I I 1 .. . i4t.. n v , ;&.- ...... . --- 3 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SHStM'ExMlSEIl 17 1891 VOL. VI NO. 246 KO It SALE. WANTS. ETC. ire itra! hotipe- 1 1 rk in a q kwill'l I Ml!.'. Inmiir south m wrner . in an I u tfc e r atl ecu. 1)Y jrur h. lix - Tha :h l iu fur JL th r-' H1, II I V 1I , I . i Il.L..Ll'f Tu m. tj n? rj ucei',i ril prii:i-U, Itw d .o f tlia e erk. C liifhirt l tli si:oo, Sii-X'l, C. U. Ii irk hart, eieK. "I 3. WIS. us; riiK ukau; ii Or.l, llfj wut tn-iumucj cum, If OS 7 TO LOAS :mmij capital on I'l. mI reil er.Ue gwur'tv. (or lartictt- lara eo-uirtt of !.. niiiii.-nroy. 'iltH Of LS All lit f..r culti Villon, a ! ii i l :r (en e. for Hals at wr a:r., W thin 1J ni-jj fr.:n r.kilrcMi at i'i n vi-l W mile Ir .n VI tuny Auiilv a' tli o.tuo. s VH W 'iHiciiii.l h lann Irv to the run I vv- 3j.- cr of Sei-oiul and irAN'TKL) . A Kir! or nruan to do hnue- -irk fr a nvl funrv. kmi-iini i I '"'t ! r A. I: i k.i.t, c uit-r atln an d Kil.ro Ml alr.it Laud for Hair. 1 ), Ifl, S-) airfoil. ciy t-:mi, ni- it. k i lio m l iiih i.r:.-eil. e jity Ijtiil iiw.ict ry ii. Ilrv nit. install Ai0 I l.aid Survey! urns DbiRisa mavmii lvns ca na. tu:i a.'uurattf nd prompt work liy cailtne up-x county aiirvevn K f. T. Futlier. Mb h.wcoiaplete co;ioof ficM notis and town- abip ;.Lkt, and is jrt.rt:6 I to do surveying in any iart of Linn county. roitii!ti .e aJdreun, Miliars station, una con itv. Oregon. Notice of l'arnterxhip. -NoTli K U he el.y ifiven that J. W". O..111 her h.w Mirh.wd a one hdf inter; i.t in the 8iu 'ti ur Mil:, a-' I th-? Imiii-eiM wil! af r l.e r-m u id-r th lii n name of jd li'nle'. 3 Atix wt 1 1 !1. Fiii:.mi J VV.U.ImKKR. .No tire of liiKsoliition. Th.-i-iitortr-ershiii hi n to'ore ri-tiPif 1 te V. W in I. II .ml II K. I1.:!i iiN. t uirlrr the firm na 1 if Wam'eli .V lloll.'ii ! I . i. f'-ii tj.-iy ilisMilvril hy tiMiMril ori-i-iit ' M.e hitiiiiiH will fiiitiiiiifd lit K. WVi.dtH lio will av nl: di l t of tlie 'a linn. iVKM-ld.. II K. iiOld-KNMK.'h. A'lany, Sept S. 1 AIIkiiiv X'isers. V"e are olerina to pl.inters Jii.et lit of riiit trt-fH, if alt hinlilf vnrifti s. in f c -tatf. )ne lintiiiri'il sim Ii it v tliirlflaml trei'P ir tliiH ciiimii r'.- ta.i ir. Inflection invite 1 an l satirifa--tiim u'lar.iinertl. Siii 1 lur ritalii'ic or nil uni ' mat tlie ol I (! li i --teuil -halfi : T Knit'i av. nf AlSiiy. II, I".:; 1.'.. - I'm tl. N.' 40i 60RD ! btkvm a . : u irr v.h'ik U'liVi'iNiu 1 1 mm N.vtt hi the L'l-t , l;: v : t:il':.nll, Iri-f. ClilS-T:!'. Sc!"Hl!!' a i-h .rt. Svi.-ll !i th-re i no Latin, or ii-riiKii. Tii.' '.p'fiif ls:i il'l , l.it-rarv, nd in i :. ! 'irvvil, Freiii!'! r.ngiH1! a pro euiineiitly a liii.-iru-s-?c miw. For catalnjues r other inforuiatiuii, Ad IrcMd J. . Jiuissos, l'resident if'J 1- i 111 "Z ' s CITY DRUG STOPiE 8TANARD k CU3ICK, Piods., PFCIFFKR BLOt.'K, - - ALDVXY, Pt-lli rf tn - KEDI5MES. CKEMISA'S. Sup carefully fouijjotiniicl. T;illorii!f filipri!ij. Mmi'sand B a' i-'othiif ni-.il.-to orltror ele'no-I an-' repureJ on h irt nom-e and ItviKOiiahlo rate 3h.: on the treet t-ar 'ine l.e wesa Third nd Four'h utriet E A fine new line of ladies, roi.-ses, children's and infanta cloaks can b : een at the Ladies Baaar. Frequently accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such cise" Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family lemedy. aX (1 I am an old man and have been a constant sutTerer with catarrh for the last U-n years. I am en tirely cured hv the use of Ely'i Cream Balm. It is "trance that so simple a remedy will cure such a ptnbtt'irn diea Henry Bill ings, U S. IVnsi n Att'y, Waeh ington, D. C. for eifclit years I have suffered from catarih, which effected my eyes and hearing; have employed many phyHt-:iaii.i without relief. I 11 in dow on my second bottle of Kly'a Cream Baliu, and feel confi dent of a complete cure. Miry V. Ttiompron, (.'erro iordo, HI. We are the only people who car ry the celebralcd E. A W. coll i? ami cuffs. Always have the latest styles in stoc'v, T. L. Wallave & Co. TO tD TCHTLaKS. Po yon know that Moore's Rs vealei Remedy is the only patent medicine in the world that doi 9 not contain a droo 01 alcohol ; thr.t the imjile of preparing it is known only to its discoverer; that it is an advance in the science of medicine without a parallel in the nine teenth century ; that its proprietor oiler to forfeit $ I.tHJO for any case of dyspepsia it will no? cure? Thus. Brink has just received some of the finest luunges ever brought to Alb my, and he is sell ing thciu at a clYse margin. Orem MONMOUTH, OHKGrOlSr. 8I .Ck''' litai.tifiilly and heabhfully locaied. Nosakons. New buildings, new apparatus, full faculty, light expens s and large attendance. Normal, advpned normal, business, art and m.isic departments. Special attention given to physical culture, volunteer military or ganizition. Th"se receiving diplomas are authorized to teach in any cnniity in the stat without furiher examinations. Tuition has been redui-ed in the normal ami business departments from $40 to $i" per vnr, and in eub normal from 30 to if20. A year in school for $150 ex penses. Tuition in normal and business, $fj 25 per term of ten weeks, sub normal, 5 per term ; board ht normal dining hall $1.50 per week, furnished room with lire and light $1 per week, board and lodging in private bouses $3.50 per week. First term opens September 2, 181)1. 'tudents mav enter at anv time. For catalogue address, P. L, Camp bell.A. P... President, or j. M. Powell. A. M., Vice President. Albany Collegiate Institute, September 9, 1891. A Full Corps of Experienced Teachers. Four departments of study : Collegiate, Normal, Business, Primary. Tvpe writing and Short-hand are taught. For catalogue address, REV. ELBERT N. CONDIT, A. M., President. AUTUMN Cloaks, Jackets Triratned Garments and -This question can be SAM'L. E. YOUNG, 7 HO HAS OPENED FOR THE Ladies Dress Goods, in cloth, laces, linens, and white goods, Also a complete assortment of Boots TSTABLLSIIED IN 1866, THIS PIONEER DRY GOODS HOUSE H AS uy Keening a bicck large enongn 10 Huppiy any want, ana making a as will give fatisfaction both in quality and prices. CLOSE CASH BUYERS VISITING THIS MARKET ARE ESPECIALLY invited to inspect his Btock, which is complete in nil hia numerous depart ments, and purchased especially for Highest of all in Leavening Power. TO ABSOLUTELY PIRE Cram's Unrivalled Atlas, The new edition of this unrivall ed work is now being delivered by the agent, Mrs. A. M. Talt. The work is a most excellent one, and this edition is a ereat improve ment upon former ones, giving all the latest date and much new matter that was not in the previous editions. It should be in every family, and on every business man's desk. Those who are not supplied can procare the atlis by addressing P. O. Box No. GO Al bany Oregon. Nurter). Me 8-9. Tlvman & Brownell are prepared in their nursery to fur nish all kinds of stock, and those intending to plant should call upon them Board of Regents: State I'.nard of Education ex ollicio, His Excellency, Svlvester I'ennoyer gov ernor; Hon. G. V. Mc Bride, secretary of state; Hon. E. B. McElioy, sup erintend.ent cf public in strut tion ; Benjamin Scliol iield, president; J. B. V. Butler, eecretary; execu tive committee, Hon. J. J laly, Hon. F. W. Halev antl J. B. V. Butler. Polk ; Jacob Voorhees, Maricn; J. C. White, Folk ; Alfred l.irey, (Vuckainas ; A Nijltner, Multnomah ; W. II Holmes, Marirn. The leading Normal y..l,....l ll... V..rl 1... ,.l .kklvvit ui 111c .iui kunvuii OREGON. June 10, 1892. - IS HERE, mind and on the "Who has the satiafactortlly answered at the old FALL AND WINTER TRADE A silks, foreign and domestic fabrics, s notions, novelties, etc. kill and Shoes, Staple and Fancy Groceries the fall season of Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. School Tax Notice, The school tax in school district No 5, is now due and pay able. Call at my othee ana pay the same before it becomes de linquent. C. G. Bckkiuht. District Clerk The men of this vicinitv need iiOt be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good quahtes 01 the cook and heating stoves they sell. Every one seems to he uelighteu when they buy from M. and W. MKUIT WINS. We desire to say to our citi zens, that for years we have been sell, ing l)r King's New Discovery for ('onstuiiption. Dr King's New Life Pilis, Uiicklcii's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, und lntve nevwr handled remedies that sell us, or that have given sueli universal satisfae tlcu, We do not hesitate to guaran tee .thuin every tide and we stand ready to refund the purchase pi iee, if sa'i.-factory r. suits Uu not follow their use These remedies have won their greit popularity purely on their merits, Koshay & Mason Druggists, a vinoviL :i:m-. The holding of the World's Fair in a city scarcely fifty years old will he a remarkable event, but whether it will realtv benefit this nation as much as the discovery of the Restorative Nervine bv Dr Franklvn Miles is doubtful. This is just what the American people need to cure their excessive ner vousness, dyspepsia, headache dizziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia nervous debility, dullness, con fusion of mind, ct ". It uc!s like : charm. Trial bottles am I line buok on "Nervous and Heart Diseases,' with uneoualed testimonials free at Stanard & Cusick's. 1 1 is warranted to contain no opium, morphine or dangerous drugs. A sir; it:vru:M. Is one which is guaranteed to hriii you satisfactory rer-iills, or in ca.-e ot failiin; a return of purchase price, On this gull- plan you eau tmy from our adyertifed druggists a liottlo of Dr Kind's New Dsoovery for Con- sumiition. Jl is guaranteed to la'.i relief in ev;iy caso, when used for any all'ection of throat. Lungs, or Chest, such us Cionsuiuption, Inllauia. tion of Lungs, ltroneliitis, Asthim:, H hooping (..oiigh. Croup, etc, etc It is pleasant and agrees hie to taste perfectly safe, unii ia:i alwuys lie do penned upon, I rial hottles free at Foshay & Mason, Druggists, SPEC! LATIOS DAW Kit MS. Scarcely a day passes without the news of some large failure Hashing over the wires the usual result of speculation in stocks or some equally dangerous venture. 1 he same electric cir rent carries to dear distant friend the sad tidings of death of loved ones too often the result of speculation in patent nostrums. Moore a Kevealed Kemedy is no speeiil.ition hut Is sold on positive guarantee. Do not fail to go to your uruggisi auu ask lor your money if not satisfied. We known you will go and buy another bottle. For sale by ull druggists. AND THE INQUIRY ON THE lips of every woman will be, best stock of Ladies Fall Dresswear. established house of- MlMumn .lanTiirvTnP iuv.ls, under .vear, gloves, hosiery, MAINTAINED Pf'BLIC FAVOR specialty of selecting such goods 1891 FIRE AT SALEM A Destructive Blaze in the Wil . lamette University. BUIUDING NOT DESTROYED Th DfcuM Was About 810,000, Fall irhPid-It Will Hot Slop the Saikm. Sept. 16. At 9:30 o'clock this .morning I lie time honored WiHamette University build-ng was discovered to be on tire, and before a mouth could be opentd to give the alarm the w hoi ceiling of the library room on the fourth floor was wrapped llameE. The fire had started from a de fective flue on the east side of the building at the roof, and jiibt abov the ch"inical room. The dime was burned oil, and the bell fell with a crash, while the flames licked up all the woodwork in sight, darting their forked tongue down the winding stairways finto the lorn tli Moor, crow dug the surging mass of black heavy smoke ahead ol it. Soi.c four streams of water were on ana the lire was confined to the fourth fl'jor. The good work of the fire department saved the build ing. Little damage was done on that lluor, w hile the top one, the fifth, was all burned except the walls. This is the oldest educational institution on the coast. The fire will dtlay nothing, as the studie will he resumed in churche.i Mon dav. The insurance is tl'i.fOO, half eacn in the State at.d Northwest This fi.llv covers the loss. Many articles in the museum, Horary and eucietv rooms were injured while all the cheap furnishings of students on the tifth Hojr were debtroved, the loss being to the students. The building will be repaired at once. THE STATIC FA1K. Knit Threaten to Interfere Wltli the llaeiuc l'rograiiune. Fair (iiioi Nos. Sai.em, Sept. 10 The state fair to day opened for the third day with flattering pros pects. There was a large attend ance in the morning and the parade of premium cattle was witnessed by thousands of specta tors from all sections of the st tte. The division superintendents and the judges have the books and hve commenced the award . ol premiums. The poultry coops are nicely Idled with the finest of the feathered tribes. Stock entries are better than in any previous year, while tU farm machinery is not so well represented Ifae finishing touches have b-jen added to the fruit palace, which is the most admire ot all tn . displays, 1'he navilion is crowded during the whole dav, and at night there is not sumcient room for hall the people. The day was cloudy until 1 o'clock when the clouds lowered and a gentle drizzle set in, which augurs to interfere with the raes. The first race ol trie atternoor started in a light rain but it sooi quit falling and the runs made un der a clouded sky. The first w.. a trot for 3-year-olds, best two m three, McMinnville Maid won in two straight heats, best time 2 :33 'a Ladv Daphne second, 1'le net third. In the z :m class trot, oest mree in live, for mirse of $800, Susie b won, Blondie second, J. S. C. third, Oest time In the free for all dash, three quarters, Oregon Eclipse winner, In the ball game tins morning, between the Salem's and Portlands. Home team, won In a score f ten to two. This is the fourth game of a series of six. Salem won three of them. A HOOD SHOWING. The Iteiease of Farm Uortgagea lu Kaasai. ToriKA. Kas., Sept. 16. The releases of farm mortgages in Kan sas during the tour months pre ceding the 1st of September make a remarkable showing. The mort gages lecorded during the period in fifty-four counties amount to 4,CS3,S.l? ; releases, $0,370,270 ; excess of releases, $1,00,400 or 20'. per cent. At the same ratio the gain would be in eactes of $5,000,000 for the year, and for the seventy-four counties east of the one hundredth meridian it would be $7,000,000. Very little of this excess in releases comes from the sale of this year's crops, so that the total will probably reach $10,- 000,000 for the present year. A JklorAltlE SIDEWALK. NoTel Methed of Traveling About The World's Fair Ground. Chicago. Sept. 16. When the world's Iiir grounds-are thrown open for visitor to inspect the progress of work in October, 1892, the whirling: sidewalk, moved by electricit . will have been com pleted. The road will carry 30,000 passengers an Hour. This side walk is to be located in a structure 23 feet high and 900 feet long, in the form of an ellipse, and is to consist ot eeventy-rive carB, etich twelye feet long, coupled together, making one solid train. There are to be constructed two parallel side walks, one running at the rate of two miles an hour, the other at four miles an hour, both moving in the same direction. Passengers can step from a stationary side walk to the one which moves at the rate of two miles an hour, and if a swifter ride is desired they can dtep to the one running four aiiles an hour, where comfortable teats are provided, from which the mov ing panorama below may be viewed at leisuie. . The route extends along the pro jected line of Filty-ninth street, and on its southern loop goes close to the women's - building and the great lagoon, while on the north it skirts the Illinois Stato building. Heavy Demand for Silver Coin. Washington, Sept. 16. Owing to numerous inquiries coming from different parts of the country for fractional silver coin, the United States treasurer has pre pared a circular stating in sub stance that the new halves and aollars will be lurnished in sums of $200 or more bv express, free of charge, or by registered mail in sums or multiples of $50, registra tion charges paid, to any point in the United Mates. Whipped by Wiilta Cai.-s. Maietinsvii.le, Ind., Sept. 10. John and Henry Martin and three unknown wooden weie whipped ner Hinsdale last night by white caps, letty thievery is the al leged cause, 'lhe accused were then oriered to leave within 21 houi Killed In a Train Wrerk. Omaha, .sept. 10. A wreck oc curred on the Elkhorn railwav near Fremont, this morning, an-J a fireman nam. d . usou was killed. A li-ibt .engine ran into a freight train causing the accident ANOTHER BIG FIRE THE SOlTilEliN PACIFIC KE- I'AIlt SHOTS lltKXEK. Four Coat-lies I. aid in Ashe The Loan Will AcrriEit About S 10,001) No Insurance, I'oKTi.AMi, N-pt. lt. 1 lie rep'ar building at the Southern Pacific carshops was totally destroyed In ure this in lining, lhe loss will foot up about $10,0:0. About 5 o'clock this morning Watchman Bawker discovered a blaze issuing from the middle uf the repair build- ng. On making an examination he found that the ft tmes had en veloped the entire interior, and that four p.eeii-'er to.u-hes were burning. An alarm was sent in to the hast Side fire department, but before stream could be thrown, the building was almost entirely des troyed. The coaches which had been undergoing a course f repairs were completely destroyed, before an engine could be steamed up to remove them fro'ii lhe building. No damage was done to anv of the main building. Tne burned build- ng was thirtv-MX feet wide and 3 M feet long and was one story in height. Sever il thousand feet of ine finishing lumber was destroy- I, and the tra-k was badly irped. The rails were replaced, uwever, in tune to let the early truns pass. The structure will he re omit at once. The ollicials of the company re ;se to say whether the properiv was insured, but careful inquiry at the insurance offices failed to de- elop the fact that any insurance was carried. Nothing is known as to the cause of the lire. DEATH OX THE KAIL. A Wild Freight Dashes Into a I'aa- aeneer Train, Bakkksfiki.d, Cal., Sept. 10. The north-bound passenger train. ue last night at 11 o clock in San rancieco, this morning was wrecked in the mountaius between Guard and Tehachipi. Last night the train had stopped to remove rock caused by a landslide, and while at work down came a freight train of about thirtv cars, some filled with wheat, and ran into the fiassenger coaches. Colonel Wil iam Harney, president of the San Francisco woolen mills and a member of California Comman- dery No. 1, who wai standing on the platform, was killed outright. V. lialdeiiian. a traveling man, as considerably bruised ana is lying at the Southern hotel. Sev eral others were hurt, including Mrs. A. A. Healy, of Los Angeles. and Mrs. Emma Spring, of Laliatce, Ind. A train left here this morning at 6 o'clock with all the wounded on board. The south-bound train is still here aiting for the irack to be cleared. lhe conductor sent the follow ing dispatch to Superintendent illmore, at San Francisco: "I stopped at the east end of tunnel o. 12. There was a slide at the west end, and I sent my brake man back to flag any train ap proaching. While etanding there ttu the engine on the train it started and before I could have it etopped ran into the slide and pushed into tunnel No. 12. The engine exhausted all the eteam and water in doing this. We had to get water and refill, and before we could start, No. 22 ran into us. My flagman had not been called in.'' I FLOWER AT THE HEAD He Pieceives the Nomination for Governor of New York. DONE OX THE FIRST BALLOT. The Platform Denounce! tha Bepablican Party aid Everyttiig Pertaining - . ..To It. Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 16. Promptly at 10 o'clock this morn ing the democratic state conven tion was called to order. After the decision in regard to the county deimcracy was presented, the committee on resolutions reported the platform . It pledges fidelity to the democratic laitb as regards national issues, and the doctrine of the national platforms of 1834 and 1SS8 are reaffirmed. The plat form pronounces against silver coinage of a dollar not of the intrinsic value of every dollar of the United States. It denounces the new Sherman silver dollar hill as a false pretense and hin drance to free bimetallic coinage, and as tending only to produce a change from one kind of monomet alism to another. This bill is de clared to be the fit appendix to the subsidy and bounty swindle, the Mc Kin ley worse than war tariff, the Blaine reciprocity humbug, the squandered surplus. The platform favors home-rule for counties and municipalities, lo-v taxes and economical adminis tration, demands the enactments of a just, equitable and compre hensive excise liquor law framed in accordance with existing public sentiment, as repeatedly mani fested. In closing, the administration ol Governor Hill is endorsed and his faithful discharge of the responsi bility declared to justify a continu ance of the trust imposed in him by the democratic party. Then a motion was made to pro ceed with the nominations, and Mayor Porter nominated Roswell P. Flower for governor. The nom ination was seconded on behalf of Tain man v by Colonel Fellows. Buurke Cochrane also seconded the nomination of Flower. Thomas Dewitt, of King couuty placed Allred C. Chapin in nom ination for governor. Flower was nominated on the first ballot, the vote being Flower Mi, Chapin 46. Charles Adams, of Kings, chair man of the delegation, made the nomination unanimous, amid the wildest scenes. IN BAD TASTE. The New l'lay of "Abraham Lin coin" to be Suppressed, Chicago, Sept. 10. lhe new play "Abraham Lincoln," by Mc- Kee It ink in, was produced lor tne first time in Chicago to-night. The play is a series of pictures show ing Lincoln and ins associates from his inauguration to his assassination. The house was crowded and the pictures, which were remarkably realistic, were well received generally, but there were found many who disapproved of the play on the ground that it wns offensive to good taste. The directors of the Whitechapel club held a meeting after the perform ance and decided to apply tor an injunction to-morrow restraining the company from producing the piece further. "We do this," said one of the directors, "because we consider the play an insult to patriotism Just upoa what legal or technical grounds we shall base the petition that we hope to have ready to file by to-morrow we cannot say until the lawyers in the club consider the matter more carefully. The Pacsion play was not permitted in New York, and we consider this play even more offensive than that, for which the excuse might be offered that it might teach history. "But this play cannot teach anv thing. Every detail of its plot is more familiar to Americans than any play could make tnem were a week devoted to each act. To mock the murder of a national hero, of the greatest man of the century, almost under the shadow of his borne, is offensive to good taste ana would De allowed in lo oter country in the world. We want to see now if it will be toler- afed in Chicago. The Crime of a Villain. St. Locis, Sept. 16. When Eugene Shire, who was incarcer ated yesterday for making a mur derous assault upon his paramour, .Maggie L-'oian, secured his liberty and went to 71 Morgan street, where he found the woman. Throwing his right arm around her he pinned her against the wall, and whipping out a knife, lie slashed ner throat irom ear to ear Believing that she was killed he cut his own throat. The couple were removed to the hospital Little hopes are en'ertained of iheir recovery. A HEAVY HAIL STORM. It Does Considerable Damage Near Fresno, Cal. Fkesko, Cal., Sept. 16. Yes terday afternoon quite a hurricane passed over this section of coun try. The wind blew furiously, ac companied by a slight fall of rain and hail. Thieeor four miles to the west of Fresno it bailed heav ily. Hail did considerable dam age in some sections, beating down the grapes and fruits, and entirely stripping many vines of their leaves. In some neighborhoods, where trays of half-dried raisins were stacked np to secure them against rain, the trays were blown over, and tha raisins scattered. Two Youthful Murderers. Liverpool, Sept. 16. Two 13-year-old boys named Crawford and Sheron were arrested yester day, charged with murdering an 8 year-old companion. They con fessed the crime, stating they wanted bis clothes, so they pushed ' him into the water to dronn him. He managed to scramble oat, and they pushed him in again, holding his head under water until he was drowned. They afterwards sold his clothes at a pawnshop. Collapse of a Building-. Akbon, O., Sept. 16. The walls of the Tracy building, a three story block in the course of erec tion at Barberton, five miles from Akron, collapsed this afternoon, killing William Stauffer.of Barber- ton, and perhaps fatally injuring Carl Reid, W. L. Keller and W. 11. Walterman, workmen engaged on the structure. A Freight Train Burned. Galena, 111., Sept. 16. A disas trous fire occurred on the Illinois Central railway, near this city. to-day. 1 wo freight trains c jllided causing tne demolition ol three locomotives and twenty cars, with cargoes ol coal and merchandise. Henry Meyer, a fireman, was probably fatally injured. Boy your gasoline stoves of Hopkins Bros. A1S0THER LOOPHOLE DECISION THAT MAT KILL, THE CHINESE EXCLC8ION ACT. It la Regarded aa Importance by Department. One the of Great Treasury Washington. Sept. 16. July 13, the United States commissioner at Detroit, in the - ase of a Chinaman found unlawfully in the United States, ordered him to return to China as being the country whence he came. The case was appealed to the district court, and yesterday the treasury department received a dispatch that Judge Swan had reversed the decision of the com missioner, and lound that uanada was the country from which the man came, and had directed his return there. Acting secretary Spaulding telegraphed the deputy collector at Detroit that in case the Chinaman came before the court on habeas corpus proceeding, to request the district attorney to take an appeal. If the proceed ings were under the exclusion act of 1888, tne decision will be re garded as final. At the treasury department with the information now before it, the decision is re garded as one of great importance, and it is said the practical effect. i! the proceedings at Detroit were under the exclusion act, will be to render inoperative the provisions that act. The attorney general has heretofore decided that under the provisions of the act the country whence Chinamen came means China,' and the depart ment has been sending all China men convicted of being unlawful! in the United States back to that country. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Russian Spies Engaged la Stirring; Vp m Discord. Stockholm. Sept. 16. The Swedes srenerallv are oonoaed to any concession that would imperil the union with Norway, and the Swedes will fight if necessary to prevent secession. The Swedish people do not approve of the pa cific and tolerant course of King Oscar toward Norway, and they want that country taught the Ier son which sooner or la'er it is exoec ed to learn. The Norwegian agitation is attributed chiefly to Russian influences. The Russians are anxious to embroil Scandinavia, and have long been suspected of an ambitious eye on the penin sula. The Norwegian demand tor a more equitable dis position of authority has given Russia its chance, and it is said the Swedish and Norwegian cities are swarming with Muscovite spies. Against them nothing can be done, as their papers are as a rule correct, and they connot be readily dealt with on suspicion. Recognition of the Congresslonals. New York. Sept. 16. A Herald cablegram from Valparaiso, Chili, saye the United States was the first to officially tecognize the provis ional government. To-day the German government followed suit. Recognition Irom other loreign gov ernments is expected te take place within a few days. If vou suffer pricking pains on moving the eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and find your sight week and falling, you should promptly use Dr. It. McLean's Strengthening Eve Salve. 25 cents a box. i - . ? . i 4:-Ffev-.''-.v.- : "I III - 0