THE MORNING HERAlife S-ATURDAf , OCTOBER 24, f91. lowing gaUggefaW UAIkY 1ND WBEK1Y TIR144 OF SUBSCRlfTION: DAILY very morning aicept Monday.) trm carrier, m mutk - IN (WKKKLT (Published trerj Friday Morning.) a copy, per uhid, In advarice..-.t2.00 Rhea at paid in advauca.... . TBS HAILS. Mails -a tb Albany potolfic clota Fr all omcea north l"ha Eastern stale Ita Wait Sid AmA lha V mi raw ft ar It. RJ Portland and Sauk- " rvalllaana Yaqoina 12:80 r. ' emea loath.. 7:30 r. T peotonVB will bo clx d each evening a six to m o'clock. Maftatoros matter lor the ly morning team-ohouldb mailed belora o clock the yrarfeoa vanuu-. lORKOOR PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrive Depart publishes a book, if he canv Recent literature in Europe haVI leen enlarged by books portraying the private grievance of the ex king and queen of Servia. It is said that the hatred w hich ex-King Milan bears to Natalie is said to know no bounds. The royal feel ing's of Milan have been laeerated by the chaiges which the Queen made in a recent book. Now he comes out with a volume that is said to throw light on the scandal that retired him from the throne and drove her fiom Servia. The spectacle of this wrangle is n)t a pleasant one, and it is to be hoped that no further additions will be made to the literature of a quarrel that shows how email a soul a king may have. WE HAVE NOT ANEr "E1. L. K"ENTON, ELEPHANT :on OUR hands,: -BUT WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF mia . Il.13pmil2.20pm J 3.40pm 7.45 am TUB PROTECTION OF HO MB. In the establixhtnent and main tenance of a home, every citizen should be encouraged and aided, br the government policy of the nation and the direct applica tion of legal usages in the courts of the land. In this view of the subject, all will coincide w ith the remarks of the Atlanta Con stitution, in the relation of an in cident recently before a Mississippi court. It says that the Memphis Appeal-Avalanche calls attention t a Mississippi case in a recent issue of The Southern Law Reporter, and remarks that it determines an issue as important as that settled by a South Carolina jury in the Dawson murder case the latter declaring the defendant not guilty, on the ground that Captain Daw son had invaded his house or castle. In the case before the supreme i court of Mississippi the issue was similar. One Maury, a negro, had a light on the highway with Nicholson, a white man. Maury got the best of it, and Nicholson, with his brother-in-law and n dozen men, went to Maury's house one night, without any warrant. They broke open an outhouse, whereupon Maury, who had col lected a number of friends, tired upon the crowd and killed two men. For this Maury was indicted and tried for murder. The lower court charged the jury as follows: Under the law of this state, any private person has a right to arrest ' anyone who has committed a felony, and when he has reason able grounds to suspect and be lieve the person proposed to be arrested to have convnitted the fame, and this, too, with or with-! out a warrant. Even though the parties it ad no right to make' any arrest of George Mauiy w ithout a warrant, yet if the jury believed that the parties were informed by Cobb that he had a writ for the arrest of George Maury, and they so believed and acted on such in formation, and George Maury and those with him willfully, feloni ously and with malice afore thought shot and killed the deceased, then the jury will find h;m guilty. The jury in less than two hours brought in a verdict of guilty of sanrder, and the punishment was fixed at imprisonment for life. Manry appealed, end Justice Campbell, of the supreme court, reversed the judgment of the lower court, declaring that the facta of the case did not make out the crime of murder. Ha said that Mauiy, before the invasion Of hia premises, had committed no felony, and the invaders had no warrant. It was Maury's right, under the circumstances, to collect bia friends to defend bis home and persons. Here is an other indorsement of the time honored common law maxim, that ever man's house is h;s castle. In this case the castle wis an humble negro cabin, and the invaders were white men, some of whom honestly believed that they had a tight to arrest Maury for his fight with Nicholson. Cut the social status of the parties and their color in no wise influenced the calm judgment of the Missis sippi court. Justice Campbell believed that the home should have every possible safeguard thrown aronnd it, and he believed that when he re-asserted the old Anglo Saxon idea he was trengtbening aoci ety and render ing a service to civilization. In these days of lrx methods it is well to re-establish some of the old landmarks of the law. Especially is it wise to exalt the, and protect it with the sword of justice. Mr Swank has been invtstgating the manufacture of tin plates in j this corn try, and he gives in the Bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Association a list of twenty such factories already either mak ing til plate or erecting the neces sary plant. But even these figures are by no means complete, as new mills are projected eveiy week. There has already bpen a tremendous reduction in the im po: tat ion of tin plates, and in a few years, instead of sending $30,- 000,000 out of the country, every lollar of that sum w ill be kept at home and tin plates sold cheaper than ever before. Instead of send ing over $30,000,000 a year to Europe to pay ftr rails, this coun try is not now sending one dollar abr.iid for that puroose, and steel rails are selling at one-fifth the price then charged. A similar re suit will be brought about much quicker with tin plates. In the tin manfacturing busine.'s all have the peculir spectacle of a large number of the citizens of the country using every possible en deavor to retard and block the developm-nt of the work, and for what purpose? Simplv in the i hope of gaining a little political advantage. Willing to destroy a gn-it pr.wpective industry to gain a little advantage in political pre ferment. That is exactly the position of the American news paper men wno mane wartare on the present tatilTou tin. Mother? Castoria is recommended by cnvsicians lor cmiuren teething. It is a purely vegetable preparation its ingredients are published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harm less, it relieves constipation, reguiaies me Dowels, quites pain, cures diarrhea and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, soothes the child and gives it re freshing and natural sleep. Cas soria is the children's panacea the mothers' friend. 35 d-s, 35 cents. Dress Goods, Fancy Goods Underwear Hosiery, Etc. EVER SHOWN IN ALBANY. We have just opened our FALL and WINTER CLOAKS and JACKETS, both in cloth and plush goods, and wo ieel justified in saying that they excel anything ever shown in the-VALLEV. We ask all to call and look knowing that we can please you as well as save you money. At w w . LBnsrr, okbgou ALIvKN BROTHERS, THE WOKLUJCMUCUKO. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on ty perfect laxative known, as it is Ihe only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual tocleanse the system gently in the Sprit nine or, in iact, at any time any me Deuer u is Known the more popular it becemes. lo esa e and Retail Grocers. 70" CISARS, TOBACCO AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES IN SEASON. FLINN BLOCK, - - - ALBANY, OREGON. pi- Hi it i j i Star Bakery ! h i We are in he Lead :: Our Bummer Stock will be found complete than ever. larger and more HUMPHREYS Dr. HiMPIiRiirsSPitaricsare scientifically win careiuuy prepare! prescriptions; used lor manv year a Id private practice with suc cess, anil for over thirty years ured by the ieple. Kvery sinle apecidc is a cure lor theiliseaiie named. These iwimHcs cure without drUKKinir, putxiu or reducing the sytttem, and are in fact arid deed the sovereign remedies of the world. It ia one of the peculiar phases of human nature, that when a man has a personal grievance he rushes into print to ventilate it list or rRixcirAL no, cirks. m 11 Fevers. Con?e8tion. iritiaiiinintimi H Worms, worm fever, worm colic.... vtying colic, or teething of infants.. 4 Diarrhea, of children or adult r jtouwi;, llMllg, OIIUUUS lOUC ..... i Cholera Morbus, vomiting....... 7 lOUKh, colds, bronchitis ti Neuraliria, toothache, r'aceache.... K Headache, sick htadache, vertigo.... 10 Dpspcpsia. billious stomach 1 1 Suppressed or Painful Periods 12 Whites, too profuse pe.iods 13 Cronn, cough, diltlcult breathing 14 Salt Klieum, ea sipelas. eruptions.. 15 Rheumatism, rhcunratic pains..... l'J Fever Mid ague, chills malaria 17 Files, blind or bleeiling .. 1U Catarrh, influenza, cold in the head 20 Whooping Cougn, violent coughs it General debility, physical weakness 27 Kidney disease......... 2S Neivous debility ..........""!1L 30 Urinary Weaki ess. w, tiiJ"iZ'." " 32 Diseases ot the heart, ulpitation "'.". 1 00 25 2 25 26 25 25 25 25 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 ; M 60 to 50 1 00 60 FURNISHING GOODS,! Staple Groceries Crockery. The best nuts, etc. quality ot teas, coffees, candles VELVETS, SILKS, SATINS AND PLUSHES, LADIES' AND. MISSES SILK AND KNIT UNDERWEAR, COTTON AND WOOL HOSE, EMBROIDERIES, SILK AND LI NEW HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, VKILINGS, SHAWLS, ETC. . DRESS GOODS Very attractive lines in new colorings and latest novelties. WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in large assortment and end less variety, j Sold bv drui'ists, or sent postpaid on re ceipt of price. ir. Humphreys' Manual, (144 pages) richly bound in cloth and gold, mail re, HlMPIIKr.YS MKI. O, 111 i 113 William St , New Yoik. SPEC I FIGS KKLI.Ci STiMOLIhe Kellogg school of tl reus cutting at corner of First and linker in the Kalxtoo house is now open. Li-wons not limit.. I. La' lies are invite 1 to t-ill and e .mine the system. Children Cry for PITCHER'S Castoria GOODS FOR SUMMER WEAR I Latest Styles ! High Novelties ! Ladies, Misses & Childien'g. o FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. BKHtKlitllLi; RKACI'E. Mr Mtclioel Curtain, VlainlieUI, 111, makes the statement that sliu caught cold, which sullk-il on hrr ItuifTH; she. was treat d for a month, hy lier family physician, but grew worse, lie told her she was a hopeless victim orenmsumption anil that no medicine could ctne lier. Her tlrusrist suit Rested Dr. Kind's New Discovery lor Consumption; i-he bought a bottle and to her delight fotuid herself bene fitted from the lirst dose. She con tinued its use an I after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and Well, now dues lier own housework and is as well us the was. Free trial bottle of this great Discovery at Koshay ct Mason's Drug Store, large bottles Mc. and 1.00- CR0WDER BROS Contractor and Builders. Jffice on First street with Wal lace & Cusick, real estate agents. t JDany, Oregon. Estimates given n all kinds of buildinc-aor carnen- er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. fOR X cook stove, both in good condition, ror information inquire ot r at Postal telegraph ottlce. SALE. One heating stove and one condition ArlllM;rcl Kpepsv. This is what you oujiht to have, in fact, voti must have it. to fully enjoy life. Thousands are search intr for it dailv. and mouriiinu be' cause they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that thev runv attain this boon. And yet it luav be had by all. We guarantee tb&t Electric Bitters, if used according to direc tions and the use persist, d in, will bring you good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recomuend Electric Litters for Dygpepsia and al' diseases of Liver, Siouiach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c and $1.00 per bottle by Foshay Jk Mason, Druggists. i it avium ;aiice. It is seldom that w; appear in the roll of spiritual adviser of family phy sician but there are timss when we feel justitieit in calling the attention of our many sutwt ribers to an article of true merit. We feel justilied in baying that Moore's lleverled Kemedy con tains iictuul merit than any medicine it lias ever been ourgocd fortune to te.'it. One trial will make, you as giiUis'pstic" as the writer, FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERT DAY. At this old reliable house Is also to be found a complete assortment of fresh family groceries, to which is constantly being added all the seasonable lines of groceries and pro visions, such ag Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all botitrht when prices ere low and the benefit of tbe margin will be given to hia customers. Kemcmlier the place, at the old corner on First and Uroalalbio bts. Conrad Myer. O. Men and Athletes Wear our Vulcanized Gum Sus pensory to prevent jar, strain or injury. Weak men are cured wearing our vulcanized gum sus pensory of varicx'cle (enlarged veins) ' nocturnal emissions and impotency. Vigor, comfort and longer life assured. No pain ; no poisonous drugs. Trice only $2. Sealed circulars free. Vulcanized Gum Suspensory Co.. Rooms '.). 20, McVickers Theatre Building, Chi rago 111. lay Your City Taes. The citv taxes for 11 arc now c"uc anil pavab'e. Tbe money is nejilcd and every individual thouM look the rontur up and aec tbt thc aicp?id. If not paid lu medi ately they will become ilcliniii':iit. The dog tax is also due and if not paid the order will lie given to kill all the dogs on whom taxes h ,ie not been paid, J. l, iiori-wA.-, Marshal FOSHAY & MAbUN Wholesale and Retail Driiists Booksellers ALBA OREGON Brick Sale At mv kiln one mile east of fewn, pr delivered anvwhere in the city. ,W. C. C.iiELI . DEALER IN- Choice Tea, Coffees, Spices,Extracts And a general assortment of GROCER IBS, NBA R THE POSTOFFICE. ALBANY. OREGON. Plai NFIBIvD ! CONSOLIDATION -:- LOTS The Cheapest and Best Buy in the Market. Because the lots are 50x100 : because thev ate insMe nronertv : le- cause they are all clear no stumps, no roots, no rocks; because the land is ele vated and has a fine view of the city ; because tbey are near three motor lines not in contemplation, but all now in operation ; be cause buy now, to-day, for the 10th day of next mouth they will ad vance $25 each ; because they are a snap. Ask those who have seen Seeing is believing. Are you in it? R. F. AS1IBY, Manager, No. 65, Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. -TUB- lapina Route OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. K. HOGG, KeceWer. Oregon Beyelopment Go.'s Steamship ILlne 225 MILESSHORTEK. AND Flours Less Tim Than by any other route: 22 Accomodations unsurpassed for comfort aa safety, tares and height via Yaqtdtia aa the Oregon IJeveopment company's hlpa, much less that by any other route ween all points in the Hilllaniettr al and San Francisco, Sailing dates, raOM Tautou. Willamette Valley.. Willamette Valley riuiu sah nuiitiaoo OH, MAMMA T-r . i "nave you seen tLose lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, ad an in spection will prove if. Trices always the lowest. HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. 1:4: 1 Jzt r IE SLICE, - -- OPPOSITE OPE 1 1 H 0US The Albany Furniture Co, a A A A A - k9B la" n a Willamette Valley, Willamette vailev to Au 4th I3tb 22, 31 July SI Aug t - It, 2 cka-if The company nserve the right learners or samnic uatea. DAILY PABMLVyra TRAUIfl, hxcept Sundays.) L Yac,uir.a7;00 nlLv Albany 12:20 H Corvallu lo:3s a k I ' Curvallit 1J ra Ar Albany , ::J a I Ar Yauiua 4 i4 r. a. O & C. tiaiiit jc-ui ect at Ailan and Cor WM. U . Hoab, C, Iloeui, General alanaicer, U. F &P. Agent Corvallis, O on EAST SOUTH ROUTE. SOUTHERN VIA PACIFIC THE MCCM iASTA ECUTE California exf ten trains run dtliy souru 7:00pm..Lv.. lU:Jj p m..Lv. . aui..Ar... NOPTU ..Portland ....Ar.. am ..Albany Lv.. e:r. am ,. S. Francisco. Lv.. 9-OU pm Local I'ass. Train Daily- Ex. Sunday 8:05 a m. . Lv Portland . 12:20 p m..Lv.... Albany... b:4U p mAr.....KOKcourg-.,. ..Ar.. 4:00 iaa .Lv.. 12:00 am ...Lv.. 0:20am Lebanon Branch. "2.36 p iaLv Albany Ar.. 9:26 pm 2:25 pm Ar ....Lebanon.. ...Lv :40 am T-.'tO a ni..Lv All.ny Ar.. 4.iUi pm e-,22am..Ar Lebanon...... Lv.. b;4n pm Albany local, dailt (Except Sunday; 5.00 F if . .Lv.... Portland... .Ar... 8 55 AM tf.oo rx Ar. .. AlbAny..Lv....6.00 A a PULLMAN BUFFETBLEEPEK8. A FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING. THE JLJ ACINIC STATES SAVING. M I IMG CO. r OF SAN FRANCISCO Ofe an Absolutely Safe Moienl TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of Second-Class Pa scng-erg attached to Express 1 rains. "Teat IMc Division. Between Poitland und Corvallis FOB SMALL MONTH IA AMOUNTS. Six dollars per month will amount to $1000 in seven vr.irs doubling the amount invested in that time. Money loaned on roal eetate security at 6 per cent lars apply to I S. I. STEELE A CO. . For full parti .u Local Agents. ST. o - 2 Man Lj to c . J: "!' e4 - S a S a . W. M ixli Bit ,3 2-- r S oT 2 aE ee SC E 3 iriii!l-:!-;si??i!! 1 aaaa a B t z s o j . S i. it ti &5 N H fi M a H O a o So. 1-3 0gM I Pm CO ffj i 3 CO - LU 0. X S 3 X l..iSp-"5 5-oao w 5j a S,23tre 3Sj S3r 'a 'ott : :S : : : : :9, : : : : :"2J : :-o S35SSa1S"5gSsSJsg : - affl aHOBia'Ma-aia-, f oi!ai:-at .""titkii: KA.H5'i.a:Xr-ji.'fta;fc.i.oioe; 2 z t rs r r Z S ? - Z S i f o 5 if i I CO U i O A I - & - am r. Uii O lY' lil 3k - ac ifflP Hall Train Dally -Except Sunday 7:30 a m..L-. ...Po.-tland ...Ar.6.S0p. m Lvl2.6ip. m with l10pm..Ar Conaiiia. . At Albany and Corvallia counect train of Orccon PacificKailroad. Expremi Train Ually Sunday 4:40pm. .Lv Portland... Ar.. 8:20 aaa 7:25 p m . . Ar Mcil iuo ville . Lv . . 6.4fi An THROUGH TICKETS lo All Point EAST AND SOUTH " For tickets and full 'informatics ra irardinK rates maps, etc., call on company'! agent at Albanv. K. KOEilLKR, K. P. ROGERS. Manacer Asst. a. V A P, A A WEAK MAN Can core himself of the de plorable results of early abuse and perfectly restore liis vigor and vital ity by our home treatment. The remarkable cures of hopeless cases of nervous debility and private comtilaints areeter where stamp ing out quackery. Treaties and question list, a physician's gift to Buttering humanity, will be sent fiee to those afllictec. Address with stamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, 405 Kearny St.. Room 2. San Francisco, Cal. We carry a large stock of prmtt-i ts stationery, well as sorted, bought direct from the manufacturers at a low -figure, and can give the best of work in all kinds of printing for Ihe least money. Try us. 11. I'. COIIB. BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. H- F. Merill, Fret. I. Lanninr, V. J. W. Bin Cannier. Tran'actaa ircneral tiankiny liuanesn. Kxchinife boiiKht and sold fin all the prin cipal citiea of the United Statea, also, Or cat Britain, France and Germany. . Collections at all accessible points made on fa' orahle terms. Interest paid on time deposits. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR CHAS PfeifTer, Prop. Only flnt-eclasa house the city. mercial men. kitchen. General stave otSr RED CROWN MILLS ISOM, CO., Props, NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior for Family and Baktr't use) Best Storage Facilities Lanra sample rooms for com' MO CDinameo empioyea in uu I it pi xr V sral stain ofljr Con-aUia. I lliB4fl 1 17 tllhest cash price aid (or wheatia OBEGON 18. THE MARKETS. AI.BANT Q0OTA1IONS. Wheat vjc Oats :Vjc Flour f 4.25 per bbl Potatoes ;." EkSS 'lc butter 'HHi'Vta I-ard 10ia4c. Hamn Htgllic. Shoulders 10c. bacon 1)4C Hops l-2di Uc. Hay Timothy, tlO, oats and cheat Appl s Green, tWc per bu. rm ji uncd, s(?c. per n. App es dried bleached 9c enndried & S c. Chickens 3 1 50(242.";. Beef 33c prose. Mutton f-i&X 50per head. Hon fXc- aressei. Veal atic Woo'. lS21c. EGGS FOR SALE. I will sell full blood Leghorn eggs, both single and rose comb, for $1 60 per i:talso dotted Wyan dotts, Light Brahmas, Ijangahan and Plymouth Rocke at the fame puce. L.J. Hcdck, Tangent, Or. J