V . . -"Wr ---, rrt , , ... , ':- ) j Kiriitoi finite MtwlSi ' -f. SO CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 1891 VOL. VI NO. 233 FOR LE. WANTS. ETC. GIRL WATKD-To il treneral hcuwwnrk. Nsue but Brst i-U help need aynli. Call at thi tl e. ' WAITED A younif girl fur light work a'ld cm-j of ch lil. en. Impure at cot earner Ninth and CUp ia street. WAN TKD -A fcirl to d general house work in a sin ill f imi!y. 1 1 ' 1 1 r sjiith Ml emer 7th an t Biker itievU. TllTyour Khi l tn - I'be vd 1 la tr X t yuer is ii 'Iid .'I p:ib!e. Ttl Mnrt arr re iiese I t etil pr.iniitlv, at ta of the o'e.-k. '. Burkhirt and a la itul. Sifted, C, l. Hark hart, dark. c a. wiN.f, Asr kok the: um. l.f Ar., lil. M l j-lltil insiiruice com- MONCT TO LOAH -HoUK CAPITAL ON food real estate e.-urity. t or r-artii-it-lar euijair. ot Civ. tlmuhrey. GOL.D RING, 8 U'JLD PK.NS. CDAK p-mct:, X very food h Ik.-ri hieS, ali Mil taauy address i iutrodnee my eh up liaa uf J nil, lor 10 c: J 8. Sum in. Cadiz O WtSriLI -h tici I .r ci nini p'ir.n.s.s. 7l Am di-rre. B trk K -p;it,li j.i .harries, pejb plu in. Bir'ltt! u-a-s, Itix k raewoerriM an I Bic!t:cric. K.r which I will pay tbe bijhnet market pri-v. J. W. Simpson 1U'-'H O? LVNO All Ht for .Mill i 1 UVI sallon. aid mi l.:r ftfii.:e. for mlf a1 tl4ora r.. Within IJ iuiIm from rulro.l aiua ia a id zu niuos rro.u Aiiimy. Aply taia oXoa. SASwA baa rem ved h laundry to the iron ft in tne cor cr of .-. on.l an. I Lf .a Mre.t. Laail fur Aalr. (. 10, , 10, J aore. tvty trnH, install awal "Uo cnn? an I ii,'h-prii'.;d A. no I city lot. a'l o.nwl by tl. Kr :in t. Lane? Sarvrylan. P tanas Dasiaina survitlxh n-isa cm on taia ammrate nd prompt work hv eaiiini; M county aurvi-yoi K T. T. r'inher. Ur kaaiMp!at couiec of field mtce a:id town aaip plata, and i fireare 1 to do aurvevini; in aay part of Linn county. PwtotBee aldrM. Millars Station. Linn con it Oregon. Notice of i'arntcrhi. NOTICE ia hi e'.v ivtn thit J. W. r...m sar iua pureh mu1 o.ie h lf interest in the kKM Enter Mil:, ail tii.iniii.es hi-r after be ran u Uer thb.n i a ne of J..m A li umhtr. .Vela AiiKut 1 1.91. FiiCoin J, , Oahkk. WOHiV11i; - 11. Ilxarl invi. pn'htwl the tr I) tl J ine- wjk! uw ng autit. him revlv t . 4 1 ul' 'T.I -r-i. La.?, onlera at rei leii f. of ct d sad Oalapooia atreet", or lleyoe Kroinitn'.. UitprecetVentetV q man A for ' i no it" v. ttvxeKAoero carry. As If your dealer. FOR SfllE EVERYWh'tBE University of Oregon AT EUtiENK. Nxt session hegins on Momlav, the 21st, day of September, lSDI ; tuition, free. Four Courses: Clerical, Scientific, Literary, ami short Entlinh course, in which there is no Latin, lireek, rrem:h r (ierman. TIip Kniflisli is pre eminently a business course, l 'or ntaloiiies or other information Address J. W. Johnson-. 1'resiili'iit. CITY DRUG STORE BTAHASD k COSICK, Proas., PFK1FFKR BLOCK, - - AI.NV Teiler? In BRUCS. MEDICINES. CHEMHWS, FANCY and Toilet arti. i. Sponge. Briiht-e, Perfumery, .S hoo! Honk, and Ar t't Suppliea "Physician's prescript! o n f carefully coiupoumled. I i 2,-2.3:53 ti. GKEGG, Tailoring Itepairiiis. Maa'saad Boa ctochinf mtile to order or alaal and repaired on abort notice and raaeaaablo rates. bap a the atreet car lirw, Jbetweun Third aud Fsurtb atneta. I 1 4 iS us 9 i - BISCUIT. MUFFINS. WAFFLES. CORN BREAD. GRIDDLE CAKES. Can always be made with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pcvv'der. And while cakes and biscuit will retain their moist ure, they will be found flaky and extremely light and fine grained, not coarse and full of holes as are the biscuit made frin ammonia baking powder. Price's Cream Baking Pow der produces work that is beyond comparison and yet costs no more than the adulterated ammonia or alum powders. rr. Price's stands for pure food and good health. 1 :un U'l ul.l nun :u:. I have In en a i-o:ist.i!ir suir.-ivr with tutarrli for tiie hist tiii yi-aiss. I am fit -tirtrly firod liv tin- u.-.. of Kly'n (Venn Calm. It is strange that" so t-iuiilea ft'int'iiy will -iite biit:h a stuliti rn ili?ea-ie Henrv l!i'l ins, l.'. S. IYiiskiu Att'yj Wash tiiU'on, I. C. tor eiuhf yai'i I have suilVreil from ratar-li, wliifS t'H'ected my -yes ami liearirg; have iMiilofil many physicians without rt-lu-f. I hiii ilo.v on my sf.-oiul li : t le of I'.ly'sj 1'ieam lalm, ar:il fti'l cor.fi- h-iit of a complete nire. .M iry C. Tlionijisoii, t'erro Wor io, 111. We are the onlv pi".ih wlio far- ry the ivli-bratnl K. & W. collar an l cnil's. Always have the latest styles in stoc'i, T." L. Walla: e it Co. TO .OI TKMI'L tlC. I)o you know- that Moore's K'j vtaled Kemedy is the only patent medicine in the world that dot s not contain a drop ol i-looliol ; thi.t the mnife cA rirfimrinL ,t ia Irnnivn nnlv f A ita licumrirnr I f liat it ia ai advance in the scien of medicine without a parallel r.i the nine teenth centurv : that its nronrietoi a oiler to forfeit $1,1 00 for any cass of dyapepsi.i it w ill not cure? Thos. Urink has just received some of the finest louniri-B ever drought to Allnny, and he is sell-; ing them at a close margin. Stilt We are Our Summer Stock will complete FURNISHING COOPS, VELVETS. SILKS, SATIN'S AND PLUSHES, LADIES' AND MISSES SILK AND KNIT UNDERWEAR. COTTON AN D WOOL HOSE, EMBROIDERIES, SILK AND I.INE.V HANDKERCHIEFS. SCARFS. VEI LI .VPS. SHAW LS , ETC. DRiiSS GO JDS Very attractive lints in new folnrings and latest novelties. GOODS FOR SUMMER WEAR 1 Latest Styles ! High Novelties ! Ladies, Misses Jc Childien'e. o- Gr. W. SIMPSON, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Once - AV? wish to remind you that "wo car- rv the most Complete Line of Hard ware, Stoves and Hancres in the Val lev. MATTHEWS & WASH' BURN. Delicious. DUMPLINGS. POT PIES. PUDDINGS. CAKES. SI'M IMK C ASK!. S. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis.. was troubled with Neuralgia end and Rheumatism, his Stomach a as disordered, his Liver was affected to and alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly re duced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harris! lrg, lit., hail a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bit'-eis and seven boxs of Hucklen's Salve, and his leg is sound . nd well. John Speaker, Calawb?, 0., hail live larire hVvcr sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. I One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Hucklen's Arnica Salve owed him entirely. Sold by Foshay & Mason. Drug store. Mat! tKKVEct LIVES FILM. Act on a new principle regula ting the lier, stomach and bowels through the nerves. 1 Anew dii covery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily enre biliousness, bad taste, torpi 1 liver, piles, constipationr Un equaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest ! oOdoee for 25 ceut9. Samples ee, at Stanard & Cusick. Cakes of all varieties, fancy and plain at the Delmonico restaurant. in the Lead! be found than ever. larger and more WHITE GOODS Anything and everytliing in large assortment and end less variety. Again DOUGHNUTS. THE NLI'IT Al STA4.K. Uev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor 1 Tiiit ed Brethren Church, Blue Mourn I, Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me. My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could I live only a few weeks. I took five ! bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery (and am sound and well, g lining i lbs. in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes : After a thorough trial and con vincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, beats 'em all. and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness 1 can do my many thousand friends is to uge them to try it.' Free trial bottes at Foshay & Mason, Drug Store. Regular sizes 50c. and $1 00. oiKCA.Mtiu Aimer:. It is seldom that we appear in the roll of apirituul adviser of family phy sician but there sre times when we feel justitiea! in calling Uio atteii'Jor.' our many srihsiribers to an article of true merit. We feci justified in baying that Moore's Keverltd Keuaedy con tains more actual merit tliaii any medicine it has ever liccn ourgocd fortune to test. One trial will make you as etithbiastic as the w riter, WILL BE Vltl-: A WAT. Our enterprising druggists Stanard & Cusick who carry the finest stock of drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles, brushes, spouges, etc., are giving away a large num ber of trial bottles of Dr. Miles' celebrated Restorative Nervine. They guarantee it to cure headache dizziness, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. Druggists say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is uni versally satisfactory. They also guarantee Dr. Miles"' New "Heart Cure in all cases of nervous or organic heart diseases, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on "Nervous and lloart Dis eases" free. mkkit is, We desire to say to our citi zms, that for years we have been sell, ing Dr King's New- Discovery for Consumption, Dr Kinvr's New Life Pilis, Biicklen'9 Arnica Salve and nieciric cuiers, aim liave never handled remedies that sell as, or that. nave given such universal sutisfae tlcn, We do not hesitate 10 guaran tee ;tliem every time and we stand ready to refund the purchase juice, if satisfactory r. suits dti not follow their use These remedies have won their pre it popularity purely on their merits, Fotshay iC Mason Druggists, Frequently accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean's Vnlennie Oil Liniment has for many years neen tne constant lavonte family emedy. That hacking couch can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it". Bold by Foshav & Mason. The Celebrated Frencli CURE Warranted to euro the irenerative organs of either sex whether aririnir from the exceasii e use of stimulants, tobacco or opium, or thr niKh jouthful indis cretion, over indulgence, Oc, euch as loss of Brain Pcwer, Wakefu'nese, Bearing Down paint In the Back, Semlpal Weakness, Hys teria, Ner ou atratiou. Nocturnal Oniis aioni, Leueorrho Dizziness, Weak Memory, Lea of Power and impotenjy which if net, lected often lead to premature old aire and insanity. Price 91 a box; 6 boxco fcr (5.00 Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WKITTE IiAKA.Ti:E la eircn with every to order received, to refund tne money if a Permanrnt cure is not t-lf ted. We have thousands of testimonials from old and yountr, of both sexes, who have been permanently cured by the use "f Aphroditiue Circular free, Addreea TBE APHKO MEDK'IME CO. Western Branch, Box, 27. Portland, Oregon. For sale by Foshay & Mason, who osale and tail drufcuisU, Albany, Oraitoo. or money refunded a5S AFTER STATE AND COAST. Two Girls Drowned in the Wil lamette at Independence. THE BODIES RECOVERED, Cold Bobbery of 0hinmea at BaUm -.'A The Usual .'Badgtt of Htwt From JfeK .-v thsJttft Cpiui. ; Sai.em, Sept. 1. Iwo young ladies. Edith Lee. daughter of Dr. Lee. aud Mabel Skinner, daughter of (ieo. Skinner, all of Independ ence, were drowned this afternoon jit 1 o'clock in the Willamette at Independence. The bodies were recovered between 3 and 4 o'clock. Nip girU were aged about 14 yeare tench. Hubert Christiansen, a Dane from Portland, has been commit ted to the asylum for the insane. He has a mania for tearing up furniture, destroying property, etc. Tiie base ball people of the town are excited over the game to morrow between the Salems and the Portland league team. At an early hour th's morning vhilesome Chinamen were in a sore counting out mney, two men ran in, grabbed it, rushed out and disappeared in the darknef-8 with tiie booty, amounting to about ti: ty d il'ars. It was a tiold Cieft to which there is no clue. A FIKXDISU N KG It ESS. SUA Murdi rciunly Aia-iulle a Mother and llrr llillil. OKi.Aiio.Mt, I. T., Sept. I. Last evening, Mrs. M-ry Ryan, who is an invalid, and l.er 7-year-old daughter were attacked by a rwgress named Mary lit wilt, w ho occupied a tent ia Mrs. Ryan's yard. The mg:e?s became en raged at the child and commenced to beat her with a broom. The .sick motl ergot out of bed and at tempted to protect her child, when tho negress seized a hatched and attacked Mrs. Ryan, breaking boih arni3 in several places and cutting two deep gashes in her ba k. It is probable both mother and chiid will die. The negress was arrested, and with difficulty take 1 to jail. A large mob sur rounded the prisoner, and were determined to lynch her, but the prompt arrival of troops prevented this. SIIOOT1NU AFFRAY. Kerolrert lueil Kffoctlvelv to Set tle a Dispute. Sonora, Cal., Sept. 1. Last night w hile Frank McCann, super intendent of the Stanley mine, was sitting in front of the Yosemite hotel conversing with James F. Nounann, he was inter rupted by John Sevenoaks, super intendent of the Badger mine, whose manner was reseDted by McCann. Pistals were drawn and four shots fifed. Two bullets lodged in Sevenoaka' body; one entered the right breast but passed around on ttie rib and was cut out at the back. Another lodged in the right leg. His wounds are not considered dangerous. Mc Cann escaped without injury. N. arrests so far Have neen maoe. THOl IILK IN ALASKA, l: a mors or Difficulties Among; tin Indians at Oil lea t. Nkw Yokk, Sept. 1. News of an outbreak among the Indians at Chilcat. Alaska, has been received from Sitka. According to advices, the United States gunboat Pinta w as summoned by citizens of that place and reiimined there three davs settling the difficulty. On the ,.f !. l'inta to Mtka the ot'ieem were reticent, and it was impossible to oMain irom tnem ar.v news of the trouble, excepting that it was through a reduction in wages paid the Indians engageuin uu'i.mn" flaliin.r Tt ufls understood at iitka that the matter hod been sealed without bloodshed, put at it. n r;;,.f nf oileii-pa tiie Pinta is preparing for a second visit to the place. TIIK mSSIAN JEW9. IViipositliin to Send Them Her. In I. arte Numbers. London, Sept. 1. The objection of. the Argentine Republic to the extensive settlement ol Jews, pro posed by Baron Hirscb, has led the heads of the Jewish relief movement to turn their eyes again toward the United States, and it is reported that a determined effort Till be made to overcome any restrictions that might pre vent the United States from being a general refuge for the exiled Russian Jews. KOCH'S REMEDY. It Ia Being Coed by Physicians In This Country. Since the papers have thrown Koch's cure over the rail it mieht be supposed that it was abandoned. It is really gaining a foothold amongst the medical profession only since the papers dropped it. iiy iirm importing the lynipti, im porting it in large quantities, and I am selling it in large quantities, and I am selling it daily all over the country. 1 sell in proportion to its va'ue, You must remember that an ordinary beer pottle full gf it is worth about $25,000. You may see that it cannot be used as a beverage. To tell the truth, al most every physician in the coun try, who does anything in the way of original research or experi mentation, is now quietly testing this lymph in his own priyate practice. I have just returned horn Pittsburg, where I talked with thirteen doctors who had been trying it in the last three months on from one to eighteen patients, . the latter number oocvjring ia ,the practice of a specialist in pulmonary diseases. I cannot get from them definite statements of their verdict as to its value. The ludicrous uproar and hubbub over its first appear ance made them extremely cautious in this particular. They seem to think it worth carrying on extended experiments with, since the firm which 1 represent is sending out weekly something over $10,000 worth of the precious fluid. I have heard some very good reports from its use, aud I enould not be at all surprised if next win ter should witness a renewal of the excitement over the remedy, !ut in an entirely different way. The very silence that tiie beat physi cians maintain convinces me of this. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. ENGLAND'! SITUATION, It Hay Vet Be Hade a Very I'ncoin fortable On to Occupy. Beki.is. Sept. 1 The National Gazette argues that the - initiative in the Dardanelles matter falls upon England, saying: "It would be an exceedingly bitter irony ol fate if, immediately after the Ports mouth reception, England should be compelled by Russia, France's ally, to defend fier interests." Kesolta of the I'ralrin Fire. Fai'i.kto.n, S. D., Sept. 1. It will be several davs yet before the effects of the awful prairie lire o. Friday evening is realized. So far no loss of life lias been reported, but the losses of projierty are in calculable. BY MASKED MEN A TRAIN II ELD UP AT THE POINT OF RIFLES. Three Thousand Dollars iWas Taken 'From the E press Car The Robbers Escaped Can von City, Colo., Sept. 1. Seven men held up the east-bound Rio Grande train last night near - otopaxi. I be liigiiwavmen com pelled the flagmen at Texae creek to give r.p ail torpedoes in his possession, and also forced him to nag the train. As soon as it stopped the engin eer and fireman were held up at the point of rifles. Tbe fireman was relieved of a fine gold watcj and then forced to pick the lock and break in the door of the baggage-car under fire from the express messenger, the mail-car doors were all broken in, but noth ing was taken from t'-e car. Express Messenger Angel made i determined resistance and used his revolver to good advantage, ut whether one was killed is not lelinitely known. The fight was a fierce one, though it lasted only a few moments. The masked men then, under threat of killing him, compelled the messenger to open the safe from which the robliers took $30J0. Horses were in readiness, and, as soon as the robbery was accomplished, tiie desperadoes fled to Wet Mounts in valley. They did not disturb the passengers. A posse was sum mooed and left for the scene at once. Trinidad was wired to for hound? that have been instrumental in running down several criminals. They will be hurried to the scene on a special train and put on the track as soon as ossib)e. With the efforts being made, it is thought the robbers cm not escape. Large Maul of Neals. San Francisco, Sept. 1. News has been received in this city that the sealing schooner C. U. White, Captain ilagemann, was reported as having caught 1500 seals off the Japan coast. The managingowner in this city immediately placed an insurance of $'J0,000on the schoon er's cargo. A Steamboat Burned. I'niiTl ivn Sont 1 Wni.-1 baa just been received of the burning . r . 1 - i T : 1 1 oi me steamer miiiuie mil, yes terday morning at Beaver's slouch, fort.v miles down the Columbia. She burned to the water's edge. The Minnie Hill was a tniail steamer of thirteen tons. The loan is $3000 all ; insurance $1500. Destructive Cyclone. Rome. Sent. 1. A cvclont. which has just passed over San Mauro, Castilion and Gassino dig tricts, has caused great distress. Numbers of persons were injured. crops in the path of the storm were destroyed and many hnimpa damaged. Be Raised Wares. Berlin, Sept. 1. Baron Stumm. one of the largest emDlovera of labor in Germany, has decided to pay higher wa8es to all his em ployes WBlle dearnena nf fYwl tinuee, and to increase the pen sions allowed the widows of em ployes and others. ALL QUIET IN CHILI Several Prominent Government Officials will Be Shot. DEMAND FOR THE REFUGEES, Balmaccda it Making Across the Andes. nd li Praotlcally Beyond Fnrtnlt , ,. -WUtsi Uj .Catoh Him. Valparaiso, Sept. 1. Order is gradually being restored in Chili. General Basquedauo has been rec ognized as president ad interim ol the republic by the members of the junta here, and little doubt is felt but what this action will be ratilied by the members now en route from Iquique. The govern ment troops at Concepcion, Talca huano aud other places have, through their commandingoflicers, notified the congressiom list auth orities that they have finished lighting, and are ready to obey rders from the junta, and only Coq'iimbo promises to make trouble. All that remains to be done now is to put down t lie cases of disorder, tiring to trial such of the Balmace dit officials as have been guilty ol outrageous acts o: tryauny, and prepare for the elections, which will again give the republic an un j questioned constitutional govern ment. Several prominent govern ment officials will be shot to niur row after a trial bv martial law. Balmaceda's officials at Coquimbo have cut the English cable there and have refused to surrender and w ill make a fight. The Esmeralda with the Lynch, goes to Coquimbo to-night. Traospoits with troops will follow. The first and 60 far the only exe cution which has the appearance f having been prompted by re venge, occurred here to-day. The Procurator Fiscal, who prosecuted lie cases against the men who are llleged to be in a plot to blow ui the torpedo boats Almirante.LyncI and Condell, and the transport Imperiale, which resulted in the execution of Cummings and two others, was taken out and shot There have been other executions -ince the occupation of the city by the congressionahsts, but they have been of men who were guilty of stirring up tiie people to acts ol riot and incendiarism. The most prominent of the men thus far tilled on this accuut is Leon Lav in editor of El Commercio, who wa caught in the act of distributing incendiary literature, lie was executed with the semblance of a trial. The presence of political refu gees on board the American and German war ships has been the cause of several conferences and much ill-feeling. Among the more prominent of those who have sought asylum are Don Claudio Vicuna, who was elected to suc ceed Balmaceda as president; Senors Banados. ex-minister ol war ; Espinosa, ex-minister of the interior; Dominigo Godoy, ex- minister of state ; Peres Montt, ex minister of justice, and Oscar Viel. ex-intendante of Valparaiso, Much indignation ia felt both in official and unofficial circles that these men should be kept from the authorities. A formal demand was made for their surrender yes terday on Admiral Brown and the German, admiral by Intendante Joaquin Martinez. After 'a con- ultation the naval othcers in- forinr d Senor Martinez that they would decline to surrender the men unless proper guarantees were given that their lives would be safe until thev had a fair trial They were then requested by the intendante to furnish a list of all i he men who had sought refuge on ihe war ships, so the proper oth cials could decide which should receive the guarantee. The list was furnished at a con ference held last night between the two admirals and the refugees. Ihe former promised that all of them who were not euaranteed proper treatment would be put aboard a steamer and sent direct to Peru. Arrangements have been made for a conference between the Hdmirtls and congressional lead ers to finally disp.se of the refu gees, and it is generally thought that the filan to send them to Peru will be agreed upon. The French admiral refuses to harbor any of the refugees. Ex-President Balmaceda left Santiago on Saturday by rail for Ivos Andes, about thirty miles northeast of the capital. He will unquestionably try to make his way across the country to the At lantic coast. He is now prac tically beyond pursuit, and his most formidable enemy is the cold of an Andean winter. New Kind ef Railroad, The Salem Statesman learns that a new kind of a railroad ia to be constructed by K. Scott of Scott's mills, Butte creek, Marion county, who has been planning for some time to build a singie track railroad from his place to Mount Angel station, was in Port land a few davs asro on business connected with bis scheme. The road is to he built, and on a more extensive scale tban was at first contemplated. It is not improb able that it may run from Oregon City, via Wilhoit springs, to Salem, a distance of about fifty miles. The style of the road is something entirely new in this region, but has been tested in Cal ifornia and found to work well : The roadbed is constructed entire ly of timber, and is a V shaped track or chute, thirty inches acroe 8 the top. The wheels of the engine and cars are made to fit this trough, which being broad at the top, prevents oscillation. Tbe road can run up steeper grades and around sharper curves than an ordinary road, and as the trough can be supported on timbers not much grading is required, and the road is peculiarly adapted to run ning through a timbered country, Mr. Scott has an engine for bis road now in San Francisco. If the road proves to be all that is expected of it there will doubtless be many more constructed in the timbered portions of this state, running to saw mills, mining camps, etc. One great recom mendation of the road is ita cheap ness, as the cost is only about $1,200 per mile. Moltke's story of the Franco Prussian war has been published. In the introduction he remarks: " Warfare ia no longer a question of a small professional itrmy. Wars at the present day involve whole nations. There is hardly a family that does not suffer. Thecjuntry's whole resources are involved, and winter offers no cessation of hostilities," lie expresses the hope that wa', although inevitable, will in the in terest ot huminity, become the more rare as ii becomes the mote terrible. Proceeding, be states: "It is no longer the ambition of monaichs that endangers peace, but the pas sions and dis-atislaciions ot peoples and tne strife of partite, even the bourses' influence is enough to precipitate war to pro tect, their inttrei-ts. It follows that parliamentsdeclare war. - the re.-pouui uity being more easily canr etbv an assembly than by an ii. vidual. Thus the week government at the l;eid of our neighboring State must be regard ed as a standing menace to peace." FROM BEHKING SEA FOUR SEALING SCHOONERS RETURN TO VICTORI 1. A Russian Gun Boat Had Raid on a Poacher and Shot the Captain. Victoria, B. C, Hept. 1. Four more sealing schooners have re turned to port tbe Carlotta C. Cox, Annie C. Moore, Borealis and Geneva. The Carlotta C. Cox brought 1513 skins; Geneva, 496 skins; Annie C. Moore, 1650; and the Borealis, 1500. All were warned to leave Behring sea. 1'hey report seals very plentiful. The Theresa brought news of tbe Hamilton Lewis, Captain Alex McLean, having been captured by Russian gun boat, while poach ing off Copper island in Russian waters; also that the schooner Webster, Captain Dan McLean. had undertaken a raid on one of the Russian seal islands, and the poachers were caught. McLean was Ehot in the leg, but the rest of his crew mana:d to retrain the schooner aud escape, leaving Mc Lean a prisoner. THREE RIO CONTRACTS. Twenty-Two Thonsand Poands of Hops Sold In Portland, Portland, Sept. 1. Three large contracts for future delivery of hops have just been completed here. This ia probably the awak ening from the lethargy which has surrounded buyers and glowers throughout the summer. , For two months, when contracti ng for hops should have been very lively, nothing has been done. The market has been dull through out the country, and in New York especially. In Oregon the preys- lence of lice and uncertainty as Ut tbe damage which they might do has in a great measure restrained fanr era from selling. I lie contracts are : One for 10.- 000 pounds at 16c per pound, and two for fr'OJ pounds each, for 15c Der pound. They are to be deliv ered in October. The contracts were made through one of the largest dealers, who, of course, will not divulge the names of the par ies. The tiret lot is to be sup plied by one grower, and the two others by a second. There have not been many contracts made this season which are larger than these. THE INLAND EHPIPK. Wheat Proapecta In that District Are Good, Portland, Sept. 1. A grain man irom Eastern Washington was in the city to day and Book in strong terms of toe wheat pros pects in that section. Tbe farther south a person goes, generally the better crops are Been. In the northern part it has been a little too dry. A singular fact is also noted that often one part of a field will be dead ripe, while 20 rods away it will be decidedly green. vtarenouses are nuij erected by tne larmera- alliance, especially in hitman county. l,:isi year a warenouse was uum bv Senator J. II. McCro-ky at Garfield. A dividend of 50 per cent, on its cost was declared. This, oftourse, encouraged the farmers. if . 4 I w 7 1 .,1 A