(2 ) ""l t :?: -. 1 ". . ; .. . 7 . - ." . ...-, .. ' TEE MOBNING IIEALI FltlDAT. OCTOHJsR 2, J if 1 H r:.v 1 ft Si' It i UA.IX.Y AND WSBKbV TXRU4 OF BUBSCEItTJOS: x dailt ratillahad vrmry minting except MondT) UVnJ bv caittor. ier i 00 mail. Mr im 00 .WSKKLT, (Pabllihcd avcty Friday Xornln;.) M copy, per annum. In dyfcici. 2.00 M Iwa aui vuid In kdvaor . ... XO TOE MAILft. Mail it the Albsuji potoffic do For nil omue norm Tba Eaatcrn itatca rt W tMt bid And the Mai row Oa -el R. t forUaod and Sak 11 . nraluaand Yaqiuua 12.30 r. ;: otto aunth, m rJHT. a Tb potofflni will b cl jm d each oveiiin in aia to nun o'clock. H(inBffl matter lor the ly mornln; train hould bo uiailed belura o clock the THna Taninir. (OREGON PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrives Depute raeeencer. Flilbt. J1.13pirl?.2tpm human etomacb like a human be ing cm adapt itself to abusive irregularities frequently of long continuance before it will break down. WE HAVE NOT AN! liK proxy business seems in some instances to be carried to the extreme. There is certainly a limit to its expansibility. A German in Milwaukee, Wis.. wanted to exceed this limit. A comely young German woman, an immigrant, was detained at the N. Y., immigration office because she had no money or relatives to support her. The Milwaukee man who was applied to at her suggestion telegraphed back that he had not time to go to N. Y., but would marry the girl, and in structed the superintendent to procure him a proxy to act in the marrying business. The superin tendent concluded that was ex ceeding the capacities of the proxy business but sent the giil on to in.irry the man in Milwaukee. He probably exercis d a just con ception of the limits of the proxy power. A i-Kcri.iAK phase of humanity is the propensity to hoard up valuables. It is estimated that the treasure lying idle in India in the shape of hoards or orna ments amount 350,030,000. A competent authority calculates that "in Amritsar City alone there are jewels to the value of JE2.C0J,- 000 sterlings." TUB PROPER DIET. The consideration of what should form the proper diet fur man, is a question of importance, and one that receives considerable dis cussion. If that dfecassion could be relieved of its acr.uionioiissiJe, and the matter fully and with un biased mind considered, probably the conclusion would be reached tbat the individual benefit forms the criterion to go by rather than any generally applied rule. An eastern paper discutses the matter in a philosophical manner by say that there are diflerent prevailing opinions among physisians and physiologists as to what w e shall eat and drink, tome go on the theory that animal fol is entirely unnecessary and even detrimental to health and longevity, winle others more given to the flesh consider it one of the essentials of enjoyment and gooJ living. From observation the writer has formed rather a favorable opinion of vegetable diet. The abettors of the vegetable system have perhaps not taken into account the great variety of constitution among mankind, the law of heredity and an acquired and educated appetite for meat. A large proportion of the meat consumed could be dis pensed with and the meat and vegetables that an:inal are fatted upon substituted for our food would be aaore conducive to public morals and prevent a great deal of sickness in hot weather. The same quantity of grain required to fatten animals would supply food to a greater number of people than could be supported by the meat of the animals which consume the grain. Tne health of many people has been known to improve on a vegetable diet with milk in stead of the flesh of animals, i a . . 1 , Dr. HrMniftBY's oneirics are tcicntifically a umu uujcvv v uuiuua icici inn cucvtully prepared pi e.c. . ptiuiie; uaed periodically and a disorde.ed state fjS.T 'the Ki-.ssia appears to be pushing her interests in the far east in every concernable manner possible. She will probably take advantage of the revolt in Arabia against Turkey and gain dominion over as big a slice of country as possible. O. K. T Honest IteaulU.-O K.T. Many of the pioneers of Oregon and Washington have cheerfully testified to the wonderful cura tive properties oftiie celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. l'urely vegetable and pleasant to the taste and can be taken by the youngest child or most delicate woman. O. K. T. is a never fail ir g remedy fot pains in the back and loins, non-reteniion of urine, tcalding or burning eensation while urinating, mucous dis charges and all kidney troubles of either sex. $1 at all druggists, i'oi sale by Foshay & Mason. ELEPHAN !ON OUR HANDS," T -BUT WE If AVE THE LARGEST AXD REST SELECTED STOCK OF Dress Goods, . Fancy Goods Underwear Hosiery, Etc. ' EVER SHOWN IN ALBANY. We have just opened onr F.Vi-L and WINTER CLOAKS an 1 JACKETS, both in cloth mi l pinsh goods, and we feel jnstitied in sayinj? that thy excel aTythins evr s'lown in th. VALLEY. to call and look knowing thai we can please you as wen as save you money. At -WW w WW w Iff www w Vu ask al! - Willi ALLEN BROTHERS, esale and Retail Grocers Sate Cure tor the Liquor or Opium Habits. The East India cure for these awful habits can be given without the patient's knowledge, and is the. only known specific for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Call, and for sale at J. A. Cumming's urug store only. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IX LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES IN SEASON. FLINN BLOCK, - - - ALBANY, OH EG ON. Have you examined that beauii fnl (400 piano at Klein Bros, shoe etore. Jauies and childrens gossamers at lue ladies Uaaar. HUMPHREYS of the system which unfitted him for business adopted this diet and has never lost a day f ooi sickness. The vegetable diet differs from the animal by the condensation of the nutriment derived from large quantities of vegetables and by the chemical process of diges'.ion into a smaller compass containing the same amount of nutriment. The nutriment is the same from the meat ard vegetables, only from the former it i in a more condensed form. The animal which coasumes large quant'ties of vegetables by the process of digestion converts the nutritious qualities into m-:at and the meat eater takes it second banded, after the vegetables have undergone one digestion in the stomach of the animal. The cattle and swine which feed uoon coarse vegetables unsuited to the human stomach, prepare the gross food for nutri ment well adapted to the human stomjach. Thus it can be seen that these who eat vegetables are nourished by the same principles as those who eat meat, only in a more bulky form. Thjse alio digest vegetables well eat a larger quantity in bulk to get the desired nutriment than they would eat of meat. The stomach seems strangely to accommodate itself to a, great variety of substances which would be poisonious t j those unaccustomed to their use by the gradual formation of habitual repetition. The Esquimaux will consume train oil in quantities which would prove destructive to the inhabitants of warm climates. Europeans eat pork which was considered untit for food by the Jews and other Asiatics pro hibited by Moses as unclean. The inveterate drinker will consume in day rum enough to detroy the life of a temperate man who should drink the same quantity in the same time, and still jog alorg with bis excesses '.hough gradual ly undermining his constitution snd destroying his health. The iKMpie. tier) sinicle a decide la a cure fur tlie 'liueaMo named. Theje (eitlc9 cure without tlrugKinif, puriuif or rmludnif tne t stem, and ate in laut auu Uceil the sovereign rtuieuies ol the world. LIST Or rRINCIPAL sou. et uis. riicr. i re vers, i-uneenon. Inflammation.. -5 4 VfoniM, worm lever, worm colic.... Crying Colic, or teething of infante.. 4 Oiarrhe t, ol ihililren or adults 5 I'yaetitery, Cripimr, tiillioua Colic ,t$ Cholera Morbus, vrnuring 7 CouKh, col. Is, bronchitis fi Ncuralitia, tooihaihe, raceache... Headache, sick h ailtche, vertigo.... 15 10 HpspepHia. billious stomach ... 26 11 tMiptirusseu or Painful 1'enoiU 25 12 Whiten, too profuse pe, toils ... 25 13 Cronp, ccu.'h, difficult breathing...... 25 14 bait Kheum. eaysipelas. eruptions.. 25 15 KheU'natwin, rhviuratic pains.. 25 IB h ever and ague, chills malaria 60 17 I'iles, blind or bleeding........... 50 1U Catarrh, influenza, cola in the head 50 ai hooping O'lLrn, violent couhs.. 6u 24 t.cneral debility, physical weakness 50 27 Kidney ili'ease................. 5y 25 Nuivcus dehility ......... 1 00 uUlrmary Weaki.ees, witting bed...... 60 Liisvajcs ot the heart, palpitation.... 1 Oo Sold by dru'i'its, or seat postpaid on rr. ceipt of price. lr. Humphreys' Manual, (144 pacs) richly bound in cloh and g-ld, niail rce. HLJIHHKtVb'MKll, O, 111 & 113 William St , New Yoik. S PEG I FIGS CALIFORNIA .'PJSITIVE AND IMLCATIVE ELECTRIC NT lr'AM u CURE1 CATARRH, RHEU MATISM, Neuralgia, Corns, Headache, and ad pain. The Califor nia osiiive and nt'Kaive ELKCTKIC COUGH CURE, cures colds, croup, consump tion. sold by all druggists. Each 2-V. . 50c. and $1. Creas inger A Co., Props., Los Ange les, Cal. Sti Our We are ink Lead! Star Bakery Summer Stock will be found complete than ever. larger and more FURNISHING GOODS, 1 VELVETS, SILKS, SATINS AND PLUSHES, LADIES' AND MISSES SILK AND KN'fT UNDERWEAR, COTTON AND WOOL HOSE, EMBROIDERIES, STLK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, VEILINGS, SHAWLS, ETC. M.A FULL STOCK OF....M Staple Groceries jery. Glassware. The bct nuts, ftt. qu:.Uty ot I'car, ccOerr, CRrdiik DRESS GOODS Very attractive lines in new colorings and latest novelties. WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in large assortment and end less variety. GOODS FOR SUMMER WEAR I Latest Styles! High Novelties! Ladies, Misses AChildien'e. o GJ. W. SIMPSON, FIRST STREET. ALBANY. OREGON. Children Cry for PITCHBB'S Castoria DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle- vuo Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enUrgcment8,tumorr and wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a specialty ol treat ment with electricity. Has practii ed in the German French and English hospitals. CaIN promptly attcuded Jay nijiht. Hia motto is 'V.OD WILL TO ALL." "Offiie and residence, Lebanon, Oregon. CHOWDER BROS Contractor and Builders. Jtiice on First street with Wal 1 ce & Cusick, real estate agents, . Jbany, Oregon. Estimates given n all kinds ot buildings or carpen er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. IX) K SALE. One hating stove and one eok atove, both in yootl coiiditinn. For information inquire of r'. . Arnbefci, at Postal te'tK'aPh office. E prM. This is what ycu ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are search ing for it daily, and mourning be cause they find it not. Ttioufaniln upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our peoplo in the hope tliat Uiey may attain tliit' boon. And yet it m.iv be had bv all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, li used according to direr tious and the use persisted in, will bring you good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Enneiisv. We recoini lend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia anil all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c and $1.00 per boitle by Foshay it Masou, Druggists OIK 4 ASU1U AUVK K, It is seldom that wo appear in the roll of Kpirituul udvUur ol (Hiiiiiy pliy-sit-ian hut there sre times wlieu we fuel iutilieaj in calliutr the utteiitior ol our many su'tx ;ribers to an article of true merit Ve feel jutiticd in b;j intr that Moore's ltcverkd K' U eily con tains more uetual merit than any medicine it hus ever hecn our cl fortune to t; st. Cine trial will make you hs entlisiustic as the writer. PRESU BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At thin old rcli:-.Mo h3'.ic !i n'.'O to h; found a couipli'te njt-ortuiuiit o( frcih (.vniiy IfroccricM, to wiik'l is ton'tsialy I iiir addc! all tne seuwna'iic itnueo, fi o--vr.es utd pr. -rurioas, guuh as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Seef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies end Nuts, tastetn Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds. Bohemian Glassware, Etc, ir.rac kois were ail nount when prices ereiowaiu me ocaciit n. lie mar'n whJ be ivcn to his curtonitTu. Kcrmniher Uf y'.x-c. U the old corner on Kintt and l!ri,il..ll.:D St Co rail Mycr. HEATING STOVES AT IATTBEWS k WASBBUEJ3 H II. Men and Alhletts Wear our Vulcan-zed (Jinn Stis- jiensory (o prevent jar, strain or injury. Weak -men are cured wearing our vulcanized j;u:ii 3ue- ptnsory ot vane crlo (enlarged veins) tiocturnal emissions and impotenry, Vigor, comfort and Jong t life assured. No pain ; no poisouou.s drills. l'rice only $2. Scaled circulars free. Vuieani.dGiim SiiPix-nsiry C'o., Rooms J!), 21, AlcVickers Theatre Ruiiding, Chi -rgo 111. I'ay Your f'lty Taxes. The eity taes for ls:U r now t'uo and paati e. Ti.c pioii'-y is ne-jded and e- er .non iiliml tdiouM h-ok llin uattir i. and see that lht are p.id. li iiot pid in medi ately liny will become delinquent. The d'.tf tax i also '!m and if n )t aid tl:e orier will te ittven to kiil atl tho doij on w!iotn t e9 have not Ken paid, J. X, Hoffman-, 5ia'eh J. FOSHAY & Whclii-ale and MASON UeUU OruMisls Msim, Af.BAV- PlainfielD ! CONSOLIDATION -:- LOTS The Clieapest and Beat Buy in the Market. Because the lots are 50x100 ; because they are insMe property , le cause they are all clear no stumps, no roots, no rocks; because the land -j elevated and has a tine view of the city; because they are near three motor lines not in contemplation, but all now in operation ; be cause buy now, to-day, for the 10th day of next month they will ad vance $i each ; because they are a snap. Ask those wh? have seen. Seeing is believing. Are you in it? R. F. ASHBY, Manager, o. 05, Washington Street, l'ortlaud, Oregon. THE VERNON HAY PRESS CJnequaled fot fast, work and light draft. Manufactured at the foot of Baiier Street, Albany, by PRICE & VERNON. OH, MAMMA you seen sres at jsnnk sf "Have j "r, iaey are tne pretuesc id town, ami all bis new fund ture is simply elegant " TLey all say so, s d an in spection will prove it. Prices always the lowest. HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE J: fill fit - - f w ire opua HJU5 The Albany Furniture Co A 2 FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING. THE JWCJ KIG STATES FRANCtCO- OOcts an Absolutelv Safe WmeBt FOB SMALL MOSTIHA AMOUNTS. ?"Six dollars per mimth wjll amoimt to 1000 in eevt-n vcare, doublinsr the amount invented in that time. Money loaned on real estate seenritv at 6 per cent. For full particu lars apply to S. N. STKELK dc CO., L- cal Auents. t5 . iS es j i - is f "J! (ill 41 !- iiilff fFha&it '.ill mm m THE Yflfliiina 1 OREG03 PACIFIC RAILROAD T.. K. UUGG, Kecrlver. Oregon Development Co.'s Steamship .Line 225 MILESSilORTER. A'D 22 Hours Less Tlm lliaa l; wiy other lOOte: Accomodation! um-uriKissed for tru U-tt an tatety. Karcs end (rc.K'.l la aquina o the wegon leve ojn.ent ccii'j ai.j'a ibi8, iiiucb 1cm that i) any ether route netjii all poiDtB in the VMlllaii.iti al UaI ban r'rancuico. Sailing dates, no T.QIUCA. (Vilinmctte Valley.... ........ Aur 'h WV 131 h Willamette Valley ' ii, SI f ROM 8AK FEANCUiCJ H - J'ily 31 Wiil.-ucctte Vnilcy Aug 9 A II juiiette Vallev " le. 24 The company rcerve the rfht to cl ilS Usuuen or sailinir dates. DMLl r-AHklllieKE ttAIXB. ' Kcept bunilayi.) L Ta;aina7:O0 1L? Albacy 12:20 M ConailiilUaM I" Cor vail is IWl r M Ar ARs.n i:'jo a a Ar Vaquiua fib r. . U tv. tia.u joui ect at AiLan lu I'm Wm. U Hoie, C, . Hjoob, Genual alanaeit it. F & P. Afrent Corrallis, O on EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE KCIM IE III A F.Cl'TK C&iifoniia ex JTtsa trains ran dally hoi ru OPTB 7:Oo p M..L.Y..... Portland ....Ar.. :S. am lo:& p m..L.T Albany Lr.. c:r. am s.'.j a iu..Ar.. t. rnuicieto.Lv.. 8-OU pm. Loral ra. Train Bally- Ex. Sunday. S.-0.i a m..Lv... Portland . 1J.2U p in..Lv. ... Albany . 60 p mAr.....Row!i)mv... .Ar.. 4.-00 n. -Lv. .I2:o0 am .Lv.. t:20am. Lebanon ttraack. fj6p aLv..... Albany Ar.. W:6.m. Z:.5pm Ar ....Lebanon..... Lv.. K:40 amv ?:suam..Lr Allaiiy.. Ar.. 4.W pn s.iiim..Ar Lebanuu Lv.. i pn AuB vxy local, dailt (Except Sunday) 5.00 p .. J.v.... Portland Ar....9.ot a U.iM I'M Ar. . .Albjiuy...l.v,...5.00 A PULLMAIn' b'uFJ; ElSLELFliKS. TOURIST SLEEFIKG CAES, F-r accommoaation of erondlua T ii tnci-tt attached to Expreaa i iaui. fFest Side Division. Between l'oitland and Coivallia misc. m & mm a - OF SAN . - s Mall Train Dally- Except Sunday ;.iu..Lv. ...I'o.-tliol ...Ar.5S0p. 1j:10 p m. .At t'orvaiiis.. L. I-.6:.. At Albany and Corvelhs co,n:ect tnim ot Oregon PacilielUuli-oad. with Cxprrss Train Dally (Exnpt Sunday 4:40 p in. 7;uo p m. .Lv., .Ar.. .. Portland . . . Ar., . .iiiiJir.Tiwllc.Lv. b:20 am 5.4f AOJ . THROUGH TICKF.TS lo All Point EAST AND SOUTH IS'For tickftg rjid tul! information r irardin ratm uiaps, etc., call on con.pau) a.-1-til at Altanv. H. liOKil LtK, E. P. EOGER9, tU-.M-rr Ami. ti. K a p. A A WEAK MAN Can cure himself of the de plorable lest lis of early aluee and perfectly restoie his vigor and vital ity by our Lome treatment. The remarkable cures oi hoolc? 8 caeea of nervous tiebility and private coinnlaints are ever where stamp ing out quackery. Treaties and qut-f tion li-t, a physician's gift to eufl't ring humanity, will be eent fiee to those alllictec". Address witli stamp PIONEER IXSTITITTE, 405 Kearny it., Kotm 2, San Fiancisco, Cal. CO - ill z E 3 20M go. - . o O ! OS Hfis ils5s8at 15 ,3o e 2: 3 o nl Ofj .A a ' C Br :e i u . .rr rjv: a4 iff iV M 3lkiiis5i 2 25 is . is i 5 li II to O Ul a We ctirry a large stock of printci'd stationery, well as eortctl, lxuight direct from the manufacturers at a low figure, and can give the best of work in all kinds of printing for the least money. Try us. C. Cohb. OREf ON Brick -for Sale At rnv liln f'tie mile east of town. or dc-livtied anvwhere in the fit v. W.C. C.iS.-Kl.L. BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON'. H. r. Merill, P-i. J. Lmaiw, 7. 3. W. Elaia Cashier. Trnnactsa pfnoral banking hnrim. Kxihinire hoimht ad to'd on all the prin-i-ipal i-i-.iin of the ( nited States, also, Or eat ItiiiMin. Frant-e and Oermapy. CnVectione at all accessible points made en fa orable tenns. Internet paid on time deposits. r) KVERE DOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHA3 I Pfciffcr, Prop. Only flrst-eclan house 11 the city. Largo (ample rooms for eoro mc reWI men. No Chinamen employed la the kitchen. Oeaeral stae offir Corrallis. RED CROWN MIS NEW PR0CES8 TIOITK. (Superior for Family and Bker'ause) Best Bigot Facilities THE MARKETS. ALB AH T QUOTATIOBS. Wheat bOi .--Jo Oats- :5c Fiour 4.25 pet tbl P-jtatocs tfic Ejrjfs 20c butter i'l V irc L:ird 10ti::.V4c Ilauis 14gl:c. Shoulders 10. Bacon 12e. Hops Hay Timothy, flO, oats and cheat 8. Appl.-s Green, t-"c per bu. 1'iUj Dried, 9c. per lb. App'ea dried bleached c snndried & c. C hickens 3) 504 !5. Beef 33Jc jrross. Mutton tii&3 50per h; ad Ko(ts Sc aresser. Veal ftfttiHc IVool lS21c. tniighat eaKh prior ALBANY Aid toi wbeat"M EGGS FOR SALE. I will sell fnll Mood Leghorn egZB, both single and rose ciwb, lor Jl 50 jer 13. also dotted Wyan dotte, Lijjht Brahmae, Ing.d:an and fljmouth Bockr at the ram price. L. J. Hocck. Tangent, Or. rv 1 h- -f.