THE MORNING HERALD; SUNDAY, KOVEMJl EK 1, 1891 ' UN SALE. The Daily HR.Lr will bo on ale each morning at II. J. Jones' book atore.where it tan lie procured at 5 cents per copy. JOTTINGS ABOl'I TOWSf. Fresh Eastern oysters at Isoiu'a Ted Parker, of Yaquina, is in the city. loom has t!he only oyster parlors in t tie city. Harper L. Cranor ha returned from a trip to the Sound. lit. J. A. J. Crow , of I-ine coun ty, is spending a few days in A -liuny. J. W Kuiu rt left last evening for San Jose, Cab, where he will en gage in the fruit business, j K. S. Wallace, present of the; of the Capital National Bank of Salem, died Friday niht. Afternoon trains, on the Leb anon branch now leave Albany at 1 :.ri0 r. M., instead of 2 :!'.. A little son of Mrs. Roberts died Friday evening of membraneous croup after an illness of two days. Kev. C. II, Curtis, of Portland, will preach at the Corgregati'ii:! church this morning at 11 o'clock. Sabbath pchoid at the I" ni ver balist clmrcli every Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock, everyone made welcome. The real estate firm of Ilurkhart & Keeney has dissolved partner ship. ieo. II. Keeney retiring on account of poor health. Admirer of sweet toned pianos ami latest improved organs shou'd call at Y ill & Link's and tie tin ir magnificent instruments. John (Jaither and Oliver Al"r-e, ol Toledo, are in fhe city on lln :r way to San Francisco, wheie th y will reside in the future. A little son of W. L. Pwyer, of laqutua, was Imuol at the 1 alts tine cemetery near this city Fri day. Mr. lwyer formely reside I in Albany. Hereafter it will be unlawful to kill deer, as the close reason begins on November I. I lie law protect in China, pheasants expired Sat nrdar. They are now protected the same as Oregan pheasants Mr. Julius liraduohl is in re ceipt of cards announcing the l trothal of his neice, Miss Hose Istel, ol San Francisco, California, to Mr. Win. l'.rown of that city. Miss Istel resided in Albany lor a year or more, and has many iricnds here. Lane county is f-l bi tter ol! uy the non attendance l lore tin grand jury of Burred Conger, ac cused of burglary, and wayne Herold. charged with the criuu ol attempting to aid prisoners to es cape. Thev each put up a cash bail of f HH and then left the country. '1 he county an ail'ord to deal with such criminals. K veiling services at the Christ ian church to day will beadjourni don account of the convention being I held (y the Mate union l tiristian Endeavor in this city, but the regular Sunday school at 10. a. m , and at 11 a. m.. services will be held. Kev. A. It. Wade, of Ilillslioro.wiil preach the sermon. Ail delegates and all others in the city are iit vited to attend. Seats f i.e. CburtTi on corner of oth and Jack -or' streets. ttchool Kort. The following is the report of the school in the district No. N). in Linn county, for tht month ending Oct. UI, 1S!K. Number oi days attendance. Vl1, ; number of days absence, 4 '4 ; number of pupils enrolled, 1'0; aveiae daily attendance, is. The foil ju inn pupils have been neither absent nor tardy during the month: Lena llo.apfe'. Til la Ilo.ipf 1. F.Hie West. Ooldie West, Irwin Turner, Ida Fraiknui, Fik;e Ackerman and Helena Ackerman. Visitors during the month: Mr. Hulbiirt, Mrs. Thomp-ion and Mr. F. Ackerman. Jii.ia M. Tayi.ok. Tea her. flandajr Srhutil Cunrert itixl lir It at The regular services at the Evangelical church . on Sunday morning will be omitted on ac count of the absence of the pastor. In the evening a home missioii.i' v concert will be given by the Sun day School, which will tie followed with goBei I revival services to be continuedl an indefinite time. Services to begin at 7:.'!" v. m.. every night during the week. .Ml who enjoy an old time revival come and assist in there services. Teachers Kxniiiliinlion. Notice is hereby given that the regular public examination of teachers, ior Linn county, will take place in Albany, comment ing on Wednesday, Nov. loth, at 1 o'clock f. m. ami continue until Friday noon, Nov. i::th. All teachers must positively be p escnt at the time of commencement, as no one w ill lie admitted to the ex amination who is not so present. (i. F. Kl .-sfcl l., County School Superintendent Delicate Herciral 0.r lr. J. P. Wallace yesterday, as sisted by Ir. J. L. Mill, performed a delicate operation of amputating the breast of the w ie ot s.imnel Mullan, for the removal of a tu mor, which it was f.aied might become malignant. The operation Was successfully performed, and the lady is doing w ell. A Mew Kallread Hrlilc. The timbers are all on the gro.ind for a new railroad biidge acrosi tbe Calapooia at I'rowns ville, and a large force ol men will be put on at once to finish tl e wor'f. The Southern l'aii c Com pany is making improvements all a.'0Dg the line of the road. TIMELY T0PIC3. Notts and Comments Coneemltg Matters and Tilings of Public Interest. The extern-ion tf the .-trtet car line n-xt season will result in the erection of inanv clegint new i-ideiices in the sulx-ibs. The orphan's home and hospital on t re eoliti loplati H extension, w !l be for occupancy soon As the time of city election ap proaches the interest in city poli tics It comes an 'in-reasing .tianti:y Theie will be no crimson oratory no iindigiiifieii-scramble for oilice, but simply a determined ell oil to ut good men in theotlices to bo ti:Ied. which this year in cl:xl s a full set of city oifi-ials. The action of the Linn County. Agricultural Association in arrang- mg to improve me nir grouuus and ra -e track preparatory for a county or district lair next season is commtndable, and ought meet the hcartv mpport ot t.u-tiness men of Albany, as well as btck men ;.:i 1 pr.duceiS thioiudioiit the country. In spite of alleged dull times during the siiiii:iur, the march of public improvements in Albany lias continued steadily. A sum mary of the year's expend tures for building and improvements, in cluding tli big biide. street and ewer work, ti.e new United Pres byterian chnic'i, hospital building aiid scores ol new residence", w ill reach neatly half a million dollars. , V'oi k on the big bridge is pr arc-sing rapidly and in a stisfactory mmner. Tt.e contractors expect to have it c jinpletid by the close if the year. A good view of this structure, which will be the iiust important pub'ic improvement of the year, ai.d ter.dii gto materially enlarge the city's trade, will be published in the New Year's issue f the llKiiAI.O. l'o t.uaster (ieneral Wanna maker is finding that the $10,000 appropriated ty the latt congress for tree postal delivery in growing eit ei and towns which hive not herctofo-e been entitled to that public con vei:, his worked with satisfaction in almost all of ihe 47 laces where it has been tried, even nettitga small protit, o that tliere wiil he good grounds !or asking congress lor a larger .ipproimation. A I nan v is enough to be entitled to a free dehvry system, and ci. uld no do:ibt Mciirs it with the proper ci'br:. Secietary I'.l.iine id back ; not so heariy, pel haps. ss he once a, luit n ady to a-sumc the duties of his llice. The letter which he wrote to the Ohio editor, explain ing the beneficial clicts of the Mc KinVy I'.ill with its reciprocity amendment, shme I tlmt ttiere is co: tr.iuly nothing the matter with Mr. l.lain menially. His return to Washington now mlaa'ci tliat tlit'ie is i,' hing tin matter with b in physic slly. 1 ii return means belter unijiTstanding between the pic-idciit ami the stcretary ol stat-, w h i have i.eeii drifting apart somewha', and the result is a better feeling a' ready amongst republicans of all follow ings. Ai rami .1 ary Krport. The grand jury for tie October term o circuit court ye-terday re turned the following report: To I UK IIoN. .It'DOK OF Til K ClKI'l'IT lei 1:1 of Ll.NX Col Xl V, Ou. We, the tirand Jury for the Oct. term ot the Circuit Court of lS'Jl, havens rtiiured by law, examined tie; diilereut county buildings and ttieollices theiein, ii.cliiding the j-td, oulbuildii g-i, etc. We find ll.attachot t're county otlicers wi'hoiit exception have their office audtixks in .ood condition and clean, and th rtti e:s themselves courteous and obliging. We would especially commend I tit- complete iiu.niiir in which County Clerk Payne has syi-teinized his work in adding (he accouutii g and distri bution register, a'so the probate register diiJ fee Look, which is a great convenience to the Ollice We would recommend that the roof of the court house las repaired ad coon as p s-'itdrt so it will not leak and ttie win'cr rains thereby damage the plastering. Also that the water Mipplv be looked alter, that the closets can be kept in a cleanly condition, the present water seiv;ce being entirely inad equate. And we would further re..-i miirend that a new table be prociiied f:.r the treasurer's i flice, th pii s out one not beirg suitable lo the bu.-ineiSof Iheollice. Tliere being no further business In lore Hi, we wouhl respectfully ask to be dismissed. A. IhcANDOX, 1. N. (ilCIKUN, ii:o. W. Hauhis, Isaac Mkkkkh, T. J. M i SKtiis, W. C. MoKOAV, N. II. Ai.i.kx. Ei;L EaTATE SALE3. Win. I'.. Core, etux.. to Cha". T. Walters, ".'."i ." -s acres in 1 1. J. C. oi W. P.. i ; consideia:ion,$lSl. Mil ha. I ih-gau to Mar v J. Clark. v. '..of ni: '4 sec. :;i;, tp'.. , su i V.. ; coi:i-leiation, l." o. W. J. tiueeuei et al. to school 'i-triet 7o, 1 acre in sec. i'l', tp. !, SK I W ; eom-i leration. 1 1. O.o. M. llill to A. I'. Maxwell. 80 acres in l. L. C. of F.M.Morris; coi.sid. r .tion, $ 1 W. I".. l'onaca to (!n. !; Hardy, parcel in Lebanon; consideration, 1!. t has. Yates to Win. Titus, lots T and S, block-!. If ghlaiul Oiove; cjnsii!erati'jii.$I.")0. .Mai ion (!. I'ottt r to W n. Titus, 1 acre in m-j. 1!, tp. 0, S K 'Z E; i oiisnteiation, !f-o, t niteii a esio n. .i.c..iveriii, '0tiLewas given of the appoint--J- J - ncr s in sees, lti an I , tji. 1 ,iu.t Tuesday by general Manager 11', S K 1 V ; patent. f. Laughlin. THE ALBANY COLLEGE. It Present Mo;t Saocesaful and Growing Conditua and Futnre Fropec!i. Our citizens are justly proud of the most excellent school that we have in the Albany Collegiate Institute. It is becoming well and favorably known, and students are gathering in numbeis. Last year was a ui st successful one in the work, and thisyearhasopened with a still greater promise of success. As we have mentioned before, however, the growing numbers of the school and its importance cal's loudly for more room and better facilities. As far as teachers snd school apparatus ars corieeriieu, we have now as good as the best in the s'ate, but the present bnili'- mg is too crow ded ami a more com modious one must be built. Flans have been formulated and are oeing carried out as rapidly as possible to that end, but funds must be raised for that purpose, and upou the citizens of Albany rests the matter of raisiug these funds. A consideration of the situation will be auiplv worth looking into. Salem by raising large amounts for location and building has se cured parmannent schools. Cor vallis raised $20,000 and secured the Agricultural colli ge. Eugene raised even more and put up the brick building ior the State I'ni versity and thus laid the foiiuda tioti for her prosperity. looking at these facts and con sideri g the means in other direc tions that have conspired to give Albany prosperty, ourcitizens will readily see that it pays to give an institution lik "our present success ill1, Colh giate Institute a standing tlniwill enable it to compete with other" schools in the state. A sub crip'.ito is being circulated for that puriiose and it should be promptly rilled out. The plan is to raise money enough to either enlarge the pres ent building to give sulli.ient room or build new and use the old building fur a dormitory. CHai3THlf EaBEAVOR BOCIETIES- Proceedings of th Second Day'i Sesiion Next Convention at Engent. The eeeo-'d day's session of Ihe Christian Endeavor Societies of Oregon convened at 9 o'clock yes terday morning. After devotional exercises led by Mr. II. W. Alexander, of Salem', the convention listened to reports of delegates w ho had attended the late international conventini at Minneapolis. Reports were then read from the various societies which showed a membership of i'rtil from the 51 societies reporting out of 107 societies in the state. In tlcj afieinoon session interes ting papers were read by Mr. 1). II. Thomas, of Forest Grove, and by Miss Anna McNary,of Salem, and the subject of the papers discussed at length by the delegates. The election of otlicers resulted : K. S. Miller, Portland, president; F. I. Cooke, Portland, secretary ; Mifs Lena E. Preston, Portland, corresponding secretary. Eugene was chosen as the next place for the annual convent i -n. The evening session was held in the First M. K. Church. After singing and considerable delay on account of the electric lights in the church going out, the address of the evening was delivered by Kev. Henry L. I'.ates of Eugene, on the subject of "The Book We Study." Keso'utioas were adopted thanking the citizens of Albany for their entertainment of the del egates and use i f the churches, the newspapers for their couitesy in publishing accounts of their pro ceeding and the railroad company for reduced rates of fare to the del egates ; also to the retiring otlicers tor their servicc-s ou behalf of the Y". P. S C. E. of Oregon. srXPAV SKKVICKS. Sunrise prayer service, Miss Caroline S rong, of Portland. Attend the preaching service at the various churches. Mass meeting, Topic: The Sunday School. Addresses. Mr. E. W. Allen, president State Sunday School As sociation, of Portland. Topic: The Christain Endeavor Societies the Connecting Link P.etween the f 1 LI . I I I . I ... . .-sunuay .-c;iooi ami ine c iiurcii. t Rev. C. II. Curtis, State Super intendent of the Congregational Sunday School Mission Work. Topic: Opportunity for Endeavors in Sunday School Work. Mass meeting. Chritdain En deavor conse. ration and farewell service, led by the secretary, E. S. Miller. ciRoniT oouKr. State vs John Mills. Indicted for assault with attent to kill. I'lead guilty to assault and was fined State vs F. S. Ingram. Indicted for murder in the first degree. To be tried on Wedneseay, Nov. 4th. Pauline Hegele vs John Schmeer, recovery of money. On trial. B. A. Landers vs T. L. Henness, L. Fiinn, and others; foreclosure. Dtcreeof foreclosure according to the pleadings. F. II. Vaughn vs M.Scott; dam ages. Jury failed to agree ; con tinued. Smith it Moore vs Sarah L. Lu per, ndmrx ; appeal. Judgment of non-suit. John Schneidi r et tu vs I. N. Woodle et al; foreclosure. Dis missed as to Shultz. State vs 'Jassius Case seduction. Verdict of not guilty. East Oregonian : His many friends will lie gratified to barn of the appointtm n of II R. Sibley, formerly Union Pacific agent at Pendleton, to tha poiiticn of sup erintendentof The Dades, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company, with head iiarters at the Dalles THE CHDRCHE3. Where and by Whom Serrxea Will Be Held To-Day. When, CoxoitEOAHONAi. Corner of Fourth and Kerry streets, Preachiiiif every Sunday ut 11 A. M., ami 7:45 p. m. Babbjth srli ol at 12 :'-". Praver meeting Wednesday evening. Kev. S. E. Webster, L). O. of PenLsylvauia, Pastor. Pkehiivtkkiax. comer of Broadal bin and Fifth streets. Services at 11 a. ni. and ?::!() p. in. Pastor Kev. K. K. Priclrard. Salitmtli school at 12:15 p. in. Prayer meetiug every Wednesday e.eiiiiig. Methodist. Corner Ellsworth and Third streets. Services at 11 a. in. and 7::!0 p. m. Pastor, Rev. 8. E. Mciriin. ger. Pastor. utjh;itli school '2:'I0 p. ui. Prayer meeting every Thursday eve ning. St. Paul Methowst Corner Mont gomery and Third streets. Services at 11 a. in. and T::tO p. ui. Pastor, II, S. Slmngle Sahlmtli school at 10 a in. Prayer meeting on hursdav evenings. United Pkesbvtrkianv Comer of Washington and Fifth streets. Servi ces ut 11 a. in. and ':.) p.m. Pastor Kev. S.O Irvine. Sahhatli school ut '2::i0p. in Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening, EvANOEi.iCAi,. Cor ner of Lyon and Fourth streets, services ut 11 a. in. and 7 o'J p. nr. Pustor, Kev. 1 S. Fisher. Sahhatli selnxil Ilia. in. Prayer meet ing ever Wednesday evening. Ciikistiam Clil'iccii Services every every Miiulav ut their church ut II u. ni. and 7::iU p. in Suiulay school at 10 a. in. Prayer mee'ing Thursiluy evenings at 7::!0 p. ni. All are invited to attend. Kev. Jas. F. Steward, pustor. Catholic. Services every Sunday ut 11 a. in., by Kev. Fr. L. Metayer, Baptist. Corner ot Lyon and Hfth streets, Services at It a. in. ami 7:; 10 p. in. Pustor Rev. (ieo. II. Hid. Sahhatli school immediately after the morning services, Prayr meeting every Wednesday evening. Kl'iscoi'Ai, Services every Sah. hath morning at 11 a. in. Rev, M Pluminer, pastor. BUSINESS LOCALS, Oysters in every style at Isom.s. Cranberries at G. E. Browneil's. Meals at the Delmonico 25 cents. For nice fresh oysters go to John Isom's. Oysters in any quantity at Isom's. Go ta tbe Delmonico for first class meals. Oysters for families 50 cents a pint at Isom's. New jewelry of latest patterns at Will it Stark's. Buy your gasoline stoves of Hopkins liros. New dress goods just rcceivid at w. . Head's. dreat reduction m Oxford ties at Klein Bros. Will & Stark have some elegant souvenir spoons. Meals at all hours at Ihe Dia mond Chop House. Have you seen that elegant piano at Klein liros. When in town call at the Del monico for your meals. Fresh oysters in any style at the Diamond Chop House. Klein Bros, are giving a fine piano to their customers. Choice pickles in bulk, or quan tities to su:t, at Parker Bros. Great reduction in embroidered flouncing at W. F. Reads. Fresh comb honey, Linn county production, at Parker Bros. Beautiful gold watches in every imaginable design at ill & Stark's. Klein Bros, are c losing out their stock ol Ox lord ties at a great re duction. Oh ladies, look here, 5 pounds of soda at F. E. Allen's for L'" cents. Keep vour eyes open for bar gains at F. E. Allen's cheap gro cery store. Littler & Ball, dentists, make aluminum plates, goid plates and continuous gum plates. Sodaville water is kept constant ly on hand by the bottle at G. L. Blackman'8 drug store. Go to the Albany Baths t Bar ber Shop for firat class work. Geo. A. Landrcth proprietor. All kinds of fruit boxes in quantities to suit at the Sugar l ine Door Lumber Company s. Span of good horses, harness and farm wagon for sale. Apply to J. A. Gross or at Depot Hotel. Furnished room suitable for one or two gentlemen. Use of bath. Convenient location. Inquire of C. B. Winn. TIIK WORLD KIKKICHKU, The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on ty perfect laxative known, as it ie Ihe only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual tocleanse the system gently in the Sprit time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the more popular it becomes There net tied in Ua- QUARTER ker county Ore-flC on, nenr htUi ft is hum- iiakerl'ity.apEllYIIDV man who hw ninccUCIl I Uill liecomr i.lentifleil Willi th rciuivrJ ff and Jevelopmeiit ot that country. ThiaAUU man is no ilhr than Mr. John Stewart, ont of the wealthiest and most influential citlzerif in the county. In a recent leller he naya. "1 had ln surTcririK from ai'.a in my ba. L Mini vencral kidney cmpltint ior nonie timn. and hai used many rermdica wi'hcut an hut tempontry relief. The pains In mj back had become so aevere t hit 1 was r.veotnl from attending to my work and could not move with nit the une of a cane. Hearing, through a friend, of the wonderful cures ef fort by Oregon Kidney Tea, I u in Jilted t try a Ixm, and from that ve'v ftnit dose I f.iiiud instaiit relief, and before u inrr hajr the contents of the box the ruins in c v hark entirely disappeared I hare every f ith ic the virtue of the Oregon kidney Tea, anu km conscientiously recornuieiid it to m) friends. 1 would not be without it lor any thing." Orenon Kidney Tea cures headache, Incon tinence of urine, brick dust sediment, burn in or painful m-ii-ation while urinntinic, and all atfections of th' kidney it urinary organs I of either sex. 0 California Siats Msdical and SU C1CAL INSTITUTE OF S. F. . The only authorized vesical a;d ::::::al raiurs IN TIIK WEST. DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE TREAT MENT OF CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SURCICAL DISEASES AND 0SESES OF THE EYE & EAR. Particular attention paid to the treatment of DEFORMITIES, DISEASES OF V.MLN An 1 Diseases of the NervousSystrm EP1 LEP.SY Olt FITS, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS HEART AND LUNGS. Piles. Cancers, Tumors, Eic, Dis eases of the Eve and Far. Organized with a full stall" of skill ful physicians and surgeons. This establishment is a perma nent Medical and Surgical institu tion, conducted by thoroughly educated phvMeians and surjreons of acknowledged skill and experi ence. Our Medical and Surjical Consulting Korms, Drug Store Laboratory and Otliccsaie ed Willi a complete supply of i.ll kinds of instruuiotits, appliance and apiara'us for examining ant treating auv known disease. THE DOCTORS Will be at the St. Charles Hotel, Albany, until Tuesday Novem ber Consultation Frte. Will A Stark will be gltd to i-bow you their large linr ol beau tiful silverware. It v ill do you gcrd, even if you don't buy. Call and see the brilliant dis play of library lamps s t C. I'.. Browneil's. Not one kept over from last year but all this year's styles and will be Fol 1 al the lowest living price--. Mr. J. S. Morgan has jusd completed burning a fie.-h kihi at his biick yard one mile west ol the court house, and is piepared to Jill all orders. A man will lm in waiting at the yard to attend to all callers for brick. If you are hungry iro "to Parkc-i Bros, and get a loaf of the best bread in the city. Bl 4'KLEVg A KMC A H ILVC. Ttehest salve in ties world for Cuts. Bruises,, Ulcer, Salt P.heuiu, Fever sores, Totter, Clnipped Hand, Chilblains. Corns, ami skin Kruptiouii, and pus tively cures Piles, or i.o pay required. It is guaranteed to give jierfert satisfaction, or money re. funded, Price J5 cents per box. Per Dale !y Posh try it Mason Fish and General Market. The undersigned have opened a fish and general produce market on Second' stive t, between I'road albin and Fllswiith, win re ue will keep the bebt of fresh (ish, game, poi.ltiy and general iri duce market, and invite a sba:e of pat- ronage. i an and ste ui. i.troiiTKit & t.M"si.i:v. For lire pocket knives best pa tent tempered tdiaars and scissots and extra hollow ground ra.ors. go to Stewart k Sox. I.i;sl. Tlie sulisoriljiT hereby wftriifi ar.y I'vtsoa from iiun hiHiii s hank chujb, I st liy hiin iluruij; the last few da, S'jiiu where in tin city it is supposed. I he cheek was iiHn rde First Natrr.nal IUrk, of A liany, in ftivor o' ihe iiiKierbtneil fr iiXI, ami ii.ed li A. Ilacklcmrn. ra)nicnt has Inen tti piird at the har.k. Albany Oct. .), ls:i, ,V. W. MoWl'H. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Casloiial CTsed in Millions of Homes DSPRICES oaEBaking , l!Poivder: MEN'S, We have overcoats for the big, And Overcoats for the small, Overcoats for you one, And Overcoats for you all. A Great Overcoat Sale ! e make OVF.KCOATS a leading specialty, and can truthfully as?ert that no snch an assortment has ever before been se-.-n in the Willamette Valley. We have : Lozig overcoats Holt aa C7:rco:t3 7or:tod overcoats We have B'.ue, Black and BrOvra Overcoats Vc havo Tan, Sauf aad Slate Colored Overco t:, Overcoats vrith fur on and overcoats without fur Overcoats with Velvet Collars, Ovorcoats with cloth collars "Wo ha-o siaglo aad douhlo hreasted overcoats "We have ovsrcrafc for .he small man a3 well as the largo nan We haw nvi ; i:il with : i!k linirg, and nvi-rco.its with cassinuie lining, we have overcoats with farnier s:it n lining, and overcoats with worsted liuirg. fall while the as siirluii'iil is large and make a selection. Mii-btii Si. 00 Su -11 YOU J. 1. ALBANY, wu rrs n lo v -riT- I), Tlii -i1 lilies lnve liocn rnvpnted by Mr. i.o. Wi.ite, The I.MHK6' I AlI.'lK, of lli N"i-v Hurlitiiitiiii St.. V. I..iielnn Ktrlaml. uml 1112 V. Street, N. Y. , Washington , l. C. 'I lie success since in! roilutcl , 4 yeirs iio, has lieen in irvclous, Mure lliaT a mill. on ladies in Kit roue and this eotinliy are iisin-r tbm with the greatest saM faction. 1 lice lltlilll'S are cut to your urder, therefore an Want titling' and stylish waist and s!ci ve are always guaranteed. They are ent of Best English Silesia in all s! In ordering send the bust nieaiire, over the highest part of Im-I aid waist mejsure; if extra long wairii il n.e:itii)'i it. Price, ."HI cents; in Ianey i-"ig.,;ed Silesia, 75 cents extra ni-lage. Send postal note, nrieicy order or stamps to Geo. Whii... LuiiW Tailor, 1 li F St. X. , V-i-liiiiglon, 1). t'. WHITE'S I'KI t'Kl'T I ITMNti AND HANO- incs i; i: irv (it skiict UMNO lie Quirts are cut of b.:!-t Kncli h l'erea'iiii-, in all shndes. They ai-e cult i v mr order, llier f.ire an cegiiit tiling t-kirt is a'wavs guarant jei'. In order ng Fend waist measure and leu - Hi i f skir: in front. Price. T." cent- Hid 11 eeiils for postage. Send prstal note, money order or stampe, tolohi While, I.: dies' Tail ir; 1 1 VI Street, .. W., Vaslriiiton, :. C. Flench Tansy WaTers. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful and iregular menses, and will remove all ob structions, no matter what the cause, and are sure and safe every time. .Manufactured by Kmetson l-'nij; Co., San Jose, Oil., and lor sale at J. A. (Jumming's drug store only. Sine Cure fur tlie Liquor or Opium Ifahits. The Kast India c-ure for these awful habits can be given without the patient's knowledge, and is the oniy known srHcilic for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured by Kmerson !rng Co., San Jose, Cab, and for sale at J. A. Cumming's drug ptore only. 40 Years the Standaic BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S: ZERC0HTSI TJistor evercoits Chiaciilla ovorcoats Esrsoy ovorcaat3 Stockiaot overcoats :WE JIAYK A FKW OF lil'Rr WISH OISTK. Uallaqe STRAHAN BLOCK. HERE? J lii llic World sliall I Buy? FOR PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED. r.uY S F.I. I j (iFT AND .car YOU SO WE CLAIM. -c Merchant L. E. ike :-: WiP Boz overcoats Cheviot overcoats Beaver overcoats Corkscrew overcoats Joys 0 Qo., OREGON. TIIK TIIK TIIK CISKST. I-OWKST. 15KNKKir. GALL AND SEF. x for BLAIW, :-: Her Tailor.