MORNING HERALD: FBI PAT, SEPTEMBER 18. 1891. w Sever CaMa Arc Brakea Vf) la alee tana. rrTi the V.rgioiaCity, Moat. M asissaiaa. . Wnen we tin J a medicine we know to passe genuine merit' we consider it a Jury, and we Uke pleas' in telling tbd public what it i. Sacu a mlicin we fonnd CaA.nbdrUiu'a Cjigti Keinedy, lait winter, wien 1 frippe was prevailing. We are satisfied tbat it warded off several attacks that were threatening by the me of your syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hoars, severe coids, add in the course of two or three days, entirely broken them up by ite use as have several of our friends whom we have recom mend it. It U atl that it is repre sented to be by 'he manufacturers. If you have a coug U and want te top it. Chamberlain's Cough Kerned will do the work. For sale by Foehay 4 Mason. BUSINESS LOCALS. Frtnch keeps railroad time. New cloaks at W. F. Read's. Conn A Hendricson, grocers Fresh bread every day at Parker Bros. Oxford ties verv cheap at Klein Bros. New stock of Hats at W. F. . Read's. S. A. IIuHn, druggist, French's corner. l'hoenix pure mixed paints at Stewart A Sox. Freeman feed cntters and mills at Stewart A Sox. Quick sales and small profits at the Ladies Bazaar. Buy gasoline stoves from Mat thews A Washburn. 10 per cent reduction on dress gojda at W. F. Reads. Take a look at the piano at Klein Bros, shoe store. I'araaols and pun umbrellas less than cost at W. F. Read. 11 you want a durable monu ment gi to E. W. Achison, who are handling nothing but the beet grades. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Stiiloh's Cat arrah remedy, price 50 cent. Naal injector iree, sold by Fotthay A Mason. Smoke tlit celebrated Havana titled 5-cent !Kri, manufactured ai Julius J octa hs rigar factory. Thitsotir-ttfiiipered cross, dys peptic individuil, should take Dr. J. 11. McLean's Saraaaparil!a! It will make him feel as well and heart ' as the healthiest of us. lie n-wd-i bracing u;, vi'aiuing, that is all. New and complete stock of spectacle an J eye glasses ju9t re ceived at F. M. French's. Every . a a k A a pair tit tea Dy jounsion s nwui eye-meter, every pair fully war ranted to it. If you suffer pricking pa:ns on moving the eyes, or ciimit liear brigtit light, and find your sight week and fall n., you nl ould promptly une lc 11. Mclean's Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents a box. Experts pronounce Klein Bros, piano one of the finest toned in Htrumeiite. F. M. French keeps the largest an I most complete stock of spec tacles and eyeglasses in the count). Every pur warranted to give perfect satisfaction. As a table and medicinal water, the Coronado can't be est. try ii and be convinced. Bottled at the world renowned sanitarium, llitel Del Crona'io, Corinado California. New jewelry of latent patterns at Will Stark's. Tne Otumtlon of the Hour, And one that is freinintly a-ked Mr. Wisdom, "what is il in your R .bfrtiue that produces such a de'.igh:ful!y cooling and refresh in HenH.itioil and add a uuwt delicate tint to the. omplexion?" to which we answer: It is a cou.binntion of rare and hanule-s ingredients scienliiica'.ly prepared. There enters into the composition of this article ingredients which I ava never before ben useu in prepirtions o? this kind, hence the etfect is so strikingly different f .-om that pro luced by all other toilet remedies. The owders us;d in the como?ition of Robert iueare all of the very smoothest and finest divison it U posib!e to pro luce, futher more each and every ingredient must stand the crucical t t of chemical purity, insurim; freedom from all foreign and deleterious substance. Thus with rare and harmless ingredients of the very finest division it is possible to wake all of absolute purity and combined with scientific precision, it is but natural that we should produce a superior article and one th has -long been aitly termed the "Peerless Beauti rler." For sale by Foahay & Ma on. You should sc.? thoss- balance ro -kers at Thom:n UrinK's. Call and get cue before th-y are all gone. Bargains in sMin ner underwe ir at V. F. Keud-. Hive you seen that elegant piano at Klein Bros. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn cnnty gardens at Parker Bros. Try Conn A Hendricson's syrup, the finest in the market. Retail in quantities to suit. All kinds of fruit boxes in quantities to suit at the Sugar Pine lHwr A I.umbr Company's. I am receiving choice early Crawford peaches daily Irom Ash land, tiuality unexcelled. C. E. Browsell. Your school tax will be delin qiit-nt if not paid at once. Look after it and save costs of collection. Great reduction in embroidered flouncing at V. F. Reads. MRS. GRAHAM S CUCUMBER AND ' ELDER FLOWER CREAf.1 1 4 not a cosmetic in the ssnss la which that Unit Is popularly used, bat permanently beautifies. It creates a soft, smooto, clear, velvety skin, and by dally use gradually makes the complex loo several l-iadee whiter. It Is a constant protection from the effects el sua and wind and prevents sud aura and freckles, and blackheads will never come while you use it. It cleaases the face far bet ter then soap and water, nourlrhes and builds op the skla tisruee and thus prevents the f natation of wrinkles. It gives the frrshness, clearness and smoothness of skin that ou hid then a little girl, livery lad', young or old, ought to use it, as it gives a more )oulhul appearance f any laily, and thtt permanettly. It contains no acil, powder or alkali, and is as harmless as dew and as nourishing to the skin as dew Is to the Sower. trtee l .OO. at all druggists and hairdrewie. or at Mrs, Ocrvaiw Ura naius establlshm-nt, 103 Post Street, San Francisco, whars ahs treaU 'adies lor all blemishes of the face or flure. Ladies at a distance treated by letter. Send stamp for her little book, til ow to re Beautiful." SlSPlS Botili mailed free to say 'ady on re cept 'of lu .i uts in stamps to pay 'or potaa and pack in. La Jy AgenM wautetl, MRS GRAHAM'S Face -:- Bleach. Cures the worst cases ef Freklas, Soabura Sal ownrss. Moth patches, Phnp'.ea and aU skin b'enushe. Price l.BO. Harmless and effective. No sample can hi sent. Lady agents wanted. TaJ DinjBSi in this town who flrrt orders a mil ofiuij w-ep rations will have bis added t this advertise nent. al preparatio s are for sale, by wholesale druggists in Chicago and every city west el it READ And you will not REGRET CALL OFFER on us you and vou will great induce- find us ments from always our large line reaily to of goods GOOD Peaches, Berries, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Apricots, A poles, Plumbs, Melons, BKTTKR Corn, Peas, Beans.Potato, Onion, Cabage Turnips Beets Carrots Sweet Potatona BEST Soap, Soda, Rice, Salt, Honey.llops, Pickets, Tea, Flour. Meal, Spices AM Constantly adding new goods and latest novelties lo net fail to get our prices. C. K. BROWNELL, Albany. -THE ORE AT PORTLAND- With its world of wonders OPENS SEPT. 17. 1891. CL6SFS03T.I7. Hualcby Great Zapadop Direct from the City of Mexico. Art from the great masters of Eu rope and America, valued . , at a quarter million dollars. Wonderful Electrical Adaptions in full operation. A Splendid Series of Mineral Ex liibits. Every department filled with the novel and interesting IN ARr, SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. A greater number of exhibits than ever before presented on the coast. TBS -:- STOCZ -:- BLMTXtt. Made a prominent feature. $5000 IX PREMIUMS. The largest display of fruit and the nnel exiuouoi Agriculture ever made in the Paci fic Northwest. All manufactures in full motion. ry thing new. No dead exhibit The Exposition of Expositions, Admission as usual. Greatly reduced rates for round trip on all passenger lines. "Not Coming, Bnt Here to Stay !" GENE E. LARRIMORE, The Painter, Has onened a shoo in Stewart A Sox:s block and is prepared to give estimates on and do all kinds, of House and Carrfage painting and trimming. Graining and paper hanging a specialty. Leaye orders with Htewart A Sox. EipomiOD PlainpielD ! CONSOLIDATION The Cheapest and Best Because the lots are 60x100 ; because they are inside property ; be cause they are all clear no stamps, no roots, no rocks; because tne land is elevated and has a tine view of the city ; because they are near three motor lines not in contemplation, but all now in operation ; Be cause buy now, to-day, for the 10th day of next month they will aa vance $25 each; because they are a snap. Ask those who have seen. Seeing is believing. Are you in It? ...,, ,, R. F. A81IBY, Manager, No. 65, Washington Street, rortland, Oregon. CALL JISTJD SEE THE VERNOP AY PRESS CJnequaled for fast work and light draft. Manufactured at the foot ol Baker Street, Albany, by PRICE VERNON. OH, MAMMA HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. f:'4HI:? TIE HJ, - - The Albany A FULL LINE THE PAOIPIC STATES saving, nun & mm a . OF 8AN FRANCISCO ao Absolutely Safe In FOB SMALL IONTHIA AMOUNTS. Six dollars per month will doubline the amount invested in Honey loanel on real estate security ai o per cent, r or iuii particu lars apply to s. jn. Si-ClaJIS si5s.BSa aa CSX&S",S !4Heas3a.9a thing? Are 8uuipUu I' trifle aware ee t j &ii I hi . I' lalBS 'iSAuisUtf- u : KB"? c las- sum i a J- 'So 5 aS ! a i X I "J w j DBL- ACKER'S ENCL18H REMEDY ) for Coughs, Colds and Consumption is beyond question the greatest of I all Modern Remedies ? It will atop a Cough in one night. It will checks SaColdinadar It will prevent Croup, relieve A sthrna and cure Com1. ', sumption if taken In time. " You can't afford to be without it." A85al E bottle may ; your druggist for BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. H-r.ltmi,?ffc B. J.Laaiiat, T.P-i J. W.BIaU OMklsr. TraaaacUa tmsial taoslnr bnsnsss. ' faehaacs bought aad sold on all ths pnn dpalsHicaotUwVaHaa Matss, alas, Qraat Britain, rraoes and Gennajiy. OollsctioM at all ascsssibU poiats sas on avtonUslsra : .. . Iutarast paid m Ubm dsposlU. RBVKRB HOUSE, ALBAITT, OR.-CHA8 PfalCar, Prop. Only ArsVsdaas houss D-Uia-sttr. Urn aaapla rooms lor tona saarsJat SMa. Jls Cklaamso smploTsd la IB hitoBSOr Osaaral Stan oaV . CsrraUia. LOTS ! Buy in the Market. "Have you seen those lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, ard an in spection will prove it. Prices always the lowest. - 0PPJSITE 0PER H 0US Furniture Co V OF UNDERTAKING. amount to $1000 in seven years, that time. i&n,L. x uu., r-iocai AKema. COS-53J a3s 14 M J' M H af. -aS w 2 Si- E3 c3 . s A A a '1 ! " i II. J 2 9 ab tlm VHYDOYOU COUGH? Do you know that a little conch Is adaneeronsa you aware that it often fastens" on the lungs and far too often runs into Con-; and ends in Death ? People suffer- in? irom Aslluna, Kronclutis, rneunionid' and Consumption will all toll you that r "IT STARTED WITH A COLD"; Cnn von afford to neglect it? Can you; with so serious a matter? -Are you- that S RED CROWN MILLS ISwH, LANNINS at CO., Props, NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Supsrior lor FamHy and Baksr's use) Best SiorasB Facilities MTHIabsat s ALBANY price aid lor whearM OREGON Used in Millions of Homes FEED -:- STORJE AJMD GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIA LLY Hay, cats and potatcep, to supply euatoro on the Ongon Pacifio Railroad extension and my increasing home trad t here I sell in quantities to suit the purchasers. Store in Strahan Brick, Second street R. M. ROBERTSoN. Jsfli JTV Dt 7B ar f f a art r ax w mjj m In 3M -) ake 'immons Liver Regulator One Dose ratrj ioo Dollar Dias 8. L. R: I consider one dors mons Liver Regulator worth 0IM. constipated, had Headache, could eat inar with satisfaction or appetite' ha blues, and felt altogether out of sorts, anrfed ta Bine Mass. CalomeL Ouinin tu. Oth the Ira and every remedy soKVested, bnt only obtained temporary reiiui. une aose oi n u i aia m more goal than 91M worth of doctors so dxtoring. Kesp'y, i C Math. I have hen a teacher lor twentT Tears, and during that time have had iejeated attacks ol headache, produced by torpid Liver, and have been entirolvco odby Simmons Livei Rnrulaior. 1 foun. t to be of so mild i character in its a rtion not to Interfere, In he least with my duti tin the school room, To those similai , situi d and subject to ths same, I cannot & hlgt . reoommend Sun moos Liver If guistor. E. R. ml ramnb'Harllla Et AdmlBlHtralrlzs' Salt. ajOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN THAT J the umiersUmd administratrix of the estate nf Wra. It. Churchill, deceased will on Tuesday, the 16th, day of Sept., 1891, at the hour ol X o c oca, r. , oi saia aay, ai the residence of the underpinned on th farm of the late Wm. II. Churchill, deceased, situated abent eig-I t miles south-east of Al bany, Oregon; exiose and sell at public auction, to the highe-t bidder, lbs whole of the personal property of the estate of said deceased, consisting of about 11 head of homes, 13 head of cattle, 25 head of sheep, some hoirs, a McCormick binder, 1 Gale steuer, 1 fanning null, plows, harness, 1 a-agon and mauy farm'rg impl ments too nunurjus o mention. 1'crniH of Rale: On six months time wltn approvol securi'y, with 8 per cent, interest (rem datccf note, or5 per cent, discount off of bid for each in hand at time of sale. Iiatcl September 3rd, Mrs. M J. Cni'Ri'iiiLL, Adminirtiatrix of the estate of Wm. Churchill, deceased. Gko. W. wriuht, Attorney for Admistratrix, Rat Ice ta Caalraetars. j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT specif! catious and plans will be left in charts of Enoch Miller at South Santiam station or Crabtree station, for ths erection of a sdiool house to be built in District 109 of Linn cou'ty. Oregon. All parties desiring to bid on the construction of said building mav call and examine the same, and leave sealed bids to be opened at that place on Sept. 28th, 1891, at one o'clock of said day. The school board to reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. ). B, MFimoar. . Chairman ! Board cf Directors. Go to Matthews & Powder: 40 Years the Standard Off?) r7f )TALDEi. For Thnrmnih rratiicnl Training in BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, PENMANSHIP, THIS SCHOOL IS THE BEST. rim. 0VfGffV. FUST NATIONAL BANK mRANSACTS A OEKERAL BANKING L BUSINESS. PEKSIDENT L. FLINN. VICK PRRSIDBNT S. K TOUNO. ASHISR It. W. LANG DON. SIBECTOBS : S. t Toons, L, E. Bbaia, L Fun K. F. box. EL W LixfiDON Carhior. EWAIIT DETACHABLE LINK fv BELTING. The Best wtI The ClieapesV Reduced Price List l.U ...J nt,Ai anuanifalf IM tW RlVaW j uri V ltc'V saiiu uiiii'i djw" - .... ain. I MaihinnrV for haulilLff ny material in bulk or package. Link Brut m SVn GAlr Msrlaul It. J. M. ARTHUR k CO., PortlaDti, Or. Ilcalth is Wealth I Dr. E. C. West'i nerve sod brail VaWTT"! treatment, a iruar If ti 1; I uiteed aLecific foi I dizzineat iitji heudaclie. ner v.m. nrntraloa rrsMftea y the use ol alcohol or touacoo, softening of brair resulting in lnsann; and leading to mis rv. dfltiv and lost of power iu eithei sex. cacn oox con tains one ni rnth'i tmtmnit. Onedol lar a box, or six bo es for 1ve dollars t hv mail ore paid on receipt ol price, uuaraiiiee) issuet. only oy J. A. Cummings, druggist sole agent, Albany, Oregon. ' 5500 REWlRD We will pay the above reward' for any cas of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness w cannot cure with Wests liver pills, whentf direction are strictly complied with. The are pniely vegetable and never fail to gm satisfaction. Larue bes, containing St pills, 25 cents. The genuine manufacturec only by the John C. Wwrt comimny. Chicago Illinois. Sold by J. A, Cumniiugs, druggia' Albany, Oregon. JOHN SCHMEER'S LiTeryFeei&Sale stable, OornerSeumd and El'tvorth 8ti ALBANY, - 0RBOO1 Hoaass soiSDSD by the day or month. Cat riagea or baggies on reasonable terms vfinl NEW FEEDJTORE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEEL Always on hand. Also Lime, Plaster & Cement, Come to the comer of Water and retry sU for all kiuds of Feed. P. VY. HPIN K, Albany. Or Canadian Pacific R'y. THE GREAT TOURIST ROUTE TO ALL EASTERN POINTS. Passim the Great Gla?ier of the Selkirks, Canadian National Park, the Celebrated Hot Sprin.'- at Banff, and otter l'ictu.esque Points. FINEST DINING AND SLEEPING ROUTE IN THE WORLD. CAR Private Draing Rnonw, LuxiHous Smoking Rnomt ond KlPjtant Bath Roonn At tached to a'l Sleepers, THROUGH SLEEPING CAR i WITHOUT CHANGE. Rates from $5 to $10 lower than by any other Route. For rates, tickets, etc.,! call on or address, C. B. WINN, Albany, Or. M yon are hungry go to Parker Bros, and get a loaf of the best bread in the city. Washburn's for Stoves. TO ramciAJiE DRS. at ASTON 4 DAVIS, PHYSICIANS k Surgeons, Office. Second sod BroadalMn Street. Albany. Or. Calls prompt y attend ed in city and county. f C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND wUaV geon Albany. Oregon, omce n neree new block. Office hours, frosi A. a. te r. J. KOSS1TER, VETERINARY 8UR- college and dm ber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases of all domesticated ani&als ea scientific principles. Offlcs at Ana Marshall's livery stable Residence 4th and Calapooia streets, Albany, Oregon. c U. HAntBERLIN, K. D., Hommpalhis suuid, Broadaibin street. Office hours, V to a. i to i anu e to a r. M. DRO. A. WHI rNET, PHV8ICIAN AND surgeon. Oraduats of Bslleros Hospi tal Medical College. New York City. Diseases of women a specialty, Offlss in Foster block ATTWftNEY GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN ATTORNEY at-law will practice ir all ths sourts of the state. Special attention given to mat ters in probata aad to collections, offlns ia r iinu block. CI EO. W. WRIGHT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW T and Notary rnibiic. Will practice in all the courts of this state. Office, front rooms over llank of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. D. a. M, BLACXBUR. H. C. WATSOS. OLACKBURN, k WATSON. Attorneys at ji t aw, Aioany Oregon: omce in uaa reuow s TempM. anisiness in oar nana will receive prompt and careful attention. HEWITT IRVINE, ATrORNEYS AT Law. Will practice In all ths courts o the state. OtEos in f linn's block, Firs treet. w, t. s tax t. j. w. Dsaru URNY U DRAPER, ATTORNEYS at law. Oregoa City. Oravon. Twen ty years experience as register of ths U. 8. Land Office at Oregoa City and in the land practice recommends us la our specialty business before us UM Offlcs or ths courts and involving the practica in ths gsoeral utaa uxnee. JN. DUNCAN ATTORNET-AT LAW . and notary public. OVos in ths Strahan block, rooms No. I and i. w OLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law. Albanv. Or. 4fBca in rooms II and 14 Foster's Block, over L. K. Blain'a tore. JK. WEATHERFORD, ATTCRNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. off ia the Flinn Block. Will sracUos a all ths courts of th estate, and give speda. attention 10 ail ousinesa. JAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and title examiner. Albany. Or. Will practice in all the conns of ths state. Ab stracts of title furnished on abort notice. len years experience. 0tS,uoM POR 8ALI BY ALL DXUSGIITB. "Some months ago; I mirchaaed A box of Dr. J. P. Gill's Catarrh Cur for my own Hiae, but finding my nephew, C. A, McMshan, needing such medi cine, I let bim have iot box of medi cine. He now sends for threa mora catarrh ever iriea dj mm ana nil Mends. I got another box to om in mj rase, and cheerfully recommend it toothers, (Sirued), JOHN McMAHAN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, Oregon, Springfield, Lane county, Oregon. Prof J, W( Johnson, president of the State university, says It cured him of a cough after two other prescriptions bad failed. Likewise two of his little girls used It to cure their coughs. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of Pref. Bailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and recom mends it to all who suffer from colds and coughs. For coughs it acts like a charm, and can ba inhaled into the jlpes or passages, where no other cough cures can reach. FRIEND OF WOMAN The very remarkable and certain relief given womankind by "Mooie a Revealed Remedy' has won for it the name of Wo man's Friend It is uniformly successful in relieving their deli cate ailments. Moore's Revealed Remedy Stands peerless as the natural rem edy peculiarly adapted to the wants of womankind. ' wnAT on wen as bays, Seattle, Jan. SO, 1891. 'I want you to publish my testimo nial for Moore's Revealed Remedy, for it has been a grani thing for me, for it has cured me of headaches, from which I hare suffered whenever I be came chilled, for the last iitteen years. I have suffered perfect torture for twenty-four hour at a time, some times retching for three hours with out any rest ana unaoie to gel help from any of the numberless remedies tried, now l am tree irem mis sun eriug, for at the first symptom of one these attacks i tax? a gooa aoee oi Moore's Revealed, and that is the end of it. It has also cured me of consti pation. My husband says it, baa saved liis life, and he would not be without it. We are both so happy over it we cannot say enough in its lavor. and advise an eurinenas u use iu MRS. JAMES GLEASON. Cor, 12th A Jackson st, Seattle, vVash. ror tale Dy all druggists. TAKE THE CAB TBOla SCHMEER'S STABLE RATES: To any part of tha city, SO r Or calling, lira uvum fiiw, subsequent nouri l. . PSstrt as 3 Deyoe & From Bros., Keep a Full Assortmei t of GUNS AMD FIREARMS Repairing Promptly Done. iiung TAILOR MADE For-:-Snoimer-:-Weari Cost no mora made of apod material than ready mode ill-fitting garments. W. 9. GRAHAM, The Merchant Tailor, has in stock the finest line of spring and srimmer suit ings ever bought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any style desired. 9ts"Call and see if it ia not tsase. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen fer a first-:lass Cigar Company. Uut give good references. JT. U. IS. U1UAK vAJ- Salem, It. CL ii Tit vui tbex mat If ao call on i. beam: He delivers his goods to aay fart el the city free of charge, resh vegetables every day. CalvNothing bnt the best kept at I. BEAM'S, 2d st.cor. Jackson and Jefferson. SECRET BOCIBTUa. McPbsraoa Post No. C O. A. B. Statad meetings a ths O, A. K. on ue asoond and ronrsa Friday evening of each saonrh. Transient comrades ats eorox y invited to meet with us J. K. WHITINO. a. r. TasLsa. Adiutant. . O. U. W. Safety Loda-s No. IS; L every Monday evening ai ib O. A. a II on Fsrrr street, between Seeood aaa Third. Albany, Orairon. strangers ia V sity and tranaieat brsthraa sordially lavtSat toatteiid. . Pension, Postal, Land and Indian Depredation Claims. LAW OFFICES OF mms, mm of mi Under the management of W. R. HEARST. Ed. A Prop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manager, (318 F. Street, Northwest. Washington, D. C. Will practice in the supreme court of the United States, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of (Jolumbia, before committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain pensions and patents, Indian depredation claims and aU classes of land claims, mining, pi ex emption and homestead cases pree evnted before the general land of fice, department of the intener and the supreme court. Notice to Stockholders. NOTICE U hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the UoMen Ciy Mining Co. will be held at the office of L. H. Montanye on Monday, Sept. 28, at 4 o'clock p. at. of said day. for the purpose of electing seven directors to serve for the en suing year. Albany, Aug. 31, 189i. L. H. MOXTANYB, Secretary. t nnir itipui? atu yourself or ilUUJl n&JVfl the benefits of the Utah Marriage En dowment Association of Salt Lake City and secure for yourself 11,000,000 at the titnb of your marriage. Send 5 cent in stamp for information and terms, to insure piompt reply. Ad dress Utah Marriage Endowment As sociation. Salt Lake City, tSf Agents Wanted, Please mention papery smts I1 N ;4 I V " I