MORNING HERALD; FRIDAY, OClOBER 2. 4891. Mm intra jllt Ars ;S4?a la Fro-B toe Taenia City, Mjut V tdisroia-i. Wuea we fini a medicine we kno- ti p4je gnuinj mer.t' we consider i: a da.y, aid we take ple-wa-j in telling ths public what it is. Sau'a a indtcin we found Caaaibjrl tin's Cough. Kemedy, la it winter, wSien la grippe was p.-evaiiing. We arc eatisfisd that 1 1 warded off several attack s that were threatening by the use of your syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe coids, add in the course of two or three days, antirely broken them UD bv its lite as havn several r.f our friends w horn we have recom mend it. It u all that it is repre sented to hs bv h mAtitifi-tiirer-i 21 you have a cough and want U it, cnatuoeriaiu s Cotign Itemed will do the work. For s!e by Foshay 4 Mason. BUSINESS LOCALS, French keeps railroad time. New cloaks at V. F. Read's. Conn & Hendricson, grocers. fc voali bread every day at Parker Oxford ties very cheap at Klein Bros. N '. Dtock of Hats at W. F. Ksad'r. S. A. Hulin, druggist, French's corner. Phoenix pure mixed paints at Stewart Jc Sox. Freeman feed cutters and mills at Stewart & Sox. Buy gasoline stoves from Mat thews & Washburn. 10 per cent reduction on dress goxla at W. F. Heads. Take a look at the piano at Klein Bros, shoe store. l'araaols and sun umbrellas less than cost at W. F. Read. 11 you want a durable monu ment go to E. W. Achison, who are handling nothing but the best grades. Quick sales and small profits at the Ladies Bazaar. The largest and finest line of misses' and children's hats ever bought to Albany at the Ladies' Bazaar. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 6-cent igars, manufactured at Julius Jos h's cigar factory ThitSDur-tempered cross, dys- rptic individual, should take Dr. 11. McLean's Sarasaparil!a! It will make him feel as well and heart as the healthiest of us. lie need-i bracing up, vitalizing, that is all. New and complete stock of spectacles anJ eye glasfe jut re ceived at F. M. French's. Every pair fitted by Johnston's Patent eye-meter, every pair fully war ranted to tit. If vou suffer pricking pains or moving the eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and find joir sight week and fail ng, you si on Id promptly use lr. II. Mclean's Mtrengthening Eye Salve. -'5 cents a box. Experts pronounce Klein Bros, piano ona of t!ie finest toned in struments. K. M. French keeps the largest an 1 most complete stock of spec tacles and eyeglasses in the count. Every pair warranted to give perfect satisfaction. As a table and medicinal water, the Coronado can't be HMt. Try it and lie convinced. Bottled al the world renowned sanitarium, Hotel Del C'r.naJo, Coronado, California. New jewelry ot latest patterns at Will A Stark's. The Question of the Hour, And one that is freijupt.t'y a-ked Mr. Wisdom, "what is u i i your Robertine that produces such II- I . f 1 I K . . ..... 1 .... f fit! ' . - a ueiignuiiii y cwiuiK "" """" in sensation and adds a iw-t dclicatf tint to the complexion?" to which we answer: It is a cou-binition of rare and harmless ingredients scientifically prepared. "There enters into the composition of this article ingredients which l.ave never before be-n used in prepartions of this kind, hence the effect is so strikingly different frotn that nroJuced ly all other toilet remedies. Tin powders nsed in t'ie composition of Rbert ine are all of the very smoothest and finest divison it W posih'e to pro luce, hither more tac'i a id every ingredient must stand the crucical test of chemical purity, insuring freedom from all foreign and deleterious sulwtances. Thus with rare and harmless ingredients of the very finest division it is possible to make all of absolute purity and com hi nod wit h s ien t ! tic precision, it is but natural that we should produce a supnor article and one that ha long been aptly termed the "Peerlfsa Beanti ner." For sale by Foihay & ALv.on. You should see those balance rockers at Thomas Brink's. Ca and get one before they are all gonb. Bargains in sum.ner underwear at W. F. Reads. Have vou seen that elegant piano at Klein Bros. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at Parker Bros. Try Conn & Hendricson's P. the finest in the market. Retail in quantities to suit. All kinds of fruit boxes in . quantities to suit at the Sugtr l'ine Door & Lumber Coinr-anv 8. I am receiving choice early Crawford peaches daily from Ash land. Quality unexcelled. C. E. Bkuwsell. Your school tax will he delin .qnentifnot paid at once. Look alter it and save costs of collection. Great redaction in embroidered flouncing at W. F. Reads. M3S. GRAHAM'S CUCUMBER AND ELDER FLOWER CREAM U not a cosmetic in the sense in which that term s popu'arly osed, but permanently beautifies. It creates a soft, smootn, e'ear, velvtty skin, and by iliiy use gradually nukes the complexion several soades whiter. It is a cons-ant protevtioi from the effects of sun and wind and prev nu sun burn and freckles, aud blackheads will never come whi:e you ute it. It cle& the face far bet ter thin soa; and water, nouruhes and t'Uilds up the skis tiwuei aad thus prevents the fumitiou of wriiklis. It give the trrahneos. clarr.esj sod smoothness of skin thxt jou,rut then a little (firl. Every lady, I youmror li. ought to lue it, as it gives a more joulh'ul appearance ti any lady, and thtt permanently, it contains no ac'd, luwdei or alkali, and is as harmless as dew and as nouriahi"r to tha skin as dew is to the Sower. I'rlca S 1 -OO, a1, all druggists and haird essris. or at Mrs. Qfrvaije U ham's esiablishmeut, 10J Pott Street, San Francis x, where she treats ladies tor all blemishes of the face or flure at a d'staiica treated by let t jr. Send stamp fur her little book, ':1I jw to be Beautiful. SinplO BottlS mailed free to any ady on re cent 'of 10 .tuts in stamps to pay for p04tae and packing. Lady Agents waLted, MRS GRAHAM'S Face -:- Bleach, Cures the worst cases of Freckles, Sunburn Sal owntss. Moth pat-he Pimples and aU skin blemishes. Price SI. SO. Harmless and effective. N sample can be tent. Lady Aaents W Allied. IhsSmistinthist a ..ill .1 1 mi fran.n town who first orders bill oiwwiuy rrep rations will have his u-iroe Kidei t this advtrtite nent. My preparttioi.s are for sale, by wholesale druggists in Chicigoaod every city west of it READ And you will not REGRET CALL OFFER on us you and vou will great induce- find us ments from always our large line ready "to of goods GOOD Teaches, Berries, Bananas, Oranges, Iemons, Apricots, apples, Plumbs, Melons, BETTER Corn, Peas, lleitns.Potato, Onion ,Cabage Turnips Beets Carrots Sweet P'tato BEST Soap, Soda, Rice, 8alt, Honey.Hops, Pickels, Tea. Flour. Meal, Spices AM Constantly adding new goods and latest novel) ins Do net fail to get our prices. C. E. BROWNELL, Albany. TUB UKEAT PORTLAND kkiM Exposition, With its world of wonders OPENS SEPT. 17. 1891. CL8SES 03T. 17. -Muilchy the Great Zapadores Band Direct from the City of Mexico. Art from the great masters of Eu ro;e and America, valued at a quarter million dollars. Wonderful Electrical Adaptions in full operation. A Splendid Series of Mineral Ex hibits. Every department filled with the novel and interesting IN AR', SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. A greater number of exhibits than ever before presented on the coast. THE -:- STOCK -:- DEPARTMENT Made a prominent feature. toJOO IN PREMIUMS. The largest dicpiay of fruit and the finest exhibit of Agriculture ever made in the Paci-. fie Northwest. All manufactories in full motion. Everything new. No dead exhibits The Exposition of Expositions. Admission as usual. Greatly red need rates for round trip on all passenger lines. Not Coming, But Here to Stay!" GENE E. LARRIMORE, The Painter, Has opened a shop in Stewart & a.w iitnfk and ia nrenared to trive estimates on and do all kinds of House and Carriage painting ana trimming. Graining and paper hanging a specialty. Leaye orders with Stewart & &ox. to - mill' -THE- OlsDEST, UARGEST & bEAST EXPENSIVE Institution of learning in the Northwest. 33C students in 1887, 495 in 1891 an increase of nearly 50 per cent in four years. Graduates in Art, Business, Classical, Law, Literary, Med ical, Musical, Normal, Pharmaceutical and Scientific courses. Gradu ates from the normal course have all the advantages of graduates from the State Normal schools. Better facilities for teaching next year than ever before First term begins SEPTEMBER 7th, 1&1. For cata ogue, with full information.address Wm. 8. ARNOLD, A. M., Salem.Or. Springfield Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIELD.) PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD. - - - OREGON. "Alranv vard and office on Railroad, between Fourth and Fiftb eets, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed the prompt and satisfactory Jlling of orders, I respectfully solicit a re of the trade. A. WHEELER. j"crxiicrs Manufacturer of -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Clztrs ?Iae aad Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, is full line o- Smokers' Articles. No rot to Pneiffer's candy store, Albany, Oregon, A air M agent for W. stealer te Head UPTAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. uiuv in rur W afl lsfl A O ported shoes which cost from CO CUaft7 fPR $4 haad sewed welt shoe, fine S0 OniCi GENTLEMEN Calf, etylish, comfortable and THE BEST SHOE tH THE WOBID FPU THE MDHlit durabl. The be8t 6hoe ever offered at this price ; same grl s cuttom made shoes costing from $6 to $9. $3.50 police shoe; farmers, railroad men and letter carriers all wear them; fine calf, seamless, smooth in ide, heavy three souls, exten sion edge ; one pair will wear a year. 2.50 fine calf ; no better shoe ever effered at this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort aud service. $2.25 and $2.00 Workingman's shoes are strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial wili wear no other make. BOYS' $2 and $1.75 school shoes are worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits as ths increasing pales show. LD1ES $3 hand sewed shoe, best I tongola ; very stylish ; enna's French imported shoes costing from $4 to $0. Xad'es 2.50, $2 and $1 75 shoe for ami durable. Caution See that W. L. EougW name and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. !l Hi) m 1MJL Also carries tl.e nuesi lines oi Pianos & Organs IX THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. -o CALL AND EXAMINE flHIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALBiNY, OREGON. J Poriy UoiversHv. OPEMS SEPTEMBER 14. Roantifnl hpalthfnl site near the city. Expenses are as reasonable .. tlor inaiilntinti nf IpnrnirK? ma d on the coast. Classical, Irerary, sceniinc, ineoi'-gicai, prrptii-uiy, normal and business courses, stu dents of all grades received. Care ful oversight ami airecuon given tn all atmtanta I.mtipA hardiiiir hall under experienced super- nlalr.ii Prnfu9nra nf excellent scholarship and much experience employed. For information ad dress C. V- Straiton, u. u., prew- dun U. Ui Vs m. w dean of college, Portland Univer sity, Portland, ur. FOR SALE OR RENT. JEFFRSON FLOURING MILLS, Also RAW AND PLANING MILLS, Jefferson, Marion Co., Or. For particu'ars apply to CORBETT & MACLEAY, 64 and 60 Front St., Portland ): TT : - V cros ebh. Choice Cigars niversi W. Ii. Doaslaa Shoes. C" Dl AIM yoar place ask yoar a Ca 1 1 w eatalogoe, aecare the SOLE AGENT, ALBANY, - - OREGON. It is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hnrt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish andeapy and because we make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equals hand eewed ' shoes cotting from $4 to $5. $55.00 genuiue hand sewed,the finest calf shoe ever offered for S5: eonais irencn nu Misses are the best Dongola. btylish G.L. Blackmail, DEALEB IN Dratrs, Paints Oils, Perfumery AND TOILET ARTICLES, And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. PrescriDtions Carefully Comoounded. THE M Agricultural College Opens September 18th, 1891. COURSE OF STUDY arranged expressly to meet the needs o. tae farming and meciiaiii cal interests f the state, barge, cumoiiiuus and acll-v.tilated bui'dinirs. The college i located in a cultivate I and Cbriittan com munity, aud one of the healthiest in th Stete. Military Training. Expenses Need Not Exceed $150 for the Entire Season. Two cr mo:e free siholirships fiom ivcrv county. Write for catalogue in B. U ARNOLD, Pres., Corrallis, Or Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis roa I, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as cat be found anywhere on the co: If yon contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN & BKOWNELL. "NERAL AGENTS and canvanscrs l'-ok VT ln for a permanent nnncy making bu ine-, no competition, should secure the sale of the Patent AJmtab'e Sbre. Ad wth tump, CCNSOLIDAT ti) HO tt'in.L aats. (fieam.gaking Used in Millions of Homes FEED -:- STORE AflD GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECTA LLY-Hay, ots nH rottcf, u supply mstome :n the Ongon Pacific Railroad extension and my increasing home trade here I sell in quantities to suit the purchasers. Store in Strahan Briok, Second street R. XI. ROBERTSON. 5a 1 ake "immons Liver Regidatot One Dose TOtTM 100 Dollars. Dui S. L. R: I consider one dote Im mons Liver Regulator worth 1100 was constipated, ha I Headache, could eat oth tnif with satinfaction or appetite ha the blues, and felt altogether out ol sorts. I re sorted to Blue Masj, Calomel, Ouinin , and every remedy BUK'K'osted, but only obtained teiuiiomry relief, one dose of S L R did m mote good than Ijt lue worth of doctors an djctortnu. Resp-j-, i C Maana. I have been a teavher for twenty vears, and during that time have had lepeatedattacksof headache, produced by torpid Liver, and have been entirely cu cd by Simmons Livei Ketrula'or. 1 foun . t to be of so mild s jnara.ter in U a tioii not to interfere, in he least aith m dub (in the school room, To those siini.. '. situi d and subject totira same, I cannot 3 hit . reoonimwnd Sim moat Liver R?U:atcr. AdnilnUtrslrlKS Sale, Noti;e is herebv givkn that the und jrsWncd ailminijtratrix of the estate rf Am, 11. Churchill, deceased will on Tuesday, the, day of Sept., 1891, a' the hour of i o'c'oi-k, p. H , of said day, at the rettiJo'ue of the undersigned on th- frin of the late Wm, H. Ch archill, ueoeaeea, situated a'Kiit k t n ilea soulh-east of Al- bat y, orejn; exo3 ana stu at puouc auoi.n, ti the hiuhe t bidder, the whole of the personal property t,f lh.- estate of sa:d deceased, coini .tinjf vl ab vat 11 h ltd of homes, 1:1 heil of f lttle, 25 head ol shsep, some hoit, a McCormick bin ler, 1 Gale s.ejor, 1 fann.nic mill, plows, narneis, i w.ieon and many farming impl ments too num. r us o nici tlon. Terms of Halo: Oil :x months time witn approved security, with S per cent, inte cot fr in datcf note, or 5 per cent, discount off of bid for cash in hand at time of sale. liatci Scptemtier 3rd, INil, Miu. M J. fur at ii. Lb, Administiatrix of the estate vl Wm thurch ll, de. eased. Gko. W. wrioiit. Attorney for Admistrat-ix, Kollcc to t'ontraclors. NCTJCE HUEKEBY GIVEN JTM VT ir..ineatios and u'ans will be Aft in of h. locn Jlllltr at ouuui owtwui A. Ml.tiMi Mt&ti.if. tha eitVtion m v. i i,ai..m ht built in DliitricmlfO r :M .... All desnlnir . ...j Anaf ruet.liin of said buibniff nuv call an 1 etamine the same, and leave sealed bids t ie openau h mi w Sept. i'h, ls'.'l, at one o'clock of said day. Uitx ho.,! b ar J tj nsertethe riirnt to re ject anj or all bids. Chairman rf Board cf I'irectors. Go to Matte & 40 Years the Standard tfD ffff CATMGGir. For Thorough Practical Training in BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND, PENMANSHIP, THIS SCHOOL IS THC BEST. rim. FIRST NATIONAL BME Transacts a oekzsal banking BUSlKESS. PRESIDKNT L. FLINN. TIC PRESIDENT S. K YOCNO. ishisr a. w. LA-?axr. X3iiax:cxczas : 8. E. Tors, L Fun E. F. Sox. E. W LAsaoos Cashier, 1. K. Health is Wealth ! Dr. E. C. WestV nerve and bralL treatment, a guir Huteed specific fol hysteria, dizzinesf bta, headache, ner vous prostratioi caused by the use ot alcohol or tobacco, softening of braic resulting in insanity and leading to mis cry, decay and lost ot power in eithej sex .ach bos con tains one nunth'i treatment. One dol lar a box, or six bo es for tivc dollars, sent by mail pre paid on receipt ol prije. Guarantoet issued only by J. A. CumminKS, draicgisi s.le agent, Albany, t Oreirou. S500 REWiPJ) We will pay the above reward; for any cast of liver complaint, dyspupiua, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness wi cannot cure with West s liver pills, when W directiou are strictly complied with. The) are put ely vegetable and never fail to girt satisfaction. Larue boxes, containing & pills, 26 cents. The genuine manufacturec only by the John C. West company. Chicago Illinois. Sold by J. A, Cummiugs, drag,fi Albany, Oregon. JOHN SCHMEER'S LiTeryM&Sale stable, Garner Steond an I Eltiaorlh 8U ALBANY. 0REO0I E oesss boakdid by the day or month Cw .riages or buggies on rcasonanie termp TBQl NEW FEEDSTORE! HAY. OATS AND CHOP FEEL Always on hand. A'so Lime. Plaster& Cement. Come to the corner of Water and Ferry sto for all kinds of r eed. 1'. W. SPl.NK. Albany, Or. Canadian Pacific R'y. THE GREAT TOURIST ROUTE TO ALL EASTERN POINTS. Passing the Great Gla-ier of the Selkirk, Canadian National Park, the Celebrated Hot Springs at Banff, and other Picturesque Poitits. FINEST DINING AND SLEEPING CAR ROUTE IN THE WORLD, Private Draing Rooms, Luxurious Smoking R-toms aud Elegant Bath Rooms At tached to all Sleepers, THROUGH SLEEPISO OYR3 WITHOUT CH NGE- Rates from $5 to if 10 lower than by any other Route. For rates, tickets, etc., call on or address, C. ii. WINN, Albany, Or. If you are hungry go to Farker Bros, and get a loaf of the best bread in the city. Lawn sprinklers, Matthews & Washburn, garden hose, Matthews & Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews & Washburn, pumps, Matth ews & Washburn, bath tubs, Matthews & Washburn, water closets, Matthews & Washburn, gasoline stoves, Matthews & Wash burn, the best of everything Matthews & Washburn. Great reduction in Oxford ties at Klein Bros. Washburn's for Stoves. I f i Mil FHYSICIAHS DRS. MASTON DAVB, PHYSICIANS A Surgeons, Othce, Vcond sod Brosdtlhin Street . A bai y, Or. Calls pjompt j amend ed in c't and eouncy. 1 C. KEL..Y, PHYS1CIAJK AMI geon Albany. Oregon, omoa n nsrcsr uew block Offios hours, from 8 a. a. to . a A J. KOSSITEB, VKTERINART SUR . geon, gnduau of Ontario veterinary college and met ber of ths Ontario veterin ary medical society. Is prepared to treat tha diseases of all aomesticaMd snimssi o scientific principles. Office at Ans Karshall's liverj' stable ii evidence 4th ai.d CaJapooia streets, Albany, Cregm. c U. aMBfirtLlNt M. D., nonoejmthic Pkvdirian nlt-n sat Ike M. tail.-. .xtA 8uuid bruadalbia meet. Oific hur,. to V A. t MJ O MH1 V Ml Cm MU DRO. A. WHI'NEY, PHY8ICIAK AND sure4on. Graduate of Bsllerus Hospi tal Uodical Collate, New York City. Uitessss of somen a specialty, Offlse in Foster block ATTWKIET GEO. K. CHAMBERLAIN-AITORNEY at-!aw will practice ip all the courts of Uio at ite. Special attention given to mat ters m probate and to collections, om.-a ia funii block. 1EO. W. WRIUHT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW VT and .Nutary Pub.ic, Will practice in all tbo courts of tnis state. Office, front Mow over bank of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. D. B. H, BLACKBl'SJI. H. C. WATSO.t. BLACKBURN, A WATSOW, Attorneys at Law, Albany Oregon; Omos in Odd reliow's Temple. Business In our hands will receive and careful attention. HEW11T A 1KVIKK, ATrORNEYS AT Law. W ill pr-i tic in all tha courts o uie state. OtKes in rluiii'a block, kin treet. W, T. BUR.VST. i. w Barn 15l URNiJY II DRAPER, ATTORNEY8 at law, Oregon City, Oraroo. twen ty yean experience as register of ths U. 8. Laud Office at Oregon City and in to land practice recommends us in our specialty business before the Land Office or the courts) and iuvjlving the practice in the si. era! Land Office. J. DUNCAN ATTORNBT-AT LAW . and notary public. OVco in ths Strahan block, rooms Mo. I and S. w OLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law. Albanv. or llrtt.. in tnAma IS and 14 Fosir's Rluck. ova L K Uiain' ton JK. WEATHFRFORD, ATTLRNBT AT . law, Albany, Oregon. Off in the Fliun Block. Will practice a all the courts of thestate, and give specia. attention to all business. JAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Ab stracts of title furnished on abort notice. Ten years experience. 9.rAfRI1 FOR BALI BT ALL DRUGGI8T8. "Some months ago I nurchased box of Dr. J. P. 31Ub Catarrh Cure for my own Hise, but finding my nephew, C. A, McMahan. needing such jaedl cine, I let bim have iny box of medi cine. He now sends for threa more boxes, saying it is the best thing for catarrh ever tried by him aud hie friends. 1 got another box to use ic my case, and cheerfully recommend it toothers. (Signed), JOHN McMAHAN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co. Oregon, 8pringfleld, Lane county, Oregon. Pro' J, W, Johnson, president of the State university, says It cured him ol a cough after two other prescriptions had failed. Likewise two of his little girls used It to cure their coughs. Mrs Mark iiailey, wife of Prof. Bailey, sent It to Prof. Johnson, and recom mends it to all who suffer from colds and coughs. For coughs it acts like a charm, and can be inhaled into the jtpes or passages, where no other cough cures can reach. W00R15 FRIEND OF WOMAN The very remarkable and certain reliet given womankind by "Moore's Revealed Remedy," has won for it the name of Wo man's Friend It is uniformly succes.-iul in relieving their deli cate ailments. IYVoore'8 Revealed Remedy Stands peerless as the natural rem edy t eruliarly adapted to the wants of womankind. wnATONB WOMAN SATS. Seattle, Jan. i(U, 1891. 'I want you to publish my testimo nial for Moore's Revealed Remedy, for it has been a grand thing for me, for it has cured me of headaches, from which I have suffered whenever I be came chilled, for the last ritteen ycais. I have suffered perfect torture for twenty-four hour) at a time, some times retching for three lours with out any rest and unable to get help from any of the numberless remedies tried. iow I am free frem this Butt ering, for at the first symptom of i.ue these attacks I take a good dose of Moore's Revealed, and that is the end of it. It has also cured me of consti pation. My husband says it has saved his life, and he would not be without it. We are both so happy over it we cannot say enough ,n its tavor. and advise all our friends to use it. MRS. JAM Ed ULEA80N, Cor, 12th & Jackson st, Seattle, vVash. yffFor sale by all druggists. TAKE THE CAB FROM ' 11'! CI RATES: To any part ol the city, 60 cnt For calling, first hoar $1.50, each subsequent nourf 1. raiMMAB LES Deyoe & Fromao Bros-, - Keep a Full Asaettmet t of GUNS AND FIREARMS Repaibikq 1'bomptly Done. TAILOR MADE F6r-:-Suuimer-:-Wejir, Cost no more made of nod - material than ready mads ill-fitting garments. W. ?. GRAHAM. Tie Merchant Tailor, has in stock the finest line of spring and summer suit ings ever bought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids, lie has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any style desired. Call and see if it is not trae. Reliable Men Wisrin na tr.vlinir salesmen tat a first-:lass Cigar Company. Most give good reierences. F. O. B. CIGAR CO., alem, N. C. so to? tsh mm? If so call on I. BEAM He delivers his goods to airy part of the city free of charge. Fresh vegetables every day. IXsfNothing but the best kept at I. BEAM'S, 2d st , cor. Jackson and J e Hereon. SECRET SOCIETIES. aw M IfcPherson Post No. 6, O. A. B. TC, Biated meetings at the Q, A. a. f Halt on tne seonnd and Foorin Jt .". Friday evenings cf each mouih. V,jrtf Transient Comrades are cordi I S y invited to n.eet with ns J V J. . WUITINO, B.P. Tablbb, Commandsft V Adlutant. A, O. U, W. Safety Lode No, IS; meets avert- llondav aveninir at tha O. A. K. hall on Kerry street, between Second and Third. Albany, Oregon. S -rangers in ttia city and transient brethren cordially laviua whwa Pension, Postal, Land and Indian Depr dation Claims. LAW OFFICES OF mwj. MEAU or CLOS, Under the management of W- R. HEARST. Ed. & Prop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDEKBURN, Manager, 618 F. Street, Northwest. Washington, D. C. Will practice in the supreme court oi the United States, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, before committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain pensions and patent, Indian depredation claims and all classes of land claims, mining, pie emption and homestead cases pros ecuted before the general land of fice, department of the interior and the supreme court. Notice to Stockholders. NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Goldeu Ci'y Mining Co. will be held at the office of L. II. Moutanye on Monday, Sept. 38, at 4 o'clock P. m. of said duy.forthe purpose of electing seven uiicctors to serve for the en suing year. Albany, Aue. SI, 189i. L. 11. MOXTANTK, Secretary. i nntr tuphi? Avaii vourseif of LUU la. ilUul ?h benefits of the Utah Marriage En. dowmcrt Association of ttalt Lake CilV and secure for yourself $ I, (K 0,000 attbelim. of your marriage. Stnd 5 cents hi stamp for information and terms, to insure piompt reply. Ad. dre. Utah Marrlatre Endowment As sociati jn. 8alt Lake City, pgTAgeDta Wanted, Please mention paper, NeatFittingsuits R 11!