Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, October 10, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    TiiE MORNING fl till A L t) ; S ATU R OA y , OCTOiitiU 10, 18.11
The Dailt IIkrald will be on
ale each morning at H. J. Jones'
book store.where it can be procured
at 5 cents per copy.
Cloaks at the Ladies I'.azaar.
Cranberries at C. K. llrowneilV.
Meals at the le!iiioiiico 2.". cents.
tiutjthe Rlnioiiic for first
class meals.
Oreat reduction in Oxford tiee
at Klein Uros.
Mis Maggie Kowe is visiting
friends hi this city.
J. X. Duncan will leave jn a iew
days for Crook county.
When in town call at the Del
monico for your meals.
(ireat reduction in embroidered
flouncing at W. F. Heads.
Dr. O. J. Hill, of Uoseburg, con
templates locating in Albany.
Ladies and childrens combina
tion suits at the Ladies Laaar.
F. 1. Nutting and wife, of the
Democrat, went to lurtland yes
terday. Secretary Duff, of the Portland
l't idge company, was in the c:U
Trv our chow chow now on sale
in quantities to suit at C. K
Cloaks, cloak?, cloaks, for in
fants, children and ladies at the
Ladies Laaar.
l'rof. F. M. Mitchell, principal
of the Tangent public school, went
to Portland yesterday.
Always on time with the best
the market allurds. Try, and be
onviuceJ. C. K. Lrowueil.
Kev. II. A. Shorey will preach
morning and evening at the Con
gregational church Sunday.
Dr. W. II. DaviH and wile, ae
loiiipauied by Miss hle-.-tra Stites,
went to Poitluud yesterday.
Mrs. EMa MrDonal 1 ami daugh
ter of Portland, are visiting rela
tives and friends in the city.
O. W. Dunbar and tieorge II ib
bart, of the Astoria Town Talk
have been arrested for criminal
Will A Link oll'er specialties this
week to all purchasing New Home
Sewing machines. Call and see
the fine art display.
The Misses. Hall have received
their stock of inililuerv for the
Feifon. Call and examine In-fur
piiichaing elsewhere.
Andy llalston.a pioneer resident
of Linn county, died at the home
of Marion I'urkhart in Sweet Home
valley, Wednesday Oct. 7.
1 have just received direct from
Vermont a shipment of pme maple
syrup ana will guarantee it abso
lutely pure. C. K. Prownell.
M'ifs Nettie Whitney, of l'.uene
witli lier lirother, J. K. Whit
ney, of the IIkkai.h, and Mrs. M.
J. Train, went down to the Port
land Exposition yesterday.
Scio is withoet n meat market,
and the result is that when a citi
zen of that place wants a juicy
steat for breakfast he must send to
A I bany.
Kev. II. S. SLarg!e, formerly
pastor of the M. E. Church, south",
ol tins city, has accept es the pas
torate of that church at Oakland,
Mr. J. M. Shepard and wife,
leave this morning for their home
at Pakcr City, altera short visit
with their" daughter Mrs. Coll
Van Cleve in this city.
Parties intending to go East
rhould secure tht ir tickets o'.er the
popular Union Paciiic andOiegon
Short Line loute. Call ami see
urrau & Motiteith for tickets.
Mr. ieo. Ross of Lebanon was
in the city yesterday, lie reports
having had a good yield in his hop
yard this year, and hops in good
condition, being an exceptional
case in his favor.
Kev. Mr. Mcmmger. pastor of
the First Methodist church, will
tpcak at the meeting for men to
morrow after-noon at 4 o'deck in
the W. C. T. I, hall. Subject
"Personal Work." Don't miss
this meeting, imp.! tun?.
Ladies call early and make your
pelection3 in tniilinery while the
assortment is complete. The
largest and best line of hats for
Misses and children ever carried
before at the Ladies Laaar.
Kev. II. V. Kominger joined
Homer Hunter and Miss Lertha
Petlay ar.d J. P. Hdandsand Miss
Julia Fou-s in the holy bonds of
matrimony in the Portland Expo
sition building Wednesday evening
in the presence of lo.C'OM people.
Those who have not visited the
exhibition of tine art work done by
the New Home sewing machine
at Will & Link's music store
are invited to call and get a ticket
for the drawii g of a handsome
prize at the close of the exhibition
Saturday evening.
Frieiidsof the kindergarten will
Ik' 'leased t" lejril that the
Frelcl kindergarten, open- Mon
day next Oct. IM. on 7th !-!rcct
between I'roadalbin and Ferry.
Only a limited number can be ac
comodated with chairs. Thoe
desiring to t-end childre'i will
please send them at the beginning
of the term ; tuition lx-r month i
in advance no extra charge f r
liia'criai. .-ess.on irom M. to l'
i. I Inlilrt ii accepted liem o to ,
Notice to
The funeral
of Henry
deceased, will
Saturday Oct. 10, at the cityceme- j
occur n
tary at 1:30 p.m. All niemliers
of the A. O. L . V . are requested
lo assemble at their hall at 12:."0
for the purpose of taking charge
of and conducting the funeral ser
vices. By order of M. W.
How Timts Are ImpraTinjt and Prospsots
Aslrevir see any news from
our little southeast corner, will
Hend an item or two. This han been
the summer of oar happiness.
I'itntv of tain, plen'y of grass and
;:ood 'crops. Ttie etar of hope,
after bt-iiitf hid by the lusters of
the long tail combination again
cornea to our tired eyes, his bril
liancy livp.ling our evening king f
iIp heaven.. The blue members
of the observatory cail it Alliance,
the other members of the faculty
rmmp it .Inn Llain and claim its
climax of splendor will be reached
November 4, Ib'.'j.
Trade is reviving at our t w in,
merchandise declining and all but
cattle and farm products advanc
ing. Wheat tiOe cleaned, barley
L'5c, cats u'ic, hay 12,!.i per ton;
little on fo )t, 2.. ; stock cattle, 11,
14 and tor I, 2 and S year-
.... i t.
..Ids. This lias ueen a remain. ime
f"vA fruit year, peaches, plum
and prunes" being plentiful, and
felling at the orchards for and 1
u nt er pound ; delivered 2 tents ;
apples 1 t i nt, delivered 2 cents.
The year has been very cm our
ai!!g. There has been discovered
in the county limits in the way of
valuable fetone, m ignef in, granite
ai d marble. The silver and go.d
mines just across our border have
been worked up to their full a--sessment
and only await the hand
of transportation to open up to us
all ti e advantages of the miner'
camp. The schemes that are heir
worked up with closed doors, as to
irritation, are moat promibing, for
the sun never ehown on land that
will better pay the outlay for
water than Asotin county.
A. HlTrsESI'lM.KK.
A City of Ad vcrnlty.
Since the lire The Dalles
been visited by all classes amtcoii
.litioiis of mankind saysthe Times-
Mountaineer. The tire ami lif-
insurance agents are seen upon
our streets, and also oilier persons
w ho iiiia-'iae in this, our time of
.ulversitv, there is an opportunity
t.i reap a harvest. Dur n the
history of this city, it has suf
'eiel from tires in lSUii, 1X7, 1S70,
ISSO. 18S2, 1SSS, lS'.'l and from in KSoti, 1S7( and 18S0, and
has survived all these disasters.
In 1S71 all buildings except the
residence o' Pref. Com Ion wer
levelled to I he ground; in IS7! all
busines!" houses east of Washing
ton and nor h of Third, wess to
. curt and to the river were a mass
.1 smouldering ruins, ami ine
freshets of ISnii, 1 37t, and 18St
iolel the directs to the court
house block on the coi ner of Third
ami Court streets. Alter each oi
these disasters The Dalles ha
gone forAird anil built up lie
demolished Structures and been a
belter town than ever before.
Now, w hen she has an opposition
Uat on tin' river, is projeciing
railroads to the interior, and is
acknowledged to be the lead-c:ty
in the Inland Empire, a million
dollars g.irc up in H.okc will not
cripple her resources or stop her in
the onward ro.d of prosper'y.
iirit. pluck, energy and enteririse
w ill accomlish wonders, and we
are salislied our business men
possess those and will exert them
to the advantage of The Dalles,
and vicinitv.
I Itrrlor Mutives.
Oregon ;an notes and comments
says tnat a recent strike of men in
New York city wes based upon the
demand that the women wiio
were their fellow-workmen should
receive full wa '-s for men's work
A most just demand, indeed, and
at first breath would think that
these men had become suddenly
imbued with the chiyalrsc spirit oi
the KniLhts Templar ago. But it
is chanted, with much accompany
mg prooi, that pure seltiishness on
ihe part of the men instigated the
strike, lliev ltreve. anu witii
- me reasonj that if employers are
compelled to pay full wages to
women thev will prefer to hire
meninetead ; silthat equality to
pay may be the means of working
a hardship to the gentler sex
Six llr:trla That Beat a Three.
Hym?n is now coinpleteing the
work of Cunid during the past
summer. Three more licensee
have heen granted to as many
matrimoniallyiinclined couples as
follows: Cbas. Irvine and Ava
Anderson, J. I. Mai'ock and Olive
Pendleton, (Jrant N;xou and Belle
Funeral of Henry Ingram.
The funeral of Henry Ingram
will occur at 1:3) this afternoon
from the Albany Furniture Co.'s
undertaking rooms under the aus
pices of the A. O. C W., of w hich
lie was a member.
Acclileiitly Killed.
scburg Review: A sad
dent cecum d about half way be
twen Cuille City and Roseburg
on the Middle Fork road yester
day. F A. tiolden, a druggist of
Marshtield, and wife weie coin'iig
to this city in a cart, and had
driven in'o a creek to let their
horse drii.k, w hen the animal be
come Ir'gh'elied. aiidjumpingsud
denly threw- Mrs. lieldvn out.
Her bead struck pgiirtsta stump
and she died w itnin a few minute-'.
.Mrs. Irolden was a most estimable
lady, and her sudden death will
be a Feveer 1 low to a Lsre i relet f
friends and relatives.
ia(i,0iiai In til I O'clock To-Dar.
,, ...
ine preliminary exaniinain n ol
r. j. ingrain lor me murder oi
his brother, Henry Ingram, was
set for .'J o'clock jesterday after
noon, but on motion of the defend
ant's attornev the trial as post-
Ir.ed until 1 o'clock to day
A house of not less than live
ro mis m ar the center of the city.
For particulars inquire of Ihei'geiit
at the S. P.i. K'.
Two You.bful Criminals Atten-rt te Gain
Tntd.- Liberty.
About 1 o'clock Thurfday morn
ing tieoige and Frank Willis who
are confined in the coanty jail for
house bi caking, were iliscoveied
making an attempt .o gain Cieir
liberty. A noe, as if inundi.ig
iron wa-J heaid in tl cir cell, w hich
awakened ihe sheriU', b:it nothing
beyond a L'v scratches on the cell
dior were foil n I until jtfterday
morning brought to light a case
knife, which was s retcd in ttie
bed. The boys, though ,uite
young, one of them l.S and the
other lti years of age, arc hardened
cri ninals. the oldest has served
a two years term in the penib nti
ary and a short te' m in the Mult
noioah county jail.
''Beacon L'g'ut.-)" by the (iris-mer-Davies
ci nipany at the Opera
House last night was placed to
perfection, and held a large audi
ence from ti rat to last. The piece
is an excellent one, full of eUi tling
incidents, and in the hands oi
such popular actors could not fail
to please. The paits wcie well
sustained throughout.
Charged Willi Bigamy,
The trouble with the Episcopal
clergyman in Oregon City has led
to investigation. A dispatch from
ih;ie say that the open quarrel
between the Episo; al church of
this city and Kev. J. M. Donald
son, the late missionary in charge
A the parish, is called to the mird
oi that parish and new light
thrown ui'on his standing as a
ministf r, by the arrhal of certain
certified i'o umcni-s from Aastr. 11a,
where ho was located befoie com
ing to Oregon City. These doea
mcnta give a full account of his
trial and stnteiice by the bishop.
The accii'ation charged that lie
was man led and living with one
woman, while )iis wife, by a
former i lairiag'-', was still living
and undivo:ced. The " ear book"
shows that the tr:ai'cost X'1'4S.
By "he terms of the sentence
passed by the biho; at the close
of the ecclesiastical tria1, which
found him guilty of the oir.'i se
charged, he was "depiived oi his
license and authority to perform
he oilicc of priest and to discharge
the functions of his sacred oilice,
ooth in the district of Kapunda
and Hamilton, aid within the
diocese of Adelai le. '' Wi'h this
sentei'ce against him in Au-tral:a,
now he came in charge of a ihuich
in America, is the iiution which
pieseuts i:self to the Episcopal
brethren here. Mr. Donaid-ioii i-i
t-upposed to ha at New West
minster, B. J.
A Bin Fruit
Kosrbnrg Keiew:
(."eii. J as.
. Varney who ha
I -ecu at ak-
land for tome turn
turned to The Dalle
p.:st, has re
al r. arnev
is m
laking eveiy preparation j
ve to Oakland with his family
mii .! .. i i : .
ami w ill leave the I oiumnia river
country next week, taking with
him his entire nursery stock,
fne General is manager of the
Chenowe'h Park Frir.t associa'iou,
of Oak'anii. which owns -70it acrc-j
of fruit land near that place wh'c'i
will be set to fruit. Three bun
died acres wi 1 be p'an'el this
) ear and the remainder as f.t as
Must lie Mukiug Money.
Grants Pass Courier: J. K.
Murkely & C" , an- busy on the
county records hunting up units
scEsed properly ho- the cocity
Mr. Markley is from Corvallis and
has been engaged in several coun
ties in the work. Benton county
paid over .v-Th'H) fur a piesen'
owner b;ok ;Tillamook, "IKKI, and
it is said that Multnomah will-pav
over sis f'ir the work. .Inse
phine county work w ill prn'-iably
cause a pice of scrip to bg drawn
lor ipMM.i.
Smjh Ii'a AH Kigltt.
The Salem Statesman sas: W,
M. Sterling has just completed the
contract of repairing the roof at
'he state insane aluiii building.
He says he found it in a sorry con
dition, generally, and had not the
repairs been made this year an
entire new- roof would have had to
he put on next season at a heavy
expeuse. The roof has all been
painted and the leakages sol len-l.
While engaged in this work Mr.
Sterling had a g;jd opportunity .if
seeing the inward wm kings of the
institution. He has many Irgh
compliments LrDr. Km land as
superintendent. He says as far
as he has been able to observe the
patient's every want is carefully
looked to.
The Ideal Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.
For more than fifty years Cream of Tartar and Bi
carbonate of Soda have been used for leavening purposes
with sufficient flour added to preserve the strength of the
powder unimpaired, and this with the addition of whites
of eggs comprises this pure and wholesome leavening
agent, that has been the standard for 40 years. In its
use pure, wholesome and delicious food is always assured.
Makes cake and biscuit that retain their moisture, and
while they are flaky and extremely light they are fine grained,
not coarse and full of holes as made with ammonia baking
powders, latter dries up quickly. Alum powders leave a bit
ter taste in the bread or cake.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder once used, always used.
Miss Grace Isaacs, of Walla
Walla, an estimable young lady,
who was one of the 'unf ji tuiure
. j victims of the fearful railroad dis
aster at Lake Lal.ish, near aleni,
is now s'.oj'ping at the home cf In r
grandjiarents. Colonel Fulton and
wife, a. Biggs station, Sherman
coun'.y. Miss Isaac is st;ll in a
precarious condition of health and
conlined to her loom a gocd por
tion of her time.
Anoih .-r attempt is beii.g mad
to enlist 1'matill i Indians' in the
service of Cm le Saai. The lir-i
trial H( liiL- time ago resu'.'.ed in a
complete lailire 'Ihe Indians
siid they did not want to leau
their hollies an 1 pifcrnd je.he
to war. Itis iiiidi'.-stood that tlii
lime, also, the pio;(.is:iioii to en
list dues n-'t meet with favor
among the Indians. Cap ain lae,
Lieu'enant Hardman a-'d a sin: 11
party of troopers from Fort Walla
Walia are at the agency for ti e
purp. se,
John W., of Ore
Ion, Tiliimojk i-unity, repuls
having seen in the Ncsiucca va'h y
millions of the wur.i.s that a.e
this season playing such havoc
with the timber in the Nchalcin
counlrv. The load in ihe valley
was full of these wo: ins and thev
seem to be drawing their slow
lengths alo: g eastwardly. Aboul
Lw nty miles 1 his s;de oi the val
ley, in th mountains, they over
took more millions of these worms,
advanced in that elevation another
s'age in their development. The
insects in the mountains were
During the liie at Condon la-d
week two Indians conlined in the
county jail pending removal to the
penitentiary to serve a sentence oi
one year for horse stealing, were
released and recdernl valuable
t-ervice iu extinguishing the
flames. As a reward for their ser
vices a numerously signed petition
has been sent to th governor ask
ing. heir pardon. 'Ihe two Ind
ian passed through this ci'y last
week in charge of an oflicer for
Saleni, say's The Dalles Sun, and
it may be that executive clemency
in their behalf was inv
How Onions i'uy.
Grants Pass Courier: A Jack
son county miner who farms a
little, was in tow ii Monday. He
found ready sale for the savory
hiilhiat l'... i cuts a poin d, anil
declared th it he has raised ihive
tons of onions on a strip of land
three rods ii sV.e, and he is de
cidedly of the opinion thai there
Is iiioj-f money in two acres of
onions and beans than in thirty
acres of grain. His ranch is on
bench land and he irrigates by
tapping a hillside s ring, His
name is Cypl er.
l Falnfiil Aciiiiltut,
Bilvcu receive I a painful
M. E.
j ScVt'o'r
j .; ..
loi til
last Satin day, sajs the
ress. lie was hulling sills
reen iMclionald s new resi
deuce and in passing throcgh a
gaLe he in some manner got his leg
caught between one of the heavy
limbers and the gatepost, bruising
it badly. Dr. Hyde diessed the
injury and found no brnes broken
taotigh Mr. Bilyeti w ill of necessity
be laid up for several w eeks.
I.eauliliil gold watch s m every
imaginable design at Will A
Pay your Fchool tax and save
costs of collection.
Frequently accidents, occur in
the house-hold which cause burns,
sprains and bruises : for use in such
cases Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic
Oil Liniment has for many years
been the constant favoiite family
Lawn sprinklets, Matthews &
Washburn, garden hose, Matthews
Ai Washburn, lawn tnowers,Matth
e.t s it Washburn, pumps, Matth
ews & Washburn, bath tubs,
.Matthews t Washburn, watei
closets, Matthews A Washburn,
gasoline stoves, Matthews & Wash
burn, the best of everything
Matthews A Washburn.
Klein Bros, are closing out their
stock of Oxford tics at a great re
duction. Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Caslorial
For nice fresh oysters go lo John
Buy your gasoline stoves of
Hopkins Bros.
New dress goeds just received at
W. F. Read's.
Will & otaik have some elegant
so lvinir spoons.
Klein Bros, are giving
a fine
ptatio to tneir customers.
A line line of go'd rings
opened at will & Maik's.
Fresh comb ho:iey. Linn county
production, at Pat ker Bros.
Choice pickles in bulk, or quan
tities to su;t, at Parker Bros.
Fresh Ycqifma bay salmon at 8
cents per pound at Hyde's market
every day.
You can save money by going at
once to Klein Bro.'sshoe store and
purchasing a pair of Oxford ties.
The price has been reduced toclo-se
them out.
Those contemplating purchas
ing a piano or Kgan should call at
Will & Link's and see their beau
tiful instruments. They carry the
best makes and sell them on very
egsy terms.
Mr. J. S. Morgan has just
completed burning a fresh kiln
at I is brick yard one mile west of
the court house, and is prcpaied
to till all orders. A mao wid be
in u-.iiiiw i th.. vu.-.l i,. ...ti,....! i..
all callers for brick.
W. R. Graham lias received a
fine assort iiicnt .il' .B IC.v uli
woolen clo.ti suits a:id overcoats
He also has a large line of foreign
and domestic cloths, and u mak
ing stylish suits and garments at
very reasonable prices. Call an 1
see his new goods.
Conral Meyer's new oven is
now completed, and be is belter
prepared tl an ever to serve hisiHuch nu.d to rent ill confer a
old customers as well as new ones
with the bet of freth bread, cakes,
in fact everything from the dainti
est In t rolls to the most elaborate
wedding cakes. Iloust keejiers
are invited to give the pioduct of
his new oven a trial.
Call at S. E. Young's and see
the large and varied stock of
cloaks, sacks and jackets ju-t re
ceived. I I rive received my new
stock of fall and winter garments,
including all the novelties in
short and long jackets, etc., and
am better prepared to suit the
trade than ever before. Those
that ca'l early are sure to be satis
tied. They are going vi ry fast.
Samuel E. Young.
The Thomas Kay Woollen Milli
of Salem, have appointed G. W.
Simpson their agent in Albany. A
full line of men and boys clothint
blankets and llannels and all arti
cles manufactured by the mil! will
be kept in stock. '1 liese genis ar
the best in the market and wil!
give entire satisfaction.
Will A Stark w ill be gl i I to
show you their laige line ol beau
tiful silverware, it wil! djyu
gctd, even if you don't buy.
Thomas Brink has received a
stock of baby carriages w hich he
is ottering at prices as low a3 the
lowest, and they are li;st-c!ass
Do you want to be happy and
make those about you pleased, if
so no and get one of those lovely
toned piano's at Mrs. llymans.
Childrens school cloaks in end
less variely at the Ladies Bazaar.
Hanan A Son's fine shoes sell on
their own merit, and always gives
satisfaction. Try a pair at T. L.
Wallace A Co.'s.
Ifob.i Thlevos i: S:1 m.
Salem Journal : The Recorder's
court this lorenoon pi-e.-i-nted the of a second hand
dealera stoic. Carpenter's tools, a
stack of yarn and two sample cases
of shoes were sca- tered aboil', as
the result of a haul made by I he
Salem police Wednesday evening.
Tuesday night J. II. Colbuin. a
.-1 med i iini'm r, c uuplaim d of los
ing his sample eases. Yes crday
two tramps were af a second hand
store trying to sell some .i the
stolen goods. hen arrested they
eoniessen ine crime ami ihe oihc -is
got to the clue to a hiding place of
stolen liroDi'i'l -. whcri :i v:irii!v
---- i - i , . -
"f dice's were found. 'Ihe shoe
cases contained two dozen pair
fancy low shoes, in satin and
velvet finishes of the most costly
character. Mr. Colbuni is at
Sacramento and has been tele
graphed to. The cases were hi.!
umier an empty house and an old
bridge leyoiid the depot.
Lane County Mine.
We have been informed by reli
able parlies that the live-stamp
mill on little Anna Mine in the
Boehemia district, after a live day's
run, made a clean up this week of
4L'.140. Eugene Guard.
Cliurrh Notice.
There will b3 services at the
Episcopal church on next Sunday,
the I ith inst., as follows: At 11
o'clock a. m., morning prayer and
sermon by Rev. Geo. F.PIumnier,
evening prayer ai.d sermon at 7 :150
r. st. On Wednesday the 2l6t,
inst., the Bishop of diocese, Rev.
Weistar Morris, accompanied by
Messrs. Van Wateis, Cole, Love
ride anil Plumme-, clergymen, will
visit Albany and hold services on
Wednesday evening at 7 :.'!0 o'clock,
on Thursday at 11 o'clock a. m ,
and 7:50 i: it. On Thursday
evening addresses will be delivered
by Messrs. Cole and Van Waters.
A cordial invitation is extende 1 lo
all to attend the above services.
The Fi !:7.on Salmon Indatttry,
The Dalles Times Motiutainee' :
The citizens of Whatcom are freez
ing the salmon caught in that
vicinity f.r the export tr-il -, end
hey expect to reap a lich pmlit
from, this indastry. Near The
Dalles the salmon run is equal to
any on the coas, and the cold
storage p'an c aild be adopted with
great a I vantage to the fishermen.
By this means lih are kept i:i as
gf od conditi- n sis though taken
rccetiily from the water, and in
the Ea-'t, where Columbia
river (-allium alw..ys commands
the lrghest price, families
could he lihiiished with sa moil
j throughout the year. If thi
Paciiic coa-t desires to at ract
I P ! la on III Ihti la-lire, she must
evelop eveiv natural resource,
and the wealth in our strams
must be made a fa- tor in progicsa
as well as the fertility of iIm soil.
WaiiU-ii to Kent.
A four or live acre tract of land
near Albany for the purpose of
raising garden tiuck. Any having
favor by add rest-ing
Albany, Oregon.
Piter Downs,
Your school lax will be delin
quenl if not paid at once. Look
alter it and saveco-ts of collection.
la t kLi.vs u.ii sti.v;:.
Tl.i- hist sa've in th for 'u' .
Hrui-es, Sn.i-s, t leers .di Kiie.:n
Ken-r sores, iVl i-r, (ll!pptil iluia..
Cliiltilains. Corn-, i-ii'i .-kin KiuplK'ti:,
-ami po.i lively cures I'i!i, rt i.o pay
re'aired. Il is guaranteed to givj
ei feet :i! intact ion, or laon-y n -fin.
dial, l'riee i cents tr box. Kct
ale ty Ko.-hny A Muaou
run high in this city over System
Builder as every body is using it for
Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia
Constipation, Impure blood and to
iii.iid up their system. Try it ami
tell your fiiends about it, as it
must iK'ssess wonderful merit
when all speak well of it.
Have you seen those beautiful
cement wails in the ceinett-i e,
put ki by E. W. Aciiison, at all
the cost of stone.
For lii e pocket knives best pa
tent tempered shears and scissors
and extra hollow ground razors,
go to Stew ait s'ox.
Use the celluloi 1 eyeglass e'ean
ers. (Handkerchief not always
elegant.) Free with each pair of
glasses at F. M. l-'icnch's.
One hundred acres of choice
land close to Albany, only land
under ciil ivation wanted, State
price. Address Box .'Jl'.i.
If you are hungry go to Parker
Bros, and get a loaf of the best
bread in the citv.
XI! It TO-1 A 1.
I hero
tied in U.
ker count wOre
'in, m ar w h
is in w l&ker Citv
tii.m who t) it MHO
it-iome iiiciiti icil ws.n the levurcoii
;in.l 'k !. incut of that country. ThUi
u:rt is no o;ii r than Mr. John ivewart, out
of thv wml litui utitiinost intuiu'itial citizen
in thr ft'iit.iy In a ictxnt k'ltcr hu
"I li hu ii N'ltftrtnj from is in my la k
Mini ui .er:- ktilney e m;Kiiit mr 0!iil tiiuo.
;4Tnl li;u" u -it I iiiiuiy r-iiu(iit withttit an
mt tempr.rmy relit I. The iiis iu tuj lw. k
na-1 Kvnii t-o pv,wrv thu 1 ws irneiilc
fntm VefHiiii l my xork nl ciMil-i not
in- e u nit ill tliu ti-? of a -:iiie. Heart-u.
thnmuh fr;e' ii, of the womierul CTi:e- f
ot ty (re'n iihliicv Te;i, 1 win in-Jneo-l tt
try a t, and fr!ii t"v tirt tlHe I
fuitd inslai.t relief, ami Ih-fore u iny bnU
he I' Httciits o the ho t!:e (ninn in u y lact
ei'tiit ly diKipi'ein tl I have every t ith ir
the virtue of I h Oreo-i Kidney Tea, ami
i-in o;ii(t'icr:tiius'y recnininet d it to fin
friends. I wou'd not he without it for n
On:-n Kidney Tea cures hondaehe, lnon-;in-Tce
of urit.c, brick dunt 8e;liineiitt hurn
iCir p.iinf jl Hetiffiition uliile urinating in i
uli alttelionsof the kidmy vr miliar ram
of eitiiirsex.
At my vard, or tt inv les'il nee
on 7th street liLtwei n Kiilroiul ami
Montgomery, or deliwred any
where in "the city. Iinjiiire at
llus'oii it t'o's truck ami dray
otliee or at srrocery store in eait
Dart cf the eiiv. A man at yiir.l
r lit'. WAxrnn
To wait on lli
Apii'v lo Mrs. II. r'ninl at l'ic- riunctr
s o I-ami z to 4 a eioeu. i
JOHN :: 111 S
Choice Teas, Coffees, Sniccsjixtracts
-And a general
r- -pq ''JSI
r W hen louUin; foi
' iiieiiibcr that we
cold x!) sro.:M W
for'K-. r l t!i:n
li: ve I' jr thu
:-,?: i tment of :
Mil!s. t
r :ihI
urnr.KR coats
ltl l;l!KK I'AXTS
ni'lil-KU LOOTS
ltur.r.Kii siions
)r oilier winter ovt rel
call and ii:( et.
Merchant Tailor.
WHKN Vol- ll.VYi:
I Mi'ii s. Iliivs and riiiii'ii's
Xow nrrivliu', win mil he i-onvim-id
u . l.l. 1 1 1 .Mi l-. 1 1 i io.n
b!e I'licxs. Ciivc us a citl!.
assortment of
I!.!. SOilS V.K
iu ur:u and
iii w inle- gt-ason
Iry, i
a great
lo ki-c
; r. u
1i.hi!:.II:i. llK't
as.fri'". .i-llifi
Ilr.l-. ami in
I' I S
'.x h'. ii j
i.i: v i iii:i;
Cl.t iTillN'i
on arc
e.'!L i Iv inviti.
1 t
E. BiiAlN,
SHKN ol'K Xf.W-
that ( nre
1 A INti
I iH S I'l
in our
ine w 1 1 -. 1 1 it e-
E & CO,
r- v r.
- H?
v': :i .-
i: '.
r '.
1 ,