w Severe relets Are Brakes I'p I Heataaa. ' the VirgiaieCitjr, Mjut M aJiswian. when we Sad a medicine we knew to pjutn genuine merit' we ceasider it a duty, and we tak Utt in tailing the public wlut it is. Suca a mi liein we found CaamberUin's Cough Keuiedy, last winter, when la erippe was prevailing. We are satiiiied that it warded off several attacks that were threatening by the use of yur syrup, and we have since relieved, ia a few hours, severe coide, add in the course of two ur three days, entirely broken them ap by its use as have several of ur friends whom we have recom aaend it.; It is all that it is repre sented to ba by he manufacturers. If you have a cough and want to top it. Chamberlain's Cough Itemed will do the work. For sala ay Foshay A Mason. Take the Cmou Pacific railway far tha East, thirty-five hours auicker than any other traimcon Unental line. Elegant new dining cars, Pullman palace sleepers, free family sleeping cars run through to Denver, Omaha, Council BluHs, Tana Citr. tit. Louie and Chi cago. U. U. Kawliugs, city ucsei Scant, foot of Broevlalbin street. Little Ulaat and Vow las' Bros. bys, misses and child- i l : ,r .i,,!,.. .ill reus iuucii uiucicuh Bi;Q it aicaa and widths MADS SoUl A kit TaaouoH. Try s pair nothing better medium in price. Every pair warranted. Saai-KL E Yoiso. Corset! Curaata! We make a -pecialty of 1 w ies aad misses tine corsets and w (ts. We have a drive in a F neb saUen corset at 75cenU. l-xtra good value. Samuel E. o no. Tha Unlea PaclBc. Ta tha onlv line running two fast trains daily from Portland to , Omaha, St. Paul, Kamas City, j Chicago, St. Louis and all points JCaat ana South. Buy your tickets f C. O. Rawlings, foot of Broad- j alein street, Albany. Tt von want a durable monu- Bent go to E. W. Acbison, who are handling nothing but the best grades. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Cat arrah remedy, price 50 cent. Nasal injector free, sold by Foshay k If asoa. Thit aoiir-temueieil erosa, dys Jap tic individual, should lake Dr. .11. McLean's SarasaparilLi! It will make him feel a well and heart r as the healthiest of us. lie aeed bracing u-, vitalizing, that is all. J Ntiaknri.luti Couuly Farmer's Alllaacr. You are hereby noliliej that I kave contracted with the v.ell ksowu ttriu oi Steaart .t Sox. at Albany, fupily you with b. d.-rs mowers, rakes, twine, backs, ing- mm i u. Maattna mow is. tic. .is wen "--' f - .. .. . as al til otutr ariici.-s iu : reneral hardware. M.irion cin- tv members can purchase at the same place on the same terms. Bus. 11. Ikvuk. Financial Ag-Tit. If vim are litlll -TV lf' to Ttroa. and iet a loaf of the be.-t bread in! the city. ck of Han and co-upleie spectacle an 1 eye glas e jur.1 re- iaiil M P . a, I - a 7 -a,-ea w - - . . . cat ; littait hv Johnston's Patent ye-melr, every paii fudy war ranted to tit. If you suffer prirkii'2 I-dns on Moviutr the eves, or canu t bear bright light, and tind your sj-iht week and fall.nS'. yu st ouid Sroinptly use Dr. Ik McLean's trengthening Eye Salve. L'j casts a box. F. M. French keeps the largest -.! m,t i-oiuolete stock of pec- tacles and eyeglasses m we, cauntj. Every pair warraiuevi o. ; N(,,il.e ia 1,,.,-,.- Kivt i. that give perfect satisfaction. ; -fui.ier tt ( ;arrett have sold to E. As a table and medicinal water, ; j .Canning their entire business, the Coronado can't be be.it. T'' i goods, wares, merchandise, book it and be convinced. Bottled at ' arl.0illlts) tixtnres, e!c. Parties in the weisd renowned samtai iinn, I ,ii,ted to said firm w ill please call Hnial Dal C-ronado, Coronado. t.ttlt at once with E. J. I.an- Califortiia. New iwelrv of latest patteensat Will ii Stark's. Tha Uaaatloa. ufiha Hour. And one that is fre.pieidly aked Mr. Wisdom, "what is h iu your Bjbertine that produces such a dalightftilly cooling and refresti inf sniatioii and adds a most j Uaticatatiat to the complexion, i to which we answer : It is a cbination of rare and harmlees i.Himta scientifically prepared. a . b. n ,i.ull irkfl Insracntsrs inio ium""; rthia article ingreu.ems wiui u Lava never before be-n useit in prepartion- of this kind, hence tha effect is so strikingly di Ierent froaithat produce.1 by all other toilet remedies. The I"''""' aMd in the composition of P.ohert- ine are an ot ine D"'r, r : " and finest dmson i ;". . nroiluce. miner iu'v- iiii.ii Inrwlient 111 I miNt Hiaiui me crucical Ust of rhemic.i purity, insuring freedom from all foreign ' .7 i.i...inn. unbalances. I bus Thus! with rare and harmless ingredients of the tery finest division it is DOMible to make all of absolute Jurity andcombined with LrecissioD. it is but natural that we ehould produce a superior article and one that has long been apUy termed the "Peerless Beauti ner." For sale by toshay A Mason. Farmers: When wanting harness eaddles. etc. tall at Dub iriiles old stand opp., r irst National Bank. We will make it py yon. Q c McFABLASl). lUva tou teen that elegant piauo 4t Klein Bros. Kleii Bros, are giving a piano to their customers. fine Ladies t'lna Shoes. I make a specialty of handling ladies tine shoe. I carry some ot the hest brands made in tine aud nediuni grades in widths from A to KE. All warranted goods; no trash, and will repair any pair ol thoes of any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel E. Young. Kii irmKNT run high in this city over System Builder as every body is lining it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about "it, as it luilHt possess wonderful merit when all ppeak well of it. Special Notice. Ladies or Keuileinen who con template buying gold watches will find it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store De fore purchasing, as there has been quite a reduction in pries. Tde Corner jewelry store. Klre Kiinller. If you want a g.x.l and easy lire Windier, one 'hat will kindle your lire easv everv time. Call on or come ami 8ee lae A. J. Fox. One Half lnll:ir Reduction on every pairof I.ud- Fine Shoes. A goodliue of thetiiat Samuel E. Young's. 4 iriUKII. The ablest physicians of the present age reeogmze catarrh as a blood disease which aggravates the mucous surface?. Moore's Ke vealed Uemely purities the blood, restores health to the atlected membranes, stops olleneive dis charges aiul corrects the breatl For sale by all druggists. Kl SINKS LOCALS. French keeps railroad time. Conn it lleiidricsou, groeeis. Sleepless nights, made mWerab'o bv tiiat terrible cuiigii, Sluloli a j Cure is the remi'ilv lor yon i u-aim l.v l'wh IV .C- M:lSoll. For "" Exnerls pronounce Klein L.ro?. piano one ot the linest toned in struments. Smoke ths celebrated Havana filled 5-cent iu'irs, iuanufa-tnred it Julius .Jo n's cigar factory. Lawn sprinkleis, .Matthews A VVa-dibitrn, garden hose, Matthews & Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews .Ik Washburn, pumps, Matth ews it .Washburn, bath tubs, Matthews o Washburn, water closets, Matthews A Washburn, gasolinf stoves, Matthews A Wash burn, the best of everything Matthews A Washburn. Some ol tne test styles of ele- ! gant bed lounges can be seen at Fortmiller A li ving's, as they have I just received a lare invoice. Buy jj.i-oline stoves from Mat thews A Washburn. New sprirg novelties in dress goods and dress silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Buy your gasoline stoves of Hopkins Bros. Shiloh's (.'ore and consumption i-iirxumi i iv us on a uiiaraniee. l'aiknr'lt cures conenmption. For sale I . .1 i. t ........ j Fresh lread every day at Parker Bros. y..erv ,rocer. dru 'gist ami sa loon mau should keep C orona-lo mineral water on hand. It will be called fcr, as it is the best. John is'jm Jr., Kole agent. Thomas Brink has received a stock of baby carriages w hich he is ottering at prices as low as the lowest, aud they are first-class goods. Take a lojk at the piano at Klein Bros, shoe store. tunnce r iiu-nne-ii niug. to whom all accounts are payable. All outstanding indebtedness will be settled by Mueller A liar rett. Mi ki.i.kkA liiuutiT, E. .1. I. sximi. Air any, May -", IS'Jl. ICeuiovvil. P. J. I .i Porte has removed his shoe shop from near B. Viereck's barber shop to the building adjoining Brown's barber shop, opposite tbe Uuss nouse, 1 i i ' - - ... .ln ,.-..t.L- nere ne is prepaien iu in a nrst ciass maimer, ne m viti?s his customers to continue their .patronage at his new quarters. Delinquent Tax Notice. School taxes are now delinquent. Tbe clerk is making out the delin- I nt.nt H-t which will be in the -t . . hands of the sheritTas soon as com pleted. Those w ho have not paid, bal better do so before costs of collet-lion r addeu. Last m- Ui ce. Attention! The very latest news is that you can buy at Julius tirad wold's Golden Kule Baxaar, lor net cash, 15 pounds of granulated sugar for $1.00 and IS pounds of F.xtra C sugar. All goods sold for net cash frolu 10 to 5 per cent le.s that regular price, as I intend to open a strict cash business. Jl l.U S (iKAUWOll!.. Albany, Or., July 21, lS'.U. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeter es, put up by E. W. Acbison, at all he cost Oi swne. A tine line of gold rings just opened at Will & Stark a. rraiCEs Used in Millions of Homes Oregon tOiNr,MOXJTjrT, OHJbCGrOlN". ,1 Beautifully and healthfully located. now ntinfiriitn. full faculty, hiiht Normal, advanced normal, business, art and m.isio departments. Special attention given to physical culture, volunteer mi itary or ganization. Those receiving diplomas are authorized to teach in any county in the state without further examinations. Tuition has been reduced in the normal and business departments from $10 to $'.i per vear, and in sub normal from iM to --U A year in school for $l.iu expenws. Tuition in normal aud T.usiness, $ti 2." per term of ton w eeks, sub normal, $5 per term ; board at normal .lining hall t.."0 per week, furnished room with lire and light $1 per week, board and lodging in private houses $:."0 ier week. First term opens September , 1S'.U Indents may enter at any time. For catalogue address, P. L. Camp bell, A. B., President, or J. M. Powell, A. M., Vice President. PEED -:- GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIALLY-Hay, cats and ,.,tr.to.f, to supply suator.ie ou the Or-gou Pa.;if:c Railroad extenMiua aud my increasing liome trade hf re I sell in quautitie to eait the purchasers. Sture in Strahau Bnck, Secoud street , K. M. ROBKRT'SoN. mT m l- wm M m n & 3a n iA'C "immons Liver Regulator One Dose loo Dollars. rAU S. L. R: I conniiler one Ane 1m' moiia Liver KotnUtor north Dlloe. u contiKtteil, ha 1 llaajlache, coulil et oth ini; with satulai!tloii or appetite ha the blne-i, anil ft;it altogether out of rtfi. I re orti-a to blue Mam, Calomel, Quinin , ami every reuieily Bin-ifentexl, hut only nhlained temporarv relief. One ilose of S L R did ni more irond than 9loe worth of ductnm an doctoriiifr. Koap'y, 1 C MRn.t. I have been a teacher for twenty vear. and durinii that time have hail tepeated attackaof headache, produced hy torpid Liver, and have been entirely cu cd by Simmons Llvet Hetrulator. I foun t to he of ao mild character in its a tion not to interfere, In he leaat with my duti itn the school room. To thoae aimil situi t d and subject toOte rm. cannot nii . reoomiueDd SUu laou Uver KeirDiator. K, K. caisa CamptolUyUIe K) MORNING HEKALP; yiUDAV , AUGUST 28. 1891. 40 Years the Standard . Board of Regents : State Board of Education ex ntlirio, His Excellency, Sylvester Pcnnoyer gov ernor; lion. (J. W. Mc Bride, secretary of state; lion. E. P.. McElroy, sii ciintendent cf public in struction ; Benjamin SchoJ field, president; .1. B. V. Butler, secretary ; execu live coiiuuittce, Hon. J. J Italy, Hon. P. W. Haley and J. B. V. Butler, Polk ; Jacob Voorhees, Maricn; .1. C. White, Polk; Alfred I. ar-ey, Clackamas; A Noltner. Multnomah ; W. II. llolniPS, Marion. The leading Normal School of the .Northwest. No saloons. New buildings, expenses ami large attendance. STOIiJE "i.r 'Pit'iiwuh I'riirtiriil 'l'riimnfj in BOOK K t EPiNG . SHORTHAND. PESV.ANSHIP. THIS SCHOOL IS THE BEST. air 'I here ite QUARTER t U d in IU kt r ouiit ort-i what I Ui- A is now Baker City. ''PrUTI IDV man who Inn hiik, Utfl I UliI litfomo iiltMiiCltd wilh the n-MMirct'i ACO aiiddevt'loninent of that country. Tiii: man ia no ntlicr tl.ail .Mr. .loliii Mcwarl, out: of the wealtliitat un.lni.'St intiui ntial citizcim in the county. In a recent letter he nays: "I had hei n Hiilferini; from pairm in my li' k und icfucral kidney comiilaiut lor noiiic time, and hat' u-led many reundieri without an) but temporary relief. 1 lie paiu.-i iu ui) baek had become ho severe th'il 1 was .reventeil from atleiidin to my work and could not move without the ine of a cnitc. Hearing, through a friend, of tlie wonderful cures ef foit by Oregon Kidney Tea, I was in luce. I ti try a box, ami from that ve'V first dose I found instant relief, ami before u inu' ball the contents of tbe box tin- puns in c y lack eiuirely disappeareil I hae every f ith in tiie virtues ol the orciroii Kidney Tea, anu i-.ni cout ielitiously recoiniiiemi it to my friends. 1 would not be w itli"Ut it tor au thinif." Oregon Kidney Tun cures heada- be, inc-n- tinelire of urine, brick dut si';liUKiit, burn iliifor painltll sensation uhile unnatini', and or urin:irv oi:;ans Wealth ! 1 r K. 0. West nerve and brain treatment, a -;unr. ilitecd siieeitie fol hysteria, ditz.inese tits, luadaebe, ner vous prostration caused by the use ol aleohol or tobacco, Hoftciiinir of braif risiiltiii.- in lnsanitj ami leading to mis ery, lci ay ai.d lost of power in cithii ex Kach box con tains one in itith'n treatment. One dol lar a lrx, or six box ea for ive dollaTa. sent by mail pre paid oil receipt ol price. tJuarantee issued oniy ty J. A. Ciiiinuin-s, drusjtfisl sole a'cnt, Alliany. Oreijon. i500 REWRD We will pav tbenlKe reward' (or any w of li-.cr complaint. dsH-t.r-i. si. k headache, indiicrstiun, i-ons'ipation or costiveneHS w cannot cure with W est s liver pills, when th direetion arc stri. tly cmiplieil with. The are pin e'.v icirttal de ami never fail to iiiv ulisfactinn. Ure lsxes. cot tailuiiif Jl pills, : cents. The -.'.-niline liianufactureil , onlv by the John C. West company. Chi-ac.u Illinois. Sold by J. A. Ctmniaut-s, drujjLibl Albany, Orct-on JOHN SGHMEEB'S LiY8ryFeeilSal8 stable , Corner Serond and KllxKorili St ALBANY. - - 0RKG0H nOKAiM B0ARDK3 hy the day ot iuonh Cir rLvH'f buUs on rcisonaMe U-rmff vrJnl NEW FEEDJTORE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEED Always on ham!. A'(o Lime, liastcr& Cement. Come to the corner of Water and Fterrysta. (or all kinds of Feed. P. W. SVIH K, Albany, Or. Normal All itllt t llull IM III- hMli Ilcalih is PlainfiblD ! CONSOLIDATION -:- LOTS I The Cheapest and Beat Buy in the Market. Because the lots are 60x100; because they are ins'de property; be cause they are all clear no stumps, no roots, no rocks; because the land is elevated and haa a fine view of the city ; because they are near three motor lines not in contemplation, but all now in operation ; be cause buy now, to-day, for the 10th day of next month they will ad vance $23 each ; because they are a snap. Ask those who have seen. Seeing is believing. Are you in it? R. F. A8IIBY, Manager, No. G5, Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. CALL -A-HSTID SEE THE VERNON HAY PRESS CJnequaled for fasl work and light draft. Manufactured at the foot of Baker Street, Albany, by PRICE 8l VERNON. OH, MAMMA Jv HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK The Albany A FULL LINE ( SAVING. Lll OF SAX an Absolutely Sale iFesiirai FOli SMALL MONTH L AMOUNTS. fSix dollars per month will amount to $1000 in seven years, loullin tlie amount invested in that time. -Monev loaned on real estate security at 6 per cent. For full particu lars apply to S. N. STEELE A CO.. Local Agents. t s o . E .! j o a 1 1 m 4rt s! 3 III: i..-: , I y Cafl"s X- gHlsgiSas"..! - j 2 -eSg.t 2 5c 3 tt li$iZ t ill U M w Z&Hii mmm LaJ s m - z ;t oi o c 5 - a e i r r a 5 SswaHh3SMd tail aware DR. ACKER'S FNCLJ8H REMEDY I'd CoiiKhs, Colds and Consumption is beyond question the greatest of; all Modern Remedies? It will 6top a Cough in one night. It will checks I a Cold ia a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Con-, sumption if taken in time, You cant afford to be without it" A?5aj : bottle may save you $100 in Doctor' bill mayaavo your life t Ak; ;youruruggistforit,orwriteforbookto 4t 2tVuf, Hl BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. H. F. Merill, Pres. E J. Laaninr , V. J. W. Blaln, Cashier. Transacts a general lnking busness. Exchinee bought and sold on all the prin cipal cities "f the I'nited 8tats, also, Orcat llritnin, Krance and Germany. Collections at all aecesaible points made on fai orable t:rms. lulereat iaid on time deposits. p EVKRE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAB XV I'feiller, rrnp. only nrst-sciass noi 11 the citr. Lanro sample rooms for mercial men. Ne Chinamen employed in kitchen. General stave offir OcrvnUla, "Have you seen those lovely lounges at Blink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, and an in spection will prove it. Prices always the lowest. OF NICE FURNITURE. OPPOSITE OPE 14 HO'JS Furniture Co. -T 5 s-gri 2 aSas O YVHY DO YOU COUGH?! Do you k now that a little rough ia a dangerous S thing? Are you aware that it often fastens" nu the luugH anu far too often runs into Con- sumption and ends m Death? People euffer-; iiiK fniin Astliuia, Hronchitia, l'neuiiioiiirt; and CoiL-itiuiption will all tell you that "IT STARTED WITH A COLD"; Can vou allTd to n. jilect it? Cuii yu! t$ii trifle with so st'rious a matter? Are you; that I RED CROWN MILLS lOM, LASKIKti t e Props, NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior for Family and Baker's use) Best Storage Facilities OTHkjhest cash prior aid for heafe A.LBA.NY ORBOON PHYSICIANS DRS. M ASTON & DAVIS, PHYSICIANS & SurwDii, Office, Second nd Brojdtlbin Simla. Albany, Or. Calls promptly Mtond cd in city and county. a C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND dUR Keon Altwny, Oregon, office n Plero' new block. Ottic hour, from 8 a. a. to r. u. AJ. ROSSITER, VETERINARY SUR . goon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college and met ber of tbe Ontario veterin ary medical (ociety, is prepared to treat the diaeasee of all domesticated animal on seientiflc principles. Ortice at Ans Marshall's livery stable Residence 4th and Calapooia streets, Albany, Oregon. c U. HAMBEKLI.V, M. D., Homoepatbi Physician, office at Dr. Wallace's old stand, llroadalbin street. Office hours, 7 to 9 i. si.; 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 r. H. DKO.A. WHITNEY, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Graduate ot bellerue Hospi tal Medical College, New York City. Diseases of womeu a specialty. Office in Foster block ATTKEY GEO. E. CHAM UEItLAIN A1TORNE Y at-law will practice w all the courts of Uie state, bpecial attention given to mat ters in probate and to collections, ofBia ia Flinu block. CI EO. W. WH1G1IT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW IT and Notary 1'ub.ic, Will practice in all the courts of thiii ttlate, Oltice, front rooms over Hank of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. D. R. X, BLACK U. C. WaTSON. BLACKBURN, & WATSON, Attorneys at Law, Albany Oregon; Office in Odd rellow's Temple, business in our hands will receive prompt and careful attention. HEWITT i IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Will practice in all the courts o tlie state. Olilce iu i linns block, Firs treet. w, t. suknsv. j. v. BRirss BURN BY k DRAPER, ATTORNEYS at law, Oregon City, Oregon. Twen ty years experience as register of tha U. H. Land Office at Oregon City and in tbe land practice recommends us in our specialty business before the Land Office or the courts and involving the practice in the general Land Office. TN. DUNCAN - ATTORNEY AT LAW . and notary public. OUce in tbe Utrahan block, rooms No. land 2. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms IS and 14 Fosiur's block, over L. K. main's ttorea TK. WEATHERFORD, ATTORNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. oi in the Fiinn Block. Will practice o all tlie courts of thestate, and give specia. attention to all business. JAMES P. MEAD, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW aud title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice in all the courts of tlie state. Ab stracts of title furnished on short notice. Ten years experience. FOB 8AI.K BY ALL DRCGOI8TI. "Some months ago; I purchased 1 ox of Dr. J. . Gill's Catarrh Cure for y own Hise. but tindiuf my nephew, . A, Mi-Mahan, Dccdinir such uitdi ne, 1 let him have my box of medi ne. He now sends for three more xeR, tuying it is the best thing for itarrh ever tried by him and his iends. 1 pot another box to use in y ease, and cheerfully recommend it others, tilfiied). JOHN McMAHAN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, rcgon, Springfield, Lane eounty, Oregon. Prof J, W, Johnson, president of tbe Hate university, says it cured him of t cough after two other prescriptions had failed. Likewise two of his little irirls used it tocure their coughs. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of Pref. Bailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and reeom tuends it to all who sutler from colds aud coughs. For coughs it acts like a charm, and can ba inhaled into the uipes or passages, where no other cough cures can reach. MOORtS WW FRIEND OF WOMAN The very remarkable and certain relief given womankind by "Mixire'B Revealed Remedy' haa won for it the name of Wo man's Friend It is uniformly sueees-'ful in relieving their deli cate ailment. Woo re's Revealed Remedy Stands peerless as the natural rem edy peculiarly adapted to the wants of womankind. flU AT ONB WOMAN SATS, Seattle, Jan. SO, 1S91. "I want you to publish my testimo nial for Moore's Revealed Keuiedy, for it has been a grand thing for uie, for it has cured me of headaches, from which I have suffered whenever 1 be came chilled, for the lust llttcen years. 1 have suffered perfect torture for twenty four liouri at a time, aoine limes "retching for three Lours with out any rc-4 und unable to get help from any of the nunilieiless remedies tried. nw 1 um free frem this utt ering, for at the first symptom of one these attacks I take a good dose ol Moore's Kevcaled, and that is the end of it. It has also cured me of con.-sti pillion. My husband says ii, ha saved his life, uud he would not be w ithout it. We are bolh so happy over it we cannot sav enough in its lavor. and advise all ourlriends to use it. M KS. J AMES U I.EASON, Cor, P-Jth & Jackson st, Seattle, tVash. jfFor sale by all druggist. ' TAKE TILE CAB FKOH RATES: To anv part of the city, 50 '1 Vnr oallinc first honrtl.50. GfiCll ubseqnent hourt 1. 0 IKEL o REMfY VvnuDisnnsi l WW wtimTisc p3 mm ' llOCKSavJ ninruo m latFiifSoib TAILOR MADE For-:-Sammer-:-Vear, Cost no mors) mad ol go lomterial than raady marl ill-fitting gftunant. W. R. CRAKAM, The Merchant Tailor, has in atock the finest Hn of spring and summer init io ga ever brought to Alba ny, including diagonal!, cheviots and plaids. Ha has also a beautiful Una of pants goods in any atfla desired. Call and see if it is not tsoa. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesman a first-slass Cigar Company. Iffut give good references. F. O. B. CIQAE CO., Balem, X. a DO 707 WANT TEE FSO ! If so call en I. BEAM He delivers his goods ta amy part of the city free of ehaagjk Fresh vegetables every day. 0TXothing but tha bast koft at I. BEAM'S, 2d st, cor. Jackson and JeflsMM. At my kiln one mile aast of town, or delivered anywhere in tha citr. W. C. CaSSIU BUCKET BOCICTIKS. McPbersoD Post Mo. (, O. A. f. C. I . A A S Hall on tbe second and fuatSk Friday Tsoing of sacfa xnOBiav Transient Oamradas ats smbV y invited to meet with J. K. WHITWO. B. r. 1ASLBB, Adlutaat, A.O.U.W.-SafetyLodfo Mo, II: v.r U nn.4. AvAtlinir mA Ski u ; at th O. A. aV reea Seeomel wl trail irars ia taw cordially sbtMM nail on rerry stren, oetweea ejei lliinl- AIIiajiv. Orwon. Stranrara city and transient bretnren to attend. Pension, Postal, Land and Indian lepredation Claims. LAW OFFICES Or mm mm or cima Under the iruinagement of W. R. HEARST. Ed. & Prop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manager, 61S F. Street, Northwest. Washington, D. C. Will practice in the supreme court of the United States, tha court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, before committees of congress, and tha executive departments. e obtain pensions aad patents, Indian depredation claims and all classes of land claims, mining, pi ex emption and homestead cases pros ecuted before the general land of fice, department of tha interior and the supreme court. Novelties In Ladles Footwear, I have just received for tha sum mer trade the latest novelties ia ladies tine shoes. Cloth top, tansy tips ; lace shoes with fancy tips, besides all the staple styles in hand and machine turns. These goods were made expressly for ma aad will be found nice enough for tha most fastidious and cheap enough for any one wanting a fane dross shoe. I also carry late novelties in Oxford ties ranging in price from $1.1'5 to4.00. 8. E. Young. Cram's In rivalled Atlas. The new edition of this unrivall ed work is now being delivered by the agent, Mrs. A. M. Talk The work ie a most excellent one, and this edition is a great improve ment upon former ones, giving all the latest date and much new matter that was not in the previous editions. It should be in every family, and on every businese man's desk. Those who are not supplied can procure the atlaa by addressing P. O. Box No. 60 Al bany Oregon. Croup, whooping oough and bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh's Cure. For tela by Foshay &. Mason, MB ! Brick de 11 driklt 'L I ""-"a: t