Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, September 30, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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y ..! ! i .11 .1 i i
The Daily Hkbalr will be oj
ale each morninK at H. J. Jops
book Btore.where it can be procured
at 5 cents per copy. .
F. M. Frtncli, jeweler.
Will A Stark have eome elegant
Bouvenir spoons.
L. BilyiMi f Eugene, was in the
city yesttTihiy.
County Assessor Williams waB
in the city yesterday.
Go feaet your eyes on the ele
gant silverware at Will Sc. fctaik'e.
Mrs. Chaa. F. Stephens, of The
Dalles, is visiting friends in this
Beautiful gold watches in every
imaginable design at Will &
Have you examined that beauti
ful $400 piano at Klein Bros, shoe
The best kid clove in town for
one dollar can be had at the Ladies
Miss Pierce.of Salem, is visit. r.g
her sister, Mrs. Thomas Hopkins,
in this city.
The Ladies Bazaar will have
their millinery oreiiirjir Thursday
and Friday.
John Fox and family start next
Monday for Can nel ton, Indiana, to
make a two months visit.
Call at the Ladies Bazaar and
inspect their new stock of millin
ery for the coming season.
Buy your watches at F. M.
French's and get the benefit of
the reduction in prices just made
by the factories.
llanan A Sou's fine shoes sell on
their own merit, and always gives
t-atisfaction. Try a pair at T. L.
Wallace & Co.'s.
The Ladies Bazaar is daily re
ceiving new novelties for the com
ing season. Call in and examine
At Will A Stark's can be setn
romeof the most Leautitul ladies
gold watches, which have just
been received.
Mr. Wni. Allen and family have
removed from Prineville back to
to Linn county, and will reside
near Brownsville.
The twentieth Oregon supreme
conrt report is just out ironi the
press of the state printing otlice.
It contains 045 pages.
Will A Stark will be glad to
f how you their large line ot beau
1 if til silverware. It will do you
geed, even if you don't buy.
On account of the meeting in
the Cmzregational church there
will be no irayermeeting in the
Presbyterian church this evening,
I nomas Drink has received a
stock of baby carriages w hich he
is otTerinz at prices as low as the
lowest, and they axe tirut-class
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shepherd,
of Baker City, father and ii.ottie
ol Mrs. Coll Van Cleve, arrived in
the city last evening for a few
days visit.
Buy your spectacles and eye
glasses at F. M. French's, ami
have your eyes tested and your
glasses properly titteJ. (ilaeet?
from 25 cents to $10.
John Gray, of Eugene, whose
ckull waa fractured lv the blow
of a bar of iron in the hand of hi.
brother-in law, T. E. liuscll, the
Guard saj-, is likely to recover.
Parties desiring to remove lo Al
bany to educate their children
wi'l remember that a number ol
enterprising business men have
built a few scores of commodious
residences cheap for rent or sale.
The secretary of the Portland
Bridge Company, Mr. DutF, was in
the city yesterday looking after
the bridge work. The pile driver
has arrived and will soon be put
to work upon the piers.
A democratic mass meeting is to
tie lield at the opera nont-e in this
city on Friday evening. Chauncey
F. B'ack, president of the na
tional association of democratic
clubs, and James M. Beck, attor
ney-general of the state of IV nn
svlvania. is expected to address
the meeting.
Th l'uMlc Schaolf.
There are 431 pupils enrolled in
the Albany public schools, with
an average attendance of alout
400. The accommodations are
ample for many more, possibly one
hundred and lifty. Many others
will soon register ; yet theie wil he
room for more. While it may be
claimed that Albany is not yet
the metropolis of Oregon; it has a
school system comprising public
tchools, colleges and other schools
not excelled in this state. As we
are peculiarly favored with
healthful environment?, prosper
ous business interests, wholesome
moral and religions intluences arid
good so iety in general, it is safe
suggest that Linn county farmers
and others who may not be favored
with the best school privileges can
do no better than to leuiove to
Bridge Work l'rri.iu;.
Mayor J. L. Cowan received a
letter yesterday from the King
Iron Bridge Company, of Cleve
land, Ohio, stating that work upon
the Albany bridge was progressing
rapidly, and that the company
had accepted tl e plans and speci
fications adopted and would ad
here to them, and do the work ac
cording to contract.
u Exhibition free.
Will A Link give a free exhibi
tion of the finest embroidery, made
with the New Home sewing ma
chine at their store in the opera
housebuilding from Oi tuber 4th
to October 10th inclusive. The
exhibition will contain many beau
tiful specimens of work, and will
be well worth visiting.
fllTT C0DHC1L.
Ih City Bo
Bonds Again 8Jd to I. 8tetn-y
Hall . 1- . -- t'
A K nmiul oa.liiitl ftt til A PltV
couuL-il was held last evening.
Mavor Jus. L. Cowan presiding.
The recorder was instructed to
advertise lor mus ior lawrai sewer
across Calapooia street.
The city treasurer reported mat
he had sold the $75,000 city bonds
to I. sterohart at the toiiowing
fiirures: $-10,000 at $40 200 and
$1,5,000 for $35,000 with 0 per cent,
interest ; report adopted.
Councilman Burkhart reported
the Mandard oil company's big
tank in a leaking condition ; re
ferred to committee on lire and
The superintendent of street-
reported six-inch p;pe being used
for lateral sewers, where the law
requires eight-inch pipe
.,..;i ..l.iLna,! ti
Council adiourned to meet m
special session next Tuesday even
Albany Wins Second Money in tn Dry
Teat- Sain Dtbys the Sacea.
K.n-'pl to the iiKRALD.
Victoria. B. C, Sept. 29. At
the Northwest Fkemens' Associa
tion and tournament there is a
larire attendance. Officers of the
association were elected as fol
lows: President, Chief Willis, of
Tacoina; secretary, C. W. Watts,
of Albany: treasurer. Win. Du-
Tne races were j ostponed Lorn
yesterday on account of heavy
rain. Astoria has a professional
team headed by Gibson, the fast
est sprinter in the world.
In the dry test Astoria got no
time; Westminster, 34; Albany,
32 1-15 ; Vancouver, B. C, 31 3-15 ;
.xanainio, . ii-io; oeaiue, i
1 15. The Albany firemen are
On Saturday, Oct. 1", we will
sell to the highest bidi'.er w ithout
reserve, 25 head of young trotting
and draft stock, 3 and 4 years old ;
trotters sired by Oneco, 2:29?4'
sireofDelco, 2:2'J,I4'; Alveta, son
of Altamont and some choice mares
by Edward Everett, eire of the
dam of Delco, 2:234 ; grade drall
stock, both Percheron and Clyde;
also saddle poniee, one jersey
bull 2 years old from ex-Governor
Moody's herd eligible to registra
tion, and several grade mi!k cows.
Terms: One year's time without
interest with good approved se
curity, or 10 per cent discount for
We w ill oSTer a purse of $25 to
be trotted for over our track, on
the farm on that date. It is open
for all road horses owned in Linn
county, barring Mr. Gourle'd and
Juukins' heroes that trotted last
July. The race will be mile heats,
two best in three. An entrance
fee of $5 will be charged and added
to the purse. This fee must ac
company entries which will close
on Oct. 15. Sixtv per cent to first
horse, 3i to second and 10 to the
third. We will enter no horse in
the race.
Arrangements will be made for
a good lunch so all can come early
and see the day's sport.
McKxn;ur Bko.,
Ta lman, Or
On Thuisday and Friday, Oct,
1st and 2d, the Ladies Bazaar will
have their grand opening of fall
and winter millinerv. All ae
most cordially invited to be pres
ent. Mks. 11. J. Sowkr.
Oregon Hlat.
Messrs. RiiriM & Titman. of
Josephine eoun'v, have recently
discovered what promises to be
a valuable slate niiarrv. Mr,
Rig'-'" left at the Hkkald ollice
yesterday a sample of the slate,
!'e savs there has been only two
iiuarries of commercial slate di
covered on the Pacific coast, and
this is as extensive as either, and
iM-rhaps as valuable as the Cali-
lornia product. Oregon slate for
biiililni'j and commercial purMises
woiilil ie much preleraMe to send
ing away for it.
Church Dedicated at Shedd.
Rev. .V. W. I.L':in, of the Port
land I'nited Presbyterian church,
returned Monday "from Shedd, in
which village he had lecn engag
ed in the dedica'ory services of a
new church. Though not large,
it is of very handsome design, and
is an ornament to the thriving
community. The afternoon ser
mon was ii-livered by Rev. S. G.
Irvine. D. D., of Albany. Dr. Ir
vine is an Oregon pioreer. The
sermon in tpa-stion was ro.
40(H) for him, and his strength is
11 ig Lug Exhumed.
In the South Bend Journal
Washington linisem there is on
exhihiton a piece of perfectly
pre-erved w.mmI found at depth
of 32 fi i t by Mr. J. X. Skidniore.
-Mr. Skiiiiniire is il'ging a well
near the II. -U l Willapa and the
above mentioned piece is a part of
a log three feet in thickness, w hich
was struck when at that depth.
It was found imliediled ina vein of
the stillest kind of hlue clay. The
wood though discolored consider
ably reeml.les fir iu grain and
general appearance.
The DlTine Sara' "Accident."
The Astorian is responsible for
the following: Sara Bernhardt,
"the divine Sara," appeared ht
week in western Oregon and Wash
ington. She played last night
in Sokane. She is accompanied
by w hat she calls her "accident,"
her son Maurice aged tin. He is
sensitive alxuil his birth. Some
time Pgo he challenged Henri
Roehefort who had, so he deemed.
insulted him. "Tut, tut.,' said
Roehefort. "neither you nor I
know but what 1 may be your
lather." I'nder the" circum
stances they did not light.
Th Annual Kattiaf for Oregon Hevii
Session in Thii City.
e annual meeting of the Asso
ciation of Congregational churches
mei ill i"in in; u nu. j
terday, with 04 ministers and del
egates present and many distin
guished visitors from at i odd
Organization was effected by
the election of Rev. C. i.. Corwin,
moderator: Rev. C. II. Cuitis,
scribe; Mr. W. LI. Morrow, assist
ant scribe.
The report of the Achtnson me
morial committee showed that the
work of the memoirs of the deceas
ed would be completed by his
The report of the Yi.ung Feoples
Society of Cluistian Endeavor
showed eighteen organizations in
Oregon, all zealous and etlective
aids to the piomotion of Sunday
School, temperance and church
The report of the treasurer
showed the association to be in a
satisfactory financial condition.
An assessmei t of 10 cents per
capita was levied for general
church work in Oregon.
The business meeting consumed
the mcst of the afternoon.
In the evening, after a service of
song, the annual sermon was de
livered by Rev. C. T. Whittlesev.
of Portland, and an address on "A
Month in the Holy Land" by Rev.
II. V. Kominger, of East Portland.
The programme tor to-day is as
8 :30 a. m. Devotional exercises,
It d by Rev. A. Rogers.
9:00 a. m. Report of college
10 :00 a. m. Addresaes.
11 .00 a. m. Addresses.
2:00 p.m. Woman's Board of
I oreign Missions.
3:30 p. m. Woman's Home
Missionary Union.
7 :30 p. in. Service of song.
7:45 p. m. Address of Rev.
Chas. Creegan, D. D., secretary
American Board of Commissioners
for foreign missions.
8 :30 p. m. Address of Rev. Win.
Kincaid, 1). D. secretary American
Home Missionary Society.
The heirs of Colonel I. R. Moore,
who were left so much land near
Eugene, are now lawing at a great
rate over the division of the pro
perty. Andy Kavanaugh, living near
Gervais, set fire to a straw stack
latelvand it soon spread to his
granarv and burned the sacks off
of a big quantity of grain.
A syndicate of Chinamen, with
ample capital backing it, ha
purchased a site near letoria lor
a rice mill, and work on the erec
tiou of the mill will begin at once
The work of raising a $25,000
fund for another college building
on the iliamctte campus is going
forw ard nicelv. The committee on
the new building are getting mat
ters in shape to push the v.ork
vigorously and make a thorough
canvass. A special agent the
new building will be appointed,
and no doubt a good man could
swell the fund rapidly.
A. G. II. Overn, of Monknta.
Minn., oilers to furnish 70iK)
if the people of Silverton
will furnish 700() more, and
put up a first-class fruit cannery
Mr Overn is a man of capital, un
derstanils a cannery and means
Isaac Cov, aged tiO, one of
Marion county's most prominent
tanners, was thrown out ot his
wagon bvbis team running awav
An hour or so la'er he was picked
up unconscious and taken home
His limbs were paralyzed from the
effect of injuries of his spine, but
at last accounts be was slow ly
Xewstroin the lnorman mine is
very encouraging. New- silveied
plates and a fine screen arrived at
Brownsville for the company, and
Thursday Messrs. Kllwick and
Blanchard started with them for
the mine. A good report is looked
for when they get the mill in
shape again, although it is now
saving some gold.
Horace Cline has brought suit
in the state circuit court at Eugene
against J. u. Uoooaie, asking ior
the annulling of a contract entered
into hetween the plantitl and de
fendant on March 19, 1891. which
was for the sale of theCoburg saw
mill, lumber and water privilege,
the consideration of which was
he 20.(HM), and for the sum
if i5(K paid on said contract.
Good i'rlces for I'ruDei.
S. A. Clarke, the veteran fruit
grower, lias just returneu irom a
visit to the inter-mountain coun
try Montana, Wyoming and ad
jacent states, says the Salem
Statesman. Mr. Clarke on this
trip had no trouble in selling al
most ins entire crop ot prunes to
the same man to whom he has
sold for the past four years. The
demand for Oregon prunes, Mr.
Clarke says, is good, aid be sold
this year at prices two or three
cents per pound in advance o:
those commanded by California
prunes. Mr. Clarke found not ti e
slightest trouble in disposing ol
choice Oregon prunes, and, may
it be said to their credit, they
command the top price. Mr.
Clarte expecta to ship three car
loads, or more.
Annual Meettug.
The Oregon branch of the W.
B. M. 1. w ill hold their annual
meeting in connection with the
state Congregational Association
at Albany to day at 2 i m. The
program me will consist ot devo
tional exercises by the president,
Mrs. Helle W. Cook; report of
the home secretary, Mrs. A. H.
Breyman; report of the foreign
secretary, Mrs. C. It. Templeton;
a paper by Mis, L. T. Hidden, and
a paper by Mrs. Dr. Simon.
Tat Cointiei Included is Each, the Popu
lation and the Tote,
The legislature in February,
1891, divided Oregon into two con
gressional districts. Following is
the population of the several
counties in each district as re
turned by Mr. Porter's census, to
gether with the vote cast by the
two chief political parties on mem
ber of congress in 1890. The pro
hibition vote, which was 2856, is
not given in detail :
Count iee, Pojiu- Vote for 1890
laticn Rep. Hem.
Benton .0-.n 1.2S7 l,5b
ftatkm 15,191 1,752 l.nyf,
Cooi s,ss 1,011 eso
Curry 1,WS 313 13H
Douglas 11.7S8 1,5;4 1,237
Jackson H,:tt 1 3-4 1,500
J.wtph ne........... 4,M4 (W0 Ml
Klauuth 2,4-5 31 il
Uke..... 2.5S-2 405 409
Line 15.0S3 1,.W3 1,515
Linn l.i: 1.S45 2 070
Marion 22 4:4 2,076 1,765
Polk 7,7:lfi 1,0 Miti
Tillamook 2 8sS 5:U 2ns
Wahington 11,874 1,31m 1.022
Yamhill 10,tK 1,384 l.Otjl
Total l,r.4,0UC 18,573 15,805,
Baker COW M0
UUtsep .'- 1.725
Columt ia ; 5.101 m 42s
Crook .. 3,211 471 H14
lliliiam ' 2.547 5 474
Grant 5.031 7:15 CS4
Harney 2 543 fc:o 507
M lheur. 2,5a7 3s4 355
Morrow 4.1S1 5'J4 537
Multnomah 75,i57 8 374 4,2.-4
Sherman 1,77'. 301 131
Umatilla 13.229 l.25 1,1 31
fnion 11,900 l,tO . l.swi
Wallowa 3.041 SI 2 3"4
Wa co .ia 1.0'4 bii
Total 157,304 20.W3 14.1W
Notice to the Ladle.
W. Simpson has madear-
rangements whereby he is enabled
to give the ladies of Albany a bar
gain in fall and winter cloaks. On
next Wednesday and Thursday
only he will have at his store a
sample of every style of B?alette
and cloth cloak or jacKei maue uv
one of the largest Eastern manu
facturers. The v comprise all the
novelties of the seassn. These
iroods will be in the store for two
days only and will be sold at
wholesale prices. Call early and
secure the best selection.
The best salve in tin world for Cuts
Bruises,, Ulcers, Salt Kheum,
Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand,
Chilblains. Corns and skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Pile, or 1.0 pay
required. Il is guaranteed to giv;
perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded. Price 25 cents per box. Fcr
sale by Foshsy & Mason
Wanted to Rent.
A four or five acre tract of land
near Albany for the purpose of
raising garden truck. Any having
such land to rent will confer a
favor by addressing Peter Downs,
Albany, Oregon.
run high in this city over System
Builder as every body is using it for
Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia
Constipation, Impure blood and to
build ud their system. Try it and
tell vour friends about it, as it
must possess wonderful merit
when all speak well of it.
Act on a new principle reguln
ting the liver, stomach and bowels
through the nerves, a new un
coverv. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily
cure biliousness, bad taste, torpi 1
liver, piles, constipationr un
equaled for men, women, children,
smallest, mildest, surest 1 60 dose 3
for 25 ceuts. Samples . ee, at
Stanard & Cusick.
French Tantjr Wafer.
These wafers are for the relief
and cure of painful and iregular
menses, and will remove an ob
structions, no matter what the
cause, and are sure and safe every
time. Manufactured by Emerson
Drug Co., San Jose, Cab, and for
sale at J. A. Cumming's drug
store only.
O. K. T. Iloneot Keaulta.-O K. T.
Many of the pioneers of Oregon
and Washington have cheerfully
testified to the wonderful cura
tive proiierties of tne celebrated
Oreiron Kidney Tea. Purely
vegetable and pleasant to tne
taste and can be taken by the
youngest child or moBt delicate
woman. O. K. T. is a never fail
ice remedy for pains in the back
and loins, non-retention of urine,
scalding or burning sensation
while urinating, mucous dis
charges and all kidney troubles of
either sex. $1 at all druggists. I'oi
sale by toshay & Mason.
Watches, chains and spectacles.
specialties at F. M. French's.
No article entering so generally into the food of every
household is sa generally and villainously adultercd as bak
ing powder. These adulterated powders arc shoved upon
the public with the greatest persistency.
Throbbing advertisements in newspapers claiming this
brand or that is absolutely pure, backed by analyses and cer
tificates, and yet they are adulterated with ammonia or alum.
It is to be hoped the law will take hold of these merciless
manufacturers and punish them for destroying the stomachs
of the unsuspecting consumer.
Amid all this fraud and deceit Dr. Price's Cream Bak
ing Powder stands almost alone battling for pure food and
continues to furnish a pure cream of tartar powder at almost
the same cost to the people as the ammoina and alum pow
ders are sold at, yet it costs much more to manufacture.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is of the highest
strength. It produces the largest amount of leavening power
attainable in a pure baking powder. It is free from ammo
nia or any other adulteration. No powder docs such work.
Housewives who have tested all use Dr. Prices only.
For nice fresh oysters go to John
Bay your gasoline stoves of
Hopkins Bros.
New dress goods just received at
W. F. Itead's.
Pav vour school tax and save
costs'of collection.
Klein Bros, are giving a fine
piano to their customers.
A fine line of gold rings lust
opened at Will A Stark's.
Fresh comb honey, Linn county
production, at Parker ilrus.
Choice pickles in bulk, or quan
tities to 6Uit, at Parker I5ros.
- Cakes-of all varieties, fancy and
plain at the Delinomco restaurant.
Wanted on Lebanon canal a
number of good teams at 00 per
Set vour watch with Irenchs
regulator and you will not miss
the train.
Fresh Yaquina bay ealmon at 8
cents per pound at Hyde's market
every day.
Have you seen those beautiful
cement walls in the cemeter es,
put up by E. W. Achison, at all
the cost of stone.
For fine pocket knives best pa
tent tempered shears and scissors
and extra hollow ground razors,
go to Stewart k Sox.
Lowest rates and best accommo
dations to panseiitrer iroing Kast
via Canadian Pacific Railway ask
C. B. Winn for rates. j
Use the celluloid eyeglass c'enn-
era. (llandkercinet not always
elegant.) Free with each pair of
glasses at F. M. French's.
Some of tne test styles of ele
gant bed lounges can be seen at
Fortniiller & lrving's, as they have
just received a large invoice.
Parties intending to go East
should secure their tickets over the
popular Union Pacific and Oregon
Short Line route. Call and see
'urran A Monteith for tickets.
You can save money by going at
once to Klein Bro.'s shoe store and
purchasing a pair of Oxford ties.
The price has been reduced to close
them ou'.
Those contemplating purchas
ing a piano or organ bhould call at
Will A Link's and see their beau
tiful instruments. They carry the
best makes and sell them on very
essy terras.
Mr. J. S. Morgan has just
completed burning a frerh kiln
at his brick yard one mile west of
the court house, and is prepaied
to fill all orders. A man will be
in waiting at the yard to attend to
all callers for brick.
W. R. Graham has received a
fine assortment of Thomas Kay all
woolen cloth suits and overcoats.
He also has a large line of foreign
and domestic cloths, and is mak
ing stylish suits and garments at
very reasonable prices. Call and
see his new goods.
Conrad Meyer's new oven is
now completed, and he is better
prepared ttan ever to serve his
old customers as well as new ones
with the best of fresh bread, cakes,
in fact everything from the dainti
est tut rolls to the most elaborate
wedding cakes. Housekeepers
are invited to give the product of
his new oven a trial.
Call at S. E. Young's an 1 see
the large and varied stock of
cloaks, sacks and jackets just re
ceived. I have received my new
stock of fall and winter garments,
including all the novelties in
siiort and long jackets, etc., and
am better prepared to suit the
trade than ever before. Those
that call early are sure to be satis
fied. They are going very fast.
Samuel E. Young.
The facilities of the present
for the production ot everything
that will conduce to the .material
welfare and comfort of mankind
are almost unlimited and when
iSyrupof Figs was first produced
the world was enriched with the on
ly perfect laxative known, as it is
the only remedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing to the taste
and prompt andeflectual tocleanse
the system sently in the Sprin-
time or, in fact, at any time any
the better it is known the more
popular it becomes.
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Castoria I
Poison in the Kitchen.
4t A
ThrM fet
tle 1 in
ker county Orc-ft S? A
s;on, near whitUl r
a new linker City
nun who has since
bc-ome iuentitUtl will, the resources
and development of that country. Thin
man is no other than Mr. J .hti Stewart, out
of the wealthiest and most influential citizen
in the county. Ina recent leitcr he eays:
"1 had been DUffcring fnm ( arm in my ha.k
nd general kidney complaint ior some time,
and liatl used many remedies without any
hut temporary relief. 'I lie pains in mj tick
had become so severe tint 1 was prevented
from attending to my work and could not
m .ve without the Mi"; of a cane. lh-JtrhiK.
through a friend, of the wonderful cures ef
foit by Oregon Kidney Tea, I wa in jured tc
try a box, and from thut e'V first dose 1
found instant relief, and hefore u iu half
tlie contents of the hox the piins in c y ha k
entirely ditappeared 1 have every f ith in
the virtue of the Oreiron Kidney Tea, and
ean conscientiously reeomiuu; d it to ru
friends. 1 would not he without it for any"
Oreuon Kidney Tea cures headache, incon
tinence of uritic brick dust sediment, burn
iii;'ir painful sen'-ation while urinating, ami
all affections of the kidney or uriuary organ
of eitiier sex.
mi Ems
1 1
iu;tu will lie nivntti Oct. itii h- .Mrs
Kuima l':itiaui v ho it. a !crmai h-c1t mid
ppe. ki la-icuaire as liti'-ut.v ss Kn-'lih
1 h. ie ni:-y he loj and tiris ho for la -k of
euiivc!.-.ttioi al iriviet'is ai:d ditticii t in
leiruiu the U imii.-k, this .-lie-a is toi ju-st
such -ttidt-nt4. n iu-e for th-i?e :io di-s-r
a practical m:i.-t.-'ry f tit- Uninfe th.-rc
u ill lie an exciiin c!as. Term., ."o ceius a
lesson, or 'i: ccijts in a class of not less th in
t-n pui its. 1' ace on 7t!i between retry a-.d
Itrcadult iu stu-cts
POTATOSM FOK SAI,i;-(lod sorted
Ihirhai-k poiatoe-i M i't centst per hiuhcl, iu
U hmhe! lot- upwird, delivered in auv part
if the c'.tv. Apply to Alvin I'arothers
through the iKMtuihce or thiiw lte.
Messrs (his I.. Webster i I 'c, have iiosi
tiori tor tit j tirxt Jais aciiM for blcdmaii'g
"Libriry of Amrricin Literature, One
acut cleared .i,:.u in three hours work
tovc ref.-ren.-c, rcsidi-nce, and preseut cm-
plot rnelit.
T. M. William", Manager,
lo Fill h Ave, New- York.
I ihIi Market.
II:iin' c(:.lilifhfd a li.-h market on th
cottier ot HAilroae and Sejond street. 1 will
keep on !..iud freth li. h. and freh sa'min at
live C'lits per pound, arriving ever da
evc pt l uc-lys and Saturdays. l.-:i(uire at
VI ilus & He,' k-milh Mi p.
Cast iria is recommended by
rbvsiciaiiH for children teething.
It is a purely vegetable preparation
its ingredients are published
around each buttle. It is pleasant
to the taste and absolutely harm
less. It relieves constipation,
regulates the bowels, quites pain,
cures diarrhei and wind colic,
allays feverishness, destroys
worms, and prevents convulsions,
soothes the child and gives it re
freshing and natural sleep. Cas'
sona is the children s panacea
the mothers' friend. e)5 d'-nes, 35
Special Notice.
Ladies or gentlemen who con
template buying gold watches will
find it to their advantage to call at
b. M. r reni-h s jewelry store De1
fore purchasing, as there has been
quite a reduction iu prices. The
Corner ieelry ttore.
Itrlck ltrlck. 1
For sale iu larga or small qum
titles, delivered et kiln, one
mile east of the city, iu the city
or on board cars.
W. C. Casski i..
The Thomas Kay Woollen Mill
of Salem, have appointed ti. W.
Simpson their agent in Albany. A
full line of men and hoys clothiuv
blankets and flannels and all arti
cles manufactured by the mill will
be kept in stock. These goods art
the best in the market and will
give entire satisfaction.
Do you want to be happy and
make those about you pleased, if
so eo and get one of those lovely
tined piano's at Mrs. llymans.
Childrcns school cloaks in end
less vaiie'v at the I-adie8 15azaar.
And a general assortment of
Usually vora by Jflea aad Soys for Wcrk cr Dress
without first ezaziiaia ta.3 saris liaes at
my store makes a aaistaks fiaaaciaUy.
Call and see wliat is Means !
L. E.
in :-: Leading :-: Clothier
Men's, Boys'
Now at
.trivinp, yon will le convinced il at e are LAVING
EH ALL I'OMPETl HON in our line when itcuim-filo
Bichly Tailored Clothing,
ble Prices. Give us a call.
0 ookiDg Stoves and Banes
Ww Over
i i i
aiffi atttows ft WasB ut a