will be About K-
eolv Olvlded."
Ii:s Moinks, Nov. 4. r'l coi'n
ties complete give lioies a net gain
of 1050. 1'tie republican state cr in
mittee conci-de Hoies election.
The older state ollic'als have poll
ed a full vote. This will elect the
lull democratic state ticket. Dey,
Cdem) railroad commiseioiier tuns
ahead of the ticket. The senate
w ill probably stand 25 democrats,
'1 republicans, and one indepen
dent. The home w ill be republi
can by two or three majoiity.
I I.I.I NOI 3.
Kl lire Republican
on tieuoral
Ticket Elected
Cmu aoo Nov. 4. Complete re
turns from eve'.y precinct in Cook
countv show the entire republican
ticket was elected yesterday. Re
publican candidates for county
commissioners in the city district
appear to have received a majori
ly varyirg from 7000 to 14,000.
The only democrat elected was E Cooley, driinage trustee
w ho comes in as a minority reprc-
t-j utative.
Small Plurality for Kuaarll
lent l;epubllen.
It is estimated in the whole
state Russell leceived 150,00.) and
Allen 1 51, 00) leaving the governor s
plurality about 50(H). Lieiitenant-
( iovernor Hale and the balance o!
lepublican state ticket areelect-
, . . I .. I r.: . .
til nt auipie pnira.iiies. ,-iaie
Auditor Trefly, dem, is defeated.
Returns forthe hgislatureate very
incomplete. The senate will be
lepublu'Hii. The house baa com
plete returns from 137 members,
ft lit.tle mnrp linn lmlf an.l i Iiuqa I
stand 02 republicans to 45 demo
crats. The executive council will
probably sUnd seven republicans
to one democrat.
Whiskey Lead A Han Tu Koaat
HI Child Alive,
Lexington, Va. Nov. 4. This
thriving little settlement oi 500
souls has been furnished with one
of the most diabolical brutal acts
that has ever occurred in this sec
tion, an act that has incensed the
people and created no little exe'te
mdnt. A babe roasted alive by a
drunken father and in the presence
of its helpless, mother, i'e thecmse.
Tho details of tLe fiendish act, as
given, read like a story of tho Sou; h
sea islands. Carl Ciiuniiings, a
man heretofore bearing a good
character, attended an old Virgin
ii court here .Monday, and re
turned home under the influence
of whisky. On reai hit g home lira
at once became troublesome and
attempted to pr voke his wife into
a quarrel, nrst oy general com
plaints, and throwing brandy on
the slove when she was prep ring
super. Failing in this, I is anger
grew to greater bounds, and,
siia'ching the babe f.'oiu the crib.
he placed it on the led hot f-tove.
at the fame time drawing a re
volver and thr-ate:ied to kill the
helpless vouiau if she attempted
to rescue the child. The child is
re-oittd toasted alive, butanother
report says it is not dad. The
man had not been arrested at hft
recounts. There is some talk of
lynching him if caught.
Two Masked Men Unit a Sumnior-
Tille Itank,
La (ikanub, Or., Nov. 4. A
robbetv which exceeded the l ere lit
Enterprise affair in the amount
taken was peipetiated upon the
Farmers' Mortgage and Savings
bank, of Suminei vdle, this count
last night. Suminei vil e is a
lage lliree ini.e I11.111 Win l-.n-in
branch of the L'niou Pacific, six
teen un es nonb el this city. As
mails reach the village late in the
evening and leave early in the
aim in rig H was the cm'oui of II.
C. Kinehait, the cashier of the
hank, to attend to his correspond
ence alter supp-r. As he was
leaving the hank about 9 o'c lck
last evening he was met at the
door by two men w.lh racks ove
their heads, who piesented pistol
lo his hi ad and ordered him to go
back and open the Hi'e. lles'epped
bat k into the room and tiiej lot
lowed 1dm, pnllin.,- down the
blinds aiid lighting the lam.i.
Tiiey disp'ayed great coo'oess, not
ouly taking li money in the
sa e, but examinii g the papers as
well. The amount taken was
f l'OJ. Af er .'eating the bank
Ibev went on foot through the
fields towatd the timber. Theic
is hiucli exciiemeiit ;n Siimmer
ville this nioriing, and prepara
tions are being mad ty institute a
thorough seatcli for the robbers,
who it is supposed are resioeuts of
the i e'"hborhood.
He Now Allow Newiaker Men to
Write Criticism.
C.tvof Mevto, Nov. 4. Ad
vices received .loin Ciuateuiala
says that tviiire Pitsident I'.arril
las has heretofore niux'ed the
press and bavi-hed journalists,
the most absolute liberty in writ
ing is now allowed aud ate taking
advpiitiige of the opportunity to
be ire the government. This change
of heart is occasioned by his ten or
that he will be deposed b.doie his
term of office expires in December.
His previous arbilrary acts have
made him so unpopular that
should he attempt to banish an
other journalist a revolution would
follow. I'.arril las waa advised by
bis friends and cabinet to leave
Guatemala, but this he refused to
do until alter election. His mode
at picaent is simply the only
means he can devise to bod Die
presidency until the expiration of
bis term. He also assmed Salva
dor, through the lately apKinted
minister, that he does not desire
war with that country.
ClirlHtlaii to lie Expellei'.
Losdox, Nov. 4. A disptUch to
tlieTiines from Singapore says:
"Herman Literati has issued a
manifesto ordering the search
and expulsion of all native Chris-
Dans, the cynliscation of tin i r
property and destruction of the
churches. Christian native officials
are menaced with disfavot at
Dr. Ilrlgga' Trial Commenced.
New York, Nov. 4. The New
York piesbytery assembled this
morning in the Scotch Presbyterian
church for the (purpose of begin
ning the trul 1 roles or I harles
A. ISriggs on the charge of heresy,
based u ooii langupe used by him
in his inaugural address ill the
Union theological seminarv. Dr.
John C. Bliss presided as uioder
aior. There is a full atten lance.
lae Pope Will Made. J
Paris, Nov. 4. The pope pre
pared his will in October. It is
written in Latin. 1 lie pope dis
claimed any petsonal inclination
an to the choi e of h's successor.
The pope's temporal will is being
. a.ieu uy .our ca.i.u.a.a ill secret. ,
i t i .1
All ttie pope s property is invested
in England.
.t nnnnnon
I i S U I K L 31 ti tU U Li L
Some Benton County Cases
Argued and Submitted,
State Reform School 0pjing-Ni Ilnmates
As Tet, Bat Thero Will Bt
Pleniv So r.
Salkm, Nov. 4. In the supreme
court turee cases Iroin lienton
comity were argued and submitted.
II ey were Hie cases ot the He
necia Agricultural Works vs.
Creightou it (Juincy, and Vance A
Keenly vs. Frank Wood, and Geo.
K. Megguson vs. Julia.
Geo. D. Wilkens was brought
t- the asylum to-uiy Iro.n Port'
land, lie was n suie tlirotU'li a
hi irse kick leceived twenty years.
In his Hc.ober report super
intendent Row'and of the slate
in-ane asylmii finds fault with his
predecessor's gravel read from the
asylum to thu as linn farm, saying
that l he connections which Dr.
Lane siiil were promised from
resident farmers along the route
are not foithcoiuing. They my
that the state is able to build
roads for its own use. The report
siy.s that a neat, substantial pest
hou'e has been birltat tiieasylum
that the patients suffering from
ii.fcciious diseases shall no longei
stiller fiom chilly niglrs and pelt
ing storms in mere flimsy ten's.
The tire apparatus has been im
proved. I'o-mortow is Ihe t ay set for the
openi' gol tne state reform echool
at .Salem. As vet there has been
no ci iu jiitment to the institution,
which is alreday to start up u the
reformatory work. i
r.icles incoriiorating Euresa
dge No. 2, I. O. O F., of VeiU
dleion, w ith a capital stock of $15,-
(( 0 ; incur poiators, E. E. Sharon,
It. Alexander, T. P.. Wills, were
tiled to (Jay w ith the s-cietary of
stat '.
Edward Willis, a prominent
merchant, and Mi; a Hetty
w ere married here this evening.
What the Northern Parltic Pnipoi
e to Hit.
San Francisco, Nov. 4 H. C.
Davis, general agent of the North
em Pacific railroad, arrived here
ftom St. Paul yesterday. ''We are
not going to build any branch lints
in l be .Northwest lor u vear and a
half, or such a iut' r, 1 think."
he ssid '"the country is pretty well
supplKM row. tte have no idea
of extending to Ca!'fo: ni.t, for ft if
so far that it would not he profit
able. Wea:e doing a lo al buci
uess of fiit;;) a mile monthly, and
the value of the products we will tins ar is S4, (IJ,( .tl great- r
I'-an it has ever been. The in
crease is mostly in grain. We are
sli .; ieni'ig the road a littl all the
time, nut so much to make it shoil
as to get new business. Weshort--ned
it thirty mdes not long since
iu Minnesota and elsewhere, and
we will ahorl'v have an important
cutoff in the Idaho panuandle,
south if Lake Pend d'Orcille,
where we will connect with the
Coeu- d'Alene branch from Skj
kMiie, and make ita section of the
m tin line. Probably the next
brriich we build will be the little
one of thirty miles from Pend d'O
u ilie to the Kootmni river."
A Famine In Mexico.
Montkki-.v, Mexico. Nov. 4.
Fatria Mateos, the representative
of Jesus Aeehigo, governor of the
s ate of Zacatecas, is hers arrang
ing for the imporation of corn
from the I'nited States, for the
famine-stricken jieople ol hisstate.
In addition to the drouth, the
prospect of crops iu that pirt of
the republic was utterly mined by
recent heavy frosts. Ti.eie has
been much feeling aroused among
the citizens of the fain tie district
over the action of the government
officials in the City of Mexico as-i-isting
to - raise several hundred
thousand dollars for the iclief of
the Spanish flood FtiU'erers, while
their own condition is unnoticed.
A World' Catholic Cunerea.
Paris. Nov. 4. A French com
mittee i" being organized to agi
tate for Ihe mainti inviola'e
of the papal guarantee, and also
lo convene a world's Cathode con
gress to consider the relations of
the pope of Daly and the expedi
ency or necessity to some relorm
in those re ationa. J lie main ob
ieHof the congress would, it is un-
der-tooti, be to advance and pro
mote the reslotation of the p ipn's
ttmporal power. The meeting
place ot such a congress woti'd l:e
a matter of difficulty, as liotb
Germany and Spain have refused
to peimit attacKs to be publicly
made by local (. athohc coi gresses
on ii e- iiiieji ity hi riigiailil.
The Prlnct,' BltViday.
London, Nov. 4. The partial
burning of Sandriiigba-n hall hi s
iiiterferred considerably with the
arrangements of tie" Prince of
Wales for bis 50th birthday to Iks
celebrated on the iuh of this
month. Therefore workmen are
enmloved night and dav brinninf
the building into a habitable con-
' dition. It w ill be sufficiently pre-
able to
I. e a portion of it for the
taiuafPnt of his friends.
Nineteen Men fall to Death In an
Elevator Cage.
Bitte, Mont. Nov. 4. A ink'
night last night when one shift of
men of the Auaconda mine w as re
lieving another, seventeen men
weie killed by tne falling of the
cae and two injured. A cageful
of mine: s returning from work;
stepped out into the open air aud
their places were at once taken by
iiitietten men, who weie to take
up the work they had just aban
doned, and the cage etaited to the
dep. ha below. '1 lie ropa had been
unwound tut a couple of times
from the slow ly revolving windlass
when there was pud Jen snap anil
a cry of bo'ror from the shaft. The
rope had broken and thecage,wiih
i's nineteen ininatis, precipitatid
t j the boi torn of the mine. It was
some little time before assistance
could bj sent them. A number of
miners who were through work
and waiting to be relieved, were
at the bottom of tne fclialt waiting
forthe cage to take them on:.
Amidst them, narrowly missing
some, the cagt dashed. Little
could oe done. Ol tne nineteen
men wlu made Hie tearful ride
seventeen weie dead. Their forms
were crushed out ol all human re
semblance, while the two breath
ing have no hopes 01 recovery.
Kill III Wife aud Child and Hang
San Francisco, Nov. 4. The
lead bodies of S'gfried Gosch, a
i-ierman laborer, his wife and
infant son. Willie, were found at
there cottage on Ihe ran Biuno
road this ii.oining. Go-ch had
vidently aroused his wife from
sleep early in tiie motning, threat-
nemng her hie and those ot ner
cli-.ldien. Her dead body was
hVtnd lyii g tc oss the era lie of
her 10 months-! Id child. Her
i t eek had been laid open with a
I low f oiu a hatchet and her skull
hisd been cleft by a second blow.
I be Infant's clo lies were covered
with blood, (io-cli then cut hit
wile's wrists and apparently
attempted to d'ag the dead body
i.oin ihe ciad'e to reach the infant
but instead i cached to tie
other sleeping child, who was 2
years oi sge, and crua'ied in its
skull witli another blow of the
hatchet. He then proceeded to
tbe kitchen and apparently deter
mined to cut his threat with a
n-zor, b.'l changed his mind and
pioeenied I j the yard outside the
house where he hung himself to a
I ti e w'lli a piece of clothesline,
i'he odies weie found thia morn
ing by Mrs., the aged
mother of Mis. Gosch, who wa
irotrated by tne sight. Gosch
o ad I. (vii compla tiing of his pen
uiiees condition, though doirgwell
lor a lal. rer and los ft lends, be
'ievir.g b iu to le deianged, atone
tiuc weie coneideting the advis
ability of t.king him befoie the
co nuiissioners of lunacy. No
cause is given.
A Revolution In Brazil.
London, Nov. 4. A dispatch
receive-1 here from Rio Janeiro,
Brazil, brings news of what teems
io be anot tier revolution. Con
gress, the dispatch says, is ais--solve
I, S'ld martial law proclaimed
at Rio Janeiro and throuhout thi
provinces. A cablegram announces
a directorship has been established
IU'kuU of the Cork Election.
Cork, Nov. 4. The result of the
Cork elect ion will not be announced
until midnight on Saturday, with
the view of avoiding the conflicts
t hat might arise from an announce
ment on the night of the polling.
Hi re are Jt:uil unionist voters in
Cork, and they do not appear to be
aett'edasto their couae in the
elei lion.
French Tauay Wafer.
These wafers are for the relief
and cure of painful and iregular
menses, and will remove all ob
structions, no matter what the
cause, and are sure and safe every
time. Manufactured bv Emerson
Drug Co.. San Jose, Cal., and for
sale at J. A. Cumming's drug
store only.
Murder aad Suicide,
New York, Nov. 4. Short! v
after 10 o'clock this morning John
Kramer, aged 47, shot his w ife in
the be -id at '.'oil East Twelfth
street, an hour later lie was found
banging to tho top of a dumb
waiter, on the i oof of 109 Second
avenue quite dead. Mrs. Kramer
was taken to l.ellevue hospital,
wheie her condition ia pronounced
To he Made a Cardinal.
Rome, Nov. 4. Ruffo Scilla.
grand master of the pontificial
couri, is to be made a cardinal at
the next consistory.
The Australian Gold Fields,
Lonimix, Nov. 4. Diggeia who
have te'urned to Perth, Australia,
fro ii the Mirchison gold fields re--port
that the fields do not support
I'OO workers, and that but few ol
these are getting verv profitable
Have you seen those beautiful
cement walls in the cemeter ee,
put up by K. W. AchiBon, at ail
the coat of stone.
, Dared fof ilie prince to be