L ('''L1 1 i 5SO CENTS A W.EEK. OK SALE. WANTS. ETC. DISSOLUTION OK PARTNKttSIUP N otic i hereby g veo I hut ht Br.n i f N l A Simtuo ia. tlom business under Ih it n-uiie al Burton Mill bv hereby iwolvcd bv in moat content. St-n Nrwl retiring. In I'lnriaca wib be continued by Smtiions A 1 honip a. GIKL WANTKP- To wait on the table. Apply to Mr. M Ken oil at the Pioneer ttouie, LOST In thi city on Munday, Oct. l'J, a flat cold watch cliarm, brariwr the mon ''an and on the rcrerae aide a Sr cik. The llnoer wi:l p'ean leare the Mine at Umii.ii ctfti. IOST On tho roa.1 near Albiny or in Al J ban, a black ntchel or grip containing a b!vk vent and eoit, a pair of overall, a broid brimmed hat, a pair of shoes, 2 shirt, a rax ir and mm awl iruh, a pair o' pur and bamlare for a race hoiae and tr.-e in bottle, also a rerolrer. Liberal re ward will he paiil to the fla Jer on leaving the ame at Hbbsld olfaue. PY your ach'vil Us - In school tax lor the yer ll, i n due a.,d payable. Tat-pavera are re incite I to call promptly. at In o B-- of the cleric, 0. Q. Bur hart and pay tho evila. Sitol, C. O. Bur k hart. tier. T7VB REXT A not lire room cottage. J' near aouthe n ruilk ileKt. Apply at Depot Hotel, IB. WINN, AOKST FOR THE LEAD; j i( are, lira ana accident insurance com' panic. IfONKY TO LOAN-HOME CAPITAL ON lA. food real eatate security. For particu lar enquire of ueo. uumpnrey. sCRE9 OF LVNO All flt (or culti I OU vatkm, and un ler ten. (or sale at 10 ier a:re. Within I) mile hum riilroad etati n a id JO utiles Iroui Albany. Apply at this otH.ua. SAN WA hiM removed h laundry to the iron b-m the coner ol Seond and Lyon street. Laad for Bale. . 10, 20, K, 0 acre, euy terms, install Bent plan cheap aiHl liivh-priced. Also s w city Iota all owned by II. Bryant. Laad ftajrveylsur.. Piann amaiHo soavirtse bom can os tain accurate nd prompt work by cailinv upon county survevoi K t. T. Fisher, lie hascomplel cotilee ol Held note and towu hip plats, and I prepare I to do surveying in any part ol Linn county. Poatomot address. Miller Station. Una eon nv.Oreiroa. ALUMINUM AGE A lptffe H printed Scientill; Mechanical Journal ol Lte Koreiicn Inventions and Piucwmw. Vol, II. No. -Circiil-Uioii Kmraiit t IV Ouo Nu'wcription 35 eta per year, with 2 Aluminum Lord fraver souvenirs, S this advertiwu ent. It will lead yo-i to sue ceo, Ala Mixt a A os I'l bliiihno Co, N..W port, Ky. Albany Nurseries. We are oflering to planter" the finest lot of fruit trees, ol all de sirable varieties, in t'ie state. One hundred and lifty thousand tree for this aunuuer's taaile. Inspection invited and satisfac tion guaranteed. Send for catalogue or call and see us at the old dine horn-stead one-half utile south west of Albany. IIymas & Bkownki.i.. Tot the Beat Days at 406. A 60RD ! HOWARD & SON, STEAM SAW. PROMPT WORK CITY DRUG STORE 8TA5AS3 003ICI, Frooi., PFEIFr'ER BLOCK, - - ALBVNY, Dealer In DRUCS. MEDICINES. CHEMICAIS. FAilCY and Toilet artiri-s, HponKes. Brushes, rerfumery, S. hool B-ok. and Ar tist's Supi lie Physician's prescription carefully compounded. H. GREGG, (6 Men's and Bovs clothing made to order or cleaned and repaired on short notice and reaaouabio rate. Shop on to street car line between Third nd Fourth stmts. Conrad Meyer' new oven is now completed, and he is better prepared ttan ever to serve his old customers as well as new ones with the best of fresh bread, cakes, in fact everything from the dainli ft Ih t rclls to the most elaborate wedding cakes. Housekeepers are invited to give the product of his new oven a trial. At Will A Stark's can Le seen some of the moat beautiful ladies yold watcher, which have just Leea re:eivd. Wood mm 5 v RepairiD TOCOOD TEMUARH. Do vou know that Moore's vealed Remedy is the only patei.t medicine in the world that dot 3 not contain a drop of alcohol ; thr.t the mode of preparing it is known only to its discoverer; that it is an advance in the science of medicine rithout a parallel in the nine teenth century ; that its propriety 3 offer to forfeit $1,000 for any caee of dyspepsia it will not cure? Cram's Unrivalled Atlas, The new edition of this unrivall ed work is now being delivered by Ihe agent, Mrs. A. M. Talt. The work is a most excellent one, and this edition is a itreat improve ment upon former ones, giving all the latest date and much new matter that was not in the previoiib editions. It should be in every family, and on every business man's desk. Those who are not supplied can procure the atlas by addressing P. O. Box No. GO Al bany Oregon. We are the only people who car ry the celebrated E. & W. collar and cuffs. Alwavs have the latest styles in stock, T." L. Walla-e & Co. Bazaar- o Mv display of new tovs and novelties for tin holiday thi war will In" .sunu'thiii'; woi.deil'iil. 3toue5 and JO HIS GRAIJWOHL'S MATTHEWS & WlSHBSRS'ii, ALBANY, OREGON, AUTUMN Cloaks, Mek For Trimrndd Garments ami -This question cm be SAM'L. B. YOUNG, IIMfO HAS OPEXKD FOR THK FALL AND WINTER TRVDEA MAMMOTH ASSORTMENT OF IV Ladies Dress (i.ds, in cloth, silk, f -ei'n and dtuiHtic fabric, s'.ia vis, und.rvear,gl ves, hosiery, M laces, linens, and white good), noti-UM, novelties, etc. Also a complete asortni-.Mit of Boota an 1 SIio Staple a id Fancy Groceries. E ISTARI.LSItEi I ISiU. T.II-; pr.KKKIl nit V iinnw irriiTjr? iricu iiwriipnpitrl.Tn PA VHTi 1 by keening a stcck large enough tosinply any want, an 1 miking a as will give catisfaction both in iiiiality and prices. 0 LOSE CASH BUYERS Vl-iriXi! THIS MARKET ARE ESPECIALLY invited to inspect his stock, which is complete in r.ll hii numerous ments, and purchasdesecially for Highest of all in Leavening Power. b ABSOLUTELY PURE I am an old man and have been a constant sufferer with catarrh for the last ten years. I am en tirely cured bv the use of Kly's Cream Balm. It is strange that so simple a remedy will cure such a stubborn disease Henry Bill ings, U. S. Pension Att'y, Wash ington, D. C. For eight years I have suffered from catarrh, which effected my eyes and hearing ; have employed many physicians without relief. I din dow on my second bottle of Kly's ('ream Balm, and feel conti nent of a complete cure. Mary 1. Thompson, Ccrro Gordo, III. -HIIK VKRV LATKST XKWS I U that you can buy at Julius (iradivoh 's Bazaar, for net c.imIi. goods as f jllows: 1" lbs. granulated suj; ir $1.00 IS lbs. ext-a ' cuyar 1.00 No. 1 kerosene, pereinglegal. .25 f gallons good pickles 1.00 20 lbs. No. 1 Savon Foip . .'Ml One complete hanging lamp -.00 I will co idiict a strict cash store, and all g -ode will he sold for net h fiom 10 to 25 per cent, less than regular price. Alv f-tock of Chinaware, fancy g mmIs and all the desirable ptylrs ofilishrH. m well as staple yrocer i':' crockery lamps and fixtures, is complete in every way. I make a speciality of tine teas, colleen and baking wler, aud always pleases my customers. Jl'I.ICH (Juaduoiu., Ai.n.vNV, ():t. 17. 1S01. 5i iua re The Largest Stock of IIAKDWAKE. and mm South of Portliml'al - IS II EKE, mind and on "Who has the satisf.iclorilly answered al the old the fall saanon of ALBANY, QREGOl SATURDAY, UCTOBKK 24 Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Bakiti Pbwder 'S. School rax Notice, -The school tax in school district No 5, is now due and pay able. Call at my office and pay the same before it becomes de linquent. . . -,..Jr C. G. Bvrkhikt.. District Clerk. The men of this vicinity need not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking aiut, it Is the good qualites of the cook and heating stoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. ; MERIT WIS. We desire to say to our citi zms, that for years we have been sell, inir Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr King's New Life I'il ik, Kuckleii'd Arnica Salve anil Electric Bitters, and have cevr handled remedies that sell as, or tluit have given such universal suti:fuc ticu, We do not hesitate to guaran tee itheiu " every time and we stand ready to refund the purchase pi ice, if saiisfuctorjr rt suits du not follow their use These' remedies have won their grett iiopularity purely on their merit, roshay tic Mason Drutcgbts, A NITHUL KiEll'. The holding of the World's Fair in a city scarcely fifty years old will tie a remarkable event, but whether it will realty beneiit this nation as much as thediscoverv of the Restorative Nervine by Pr. Frank lvn Miles is doubtful. This is just what the American people need to cure their excessive ner vonsneFs, dyspepsia, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, nervous debility, dullness, con fusion of mind. etc. It acts like a charm. Trial bottles and tine book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases," with unequalcd testimonials free at Stanard&Cusick's. It is warranted to contain no opium, raorphin or dangerous drugs. A HIVE IV YC4T.MKVT. is one which is guaranteed to briiiif yon satisfactory results, or in cave ol failure a return of purchase price, Un this safe plan you can buy Iroui uur advertised druggists a bottle of Dr Kiug's New Dscovery for Con sumption. Jt is guarnnlecd to bring relief in every cRe, when used fin ally llt-ctioii of Throat, I.untrs, oi Chcht, such as CoiiMiiiipliiin, InlUiua lion of I,n n us, lironchilis, Astlium, Whooping (.'onirh. Croup, etc, elc It U pleasant and agreeable to tuie. perfectly safe, and can always be de pended upon. Trial bolllfs free ut Koshay Ac Mason, Druggists, MrMTLATIUM aA!iiKltl(f.4. Scarcely a day passes without the news of some I a rue failure Dishing over the wires -the usual result of speculation in stocks or some equally ilaniri-rons venture. The same electric cu rent carries to dear distant friend the sad tidinirs of death ol loved onts too often the result of speculation in patent nostrums. Moore s Revealed Remedy is no speculation but is sold on positive guarantee. Do not fail to go to your druuist and ask for four motley if not satisfied. We known vou will troaiul buy another bottle. Vor sale by all druggists. AND THE INQUIRY ON THE the lis of every woman will be, best slock of Ladies Fall Drrswear. established house of- spfialty of selecting such goods TV 1891 depart STATE AND COAST. More Damages Awarded Over the Like Labish Disaster. ' THE STATE KAILROID CASH, Tk Bosthsm Paoilio Waiti a Obasg f ; Vtsi Hawiy Hotss From tk 8taU Capital. Sai-km. Or.. Oct. 23. In the damsgn suit sgainst the S. 1. ( o hrnnulit. hv f! W. Johnson, th jury returned a verdict awarding bim damages to lue sum oi f-' w. u l anaii for sir. iiTft. Jonnson was inimml In rli Idke Labiah disaaV ter last November and at the time was riding on a pass, being inter ested with the company in the aaln nf railroad lands. In the circuitcourt to-day in the ... . ... . J cases brought by tne Maws uoaru of Riilroad Commissioners vs. the S. P. and U. P. companies to en force the rat '8 adopted by the board, both companies filed an answer and to these the board has tiled demurrers. In their answers the railroad companies d ny any knowledge of such a state boar j and protest against a trial case here, saying Oregon has no juris diction in the matter. They say it is a matter for the Federal courts as the road is operated under in ter s'.ats laws and links inter-state lines. Charles Warren, of Astoria, wa brought to the pen'.tentiary today lo serve a term of five years fcr burglary. ; Several uuyuliers of the state lioard of epiali. ition were here tod iy looking up preliminaries. The 'boat d meets in December and the secretary expects to h ive the county assessment summarized bj that time. TUB CKUISKK JH AKLKSIUN, Uer Appearauce la Chines Vf atr Create a Seusatloa). Kan Francisco, Oct. 23. A pri vate letter received in this city f.om an officer of the Uniierl States cruser Charleston at Yokohama, says Ihe appearance of that cruiser in Japanese waters has created gf-eat imere.-t. On the day the vessel was tin own open for inspec tion over 21,0.10 people boarded her and she was surrounded by sampans and other boats of all desciiptiotis. The Charlestcn was also visited by foreign naval otKcers and the American ollicers found it very difficult to convince their Japanese friends that the cruiser was not built in England. Admiral Belknap has transferred his Hag to the Charleston from the old wooden ship Monocacy, that has heretofore served him for a flag ship. KW3 OF THE U0 ABC. Interesting Iurns from' Eiobsaget Throughout the Narthweit Prinevil'e NVws: A big'Injuu'' a in town Thurnday from the agency. He was a little less than seven fett tall and weighed almost li'H) iounds. v'akt tlregonian : Among other John Payites who came in last evening was a young man named J. Armstrong, who ha- been placer mining near rsusanville, and had Some (100 worth of gold dust, the lirst brought to this city to trade for a lotc time. No one knew its value, the banks declined to tate it, ami the young man had some difficulty in exchanging it for sup plies He liually succeeded in do ing BO. ' Trcscot, Ibe sturg on man, has headquarters on Tenas lllahee inland srlierv lie dissects the stur- geon, and where the steamer stops everr night for boxes and boxes of that large fish. The sturgeon fishermen get a cent a pound just as f ha fish are caught, or one cent and a half when the heads and tails are cut oil and the fish gutted. Some of the men make a catch of noarlv a inn a nipht. hut the v earn all tlicy get, for it is hard" work taking care o: ana looting auer a couple of hundred hooks on several lines every nignt. Judge Waldo, of Salem, has just nliirnnil f TO 1 11 Ilia 8lltll!Ilfr Olllin. This is about Judge Waldo's twelth annual outing to the lake and mountain countrv. His party has been out this year since July. Returning, he passed Mount Jefferson, coming by the Minto trail, and tlie jutige says ue unable to see any change in that hoary old mount's peak. He was ,;il,!n oiirht milps of the moilll- tain and found much snow there. The judge had heard that old Jeff's roof bad tlipped on, DUl ne is un willing to credit the story. Thev went to the top of Mount Hcod, na hnnk there on July 31. Mount Hood is smooth on "top, with a lerel eurface of ice and snow of sufficient size to ac commodate the survey of a regula tion lawn-tennis court, inencrui eiti hroa ba rttT ahrnnllv. leavine the ascent and descent to be made from the opposite ride Cinambar dines. Rosrbnrg Review: John I. Wilcox, the Portland mine locator, has til- d the following papers in t he county cl rk's office; Location of nriiing claims, Sections 15, lti, 21, and 28, Township, 23, S. Kangq 1891 4, lXuiglas county, to be knovn as the Cinnabar, Jeflery, Green and Lombard lodes; also," tunnel c!aim N. E quarter Sec 21, Township 22, S. Range 4, and water right, east branch Elk creek to the mil's and furnaces of the Elk head quick silver mines. These claims are mainly an extension f the odd quicksilver mine which is now being worked successfully. Mr. Wilcox presents a Portland" syndi cate who propose to work these ledges for all they are worth which is cirtainly a treat deal. The ore is of the very best quality, and their mines will no doubt some day be a great source of wealth to Ilouglas couniy. Fatal Railroad Collialoii. Marsiialtows, la , OcL 23. A special from Lake City says a ter .ri.We collision .occurred last, night between two heavy Irieght 'trains, on a branch of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad. lloth trains were wn cktd. Mr. II ay den and George Stein, biukemen, liv ing at Lake City, W3re intian'Iy killed and Engineers Collins and McAllister, probably fatally in jured. Other trainman were con siderab'y hurt. Kalninakera Going to Mexico, CoKi'L'd Ciiristi, Oct. 23. John T. Ellis and memoers of the ra;n fall expedition left for : lie City of Mexico this morning to consult with prominent Mexican oilicials in regard to rainnr- king experi ments in that couul'y. Gold foi Shipment. Lonhon, Oct. 23. The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of Euifland on balance todav was X' 105,000. Included in ti c withdrawal was 70,0.10 for rhip inent to New York. ANOTHER WAR SPECK A CHANCE KOK WAR WITH THK CHILIAN GOVERNMENT. Reparation Iesuaodel by the Co I tad States for a Com anil? Al tuk on Her Men-of-War. Waiiisitos, Oct. 23 Inleiest ing international ditlii-nlties are likely to ensue as a result of Ilia recent cowardl 7 attack on Ameri can men-of-wai's men in the ci v of ValpirAis. Captain Schley, of the United States steamship lia.lt i uiore, has CAbled the navy d--part-ment the details of the all'air, from which it appears the attack wan both cowardly and unbailed for. Secretary Tracy laid the report before the president, and it was considered at the ca'iinet meeting today. The opinion is prevalent that Minister Egan will be in structed to demand immediate reparation and indemnity from the Chilian government. A cor respondent reports lln president as having sa'd : ''I mean to have no more of ibis business from any nation, and the demand niton Chili must he immediate and per emptory." Cap tain Sclilev informed the secretary in his report that it has becon e imposbl) for American oflicara to gj ashore without being insulted, and that hen-after they mean to go armed and to resent insults in tne proiter way. ".Ve are losing our respect by permit ting these tilings," says i&hlcy, "and the younger otlicjrs are wild wi;li rage, and curt ie uiuch lot ger restrained." '! do not want them tons lurllier restra li ed," said Secretary Tracy o one of I he commodores, "ami 1 have told Scnlev bo. ' Therefore, any day may bring news f a serious emeute between the Ameticans and the Chilian mob, instigated and secretely encouraged, it is be lieved here. ly persons li-gti in authoritv there. 1 Height of Cruelly. Nervous women seldom receive the sympathy thev deserve. While often the pictures of health, they are constantly ailing. To with hold sympathy from these unfor tunates is the height of cruelly. They have a weak heart, causing shortness of breath, fluttering, pain in side, weak and hungry spells, and finally swelling of ankles, oppression. choking, smothering and dropsy. Di. Miles' New Heart Cure is just the thing for them. For their ner vousness, lieaiUche, weakness, etc., his Restorative Nervine is is uncqualcd. Fine treatise on "Heart and Nervous Diseases" and marvelous testimonials free told and gurantced by Standard & Cusick. French Tauay Wafers. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful and iregular menses, and will remove all ob structions, no matter what the cause, and are sure and safe every time. Manufactured by Emerson urug uo., san Jose. Ual., and for sale at J. A. Cuinming's dniii store only. Soto Care (or the Liquor or Opium Habits. The East India cure for these awful babts can be given without the patient's knowledge, and is tbe only known speciuc for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Call, and for sale at J. A. Cumming's drug store only. OFF FOR to 2?53JN GTON Secretary Blaine Returns . Desk at the Capita'. NOTKS FEOH WASHINGTON. Ihe Wo Id's Fair PrepiritUai Exolt ths Admiration of Oar British HslgL bors Aoreti tho Pond. Nkw York, Oct. 23. Secretary Blaine did not receive any callers at the Filth avenue hotel this morning. He breakfast d in his room and sent down a note to the newspaper men that he bad no engagements for the day except to see his uautinter. tie mil leave (or- Wasl injt ton tomorrow morn in. " " - Mr. Blaine returns lo his desk at Washington much improved in health. His most intimate friends eay that his physical restoration is as complete as thev could have hoped f jr. GORUAN FLAYING EVEN, A Sequel to tbe Famous Baccarat Scaailal. London. Oct. 23. The protest of Sir illiam Gordon-Cummii g against ths appropriation ol monev for the entertainment of ihe Duke and Duchess of Fife at Flgin, has excited a lively row in tbe Scotch burg, where the head of the Cum ming fam y tat u r outrivals en Vi- toria in popular rera-d. Mr Wil'-a'u is coi si lerahle of a property owner in Elgin and can. therefore, tupport his protest by legal measures if neces naiy, while the fact that neither the duke nor the duchess are of the oiieen's immediate family takes away the ci uee of loyalty for the proposed expenditure, the Cum tiling", like o her Scottish chieftain, are noted for the ten ac.ty of their hatred and d ;votion, anl it is believed that ihe Prince of Wales will not be altogether without anxiety over this evidence of tl.e bitterness of his former favoriie. THK WORLD'S FAIR. The Britlaliera Are luipresaed With J uterlcan Kolerprlae, London, Oct. 23. There is pub lished to day an elaborate report of Sir Henry Wood and James Dredge. British commibsionero, wio recently returned herd from vis. tmg the site of the world's fair at Chicago. The teport recom mends the ereit'on of a handsome building on the site provided for the exhibit of Oreat Britain, and a!a- commenJs the courtesy of President Harrison and Secretary Fester and all the exposition otli cials whom the Britsh commis sion nut. The corninissioneis.it appears, tire much iuitire-ised with the manner in which th impor tant work at Chicago is under taken, and they eay there is no doubt of the ultimate success of the fair. .1 CALIFORNIA FLEASANTRT. The Reddloa; Stage Again Robbed by Masked Mar. Re dim so, Cal , Oct. 23. Tbe Redding and Aituraa stage was robot d ag in last nigL t at 10 o'clock about the same place as a few davs ago, by two masked men. Wells, Fargo & Co.'s box and the mail were taken, and the passen gers were also made to give up all their spire cuh. One lady on board was also asked for her purse but having it concealed in her clothing they failed to find it. The loss is unknown. Notes From Waahtoffton City. Washington, Oct. 23. Surgeon General Wyman, of the marine hospital service, has left on a tour of inflection of marine hospital stations in the West. The nvy department has authorized the following payments : To the Union iron works, San Francisco, $!Mi 784. second payment on the but le ship Oregon, and $53,880, eleventh payment on cruiser No. C. The final piyment of $12,414 has also been authorized on Ward Coil boilers, intended for the coast defense vessel Monterey. Heavy Inundation In Enaland- Londos, Oct. 23. In addition to the inundations in the ncighor hood of the Thames river, the Medway has been swi lien by heavy rains. It has overflowed its banks and submerged vast tracts of country in Kent. At Maidstone the inundations are of vast descrip tions, and I he outlook is that there will be considerable damage of like nature at Tunbridge Wells. Killed With a Billet of Wood. Pink Bli ff, Ark., Oct. 23. At Toronto, Ark., yesterday, A. J. Clemens, a prominent planter, was brained with a billet of wood, and a negro stabbed and killed in a fight about the settlement for some cotton. rarnell'a Seat la Parliament. IO.ndon, Oct. 23. The speaker of the bouse of commons gave notice ta day that a warrant for the Corklection to fill the vacancy created by the death of Charles S. l'arnell will issue forthwith. A Smallpox Sear In New Jersey. Trenton, N. J., Oct. 23. The smallpox scare in this city bas led VOL. VI HO. 277 to legal complications. Antonio Guivera, tbe Italian who was ar rested for resisting the health officers, was fined $25 and was vni. mitted im defanlt. The county "cdicitor, however, notified the dlirf UV IV i.. . v vw I' - in jail, nor in fact any of them committed from the infected parta of the city. The houses in which it is known to exist are closely watched, and the health officers are doing everything to prevent the disease from spreading. Diaaatroaa Floods la Spalau Madrid, Oct. 23. ast tracts of land south of the .Sierra Nevada have been submerged by the floods. The Cadiar river and its tributaries have become so swollen by incess ant rains.t hat they bave overflowed the plains of Albunot and Bruchlez. The result is that the crops in these districts have been destroyed, and a number of persona drowned. Terrible dielresa exisU among the inhabitants of the flooded district, The country about Mansers, a province of Barcelona, baa been swept by a hurricane. Arming Folic) With Rifles. Be :lin, Oct. 33. The arming of the police with carbines, which virtually converts them into a regular soldiery, is due to the great aup-ehension felt by the authorit ies that the winter will be attend ed by great so tiering among tbe poor, and perhaps by consequent disturbances. The Weather To-Day. Following is the forecast of the signal service for the next twenty four hours : Raiu, followed by fair weather; cooler. Beautiful gold watches in every imaginable design at Will & Stark's. AN ALLIANCE SCHEME TRYING TO OPERATE CO-OPER ATIVE STORES IN KANSAS. They Hae Dropped Politics for the Present and Want to Be come 8tore-Keeier. Sal.na, Kan., O.tt. 23. Again this morning the fcitantic co-opera tive scheme is before tbe farmers' alliance convention here. Tbe committee appointed toinvts'igate and repoit upon the scheme re ported yes'erday afternoon un-favo-ably. The report, however, was not accepted in the conven tion, 8 it is probable that it will g through all light. The secre tary ol tbe aliiaice exchange company, which does 5,0J0,(xk) worth of business a year in this state, i-ays it will be an easy thing lo throw all the business into the new organization. In addition to this, the alliance's position is to control absolutely the grain busi ness of the state, in every county where the alliance will pledge sup port to a (tore a manager will be appointed and goods supplied by the National Union Company for a share of the prolits. The National Union Company is the outgrowth of the Oi-ala convention. The scheme was sprung then and ap proved by President Polk. Three months later a meeting of capital ists was held in New York city, a company formed, and $3,000,000 of capital stock subscribed. It is probable the work of appointing agents will begin immediately, and the first stores established th first of next January. Removal Notloe. W. R. Graham lias removed his tailoring establishment to new commodious quarters on First street, opposite the Farme-is dt Men-bants Insurance office. He' has a fine line of cloths for winter suiting overcoa's and garments for men and youth, which bis skillful tailors will make up on short notice in neat and fashinable styles. His prices will be found most reasonable. BltKLEV ARMtA SAa.TR. Tbe best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, So.es, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains. Corns, and skin Eruptions, arid pos tivcly cures Piles, or lo pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, Price 25 cents per box. Fcr sale by Foshsy A Mason A new line of natural hair goods at the Ladies Bazaar. When in town call at the Del-' monico for your meals. Fresh oysters in any style at the Diamond Chop House. Sweet t-ider at F. I- Kenton's, sold in quantities to suit the purchaser. Try our chow chow now on sale in quantities to suit at C. E. Brownell's. A large line of new zephyis, in all the desirable shades just re ceived at the Ladies Bazaar. All kinds of fruit boxes in quantities to suit at the Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Company's. Furnished room suitable for one or two gentlemen. Use of bath. Convenient location. Inquire of C. B. Winn. Julius Gradwohl invites vou to call and see bis beautiful lamps, the finest, in the Willamette Valley. The largest and best selected line of stamped linens ever brought to Albany can be seen at tbe Lidies Bazaar.