THE MORNING HEMALi SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18. Io91 Uadars of a band of White caps, -TUB- had bean killed by a man named Cuppa, upon whom they were about to practice soma of their in ;VE HAVE NOT AN PlainpiblD ! DM.IV AND WataCSCOT TXKM OF SDBSCIiirnON: human punishment on tne pre tenae of morality preferring, will be received with satisfaction all over the count r. The poltroons who hide behind a white mask to perform their revengeful acts on der the guise of correcting other peoples faulta, deserve no better ending than the one there men met. ELEPHANT BAILT OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD tatltaaad every morning CONSOLIDATION LOTS silvered T carrier, pat y sum, par yaw. T. B. HUGO, KeceUer. IWUKLT (Published every Friday Moral ag-J a copy, aar ananas, la advance),., H-SO ft mb awt raid la aavaao MS The Cheapest and Best Buy in the Market. aire :on our hands; lapoa Route ataadny.l Masai at la Albany satofflu rlns far all ofncaa aorta ntaniaraatafB law Wart Sida And ta Hattww Ga afPorllaaa amlliaaBd Taqoiaa anavai Ml a. a. TtepastoaVsawUl a ass U to ana eretock. aarlatirid bm tratiaaaoM ba (fcvtsaa evenla-. ..11 . r. l-jsr.a mi each evening ly mernlng a clock ta tOUOOX PACiriC TUB TABLE. Arrival Daaarts ll.lSpmlll.WBm laOoaa 17.46 am The claim that the tariff be comes a tax upon the consumer, is such a favorite cry with those newspapeis whose one object is uolitical perferment with out reference to the methods that lead to it, that they are perfectly no. willing to give up the cry although it has long sgo been proven to be an old chestnut not worth the cracking. The Chronicle alludes to this matter in saying that the extraordinary paper the Louisville Courier-Journal still repeats the exploded free trade argument that protection has cost the people of the United States an immense sum ef money because of the al leged enhanced price of railroad iron. Mr. Watterson, with his usual obliquity of vision, fails to note the fact that protection in the United States, by stimulating the production of steel rails, re duced their price from $150 to about 30 a ton. Had there been no protection we should, in all probability, not have developed our steel rail industry, and would have continued to pay the British any price they choee to ask us for rails. But what is the use of talk ing about the matter, when it is notorious that the railroads of the United States move freight more cheaply thai those of free trade England? It is only necessary to consider this fact to realize that Mr. Watterson's argument hasn't a leg to stand on. Tut- "ruinous high p.ices" pre dicted of the McKioley bill are not discernable to the naked eye in Urtgon, rot lor many yea would a bushel of wheat purchase so much in the way of clothing or other merchandise as now, while of sugar it is useless to say that it is within the reach of the most lowly. That "horrid" republican bill was not such a bad thing after all. Its author will doubtless be elected in Ohio. A lovkr in San Francisco braved hia father's displeasure, and threat of disipberitanoe, and married the lady, dispite her senoriority of several years, and the fact that she had been married and divorced, and thus threw awav an inheri tance , of five hundred thousand That woman should certainly have a realizing sense of his apprecia tion of her worth. "Uneasy lies the head that wears . crown" certainly has a strong presentment just now, for the crowned heads, with the ex ception perhaps of (jueen Vic toria are anything but easy. The most absolutely crowned one of J them all, the Czar of Russia, is the uneaaiest of them all, for he has not a momenta peace. He must even examine his morning cup of coffee to find whether it contains a nihilistic plot or not. Among the othet European mon arch's there doea not seem to be much peace and contentment, in deed the veriest anarchist in the world could scarcely envy them the lives they have to live. . Re publics may be subject to taxation aod ungratefulness but they cer tainly bring more peace and con tentment than the other forms cf humsn control. Tub Portland Exposition closed last evening. It was a successful exhibit of the products of a busy, progressive people, and was on a scale that reflects credit upon the metropolis of the Northwest. Albany should have a free postal delivery. night ( Craolty. Nervous women seldom receive the sympathy they decerve. While often the pictures of health, they are constantly ailing. To with hold sympathy from these unfor tonates is the height of cruellv, rv.t a . . ineynavea weak, neart, causing nor mess 01 ureatn, nuttennv pain in side, weak and hungry opens, anu nnauy swelling of ankles, oppression, choking, smothering and dropsy. l)r, Miles New Heart Cure is just the ining tor tnem. for their ner voueness, headache, weakness vie., ma jtesioraiive nervine is is iinequaled. Fine treatise on "Heart and Nervous Diseases and marvelous testimonials free told and guranteed by Standard & Cusick. : BUT Wfi HAVE THK LARQfisf AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF Dress Goods, Fancy Goods Underwear Hosiery, Ktc. -EVER SHOWN IN ALBANY.- VBT 1 - a 1 T3 t a Y . 1 tt"t t VT1 41 r l a nf1 a .--.- a .a a a. a a ra uBTejuBi openeti our r.ii.ii anu ia ibn L.UArV3 ami J AUK. ft is, Dotli in cloth ana pi goods, and we feel justified in saying that they excel anything ever shown in the VALLE V. We ask to call and look knowing that we can please you as well as save you money. At lush all w w www WW WW w WW WW WW WW w w w w arABrAw Aww AAAAAA w A w w w w AAAAV A t AAAAAA A A AAWa Because the lots are 50x100 ; because they are ins'de property ; be- i j i' no slumps, no roow, no rocks; because Hie land is elevated and has a fine view of the city ; because they are near three motor lines not In contemplation, but all now ia operation ; be cause buy now, to-day, for the 10th day of next month they will- ad vance $25 each ; because they are a snap. Ask those who hare seen Seeing is believing. Are you in it? R. F. ASH BY, Manager, No. 65, Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. CALL .AJSTID SZEjZE! THE VERM HAY PRESS CJneaualed for fas'o work and lieht draft. Manufactured at the foot of Baker Street, Albany, by PRICE & VERNON. ALLEN BROTHERS, MotharaT Castona is recommended by physicians for children teething. It is a purely vegetable preparation iuj juarcuicnia are puoiisneu around each bottle. It is pleasant w me taste ana arjeoiutely uarm less, it relieves constipation reguiaies we uoweis, quites pain cures diarrnusa and wind colic. allays feverishness, destroys worms, ana prevents convulsions soothes the child and gives it re freshing and natural sleep. Caa soriais the children's panacea the mothers' friend. 36 d'aae, 35 cents. ' Great reduction in Oxford ties at Klein Bros. Pay your school tax and save costs of collection. TTEIXOO 8CHOOL--lb JVol draai catting at coraar KcUogf at-faoal i of fin. and Daner .ia ID Halatoa nouaa i now own twaaaa not KmitcU. Ladiaa art inviUJ t gall aaa ixaailnt ih yateab TlOLCTION Of PABTHBK8H1P. XJ N aliea la hcraby glrea that lb Brai of Moal a Slaunoaa, doina buaiiMaa nadar Ibat at aaatoa Mill I Bcrabj cUaolfed by Tub tendency of men to go wrong finds a pretty vivid illustra tion in the case of Mr. Hoey, of the Adams Express Company, For so many years has he been the trusted and honored president of that concern, that the announce ment of hia peculation came like thunder from a clear sky, bring ing consternation to everybody interested. It appears that he disposed of all of hia stock in the company before he started into the project of investing funds of the company in property to the amount of I7CO.0CO, more than its value and sharing the profits with other interested parties. Honesty is not only the best but it ia the only policy that can prevail. All other meth odacome to grief sooner or later. Tub weary wanderings of a Kansas woman, and her children, after the desertion of the husband and father caused by the burning, by a prairie fire, of their home and property, leaving them only the bare 89 acre farm and one horse and a shack of a wagon, was pathetic in the extreme. She started on the trail of her husband and followed all the way from Kansas to Buffalo, New York. That husband and father should be caught and staked out, and made to care for those dependent upon him. A DisriTcii from Mourt Sterling, Kentucky, relating that the two Howard brothers, who men the mutoal coaaent. Stia Noel lotirtnff. The bnalanai wib be continued br Simmon a iwwpeoa. HUMPHREYS D- HuNrtiaari Sracincaar acieotiScally and carefully prepared praaeription; need or aui year ia private practice with ioc ceaa, and for ever thirty year nd by tbe people. Every atnfl speviSc is a cor for tbadlaaa named. - Thaw aped Oca cure without drufgtnt;, pnifiaa; or reducing tbe ytem, and are ia fact and deed tbe aarereign remedle of tbe wotU. ut or rmiacirAii bo. 11 revere. ConwaMtoa. H Worm, worm fever, worm colic, aT-Cryla Colic, or teething of infante.. 4 Diarrhea, of chikirea or adult Dyaralary, Griping-, Billiou OoU o Cholera Morons, vomrehnj 7 Congas, coeds, bronchitis 4 NeoraMa, toothache, raceache V Headache, sick headache, vertigo.... 10 Upepepeas, DUltous stomach .... 11 Suppressed ar Painful Period It Whftes, too profuse petiods 13 Oionp, eouf a, dllBcutt breathing 1 Bait Hhcum. eareipelaa. eruptions.. 16 Bacumsttsrn, raeunaiic pains.. IS Peter aad ago, chill malaria 17 mas, blind or Meedlnv, 10 Catarrh, influenza, cold in tbe 20 Whoopinc UoOfB, violent couf hs it General debility, phyical weakoees n Kidney dierass 28 Nervou debility ...j., ...... 30 Urinary, wi tting bed. 33 DfcMaso ol the heart, palpitation.... cvaa. rajcam. Inflammation . . 1 ZS . U . 16 ZS ZS ZS ZS to ts ZS ZS ZS Z6 ZS 60 60 60 SO 60 60 100 60 100 Hold by di or seat omphreys' celpt of price. pages) richly bound ia cloth and res. (paid i Man us On re us!. Hit rMd. mail- HUUPUKKYS'MBb. O.. Ill 113 WUliam 8t , New Tort. SPEC I F I C S Children Cry tot PlTeXBB'S Castor. a Wholesale aod e ail Grocers, CIQARS, TOBACCO AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES IN SEASON. FLINN BLOCK, - - - ALBANY, OREGON.'11 Wo am in Iho I pari I ' vim iiu uiuiii iiiu muuy Oar 8ummer 8tock will be found complete than ever. larger and more FURNISHINC COOPS, VELVETS, SILKS. SATINS AND PLUSHES. LADIES' AND MISSES SILK AND KNIT UNDERWEAR, COTTON AND WOOL HOSE. EMBROIDERIES, 8ILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. SCARFS VEILINGS. SHAWLS. ETC. o- DRESS GOODS Very attractive lines In new colorings and latest novelties. WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in Urge assortment and end less variety. GOODS FOR SUMMER WEAR 1 Latest Styles 1 High Novelties t Ladies, Misses d Childien's. a. w. siTvrpsoTsr FIRST STREET. ALBANY, OREGON. BKaSBBiABLB BBBTIIB. Mrs Michael Curtain. Plainfleld. Ill, makes tbe statement that the caught cold, "whlth settled on her run,c8; sue was ireaua lor a montn by her family physician, but (frew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim ofcomsumption aud that no medicine could cute her. Her drusK'it ig sled Dr. King's New Discovery lor insumption; she bourbt a bottle and to her delight found herself bene fitted from the first dose. She con tinued Its use an J after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now dues her own housework and is as well as the was. Free trial bottle of this great Discovery at Foshay A Mason's Drug Store, Urge bottles 50c, and $1.00- CR0WDER BROS Contraoton and Builders. Jffice on First street with Wal- sce & Cusick. real estate agents. Albany, Oregon. Estimates given all Binds ot Duuaingsor carpen- work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. TjtOB BALB. On heating store and an sees stove, eota ta gooa cotuutiou. tat Information inquire of F. E. arubcrgor at Festal telegraph once. KBepsr. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy lite. Thousands are search. ing for it daily, and mourning be cause they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it mar be had bv all. e guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to direc tions and the use persisted in. will bring you good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsv. We reconn jend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and at' diseases of Liver, hitomach and Kidneys. Sold at 60c and 1.00 per bottle by Foshay A Mason, Druggists. VB CAB BIB UBTICB. It Is seldom that w appear in tbe roll of spiritual adviser of family phy. siclan but there are times when we feel us titled in calling the attentior of our many subscribers to an article of true merit We feel justlbed in saying that Moore's Reverled Kemedy con tains more actual merit than any medlclue it has ever been ourgocu fortune to test. One trial will make you as euthbiastic as tbe writer, Staple Groceries Crockery. Glassware. Tbs nest quality of teea, coffees, candisa aom, tic. FRESH BAKED BREAD KYKRT DAT. At this old reliable Boos Is also lob found a complete assortment of fresh family grocerlea, to which I constantly being added au ine aeasoaaDi unes of grocerlea and pro raaeiM, sucn a Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, tastetn Buckwheat Flour. Cannea Goods of AU Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods wers all bouebt when prices ere low and tbe benefit of tbe maririn will he grreu w nis customers. itememDer tne place, at the old ouroar on First and Broalalbia St. Conrad Myer. OH, MAMMA "Have you seen those lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." I Ley all say so, and an in spection will prove it. Trices always the lowest. HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. tzVUiEi TIE PUG E. - - - OPPOSITE OPE 11 H0US The Albany Furniture Co. Oregon Development Co.'s Steamship '.Line 225 MMRTER. 22 HoursTesa Tims Than by any other route: Accomodation unsurpassed for comfort aa Safety. Fares and (micnta via Yaquina aa the Oregon lev opmeut compaii)' ships, much less that by any other rout ween ail point m in wuiianiet'r tai and Ban Francisco, S-aVIblNQ DATES, raoa TAaoua. Willamette Valley... WUIametto Valley ."..-." raoa aaa raaauaoo Au; th 131 h Ti, 31 Willamette Valley.. Willamette Valley.. July 31 Aug 9 1. 2S ckaig The company rtaenre the right to teamen or aaiunir oatea. bsilt rufeixssa rums, Kxcept Sundays.) t Yaqalna7:00 a M I Lv Albany 12:20 r Corvallie 10:3 a " Corvallia l.ttt t Ar Albany . l:Jc a a I Ar Yo,uina r. a. O. s V. tisius jouiect at & and Cat Hi. M . Bnao, C, , Hcmdb, General aiaoaKeti U. t P. agent Corvallia, O oa EAST SOUTH SOUTHERN VIA PACIFIC ROUTE. THE KOl'KT SEiSTA KCCTE California exrreas trains run daily oitth iiopth 7:00 urn.. Ly Portland ....Ar.. 8:&. m 10:pm..Lv Albany Lv.. 6:2-. am a:15 am..Ar... h. Francisco. Lv.. V-ou um Laral rass. Trala Dally- (Ex. Sunday Sfl5 a m..Lv. Portland . 12:20pm. .Lv.... Albany. b:V p mAr.....Koeiurg... .Ar. . 4:00 B ..Lv.. lg.-oo am .Lv.. b:Jum Ubissi Mraach. S.3S pa-Lr..... Albany.... iftp Ar ....Lebauun... T :w a m. . lv AHiiy. f2am..Ar Lebanon.. .Ar.. V:1L pm . Lv M:4o am . Ar.. t.tb pm Lv.. !T4o u aliaxt local, bailt (Except Sunday, .00 r M..Lv.. Portland. ...Ar... &6 a .00 ra Ar. ..Aiuuy...Lv..&.oo A a PULLMA2-J BUFFETSLEKrEKS. A FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING. THE IP-A-CIFIO STATES SAVING. LOAN & BUILDING CO. I OF 8AN FRANCISCO Offers an Absolute.. Safe lovestmeflt FOR SMALL MONTIILl AMOUNTS. R."R. Men and Athletes Wear our Vulcanized Gum Sus pensory to prevent jar, strain or injury. Weak men are cured wearing our vulcanized gum sus pensory of varicicele (enlarged veins) nocturnal emissions and impotenry, vigor, comfort and longer life assured. No pain; no poisonous drugs. Trice onlv 2. Sealed circulars . . ... free. Vulcanized uiiin suspensory Co.. Rooms 19. 20. McVickers Theatre Building, Chi 'ago 111. Six dollars per month will amount to 11000 in seven vpara. doubling tbe amount invested in that time. ' AT 1 j j . . aa aaa. money ioanei on reai estate secuniv at e per cent, f or lull partuu Iars apply to S. N. STEELE A CO.. Local Atrents. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of Second-Class sengers attached to Express 1 rams. Weal IM Mvlalaa. Between Portland and Corvallia Mall Trala Dally-Except 8unday 7:30 a m.'. Lv. ...PotlaiKl ...Ar.b 30 p. m 12:10 p m..Ar. Conaiiia.. L. l.6&p. m At Alliany and Corvallia connect train of Oregon PaciBcKai IroatL with Express Trala Dally (Exotpt Sunday 4:40 pi 7:26 pi .Lv... Ar... .Portland... Ar.. 8:20am ,alcldiunville.Lv..6.4bAai tog f i sr . , V vgl U;i i.A !, 1 I xs! '.fUUUliiinii; H 14 W ft a mm Vmy Voir City Taxes. The city taxes for 18U1 are now t'ue and payable. The money is noodwl and every inditidual should look the mstur up and Me that thev are nrid. If not paid immedi ately I hey will become delinquent. The dog tax is also due and it not paid the order will he mven to kill all the dog on whom taxes h.vs not been paid, a, uorniAft, Marshal. W Hi hi Saw ' a m II i hH S iqil? I wills aaraaiasaiaMiaiaia iriM-iri-rri-i-ir'in-wTsiijiijaj iyiiiiiiyii FOSHAY & MASON Wboleaal and Retail Drwisis ALBAV OBKGON Mi for Sale At my kilo one mile east of town, or delivered anywhere in the city. .W. C. CaSSELL. s lilt?2 rjp s iSZK WWewa?a&amarai Siaanujceysl m 111 iwaaaiwiia; f' i I 1M SI- r S8 lilt S.2 to o o 111 0. (0 THROUGH TICKETS lo All Point EAST AND SOUTH aVFor ticket and full 'information re garding raus maps, etc., call on con:pab) s agent at Albanr. K KOKHLER, K. P. ROGERS. Manairer Asst. G. A P. A A WEAK MAN Can enre himself of the de plorable results of early ahuse and ferfectly restore his vigor and vital ity by our home treatment. The remarkable cures of hopeless caees of nervous debility and private coniDlaints are ever where stamp ing out quackery. Treaties and question list, a phveician's gift to suffering humanity, will be sent fiee to those ailiicter. Addnss with stamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, 405 Kearny St., Room 2, an Francisco, Cal. BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. H. F. Mtrlll, Prer. J. Lanalsr, P., J.W.BIala Oathisr. Tramacta a general banking bnsneas. Exchange bought and sold on all th prin cipal cities of the United States, also. Ureal Britain, France and Germany. Collections at all asceasibls point axad on fa orable term. Interest paid on Urn deposits. REVERB BOUSE, ALBAHT. OR CHAS Pfeiffer, Prop. Only Snt-wlaas hooss n the city. Larg sample room for oom' merdal men. Na Chloaaseo employed la the' kitchen. General stag oaV OorvalU. RED CROWN MILLS laa)M, LAKNIN6 at C., Prapa, NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Bopsrlor tor Family and Baker's rate) Best Siorane Facilities aarBlgktsI sash prior aid tar whaarta ALBANY ORXGON We carry a large sttK-k of printer's stationery, well as sorted, bought direct from the manufacturers at a low ligure, and can give the bet of work in all kinds of limiting for the least money. Try us. II. t Conn. THE MARKETS. At.BAWT QUOTA 10HS. Wheat Niyivjo Oata- :irc Flour f4.2ft per bbl Potatoes Xic EjfjfS UOo Butter ai '(.tile Lard lOut ivl'c Hams 148 15c. Shoulders 10c. Bacon 12'c Hops 14c. .aHy Tiniothy, flO, oaU and cheat f 8. Appl .s Green, f.VY per bu. flu At Dried, 9&c. per lb. App'es dried bleached Sc suudrled 9 c. Chickens S 5004 i Beef ag:ic jrrosa. Mutton TMlper head. 'i Hogs drcsaer. Veal-Ktc. Wool lt2ie. EGGS FOR SALE. I will Fell foil l.lor.l Tvh eggs, both single and rose roinl, for $1 50 per in. nm lottel Wj an dotts, LiKht Bralimas. ltriKshan an.J riyiiiouth Rocks at the same price. L. J. llooca. Taugtrit, Or. J