THE MORHrKG HERALD: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER, 18ai ON BALK. The Dailt Hkiuld will be on ale each morning at H. J. Jones' book tore.where it tan be procured at 5 cents per copy. JOTTINGS ABOUT IOWH. F. M. French, jeweler. Archhuhoa Gross is in the - - city. For nice fresh oysters go to John Iso iu's. Prof. M. V. Rork was in the city yesterday. Fresh oysters in every style at John Isom's. Mrs. Dr. M. II. Ellis has re turned to the city. Justice J. F. Hyde of Lebanon was in the city yesterday. Prof. D. V. S. Reid. of Eugene, was in the city yesterday. A few farmers in this county have not finished threshing yet. Set your watch with French's regulator and you will not miss the train. Judge O. N. Denny and wife came to this city yesterday from Portland. Albany has sent a large delega tion to the state fair every day the past week. Robert Huston and Perry Conn have returned from a trip to the mountain?. Dr. E. L. Irvine in lying quite ill at the residence of Mis. Ilouck in this cicy. Miss Vesta Mason lias accepted a position in the Linn county National bank. Call at the Ladies Bazaar and inspect their new stock of millin ery for the coming season. Boy your watches French's and tret the at r. Jl.. benefit of the reduction in prices just made by the factories. The Oregon Pacific employes get their pay in "time." The management will set theirs in eternity. Stayton Times. Use the celluloid eyeglass clean ers. (Handkerchief not always elegant.; t ree with each pair ol glasses at F. M. French's. Mrs. Sower.of the Ladies Bazaar, has just returned from the city, and is now prepared to fill all ord ers for fall and winter styles in the millinery line. Friday evening Miss Birdie Anslyn was given a vey pleasant farewell party. She leaves in a lew days for Monmouth to enter the State Normal school Bangs cut and curled, 25 cents ; nair uressea lor zo cents or sham pooed and dressed for 60 cent?. All ala-mode at Hannah Cohen's, Aioany s only nair dresser Mascot Rod and Gun Club, of this city, attempted to have their montniT snoot yesterday alter noon, but the rain interfered be fore the score was completed. ' In the footrace at Salem yester day between Cameron of Corvallis, and Bethraite, the latter finished first and won the stake money of $250 and also cleaned out the large attendance of Corvallisites, some of whom bet their last dollar. The junior editor of the Hlbald, J. R. Whitney, C. v. Winn and Geo. Morehouse, went up to their ranches on the Nort h Santiam yes terday. Mr. Whitney was accom panied by his brothers, E. 1. and John Whitney, and Mr. Gray, of Eugene. The gospel services of the Young Men's Christian Association to day will be held as usual in the W. C. T. V. hall at 4 i i. The su eject for co:i&ideration is "Prayer." Leaders, Fred Fort miller and D. W. Myers. All men are invited. Rev, C. A. Woolly pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church will hold services morning and evening, to-day, at the 31. E. church, Southj and also on eve nings through the week. He will be assisted by Rev. Mr. Blair of Eugene. W. R. Graham has received a fine assortment of Thomas Kay all woolen cloth suits and overcoats. He also has a large line of foreign and domestic cloths, and is malt ing stylish suits and garments at very reasonable prices. Call and see his new goods. The local union of Christian En deavor will hold a prayer meeting at the Christian church Sunday. Sept. 20, at 0:30 p. m. Subject, "The Shepherd Lord His Faith fulness, Tenderness, Strength." John 10:27-28; Isa. 40 :1M1. All young people are cordially invited. E. Wills, the successful melon raiser of Linn county, was in yes terday and placed on our table a magnificent specimen of a mask niellon, over IS inches long and otdeliciom flavor. He certainly understands ho v to raise melons as the wagon loads he delivers at lirowneU's show. Conrad Meyer's new oven is now completed, and he is better prepared tlan ever to serve his old customers as well as new ones with the best of fresh bread, cakes, in fact everything from the dainti est hit rc Us to the most elaborate wedding cakes. Housekeepers are invited to give the product of his new oven a trial. How many intending visitors to the great Pott land Industrial ex position, have ever seen the In dian in his native ceremonies and wild, weird dince? How many have ever seen a war dance or a Khoet dance, such as came to near J lunging the country into a bloody ndian war last winter. Those who have not will have an oppor tunity to witness these peculiar ceremonials of the savages at the coming expoeiucn, as superin tendent Mitchell has succeeded in procuring from the Uiuatilla ! reservation a number of noble men for this purjiose. red . SALAD FOB 8WHD1T. Ebort, f!,i.n Hstei ts bt Ttkes With Tour Tout aad Oofs. The silver leaves on ample trees la autumn turn to gold, ISut after tlutterinsr in the oreeae Tlie simply turn to mold. When the autumn winds whistle the leaves dance. Albanv society is sutteriug a season of quietness. Who is holding the Albany bridge ? Echo answers who C Beautiful speckled trout are brought to this city from Yaquiua Sells Bro. are filling an eight day engagement in San Francisco Will Albany be connected by motor line with Sodaville by next summer? It begins to look like Albany would really have an orphans home and hospital. Old maids have one thing to be ibankful for. They will never be come mothers-in-law. The new United Presbyterian church will be one of the city's most beautiful ornaments. The time given property owners to connect with sewers baa elapsed and the evil is still permitted. A Salem man announces that he will put np $50 that he can pick ten chickens or more against any man in the country. A Chicago dentist savs too much kissing causes the teeth of Ameri cans to decay, uia maius mu have sound teeth if this is the case. The history cerrector is now try .ng to prove that Abe Lincoln never split rails. The more im portant fact was proven lo:g ago when he prevented the lebtlliun from splitting the union. Now that the exposition at Port land is a thing of the present, the . 1 I "II L 1 . : i- !,.,.,. i" i a couples n nu win cpwuu men honeymoon in the metropolis. A man will go into a bar room and pull out a handful of money, but when he goes to church he fishes around for a sin gle coin, and not a very large one at that. In the Solomon islands you can my a wife for ten thousand cocoa nuts, and tbe fact that she is a woman wariants the supposition that if you play it right you can net her to go out and pick the cocoanu's fo: you. A Wichit, Kan., woman who rides a safety bicycle, straps her baby on her back, Indian fashion, when she goes out for a spin. The infant enjoys the sport, and will probably lead a fast life. There's good stuff 4in the mother and baby. The farmers of South Dakota are said to be leaving that state because they cannot get water. What do thev want of water? It is all a matter of habit. Just gulp it down and say "ahem" two or three times and you don't need water. Big fires are occurring all arcund us, and no one can tell when Al bany may be visited. There is hardly a cistern in the city that an hour's DumDim; would not ex hauet. Hie platforms along the river front ordered by the council a ill prove a great beneht. The father of a frail consumptive Connecticut girl who wanted to attend a dance sent her in a carriage with two servants, but made her put a pedometer in her pocket. hen she not home in the morn it indicated that she bad danced enougl. to cover thirty-one miles in a straight line, lhe above is true to life. If such a girl were asked to help her poor, tired mother wash dishes she would have too bad a headache. What the practical people of Oregon want is to call the atten tion of the practical people else where to the resources of the state with a view to their development Oregon does not desire an influx of visionary people who, possessed ot the idea that this place where everything grows luxuriantly without cultivation, come here with tbe one thought of making a living without the slightes exertion on their part. It does desire such an addition to its population of practical, industrious, upright citizens as will cause it to beoome in due time a great state through tbe intelligent development of its national resources. That a proper exuiuit hi me worm a lair win secure this end all will admit. Will Oregon be representee. A Narrow Escape. (jtiite a distressing accident happened at Crabtree, this county on Saturday forenoon, that for awhile was thought would result fatally to the little four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hemy Ray. The little fellow was was out where the thresher were at work, and while playing in the straw, fell in such a manner that the hind wheel of a heavily loaded wagon passed over bis body. He was carried to the house of Dr. E. O. Hyde, of Scio, was called, uuder whose treatment the child is rest ing easily, and hopes are enter tained for his complete recovery. Juvenile 1'lay Ball. The young Willamettes and the Tangent juvenile baseball clubs eegaged in an exciting contest on the diamond in front of the court house yesterday afternoon. Ti e game was a very close and spirited one, and there was no lack in kickirg at the umpire. The Al bany came out victorious in a score of 1'8 to 36. Ben Clelan called the balls and strikes. Efficient Assistance, Eugene Guard: The two men who assisted Lampkins and Cohran in the capture of Albertson and Chandler were G. F. Moor, of GarJiner, and T. J. Tompson, of Florence. The latter is an ex- sheriff of Arizona and his ex- iwrience assisted greatly in etfec- ting the capture. H WS OF THE COiST. Iatereiting Items from Exchanges Throughout tbe Northwest. The Eugene City authorities have received the money for the bonds that were isued for the sewer purposes and are disbursing the same to the men who have been waiting for their pay for some time. Work oa the pipe connect ions of the Eugene sewerage sys tern has begun and will be rushed to completion. One of the largest ranches in Eastern Oregon, without question, lies south of Heppner, in -Morrow aunty. The ranch is owned by Williaui Penland, and contains 20,000 acres of good tillable and productive land. lie) has ytat iin lshed harvesting his hay crop, which amount s to over U0 1 tons. This large body of laud is all under fence, and affords excellent pastur age for stcck dining the tntire winter seison. William Culbert, the young man who had his foot torn off by a train at Pendleton some months ago, has entirely recovered, and is u bit to walk briskly on a wooden ley and is very thankful for tlie cjunty physician's treatment and the at tention received from the hospiiai suerintendent. He goes into Eastern Washington, and will sell a patent varnish preparation and other articles to secure i one) enough to buy a coik limb. A 5-year-old son of Rev. Shangle, who lives sixteen miles north of Oakland, was probably fatally in jured last Thureday. He was fell ing a large lir tree, and his two little boys were standing at an ap parently eafe distance watcliinj: him. The tree in falling struck a tall dead tiee breaking the top ol it and hurling it with gtcat vio lence to the spot where the chil dren were standing. Both were struck, but the youngest was not seriously hurt. The eldest boy, however, was struck squarely on the head and is hardly expected to recover. BE1L ESTATE SALF8 Wm. Slielton to J. J. Whedber & Elmer Minton, 4:12 acres in Linn count ; consideration $:-,500. Nancy J. Anderson to S. II. ( Moses lots 8, !) and 10 in biko Beards addition to Tangent ; con aideration $3 JO. W. J. Burns, trustee to David Scott, 320 acres in Fee 28 tp 9 S U 2 east: consideration $1. Elijah Osborn et tlx to L banon and Santiam Canal, arcel in i.eb anon : consideration $150. C. H. Bogart et ux to Wm. Skel ton, lot 4, sec 10, tp 13, S li 1 west, .0.10 acres; consideration N. A. Miller et ux to Geo. II. and Geo. Wilkes, lots 4 and 5 blk 3, R's 3i d A, to Lebanon ; consider ation 55'J. State of Oregcn to C. II. Bogart, lot 4, sec 10, tp 13, S II 1 west, 20.10 acres; consideration $40. H. Bryant et ux to M. W. Miller, 40 acres in see 11, tp 13, S li 2 west ; consideration t-1 J. E. E. Dixson and wife to Mary E Dixson, 105 01 acres in tp 1 1, S K 2 west ; consideration $2i'0. Lucy Mackey to Lillie Jackson, lots 1 and 2, blk 0, H's 2nd A, North Brownsville; consideration $100. Elizabeth Mohr and husband to W. S. I'addock, 55.10 acres tp 12, S R. 4 west : consideration $3::50. John Beard and wife to W. J. Tisdale, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, blk 10, B's 2nd i., Tangent ; consideration $150. U. S. to Willis E. Jackson, 320 acres sees 0 and 10, tp 12, S K west ; Patent. An Editor Got the I'icture. "Wilcox makes superior photo graphs" imagine you see this written 510 times on a postal car 1. You cau hardly believe it, yet this is just what W. C. Yoran, editor of the Eugene Kgiater, has done. The competitors for the prize offered by (i. L. Wilcox the photographer, were many and the words written varied from SO to 519. Mr. Yoran will receive the life-sized picture. The postal cards will be on exhibition at the gallery to-day. Church Notice. The services at the Presbyterian church to-day will be as fol lows: Preaching at 11 a. ni., Sab bath school at 1 :15 p. in., Young People's prayer meeting in, the lecture room at 0:1 3 p. m. The evening service will be conducted under the auspices ol the H oman's Missionary Society. An interest ing and instructive programme has been prepared for the cccasion. Alt will be made welcome to all the above services. Kvangellcal Church. On Sunday morning the pastor, Rev. L. S. Fisher, will receive new members into church fellow ship. Morning subject "Christ Re jected" and in the evening "A Bad Hung In Albany, lne services of this Sabbath w ill be especially interesting. Rev. Mr. Fisher is a strong advocate cf Mr. Moody's ideas of free seats for all, and a special invitation to mothers. Church Notice. Congregational services at 11 a. m. ana i :4o i. m. nr. Webster will i reach, the Sabbath school at 12;30. Y P. S. C- E. at i:-l5, tervice on Wedmslay night at 7 :45. All are invited. New l'i alolllcr. The Lebanon t ostoflice has been moved into the new buiidmg pre pared for it by the postmaster F. Al. Miller on "tbe corner north of the Odd Fellows hill, and is in better shape than ever before. Four More -Made Happy, The county clerk yesterday fur nished two more collides with the neccessary papers to make four hearts two. They were: Win. Abbott and Iva Powell and S. 11. Davidson and Callie Powell. THE CHURCHES. When, Where and by Whom Serroes Will Be Held To-Day. ' En ation At Corner of Fourth and Ferry streets. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7:4 v. M. Sabb tli soli k1 at Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Kev. 8. K. Webster, I), li. of PciiLsylvauia, Pastor, I'ltEsiiYTEiti ax. comer of Broalal bin and Filth streets. Services at 11 a. in. and 7::J0 p. in. Pastor Kev. E. K. Ptkhard. Sabbath school at 12:1.1 p. in. Prayer mcctiujr, every Wednesday cAen'mir. Methoiust. Corner Ell-worth anl Third streets. Services at 11 a. in. and li') p. m. Pastor, Kev. 8. E. Meniiii irer. Pastor. Salibath school !::') p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday eve ning. Sr. Pail Methoiust Corner Mont gomery and Third streets. Services at It a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Pastor, If. S. Shaiifcle Sabbath school at 10 a hi. Prayer meeting on Thursday evenings. I sitko PitEsiiYTCidAX. Corner of Washington and Fifth streets. Servi ces al II a. in. and 7::!0p.iii. Pastor Kev. .S.G Irvine. Sabbath school at 2::U)t. hi Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. tv.vxi.Ei.ic u.. Coi ner of Lyon and Fourth streets, services at 11a. in. and i 3 ' p in. Pastor, Kev. L. S.Fir-her. S.ilili.iin school 10a. iii. Prayer meet ing ever Wednesday eveniuir. CiiuisTlAX Cm kcii Services every every Sun lav ut their church al 11 a. in. and 7:u'J p. in Sunday school .it 10 a. in. Prayer lnee'ing lliiirsduy evenings al 7::t0 p. in. All are invited to atten 1. Kev. Jas. F, Steward, pastor. Catholic Services every Sunday id 11 a. m., by Kev. Fr. L.Metaycr. IJAl-TlsT. Corner of Lyon and Fifth streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:H0 l. in. Pastor Kev. Ceo. II. Hi.l. Sabbath school immediately after the morning services. Pray-.r meeting every Wednesday evening. Ei'iscoi'A i, Services evej-y Sab bath morning at Ha. in. Kev. M.' riumiuer, pastor. Beaatirul Women. The magical effects of Wisdom's Robertine as a beautitier and preserver of the complexion have been attested by thousands ol leading ladies of society and the stuge. It is the only article ever discovered which gives a natural and beautiful tint to the complex ion, removing tan, uinburn, freckels and ail roughness of the lace and arms, leaviiig the skin soft, smooth aud velvety. All re mark oa its delightfully cooling and refreshing properties, a distinction not found in any other similiar article known, For tale by Foshay & Mason. l'raise Sleeting rrogrummc. A praise nieetirg will be held at the First I'resbyterien church Sun day evening, conducted by the Woman's Missionary Society, of which the following interesting and instructive programme will be rendered : 1 oxology Congregation. Prayer The pastor. The Lesson Mrs. Wolverton. Quartette Mrs. Langdon and Mrs. Althouse, Mr. 1 'rich aid and Mr. Sears. Past, Present and Future of Missions Mrs. I). II. McCullagl Hymn Watchman Tell I's of the Night. Mis. Pickett's Mite Kox Miss Moses. Collection. A paper on Japan Mrs. Sears. Solo. The Suture's Two Hundred Miss Mason. Recitation Margureie Hopkins. Duet Mrs. Chamberlain and Mr. Priehard. The public will ho cordially welcomed to these exercises. Solid Hucklt berries. Ashland Tidings : It is currently reported that there are 1500 people (including Indians) gather ing huckleberries, at the big patch iu the upper Rogue river on Union creek. There are one solid huckleberry patch, and the bushes are loaded this year, they say, with the biggest and best crop for a long time. Family after family of Indians from the Klamath reservation have gone huckleberryin', and the white people' many of theui, have gone too. Arrested For Larceny. Sheriff Scott went out yosterday and brought in John Raker, from his place near Bock Hill, on a charge of larceny in a store in Yamhill countv. Sociable. The W. R. C. of Lebanon, on Friday evening held an ice cieam sociable in F. M. Miller's new hall, which is reported as a very successful and enjoyable affair. The largest and finest line of misses' and children's hats ever bought to Albany at the Ladies' Bazaar. Ladies, you can save money by purchasing your hosiery at the Ladies Bazaar. Call and examine our new line. The Thomas Kay Woollen Milli of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothinu blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods arc the beat in tbe market and will I give entire satisfaction. Ki t KLEVA AHIIA MALVE. The best salve In tli9 world for CuU, Ilriiises,, l lcers, Salt Kheuin, Fever fores. Tetter, Chapped HanU, Chilblains. Corns, andskiu Eruptions, and pos.tively cures Piles, or i.o pay required. It is guaranteed to givs perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, Pries "J6 cents per box. Fcr sale by Foshuy t Masou Baby criid, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Cask rial BC81NK99 LOCALS. t Great reduction in Oxford ties at Klein Bros. Buy your gasoline stoves of Hopkins Bros. ray your school tax and costs of collection. Klein Bro. are giving a fine piano to their customers. Ladies and miasea combination suits at the Ladies Ba.aar. A fine line of gold rings just opened at Will & Stark's. Just received, our new neck wear at the Ladies Bazaar. Fresh comb honey, Linn county production, at Parker Bros. Choice pickles in bulk, or quan tities to suit, at Parker Bros. Watches, chains and 8ectacles, specialties at F. M. French's. Cakes of all varieties, fancy and plain at the Delmonico restaurant. Wanted on Lebanon canal a number of good teams at $3 50 per day. - Have you examined that beauti ful $400 piano at lvlein Bros, shoe store. Klein Bros, are closing out their stock of Oxford ties at a great re duction. FreBh Yaquina bay salmon at 8 cents per pound at liyde'a market every day. Have you seen those beautiiul cement walls in the cemeter te, put up by K. W. Achison, at all the cost of stone. For lice pocket knives hi st pa tent tempered shears and scissors an l extra hollow (.-round ra.ors, go to fctewart x ?ox. Lowest rates and best accommo dations to passenger going Fast vu Canadian Pacitic Railway ask C. B. Winn for rates. Some of tne test stvles of ele gant bed lounges can he seen at Fortmiller & Irving's, as they have just received a large invoice. Do you want to be happy and make those about you pleased, if so go and get one of tho&e lovely toned piano's at Mrs. Hymans. Thomas Brink has received a stock of baby carriages which lie is offering at prices as low as the lowest, and they are tirst-class goods. You can Fave iu--nuy by going at once to Klein liio.'s shoe'storeand purchasing a pair of Oxfoid ties. The price has been reduced to close them cu'. Buy your spectacles and eye glasses at F. M. French's, aiid have your eyes tested and join glasses projierly titled. Glasses from 25 cents to $:0. Parlies intending to go Fast should secure their ticket o cr the popular Union Pacific and Oiegon Short Line route. Call and tee l.'urran & Monteith for tickets. Those ctntemplating purchas ing a piano or rg,in tdiould cdl at Will cfc Link's and see their bei.n tiful instruments. They cary the best makes and tell h.,m ou very easy terms. - , Lawn sprlnkleis, Matthews . A Washburn, garden Uof-e, .MuiUiciys A Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews & Washburn, pumps, -Matthews & Washburn, hath tubs, Matthews it Washburn, water closets, Matthews A Washburn, gasoline stoves, Matthetvs & Wash burn, the best of everything Matthews & Washburn. Sale Cora lor the Liquor or Opium Habits. The East India cure for these awful habits can be given without the patient's knowledge, and is the only known specific for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San .lose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cumining's drug store only. t:niKii i:.t run high in this city over System Builder as every body is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to bund up their system. iry it anu tell your friends 'about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. French Tansy Wafer. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful and iretMilar menses, and will remove all ob structions, no matter what the cause, and are sure and safe every time. Manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cumining's drug store only. pedal Notice. Ladies or eentlemen who con template buying gold watches will find it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store ne fore purchasing, as there has been quite a reduction in prices. The Corner jewelry ttore. MILTS ftEBVE LITKK I'lLLS. Act on a new principle regula ting the liver, stomach and liowel through the nerveB. A new dii covery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily euro biliousness, bad taste, torpil liver, piles, constipationr Un equaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! oOdosea for 25 ceuts. Samples ee, at Stanard & Cusick. Brick Urlck. For sale in large or Hinall qmn tities, delivered at kiln, one mile east of the city, in the city or on board cars. V. C. Caskeli.. Call at S. E. Young's and see the larue and varied i-tock of cloaks, sacks and jackets just re ceived. I have received my new stock of fall and winter garments, including all the novelties in siiort and long jackets, etc., and am better prepared to suit the trade than "ever before. Those that call early are sure to be satis fied. They are going very fast. Samuel E. Young. A Cne new line of ladies, ni'F, rtiiUrun'u mill in fants cloaks cm I be seen at the Ladies Bazaar. THE WORLD ENRICHED. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs w as first nroduced the world was enriched with the on ly perfect laxative known, as it ia the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste ana prompt ana effectual tocleanse the system gently in the SpriL time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the more popular it becomes. AfotheraT Castjria is recommended by physicians "for children teething. It is a purely vegetable preparation its ingredients are published around each bottle. Itis pleasant to the taste and absolutely harm less. It relieves constipation, regulates the bowels, quites pain, cures diarrlnea and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, soothes the child and gives it re freshing and natural sleep. Cas soria is the children's panacea the mothers' friend. 33 d-M8, 35 cents. ? New dress goods just receivsd at W. F. Read's. XKff TO-DAY, m A I ll'Ti! t-t-l QUARTER iluil in Da I hvt c-oiinty tre np a uwi, ntar ulntur n is ik w li.ik;r City. aPCUTIIDV nan ho his miiu.OC.I1 I Ufl I I.-k.'Uic iileiilittul wi.ii ihi rcwon 1 A A a!nlieve-iiinciit of that country. ThiMuU ni'i is no nth.'r than Mr. John Stewart, om of the wealthiest un.imiist influential citizem in tlie county. I:i a lucent letter he says "I lia.'! Ik-iii .Hufk-rint; from paim in my ha I urti i;e:ieriil kitlncy c-tnptiint tor oiuo tima iinU hue useti luuny rrmttiics without ut nut temporary re:ief. Th pains in in bai-L haul become no severe th u 1 was frevciited irntu aileiiditi-. to my work and could not in ve w ith ut the 1L"! of a rune. Hearing, through a friend, of tlie wonderful cures ef foit hy Oregon Kidney Tu-i, 1 ai iti.tiu.ed U try a Imix, ami from that ve'V first tlruo I ft.iinil itisiut t r.'il';f, and liefore u in lial! ttie c.!iie!ilH o. the box the .infl in i: v !ael enliri ; lik.i)ipe ted I have every 1 1th ir the virtues of thu Oieou Kiilnuy' Tea, aitu em C"iisc.-iclilioin!y rii-omuie. it" it to m fiien.R 1 wouM hqV be without it for any tiling." Orei' n Kiilnry Tea CII-C4 headache, iii'.-on tim noe of urii e, brick dunt tH.tliiii.nt, liuri. iiiiir m n-at'on while urinating, ami all aff-H-tiotiq of ill.- kidney or urinary organ, ol cither sex. AT W J I IT Ji'S L( ) V-FiT-TINtf ca(lvCiit,lraiitliD!D2 Tln-.-e lines liivn been invented by Mr. liio. White, I lit; I.AU1KS' 1 A 1 1.' ill, nf ilu N".-w Hurl iiil on St., H. Loudon Kiiirlunii, unit 11 l'i K. Street, N. X:, Whliinjrton , I). C. Tlie MicccfS since introduced, 4 ye ire azo. lia'lifen itiiirvelouf. More than :i million Indies in Kttroie and this conr:t;y me tisii. them with the greatest s:i'i faction. These linint'8 arc cut to your order, therefore an -tcL'tint littiuu' and stylish waist and s'.civcs'urc always gum an teed. They are cut of Best Enirlisli Silesia in all i-hudc. Ia ordering send the tmst measure, over the liitliest part of pnt ai'd waist rneif tire; if extra lonir wnisU'd u.eiitioti 'A. Price. cents; in Fancy Figu;cd Silesia, 75 cents extra pui-tage. Send postal note, money order or stamps to Oeo: VVI.iie, Ladies' Tailor, lil'iKSU N. W., Vashingtoii, D. C. WHITE'S I'EKFKCT FIT1INU AND HANG ING It K 1 1) V Cl'T Slilltr LINING The Skills are cut of befrt EnirlUli lVrcaline, in all shades. They are cut to your order, then fore an elegant titinir skirt is a' ways guaranteed. In order. ng send waist measure and Icnvth of skirl in front. Trice ceuU mid l'-i cents for postage. Send postal note, money order or stampe, toGeo. White, Ludies'Tailor; llfJ Street, ft. V., tVashington, I). C. VIA'MIM'U AfiE A 10-rrfWe Ilome i.rititetl Sdentill i Moclianical Journal ol Lite Koioiun Inventions ana Processes. Vol 11, No. S -Circulation guaranteed 1ft, om' .Piinscription aft cts. per year, with 2 Aluminum Lord's Prayer Souvenirs, Save this aiv,Ttim cut. It will lead jou to sue- ALIMIMM for. I'I'BLISIIINO C, NtW- port, Ky. SIMMON. Tn tin! circuit court of the state Of Oteir for Hie county of Linn. M. C. Itiiigliain, plaliililT, . vs. I E!i7.:i!cth Binirham defendant ) To Eli.alieth bingham, the above named defendant: IN T'JE NAM EOF THE STATE OF Orcon, you are iiereoy retiireti 10 ..,.."ir ml answer the complaint ol the aluve plaintill'iii llieahove entitled court, now on tile wilh the clerk of said court, on or before the idth day of October, ISS'1, the same being tne lirst dav of the next regular October term 1VU of said c mrt, and youare hereby totilied that if you fail to appear and utsT said complaint as hereby re (tiiired. -hi plaintiff will apply to the court for theieiicf demanded therein, lo-wit: A decree dissolving the boud o matrimony subsistini: between plaintiff and de'endant and that plain till' have tnd recover the costs and HUi.nroiiiciitsolt lesilll to ue lura This siimmois is ptibdshed in the IJ.u.i n DissKMINATOH uy order of Hon. K 1. Boise, Judge ottaid court, m ide at chambers, in the city of Salem, on the 7th, day of September, lv't r-LaCKIU RN- & ATOX. Attoroeys for Plaintiff. iii mi mix JOHN :: ISIS -DEALER IN- Choice Teas, Coffees And a general assortment of GROCER IKS NEAR THK POSTOFFICE, ALBANY, OREGON. A N Y BO D Y BUYING A. NY TH ING- Usually worn 157 Soys for "Work or Dross without first osamini&g taa sama lin.03 at my store makes a mistake financially. and see what (Ins lbs SEASONABLE GOODS ABE 27017 ARRIVING. L. E. i i Merchant -WIIKX YOU IIAVK -o: Boys' SUITS Al ULL Now arrivinp, von will lie convinced tl at we are LAYING OVKU AI.I.'COMrKTI HON in our line when itconiesio Eichly Tailored Clothin HANDSOMK AND DURABLE PATTERNS, AT REASON A ble Fricee. iive us a call. T. L. WALLACE & CO., STRAI1AN DWCK, Cooking StOTes ani Mps BLAIN, Tailor. PKKN OVli MCW soil fliildreD's OVERCOATS Of ALI5ANV. OREGON atffiattliews 4 WasB utii pCompetilion! ML