THE MORNING HERALD: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1891 on iali. Th Dailt Herald will be on la each morning At H. J. Jones' book tore.where it tan be procured M i eaota per copy. joimei ABOUT TOWN. AL Boenicke went to the metrop i olio yeatorday. Mrs. A. C. Layton is visiting relatiTM in Portland. The first frost of the season occurred 8onday night. Miss Rhoda Hail bas returned from a visit in Koeeburg. Hare yon examined that beauti ful $400 piano at Klein Bros, tiioe , store. The work on the Madison street ewer has been commenced by the contractors, Hayne A Buck. Mr. J. U. Crawford is erecting a neat residence on his property near toe river in the tmra want. ' A fine new line of ladies, misses, children's and infants cloaks can be teen at the Ladies Bazaar, ' Fresh Yaquma oysters, just opened at the uelmomco restaur aai W. W. Davis, proprietor. The Farmers & Mechanics base ball team, of 1'ortland, defeated the Salema 8unday in a score of to 6. Crawford, the photographer re tnrned from Corvallis yesterday, where he has made a collection of views. The largest and finest line o! misees' and children's hats ever hrsnght to Albany at the Ladies' Bazaar. Fine samples of fall and winter suitings can be seen at Hart & Phillip's tailor shop in the Pearce i block. Hart & Phillips have some fine fall and winter suitings. Call and see them in the Pearce block, over McFarland'a harness shop. The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at their hall. Miss Mary Wetterer and Mrs. Pauline Putnam, of Portland, are visiting at the residence of their uncle, Cbas, Keifer, in this city. St. John's Lodge, N . 62, A. F.A A.M. .will hold regular meeting thie evening. Work in the second de gree. A full attendance is desired J. J. Lynch, post oca er at Mosier, Wasco county, Or., has been arrested for pawning a lot ot postage stamps while on a spree. Thomas Price, contractor for the i construction of the Iebanon canal, was thrown from a buggy at that place Sunday and seriouly in jured. Miss Florence Humphrey, of Olympbia, who has been visiting is uarnsDUg lor a lew weeks, is now visiting in this city, the guest of Mrs. S. A. Hulin. A force of men are at work re building the trestle on the South ern Pacific railroad near this city The trestles all along the line are being rebuilt and strengthened. Those contemplating an Eastern trip should notice the advertise ment of the Canadian Pacific Kail way, which appears in another column. Apply to C. B. Winn for rates and tickets. Parties intending to go East should secure their tickets over the popular Union Pacific and Oregon short Line route. Call and see Curran fc Monteith for tickets. Conrad Meyer has rebuilt his oven and improved his bakery, so that he is better prepared than ever to furnish his customers promptly with the best bread, cakes, pies etc. He also keeps at all times a complete stock ol choice family groceries. Mr. J. S. Morgan has just completed burning a fresh kiln t his brick yard one mile west of the court house, and is prepared to nil all orders. A man will be in waiting at the yard to attend to all callers for brick. . H. McAllister, of Seattle, who was recently elected tutor in the state university at Eugene, is in the city, accompanied by his wife They will spend several days visit ing his parents here. Tne univer sity will open next Monday. The 13th of October will be a great day at the Portland Indus trial Exposion, which opens at Portland on the 17th of September and continues until October 17th. The great band contest between the several bands throughout the Northwest will take place on that day, begining at 2 o'clock and closing at 10 o'clock r. m. All the wind instrument mainpulators will be out in full force and the "dis course ol sweet sounds" will rever berate throughout the vast IrWIs of the immense building. AH ALBANY BCA.SDAL. Tie Particulars of How Mr- Sr. Ellii Deserted bar Home far a Fast Lift. The Portland i-unday Mercury, in the last issue publishes the following particulars of a Fcan'ilal, which the Albany public has had some knowleufreof for some time : Dr. Ellis, a rroiuitientanil popu lar physician of AILuny, where he has practiced for years, is sorely atllicted with the bawdy behavior of his handsome and accomplished wife. In her own community Mi's. Ellis, who is a brunette of ehapelv physique anl attractive appear ance, was known as a woman of reckless behavior; in fact, she was known to 1 a.e adroitly trudden the dangerous sands of social way wardness ; but the troubles there were successfully and very qtiiet'y patched up, and Mrs. Ellis remain ed an ornament to her elegant home and a participant in the en joyment of its comforts. Butconfinement within thecircle of decent respectability proved a goading bore to her and soon again she wa9 slyly inviting clade- stine attention from the fly young gallants ot Albany anJ vicinity. fearing detection again in her illicit enjoyment, sue widened the cir cle of her escapades hoping there by to cover more safely crimina ting evidence of her unfaithfulness. hiie came to 1 ortlanii. rJciuy more than ordinarily handsome and fascinating of manner, she quickly found c nirters for favor. ihe readily, but diplomatically, yielded to advances until she again found herself in the toils, with a Mercury forager on her trail. V. W. Avers, a bright young man of more than common business ability and personal magnetism, who is special agent in this city for the standard Life and Acciden: Insurance company, with an ollbe at 72 Washington street, became this woman's most conspicuous victim. Notwithstanding the fact that Ayers has a nioBt dutiful wife and two pretty little children to cheer, comtort and aid mm in ale's rug geu struggle, tns lniatuation was destined to be fata!. About two weeks ago Avers rented a room in a Morrison street lodging house and he and Mrs Kllis occupied that room together that night. Ample proof ot ' this will be presented at the proper time. The room was paid for during three or four nights, but the guilty pair became frightened and a room was rented at 153 Yamhill 6treet, where the female entrancer stopped until matters oecame so tropical in certain quarters that the lly insurance man was induced to pay the woman about $-50 and urge her t go to San Francisco, which she did. Dining this time Mrs. Ayers was visiting tit-r old home at Ashland, where she and her husband own extensive interests, mainly in the large stone quarry there. On her return home the story of the gossips sjon reached her ears, and her distress of mind and sadness A heart at once promoted her to search for proof of the falsity of (he rumors concerning her hus band s infidelity. Her mission, however,-was not destined to reach such an agreeable conclusion, l't jof of the pertidy of her husband a as to apparent. Whether or not Dr. Ellis, of Al bany, or Mrs. Ayers will invoke proceedings for adultery is not known, but it is pretiy certain that the courts of justice will be commanded to right as far as possible tne cruel wrong with which two hitherto estimable families are now sorely atllicted Much sympathy is expressed for Dr. Ellis, who is respected as an educated and upright gentle man ; and for Mrs. Avers, who is known to be a lady of excellent qualities. THE 0REG0H PACIFIC TROUBLE- Judge Pip Again Absents Himielf Still KotLioj It Dant. Attorney-General George E, Chamberlain and Hon. J. V Weatherford, attorneys for the Oregon Pacific railroad employes, went to tJorvaliis yesterday, it being the day set for the receiver, (Jol. l. E. Hogg, to pay the men. They did not return to this city, but late last night a dispatch was received from Corvallis at the Herald oilice stating that Judge l'ipes bad absented himself, and late iu the evening had not an j peared in the court room, and that the attorneys would try to get a hearing to-day. the dispatch did not say whether Judge l'ipes had again gone to Chicago, or whether lie was playing hide and seek about the city of Corvallis. It did say, however, that nothing had been done toward paying tne men. A rumor reached this city that trains would stop running on the road, the men refusing to work any longer without pav, but authentic information to the lInfUL') states that tiains will run as usual to-day. It is an open shame that these faithful employes are not paid. It would be a public calamity to have operations on the road suspended, and it would seem better policy to have another receiver appointed who would pay the earnings of the road first to the men, and if necessary to bring the case before some judge who has time (?) to give it his attention. It is known that the road ha? beeu more than e. rnuir the cost of operating, and there will doubt less be found legal means to pay these earning to the men, with out stopping the running of trains. JEWS OF THE COAST. Interesting Item from Exchangee Tbrosghoat the Hertbwejt. TO OPES OALAFCOIA STREET. For Eight of Way at the Bit of the Bridge Across tb Willamette. some dispute has arisen over the right of way for the big bridge across the laud owned by U. B Monteiih. The citv has offered 500 for the right of way, and Mr. Monteith wants $1500. The city now proposes to open the street, and pay the damages therefor. The matter ought to lie adjusted without any resort to law or any deiy. The city council at a special meeting last evening adopted the loiiowing resolutions : Whereas, in the judgment of the eity council it is expedient to lay out and extend a street from the north terminus of Calapooia street in the city of Albany, Oregon, to me center oi the Willamette river at the northern boundary of the said city, Therefore, be it resolved bv the council that the surveyor ot said city be, and is herebv directed to survey said proposed new street and to mark the boundaries thereof and to make his report to the council containing a plat of bis survey of said street and a lull and pertect description thereof and of the boundaries thereof, and of the position of each lot or part thereof. or of each parcel of ground or part tuereoi, that will be appropriated lor such street. -X Effect oftha Kain. The showers have done no material damage. They have de layed some late thrashing, and somewhat retarded hop picking in a few sections. The thrashing of grain is thrashed. The wheat is being rapidly delivered to ware houses and mills. The wheat pro duct was never better, the berry is of first grade, the yield has been heavy, generally more tl an was anticipated. Largo yields are reported from every county, ihe oat crop tias been good but not as opportionally good as the w heat crop. Hop picking win oe auout nnished next wpek. unless the present rains should ueiay tne piceers more tn in is now expected. The hops of Uoug'as county were supposed to be free from lice and mould, but on picking, some yards are found to be badly damaged. 1 1 is estimat ed that lice and mould have dam aged the hop crop to the extend of $300,000. In Jackson and Josep h:ne counties corn is ripe of good uality and yield. Summsr fallow ing is in the progress in nianv of thJNyillamette vallev conn tits. i T Unique Ward Contest. Wilcox, the photographer, pro poses to oiler several valuable prizes for a unique word contest. His oiler No. 1 is : To the person writing the sentence. "Wilcox makes superior photographs" the greatest number of times upon a pos'al card and sending it to him he will give free a lite-size crayon portrait oi me writer, ihe con test will close on September 10th, by which time all cards must be in at his gallery. Watch the pa pers for his second oiler. Gko. L. Wilcox, Corner Second and Ferry Sts. The T ox valley mines in Grant county are attracting the attention of capitalists. T. J. Cozaid, living on a ranch six miles east of Burns, had a horse and mule killed bv liehtnincr .1 - I . ... . . - O - D uu me mgni oi I lie Ztl mst. The district fair at The Dalles win oe held as advertised, the fire in that city and at the grounds in no way interfering with the pro posed exhibit. The residence of C. P. Zumwalt, near Perrydale, Polk county, was destroyed by tire on Wednesday last. A porti n of the household goods were saved by the family. The plat of township 1 north, range 6 east, has been received at the Oregon City land office, and will be tiied and open for settle ment under the homestead law on and after October 19, 1891. W. Warn pole, a farmer near Oervais, while driving to that town tith a load of wheat, was thrown under his horses' feet bv : eevetal sacks slipping elf, and was trampled ami kicked severely. Three men living on Johnson Freeman's farm, near Glencoe. went to Hillsboro Tuesday last to secure medical treatment. All were puffering with poisoned fin- g rs, aad none of them could give any idea of how the noisoninir occurred or what caused it. The flesh seemed to rot, a9 in blood poisoning. A son of Mr. Faulkenberg, liv ing two miles from Holbrook, Washington county, was thrown from a mowing machine on Tues day last, falling in front of the sicklebar, the bar passing over him, cutting his left ear nearlv off and inflicting a bad scalp wound, also a bad wound on the right side of the head and injuring the bones of the skull. Marion Harris, of Oakland. Or . who was chrushed in a horse power on the 1st mst., making amputation of the leg necessary, has since died from the effects. The corner stone of the new Ma sonic temple was laid Fridav at Hillsboro with itupOHing cere monies, ihe roval craft is doing conBiaeranie minting throughout tne jurisoiction tins year. Friday, Captain Edwards, in spector ot bulls, and Frank Ale llArmntt ma....... .-... L. : 1 1 a careiui inspection ot tne new steamer Regulator, at The Dalles, iouna ner to oe in a nrm-i-lasa coi dition and have granted her the necessary papers In running. The State Agricultural college at r 11 . i . ... v,orvauis win open lor the fall term next Fridav. Manv imrjor- tant additions have been made to this institution of learning since the closing of the school last spring, and it now stands second to none as an agricultural college. 1 most frightful accident oc curred Tuesday morning last, at Plesant valley sawmill, fifteen miles, from Baker City. Dirigo Italian, fell against the gang saw and his right arm wa storn in shreds from the finger tips to the. shoulder, ihe man's suUenngs weie something terrible, anp he begged those near to kill him and put bun out of his misery Boot and Shoes, Purchasers of Boots and Shoes bear in mind that big advertise ments and offers of big discounts do not always mean best values. You will have to pay some one a profit as no one can do business without expense. Ihe quest'on is who can sell you the best goods tor tne least money. Samuel E. Young. Bl'CKLEVS ABMCA SALVE. The best salve In the world for C'ut3. Bruises,, Ulcers, Salt Klieum, Fever sores. Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains. Corns, and skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or 1.0 pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, Price 25 cents per box. Fcr sale by Foshcy & Mason SI I IAS NEB YE A LI YEK I'H.LS. Act on a new principle regula ting the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new dit covery. Dr. Miles' Pills sueedilv cure biliousness, bad taste, torpi 1 liver, piles. constiDationr Un- equaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest 1 50 donn 1 for 25 ceuts. Samples ee. at Stanard & Cusick. j Rooms Wanted. Those having rooms which they would be willing to let to students are requested to notify President E. N. Condit, of the college, as he has daily applications from stu dents from abroad who w eh rooms for the coming vear. School Books at U. L. Blackmail's G. L. Blackmail has opened a complete line if school books for the opening of the schools on Monday. Those in need of school books will find it to their ad vantae'e to call upon him. Fire Klndlers. If you want a good and easy fire kindler, one that will kindle your fire easy every time. Call 011 or come and see me. A. J. Fox. A Beautiful Book, "Uur Hearts Delight" is the title 01 a new book just issued. lumuining an 01 tne old and new pieces of music that have become so dear to the hearts of every one. The book is the size of the ordinary sheet music and forms one of th most attractive books that has been issued. It coutains full page portraits of all the leading singers and composers, forming an artistic aioum com attractive and useful. The book contains music that if bought by the price would come to over $25., and will be appreciat ed and sought after by everv lover of music. Mrs. A. M. Talt is agent for the book and will solicit subscriptions for it. Novelties in Ladles root wear, I have just received for the sum mer trade the latest novelties in ladies fine shoes. Cloth ton. iancv tips; lace shoes with fancy tips, besides all the staple styles in hand and machine turns. These goods were maue expressly lor me and will be found nice enough for the most fastidious and cheap enough for any one wanting a fine drees shoe. I also carry late novelties in Oxford ties ranging in price from $ l.L'5 to $4-00. K. Young. Cram's I'nrlvalled Atlas, The new edition of this unrivall ed work is now being delivered by the ayent, Mrs. A. M. Talt. The work is a most excellent one, and this edition is a great improve-, ment upon former ones, giving all the latest date and much new matter that was not in the previous editions. It should be in every family, and on every business man's desk. Those wh'o are not 1 1 . . supplied can proenre the atlas by addressing i O. Box So. 00 Al bany Oregon. B1. L. KENTON. DEALER IN- Choice Teas, Coffees, Spicesjxtracte -And a general assortment of GROCBRI ES NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY, OREGON. Castoria physicians Mothers? is recommended bv teething. for children The SlleU Indians. Mr. J. A. Warner, who has been enaed in surveying the lands that are temg allotted m severalty to the biletz Indians, has returned to this city, lie says the Indians are generally quite indifferent as to whether I hey receive land or not. The most of them have no higher ambition than to have the government provide them nlentv 01 ioou ana DianKets. A law. bow ever, are good farmers, raise good crops ana want to larm their own and. The work of allotting tlm lands is not yet completed. A Magnlllceat Blood-Hound. Mr. A. B. Seal, who returned yesterday from California, brought with him a fine specimen 01 a Vibenan blood-bcund, which he presented to Chief of Police Hoff man. The animal is not yet fully Crown but is a powerful brute, and will be highly prized by Chief Hoffman. Attentlea, Mir Knights. Members of Columbia Division, No. 4, U. R. K. of P., are request ed to assembel at their hall at 7 :S0 this (Tuesday) evening, postp.ned regular meeting. Business of im portance. A full attendance tie sired. U. U. Hayne, L. K. Recorder. Innlaas Slaaehteriue- Itecr. The Ffetuian Brcs. have relumed from a trip up the Santiam to Lower boda. They killed six deer and a bear. They report that the Indians are slaughtering deer in a lawless manner in that region. Deer are more plentiful this year than for a long time, and the Warm Spring Indians, who came down to pick hups have found deer hunting more profitable. Mr. Froman eays that he saw two In dian women with the:r oiiies loaned down with Iresh deer hides, many ol them being lawns. He thinks they have killed already nearly 500 up the Soutli Santiam. Such wanton destruction of deer is unlawful and the offenders ought to be arrested and subjected to vigorous punishinen'. Brick Brick. For sale in large or small quan tities, delivered at kiln, one mile east of the city, in the city or on board cars. W. C. Cassell. j The Mill City Bridge. The Mill City Gazette says that on Friday Judge Blackburn and County Commissioner Rurabaugh of Linn county, were in that city loosing over tne proposed location lor a county bridge over the San tiam at that place. After looking over the proposed sites they ex pressed their opinion in regard to the two locations and wete de cidely in favor of a bridge above the dam. Judge Blackburn was asked point blank if he bad ever said he would not assist in putting in a bridge there and he most eu;- phatica ly denied ever having made s icii a statement. Com missioner Rumbaugh is in favor of a bridge. To Eastern Star Members. All persons who are members in good sta- ding of the order of hastern fetar are requested to meet at the Masonic hall at 7:30 Thurs day evening, for the purpose of considering the feasibility of or ganizing a chapter of Eastern Star in Albany. Members are request ed to bring their credentials with them. Shooting at Lebanon. A bloodless shooting affray oc curred at Iebanon Sunday be tween the Benjamine Bros., who run a small store. They quarreled about each other's ability as sales men, and one shot at the other several times with a revolver, but did no barm. Both were arrested. BUSINESS LOCALS, French keeps railroad time. New cloaks at W. F. Read's. uonn & iienancson, grocers. Fresh bread everv dav at Parker Bros. vxioru ties verv cuean at Klein Bros. New stock of Hals at W. F Read's. S. A. Hulin, druggist, French's corner. (treat reduction in Oxford ties at Klein Bros. Buy vour gasoline stoves of Hopkins Bros. lhoemx pure mixed paints at otewart ot ftox. Freeman feed cutters and mills at Stewart & Sox. Quick sales and email profits at tne jauies mzaar. Lawn sprinkle! s, Matthews i Washburn, garden hose, Matthews & Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews & Washburn, pumps, Matth ews & Washburn, bath tuba, Matthews A Washburn, water closets, Matthews & Washburn, gasoline stoves, Matthews A Wash burn, the best of everything Aiaitnews x wash burn. Do you want to bo happy and make those about you pleased, if so go and get one of those lovely tonea piano s at Mrs. iiymans New sprirg novelties in dress goods and dress silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel E. loung's. Cakes of all varieties, fancy and plain at tne Deimonico restaurant, jray your school tax and save costs of collection. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeter is, put up by E. W. Achison, at all he cost of stone. For fine pocket knives best pa tent tempered shears and scissors and extra hollow ground razors. go to Stewart & Sox. Lowest rates and best accommo dations to pa'Jsenger going East via Canadian Pacific Railway ask C. B. Winn for rates. Some ot tne test styles of ele gant bed lounges can be seen at Fortmiller & Irving's. as thev have just received a large invoice. j Thomas Brink has received a stock of baby carriages which he is offering at prices as low as the lowest, and they are first-class goods. You can save money by going at once to Klein liro.'s shoe store and purchasing a pair of Oxford ties. The price has been reduced to close them ou:. It is a purely vegetable preparation its ingredients are published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harm less. It relieves constipation, regulates the bowels, quites pain, cures uiarnnei and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, soothes the child and gives it re freshing and natural sleep. Cao- eona is the children s panacea the mothers' friend. 35 d 8, 35 cents. 1'ATAKKII. The ablest physicians of the present age recognize catarrh as blood disease winch aggravates the mucous surfaces. Moore s Ke vealed Remedy purifies the Mood restores health to the affected membranes, stops offensive dis charges and corrects the breatl tor sale by all druggists. Buy gasoline stoves from Mat- thews & Washburn. 10 per cent reduction on dress goods at W. F. Reads. lake a look at the piano at rviem iros. snoe store. Paraaols and sun umbrellas less than cost at W . F. Read. Great reduction in embroidered flouncing at W. F. Reads. - A tine line of gold rini?s fust ) a 11T-II m 0 openeu at win a start's. Just received, our new neck wear at the Ladies Bazaar. Ladies and misses combination suits at tne Ladies Bazaar. Choice pickles in bulk, or quan tities to suit, at Parker Bros. W 4-1 T 1 ameu on j.Danon a number of good teams at $3 50 per uay. Klein Bros, are closing out their stout 01 uxtord ties at a vrent re- duction. Fresh Yaquina bav salmon at 8 cents per pound at Hyde's market every day. Experts pronounce Klein Bros. piano one of the finest toned in struments. Klein Bros, are giving a fine piano to their customers. Albany Nurseries. Beautiful Women. The magical effects of Wisdom Robertine as a beaut ilier and preserver of the complexion have been attested by thousands of leading ladies of society and the stage. It is the only article ever discovered which gives a natural and beautiful tint to the complex ion, removing tan, sunburn freckels and ail roughness of the face and arms, leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvety. All re mark on its delightfully cooling ana reireshing properties. distinction not found in any other similiar article known. For sale by Jbosbay & Mason. O, K.T. Honest Itesulls.-O, K. T Many of the pioneers of Oregon and Washington have cheerfully testified to the wonderful cura tive properties of the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Purely vegetable and pleasant to the taste and can be taken bv the youngest child or most delicate woman. O. K. T. is a never fail ing remedy foi pains in the back and loins, non-retention of urine scalding or burning sensation while urinating, mucous dis cbarges and all kidney troubles of either sex. $1 at all druggists. For sale by Foshay & Mason. The trotting bred stallion Al- wood Breeze will stand for service at Trites Bros, stable, Albany Sat urday's of each week until farther notice. We are offering to planters the finest lot of fruit trees, of all de sirable varieties, in the state. One hundred and fifty thousand trees for this summer's taade. inspection invited and satisfac tion guaranteed. Send for catalogue or call and see us at the old Cline honiestea.l one-half mile southwest of Albany. XI 1 MAX A UROWNELL. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prpscriled : Castoria I Ladles Fine Shoes. I make a specialty of handling ladies fine shoes. 1 carry some oi the best brands made in fine and medium grades in widths from A to EE. All warranted goods; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel E. Young KlfllEMEYr run high in this city over System Builder as every body is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches will find it to their advantage to call at f. !. f rench s jewelry store be fore purchasing, as there has been quite a reduction in prices. The Corner tewelry store. Frequently accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases Dr. J. II. Mclean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years nee 11 the constant iavonte family remedy. Buy your spectacles and eye glasses at F. M. French's, and have your eyes tested and your glasses properly fitted. Glasses from 25 ceuts to $10. THE WOKLD ENKICIIED. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the materia) welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on ly erfect laxative known, as it it the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt andeflectual tocleanse the system gently in the Sprii.- time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the more popular it becomes. One Half Dollar Reduction on every pairof Lad lows Fine Shoes. A goodline of them at Samuel E. Young's. NEW TO-DAY. QUARTER ttTl tlft Thrro ct tlul in lia ker count "Ore ng S iron, near vhilUr M i! now Baker City. ftCJTDV man who ha inctUE.Il I Ufl I bi'come idvntilul wi'.li the ruMiurers S AA anl development of that country. ThbuHUU nian in no other than Mr. John Stewart, one of the wealthiest and most influential citizens in the county. In a recent letter he says; 1 had been suncrimr from pains in my back und irencral kidney complaint (or tome time. and hat! used many remedies without any hut temporary relief. The pains in nil back had become no severe that 1 was .revented from attending to my work and could not move without the ui") of a cane. Hearing, through a frfced, of the wonderful cures ef foit by Oregon Kidney Tea. i wu induced to tryabox, ami from that rey first dose I und instant relief, and before u ine hall he contents of the box the pains in c. v back entirely disappeared I have every f-ith in the virtues of the Oregon Kidney Tea. and can conscientiously recommend it to mi friends. 1 would not be without it for anything." Oregon Kidney Tea cures headache. Incon tinence of urine, brick dust sediment, burn ing or painful sensation while urinatinff. and all affections of the kidney or urinary organs of cither sex. ANYBODY BUYING A. NY THING Usually vora ly Jffea and Boys for Tork or Dress - without first examining tne same lines at my store makes a mistake financially. Call and see what is Means ! -o SEASONABLE GOODS ABE 2T0W &&&XVX2TG. L. E. BLAIN, id :-: Will :-: Cio j Merchant Tailor. -WHEN YOU HAVE SEEN OUlC NEW i SI -OF- X Boys' noil ffiilren's SUITS AND OVERCOATS Notice of Dissolution, The copartnership heretofore existing be- twe n P. Wandcll and H. F. Hollenbeck under the firm name of Wandell A Hollen beck, is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The business will be continued by P. Wendell who will pay all debts of the late firm. K. WENDELL. ii. F. HOLLENBECK. Albany, Sept 8, lbM. Now arriving, j 011 will lie convinced tliat we are LAVIX'i OVER ALL COMPETf HON in our line when it cornea, to. Eichly Tailored Clothing, HANDSOME AND DURABLE PATTERNS, AT REASONA ble Prices. (Jive us a call. T. L WALLACE & CO., STRAHAN BLOCK, ALBANY, OREGON Cooking Stoves and Ranges at Matthews & Washburn