THE MORNING HERALD: Fill DAY, SUPTEMJif2 4, 1891 'A The Daixt Hsraid will be on ale each morning at II. J. Jones' J book store.where it tan be procured I t 5 cents per copy. ' I - rr- JOTTINGS AKOIT TOWS. Franc PfeifTeris in the city. New cloaks at V. V. Bead's, i Oxford ties very cheap at Klein ) Bros. j New stock of lla!s at W. I". j Read's. S. A. Hulin, druggist, French's corner. " ( ieo. C.Stanard went to Yaiiuina yesterday. Portland, is in the city. New dress goods just received at W. F. Kead'B. (ireat reduction in Oxford Jties at Klein Bros. Phoenix pure mixed paints at Stewart & Sox. Capt E. Lanning went to Port land yesterday. Look out for t F. Head's new adv. to-morrow. Freeman feed cutters and mills at Stewart & Sox. Fred Veal leaves to-day for a trip to San Francisco. Paraaols and sun umbrellas Ii-p. than cost at V. F. Read. Cheapest goods ever sho'wi in Albany at V. F. Read's. Choice pick'ts in bulk, or tities to su:t, at Pu ker I'.ros. Warner's cornets the be-t for the nioney at W. F. Read's. Ir. Matt ton went to Yniiina yesterday on professional business. Call and get prices at W. F. lead's. He can save you money. Wanted on Lebanon canal a number of gjod teams at ?o -0 j r day. ON SALE. Miss Fannie Strahaii anil Mis Schafer came up from Salem yes terday. Klein Bros, are closing out their stock of Oxford ties at a great re duction. Hon. Win. Paul of the I rks o the Santiam country, wasintht city yesterday. A full line of I)r.Vaxnirs corset' the best in the world for the mone at W. F. Reads. S3? A pleasant little folks party was given yesterday afternoon at the M. E. parsonage. A social and ice cream supper will be given at the V. C. T. I', hall Friday evening. Try Conn & Ilendricson's svrup, the finest in the market. Retail in quantities to suit. Hon. J. K. Weatherford went to Oregon City on business yesterday morning returning at noon. Conn & IIendrien have se cured the services of Archie Clack burn in their grocery store. Hon. Binger lleiiuuin went to Portland yesterday. He is ex pected to visit Albany soon. All kinds of fruit boxes in quantities to suit at the Sugir Pine lHKr & Luml?r Company's. Thomas Waller and Ed. R. Huston leave to-day for a tw weeks' hunt at the Soda Springs. I am receiving choice early Crawford peaches daily trotn Ash land. (Quality unexcelled. C. E. Bruwxei.l. Don't miss the funny show, Ian'l Sully's "Corner iirocery,' at the opera house Saturday even ing. Rev. T. II. Small, of Silverton, will preach iu the M. E. church outh, next Sunday morning and evening. Messrs. Schell A Conn have been awarded the contract lot erecting Mr. W. II. (ioltra's line residence. Chas. M. Redlield returned yesterday from Salem, where lie ha9 bw'en asiiating civil engineer McCaustland. . For line pocket knives best pa tent tempered shears and scissors and extra hollow ground razors, go to Stewart k Sox. Mr. Frank Arnberger and fam ily leave to day for Fresno, Cal., where he will assume the position of manager of the Postal telegraph otlice. His successor in the olliee t 1 . fl - r - . ... i nere is air. .-acre, 01 Ken;, N asn ington. The Lutheran luiinanual's congregation is kindly requested to meet in thu Pearce church of Albany on Saturday Sept rti at 2 o'clock i i. Services will In held Sunday Sept. 7th ! a. m. By Gust E. Myer. Notice is hereby given that the regular monthly meeting of the bjard of directors of the Young Men's Christian Association occurs to-night at exactly 7:;0 o'clock. It is expedient that every director be present. Time will u'so .t. saved by being present prompt! v at 7 i.'JO. State 1'oultry Association. An important meeting of the fioultryuien of this section will be uld oil the fair grounds at Salem on Thursday, Svptemher 17ih, for the purpose of organizing a state poultry association. Every state io tha union has such an or- uiia tion while some have three oi lour. Oregon has none. It is de sired that every county hi re re sented at the mett.iig, and as many will at'end from Oakland and vicinity as can do so. In 1S8S) the ttal value of wheal raised in the United States was 4S,IKH.,IK'0; the poultry product was tks,(H.0,(!00 Oar Beautiful Miqiut Uruuuti. Salem lias the most shiftlessly kept passengers depjt grounds ef any city of its sie on the coast. At Albany the grounds are water ed and made a perfect tloAtr garden Salem .lourna'. I'articularit of tlie ln ninir. From parties who were in the city from ldependence fir tlier par ticulars have been learned of the drowning accident at that place l'ues lay. The young ladies, Mi-ses Edith and Mabel Skinner, were wading in the river ab-jve Independence. They were enjoying themselves iu the rillles, hetdless of all danger. A couple of b ys were in bathing oil' a bar :here. The t-inaller of the boys .jut in over depth end cried for as sistance. II is companion Fryer, swam to his rescue and the girls seeing the bovs arout to sinks ran to them, but did not know the water took a sudden dip from the rillles toa depth of fifteen or twenty feet. In this depth of water they were struggling wh ilu Fryer was en jaged in saving his) coiuauion, Alio had nearly gone under. By the time he had drawn the boy out of the water he saw the girls for the tirst time just as they were sinking t rise no more. The drowning is sad indeed and carries srrief into t'ie homes of many friends of the bi reaved families. An AlUany Man Complimented. The Victoria Colonist has this to sav of a former citizen : Last eveninga deputation of Oddfellows waited upon .Mr. C. U. Hawling.--. general agent of the I'. P. R. R. iu Victoria ami invited him to ac t'omany tl.em to Oddfellows Hall, where, with a few complimentary remarks, they presented him with a hand.-otnc gold badge, bearing on one si le the three links, inside of them upon an enamelled ground, in colors, being the nivstic letters "F." "L." 'T." On' the other side was the inscription "Present ed to C. (i. Raw ling by I. O. O. F. Excursion Conuiiitee, IS'.U, Vic toria. B. C. The Klge is in the form of a shield. I he chairman of the committee, Captain Holmes, in a few appropriate remarks, briefly expressed the high satis- laction ot the mend ers with the assistance which Mr. Rawlings hadatl'orded them in their arrange ments for their excursions to Seattle by the e tenner Olympian and for the hearty manner in which he had cooperated with them to make the ail'air the signal success it actually was. The AHlnrla Kailruad. The Columbia River A Astoria Railroad survey between Astoria, anil (ilobe, is being vigorously ptishi'd from b jth ends, and the rieiit ot way men will lollow up the surveyors at once. This line will furnish A-toria with radroad communication by the construc tion ot but lifty-six miles of road, ami the projectors announce that if will be rushed forward as fast as men and mouev can send it. Trio siliuvN Will Ont-n. The public school and the col iegj will o,en ou Monduy. Students ani parents of school children should g- to headquarters for school books. Foshay it Mason have everything in tlie line of school supplies, boxs of all the grades, inks, pens, pencils, tablets and everything convenience for pupils, (io to them for your school books. A lllrtlulny Tarty. A number of friends of Charles Mueller assembled at the family residence. corinr Second and Bioadalhin streets, and give Inn a very pleasant fiupri?eand birth day party Wednesday evening. A nice lunch was served and the evening very enjoyably Sent. --SATKOKIZS HOME ENTERPEISE?. Aotlibr'CI i:ea D; presses His Views 01 vthe Eulject, s, Ai.ii.iNV. Sept is:h. Twiik KniMRDf tiik 'Die comiuuiication in this mornings Hkkai.d, signed Albany, strikes the key-note of the situa tion at Albany and the thing should be kept hot along that line, until the busit.ess men of Albany re made to see that it is to their interest to build up and fost.T in dusiiies in and aiuiv.d Albany, instead of sending the money made oil' of tin peop! of Albany and vicinity otf to build up other localities. It's very poor policy for the people of Albany to give a bonus to outside paities lo come I ere ind establish and build up mami factu iiig interests and then home capital bo sent to be invested in other places. Theie is no'hing that wou'd fur nish as much employment for lal.oiii.g people, and at the same time foiter and build up the fruit and garden industries around Al bany, to the amount of capital invested, as would a good cannery, if it was started up and placed on a good working basis ; this cou'd he done on a capital of !fJr,0(iO or f :;n,00;), and if the business men ot Albany would would put their heads together there? would be i.o trouble to raise a joint stock com pauy f either of tiiese amounts. Uid who would reap more beuclit from a thii g of this kind, than Aould the cias.s m ntionud. l'.nt it seems ttiat our business men prefer to iuvest their spare inon. y in the oiiud cities or in Southern Oregon, to placing it in -ouie goo 1 manufac'uruig industry right here at home they biing eery article they have to sell into the cjun'ry und are not w illing to invest their money in any business that will produce something here ,it home thev will import canned fruits and vegetables from the East and California when we have the natural ab.litv here to produce all we need of eucIi things, and plenty to spare for export to other places and thus bring money into the country instead of sending it out. Who will be the first to come out on the side of homo and home industries'.' Come business men, don't bo bacKward, but show your hand on the side of your true in terest and the interests of those to a bom you must look for support .n your business. Amia.ny No. 2. An Ice Creein Sut-ial. A social will be held at the W. C. T. I', hall Friday evening, Sep tember 4. Ice cream will be served, and the following pro gramme rendertd, all for the sum of 'S cents, w hich will be collected at the door : Song "Three Little Maids from School" Mabel Chamberlain, Mary S.ewart. Addie Chamber lain. Recitation "Spider Web" Ora Ilarkness. Song "Hurrah for Prohibition" Ritta Stewart. Recitation Clarence Turner. Song "Paby and the Fly" Emma Sox, Mattie Hearst, Mvrtle Chamberlain, Flo Nutting, Leta Ulain, Fiances French. Reading Mrs. Fannie Brown. Song Prof. W. II. Young. O'.iesiion box. Lunch Ice cream. arid cake. AVhat the Country Neeilft. Anacortes .American: The stale needs an influx of the agricu' tural element. Rural towns, minus the boom element and with no ambition for metropolitan dis tinction, will give as great an im petus to the growth ot the country as some of the larger industries for which there is so much clamor ing. Washintitonis a perfect para dise for garden truck and berry fields, and development of this character is one of the necessities toward the building up of the cities already established. An agricultural community but pre cedes manuiactories ol various kinds by creaa ing a local demand Notice. The pasture of r. L Such at Cloverdale is now open for stock. All well fenced, plenty of water and shade. Stock taken by week or month, 50 cents per week, .f: per month. Cattle taken at f 1 per head per month. Will not ha re sponsible for any accident or loe F. L. Si t n. Cami!ieeUitg Announcement At the Methodist, South, camp- meeting at the William B. (.tore pface, one mile north of Lebanon, l'lshopvt. . Puncan will preach ou next Sunday. It is expected that tiiere will be a iar;e atten dance throughout the entire meet ing, which lasts from September '1, to September 10. Ouarlerly Meeting, Rev. I. l. Fisher of Jefferson pre siding elder of Albany district of the Evangelical church wih be present and preach Saturday eve ning ana finnlay morning. Com inumon service atter the morning sermon sermon on Sundav. School Hooks at t. L. Blackman's . L.. lilackinan has opened a complete line of school bcoks for the opening of the schools on Monday. Those in need of school books will Und it to their ad vantage to call upon him. Till U a Mechanical Age. Mrs. Brown (at Mrs. Smith's tea; Oil, dear, that dreadful Miss Smith is sii 'inn again. 1 wonder w hat starieil her. Tom Brown (aged seven) I dropped a niekle down her hack when she wasn't looking. Jonah ville Jag. I llltUilllOUD. "All, I'm maddest when I s iu'," She svniir in plaintive key, And nil tlicl cijjiihi'rs yclii'd, "So ale we! so are we:" Yankee Wade. COAST SOTES. Uteresting Items ia Brit-f Prom KortV weat Exchanges. The peaches received from the Rogue river valley this year are not up to the usual standard in size and excellence. The warm weather stunted the fruit. A rumor has been published that the veteran journalist S. A. Clark, was in the insane asylum. This is not true. He has" been ipiite sick at his home in Salem, but is now improving. A lady by the name of Mrs. Mills, while en route from Jackson ville lo Portland, on the Southern Pacific, a few days ago, stopped at Ashland to get a lunch, and while she was out of the car some one made otT with her vidise. The thief was apprehended, and he valise was recovered. Mrs. Mills will go to Ashland to be present at the tiial on the 7th inst. A somewhat novel outfit with a novel team passed through Prin ville one day this week. A horse and steer were harnessed together and drawing a wagon on which was an extended bed. Inside was an apparently contented family. eoiiii dogs, a stove, looking utensi s and bedding. Tlry tiad the Western fever, and will not stop, of ourse, tiiis side of tLe Pacilic ocean. Willliam M. Careaham was ar rested Friday at Ashland on com plaint of H. S. Simon, of Salem, forgetting $5 of the latter on a worthless check. It will tost the state several hundred dollars to right Mr. Simon's indis.ue'.ion. Three years agoa Marion county man bought and set out 1MJ0 fruit trees. This year he has contracted to deliver 10U0 ten-pound boxes of ituitfrom those trees, illustrating what Oregon can do as a fruit state. That is the way a fruit business pays. ITEMS OK UENEKAL I NTKKES I, A Shawnee county, Kan., girl .vas so anxious to many that she eloped with a St. Louis man, and took her grandmother with her. A Topeka child" drank half a pint of kerosene the other day, and experienced no inconvi irence 1 whatever as the lesult of tiie ac cident. Paybawnisktzhuk wayshrng is an "Indian patronymic which figures on the books iu the office of the Emmet county, Mich., re gister of deeds. The Grecian mother, before put ting her child in the cradle, turns three times around before the fire, while singing her favorite song, to w ard off evil spirits, Itown in Georgia twins do not seem to be regarded as of much value. A mother -n that state thought cents apiece, or 5!) cents a pair, would be a good price for twins. The cells of human iungs are 75,000,000 in number, coveting a surface from two and a halt to three and a half times greater than the whole body surface of the ten full-grown men. Louis Giroux, of Marshall, Mich., has a game chicken which will walk the slack rope, turn handsprings, perform perilous feats on the flying trapeze, and per sonate Nero liddltng during tlie burning of ancient Rome. The amount of coloring matter stored in coal is such that one pound of the mineral yields magenta sulfuient to color .r:0 yards of tlanuel, aurine for 120 yards, vermilion for '-'-"iiiO yards, alizarine for 2 yards of Turkey red cloth. The damp weather at Lancaster, Kan., caused a -package of 50llil postage stamps to become glued together in a solid niass, making it necessary to return them to Washington. Sometimes Mr. Wanamaker uses too little mucilage and sometimes too much. MAKE A DIVIDED SKIKT, Thia Tell you How. and you ran ' I'aft .lodgment I'poti It. Make ycur skirts of light crisp eilk, some pretty eoler scarlet, if you like, or bright blue. Let it come helf way between the knee and ankle. lo you know how to make the skirt? Just a pair of scant bloomers either ballooningor holding by elastic about the leg. On each leg sew a rnflie half way above the knee, a full ruflle, or better still a knife-plaiting that falls to where the bloomers end. If you want to be very particular you can put another ruflle under this, just above tho knee of the lee and falling to the bloomers. Than sew a skirt, this same ma terial, to the band of the bloomers, No matter how high a reach the step up is, the rullies on the lifted leg fa' I in a ma s about the leg and down to the other leg, look ing as if one's skirt clunu kindly. The whole thing goes on at once and does not soil any sooner than would the usual dark petticoat. and it is prettier than the petti coat. You can lift vour dress with impunity, and not be afraid of lifting the skirt at the same time. liOKN DUNCAN -In this ei!v. Sept. 2. 1MH, to the ife of .Mm Duncan, twins, a boy ami a girl. Higfiest of all in Iavcninj Power. u ABSOLUTELY PURE TUB WOULD E.Mill'IIEl). The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that w ill conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on ly perfect laxative known, as it ie the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt andeflectna! tocleanse the system gently in the Spriu- time or, in fact, at any time any j the better it is known the more i popular it becomes. Mothern-.' Castoria is recommended by physicians for children teething. It is a purely vegetable preparation .ts ingredients are published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harm less. It relieves constipation, regulates the bowels, cpiites pain, cures diarrlnea and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, soothes the child and gives it re freshing and natural sleep. Cas soria is the children's panacea the mothers' friend. Uo J' ""'S, o5 cents. Suie Cure tor the Liquor or Opium ilaMls. The EaRt India cure for these awful habits can be given without the patient's knowledge, and is the only know n specilic for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cummiug's drug store only. French Tansy VVaf'TS. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful and irei:u!arl menses, and will remove all ob structions, no matter what the cause, and are sure and safe every time. Manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cab, and for sale at J. A. Cuinming's drug store only. Have you examined that beauti ful $400 piano at Klein Bros, shoe store. Your school tax will be delin (pient if not paid at once. Look after it and save costs of collection. Lowest rates ami best accommo dations to passenger going East via Canadian Pacific Railway ask C. B. Winn for rales. READ And you will not REGRET CA I.L on us and you will find us always readv to OFFER you great induce ments from our huge line of L'O 'd- GOOD Peaches, I'.an-inas, Lemons. Apples, Mel Berries, (ranges, A pric.its, Plumbs, us, BETTER Corn, Peas, Beans.Potato, ( in io:i, Cahage Turnips Beets Carrots Sw eet Potatoes BEST Soap, Sod i, Rice, Salt, Honey, Hops, Pickels, Tea. Flour, Meal, Spies AM Constantly adding new coods and latest n,)vel!ii:s 1 o net fail to get our prices. C. E. BROWXELL, Albanv. R. R. Men and Alhlctes Wear our Vulcanized Gum Sus pensory lo prevent jar, strain or injury. Weak men are cured wearing our vulcanized gum sus pensory of varic jeele (enlarged veins) ' nocturnal emissions and impotency, Vigor, comfort and longer life assured. Xo pain ; no ioisoiious drugs. Price only $2. Sealed circulars free. Vulcanized Gum Suspensory Co., Rooms 1!, 2.1, McVickers Theatre Building, Chicago III. ;VK SALE.-One heating skive and one J; cook stove, both in uood cotulitii n. Kor information impure of at Postal telrgiapli olftue. E. Arnl'crner, Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria I Latest U. S. Gov't Pood Report Baking Powder NEW TO-DAY. Deyoe & Froman Bros Co Keep a Full Asscrtniot t of GUNS AND FIREARMS RePAIRIN'U PROMITI.V DoNE. "Not Coming, But Here to Stay GENE E. LARRIMORE, 11 ic FaiolcF, Has opened a shop in Stewart & Sox's block and is prepared to give estimatesou and do all kinds of House and Carrfage painting and trimming. Graining and paper hanging a specialty. Leaye orders with Stewart fe Sox. THE GREAT PORTLAND - With its world of wonders OPENS SEPT. 17. 1891. CL0SFS0:T. 17. Muilcliy the Great' Zipadoros Rami Direct from the City Mexico. Art from the great masteis of En rope and America, valued at a quarter million dollars. Wonderful Electrical Adaptions in full operation. A Splendid Series of hibits. Mineral Ex- Every department filled with the novel and interesting AR", JCIEKCE AND IN:USTfl IN A greater number of exhibits than ever before presented on the coast. i r Made a prominent feature. :.)G0 IX PREMIUMS. Tiie largest display of fruit and the finest exhibit of Agriculture ever made in the Paci fic Northwest. All manufactories in full motion. Everything new. Xo dead exhibits The Exposition of Expo.-itions. Admission as usual. Greatly reduced rates for round trip on all passenger lines. -GENEIUL- Steamship Ague;. THROUGH TICKETS To an.l from Europe ly a'l drat- line. Tii kcts from any place in Europ Ui ny point in tli.? I nitcil SUtra, or fiom tliia country l KiirrMn fioinU tkild over tlie follow ini; tirxt-t'laHS lini-c. Xorlli (Jrrnian Lloyd.' via Sew York, North Herman Lloyd, via Baltimore, Allan Line, Anchor Line. American Line, S''e Line. Heaver Line, Ciinard Line, Ked Star Line, Wh:tc Star Line, tiuion Line. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold on all KurnH-an citical current ra'oa. Intel-nation collections. For information nifardint; iriitn of passage, date of mi ling, tc, call o:i or address, C. 1. WINN, Ai.bant.Oh. l'ay Your City Taxes. 1 he city taxes for IS'.U are now cue and pavabV. The money is needed and every individual should look the matur up and we that they are pnid. If not pid immedi ately they will hecmne delinquent. The doir lax is also due and if not paid the order ill lie ifiven to kill all the dogs on whom taxes not been paid, J. N, IlOFKXAN, Marshal. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale and Retail Druffgists Booksellers ALB'" OBBGON Notice to Stockholders. XOTICK it? hereby given that a iiiccting of the stockholders of tlie Golden Cit.v M ninn Co. will be held lit the otlice of L. H. Montanye on Monday, Sept. "JS, at 4 o'clock i M. of (aid day. for the pu'pose. of electing seven directors to serve for the cn fcifniir year. Allmny, A-ig. 31, 1U. L. II4 MONTAXYK, Secretary. T OST A imall own faced eold watch. J J Wall ham works, with fob chain and tan ain and fan- NhaiHu charm. The Snder will please leave at this ofbee. MposiiioD, opera WARNER & CRAN'OK, ANYBODY BUYING A. NY THING- Usually -worn "by Mca end B;y3 for "Wcxk or Dress without first ezamiaing tno same linss at my store makes a mist;ko financially. r 111 and sec what tins Means SEASONABLE GOODS ARE NOW ARRIVING. L. E. Merchant WHEN VOL HAVE Hens, Boys' Tlie :-: Ldiiif :-: Cfothicr 89tapiioii ! FALL 0 Now arriving, oti will be convinced that we are LAVING OVKK ALL'CO.MI'ETIIIOX in our in when it comes to Richly Tailored Olothin I1ANDSOMK ANI) DURABLK I'ATrKIiXS. ble Pricts. Give us a call. T. L. WALLACE & CO., STRAI1AX BLOCK, Cooking Stoves and Ranoes tioxjsh: L-s ie aid M ni?r. - Ore SaiBnlay, Sept o, "2 hi Fi;nr i st Mio onKirlli, augii i launs w no i . i ' and you we Seats L'nk's. jrallery, BLAIN, Tailor. SEEN OCR NEW- aod CLiMrens ERCOATS cr AT KEASOXA- ALBANY. OREGON atffiattliews k Washburn BAfi'L SULLY'S CorncrGriicoiy "Lauah and the vrll y .in.' "Wicp, i alone." on salt- Kt Will tfc Rt'eeivt 1 Eiats, 7oc, 5:le. STOCK