Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, October 13, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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    C J
I i "n th tiluI n,-4' Alh.nv or in Al
1 j ww, a i.l;k itch. I or grip c mtunin
a ht-v k Vl-t n. ,::,, u-,ir i.ver.ii:.
nnn-l nrimm .1 h it, a p:iir i.f hIi-v. -li:rts, u
u Tia, uri ami mhh. i ut oi
Hflr. unil 1iih1a.?i a rjte h -i e ah
nr.. iii-mcir. ca evo vir. laht-nl ru
w.rj will hi? ii l ! rlu tin it' on ltaiini;
tiir MJim ni iikk i:.n oni :e.
I V y mr t li h lit i Dr- ii j i cat f..r
I. th vo-ir isil.i-. ii i.v lie i p;:il:e.
T p.i.i-r. an- re i'i I 1 1 i-iil pri-iiptiv
t l.'ie ..!!! e uf tli -nrli. 0. (i. Ilir-lia-t ami
f-.-iv tie' k.ue. a,'.ttl( v.'. G. liirkhart
ir S-tU'I.' a I'utiiic iliut. AitU
u' lri, I.ij aal
. TU-; LKAH,
-imvk cuttalon
trot, rril r-fae -fitv. Koi ;arti ii
lr tf I'li.-e if i-c.' liijtH'. r y.
iVrUSi P l.S-t All lit ivr j.,:ti
VAti n, r il -i 1 1 rr Vn-c, fo v
J: j.r r', W.tW ! ! I inii'- fri n riVo . l
' k'i i- i'i - iu;i rr iu A!niuy. Apply
O triiini
Lyo i hrcotu
r a i.'-: ! h .-J l.lili: ! tn li.i
l'ie :"r it r of Se. o'il mi fur Mtlr.
I'I. M. l. vi r.LTi-i. riy t'nii.a
n-i-i-t ri.i.i i ticip i!.i iii.rii prii-ei.
.v -ty hit :i I i'V! tl I'V i. i;r' :int.
A io i
tant! Hurvil.u'.
1 RIIS4 Dm:-: rV!Cvi.-;ii d.mcaS'iii.
I t i i a'!irr.e ml prompt irk Iy c.uli:.
HvirMi tmi'itv iit.-hV! E f. T. Ki.-Ver. lie
biiiiooinptv'.ti c-.i-ii.". of iciil notes ai!l town
artip rUt.-i. a.i-i w f-'::iro I toio iii:v;!k
put i.f I-inf "i il . I'ontotti -e ail'Ircv,
feJiciuMafiiin. Li'.in cr.'i u . Oretf-iiL
Notice of lisoliili'ii.
Tli-r irJrt' trnlii hrri'tofnre existing I'i
t. n K. an I !l. F. II. . k
Hi.iliT li. IIilil h;l-ln' r.l Ha-i'lL-l1 .V H ill"!,
I5 k, i- Hii. iluy li" ovi'.l l.y imitiitl r mi
i-nt "llio ti:i-iiiitiMi will ! isiiitiutH'l i
F. finlcil l.u Kill piv ill le ts hi" tilt U i
C.-ui. K. WK.-.I,I..
All ;im, Sipt
U'Mi.vr .i a: n; px; h -u-
ithi' I S it- tiii? M-i'fiifiii.U J
V yt It. !. -'' I V ! i in irniit .-1
Vimirm-n I. r l' t -.r -'.'r t-nir-.
tin- sm. rriM -i.t. It i.-ni ni .i
ri"-, Au vim u ? k li u,..-i:ii
N'rs rii s.
V.V :ire oiVi itw ti jlanlcrj !!
fiiift lot of f'rnU tr.-t s, "f ilr
hiftS'e v-irit'tii-H. in t -t
!ne hufpireil a-xl fifty t'i'i !y;itnl
tri-s fiir tliis "ii-ii'ii'T' f t I if.
Inflection irivit'.-1 uti I cuti-sfa--ton
S.-n-i f-r or c.ill nn 1
WHJ iH:tf til-' 1 I ll l'li tv;l.l
ontt-liilf ruiN .iimt.'ie-'t of .Vl'.any.
ilVM s t t'.i:ikvs::i.i..
- MM
-':".t the '.'ex' a) I.ys . -
40S. A 60RD !
sri: m saw. i i: ).!ir woi.k
pii'IVror witli c..ta.Ti. j of au 5ll i.eavcnins Tower.-LateH U. S. Gov't Food Report
I am an I1 man ainl haw limn
a constant
lor i tie ji:t, tt'ii vi ara. 1 am i n-
t'ri-ly curt'il liv ttit- line of Kiv'r
I'reini !'..i!m. It is trance that .u
siuiplc a n-ir.t'.Iy will cr.- sm li a
Htnhhoni liiwi'.t-v Ht-iirv 1 "-1 1 i -U.
S. IVnsioii Att'y", W'mli
ington, D. C.
Kor ciiriit yoais I haw snil'.-r il
from fu'arrh, whtfii fl!'.i'tiil mv
eys-a ai;l lieaiit liave - ! t 1 1
many insi.i.ti:s Mt!;.nit re;!.'!.
I alii Uw on my fC"ii::i! Inttlj i.l
KlyV I'li-am l!a!'ii, ainl h'fl con!i
Tft.t of a oini'!'fi' i tiff. M try C
T:ioiiiihoii, t'crro (ii;!!o, 111.
We are the ooly n'i.ili wiio rar
ry tho i i li li'-ai' IK. iV: . mllir
ami eui,'-. Ai-.vt.-" t he Ialr.t
styles in t-iuc';. T. !.. Walla--u .: Co.
Newsy Budget from
State Capital.
TueCow-dIy Orime of a Enchmao, Who
Shot Hi Ctaipanion Dowi is Cold
Ciain'ii I nrivallml AtlaH.
I.) von know that Moort.-'a
vt-ali'-l Kfiifiiv !.- rheonlv
T:i-aii-i:ie in me woi pi mat doi s
no contain a i4;o' : j:'c ; t!i.t i i.,.
i:ie mmwoi ;'iv;-.' it is known
only to its ili-co'. . ii-r ; l
a-lvaiii'e in ihu oi luevli.'ine
witliont a i' i.-:;iiei in the nitii -
teeiith century
oiler t fo: ii-:t s
of ilys'i'ix: i it will ip) curt"
th:i! it--- roiiri..tii ?
1 .i'i''.) ',. any cite i
Tin nc.v cliLinii of this ii'srivail
eil work i now heii!c ttelivercil hy
!hc aj'ciif, .,lrs. A. M. Tait. The
v. i.ik is a iiiosl extrtllent one, aip'.
this e- ition i.j a L'rcat improve
mei.t niton f jriner one?, giviiij.'
ill til.- 1 iti-si il.i'e :itul mil. Ii nw-
ta!ei 1 j ,.., in t!i:;t, v:is;iot in the nrevion.s
i 1 1 1. r;rt. It clioulil he i-i every
:ni!v, irnl on everv Kiisint-ss
mail's si:. Thns: who ara not
t It Is ilil , u.i. f.lljl ...... .nil. in t'mntitiq tiv-
a-j-'.Vft'-irijt I'.'o. iiox No. iW Al-h-iti
( irtv'on.
Tii-f. !;r:!i'
S(;me of t!:.'
hron'it to Ail
in-' then! :i a :
. Ivi3 j-i-t ri'i-eivcil j
(Imst '.i.'l- 'd tver !
:!', an ! he is Hell-!
1 .-so ri.'.rvin. j
r. '
!-'s r-. Ilynrtn A I'rowiiell are
;:tre.t in their iiiirsyiy to fur
;: kiiu!.i of t-t ck, Rid t:l-:.-3
ii ii:ir' t jilunt siiouhicjtlli-.jiuii
r .. - "?
'"-1-.- --J ' "
V -xvA-'"."-- '-A I'll ..'..
V:il!!! fi;r
Hvhool rm Ntlr.
The school tas in schoo
tlistricl No 5, ia now due and pay
al!e. Call at my otli-e and pin
the same before it becomes dt
C. G. I!i:kkiiht.
I ll.l r'i.-t f'li.rli'
J'loiui i i'ivi n .
The men of this vicinity need
rot be jealous because their wives
talk bo constantly about Matthes
anil Wa-.hburn. "its not their uo'.sl
loyks the ladies are talkii'j? about,
it is the Ktiod tjualites of .the ook
and heating dtoves they sell. Every
one seems to he deliirhted wtit-n
tht-y hny from 51. and W.
We desire t i f:iy to our
. ii, Unit for years n- !i:tve tieen sell
ing I r Kin New Diseotery fur
1'iiiiriiiiijitioii, Dr Kind's New I.;l'e
I'i I ;s. I..ekl'ii's Arnicit Sitlve unci
Klifhie I'-iltiTs. iiipI Inne r.t'Ver
Ii iiiilleil reiiieilies ' li 1 1 e.'ll its, or Mint
have yiven sueii Miiviial siiti.l.ti--tii
u. We tin not hi'.-it itc n nar.ui
tee it'.e in every tiiae uiul weBtand
ready n refiitel 1 hi- i.iu t hase pi ice, il
s.i" i.-f.n-tiry n sill's i: i not follow llieir
use Tii' se reiiieilies have Mull He ir
1,'rett popul.tritt' iii;!y oa their
tuerils, Kun'iay V. Ma-i-n I'ruists,
1 NttllMI. I'. :.M.
The holding of li. World's Fail
in a city scarcely lifly yearn old
will he a rtinai ka'i:e event, but
v, l."t!iei it will icalty bt-nelit this
n.itioii as much as the discovery of
tin Kestoi'::tive Nervine by I'r.
Fiat; kiwi Miles i.s d.iubtful. 'This
is j:ist w hat the American people
n e i !n cure thur exi t ssive ner
voi:s:ie. s, !ys) ejisi:t, lit adache,
d zzii.tfs, .ieeplt" !s::cs--, r.i iiraL-'.a,
nervo'is tl'liihty. dullness, con
liisiun i.f ir'in 1. t-t '. Ii se!s iikj i
cliann. holtlesand line book
on "Nervous and Heart liir-ca cs.'
with u-.tiU''.li d te-tiimiiiia's iieeal
Stanai d Cu.sicU 's. 1 1 is warrantei!
to oiitairi no opium, moi ihi:i: r
daneioiis di 'is.
A Mlil
tlav nen t to the secretary of elate
the assessment roll for this year,
The total n mount of taxable prop
erty is $1,001,0-15. Number of polls
Circuit court convened lo day in
the renular October term. The
docket is growinjr right along, con
taming now 1 15 cast s.
In the breach of promise suit,
Alary Uooileiiouuh vs. i-lvin D1
the tlt-fendant lilcs bis answer atn
also a coiinleiclaim. lalv denies
that heim'.uced Mrs. i jodeuoiiL'h
to come west lor the purpose of
marrying her. He says in the com
plaint 1 e"'as suipii ed tolind her
such a silly garni. oits old woman.
she having claimed to him she was
of an "engaging and attractive ap-
i - otie w
yo.i sai is'.i
taiiiir- ,t
a :li'- s-.le j'l
our .-iilyerli-i-il
lr Kind's N
siiiiioI'oii. il i
iiwm ii r.
ieh i-- -u ii anteei! to liriii
tory r-.Mi Is, or in case o!
in n ! pure inue.
ii you can Imy from
iliui.-ts a liottl-' of
w Ds -utery f ir l.'on
uar iiile.-il lo ln-liiir
Albany Co!k.i;Uc Institute,
: i S ?
r i r
; -f. S - - 3
Li'.A tXV,
September 9, 1891.
t ii
Ju:ie 10,1892.
f l-Ap rieiXiiii Mcp.
p ii I i erils
i.i - ai.d Mi
..f sin
ly : Colt" .i.-'i'. N u n! :I. i'.!-iues. I'ri'narv.
nil are 1;nn '.!. I -or t a!alot;:ii; p. I 'f-'H,
. l.Li'.i Ml N. n.'M.'l 1', A. A!., Ite.-!.i. -nt.
relief ia rii.
!iy aliiel inn
t'hest sii--!i a?
limi of
vlioop:ng t'oiili. trotip,
It i- i leas.itit and a:'reehl
p-:rfeet y ule,
pep li d iiji-.n
y -. when used for
of Throat. I.utiirs, oi
l.ii'-uin:iti )ii, jullaiiia-
r.ronelui Asthtn'!,
ete, el;
to taste.
.m i ean art ays he de
Trial tin! 'lis free at
l-"os!ijy Mason. Ii i irir '--' .
M-:.4 1 1. 1 1 it iM.t iail v
S.-areely a day iji-ses without the
ti.-w soi (Mini,! I.i-j;e failure I! ishiii"
over the wires -the result of
speculation in slocks or some eiU.t'!y
tl.ili-. e-ou i veiiiiir '. Till" same electric
cu u-iif carries lo dear distant Irieiid
the sad 1 i-lilirs of death of lnvi d urn s
ton i'.-i the result ol speculation
in p itcut noti Iteis. Moore's It -veiiled
i.'ellleiiy is I o speculation ll:l is s,i,(l
on poi;tive i n- in'ee. Ho ii it t'nil t-i
tro to your di utrnisl and a-k for ymir
ni'i'iey if nit saliliiil. We klmun
yo'i will coaad Imy another liollle.
l'or sa'e hy all ilruisls.
8Ti54BDAC';3i;S, Pr .o.,
fFKlFFEIl lll.o. :;, - - At.UANV.
and Toiiet arti. sifii..4. llu-ihed,
l'erfu:u..-ry, S i'. s.k-i, a ,.1 Ar
t:t' yiijs lici
9"r!irsieiana presv-i ip'i on ?
carefully cotupo'in-l'.-d.
21 U
i ; i.
r is in. UK. AND Till
iniii.l and on the lip : of
" Wi-o h is the best s'.ock
every woman will he,
!. .J.
ni i it .
hlP mm Umm m I A
... ilil" avi M.lilllVlllJ U..VI U'till1 U 1UII VHU-iJIfV,
I It 1
i . ii ri
I i
. it
. j
IU.'i an l II e h' clothi'i inalj to ord, r or
c!t:oi.-.! auil repairtst mi .Ii irt notice an.i
r(aMiliIo rite.
Sa.m on l'ie .trrt-t i.-ar lino bvtwt?a Thipl
ni Fourth strte;
oiir- ot I lunl Srlllriii-al.
NDTICE :s hereby trivell that the
iindeisigned a hnini.-'.rator ef the o
ta'e of K A. Itaiirlit, deeai.-d, ha
tiled his lien! ace.. nn' !n the matter ol
said stale iu the county court in and
lor l.'iiu county. Oregon, and that
said eo li t has lixed Mniiday the -'id,
day of Sovt'iiil'i'r Is'.ll. al the hour of
ni o'clock in the aft moon i f said
tl.iy for the bearing if ohjectioiis to
t.'il linal iH-'.-ount uud the s-.-ltluiueut
F. D. Ha-oiit,
II. II. Hewitt.
Ally for Adm,
New jewelry of latest patterns at
Kill k Stark Y.
-Tins t -stion cm be a.i'.i f.ic'oiilly ans wered al the old established house of --
H'lio has or:;x!.:i koi
I .1- ,. .. .
tl l.itilHS 1 'S-1 I I HI (S. ill
rm-: Fvr.i.
ith. sV.'t. f
lacci", linens, an I whit. in h. n ill .in. now!tie. e
Aleo a co ni'U-'e :i-s.i:'t:u-it of V, lots au-l Sno h, Stap'e a id Fancy Groceries.
l to I d )ii-Hlic f.ibn.;j, s ia vlu. tin 1 .riveir. rUv,. hosiei v. lsiMi. r lis pioxkkk :uv ;)! i
h. by keening a st'ck lare enough t ) s i-.'iv anv, ar
i as will give f atisfa.-tion both in ijna'iry an I prices.
A B1 It u Him Ulll III Nnlehbor
Near Wuuillawu, V,'liln jton, t, Oct. 12. A loeginjj
camp near Wocd awn, Cowlitz
county, Wash., as the scene of a
dastardly murder last Friday even
ieg. Vic Decbe, a young man 24
veils of ege, and a Hon of a well-
known mill man of Woodlawn,
was khled iu col 1 blood by a man
named Day. In the early part ol
the alU ri.oi-ii young liuebee bad
some dilliculty with Day's son
about some cows that were des
troying i'.eehe s com, and slapped
young Day's lace. I bat evening
about twilight the elder Dav, who
is a ranchman, called at Heche's
camp and asked him to w alk down
the road with him toward Wood -lawn.
The two had proceeded about a
mile a'.org tiis road, talking over
the difliciitty that bad occured iu
the earlier part of the day, when
Day Bii-ld'itly turned around, and,
drawing his gun, shot l'.eebe,
through the body, the ball enter
ing the right sihj and coining out
t n the left, passing through both
A boy who joined the party saw
the shooting. Day turned upon
him and made an attempt to kill
t im also, but the cartridge caught
iu the htrrel of the gun and failed
to dihohurge. The boy took to bia
heels and reached Woodlawn,
wher.j.ho reported the killing of
Hebe. Heche's body was brought
to Woo Hart u that mght and an
inquest held.
Day had tied to the wood, but
was captured next morning by the
constable. A mob havint! gathereJ
to lynch Day, thee ndable crossed
hi 4 "prisoner over the river into
Clarke county and brought him by
a circuitous route to Kalama,
vi here l.e is now lodged in jail.
Great integration prevails through
out that section, and it is feared
that Day w ill yet be lynched.
Day's son, who hd caused the
dilliculiy, rcuiHi ked when he heard
that his father had killed Heehc:
"Oh. that'll nothing. It isn't the
lirst ti ne pap has done the like."
Will Not CuuiruiuUr, But Will
Fi.liow l'arucll'a Tenlilugo,
Diiius', Oct. 12. The newspa
pers of this city to-day continue
their eulogies of the late Charles
Stewart I'arncll, and on all side!
ate heard expressions of regret for
the dead. It is reported here an
infonnal meeting of the Parnellite
members of commons was held
this morning, and it was decided
not to accept any overtures for
coalition with the McCartbyites,
but to continue the struggle tor
leadership of the Irish parliamen
tary party on the lines laid down
by l'arnell in bis eilbrts to regain
the xsition from which he bad
been deposed by a majority of his
former followers.
It is reported that a delegation
will soon visit America and Aus
tralia to solicit funds for the Irish
cause, in the memory of the dead
vember. This step is taken forthe
reason that it is desired that thev
pbould be heard by a full bench,
and the probability is a.l justices
will not be present Moaday next.
The list includes the Saywatd
case, which involves the question
of jurisdiction cf the United States
over the seal fishei ies in Behring
sea, and the lottery cases, the
elevator case and cases involving
ttie question ot constitutionality o;
the JlcKinley tarilTact. Thecourt
adjourned a few minutes afier 1"
o'clock and went in a bodv to pay
I its respects to the president.
An Outraged Wife Shot lliin Head
At Her Feet.
BlSOlIAMTON, N. Y., Oct. 12
Domestic infelicitude between .Mis
Alvin Delong, of this city, and her
husband induced tier to shoot h.m
about midnight last night, killing
him instantly. One of ttie bullets
entered his 1 ft arm and the it ler
his heart. Sjme years ago Delong
was employed on the Dele ware
and Hudson, but ljst his position
on account of his bacchanalian
propensities. Then he took up
painting and paer hangin; for a
vocation. He was a haul worket
but spent a large port, on of his
earnings with other women and
liquor. His family ineludei three
children two daughters, the eld
est of whom is 17 yeats, and a son
about 11 years el ag". On a'.ur
day Delong attended a fair iu this
city, and when he returned to sup
per it was plainly evident that he
had been drinking. He started to
go out of the house and Mrs. De
long pleaded vainly for him to
remain. Soon after 11 p. ni., Mrs.
Delong and a little dog named I'ete
started out to hunt him up. l'cte
bad no trouble in pti iking his
trail and led his mistress to a
liouee kept by a women of check
ered career. Mrs. I e!ong enquired
tor her hash ml. Hearing hot
voice, he stepped out and ustd her
shamefully. rually lie accom
panied her home, abusing her
every step of the way. When near
ho. ne Delong assaulted his wife.
Just then two shots were fir d, and
by the time oiiicers arrived, Delong
waB found dead at his wife's feet.
Mrs. Delong was arrested and
lodged in jail. During thedayshc
has been irresponsih e for her ut
terances. Her iiueband had mauled
and kicked her, she said, until the
could put up with il noloi ger.
Napa, California, Visite4-6j Hard
Ta thq lake Shocks.
It. s Euttf tlit Etckltt la Ot'.rtgtd
Wift SLof-i Her Bratal Hasta.d
Dind at Etr Fe.t-
Napa, Oct. 12. '-"arthquakes
tluring last night set Napa uto
fever of excitement. Jh fiiet
shock came at 9:1(1, but was Fght
At IO:L"i came a heavy slick
which las ed 4ti hccxikIs. Il was a
twisting motion from right lo left.
Mny people ran into the street in
iiight, some fainted, and all were
g eatly excited, but no fatalitiae
are reported. Lighter fdiocks iol
lov2d dm ins the entire night.
Some Fay there were twelve
sho.tks, while others p'.oi'esa to
have counted as high as seventeen.
Some people remained in the street
all ii'glit. Hie damage will not
be veiy heavy on any one build
ing, but in iha aggregate is ton
niderable. Scores of chimneys
were thrown tloan or turned
three-'oiiiths around, many brick
buildings badly crocked and wall
tlecoiations in most of the tine
houses badly damaged. The insane
asylum reports some damage to
walls anil towers, buU nothing
nUSH II AS M VINTAl'Rni:'P.i U' i.-AVOTl
an 1 m.l''.illi 1 SOJcialtv of !.tinn cimh wiv.rla
, . ....5, . ..v.. (.-v
t'l.o.-K cash r.i'YKKs vi.-rr
' invited to i;iptct hs ttock, wl
hicli is coirplete in p.ll lib numorous depart-
nit nts, on l purchased e-specially for (he fail season of
Vrry Little Kaalneat lone on the
FirHt Day of the Term.
Washington, D. C , Oct. 12.
The supreme court of t e United
States met for the Octoter term
to-day. Three justices wereabstnt
from the court. Chief Justice
Fuller is in Chicago, where his
daughter ia very ill, and Justices
Bradley and Gray hive both been
ill, but" are now recoveiing. The
business transacted was the admis
sion of applicants to practice before
the court and the announcement
by Juetii e Field that the most im
portant cases advanced for argu
ment next Monday ate postponed
until tho second Mond-iv in No-
The Faklrt Making a Larrrl uf
Monry Out of It.
TiticvEs, Oct. 12. The holy tvat
exhibition at Treves has not been
closed as a large number of French
pilgrims are expected in a day or
two. llie number o: pilgrims has
been increr.sing, instead of dimin
ishing, as the clothe of the exhibi
tion approaches. The total num
ber now is about 2 O.)0,CO I. About
a dozen miracles are reported
through the touching the holv
coat, but the authorities are care
ful about indorsing any ona. '1 liy
propose to content themselves and
to satisfy the faithful bv simply
publishing the ceniiicatas of at
tenuigg pnysicians as to the condi
tion ot the patient before audaiter
touching the relic. Apart fiom
these certiticateu the-e uct-lesiast "
will have rothing to say. 1 1,
cathedra1 has proiited greatly ii
me uoiiaiuiit) oi piigtiais, h i : 1
new and splendid slirine has bcei
prepared as a place ol depLisil I"
the holy Tiiis ehruie ha
been made at Stiitigntt. Ti,
pope s shares el the doi.atio; s i
also very large, ahhoiigii nopubli
account of the sum has been m ok
He rredlrt Victory for the Itepiiii
llcana in New Turk.
Paris, Oct. 12. Warner .Miller
who has been studying tlmcana
system of Ho'land and the watei
way that the Gcriuau governiut-n
is eenstructing at Kiel, stai-.e
to day for London. He sails f .
New York in a day or two. i j,. ;
in haste lo take part in the Hat
He said to-day to thy Tribiin
"The republican ticket is admir
able from top to bottom and should
be elected. I know every nun on
it ami 1 know that each of them is
ibundantly qualified to till the
ollice for w hich he has been nom
inated. I have already telegraphed
that the candidates should be given
the warmest support by my friends
and have no reason to think that
this will not be dons. I should
say that the prospect of a republi
can victory in New York is iu et
Lota of the Uenpatrh.
Wasiiinotoh, Oct. 12. Lieuten
ant Cowles, commanding the
United States steamer Despatch,
telegraphed the secretary of the
navy from Asteague life-saving
station that all the oflicers and
crew of the vessel were safe on
shore, f nd they had saved all their
clothing and all the boats except
the cutter. The Yantic had ar
rived at the scene of ti e w reck,
but has been unable so far to rea
der assistance. It is now believed
(be Despatch will be a to'ul loss.
In a drunken row at Louisville,
Ky., last night, Dennis Fitzpatrik
a workhouse guard, was shot and
killed, either by John McGrath, a
lelter-carrier. or a man nan ed
McAulilTe. Both were arrested.
The Mlmourl Cave Kobbera aad
Their Wonderful Hiding 1'lace.
Si'iiiNUFini.D, Mo.. Oct. 12 Ttie
news from Moue county resoecti.n
the Fearch for the cave outlaws
is still very exciticg. The cave
where the outlaws ami suspected
robbers are concealed, if they have
nt-t escaped through another out
let know n only to themselves, is in
o:ie oi the wildest regions of the
Ozark mountains, neatly fortv
"ilea from a railroad or teleurapii
ollice. The latest rtpott states that
Sheriff Bookcut's force has been
latgely increased bv reinforce
ments of armed men, who ralliei
to the freeiia of the excitement
from a'l parts of Stone coun'V
Growing impatient at the fruitless
results ol the seige, the posse de
termined to enter the cavern and
hunt for the cullans and their
siii posed treasurers. . The cave
proved to be a great wonder world,
containing numerous aventiee and
pits. Descending into one cf these
yaw ning chasms the party found
other rooms below the first storv
ol chambers. The possibility ol
unding one ot the traditional lo-t
silver mines of the Oark inounta n
once said to be known to the Span
ish adventurers who exploied the
While river country, aho stimu
lated the searching p trty. Koom
alter room was enieied." but no'.h
inumuch was loan I. It is reported
that the robbers, when discoveied
by the prospecting miners a few
days ago. told the latter that they
had plenty to eat and could esaope
if necessary through an cutlet
known only to The
sheriff and posse are still keeping
uti t ;ia searcn.
Harrison street ecIiouI and C. If.
Sholes, w ho will play tha gamr.
Kugene Protzman and Postmaster
Davie?, Seattle, will act as
heralds and assist the players. To
t!ioe who aie fair:liar with the
gameofche?8 the s:giit will possei
ac inU res", thai only adepts at the
great gauie can feel, and to thoie
w bo wi'l look upon it simply as a
"nectttcle the hi iiiiant costumes of
the ladies and gentlemen with
their gold and siier and piecious
stones rt Heeling their beauties be
neath the elcttric lights, will pre
rent a go geous eight indeed.
Tuelte Nud Itcturn loth Ilreaa
of Otdlnary Womankind.
Nkw York, Oct. 12. All the
sisters w ho belong to the commun
ity knoAii as the Franciscan
Sisters of Sc. Maiy in A-chbishop
Corrigan's diocess have laid aside
th"ir veils and ha'iit which many
of them had worn for six years
and resumed the oiuinary dress of
womankind. Twelve in all. in
cluding the in tin r superior who
org nicd the t icninuoity, made
ibis change, and are known to tho
w il l and to their ecclesiastical
superiors by the names that they
had net-1 re t.Iiey became sisters.
It is said by sevetal persons that
the sisters had fallen under the
displeasure of Aichbishop Corri-
gan, tin i r whoce authority the
body existed as a religious com
muniiv. Hut this was denied last
night by the archbishop himself.
No information can be obtained as
to why the order has been dis
banded. Miss Susan Osborne, who
pracrcally founded the order, was
originally a piotestant and joined
tin Catholic church eighteen years
ago, and shortly aiierward devoted
luTscli to doing good among the
friendless and lillen women of the
city, aud when the order was
tormed took the name of Mother
Clare. She favs the work will be
carried on as before, but declines
to give any reasons forthe change.
Mra. Farnell la Mo Better.
London, Oct. 12. The health of
Mrs. Painell is not improved.
She is still under the constant care
of a physician, aud her heart is
said to be very weak. The physi-
cun in sttendan..c to-dav pre
vailed upon her ta pat take of ,-ome
slight noui ishruent.
I'niITI.A.Ml'S tito r.tiit.
The Cloglue Week of the Induttrlal
Porn.ANn, Oct. 12. To-tiay is
the first day of the last week of
the exposition and the attendance
is fully up to the first part of the
opening. The great show would
run for another month with a
goodly attendance so great is the
;nterest taken.
The sacred concert Riven yester
day whs largely atteudtd and
greatly enjoyed. The bn ldingwas
thronged with music lovir and
nene were disappointed.
To day is baby day, and a large
number of babies not niorethi-n
a year oitl were present with thrir
fond mothers and nurses, to com
pete for the piizes.
To-n onow night the game of
chess with living figures, will take
place, and from the elaborate pre
parations that aie being made for
it should prove the most unique
feature of the whole exposition.
The ccrite-r of floral or inn ic hall
la laid off to represent a chess
board with the black and whi'e
Fquares, and tlrriy-two ladies mid
gei'tlem-n will personate the
queens, kinds, bishops, knights,
castles, pawns and her dds. These
persons will actaa automata in the
hands of Professor Kig'er, of the
Queen Victoria will raise to the
peerage tin widow of the RL'ht
Hon. William Henry Smith.
Ilea'd's bank and Miller A
Singer's mill were burned at
Lynchburg, Va., ves'.erdav. Loss.
$100,01)0; insurance, 1(50 0j0.
A severe shock of earthquake
was lelt i:i several partiona ot
central i alitoruia lastniiMit. It
was particularly heavy at Napa.
Kdward II. Cur an was caught
in a licit at the lacoma electuc
wan ks yesterday and torn to pieces.
He ilie-J almost instant'y.
L. D. Hunt, a prominent busi
ness man of ler ver, was thrown
from a buggy yesterday and so
badly injured that he died last
Miss Clara Fields, of Uosebnrg.
Or., v. as very seriously injured
STW-e-tcr lay in a runaway accident
whi'e out riding with her brother.
James Steebe, aged 8, who was
bitten ten weeks ago by a rabid
mast If. died at Khzabeth, N. J.,
hospital ytsteiday of hydrophobia.
Gracie Wilson, a 4-yeirold girl,
was burned to death last night in
San Francisco by the upsetting of
a lamp, while at play with other
Wiliiatr. Davis, cged SO, a mil
lionaire Brooklyn, N. '., iron
merchant, fell from a steam
launch in the last river yesterda
afternoon and was drowned.
Horace Knight, driver of steam
er No. 5, while going to a fire in
in Denver yesterday, fell from his
seat while the steamer was cross
ing the rai'road track and was in
stantly killed.
A handsome young woman, who
sars her name in Nellie lladlev.
SI was discovered on the streets of
Seattle last night, wandering about
In a deranged condition. It is not
known where she came from.
A recent visitor to the tombs of
Presidents Monroe and Tyler, in
Holly woo I cemetery, Richmond,
Va., says that the grave of Tyler
is unmarked by stone or monu
ment, and that he could find no
inscription of any kind on the
small thapel-like structure over
the remains of Monroe.
The new Miss Cleveland already
has a first name, and it is Iiuth.
It is a g jod fciitu al name, and
i ot easy to nick name.
President DiP, in jail for wreck
ing the Clearfield, Pa., bank, was
formerly a pr a: her, but he lift
the ministry to go into financial
matters tn bis marrying a wealtl y
woman. He should have stuck to
his text.
Quern Oiga of Greece, who baa
just celebrated tier 40tn birthday,
became a grand mol her at 3t. The
Kmpiess Frederick became a
grandmother i.t the same age,
w hile the empress of Austria at
tained that dignity at 30.
You shoul 1 see those balance
rockers at Thomas Brink's. Call
and get cue before they are all
Jt' VftatiBSirvA';. JSMafi
. ... . .: