THE MORNING HERALD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1591. doming J aityc raid DA.I&Y AND WEBKkY TIRMd OF SUBSCRIPTION: DAILY tabllahed ..ry morning eicept Monday.) . I. .uvsrod by carrier, per wees.. j mail, per year, t0 WUKLTtl (Fu.liahd .ry Friday Morning.) a. copy, per annum, in advance.-t2.00 n.a aot Pais In advance - iM TUK MAILM. Mail at the Albany poatofflce close Far all offlce no nortn To Eaatern etatea la Wan Side A ad toe Narrow Ga ait R. R4 a Portland and Sana. rralli. and Yaquina . t ;30 a. M. ...11 . .12:30 P. ; l omua aoutn .7:30 r. m The poaton will be clxd each evening a all to asen o'clock. Majiatared matter lor the ly morning raJn should be mailed before o clock the terlaa araninr. I OREGON PACIFIC TIMETABLE. Arrive. Depart! re ,11.13pm:12.!Opm 3.40im .45 a m FllUtel. TUB CUt LI AS WAR. It aeemn to be settled beyond the possibility of doubt that Bal maceda has sustained a crushing defeat, and that the troops of ti e congressional party have occupied the city of Valparaiso. Indeed, the United States Consul tele graphed to the state department that the city had surrendered, and that the forces of the congression alities were entering. This must be the beginning of the end. If the presidential party, with an army numerically superior could not defend Valparaiso it cannot be believed that it can make a successful stand elee- where. It is safe to say that this event demonstrates the success of the revolution, and must result in a complete change of administra tion. The defeated president will be forced out of the country and j new rulers will be in charge. If the victors be wise tiiey will use their newly acquired power with moderation. Instead cf pur suing the policy so frequently followed in cases of a change of government in the Latin countries that of wholesale confiscation, expatriation and even harsher meaanres they should declare an amnesty aa liberal in its terms as is consistent with the safety of the new government. They should recognize the fact that the men who fought against them have ommitteed no crine, and that they are entitled to consideration. The example shown by the United States at the close of the civil war should be followed in Chili. If this be done the world will put much more faith in the justice oi the revolutionists cause than if the hour of victor be rendered hideous by executions and proscriptions of those who only differed in opinion from the victors and dared to maintain their opinion on the field of battle. Chili must bear the scars of her recent wounds for many years, but under a wise, prudent and gener ous administration of public affaire there may be an immediate return of material prosperity. The vic torious party is solemnly pledged to govern in accordan itti the constitution and laws, and if this be carried out public confidence will soon be restored ami Chili will again take her proper place among the nations of the world The amount of positive know ledge that is elucidated, upon questions touching the health and welfare of the people, is wonder ful to contemplate. For instance it is said that the supreme council of hygiene of Austria has bet n en gsged in discussing the advantages of erect as compared with slanting writing, and the report of Drs. von Keuss and Lorenze points strongly in favor of the former. According to the London Education Times, they point out the direction of the written characters has a marked influence on tl e position of the body. In "straight" "writing the scholar faces his work, and is spared the twist of the body and neck which is always observable in those who write slantwise, and one common cause of spinal curva ture is thus obviated. The erect method is, therefore, expressly recommended for use in schools ia preferable to the ordinary sloping lines. No lesi a personage than the Emperor of Get many himself puts the story that the German habit of drinking Zwi lager beer is one of health aud sobriety, among the other harmful prevarications of the age. He has caused stringent restrictions to be placed ujon the drinking habits in that country. The law that it is proposed to en force not only prohibits the sell ing of liquor to minors and habit ual drunkards, but also forbids its sale at any places except where! bona fide eatables are re'aileJ, which ore practically suppress the ealoon. It alto arranges for the inspection of beer manufactures to see that they issue only a pure article. Germany is taking quite a step in the direction of prohi tion. It has been supposed that the days of witchcraft were entirely over, or at least that belief in them was gone out of fashion never to be revived. Cut two men in Williamsburg, New York, still persist in maintaining that witches exist. One John Kramer appeared before a justice anil wanted Lis wife detained for be witching him. La'.er on a former husband put in a similar plea, and as he also made ' an accusation of bigamy, the lady was ordered to appear for examination. The poor bewitched men are surely to l.e pitied. The Chinese question is one of importance to other nations as well as ours. It is raid that English reviews are discussing the possi bility of the Chinese at some future day overrunning the western world. This is an inter esting abstraction, but it is practi' cal, everyday question whether it is wise for the English to permit the sale of modern rilles which may be used by the Chinese to dislodge the British new in the empire. The editorial association at As toria passed some strictures upon the management of the Portland Exposition, that were sharp, and and that the manager of that in stitution claims were ill advised and made under a misunderstand ing. Not being piesent at the meeting ami not conversant with any of the facts before the members we are not prepared to gie an opinion. As to oui selves we have no complaint to make. Secretary Mitchell seems to be doing ex tremely well, and we say succes attend his endeavors. Beautiful Women. The magical effects of Wisdom's Uobertina as a beautitier and preserver of the complexion have been attested by tnousuLds o( leading ladies of society and the stage, it is tne only article ever discovered which gives a natural aud beautiful tint to the complex ion, removing tan, sunburn, freckels and ail roughness of the face and arms, leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvety. All re mark oa its delightfully cooling and refreshing properties, a distinction not lound in any other similiar article known, lor tale by Foshay it Mason. The trotting bred stallion Al wood Breeze will stand for service at i'rites Bros, stable, Albany Sat urday's of each week until farther notice. Dr. Hi mi iikky s Si fi m sure scitntificallj ami carelully prepared rejriptius; unci lor ruaov yean in private piactice with sue ocas, and lor over tnirt.v yurs lined t-y tti. people. Kvery einle speeiiic is a cure I"! named. Tlieeu siKxiriee cure without dru:'i;iii;, purxin or redueiiii.' the nynteui, and are in laet ana deed the sovereign remedies id the world. LIST OF rRINClfAL Slut. CIRJCS. MIOH.. 1 Fevers, ConreHtion, inr!amrnatiiii 2 Worms, worm lever, worm cone.... I'ryinK Colic, or teething of infants. . 4 Diarrhea, of children "t adult 5 hysentery. Unplug, Millions Colic ..... U Cholera Morhus, vtnutiiig 7 C'omjhs, eoldx, hroiichitin..... ........... s .Neuralgia, tiMiihache, Kaccache .. J lleaiiaehe, siek ht adache, vertigo.... 10 lipxiiepKia, billious stomaeh 1 1 Suppressed or Gainful Periods 1J Whites, too profuse pciiods 13 Croup, cou,'li, dillleult breathing; 14 Salt Kiieiiui. caysipelag. eruptions.. 16 Rheumatism, rlieiui atic pains IS l ever arid aue, chit Is malaria 17 Tiles, blind or bleeding I'J Catarrh, influenza, cold in the head 'M Whstpin Coutii, violent coughs J I General debility, physical weakness 27 Kidney dimaHc....MH 2fl Nervous debility ... .. . . , 30 I'rinary Weakness, wi Uing bed...... 3 Uiseaies ot the heart, palpitation.... no Ml 1 00 60 1 or Sold by ilru-'i'ists, or sent pmtiiaid on re ccipt of price. 1'r. Humphreys' ilanual, (144 page) ricniy oounu in eloin ami irjlil, mail ree, HCMr-llKMS MKK. u , 111 & 113 William St , New York, SPEC I FIGS CALIFORNIA ' POSITIVE AND .NEGATIVE, ELECTRIC L1 INAMENT CURE' CATARRH, RHF.U M ATIS M, Neuralgia, Corns. Headache, and ail pain. The Califor nia positive and negafive ELECTRIC COUGH C U R E, cures colds, croup, consump ttion. Sold by all druggists. Each 23c., r0c. and $1. Creas inger & Co., Props., Los Ange les, Cal. Children Cry for PITCHER'S Castor. ai HUMPHREYS' SPRING OUR STOCK OF SPRING WAGONS IS THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ON THE PACIFIC COAST, AND COMPRISES ALL THE LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and Moun tain Wagons, SPECIAL TARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS, ONE -HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pay all par;ies want ing Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the best, prices lowest, quality considered Staver & Walker NEW MARKET BLOCK, - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OS THE PACIFIC COAST OF Hadiincry and Vcaiclss of Every Description. SK.ND FOK CATALOG ,'K AND 1'KICK LIST. W. O.DAVIS ALBANY, - Do you want to be happy and make those about you pleased, if so go and get one of those lovely toned piano's at Mrs. Ilymans. If von have not drank Corona lo mineral water, you should try it. It will sober you up, give you a clean stomach and a good appe tite. The men of this vicinity need not tie jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good qualites of the cook and heating stoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. School Tax Notice, The school tax in school district No 5, is now due and pay able. Call at my ofhe and pay the same before it becomes de linquent. C. G. Bl'KKIIAKT. District Clerk. c n Comiviisncing Aug. 19, We will sell Summer Goods at a price that will sur prise all and surpass anything ever Reduction of IO Per Cent. ON ALL DRESS GOODS. Two Hundred Paras..U and sun Umbrellas at lesn than wholesale t.ricos. Remember, this is no mid iLLBAITT", OZEHEG-OIN" ALLEN BROTHERS. wholesale CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN FLIjS'X J5LOCK, : WAGONS. HALF-PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS, SCROLL SPRING WAGONS, "HANDY WAGONS," TAYLOR' OR THREE SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGON8, EXPRESS WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, fc CO. AGKEjSTTS OREGON. CliOWDER BROS Contractots and Builders. Jfhce on First street with Wal 1 ace & Cusick, real estate agents, . Jbany, Oregon. Estimates given n all kinds of buildings or carpen er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. The Thomas Kay Woollen Millt of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothine blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods an the best in the market and wil! give entire satisfaction. Watches, chains and spectacles, specialties at F. M. French's. Buy your spectacles and eye glasses at F. M. French's, and have your eyes teBted and your glasses properly fitted. Glasses from 25 cents to :0. Hanan & Son's fine shoes sell on their own merit, and always gives satisfaction. Try a pair at T. L, Wallace & Co. 'a. of Sac Simmer offered in Albany. -For One Week We Will lot or bankrupt sale, but a genuine BENEFIT and letai LR(IE OR SMALL QUANTITIES IN SEASON. - - - Star Bakery ,.A FULL STOCK OF.. Staple Groceries The best quality of le, cofffee, canoira outs, ttc. FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this "I J rr Halite house In also to he found complete oMortnifiit of frIi famil) groceries, to whivr in constantly living feMeo all the 8Kxoua'jlt: linen of Krwrriin ami to rigioiu, ttuch as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These gooils were all hoiurht wlien price ere low aud thvliunctHof tLe m:iri;in will lx iven to his cuntouiers. ItcmerntxT tiic place, it the old curlier "U rirt and bU. Conrad 31 iter. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal Cullvge of London, England, also of the Bclio vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases,' removes cancers, scrofula enlargements, tumuir ind wens, without pain or the knife, tie also makes a' opeuialty of treat ment with electricity. Has praelii ed in the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended day night. His motto is "t,.UD WILL TO ALL." erOffice aad residence, L liaion Oregon. N ii rTj. Mefsrs. Hyman &, Brownell are prepared in "their nursery to fur nish all kinds of slock, and thosi intending to plant should call upon them. Moots ami Shoes. Purchasers of Boots anil Shoes bear in mind that bi;s advertise ments and oilers of bij discounts io not always mean best values. You will have to pay (some one a profit as no one can do business without expense. The pust;on is who can sell you tlie best floods for the least money. Sami kl K. Yoi'no. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at Parker Bros. Try Coronado mineral water, the purest on earth, for sale bv all druggists. John lsoni Jr., r-olc agent. Pay your school tax costs of collection. and save Make a- SALE, at Grocers, ALBANY, OKEGOX. Crockery Goods STEWART & SOX -DEALERS IN- Russell Engines, Separators anil Slackers, OSBORNE BINDERS, We carry no machinery that has not been tried in this locality and found to he satisfactory, and as we represent factories, no responsible dealer can give better let ins. ctxjli crs oros hj fuel. Manufacturer of Choice Cigars -AND FINE IM9) Ml) Km WEST Clears Plug huJ Smoking Tobaccos, Mcers-haum aud Briar Piyes, full I'm:' o' Smokers' Articles.. Ne or to Pneitlcr's candy store, Albany, Oregon, Ask my ngi-ntH Tor W. I.. DoiiL'Inx Shoo. If not lor Hiile in your lnre iiftk your dcaliT lo Mfiid tor rntiiloutir, necure luc uircucy. and t;-t I lie m lor you. TA It K M) SI UsTITLTt. lw W4 WHY IS THE for $a; equals ireiu-n mi- L. DOUGLAS oeswhichcoclf,oul 5r CSUiT FOR $4 hand sewed welt shoe, fine onUC GENTLEMEN caif stylish, comfortable and THE BEST S HOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? (lurabi Tie fchoe ever olli r-d at this price; same grade as custom made shoes costing from ?i! to $::..")(! police shoe; farmers, railroad men and letter carrier all wear them ; line calf, seamless, smooth in ide, heavy three souls, exten sion edge ; one pair will wear a year. $2.50 tine calf ; no better shoe ever offered at thist rice; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort a$d service. $2.2" and $2.00 YVorkingman's shoes are strong -ind durable. Those who have given them a trial wili wear no otlirr make. I'.OY.S' f2 and $1.75 school shoes are worn by the lioys everywhere; they sell on their merits as the increasing sales show. LAWKS $: hand sewed shoe, best Dongola ; very stylish ; equals I-'iench imported shoes costing from $4 to $ti. Ladies $2.50, $2 and $1 75 shoe for Misses are H e best Pongolu. Stylis-Ii and durable. Caution. See that W. L. I'ouglas' name and pi ice are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. lOUiLAS, lirockton, Mass. Duns, AIho carries the finest lines of Pianos & Organs IX THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL AND EXAMINE IHS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMfLE, ALBANY. ORECiON. llnnTAi OI'KN'S SEI'TBMI-.KK 14. r.eaiiliful healthful nite near the city. Expenses are as reasonable as anv other institution of learning on the coast. Classical, literary, scientific, theological, preparatory, normal and business courses. Mu dents of all grades received. Care ful oversight and direction given to all students. Ladies boarding hall under experienced super vision. I'rofessors of excellent scholarship aud much experience cmploved. For information ad dress 0. C Stratton, D. !., presi dent, or Thoa. Van Scoy, D. D., dean of college, Portland Univer sity, l'oitiand, Or. FOR SALE OR RENT. JEFFK.SON FLOURING MILLS, Also SAW AND TINNING MILLS, Jeirerson, Marion Co., Or. For particulars apply to CORIJETT& MACLEAY, m and CO Front St., l'oi Hand, Or. MOWERS & RAKES. DEALER. IN- L. E. B LAI fx!, soi l: AuKsr. ii ALiiANY, - - ORKGOX. It is a seamleFs shoe, with no tat-ks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the be.-t fine caif, stylish and easy n ml Itecause we make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it eipials hand sewed shoes costing from $4 to $5. finest calf sin 11 A lillTl.' NIU't'fI-tll finest calf shoe ever offered 6.L. Blackmao, -DE A I UK IS- Paints, Oils, Perfomcrj A.ND TOILET AKTICLK8, And a full line oi Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Prescriptions Carefully Comnounded. THE- Stale Agricultural Ctlta Opens Sejitember ISth, r COI'ltSK OK STI'DV arranged pxpn'm-Iy to inift the iifcls oi I he famiiiii: and inwnaiii cal interests of the t;ite. Lam-,!' and well ventiiated Imildinirs. Hie rwllti:.. is lo.itel in .cultivated and christian com munity, and one of the lie-.ilttiiesi in thi State.' 3Iilit(iru Tralninij. Kxncnsrs Need No. Kxiwl 1M tor the Knt ire Season. Two cr more free hn! irshij s fn I ery eountv. Write tor e.italKUe tt " B. L. A K NOLI i, Pres., C-irvallii Or. Albany ITurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, j it will pay to see our 6tock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN & BROWNELL. G KNKRAL AOF.N'TS and canrasw-rs look- hiHines', no ioiiiietition. shoulil seeure the sale of the 1'atcnt AdjiiKtah'e Shne, Ad dress with stuiip, CONSOL,IlATtl SIloE CO., Salem, Miss. . -THS- iapa Roate OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T.J K. IIOGG, Itecelver. AKC Oregon Development Go.'i Steamship Line AND 22 Id ours Leas Tlm Thau by any other route: Accomodations unsurpassed for comfort aa safety, r arcs aud freight via Vaqiana aa the Oregon Deveopuieut ccu.,ity's hips, much less that hy any ither rout ween all points in the V illlan-et'e al and San Francisco, Sailing dates. raoM TAQDIHA. Willamette Valley.... WM w v .. Willamette Valley moM (AH raaKCBOO Aur 4th " 13th l!2, SI July SI Aug- t - 1. If Willamette Valley. W il lunette Valley. Thu company ruierve the right to ohaig learners or saiiinir uatea. Daily rasas-ieia TtAiftl, Kxcept Sundays.) L Ya,tilna 7:00 a I Lv Albany IMS H Con.allisl0:3fi a m I " Corvallis IM m Ar AHiauy , !:JS a y Ar Yaquina t it r. . O it C lu.iie jouuect at Aiban aad fat Vs. II . Hnae, C, t Bcei'l, General Mana, U. f P. agent Corrallls, O M EAST SOUTH VIA PACIFIC SOUTHERN ROUTE. THE KOUM SL'.STA ECtTI California express trains run daily Sol'IH ( 7:ou p ai..Lv... lu:Lj i ni..Lv. .. 1U1..AI .Portland Ar.. t:Sc aja .Aioany Lv.. :K aaa ,S. Francisco. Lr.. MObbs Local lat. Trala Dally- Ex. Sunday s:0(i am.. Lv Portland . lrJjf Albany.. 6 o p ruAr Kot-cour x. . . ..Ar.. sx pas .Lv..ll.-O0Kai ..Lv.. :Jbaai LrbanvB Mraacki. 1:M p uiLv.. J:3S p m Ar . 7:10 a m.. Lv i.! a m..Ar ..Albany Ar.. a:b.Bi ..Lebanun.....Lv , a:4uaai Allny. Ar.. 4.M pas Lebanon...... Lv.. S-io pas albwy local, dailt (Exoept 8unday) ..iu r v.. Lv.... Portland Ar.....0C a m y.oo m Ar. ..Aibiny..Lv....6.UB A m PULLMAN BUFFETSLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommouation of ti cood Class Pa senders attached to fc-prcr . l Hide IMvlsloa. Between I'ortland and Corvallia Mull Train Ually-Excep'. Sunday r::;oam..Lv ...Po.-Uawl ...Ar.6.30 a. "ai i:10 p iu..A; Corviuiis.. ly. 12. tip. ss At Albany and Corvallis cuuuect aitk trains of Onyr.n PacincKailroad. flvprcNt Train Ially (Except Sunday p m. . 7Ju p lu. . .Portland... Ar.. 8:80 ass .M,JUK Ar... THROUGH TICKFTS lo AH Point EAST AND SOUTH LB tor tickets and full 'Information ra I. -ardin rt maps, etc., 11 ou oompauy't aK-nl hi Allnc.iv. K. KOKIII.KK, Manairer E. P. ROGERS, Asst. ii.f P. A WEAK MAN Can core himself of (he de- ploiable it. stilts of early abuse and j perfectly restore his vigor and vital I ity by our home treatment. Th rt-markable cures of hopeless rasei j of nervous debility and private coinuiaiius are ever wiiere stamp ing out quackery. Treaties and question list, a physician's gift to eullering humanity, will be aent fiee to those atllictec. Addresi with stamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, 405 Kearny St., Room 2, ran Francisco, Cal. We c;.rry a large 6toek of lirintti's stationery, well as sorted, bought direct from the manufacturers at a low figure, j'j and can give the best of work kinds cf printing for the. oiicv. Trv us. IIO.CtlB. THE MARKETS. " AT.Ba.NY QUOTATIOITf. Wheat Mic Oats :i."c Mi.ui f 4.2-1 Ver bbl Pi di tot-s :c Batter 'J"c Lard lUft't 12c. Ham 14 15c. Shoulders loc, Baeou 12J,'c. Hops 'JOc. liay liniotliy, flO, oaU and cheat IS. App es Green, tl oer bn. PIuju Dried, flc. per lb. App es dried bleached 5ta eundried & ' c Chickens 14 5o500. Beef tftgc gross. Mutton g:j.50per head. Hoct SJr. arc6ser. VcultJatlc. Wool 1821c. EGGS FOR SALE. I will eell full blood Leghorn eggs, loth Rinjrle and row comb, for tl oO per 13. also dotted Wyn dotts, Light Brnhmas, Iangihan and liy mouth Kock at ti e iimi P'h.e. L. J. lloccr, Tangent, Or.