Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, September 13, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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L. VI NO. 243
WANrS' A if1'! to ill jreuerat houee-
itk in a ut'l f mi!. Inquire south-
Mt crner 7th an t Biker stieets.
1)VY y m.-h. tn-Thj :h Ml tax for
til : yjf I l, i ii dii) i , payable.
Thx-pii'trm rv re i-u-i-.e 1 1 pruiuptly,
t trw fi x at tlia c eric. 0. il. Bar hart and
pair tin- uae. Sii ieil, C. G. Uurkhart,
(1 Wl.M.1, AUiiSr r'OR TrJK LKAl;
in tiro, life aid a-: :ilaot insurance coid.
roo.1 rsal e-ttate security. For portico.
l.r uo uire of Oe lluuifhrey.
VOt:ES OS Lt.Xb- All flt fur cultl
t) ritiuii, d uiilor feno, for sale at
lljr r-, With 1 mllei from railroad
. -i ii a id ij inllcj Ir tat Albany Apply at
ti offlje.
SVV WA h,k rein red h a laundry to the
inn n u lbs corner of Stottud and
Lyon treut4.
1 VANTEU . A irl or wuiiun to do house
l work fr a nitl f.uui y. Empire at
re-i'l-m-e f F A. Iluikart, corner &th and
Huiruul sirreli).
Lnntl for ale.
1 , 21, 10, SO jure, r wy terms, Install
r. Mtph i rli.".? an I ii.h pri.reil. Aim
. n:y Iota all owned by 11. llryant.
Land Sarveyla.
1)iins DSim.ia burvktins doni can os
tein fx'imte nd prompt mirk by calling
noon ro inty eurvsvoi E T. T. Fisher, lie
)iucoiup'-le copies of field notes and town.
ship pluta, and is prepare I to do surveying in
any part of Linn county. Postotftoe address.
Miller station. Linn cou ltt.Orciron.
Notice f I'arntemliip.
XDTIrE i. lie e'.v iriren that J. W.
her h in pur-h Mnl a one h HI interest in the
K i R itr M l!), an I th l. mines will Ihtc-
Kfur be ru'i ii lder tli i firm name of Uni:i
ij Aitfo.! 1 1-91. Fd!oi
Notice of Male of Kundt of the) City
of Allot ny, Orrton.
Notice i- ikii-I'V given that a
aulhorit-il and proviihtl by tin act id
the legMatare oi Oregon, cmilieii
"An act to mi orporate the city t'
A!h:iv. anil to repeal all act-t or part-
.i ' :u-!-. in eonll tt herewith, tiled in
!':! oihYc tf -lie -ec-p-tury of the tate
o' (IreiHi, rctiruaiy ImIIi. 1'JI, antl
an. I al a proviiktl liv (iril'tniince N .
JIT, d ii'1 "ily of .Mii.tny, the eum
liuiii t o'.uicil t.f Slur t ily of Alliany.
On-ir-iii. will and lis pose of
lii.nils of Mill e lv at par value, to the
amount i f -;.i"". in ile'iniiiiii.ttions of
$.'imi, p iyal-Ie year.-i al er date of
1. ii with interest thereon at the rate
of nil -i per lit per uiiiiiiiii . pnyahle
kiii .iiiui'i illy. -alcil hitln for the
piireliaie of :t.MH of aitl boiitU re
in tiding un.sulil will be rivet veil by
tli t e iioifer of mi tl city until the
hour of I o'cl vk p. in f ''o-itlay, the
I I Ii il iv u" ,:c:irer, S.H, :it ivhich
lime the pnip'KiaN u milled pur-eha-'ui U :i.. ui.l be opened
and eoi. .'nl. veil ' th" it' tre surer;
iaiil b':n!' i i i d ! !- lustiest
a-iil he bill I r.
Tin; !n-;i'MiiT ic i-iV'1.' Ih-- rUht to
re'''.'t '!' .mil all hi!-.
lut.-.l at.::.iiiy, irm n, Sept. 7,
1MH. II bAitWFI.L,
tntv Tiea u er.
ffonil - king
l'.,l t . .' IIT'.l-li'
403. A 60 RD !
U'-wily of Or
AT KirtiENK.
Next session leins on Monda,
the Slut, tlsiy o( September, 18i)l ;
tuition, freo. Four Courses:
Clastiral, Seientilic, Literary, and
si hort Knhsli course, in wtiicn
thpre is no Latin. Ureek, French
rUerman. Thi? Knglisli is pre-
etninently a litiitnsis course, ror
catalogues or other information,
Addresa J. w. J.hisson,
Dealer in -
and Toilet articHt, Sponirps, Brushes,
I'crtuiuerv, School tlook, and Ar
tist's Supi'lies
ifiariiysician's prescription
carefully i omiKunded.
5- ,is-
r. ;
- - " i
Tailoring Repiiiriiif.
Men's and Bovs' clocblns; made to order or
e'c'iici and repaired on short notice and
re-vMtuiltlo raUs. .. , . .
Shot, on the street car line.IbetweenJThird
nd Fourh streets.
A tine new line of ladies, misses,
children's and infants cloaks can
be seen at the Ladies Bazaar.
n. sm
I am an old man and have been
a constant euUerer with catarrh
for the last ten years. I am en
tirely cured by the use of Ely'tt
Cream Halm. It is Ftrange that so
simple a remedy will cure such a
stubborn disease Henry Bill
ings, U. S. Pensi.-n Att'yi Wash
ington, D. C.
For eight years I have suffered
from catarrh, w hich effected my
eyes and hearing; have employed
many physicians without relief.
1 dm dour on my second bMtle of
Ely's Cream Balm, and feel confi
dent of a complete cure. Mary C.
Thompson, Cerro Gordo, 111.
We are the only people who car
ry the celebrated . & V. collar
and cuffs.. v Always have the latest
styles in stock, T. L. Walla- e & Co.
Do you know that Moore's RJ
vealed Remedy is the only patent
medicine in the world that dors
not contain a drop of alcohol ; thr.t
the mode of preparing it is known
only to its dincoveter ; that it is aa
advance in the science of medicine
without a parallel in the nine
teenth century ; that its proprietors
offer to forfeit $1,000 for any caee
of dyspepsia it will not cure?
Thos. Brink has just received
some of the finest lounges ever
brought to Albany, and he is sell
ing them at a close margin.
Beautifully and healthfully located. Nosaloons. New buildings,
new apparatus, full faculty, light expenses and large attendance.
Normal, advanced norml, buainesp, art and inusii; departments.
Special attention given to pnysicai culture, voiunieei military or
ganization. Those receiving diplomas are authorized to teacti in any
countv in the state without further examinations. Tuition has been
reduced in the normal and business
year, and in sub normal from $30 to
expenses, tuition in normal auu
sub normal. $5 per term; board kt
lurnisiied room witn nre anu iigot i per weea, mraru auu tutting in
private houses $3.50 per week. First term opens September 22, 1891.
Undents may enter at any time. For catalogue address, P. L. Camp
bell, A. B.. President, or J. M. Powell. A. M., Vice President.
Albany Collegiate Institute,
A.1.13A.lSrY9 OREGON,
September 9, 1891. June 10, 1892.
Four departments of study : Collegiate, Normal, Business, Primary.
Type writing and Short-band are taught. For catalogue address,
REV. ELBERT N. CONDIT, A. M., President.
Cloaks, Jackets, For Trimmed Garments and
This question can be satisfactorily answered at the old established house of
IV Ladies Dress Goods, in cloth, silks, fo-ei,;n and domestic fabric, s'lav., gi jves, ho-iery,
II laces, linens, and white goods, notions, novelties, etc.
Aleo a complete assortment of Boots and Shoes, Staple and Fancy (Jrocerits.
I. by keeping a stcck large enough to supply any want, and making a specialty of selecting such goods
u as will eive ratisfaction both in
invited to inspect his stock, which is complete in till his numerous depart
ments, and purchased especially for
Highest of all In Leavening Power.
ii a w
8. H. Clifford, New Caasel, Wis..
was troubled with Neuralgia nnd
and Rheumatism, his Stomach was
disordered, his Liver was affected
to and alarming degree, appetite
fell away, and he was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Three
bottles of Electric Bitters cured
Edward Shepherd, Harrisb irg,
III., had a running sore on his leg
of eight years' standing. Used
three bottles of Electric Bit'ers
aud seven boxs of Bucklen's
Salve, and his leg is sound . nd
well. John Speaker, Calawb?., 0.,
had five large Fever sores on his
leg, doctors said he was incural.le.
One bottle Electric Bitters and cue
box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured
him entirely. Sold by Foshay &
Mason, Druji store.
Board of Regents : State
Board of Education ex
otlicio, His Excellency,
Svlvester l'ennoyer gov
ernor; Hon. U. W. Mc
Bride, secretary of state;
Hon. E. B. McKlioy, sup
erintendent cf public in
struction ;Benjamin Schol
field, president ; J. B. V.
Butler, secretary; execu
tive committee, Hon. J. .1.
Daly. Hon. P. W. Ilalev
and J. B. V. Butler, Polk ;
Jacob Voorhees, Marie n;
J. C. White, Polk; Alfred
Lacey, C'ackamap; A
Noltner, Multnomah ; W.
H Holmes, Marion.
The leading Normal
School of the Northwest.
departments from $40 to $2-j per
$20. A year in school for $150
(justness, o zu perierm oi ten weens,
normal dining nan i.;u per weeK,
mind and on
"Who has the
quality and prices.
the fall season of
Expe 1 eachers.
Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report,
Bcho 1 fax Notlcj-.,
The suooi tax iij
district No 5, is now due
able. Call at my office
the game before it bee
C u. untKiiAKT.
District Clerk.
Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor Unite
Brethren Church, Blue -Mount!
Kan., says : "I feel it my duty t
tell what wonders Dr. King's Ne
Discovery has done for me. AI
Lungs were badly diseased, aiiu
my parishioners thought I could
live only a few weeks. I took five
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery
and am sound and well, gaining 20
lbs. in weight."
Arthur Love, Manager Love's
Funny Folks Combination, writes:
"'After a thorough trial and con
vincing evidence, I am confident
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, beats 'em all, and cures
when everything else fails. The
greatest kindness I can do my
many thousand friends is to uge
them to try it.' Free trial bottes
at Foshay & Mason, Drug Store.
Regular sizes 50c. ami $1 00.
The men of this vicinity need
not be jealous because their wives
talk so constantly about Matthews
and wash burn, itsnoiuieir
looks the ladies are talking ah
it is the good qualites of theVbok
and heating dtoves they sellylCvery
one seems to be delightyfl when
they buy from M. and
. - - -j
It is seldom appear in the
roll of spiritual ailvfser of family phy
sician but '.here are times when we
feel jilstiticel ill callinif the utti lilior of
our many u is bribers to an article of
true merit. e led jimmied in Miying
that Moore's Kcverlcd Kemedy con
tains more actual merit than any
medicine it has ever been
fortune to test. Hue trial will make
you as cnthsia-dic as the writer,
Our enterprising druggists
Stanard & Cusick who cairy the
finest stock of drugs, perfumeries,
toilet articles, brushes, spouges,
etc., are giving away a large num
ber of trial bottles of J)r. Miles'
celebrated Restorative Nervine.
They guarantee it to cure headache
dizziness, nervous prostration,
sleeplessness, the ill effects of
spirits, tobacco, coII'hs, etc.
Druggists say it is the greatest
seller they ever knew, antl is uni
versally satisfactory. They also
guarantee Dr. Miles' New Heart
Cure in all cases of nervous or
organic heart diseases, t alpitation,
pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine
book on "Nervous ami Heart Dis
easea" freo.
Messrs. Hyimin A Brownel!
prepared in their nursery to fur
nish all kinds of stock, and those
intending to plant should call upon
the lips of every woman will be,
best stock of
Ladies Fall hmw.
andrpay '
and pa. .
Jtues ' -
The Beautiful Fruit Palace is
Nearly Completed.
Everything Is Ansplcioui for a Grand
Fair Artlalet of Incorporation
riled An Insane Patient v
state fair grounds has been full of
life. 1 he pavilion is crowded and
nearly every tall in the horse ai:d
cattle stables is taken. The pros
pects are for the best fair ever
held in the state. Monday is the
opening day, with three races,
yearling colt stake half mil9 and
repeat, UUO added to Uie entrance.
Two-vear-old stake, liOO added.
Breeder's elake for two-year-olds,
three quarters of a mile ,300 added.
There is a large number of entries
lor all the races. There will be
frem four to half a dozen races
each day. Everything is auspi
cious for a grand fair. Campers
are here in numbers antl all the
departments are well filled. Tit
fruit palace is be.iutiiul and nearly
The Chilled Plow Company of
Portland waa also incorporated to
day ; stot-F , $25,000.
Lane county furnished the
asylum with a patient to-day,
Maria Johnson, by name, aged 45.
Tolman Mineral Springs, Sept. 1 1
Would you be so kind as to let
my nienierous friends know
th'ioiigh the columns of your most
valuable paper that I am not dead
but on the road towards rapid
recovery. I think I have certainly
fiuinrl tlio nlflt-A rlirnnie flfllh
metic and tl.ei'mati. s to again
renew their growth, at lact so far
as climate anil niinera! sprint's
can assist in so doing. I am now
stopping with the hospitable old
pioneer o: Jackson Co., Hon.
Judge J. C. Tolman, at his
wonderful mineral springs, located
. .1 . f 1
IZ mites souuieaei ui .vt-iiianu, uu
Emigrant creek, within Oor 8
miles of the Oregon ami California
Una KYnni Aslilnnil e follow the
Oregon and California stage road
alint 7 miles, east over a low
divided between Hills creek to
Emigrant creek, from thence alonn
the Linkville wagon road np said
creek three antl one half miles to
Wagoners Soda Springs, from
thence continue along said Link
ville road ll.j miles where said
il Inrnn eastward thence South
up Emigrant creek l,'.j miies to
springs situated in a cove on Fain
Oregon ceartainly keep3 aliei"
not only in her line grains, larg.
timber, elegant fruits and goo.l
l.ioLinir women, but also in hci
health and pleasure reports. Here
we have soda springs, iron sprinss
and wonderfully curious gas springs
il.of mom tit kill hints, mice.
IIIU. 'V-. - , I
snakes and all kinds of insect life
that comes within the power of
.I.. ..n n .ml not f, Qcllilltll Ollfl
Liie 1, J." .." ' v-
many other chronic diseases they
seem to have a powerful recupera
tive intluence. Respectfully,
(i KO. W. GRAY.
Colonel William F. Hwitz'er,
the Missouri statistician, who
held olfice under Cleveland's ad
ministration, is about to marry a
Washington lady. The colonel is
77 years oi age.
John B. Cough's beautiful rural
home. Hillside near Worcester,
on which he spent $200,000 and a
vast amount of taste and labor,
has now been sold by his executor
for much less than the sum here
Miss Braddon lias written fifty-
two novels, representing in the
original editions lo'i vo'umes, or
ub.iut 50,000 pages of printed
matter, which means about 2000
pages a vear, or an average of six
pages of printed matter daily.
Colonel WebB'er Finnagan, the
Texas gentleman who immoitaliz
ed himself by the query: "What
are we here for?" is at last about
to get a satisfactory solution of his
question. He is to be appointed
collector of customs at El Paso.
Edward Bulwer Lytton Dickens,
who has been, elected to parlia
ment from Iew Uouth Wales, is
firetty heavily handicapped as to
lis name. It will take more thai
the ordinary amount of genius to
bear up under such a combination.
Greasing; Patient.
Here is a caee that happened
out West a few years since. The
graduating class in one of our med
ical colleges was advised at the last
by the old professor never to ac
knowledge ignorance, but always
when called, to give eome treat
ment. One of the class settled in
a western town, and alter some
years the old professor, in travel
ing, got a piece of bone in his
throat in this same to A n, and the
young doctor being called, failed
by every means in his power to
dislodge the obstruction, and then
uaving recognized the old pro-
lesscr, stripped him anu rubbed
him with lard. This so amused
the old professor that he could not
restrain a hearty laugh, which dis
lodged the bone, and he asked the
doctor, "Why in thunder did you
grease me?"
The reply was, "You told me
when I was about to graduate
ilways to do something, so
Teased you, not cnowing what
. Billed in a iikl.
heir Fiat Could Not Panleh
Kaosfh so Vaed Kerolrers.
Alrant, N. Y., Sept. 12. A duel
.as fought here a day or two ago
y Jesse Moore, of Berrien county,
nd li. P. Fletcher, oi Irwin
ouoty, from the effects of which
loore has just died. There has
been bad blood between the men
for some time, and when they re
cently met, each accompanied by
a lnend, they agreed to tght with
their 'ists. After a few rounds,
their hatred of ench. other became
too intense to be satisfied with such
mild mtt'iods and they drew their
revolvers. When five shots were
exchanged, Moore fell mortally
wound. Fletcher was also wound
ed, but not seriou-ly, and he lied
from the state without delsy. lie
has not been apprehended.
Fifty Lives Were Lost,
Athens, Sept. 12. A corrected
estimate of the number of iersons
drowned in the collision oil Cape
Colonna, between the Italian aud
,Greek t-teaiuehips, show that titty
T.soiis lost their lives by the
sinking oi tne iaorunna.
A Well-Known Explorer to In
tlertake the Trip Next Year-
Doc 17111 Draw the Sleds.
Londox. Sept. 12. Another ex
pedition to the north pole has been
planned. W. II. Eckroll, a coun
tryman of Dr. Frithtitr N'anson, the
well-known explorer, has decided
to undertake the perilous trip next
year. As Ik-kroll has invented a
new kind of Vied boat." his plan
has excited considerable interest
in the geographical circles of En
rope. Professor Lupan has a long
article in the last number of Pe
tersmaun's Metthellungen upon
Eckroll, his plans and inventions.
"The vehicle invented by Eckroll,"
writes the professor, "consists of a
number of sleds so constructe
that they can be turned into boats
when necessary. The boat is to be
used in the open waters of the
polar sea, while the sleds are for
travel over the ice. The sleds will
be drawn by dogs trained for the
purpose. The expedition is to
consist of as few people as possible,
at most six, and the greatest possi
. tie number of dogs. But little
baggage aud few provisions will be
carried. The eculiar construction
of the sleds and the snowshoes
with which the travelers are to be
provided will facilitate the passage
of the caravan." As Eckroll will
be able to use either boats or sleds,
as occasion demands, he will be, in
a certain sense, independent of
wind and weather. Besides, he
be able to choose his path, and
take, if he wishes, the shortest
Beet ICoot Product.
London, Sept. 12. With im
proved weather and sunshine, beet
roots are progressing well every
where. Favorable forecasts must
be based on continued fine weath
er, because the weight, as yet. is
below that of 1300, though the
qjality makes up for weight. Some
factories are working in Moravia
and Hungary, but the bulk will
not be in operation until October.
It is expected that Germany's
yield will almost equal that of
1800, and that Austria's yield will
be in excess of that of 1800, and
there will be a great increase in
the yield in France.
A Trick ef the "Heathen Chinee."
Tucson, Sept. 12. A Chinaman
in jail here yesterday revealed to
his brother prisoners one cause of
the exodus of Chinese from Mexico
who are attempting to enter the
United States. He says that one
Chinaman was just taken to San
Francisco who had sent his earn
ings from Mexico, where he had
lived several years, to China, and
then deliberately crossed into Ari
zona, that he might be captured
and sent to China at the expense
of the United States.
Parlies intending to go East
Bhould Becure their tickets over the
popular Union Pacific and Oregon
Short Line route. Call and see
Curran & Monteith for tickets.
Conrad Meyer has rebuilt his
oven and improved his bakery, so
that he is better prepared than
ever to furnish his customers
promptly with the best bread,
cakes, pies etc. He also keeps at all
times a complete stock of choice
family groceries.
Hermann and Dolph Tell What
They Have Done
something about yaqcina.
This State Oaa Do la the Frnlt
Lin -Senator Dolph Will
Speak la Ohio.
Portland, Sept. 12. Congress
man Binger Hermann is in Port
land. . Since his return . from
Washington he has visited and
personally inspected the improve
ments being made and condition
oi affairs at the mouth ot the
Coquille river, at Coos bay. Ya
quina and Alsea, for all of which
appropriations have been made,
and more will be made. He slat
visited the Siletz reservation
where the work of allotting lands
in severalty to the Indians is going
Hon. J. N. Dolph, United Ftates
senator, returned yesterday alter
noon from an extended tour in the
southern part of the state. In sn
interview, he said : "I went to
Yaquina and looked at the gov
ernment work there in progress,
which is in good condition. When
completed in accordance with the
propose plans, commerce will be
greatly benefitted by the improve
ment ot the bar and harbor.
"All through the Willamette
va'ley the ciopa are looking finely,
and the vield this year will be
'arize. In my opinion the fruit
culture is yet in its infancy, and
is uesuneu to De very pro Jiiueui.
'ln regard to prunes we can
raise here the very best of Italian
prunes, superior even to Califor
nia, and the indications are that
in a few years the crop of Oregon
will be ot more value than tne
wheat ciop. This state has a
grand future before it in respect to
the production ot fruit and should
be able to export largely.
"Next Saturday 1 leave for
Washington, and when there shall
confer with 'he leading members
of the party. If they think I am
needed in Ohio, or can do any
good for McKinley, I may go there
and make a few speech as."
They Are Said to Get Seasick Muck
Easier Tkaa Branettes.
Is there any mysterious reasor
now unknown to the learned doc
tors whv people with light hair
should become seasick quicker thai
those with dark?. Yet Charles
Young, clerk of the steamer City
of Chu ago, says this is a fact.
"I can tell 'em," Clerk Youn
said yesterday, "as soon as they
come on the boat whether they are
toing to be seasick or not. W hen
1 see a girl witn light nairand
light blue eyes, who walks in with
a kind of uncertain gait, as if she
did not know exactly where she
was stepping, I say to myseif,
'Young lady, you'll be sick before
we are an hour out.' But when
the black-eyed woman comes, who
walks on board the boat just as if
she nad business there, I know
that an ordinary sea will not affect
her in the least.
"Three-quarters of the people
who become seasick on this steam
er are decided blondes. You may
laugh at this, but I have made
quite a study of it, and I will tell
you I am right. If we had a loag
run 1 suppose it would letch tbem
all. My observation has been con
fined, of course, to the sixty-mile
run across to St. Joe. where the
sea in the sumaner time ought, ac
cording to my opinion, to make
nobody sick. But these light-kaired
people will keel over and want to
die quicker than anybody. Why
is it?"
With this the philosophical clerk
told the cabiumaids to prepare for
a seasick time. As tne City- oi
Chicago put her nose outside the
breakwater yesterday morning it
was soon proved that this precau
tion was not in vsin.
Sam'l ef Posen" la Caeeaearaed.
San Francisco, Sept. 12. M. B.
Curtis, bam 1 of Posen," was
formally charged with tne murdor
of Officer Grant this morning.
Curtis appeared unconcerned and
chatted with his interviewers on
any topic save that ef the shoot
ing, concerning which he still pro
fesses ignorance. He stated this
morning that he was a member of
the Knmhts of Pythias. Odd Fel
lows and Masonic societies.
Iostractiens from the Pope.
Baltimore, Sept. 12. Cardinal
Gibbons has received a bull au
thorizing the consecration of Rev.
Dr. Cbappel. rector of St. Mat
thews' church, Washington, as
coadjutor archbishop to the
present incumbent of the arch
diocese at Santa Fe, N. M.
Liquor for Indians Again.
Portland, Sept. 12. Alvin
Thompson was brought down from
Pendleton this morning by Deputy
United States Marshal Watrous,
charged with selling liquor to
A Sadden Death.
Pt RfLAXD. Sept. 12. R.R. Mc
Gregor, a well known citfzen, died
very suddenly yesterday afternoon
of heart disease.
Consular Agent at Vancouver.
Vancoivbb, B. C.f Sept, 12.
Advu 4 ived say that Presi
dent f4 "n Da8 PPnted
Frank H. -rce, of New Hamp
shire, formerly of the Cuban con
sular service, as consular agent
here, vice July Ewing, resigned.
Cralaer Cnarleeton at Honolulu.
Wasington, Sept. 12. The
cruiser Charleston, which sailed
from San Francisco August 19 for
China arrived at Honolulu August
29 and stopped to take aboard coal.
Captain Remey deeming it unwise
to try to proceed direct to Yoko
hama. He says the United States
ministers rerort affairs in the
island kingdom quiet. The Char
leston should at Yokohama next
week. ...
A Fighting Zanalbar.
Berun. Sept. 12. The Berliner
lagblatt to-day publishes a cable
gram from Zanzibar stating that
Captain Zalewski's corps had a
fight with a large body of natives
last month, in which the Germans
were victorious. The natives we e
repulsed with a heavy loss. Ten
Germans were killed, as were also
many of their native allies.
The Chilian Elections.
Paris. Sent. 12. Dispatches re
ceived at the Chilian legation in
this fitv atatji a rlperen has been
published at Santiago de Chili an
nouncing the coming elections will
proceed upon the plan of universal
Glbbone WanU to Figkt Again.
New York, Sept, 12. Austin
Gibbons challenges McAuliffe ti
fight again for $3000 a side, the
match to take place at the Olympic
Club at New Orleans. He depos
ited $150 with R. K. Fox.
Festal Change.
Washington. Sept. 12. The fol
lowing fourth-class poatofficea will
be raised to the presidential class
October 1 next: Forest Grove,
Orv and Lander, Wyo.
Everything la Said to Be la Readl.
neee and Only a Word from St.
ITetersburg Is Needed,
Berlin, Sept. 12. The Ham
burger Correspondent contains a
sensational article entitled "The
Cossack Stroke of tbe Boephorus."
According to this act, Russia med
itates a surprise to Constantinople
by the conjoint landing of 30,000
troops in European and Asiatic
Turkey. The Boephorus forts, it
is said, are to be attacked from the
rear, and the approacu of hostile
fleets is to be prevented by torpe
does, while it is calculated the
Russian torpedo fleet could enter
the Golden Horn at night and
completely destroy the Turkish,
fleet, and that the whole could be-
accomplished in twenty- our hours.
Complete plans lor everything are
said to be ready, and only a com
ma id from St. Petersburg is now
The Ceres Trala Robbers.
Mooesto. Cal.. Sent. 12.
William Dalton end Riley Dean,
charged with the Ceres train rob
bery, were interviewed this morn
ing. They reiterated their former
stories, and claimed to be able to
prove an alibi by reputable wit
nesses. Dean saia tuat Josepn
Middleton and himself bad been
coyote hunting, and when tbe
officers arrested him he thought it
was because oi tbe attack on
Mike White, of Sandford, last
winter. Dalton in his conversa
tion admitted that his brother
Robert and Emmett are guilty of
the Alia train robbery, but said
they are safe from capture. The
men will be taken before Justica
Town this afternoon, aud tne time
of examination set.
A Gold Medal.
Copenhagen, Sept. 12. The
czar, who is now a jguest of King
Christian at Sloes Friedesberg, has
presented Prince George of Greece
with a gold medal in recomition
of the prince's bravery in protect
ing the czarowitz when murder
ously attacked in Japan.
embers of Linn County Farmer's
Tea are hereby notifies that I
have contracted with the well
kaewn firm of Stewart A Sox, at
Albany, to supply yon with binders
ana-era. rakea. twine, hacks, bnr-
gies. wagons, plows, etc., as well
as all other articles in tbe line of
geaeral hardware. Manon coun
ty members can purchase at tbe
same place en the same terms.
Ben. II. Iavi-ia.
Financial Agent.
jvaw and complete stock of
spectacles and eye glasses just re
ceived at F. M. French's. Every
aair fitted by Johnston's Patent
eye-meter, every pair luuy war
ranted to oi.
If you suffer pricking pains on
roving the eyes, or cannot bear
bright light, and find your sight
week and falling, yon should
Sromptly use Dr. H. McLean's
trenctheaing Eye Salve. 25
seats a box.
r. If. French keeps the largest
aad most complete stock of spec
tacles and eyeglasses in the
eeaaty. Every pair warranted to
give perfect satisfaction.