Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, October 15, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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gUrmng Daily Jurald
The Dailt Hzbald will be on
ale each morning at If. J. Jones'
book store.where it tan be procured
at 5 cents per copy.
Cloaks at the Ladies Bazaar.
Cranberries at C. K. Browneil's.
Meals at the Itehnonico 25 cents.
Benj. Kirk, of Lebanon, is in
the ri'y.
Uo ta tlie
Delmonico for first
class meals.
Ed Daley, of Scio, was in
bany yesterday.
When in town call at the Del
monico for your uicals.
J. IS. Wyatt went to Lyons yes
terday on legal business.
K. L. Thompson, came up from
Irtlanl yesterday noon.
Great reduction in embroidered
flouncing at W. F. Heads.
Fresh comb honey, Linn county
production, at Parker Bros.
Mrs. Flora Ilerron, of Salem, is
visiting friends in this city.
Ladies and children combina
tion suits at the Ladies Bazaar.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Uitmeyer, of
llarrisburg, were in the city yes
terday. Beautiful gold watches in every
imaginable design at Will A
Try our chow chow now on sale
in quantities to suit at C. E.
Cloaks, cloaks, cloaks, lor in
fants, children and ladies at the
Ladies Bazaar.
Mr. A. J. Bilyeu, of Scio, is in
the city as a delegate to the State
Baptist Association.
N. II. Allen, Gene Larimote
and Arch Allen, went Puiiland
ward yt s erday noon.
Hugh Cleekand wife left yester
day for l'rineville, where they
will reside in the future.
The V. C.T. U. of Linn c .unty,
will hold a convention at llalsey
on Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. J. K. Weatherford accom
panied by her mother and sister,
went to Portland yesterday.
John Buckley, of Newport,
passed through this city yesterday
Li -on on his way to Portland.
Mrs. G. W. Gray, did not ac
company the doctor, as stattd
yesterday, on his trip to California.
Hey. E. K. Prichard has return
ed from Grants Pass, where he
went to attend the Prtsbytcrian
Mr. Charles E. Boss, assistant
secretary of the Northwestern Ma
sonic Aid Association, of Chicago
is in the city.
Councilman W. II. Garret, who
ttlks of stopping in Portland
through the winter, was in the
city yesterday.
Miss Sarah Sternburg, took her
departure yesterday noon for Seat
tle where she will spend the win
ter with! relatives.
The biggest pumpkin at the
Portland Exposition was rained by
Capt. W. N. Phillips across the
river from this city.
J. K. llaigbt and family of
Peoria, have become residents of
Albany, living on 4th street, three
blocks eaet of the court house.
Mrs. Paxton, cf Portland,
who has leen visiting her daugh
ter, .Mrs. J. N. Duncan, in this
city, returned home yesterday.
lo you want to be happy and
make those about yon pleased, if
so iro and get oue of those lovely
toned piano's at Mrs. llymans.
Oregon grapes at "" cents per
bushel. Now is the time to make
jelly. Leave your order at Hyde's
Market. We also have sweet cider.
Thomas Brink lias received a
stock of baby carriages w hich he
is ottering at prices as low as the
lowest, and they are tirst-class
The Topeka Daily Capital says
that D. L. Crowder I as severed his
connection with several drug linns
there and will return to Oregon to
You can save money by going at
once to Klein Bro.'sshoe store and
purchasing a pair of Oxford ties.
The price has been reduced to close
them out.
Prof. Whitney, the aeronaut,
will, it is announced, give a bal
loon ascension andotHX) feet parac
hute leap in this city this after
noon at 3 :30.
Wallace Baldwin. I. M. Large,
I. P. Mason, and ('. B. Winn,
went to Corvallis ycsterday'to at
tend a special meeting ' of the
Masonic I hapter.
Parties intending to go East
should secure their tickets over the
popular Union Pacific and Oregon
Short line route. Call and see
Curran fc Monteith for tickets.
Wui. Fatar, who recently pur
chased tfhe brewery of l'fau & Co.,
will expend several thousand dol
lars in improving the plant and
buildings, and itl run it on an
extensiye plan.
According to official reports to
bacco is raised in fourteen coun
ties in Oregon, Linn being the
banner one. In point of average
value peracre Oregon stands third
among tlie states.
E. E. Upiueyer of llarrisburg
was in the city yesterday. Hiin
self and wife were on their return
from Portland and the exposition,
he coming up on the noon train
and joining her on the overland at
night, for borne.
Attention is directed to the new
ad. of Julius Gradwohl on our first
page to-day. His stock for the fall
and winter season is complete and
shoppers; (ooking for fine glassware
nice dishes, lamps, fancy goods or
choice family groceries, will do
well to call at his store. He has a
mammoth stock and se!N at very
low prices. (
Dslegitet From All Parti of the State
Tbt Firit Diy'a Proctediogs.
There was a good attendance at
tu j opening ot the Oregon iapusi
rotate Convention ai i .o yesier
dav afteiaooj, in the Baptist
church, with Kev. R. Mckillop. of
McMmnville, in the chair.
After devotional exercises, a
committee on enrollment was ap
nointed. and then an a Idiess cf
welcome was delivered by Rev.
Geo. W. Hill, pastor of the Baptist
church of Albany, in which he
I cordially welcomed the var'ous
i delegates to All any and to the
homes and hearts of the members
of this ai:d other Christian
churches. He hoped these delib
erations would be profitable spirit
ually, and that the result of the
visit of these delegates would
produce a great revival of religion
in all the churches of the citv.
This address was responded to
in some very felicitous remarks by
Kev. It. Mckillop, returning
thanks on behalf of the delegates
present for this hearty welcome.
The following oH'icers were elect-
1). C. Latourette, of Oregon City,
president ; liev. Geo. T. Ellis, of
Baker City, vice president ; Kev.
C. A. Woo.ldy.of Mt. Tabor, re
cording secretary ; Kev. C. M. Hill,
of Portland, corresponding secre
tary; N. J. Biagen, of Portland,
the subject ol home missions
was then taken up and a report on
the tonic, prepirtd by Mrs. C.
M. Hill, vice president of the
Women's Baptist Home Mission
ary Society for Oregon, in the ab
seil se of that lady by sickness, was
read by Mrs. James Failing. The
plan of organization of the women
for home mission wotk in connec
tion with the beard at Chicago,
provides for a vice president lor
the state, an associations! director
I in each association and a circle in
every church. The past year has
been one of organization and ad
justment to new relations. So far
only two active asiociational di
rectors have been found, twenty
four circles are in operation. The
efficient services of Miss Alice Voss
are recognized. She came from
the Women's Training Sch-:ol at
Chicago under appointment of the
patent sxiety, which provides for
her salary and traveling expenses,
thus a'lowing a 1 monies raised to
be applied directly to the borne
field. Addresses on this work were
made by Miss Alice Voss, Mrs. A.
P. Mead and Miss Emma Miller,
missionary for the state of Wash
ington. The latter brought the
greetings of the society across the
Columbia liver.
Miss Addie Williams, of the Oak
Creek church, was introduced as a
y ung who has been taken up
by the ladies for missionary work
in Oregon after she shall take a
course in the Chicago training
school. She favored the convention i
with a song which was well ren
Per pending reports of commit
tees, several clergymen who have
moved into the state since the last
state convention were introduced
ami made remarks, giving their
reasons for locating here and their
plans and purposes in work for the
cause of Christ in their several
tiei.H oi labor. ihey are as
follows: Be v. Gilraan Parker, of
Oregon City; G. W. Donnell of
Oakland, Oregon; S. J. Nunn of
Ibina; J.T. Moore of Elgin; L.
V. Goodwin cl .Medford: K rech
ter of German church, Salem ; C
K. LaMar of Lebaiian.
Mr. N. J. Biagen, of Portland,
treasurer of the convention pre
sented his annual report, showing
recent' h from all sources to te
H1UJ.04, disbursements $3280.33,
leaving a balance in the treasurv
of $lUi'j.71, $1000 of which is in
the form of permanent investment.
There is also a balance in the
hands of the New York board in
favor of this convention of between
30 ) ami $400,
At the request of the convention
Mr. Biagen presented the follow
it g statement as to the contribu
tion for Home Missions: Of the
!M) Baptist churches of Oregon three
have contributed over K per mem'
ber; seven between $1 and $2; five
from io cents to $1 ; six to 7
cents; six 25 to 50 cents; four 10
to -o cents ; six to 10 cents ; six
under 5 cents ; and 3!) contributed
not lung.
Tlie average per member of con
tributing churches is 74 cents.
The average on the total member
ship of the state "( cects.
Kev. Clay M. Hill, the corre
sponding secretary, presented the
report of tfie board of managers.
showing the work of the board for
the year to have been satisfactory
and the church organizations in
Oregon to be in a thriving condi
tion. In the evening an address on
"Woman's Work," was delivered
by M ss Alice Voss; an address
"Retrospect and Prospect," by
Rev. T. G. BrowDson, President rf
the McMinnville college: and the
subject of "Home Missions in Ore
gon," as seen by a new man on
the coast, was discussed by Kev.
Oilman Parker.
1 he convention then adjourned
until to-day.
0 a. m. Meeting of board cf
managers anil committees.
10 a. m. Denominational pap r
report bv Dr. Gordon ; address by
Kottert Whitaker.
11 a. in. Annual sermon by
Chaplain C. C. Bateman.
The afternoon will be given to
discussion of Sund i v scbeol work
by E.G. Wht elerar.d others. In the
evening a platform educational
meeting will beheld, to be address
ed by Woody, lonneI and Hill.
Men of means at Jacksonville
are discussing a project for sink
ing a number of artesian wells in
that portion of lower Kogue River
valley known as the desert. If
flowing wells can be obtained
irrigation would be cheaper than
by means of a long system of sur
face cana's from the upper river.
G. F. Simpson to K. E. Owen,
10 acres in t p. 11 S, IS 4 W : con
sideration, $500,
Peter Powell to Calvin Towell,
20 acres in sec. 25, tp. 12 S, r 1 W ;
consideration. $203.
David and J. W. McDowell to W.
M. and S. B. Savage, 120 acres in
sec. 24, tp. 14, S R 1 W ; consider
ation, $3,000.
R. A. Kampy, trustee, to Harriet
Briggs, lot 4, block 5, in llarris
burg; consideration. $150.
Morgan Hoolt to Harriet Briggs,
lot 1, block 5, in llarrisburg; con
sideration. $150.
Gabriel Miller etux to Epbriam
Pastt, N W U of X W '4. sec. C,
tp. 13, S r4 W; consideration, $1.
John Nelson etux to Henry
Rud.l Frue X W 4 sec. Hi. tp. 13,
6 r 3 W ; consideration, $2,250
J. L. Hill etux to Moses Miller,
lots 1, 2. l'J and 20, block 7, Hili's
ann. to Sodaville : consideration,
E. W. Langdon, trustee, to Jo.
II. Swank, 52 acres in see. 1, tp. 12,
S r 3 V ; consideration. $1,700.
.T, C. Peebler etux to Alma Mor
ris, parcel in J. M. Kalston's 3:d
add. to Lebanon; consideration,
United States to Newton Lewis,
100 acres in sec. 4, tp. 10, S r 3 E ;
consideration, $200.
J. L. Hill etux to H. M. Perry,
lots 11 and 12, block 7, Hill's add,
to Sodavi.le: consideration, $80.
H. M. Perry to Wm. Smith, 15,
23 acres in Thos. Summer's D. L.
C. ; consideration, $400.
II. M. Perry to J. L. Hill, 20.50
acres in same claim ; consideration,
Alex. Norwood etux to David II.
Pierce, 12 lucres in sec. 1C. tp. 15,
S r 2 V: consideration, $300.
In the matter of the estate of
Geo. Foster, sale heretofore made
to Maggie F. Powell ordered set
aside and new sale ordered made
by the administrator.
In the matter of tlie estate of
Sarah M. White, bond tiled and
approved. George Clingman, t en
Zigler, and 11. A. Pcwell appointed
In t lie matter of the estate o:
Martin Werts, L. II. Moutanye ap
pointed referee to take testimony
anil report at November term.
In the matter of the guardian
ship of Siayd and Malissu Caroth-
ers, James 1 arothers appointed
guardian with bonds lixed at
In the matter of the estate of
Hnry Ingram, Straudcr Froman
appointed administrator with
bonds fixed at $X)0(). Bond filed
and approved. Martin Payne, C.
II. btewart and L. .lejoe ap-
I omted appraisers.
Estate ol Jonathan Neeilham.
bond of guardian tiled.
In the estate of Andrew Ralston,
O. P. Costajw, jr., apitointed ad
ministrator with bonds fixed at
$2000. Frank Smith, Sam Keef
haven and Win. Jordan appointed
Death of Mm. Ilendricson.
For fceveral weekj the relatives
and fi iends have bepu anxiously
watching by the bedside of Mrs.
W. F. Ilendricson. For the past
few days it has been a watch with
out hope, looking fur the final
summons. Yesteiday morning it
came, and she passed peacefully
away at the age of til years 8
months and 15 days. Mrs. Ilen
dricson's maiden name was Sara
A. Jackson, and she was b;rn in
Rushville, lnl., Jan. 20, 1S27,
moved with her parents to Iowa
in 13-10, and from there to Oregon
in 1S52, making Linn county her
home since then. She was mar
ried in 184S to W. F. Ilendricson
who suivives her. A Christain
lady a true and loving mother, a
cheiished and cherishing wife,
and a kind and pleasant neighbor,
she will be truly mourned and
greatly missed. The funeral will
be from the family residence on
Broadalbin and streets at half
past two o'clock to-day.
Arrmtod for A Ixiuctloii.
A young man named Med
Thompson, son of a merchant of
Monroe, was on the Eugene local
train yesterday under arrest in
charge of Deputy Sheriff Croner
on a charge of abduction. He
had started to Port'and with Miss
Edna Smith of Junction, a vounir
girl aged Hi. She g it oil at Wood-
burn by mistake, and the yourg
man went on to Portland before
he missed her. On returning to
Wood bum aftsr ber lie was ar
rested. The girl was also taken in
custody and returned to her home.
Homething Nice in Cloak.
I have just received a large line
of children and misses cloaks and
misses jackets, sent mu on appro
bation. These cloaks vary in size
from those for two year
old children to those for miss
es of sixteen and in price from
$3 50 to $20.
If vou wish to bu a wran for a
child or miss, please call at once
and have your selection of the en
tire line. I must return by Friday
all cloaks and j-ickets not selected
for sale or stock.
Samcki. E. YofNts.
Notlc tu Detltora.
Having sold my harness store
in.l business in this city, all per
sons indebted to me are hereby
n quested to call at the oid stand,
now owned bv O. C. McFarland,
md settle the same in or before
Nov. 1, 1 St 1 1 . Prompt settlement
f all outstanding accounts will be
expcc.ed, Albany Oct. 13, lSnl.
J. J. ll lll Itll.l.K.
Co 111 lug Theatrical Attraction.
Among the attractions at the
opera house in tne near future are
Little Lord Fauntelroy n Oct. 1:
the Cleveland Minstrels on Nov.
14; Phillip Phillips on Nov. l(i. 17
and 18; the Moss Family on Nov.
l'.; Maud Granger and Kate Clax
tou in January. These will afford
seme tirst-class attraction? for .
Albany theatre goers. j
Sodavii.i.b, Or., Oct. 10.
Town is lively. Everybody
seems pleasant. No fcickness to
report this week.
Literary society nourishing.
W. W. Parrish informs your
correspondent that he will Lave
his spring fixed up for bathing
purposes next summer but owing
to bail roads he will be unable to
get lumber this fall.
R. W. Fisher formerly with G.
w.Mmpsonot Ainany, lias pur
chased the good will and fixtures
of R. Davis' general merchandise
store. He will restock it and keep
a selection oi goods that w ill be a
credit to the place.
Mr. Churchill is investing con
siderably in souavuie property
Martin Jackson is hauling wood
to 1 lainview. .
W. A. Goan is building a house
on the Mossholder place and will
move in this week.
Sixty car loads of wheat have
been shipped this fall and the
warehouse is now full of oats.
W. T. Bennett formerly of Iowa,
is moving into the old 11. E.
Parrish house.
u. k. l'eweii is oiuidiug a nice
milk house and putting a new roof
on his barn. He is also raising
some verv line Dioodeu horses
Mr. Powell is one of the leading
farmers ot this county.
East View school commenced
Monday under the able manage
ment of Miss Williamson late of
South Dakota.
W. K. Templa is renewing the
roof on his house, and otherwise
improving his place.
Dennis and Maurice Jackson
have commenced plowing prepara
tory to putting in their fall crops.
Mrs. Frum, mother of Alfred
Frum is dangerously ill at his
house. She has been quite feeble
all summer but has taken a change
for tne worse. Mrs. Frum has
a large circle of mentis and ac
quaintance in this county who will
lie quite pained to learn of her
serious illness.
Mr. Geo. Young our general
postmaster and merchant lias
been visiti:g Albany quite
frequently of late.
Plainview has a first class black
smith in the person of Mr. G. P.
Fallowing is a list of 1. Iters
n maining uncalled for in the pod
ofliie at Albany, Oregon Oct. 14,
INtil. Harvey Anderson, Jaob Alle
inoii. Walter Basley, Robert Blank,
George Carrens, Katie Cree, ('. II.
Cr;cker, J. M. Campbell, M'ss
J. Dueddll, Anna Davenport, Sin
Enns, Darriel Frost, (j. , Grav,
P. S. Gible, Mr. Hall, Pcrm-fia
Jacobj, Marry Kelly, J. D. Lewis,
M. P. I.i'isey. Joseph Lilley, A. C.
Miller, ('. P. Marshall, Jas. Miller,
W. L. Paul. Albert Penny, Anna
Raimoiid, C. W.Siflith, Kate Stale,
S. C. Someis, Jacob Saunders,
Mis. IS. Wire, Samuel Sterling,
J. L. Vine ard.
Tnos. Montkitii, I'os'.ma-ter.
Notice to the Ladles.
My clonks have now arrived and
I am enabled to give the ladies of
Albany a bargain in fall and win
ter cloaks. I w ill have at my store a
sample of every style of sealette
and cloth cloak or jacket made by
one of tlie largest Eastern manu
facturers. They comprise all the
novelties of the season. These
goods will be in tlie store for two
(lavs onlv and will be sold at
wholesale prices. Call early and
secure tiie best selection.
G. W. Simpson.
The facilities of the present day
for the production of everything
that will conduce to the material
welfare and comfort of mankind
are almost unlimited and when
Syrup of Figs was first produced
the world was enriched w ith the on
ty perfect laxative know n, as it is
Ihe only remedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing to the taste
and prompt andetlectual to cleanse
the system gently in the Sprit
time or, in fact, at any time any
the better it is known the more
popular it becomes.
Watches, charns and spectacles,
specialties at F. M. French's.
At Will A Stark's can be seen
some of the most beautiful ladies
gold watches, which have just
ueen received.
Have you seen that elegant
piano at Klein liros.
Pay your school tax and save
costs of collection.
Frequently accidents, occur in
the house-hold which cause burns,
sprains and bruises ; for use in such
cases Dr. J. H. Mclean's Volcanic
Oil Liniment has for many years
been the constant favorite family
Lawn spr'nklei?, Matthews &
Washburn, garden hose, Matthews
& Waslihurn, lawn mowers,Matth
ews & Washburn, pumps, Matth
ews & Washburn, bath tubs,
Matthews & Washburn, water
closets, Matthews & Washburn,
gasoline stoves, Matthew s & Wash
burn, the best of everything
Matthews & Washburn.
S1UKP MORUAN On Wcdnesduy
morning Ort. 11, s.l , at tlie rest
dunce of J. J. liciird in Tangent, ty
Kev. Tlioniaf, Mr. C'urti-r Slurp anil
Miss Trixie Morgan, hotli of t jut
ci j.
Tlie hippy couple went to
Portland 011 their wedding trip.
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Dot, jr prescribed :
Castoria I
For nice fresh oysters go to John i
lao in a.
Buy your gasoline stoves of
Hopkins Bros.
New dress goods just received at
W. F. Read's.
Will & Staik have some elegant
souvenir spoons.
Klein Bros, are giving a fine
piano to their customers.
A fine line of gold ring3 just
opened at Will & Stark's.
Choice pickles in bulk, or quan
tities to suit, at Parker Bros.
Fresh Yaquina bay salmon at S
cents per pound at Hyde's market
every day.
Those contemplating purchas
ing a piano or irgan should call at
Will A Link's and see their beau
tiful instruments. They carry the
best makes and eell them on very
essy terms.
Mr. J. S. Morgan has just
completed burning a fresh kiln
at bis brick yard one mile west of
the court house, and is prepared
to fill all orders. A man will be
in waiting at the yard to attend to
all callers for brick.
W. It. Graham lias received a
fine assortment of Thomas Kay all
woolen cloth suits and overcoats.
He also has a large line of foreign
and domestic cloths, and is mak
ing stylish suits and ga: incuts at
very reasonable prices. Call an 1
see his new goods.
1 our school tax w.ill be delin
quent if not paid at once. I.rtok
after it and save costs of collection
Have you seen those beautiful
cement walls in the cemelcr -s
put up by E. W . Achison, at all
the cost of stone.
for in e pocKct Knives nest pa
tent tempered shears and scissors
and extra hollow ground razors
go to Stewart k Sox.
Use the celluloid eyci-Uss clean
ers. (Handkerchief not always
elegant.) Free with each pair of
lasses at K M. French's.
vne iiunurcu acres i ctmite
land close to Albany, only land
under cultivation wanted," State
price. Address Box :!!.
If you are hungry go to Parker
bros. and get a loaf of the best
bread in the city.
Always on time with the liest
the market affords. Try. and be
convince 1. C. E. Brownell.
Will & Stark will be glad to
show you their laige line ol beau
tiful silverware. It will .1 j vou
geed, even if you don't buy.
onra'i buyers new oven is
now completed, and he is better
prepared tl an ever to serve his
old customers as well as new ones
with the bestof fresh bread, cakes,
in fact everything from the dainti
est hit rclls to the most elaborate
wedding cakes. Housekeeper
are invited to give the product of
his new oven a trial.
t an at . r.. loung s nnd n e
the large and varied stok of
cloaks, sacks and jackets ju.-t re
ceived. I have received my new
stock of fall and winter garments,
including all the novelties in
short and long jackets, etc., and
am better prepared to suit the
traJe than ever before. Tl use
that ca'l early are sure to be satis-
lied. They are going very fast
Samuel E. Young.
Childrens school cloaks in end
less variety at the Ladies Bazaar
Castoria is recommended by
chvsicians lor children teething.
It is a purely vegetable preparation
.ts ingredients are published
around each bottle. It is pleasant
to the taste and absolutely harm
less. It relieves constipation.
regulates the bowols. quites pain,
litres diarrhiei anil wind colic,
allays feverishnes-J, destroys
worms, and prevents convulsions,
toot lies the child and gives it re
i'resbing and natural sleep. Cas-
foria is nit ciilltlren s panacea
uie mouiers irionu. oo d- e, 3o
Height of Cruelty.
Nervous women seldom receive
.t .1 , ...-
me s 111 pauiv JiH'Vitcorve. tt hue
lu'tcu the pictures of health, they
ere constantly ailing. To with
bold sympathy from these iini'i r
mates is the height of cruelly.
They have a weak heart, causing
i-lmrtnesH of breath, fluttering,
pain in side, weak and hungry
spells, and finally swelling of
ankles, oppression, choking,
smothering and dropsy. l'i.
Miles' New Heat t Cure is just the
thing for them. For their ner
vousness, headiclie, weakness,
etc., his Kestorative Nervine is
is uneiiualed. Fine treatise on
"Heart and Nervous Piseases'
and marvelous testimonials frei
old and ku run teed bv Standard
& Cusick.
Wanted to Kent.
A four or five acre tract of land
near Albany for the purpose of
raising garden truck. Any having
such land to rent will confer a
favor by addressing I'eter Howns,
Albany, Oregon.
Ladies call early and make your
selections in inidinery while the
assortment is complete. The
largest and best line of bats for
Misres and children ever carried
before at the Ladies Bazaar.
Great reduction in Oxford tiee
at Klein Bros.
Used in Millions of Homes
Ih.-ri) ni-1
tli. I in
ki-r l ouiit) Ore i
U'iii, nt-ar u hat I
tUr A
it ,' linker City. "PCIJTIIDV who liis MfictUCIl I Un I
la-come idiMili'ii-il with the rcsourcea Jt A A
ami iU'vcli;iuei!t of that country. TDinuU
m' in no other than Mr. Juhti Stewart, one
of the wealthiest nnd moot influential citizen
in the eotiiity. In a recent letter he nays:
'l IkuI been tutlirii! from pains in my ha k
viiil trcncral kulncv complaint tor nome time.
ami hac uiicil many roniLiiii-s without any
hut temporary relief. Ihe uains in nij back
ha.i heconie ho hevere tint 1 wag i reveoted
iniiii :ittemlin to my work ami coulil not
in vc without the uo of a i-une. Hearing,
through a frteail, of the womlcr'ul cures if
oit liy Oreifon Kidney Tea, I wa ilcliue.1 to
try a n, and from that vc'V tint diMk) I
I. uml luKtaut n-licf, anil before u lot half
the contents of the box the laiutf in c v luuk
i nt inly disappeared I have every f ith in
the virtues ol thj Oregon Kidney' Tea, and
can coiwctcntioiH'.y re;omiiicnl it to luj
frietioH. 1 woiiM not Lc without it for any
thing." Oregon Kidncv Tea cure headache, incon
tinent v of urine, brick dust aediui' in, bum
iiiL'or paiiiljl .icn-ntioti white urinating, and
atl r.rTt'i-tioiis of the kidtiey or urinary orgaiif
ol either sex.
We are now prepared to do cus
tom chopping for either cash or
We are agents for II. F. Fifchcr
Corvallis ltoller Mills, Uuir,
middlings, shorts and bran. Also
hay. oats, chop, etc., always on
hand and sold reasonable. Free
delivery inside of city limits.
Try t ur Corvallis Hour and you
will U;e no other.
M on it is & Bi.orxT.
At iiiy yanl. or 1 1 in v teVdenre
on 4 th street between Itailruad and
Moiituomriy, or deli"?iitd any
where in the citv. Inquire at
Hus'on cfc t'o's truck and dr.iy
oliice or at gro erj- store in east
pait cf the city. A man at yard
H orn H to 12 and 2 to 4 clock.
W. C. C.tssti.i..
:: BUS
Ajip!) to Mm.
To ait 011 the tal.le.
M. Keiinal ut tl.e Pioneer
Itcautlful Women.
The magical effects of Wisdom's
Kohertine as a bcautilier and
preserver of the complexion have
been attested by thousands of
leading ladies of nociety and the
stage. It is the only article ever
discovered which gives a natural
and beautiful tint to the complex
ion, removing tan, sunburn,
freckcls and all roughness of the
face and arms, leaving the skin
oft, smooth and velvety. All re-
maik 0:1 its delightfully coolinu
nnd refreshing properties, a
istiuction not found in anv other
siiuiliar ar licit known. For sale
by 1'osliay A Mason.
Mil ! Kf E ft LIVES I'llX.
Act on a new principle regit la
ting the liver, stomach and bowel.'
through the nerves. A new dii-
covery. ir. .Miles nils speedily
( ure biliousness, bad taste, torpi 1
liver, piles, constipation r Un
eijualed for men, women, children.
mallest, miltlest, purest I odilosei
for .5 cents. Samples
ee, at
Stanar-.l iV Cusick.
Itelimvul Mtitfre.
W. H. Graham has removed bis
tailoring establishment to new
commoilioiis (planers 011 rirst
street, opposite the FarmeJs
Merchants Insurance olliee. He
has a line line ol cloths lor winter
suiting overcoa's and garments
fur 1111-11 and youth, which bis
skillful tailors will make up on
short notice in neat and fashinable
styles. His prices will be found
most reasonable.
O. K. T. Ilonent Itesults.-O li. T
Many of the pioneers of Oregon
and Washington have cheerfully
testified to the wonderful cura
tive properties ol celebrated
Oregon Kidney lea. 1'urely
vegetable and pleasant to the
taste and csin be taken by the
youngest child or most delicate
woman. O. K. T. is a never fail-
ir g remedy foi pains in the back
and loins, non-ietention of urine,
scaldicg or burnii.g sensation
while urinating, mucous dis
charges and all kidney troubles of
either sex. $1 at all druggists. For
sale bv Foshav A Mason.
40 Years the Standard
Tr. L.
Choice Teas, Coffees, Snices,Exf racls
-And a general
Ik VtrH skill I Bay ?
$KRr us 14$.
fff-wi- r.iY
.ni ski.l
imb-you ii:r
ie :-: Leailiiiff :-: Clotliicr
Merchant Tailor.
ittlp- 'jP''tf "W
lien's, Hoys'
Now ai riving, vou will bo convinced that we are J.W1NU
OVEU AI.LCUMPETHION in our line when it to
ble Trices. Give us a call.
assortment of
Tin: i.ovi:sT.0r
Tin - : r.i.M.i-ii-
and Children'