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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1891)
MORNmG HERALD: FtflOAV, SEPTEMBER 4 189T. w Severe Celas Are Brakes Ip la ViiUm. J fio-m the WrflntaC-iy, M ml VI i lia -n-an. j Wuea w find a uie li:i;;e wj knor to pme-H kj .mine ni -r.t' we i cjmideriia da-.y, a i l wo UV:t ! pieuuo in tiling tli-j pj'ie wfiit it U. 8uca a uii licin we found Caa.iibsrUin's C j tgh UemeJy, last winter, wlm la zripp-j was prilinj. We rs satmiisd tliat it warded o!t"sev?c.-il aH.-"ss that war threatening by tiid use of yaur syrup, and we have since reutveu, in a tew iicviri. severe coid. add in the course of two or t bra day a, entirely broken them ap by its uie as have aeveral of ur friends whom we have recom mend it. It i all that it ia repre sented to b by 'lie manufacturers. If you have a cough and want to atop it, Chamberlain's Cough Kerned will do the work. Kor aala by Foahay 4. Manon. Take the Union t'ai-iiic railway Cor the East, thirty-tive hours quicker than any otlir transeoii- Unental lin-?. Kleant new dining ears, rulltniri piuce sieepers, t.-eo fam'ly aleepinj cars run through to Denver, O n th i, Council Hiu:ld, Kansas City, Si. l,oui- and Chi cago. C. ii. Ran li:iu'n, city ticket aj-eut, foot of Uro.i U!Li:i 9lrot. Little Ulantaml Cum lei Bros, boya, misses and child-i ren'a shoes different styles all sues and widths mads soliu all, tusouuh. Try a pair n jthinj; batter .ueliutu in price. Evt-ty pair warranted. ' 29AMI EL V. iOl SG Corset! CorsetsI Wa make a -fecial ty of Ivies aud misses tine corsets and w . f ts. Wa have a drive in a F'nchl sateen corset at 75 cents, r xtra j S awa a Samuel E. Yd so The Unloa Fact tie. Ia the only line ruuning two fast trains daily from Portland to Omaha, St. Paul, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis and all ioiuts East anal South. Buy your tickets of C. G. Rawlingj, foot oi Ltroa 1 albin street, Albany. It you want a durable iu.):i ineut g to E. W. Achison, who are handling nothing but ttie !-st gradea. Ctarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Siiiloh'a Cat nrrih remedy, nriee 50 cents. Naal in jectjr tree, sold by Foshay A. Uaaon , j strumants. Tht sour-tempered cross, dys- ntic individu d, sho ii I take Dr. Lawn spr'nklers, Matthews A I. McLran's Sarasapardlal It; Washburn, garden host-, Matthews will make him feel as well and j ,& Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth heart.' as the healthiest of us. lie eus ilc Washburn, pumps, Matth needs bracing up, vitalizing, that;es .'i Washliiirn, bath tubs, ia all. Matthews .i Wiishburn, water I closets, Matthews A Washburn. Me:absrs or l.inn County Farmer's i gasoline 3toveS, Matthews A Wash Allian'Te. j liiirn, t!i best of everything You are hereby no that I j Matthews it Washburn, have c -ntrait-d witn iIih well- Some of tne test styles of ele kaowu tirm i.f Ste.a I .t S.ix, at ' gant bed lounges can be seen at Albany, toupply you w iih b -ders Forttniller it Irving's, as they have imowers. rakes, in me, l.a.-:s. :ug- gies, av;oi.rf, p!..vs, e'e, ao wed as all otliT articl ts in tli? line of general hardware. Marijti c in ty members can purchase at the same place on tua smo tor us. Hes. II. Ikvisk. Financ'-at A 'e:it. New and coiuplci ptock of peclacles an I eye gl is es just re-j eeived at F. M. Freii -h'?. F. .-cry pair nttea oy joiinsi-m ave-meter. every pair fill I'j'ei.t war- j - t ranted to t. If you are lninr,- i; !) Pa kt r Bros, and get a 1 a: of th-j bt bread in the city. If TO'i sutfer pricLi.-i pa in on saovfnz the eye-?, or c. i:i t U'ar bright light. "n 1 timl voir i!it week and failn:. y i k! -.iid promptly use Dr. Ii. McLt-an's : Strengthening Eve alve. j cants a box. i F. M. French k?ps the largest 1 and most c unplete stock of spec- tacles and eyeg'.a-ses in 'he1 connt5. Every pair warrantee to give perfect satisfaction. Aa a table and meilicinal wafer, the Coronado can't be beat. i'r it and be convinced. Hotlled at the world renovieil ganitaiium, Hotel Id C'ronado, Coronado. California. Sew jewelry of latest patterns at Will A Stark's. Tlie Oueatlou of Ilie Hour. j j And one that is fieipi i.t'y akel Mr. Wisdom, "what is n in your R berti;ie that produces such : delightfully cooling and refresli- ina: aensation and adds a most : delicate tint to the complexion V" . to which we answer: It is a combination of rare and harmless ingredients acientiticaHy prepared, j Ther.- cntera into the composition : of this article ingredients which! liavo never liefore ben used in ! prepartions o! this kind, hence the effect is so strikingly dill'erent from that produced ly all other toilet remedies. Thi imiwiI.ts I used io the composition .f li .li.'n ina ara all of the very r mootlic-t and finest divison it is posib'v t : produce, futher mo-e a- h a nl vary ingredient must Mand the; pm,'lrll test of ch-'lllical MITl'V. ' i inauring freedom from all foreign and deleterious substances. I'bus ' with rare and haimless inrr dsenis of the very finest division it is possible to make all of absolute purity and combined wit ha dent i lie precision, it is but natural that we should produce a Mip rior article and one that has long been aptly termed the "Peerless I'.eanti fier." For sale by Foshay ,t Mason. You should see those balance rockers at Thomas Brink's. Call and get one before they are all gont. Bargains in summer underwear at W. F. Reads. Have you seen that elegant piano at Klein Bros. Kleia Broa. are giving a fine piano to their customers. Ladies Fine Shoes. I make a specialty of handling ladiea tine shoe.-. 1 carry some of tlu best hrandij made in line and lu-uiuai grades in widths from A t KK. All warranted goods: no tr.isii, and wiil repair any pair of thot-H o; any rip or break. kind sold tiiat will Samuel . Young t:rn t:u.T run high in thia ci'y over System Kuiider us every bo-lv is usinnit for . (tarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia lOti3!ipat:on, Impure DlooU and to htiiid up fieir system. Try it and tell your friend about it, as it must tRjisesH wonderful merit when all spent well of it. Special Notice. I.adiea or Cu:lenien wlo con template buying gold watches will liiul it to their advantage to cull at F. M. French's i -w eh v ttore De- i 're purcliuiiit;, m iii-;ie has been ' quite a reduction i;i pi lev. Tut i Corner iewelry stoic. j - - - - Fire IvimirTH. It you want a ood and easy fu Kin ller. one will kinlle vour ti r-- t.isy every time. Calloii or come a;nl see me. A. J. Fox. Hue Half Dollar 1: lU't'.on on a .try puirof Lud A goo Uine of's. lvs Fine ShetM. tiiem at Samuel K, .41 A UK II. The aMtst physicians of the present iijic reconie catarrh as a llood disease which aggravates the mticuiH surfaces. Aioore's Re vealed U-ine ly purities the blood, restores health to the atiected membranes, stops olTenMve dis iti:iri'ii iLtiil iitrrpct4 tiu lirpiitti. 1 ui i' tin u iiiam. KtSlNKS LOCALS, French keeis railroad time. Conn it Hendrieson. grocers, lit per cent re luctio:) on drefs ! x.l.s at W. F. Kcad-. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that ten idle cou'n, Shiloh's Cure is tlie reiuedv for you. For sale bv Foshay t Mason. Smoke th G'led 5-cent t Julius .iiH ceiehrateil Havana rtr8, iiiaii'ifactured h s ciar factory. Experts pr uiniiiicu Klein Uron piano out l l ie niusl toiiea in- just received a larje invoice, Iluy gasoline stoves from Mat thews t Washburn. New sprir.g novelties in dress goods and drees silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Buy your gasoline stoves of Hopkins I'.ros. Shiloh's Cure and consumption cure is eold by us on a guarantee. It cures coneumotion For sale by Foahay it Mason. Fresh bread every day at Parker I'.r js. Every grower, druggist and sa loon man si ion Id keep Coronado mineral water on hand. It will be called fer, as it is the best. John I sum Jr., sole agent. Thomas P.rink has received a stock of baby carriages which he is ollerin at prices as low as the .'ow-.-t, and they are tirst-class giod. x.lke ;l lojk lU the .,;ari0 Jlt Klt-m Uros. shoe store, C'litMice of ISiiNiiieKH. Notice is hereby giyen that Mueller it (iarrett have sold to E. J. I.anning their entire business, goods, wares, merchandise, book accounts, lixtures, e'c. Parties in debted to said firm will please call and settle at once with E. J. Lan niiii. to whom all accounts Lre payable. All outstanding indebtedness will be settled by Mueller it (iar rett. Mi Ki.i.Kitit Garrett, E. J. I.ASMNG. AU any, May -", 18'Jl. Kemoveil. P. J. Lil'orte has removed his shoe shop from near L. Viereck's barber shop to the buildniL' adjoining Brown's barber shop, opposite the Kuss house, where he is prepared to do work in a tirst-class manner. lie in vites his customers to continue their patro'nage at his new -piarters. Ieliniient Tat Notice, v'cln;ol taxes are now delinquent. Die clerk is m ikinu out the delin- ipient list which will be in the hands oi the sheritras soon as com pleted. Those who have not paid, had lietter do so before costs of collection are added. Last no tice. BKklKV AKM.l ftAltK. Tl;- best salve in the world for Cutl. Bruises, So.cs fleers. Salt Rheum, Kever sores Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblain, (.urns, ami skin Eruptions, and pus lively cures Piles, or i.o pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, I'riey cents ;tr box. Fcr sale by Ko-lnsy V Mason Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the ceiueter es, put up by E. W. Achison, at all he cost of stone. A line line of gold rings just opened at Will A Stark's. D5PRICES CJsed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard Oregon Sate Norma mm illil I L Beautifully ami healthfully located. No saloons. New buildings, new apparatus, full faculty, light expenses and large attendance. Normal, advanced normal, business, art and m.isie departments. Special attention given to physical culture, volunteer military or ganization. Those receiving diplomas are authorized to teach in any county in the state without further examina1 ions. Tuition has been reduced in the normal and business departments from if 10 to .t2." per year, and in sub normal from $30 to $20. A year in school for $ 1"0 expenses. Tuition in normal and business, .$ti Ho per term of ten weeks, sub normal, $5 per term ; board fat normal dining hall -f l.nO per week, furnished room with fire and light $1 per week, board and lodging in private houses $."."0 per week. First term opens September '22, LS'.ll. students mav enter at anv time. For catalogue address. P. E. Camp bell, A. B.. President, or J. M. Powell. A. M., Vice President. PEED -:- 8TORE AM) GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPKCIA LLY- Hay, cats and jotattuy, to supply Eustorne on the Oregon 1'aciSc Railroad extension and my increasing home tradt r.ere I sell in quantities to suit the Second street fUSf 'immons Liver Regulator One Dose ioo - Dollars. Dba S. L. R: I consider one do s Im' mons Liver Regulator worth t)IO. wae constipated, hail lieailache, could eat oth in? with satisfaction or appetite ha the blues, and felt altogether out of sorts. I re sorted to Blue Mass, Calomel, Ouinin , and every remedy sugicested, but only obtained temporary relief. One dose of 8 L R did m more good than 1M worth of doctors an dxtoring. Resp'y, J C Miarui. I have been a teajier for twenty years, and during that time have had lepeated attacksof headache, produced by torpid Liver, and have been entirely cu od by Simmons Livei Reirula'or. I foun t to be of so mild i character in its a tion not to interfere, In he least with my duti tin the school room. To those similar sitai t d and subject to the sams, I cannot 9 bigt . recommend Sim moos Liver Regulator. K. K. Casta CamDbellfvllls Ej in (T fS OllKGrOTsT. Board of Regents : State Board of Education ex ollicio, His Excellency, Sylvester Pennoyer gov ernor; Hon. (i. W. Mc Bride, secretary of state ; Hon. E. B. McElroy, sup erintendent of public in struction ; Benjamin Schol field, president; J. B. V. Butler, secretary; execu tive committee, Hon. .1. J. Daly, Hon. P. W. Halev and J. B. V. Butler, Po!k; Jacob Voorhees, Maricn; J. C. White, Polk; Alfred Lacey, Clackamas; A Noltner. Multnomah ; W. H. Holmes, Marion. The leading Normal v.'. I ..! (I... V.,vtl,,, purchasers. Store in titrahan Brick, R. M. ROBERTSON. Fur TliiiriitHjh I'rm tiiitl Trnininu in BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND, PENMANSHIP, THIS SCHOOL IS THE BEST. FIRST NATIONAL BAHK TRANSACTS A lilSi.SKSb. GENERAL BANKING PRKSIIIKST L. KLIN.V. 1CK I'ltESIUKNT S. K YOlTNfl. K-iHIKU K. W. LAM ION. BIHECTOP.3 : S. E. YOUKQ, L, a tiLAIK. L Flinr E. F. Sox. E. W Lasudon Cashier. KWAKT DKTACIIABI.K LINK tv BELTING. The Best ilSi The Cheapest- Reduced Price List of drive belt and otlu-r Hpei-Tattii-s for Klcva turn, Convrvorx ami Ma hiri-ry for liaulim; any malt-rial In tmik or ark;tve. Link IIklt M n hixkhv l.'o , rliirauo. Str.rk i-aini-d ly J. M. AC I 111 It .t CO., I'oitUnii, Or. Health is Wealth ! lr. E. C. West nerve and braio treatment, a guar intuLMl m e-.iflc foi liystcria, Jizzincw lit, htatlai'he, ner-vmi.-t prontratioL cii8cl by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Hoftenitiij of Lraii n-rtiilt inif in iiiKuiit anil luatlin to on fry, (let ay ai.d oet of power iu either stx Kath hox con tftiim one 1:1 nth'( trt-atiiient. One dol l:tr a djx, or six boi for ve dollars, font by mail pre id on receipt ol price, liuarantee KW'ieil only hy J. A. Cumminkr. dniifisf nle akCent, Albany. i500 REWARD We will pay the alnive reward' for any cast of liver complair.t, dytietMia, si-k headache, indiirestion, ronstiation or co?-tiveness we cannot cure with West's liver pills, when th direction are strii-tly complied with. The are pin ely veyetaldc and never fail to give satihfaction. Larue lioxes, coAainintr 3C: pills, 2" cents. The L"-nuine manufactured only by the John C. West eoinany. Chicago Illinois. Sold h- J. A. Cummiuvs, druigib' Albany, Orevoo JOHN SCHMEER'S LiYeryM&Sale stable. Corner Second and Ellsworth Sis ALBANY. - ORKQOX Ho as as boardsd by the day or month Car riaKes or buwrloa on reasonable terms vtinl NEW FEEDSTORE! HAY. OATS AND CHOP FEED Always on hand. Also Lime, Plaster & Cement. Come to the comer of Water and Ferry sta for all kinds of Feed. P. VY. SPlXK, Albany, Or. Plainfibl CONSOLIDATION -:- LC The Cheapest and Best Buy in the Market. X7 Because the lots are 50x100; because they are ins'de pr cause they are all clear-no stumps, no roots, no rocks ; 1 ana is elevated and has a fine view of the city ; because tht three motor lines not in contemplation, but all now in opt cause buy now, to-day, for the 10th day of next month th. vance if 2j each ; because they are a snap. Ask those who Seeing is believing. Are you in it? R. F. ASH BY, Mai o. 65, Washington Street, Portlam THE VERNON CJnequaled for fast work anc draft. Manufactured at the J Baker Street, Albany, by PRICE &VERNC OH MAMM. HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FIM HIV'tJEI r IE PLAGE, - - The Albany A FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING. THE iojiic s-ris 1 OF SAN FRANCISCO Oilers an Absolutely Safe Investment FOR SMALL MONTH IA AMOUNTS. Six dollars per month will doublinir the amount invested in that Money loaned on real estate security at 6 ner cent, lars apply to S. N. .0 - i sw O t a m r m k w t " j B m m V m aus ' -a os o oSj s5 S52 sse tit 1 14 w ssaaasassaMBsa.n... ................... DE- ACKER'S EHCLISH REMEDY ; for Coughs, Colds and Corununption is beyond quest ion therroatestof J : all Modern Remedies It will stop a Cough in one night. It will check? ! a Cold in a rfav It will nnw-pnt Omnn. relieve Aathmn. and cure Con . sumption if taken ia time, Ycra cant afford to be without it" A 25a I BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. H. F. Merlll, Pre.. & J. Lanain-, V. J.W.Blaln Osshier. Transacts a ueneral hanking hum ess. Exchange hoinrht and sold on all th tnn- i-ipal cities of the United States, also. Great Britain, France and Oermanv. Collsi-tions at nil accsnible noints made on favorable terms. Interest paid on time deposits. REVERE BOCSK, ALBANT, OR.-CHA8 Pfeiffer, Prop. Only finUsclaas house n the city. Lane sanmle rooms tor com? mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchrn. General stse offlr Co rr all is. HAY PR "Have you se( lovely lounges at They are the pr town, and all his r ture is simply They all say so, a spection will pro Prices always t - OPPOSITE OP, Furniture amount to S 1000 in sevrn roaro. time. For rail particu Local Agents. STEELE & CO.. cs 3 U t 3 2 si' e. rt a g g 3 S S J I a ssbbhibB P -T O C ! 9t 5 g-o- SsKo-s'g M & BUILDING t WHvnrivnnrniifiU9 mm w BwwwssfWMii Do you know that a little cough is a dan jerotis " niigr iire jou aware that it often fastens : on tlhe luiigsand far too often runs into Con-1 sumption and ends in Death ? People suffer-; ing; from Asthma, Bronchitis. Piieuiiioni.-i : ftir-J Coiisromptiou will all tell you that "IT STARTED WITH A C0LD"r Can you ull'-.vd to ncirlect it? Can you I gtrAe with so serious a matter? Are you; aware that : RED CROWN MILLS ISOH. LAHNINC CO., Prop. NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Mperter (of family mo J Baker's use) Bert Siorage Facilities WTflfhwrt cash pr'ts? 4 lor wBraTCt ALBANY - ORBGON IVSICIAVS 4 nil Hi-oid ilUin ompt y atlend- 1'ce o Pierce' m 8 a. m. to ilNAKY 8LR ario veterinary 'ntario voterin cd to treat the rd animals on : Ans Marshall's and Calapcoia ., lloma:thic Wallace a u:d hce buura, . 0 YSICIAN A.VD liellevue Hodi k City. OirtwM in r ester block N AllOKXtY 11 the courts of Kiven li uiat tiuus, olfitx in UN '-AT-LAW I practK-e iu all ic, iroul roolua II. c. Wavsox. Attorneys ut Oitice iu Oilo s in our iiauds Mil atui.tiou. U'lOK.NKYsSAT i all the courts o ill's bimk, tug J. W DKAfhS , ATTORNEYS , Oregon. Iweii ster ol th3 li. &. and in tne land n our specialty nee or the courts o in the geucrui OKNEY-AT LAW ice in the Slrahan SE. AITORNEY -Olfice in rooms 13 er L. E. Bluin s ATTCRNEY AT . Oft in the "actice n all the specia. attention HINEY-ATLAW hany, Or. Will the state. Al u short notice. RH FOR SALE BY ALL DRCGGISTB. "Some momns apo i rmrchaeed a. box of Dr.J. P. Gill's Catarrh Cure for my own '-use. but finding my nephew. C A, McMabnn. needing; sui-h oitdi cine, I let bim have my box of medi cine. He now sends for three mor. boxee, layinir it is the best tbinir for catarrh ever tried tiy bun and hit f. -iends. I trot another box to use in m v case, and cheerfully recommend il too thers. (Sic ned). JOHN McMAfTAX, Ex. -County Commissioner Lane Co, Oregon, BvTin.-jficld. Lane county, Orejron Prof J, v, Johnson, president of the State university, say it cured him m a cough after two other prescriptio: had faili-4- Likewise two of his littk eirls use 1 1t tocuretbeir couiriis. Mrs Mark iiaiV-y, wife of Prof. Bailey, sent it to t'rof. Johnson, anJ reeom utends it to aJI w ho suffer from colds and coughs. For couffhs it acts like a charm, and can bi inhaled into the jipes or pasAa-cs, where no other cough cures can reach. tTwusvnMri NtmimcnM FRIEND OF WOMAN The very reniarkalile aid certain relief given womankind by "Mooie's Revealed Remedy," has won for it the name of Wo man's Friend It is uniformly successful in relieving their deli cate ailments. Moore's Revealed Remedy Stando peerless as the natural rem edy ecuharly adapted to the w ants of womankind. vn ATOM WOMAN SATS, Seattle, Jan. SO, 1SH. 'I want j 'ou to publish my testimo nial for Mo re's Kevcalcd Kemt-ily, for it has been a grand thinir for inc. for it has cured me of headaches, from which I have suffered whenever I be came chilled, for the lust litteen years. 1 have suffered 1 erleit torture for twenty four hour! at a time, some times retchine for three Lours w ith out any rest and unable to fct ln-Ip Irom any of Hie numberless remedies tried, .now 1 am free frem this aull eriiiL'.fur at Uie lirit symptom of .me these alt.icks I take a i;od dose ol .Moo.-eV Reveale!, ami that is the end of it It has also cured me of conti i.atiun. M v husband says ii, ha saved liiE life, and" he would not be without it. We are both so ha ppy over il we cannot nay eiioti'Ji .n its tavor. and advie all tr friends to use it. MRU. JAMKS ULEASON, Cor, 1:a.h A Jackson st, Seattle, ash. "Fir sale by all drueu'ts. "tajsb tio cab" .'ROM RATES: To any part of t?ie city, 50 cent For calling, first hourft.&O, each subsequent hour 1. SCHMEER'S STABLES TAILOR MADE For-i-Summer-r-Wear, Cost no more made of rood material than ready made ill-fitting garments. W. .GRAHAM, The Merchant Tailor, has in stock the finest line of spring and summer suie insa ever brought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. lie has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any style desired. Call and see if it is not Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen a hrswlass Cicrar Company. give good references. F. O. B. CIGAR CO., Salem, V. CL mm so 70? m: tew rms i If eo call on I. BEAM He delivers his goods to ur part of the city free of ehsJO. Fresh vegetables every day. tySo thing but the best nft at I. BEAM'S, 2d st., cor. Jackson and Jet At my kiln one mi'e east of town, or delivered anvwheie in the city. V. C. CaSELL. SKCKKT bOCIUTIEB. McPherson Post No. 6, O. A. H. Stated moetinn at the U, A. E. Hall on Ue second and r ourtn Kriuay eveuinica ol each uioiita. irausient vumraaes ais ousmi t invited to meet ith us J K WMITlU. U. F. lASLsa, Ad I u tan t. A. o. V, W. Safety Lodce No, IS; assets every Mouuay etenuur at lb Q. A. M. hall on r'erry street, between Intnl. Aliiany, ores'. Btraager IB aoe city and transient brethren eonsiell isiTttel to attebd. Pension, Postal, Land and Indian Uepr -datiou Claims. law orriCE or mmii mm or turn, Under the management of W. R. HEARST. Ed. A Prop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manager, G18 F. Stieet, Northwest. Washington, D. C. Will nractice in the snnreme court of the United States, th court oi claims, uie several court nf the District of Columbia, before committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain pensions and patents, f,li4iv, ,iunrt.lariskn lai ms sind sill l:inHf m of land claims, minins. Die- emption and homestead casexproe ecuiea ueiore me general lauu ui lice, department of the interior and the supreme court. Novelties In Ladles Footwear, I hove just received for the turn mer trade the latest novelties in ladies line shoes. Cloth top, lancr tips; lace shoes with fancy tips, besides all the staple styles in band and machine turns. These goods were made expressly for me and will be found nice enough for the most fastidious and cheap enough for any one wanting a fine dress shoe. I aleo carry late novelties in Oxford ties ranging in price from 1.25 to f-i.00. ti. E. Young. Cram's Unrivalled Atlas, The new edition of this unrivall ed work is now being delivered by the agent, Mrs. A. fti. lait. Tne work is a most excellent one, and this edition is a irreat improve ment upon former ones, giving all the latest date and much new matter that was not in the previous editions. It should be in every family, and on every business man's desk. Those who are not supplied can procure the atlas by addressing P. O. Box No. 60 Al biny Oregon. Croup, whooping cough ao bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh's Cure. For safe by Feakay & Mason. Brick I I if I