-f- x v,'lV- -SO CKNTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OBEGOU", WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 1891 FOB IALI, WANTS. ETC. i Jur (en 14 lit - The a -h nl tat lor A "I yxt U nivdma.l payable. T.t-pavere are riweel t mil urojjptlv. at toe o n of the eerli. C. O Bjr hart and pay tne aim j. wkwI, C. G. Burkhart eieia. CK WIN". AUKXT KOR TilB LKAU la Ore. Ufa aoJ acci laot inaunnca com pan In "IfONICT TO LOAM-HOMK CAPITAL ON Aim. r""! rami traunty. r'or pasUcu- araaaHuuwai uaow tl'lrupnrer. 1 fAV:RB3 OP L9L JUVf All lit lor c ull I rtllun. ana un l. r fe , e. for -kiln at siu ur 'TH, Within I) mile from nilroad at Hi in a i l it wtlus (rjm l!uiiy Apply lata office. Sxwa nin ivolhi la-in Iry to the iron h u toe c r-r of SetonJ awl ltob eti-i. Lai far sale. C. 10, 30, to, DO acraa. nuty bmu, nwnt plai rhutp aihl lii,-h-pri.J. a Hty l.iU all owned by II. Bryant. Innttll Aim La ad Surveying. Pimm BMaiaa auavBTise Don c: os tein a xnratc nil prompt w..rk by calling myou county aurvavt K I. T. Fiahur. he aM.:ompliit copwa of BnlJ note ami town snip plats, and ia prepare I loilo aurveyine in any pan of unn county, Poatoffiue ailUro, auinwa -Kauuo. unn cou ny.OreiCOD. Notice of I'ariitarahlp. JIOTM,'S la h-.tl.v -riven that J. W. Uum ber aie purrh mmI a one h Uf interest in the New Saner M-l!. ai I Hi i-uvi.o-w will h.-ie. ariar b ran u ul r th-Hru name ul (joint Utmher. aWa AiiiOHt 1 1 91. Fd Gi Nolle of Diaaolullon. The eopartnenihip heretofore i-xwtini; l-- two r. Wau.lt-11 an.l II. i.i!k-iitik uiuler the Ami na 1 e of Wamlell A HoII-mi- beea. fc tfcie day iltsaolveil by nneii.l cm mil. The baainraa will be n-nti-ineti bv V. Wrndell olio will par all ili-lt. of the U e firm, r. KM) '.I.I.. II F. bOl.I.EN'UKCk. A'bany, Sept 8, lwM. a LUMINUM AC'- J printed H.:iitiUj -A Itt-paire llimc- Micliaim-.il Jour:i.il of L-re r'o ewn I yrnli.na an t Pr---.', Vai, H. N-iL .Vrn.it'iMi quaint t.l l.v tun Ma -arripti-m -V- eta per yi-ar, with i Aliuiliaaat Lor-i Prayer Souveniri. fK- thia aiverti-Miu ent. It will kail oi t-i aiic eem, ALiMina un I'iulimim.nu Co, Now port, Kj. Albany Nurseries. Ve are oferinif to planters the fine-it tot of fruit trt-t-t), of all tlt firab'e Viaritis. in fin state. One hundred and fifty thousand trens for this fiimnr' ia;t It. Inflection invited and fatiefa - fion xoaranteed. Semi for catalogue or i-!l an I Bee iinat the oil tMine h i -tt ad rue-half ii'ilf suiithive-'t ni Al'.uny. Hvm w Im;WHKI.I.. Mm - Vut the ..'e H) D.iy ' .403. A 60RD ! HOWARD & SO v, FTE VM S WV. PRO MPT VVOItK University of Crfon AT ElMCNK. Next floaeinn tie-ins on Moiulny, the 2lnt, l:ty O! Septemljer. IS1M tuition. fre. Kuiir Co'irnes Clas-tit'al. Scienlilic, Literarv, an.l a Hliort KnIish course, in w hich there is no Latin, dreoli, trencli or tieriiian. The Knirlisii it) pre eminently a liiiineHse nir.-te. For catalogued or other information, Address J. W . Johnson, President. I am an old 111 in and have been a constant Bullerer with catarrh for the last ten vears. I am en tirely rured bv the U9e of Kly'b C etin Balm. It i ptrane that so simple a remeilv will cure such a stubborn difeae Ilenrv Bill ings, U. S. Pensi .-n Atl'y, Wash ington, D. C. Kor eight yeare I have sutTered from t-ata nh, which effected niv eyes and hearin"; have etiipluvtil many physiriau.i without relief. I iin dow on my Pecoi.d !-j! tie H Kly's ('team P.alui, and feel confi dent of a complete cure. M ny (.'. Thompson, l erro (i.nlo, 111. e are the onlv people who car ry the celebrated' K. tt W. cull r an. I cuffs. Alw.iy: hnve the latent slyli-M in Moo's, T. I.. Walla- e A Co. TO tOIIU Tl.tH'Ltti. Do you know that M' Hire's Ri vealed Remedy is the only patei.t medicine in the world that dot 3 nut contain adro;o: alcihol; tin t the mode of prepai iu it is known only to its discoverer; that it is an advance in the science of medicine without a parallel iu the nine teenth century ; that its proprietou offer to forfeit ?I.IMH fur any cass of dysj-epdi i it will no cure? Thos. P.rink has jut received B01118 of the finest loungi-s ever brought to Alb my, and he is sell ing them at a close margin. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report, Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE llfwn State JlONJIOU'l'l 1, m Craiu'a Unrivalled Atlaa, The nenr edition of this unrivall ed work is now being delivered bv the ajient, .Mrs. A. M. Talt. The work is a mast excellent one, and this edition is a irreat improve ment upon former one3. irivina -ill the latest date and miieh new matter that was not in the nrevioiih eiiitions. it eliouM be in every fainiiv, and on every business man's desk. Those w lio are not supplied can procure the atlis by addressintr P. t). Uox No. (!0 Al bany Oregon. Nurxer). Me 8's. Hyinan k Rrowneli are prepared in "their nursery to fur nish all kinds of stock, and those intendhij a plant should call upon them hmi Schoo ORKGrON". Doanl of Regents: State Poard of Education ex oflicio, His Excellency, Svlveeter Pennoyer gov ernor; Hon. . V. Mc Priile, secretary of state; Hon. E. H. McElioy, sup erintendent tf public in struction ;Itenjatnin Schol field, president ; J. II. V. Butler, secretary; execu tive committee, lion. J. J I'alv. Hon. P. W. Halev and J. B. V. Butler, Polk ; Jacjb Voorhees, Marie n; J. C. White, Po'k; Alfred Licey, O'ackamas; A. N'lltner, Multnomah ; V. II. Holmes, Marian. Tue leading Normal School of the Northwest. Vo saluO'ii. New building, 15 !: r, !!: ttWK S S "3 Srt CITY DRUG STORE 8T1IAID OUSICI, ProBt., FFIirFER BLOCK, - - ALBU5T, DaaJera in DRUCS. MEDICINES. CHEMIW?, FA.'ICT ami Toilet artb-b-a, S-.u.'o. Unwhca, Ferfumcrr, School B"ok, ami Ar tat'a Supulioa Sa5Physician's prescription carefully compoiimletl. H. GREGG, Tailoring piprii. Men' ami Bota clochinK nwle to nnler or claaaeii and repaired on abort notice an-1 ieaanaMo ratea. Sboo on the atreei car line between Third 1 ad fourth etreeta, A tine new line of ladies,mises, children's and infants cloaks can b t seen at the Ltdies Bazaar. Freqnently accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such casem Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favoiite family yemedv. It( autifullv and healthfully loruict tiew apparatus, lull faculty, lilit expenses an-l largn attendance .Normal, a tvancrl nornul, bu-iiness, art anl m.isic ilepurtments. Sppci-l attention given to physical culture, vo'unteei military or ifTiztlion. Th'-se reiviving diplomas are authorized 10 teach in anv county in the state without furlher examinations. Tuition has been reduced in the normal ami business departmen's from if 10 lo $25 per ear, ami 111 sul normal ironi ?.! I !o $20. A year in school for $150 xpenseB. inition 111 normal ami business. $(J 2j nor term ol ten weeks. 11b norm i!. " tier term : b ird .t norm tl li:rn-' hall 1.50 ner week. furnished win with fire and lijjht $1 per week, board and lodging in private houses f:5..V) per week. Kir-t term opens September 22, 1801. -'tudeiits may enter a! anv time. For catalogue address, P. L. C.imp liell. A. P... President, or J. M. Powell. A. M., Vice President. Albany Collegiate Institute, ALBANY, September 9, 1891. Foil Corps of A OREGON, June 10, 1892. ExptrieiiCed Teachers. Four departments of study : Collegiate. Normal, Ciibiness, Primary. Type writing and Short-hand are taught. For catalogue address, Kf,. hUiMii v uuainr, a. ai.. rresiUent. School Tas Notlco, The school tax in school district No 5, is now due and pay able. Call at my office and pay the same Deiore it becomes de-. linuueut. C. G. BURHHAKT. District Clerk. The men of this vicinity need not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. lis not their good looks the ladies are talking about, it Is the good qualites of the cook and heating atoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. .11 F.KIT WISM. Wc tlenirc to say to our clti zius, Unit for years we have been sell ing Ur King's New Discovery for CoiiMimptioii. Dr King's New Life I'ilis, tiueklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have . cever handled remedies that tell as, or that have given such universal sutUfac Mcu, Wc do not hesitate to guaran tee Kthuin every time and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if saMfuctory i; suits do not follow their use These remedies have won their grcit iiipiilarity purely on their merits, Kosliuy & Mason Druggists, A NATIONAL KVE.HT. The holding of the World's Fair in a city scarcely fifty years old w ill be a remarkable event, but whether it will realty benefit this nation as much as the discovery of the Restorative Nervine by Dr, Franklyn Miles is doubtful. This is just what the American people need to cure their excessive ner vousness, dyspepsia, headache, a:z.ine8s, sleeplessness, neuralgia, nervous debility, dullness, con fusion of mind, etc. It acts like a charm. Trial bottles and fine book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases." w ith unequnled testimonials free at Stanard&Cusick's. It is warranted to contain no opium, morphine or dangerous drugs. A MtF IMVeiTSIKHT. is one which is guaranteed to briiig' you aaiisiujiory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. Oil this sale plan you can buy from our advertised druggists a bottle of Dr Kind's New Dseovery for Con sumption, it is guaranteed to bring relief in ev;ry eas s, when used for any all'ection of Throat. Lunirs, or Chest, 6iich as (ionsumption, Innama tiiui of Lungs, lironehitis, Asthma, Whooping Coutrh. Croup, etc, etc It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, andean always be de pended upon, Trial bottles frcj at Fushay & Mason, Druggists, PF. I LAIIO. DAStiERQIM. Scarcely a day passes without the news of some large failure Hashing over the wires the usual result of speculation in stocks or Some equally dangerous venture. The same electric en-rent carries to dear distant friend the sad tidbiL's of death of loved ones too often the result of speculation in patent nostrums. Moore's Revealed Kcmcily is ro speculation bul is sold on positive guarantee. Do not fail to go to your druggist and ask for your money if not r-atislied. We known you will go and buy another bottle. For sale by all druggists. LAKE LABISH. y vol. inxo. 2g i meet to Vie bairaBsedrnrm It is To Be Filled to Replace the Southern Pacific Tiestle. DIBT BIX FKKT IOH. Its Ftot Oats to iaprMoh-Klcksd Orar By a Ota -Eos Pioklii 0r Aboat the Orsp- seems to be, iu his mind, no doubt wnatever tbat the public school teacher has no more right under the constitution of the state of Washington to read chapters from the Bible than he has to read from the Koran or the Talmud. As there are no doubt manv teachers in the state who now hold religious services in their schools from reasons of conscience or duty, it is ! quite probable that some of them will continue this custom, and that unbelievers will bring the matter to test in the courts. MAD RUSH FOR LAND balem, Sept. 22. Parties com ing op from Lake Labish, wnicb flat bog the Southern Pacific crosses by trestle, and where the train waa wrecked on the memor able Iso vera rer night last year, say the ralroad company has men on the ground ready to commence work on the fill about on an average of six feet high and 3000 feet long. There will be deep cuts at either end of the fill, the one at Coemawa b ;ing not leu than ten teet deep. The peuliar quicksilver formation of the soil makes a higher or heavier fill impractible. A rtecnliar accident ia renorted I r. . . ii.. im u..i i: nf.,;,. folticial as -lAmmj asvmj ava aviva vji I w a ao iv just north of Salem. Chas fhacker was out bunting and when I hooting at a blue jay the gun kicked him over, breaking bis collar bone. Hop picking in this section of the state is practically over and tue sumnary all returned. estimates place the total crop as not above a third as large as the harvest of 1890. There will not be over eight thousand bales of good hops in Oregon this year. it the opinions of growers and hovers can be taken for anything. Many yards in tins vicinity were not picked at all on account ol lice and attendant mold, while not a single yard yielded a fnll crop. Mr. fiery, who early in the season had Chinamen pick all the leaves on the vines to starve the lice, got the best results as a result of this novel method. He picked oO.OOO as against 80,000 last year. All remedies, killers and preventa tives were tried for lice, but none were found. Tkey Arm Illegally Entering-. Spokane Review : After a visit to the customs ports of entry on tbe .Northwestern frontier, Assist ant Secretary of the Treasury Spanlding has satisfied himself tbat Chinese are illegally enteriug the United States Irom Uritisn Columbia and Canada. The British officers at Vancouver say that during the first six months of the present year 7900 Chinese dis- eniMirked at the port, yuooot which number have crossed the bordar. This evasion of the exclusion act has been going on right along, but now that such a high treasury tbe assistant secretary has seen it for himself either the law as it stands will be rendered effective, or else it will be sur rounded by the proper safeguards by the coming congress to alio it to be so, if recommendation by him will do it. TKANOK 8TRV. A If sa And Woman Drift Oat To I flea. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 22. Samuel W. Thornton and Eva Jewel, his wife's sister, of Brook lyn, N. Y., are lathis erty aliTe and well. They are the couple who, on tbe evening of August 27, last, mysteriously disappeare! from ooaey island. They bad soae in bathing, aad caught by the oat- going tide were swept out to sea. Both ot them being good swimmers they managed to keep afloat till picked up a sailing vessel bound to this port, so they say. Be it as it may, both man and woman are here and in good health. A mes sage was at once sent to their brother in Brooklyn, asking for money tj purchase clothing and bring them back home. The story is one ol tbe strangest ever heard of, and the marvelous escape of the couple is the sole topic of con versation bere. BTxtreauea Meat, Mme. ae lessens eniovs tue re putation of being the most pious and at the same time decollete women in Paris. Her social op ponents say that she seeks to atone for the shortness of her dresses above the waist bv the length and fevor of her devotions. Her manners are certainly extrava gant and eccentric. This may pos sibly be accounted for by the peculiar mixture ol .hnglish and Creole blood which she bus in her veins. She was a governess in the country house where her present husband was stopping on a visit at tbe time when she first made his acquaintance, and she makes no secret of the fact that it was she and not he who at the time played . . .... - tne roie oi suitor. . Boy Buaineaa. Saturdry a North Salem boy took a $20 gold piece out of his . mother's satchel and traded it to another boy for a jack-knife. Neither of the boys knew the value of the coin, but a third boy evidently did and gave the second boy a nickle for the yellow piece. Now the parents ot Boy No. 1 are demanding of the parents of boy No. 2 restitution of tbe $20 piece. The latter are very poor people, and as their bov is oniy eleven years old, they are sincerely of the opinion that he did not know its value and they snould not sutler the loss. Salem Journal. A Repetition ef the Scenes in Ok lahoma Two Tears Ago. MORE SETTLERS THEN LAND. Thar Is Roam for 3000 '. Wblla 16,000 Mora Are aa Us Bordar Awiitiif tks Opeelag. GuTtiRiB, O. T., Sept. 22. Simultaneous with the arrival of the hour of noon, the homeseek- ers gathered on the border and made a headlong rush over tbe line into the coveted country and on to tbe quarter section upon which their eyes had been feasting for some days, and others for weeks and months. The rush was a mad one and was made so by the fact that the number of home- seekers greatly exceeded tbe num ber ol Quarter sections available for settlement. There is room on the lands for about 6000 settlers, allowing 100 acres for each. There were on the border, waiting to claim the available land, fully 15,000 people, so that there were three people for each quarter sec tion. It was no wonder then that the rush was a mad one. Like scenes were never witnessed be' fore except in Oklahoma two years ago. KILLED BY A TRAIN. An Old Lady Knocked OAT m TrasUe By Locomotive, Healdsbubq. Cal.. Sept. 22. A fatal accident occurred on a trestle over a small creek near this city yesterday afternoon. As tbe sontb bouud train rounded a curve just beiore going on tarn trestle, a man was seen walking across it with a small child in his arms. The engi neer blew the whistle aad reversed tho engine, and the man ran back ami climbed down tbe embank ment. Xle and the baby escaped injury. A stout woman, who was near tbe center of the trestle, also beard tbe whistle, but was too far from the end to escape. The trestle was too short for the train to be stopped before reaching her. and she was struck by the pilot and knocked off the trestle, failing a distance of hfteen feet. Ibe train was stopped and. the conductor and a number of passoBgef ran back to the injured woman but she was so badly injured she died in a few minutes. She was identified as Mrs. Jane .Rowland, a widow about 05 years of age, residing in San Francisco. She bad been in attendance at the Adventist camp meeting, and was returning to the amp ground from town wben tbe accident occurred. asset oi the em- has already been saade bo not recorded. A lene I deal is Sjjld to be the cause of the trouble One other firm, the senior member of which is closely related to a man whose name ia known on two continents, will, in all probability, be seriously af fected by the sudden tumble of a house supposed to have been built on the impregnable reck ef com mercial prosperity, and if this 'second fall takes place there must follow a most extraordinary change in quoted values. THE REBEL'S VICTORY. It May Stronsly Affect the Plata or the Saltan. London. Sept. 22. The news of the capture of Sana by the rebels in Yemen, says a Constantinople dispatch, is almost a stunning blow to tbe sultan, who for weeks past baa been plunged in anxiety over tbe situation- in Arabia. Western Europeans are hardly capable of appreciating the sultan's feelings oa tins subject, but to him the fate of Arabia is of room importance even than that of Constantinople. Should be loae control of the holy cities of the Mohammedan faith, he would be divested of all prestige and become an object of contempt and abhor rence to his subjects. His anxiety regarding this matter is so strong that it has nearly driven thim in sane. Sana is the key to Yemen, and the loss of it ia a moat over whelming blow to Turkish supre macy in that rich and fertile prov ince, and may lead to the loaa of all Arabia. Tbat country contains emirs who ignore the authority of the porte, and if these should unite against Turkey, the saltan would have a difficult war on his hands. Tbe Turkish troops in Yemen went there without pro visions or money, with orders to live on the country. They won some success at first, but probably disheartened by their own condi tion, they appear to have lost ground. Should Arabia be sepa rated from tbe porte, tbe religious passion such an event woold ex cite, in the opinion of Europeans at Constantinople, would imperil the life as well as tbe throue of the sultan. THE STRAIN WAS TOO UKEAT. Larg-e New York Firm the Wall. to AUTUMN - IS IIKUK, AND THE INQUIRY ON THE mind and on the lip of every woman will be, "Who has the best stock of Ms, Jackets Fur Trimmed fJarraents ami Ladies Fall Dresswear. This question can be satisfaclorilly answered at the old established house of- SAM' L. E. YOUNG, HO If AS OPENED FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE A MAMMOTH ASSORTMENT OF .adies Press iioo.is in cloth, silks, fo-eiun and domouic fabrics, s iais. under ear, gloves, hoeiery, laces, linens, and white goods, notions, novelties, etc. Also a complete assortment of Boots and Sho?s, Staple aad Fancy Groceries. ESTABLISHED IN IS00, T.IIS PIONEER DRY WOOD.? II by keeping a stcck large enough to s ipplv any want, an I as will give f atisfaction lioth in quality and prices. "U3E H AS MAINTAINED PUBLIC FAVOR I m iking a specialty of selecting such goods CLOSE CASH BUYER invited to inspect his RS VI.-siriNG THIS MARKET ARE ESPECIALLY stock, which is complete in I'.ll his numerous depart ments, and purchased especially for the fall season of 1891 New York. Sept. 22. The an aovneement and suspension of ft. V. White & Co., of New York an I .Chicago, was made on the stock i .t i -1 . excnaniie wus inorainK. niu says the failure ia due to long speculation in corn and not in stocks. The liabilities of the firm iare very large, but only a tew hundred shares of stock are out standing on contract. No esti mate can be given yet. The climax of to-day's catastrophe has oeen approacning a culmination for the past two weeks. ' Tbe news which has been carefully guarded, leaked out yi sterday afternoon after the closing of the stock exchange. RELIO Or TBI REVOLUTION. What the Difference Ia. The Montesano Vidttte answers an important question, simply and very much to the point when it says: "Some of the democratic papers, commenting on the fact that English syndicates have been buying up American manufactories, ask the question, 'What is the iitference whether the manufac ories are in England or America f Englishmen are to own them ?' just tne same ainerence there is between a manufactory owned by facoma parties and run in Monte sano. and one owned by the same parties anc run in Tacoma. The place where it runs gets tbe bene fit of the pay roll, and the farmers and merchanda in the vicinity the opportunity to supply the work men." Divers Discover a Ship Sank by the British In 1778. Divers have discovered an old wreck in Newport haibor which is exciting much interest among uiBioricai students. A he wreck is believed to be that of one of the seven vessels sunk by the British in Newport harbor on August 8, 1778, at the time that Comete de Estaing forced his way with part of hia fleet and anchored between Goat island and Oannniraf. The Kinefisher. sloooof-war. and - I When the eldest daughter of the salleva had hMn HmIwthI in th. I present Czar marries she will re- Zacconet passage on the 29th ofl088 theBe Pals a wedding Victoria' of Two Watches. Queen Victoria has two beauti ful little gold watches by Breguet tbey are supposed to be 100 years old. They have silver details and ara about the Bize of a two shilling piece, une is a bund man's watch, tne other is a repeater, lsoth go perfectly and are in constant use. Her Majesty s favorite watch is a large plain gold one by Mudge, the English maker, it ia about twice as big as an ordinary man's watch. The Ciarlna'a Opals. The Czarina of the late Alex ander II had a tuperb set of opals which she always wore, she assert ed, to prove her contempt for the old superstition that opals are un- luckey. Probably it wasn t opal luck tbat thia royal opal wearer waa widowed by a Nihilist bomb. Farmers' Alliance In California. San FxANciPCO.Sept.22. Marion Canaon, state representative of the farmers' alliance of California, has issued a proclamation to the i members, announcing tbat ar rangements have been made with President Polk to deliver a series of lectures in thia state, commenc ing at Sacramento oa the evening of October 10. If possible a grand mass meeting will be held at Colusa on October 9. Falling; Off in Imports nf Ralalaa. New York. Sept 22. The Com mercial Bulletin says: "The ex ports of raisins from 1 tenia thus far have been only 50,000 boxes for America, whereas for a corres ponding period last year 468,000 Doxea were in transit, it is evi dent from this that tbe competi tion of California ia feared, and I importers hesitate to send forward any considerable quantity." I Blainarck Will Be There. Berlin, Sept. 22. The report Bismarck did not intend to go to the reichstag ia not correct. The prince will be present whenever anv measure in which he is inter ested will be under consideration. and hia voice will be heard against any measure to which be is seri ously opposed, ao much he baa himself admitted. Ravagea of tha Flames. Man-dan. S. D.. Sept. 22. The tire whicb swept over the Sionx reservation. Saturday, proves to have burned everything in the shape of hay, wheat in stacks,and range from Cannon Ball river to Moreau river. The Famine ia Kasaln. St. Pktbrbburo. Sent. 22. Al most all the government officials I the money I can lay my bands on." havp. vnltinrnrilv -Anl.;kna -I "Wall nsm. :. Fnneral Director In Seaalea. Portland, Sept 24. The fourth annual convention of the North west Funeral Directors' Associa tion met at lOo'clock thia mornin? in Hibernian hall. - The convention will be in aaeaion until September 30. It is called with the intention of discussinir matters of interest to tbe members and for tbe purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. This morning R. N. Day. of Eusene. Or., was elected president; U. M. Stewart, of Seattle, Wash., first vice-president, and D. B. Kimball. of Dayton, Wash., second vice- president. lo-nigbt all tbe members and their familiea attended Marquam Grand opera house. - Maider aad Snlelde, ' Chicago. Sept. 22. Crazed with jealousy and drink Oscar Gunder- man, a laborer, thia morning, at hia home on the North Side, blew out the brains of his wife with a revolver and ben ended hia own life in the same manner. The couple have been living together unhappily for some time. Because of the husband's cruelty, Mrs. Gunderman had him arrested and held in bonds to keep the peace. Thia, it ia thought, was the cause of the tragedy. A Tornado In Dakota. Yarry. S. D.. Sept. 22. News has juat reached here that a tor nado struck the northern part ef Duel county, 8. D.. and passed into Minnesota, unroofing build ings, blowing down barns, and scattering grain atacka. Fire In a Feed Stable. Chicago. Sept. 22. A erain and feed establishment on the Weas Side burned last night and twenty bora 38 stabled in the basement perished in the flames. The loss ia estimated at $20,000. Married at Bis Eapense. Texaa Siftincs. A ahabby looking tramo waa in the baoit of calling at the office of a local lawyer and receiving a amall aum on account of former acquaintance. Laat week the mendicant called aa usual, but tha lawyer said: I can't assist von anv lomrer. aa t, . !- - -,. " . ' i e got a wne now, ana need ail present. July previous. On August 8th the . - . .1 r -. ' i , tapiuiutj ui tue itriuan vessels destroyed their ships to prevent their falling into the handa of the Orpheus. Lark, Juno, Ceberus and Flora, thirty-two guna each, and the Falcion of fourteen guna. The four first named were burned. The Flora and Falcion were sunk, and tbe ship found ia supposed to be one of them. Boston Special in Chicago Herald. Dls nation la Order. Spokane Spokesman : The opin ion of Attornev-Oanei-al .1 rariaaSi regarding the constitutionality of me ueo oi tne oioie in public schools of thia state, will un doubtedly cause a great deal of discussion. Mr. Jones appears to have given the matter a mnat a e . eWBVI HtlO IVUUVUVII IU thorough investigation, and there ' by the factories. Will File Report. Salem Statesman : The railroad commissioners have received re- replies from the Oregon and Wash ington Railroad Co. (Hunt system) saying that the company would immediatly file with the board of commissioners the reports of ship ments, etc., aa lequested by the board and by law provided shall be filed. This is satisfactory to the commission and the request to the governor to proceede with the I collection of the forfeit, for non compliance with the law, is canceled. Buy your watches at F. M. French's and get the benefit of the reduction in prices just made portion of their saleriea to famine fund. There ia public talk of bringing wheat from America to tgypt. Sailing; of the Steamer. bA Jhanoisco. Sent. 22. Tha steam-hip Willamette Valley sailed iron ban Francisco at 3 o ciock (his afternoon for Yaquina. Schools Cloaed bj a Hot Wst.1 St. Paul, Sept. 22. The school board announces that on account of the excessive beat the city scnoois win be closed. It May Create a Panic, New Yory, Sept. 22. Tbe Ad vertiser this morning says it is al together probable tbat tbe corn- met cial world will be startled to-day by the announcement of the failure of one of tbe best known bouses in Wall street. An assign- 'Wei!, now. that 'a coming it a little too strong. Here tou actu ally go and get married at my ex pense," responded tbe indignant tramp. A Chart Ueea With Thla. 'Hello. Blobbal I beard you were going into bankruptcy. "Kubbisb I JNever waa sounder in my life. Who told you?" Sam Simpkins. ue aaia yoa got your assignees together the other day at tbe beach." Ob earn is aucn a joker, tie poke of the day I took a donkey ride, I suppose. My knees grasped the aides of the ass. aa I suppose your brain doea the witticism." Use the celluloid eyeglass clean . a a la 1 t a era. (tianacercniei not always elegant.) Free with each pair of glaaaea at F. M. French's. Take a look at the piano at Klein Bros, ahoe store. 1 if V '(4 1; i) i 1 . .... t