r. i- J IS If? THE MORNING HEKALD TUESDAY. AUGUST 25, IMH. A In m. I V, I V 1 6 i. V . ti. t.1V....Mliii 2uovnuiqaiar.iuuuwjtbecro93 which Coiainb,i8 d OAlbY W KKKUV TERMS Or SUMCi-.Ii rJfN- fAILY Pulihched every cr.om-vx eacept """:' tliTt-ici oy carrwr, per w. " i W fPiihliMhetJ every Friday M- -ml OK'-) U:uu u.:t hil advance.-.. .... tiii: .h.ul. J! vis it the Albany poetoiflce c!-.o it utlici. north I it K iit ni states fC JO A. M, AleH int Mile f Ail the .Vur.nr C n R. RJ orr,i. ,litiil snj Saoi It 1 ortall 4.vhl Yiuiua li:S0 P. . , o:hv itn. 7;30 r. u The pinto:l;up will be clwdtach cv.iiMj a si to seven o'clock. ii. rt(re.l matter for t'm ly mi.roiii;; 'iin hou:d I mailed before o clock the jrevi"t eveiiinir. OKEUON PACIFIC TUIE TABLE. Arrive Departs vwentrer. F;i:ht... ll.13proT2.29pn! , J.4"pui 7.4") a m THE MAS FROM UMSE. It there be any reliance to be placed in political forecasts and i-rediction.., the San Francisco Chronicle thinks James G. Blaine wiil be the republican nominee for president in 1W2, possibly, if not probably, by acclamation, and jiiMs: It tai.rot le ill nit J lha Mr. Blaine commands at the present time a greater share of the u'imiraticn and confidence of the republican party than any other man in the ranks, and it would hardly be defined rash to Fay that admiration and confidence extend outvie of and beyond the republican party and are shared 1 y the treat body of the people of the United States. Itoking at the question as it appears at the pret-ent time, it Menu that there is but one thing that can interfere w ith the nomi nation ot -Mr. liiaine, ami t'.iat is Ids physical condition. We all know by this tint1) that he has not been as near death's door as cer tain New York papers would lave had the country t elieve, but we nl.-!o know thut he is not a thor oughly well man, though General Alger says he is a eound as any man of bin ae and tumpenunent can be. Unless some untoward accident should occur, it seems safe to say that Mr. Blaine will be physically qualified to accept the nomination in 1'J.', and that it will be tendered him is morally certain. Of course wiLh Blaine in the field the vote of the Pacific coast will be simply a question of haw large the republican majority will be. No living American can con test this coast successfully with the man from Maine, a every can-1 did person must admit, however grudgingly. Ohio has led oil" for Blaine in her recent convention, and Pennsylvania has swung into line with a glowing anil enthusi nstie indorsement of his public career, end with such a start there can be no candidate who can hope to oppo3e him. There are many thousands of Americans who would like to try the contest of InS I over again an I who do not believe that G rover Cleveland's Fiar can again lead him to victorv. But after all it is not a question ' oi inru nu uiucii us ui uil.inu.f B. The campaign of 1S'.2 must be fought on the lines ot protection against free trade, and the protec tion side must win, since the peo p'efof the United States are to in telligent to run counter to their own interests. With James G. Blaine at the head of the ticket the campaign wil! le simply a triumphal march; with any other leader it will be none the less assured, but it w i'i follow a hard and vigorous contest. The Chronicle is jumping at conclusions. Blaine would make a g jod president in fact he ought to have been president a longtime ago, but it is difficult to be a statesman and a politician at the pume time, that is just what has defeated Blaine heretofore, and he i-i the same dignified statesman now a9 ever. The contest for the nomination certainly lies between Mr. Blaine and President Harrison, and it would s em at least hasty at this early d ty to a-sert that either one is conceded to be the (jture nominee. Many interesting relics from San Dominp), wheie Columbus landed, have been received by tke Washiiigtou otlice of the foreign a Hair s department of the world's fair. The most valuable of these relics and tne most interesting, crhap8, is the first church-bell that ever rang out in the New World. It was presented to the colonists of the first settlement of Domingo by tueen Isabella ia ap preciation if the fact that the first settlement bore 1 e- r.an e. Thero of immediately upon landing, Ihe material of Hie cries is the same exactly as iu mvu nailed up, having be?n taken from the wood of a building erected in 1500. There are also in this collection fac-siiuilea of the doors hich close the cells in which the bones of Columbus repose. The carving of these doors is exquisite and thev themselves are beautiful as a whole. There is also an anchor, supposed to have been lot bv Columbus when his ship went to pieces at San Domingo on a subsequent voyage. Scientists and explorers have perhaps puzzled their brains more over the problem cf reaching the north pole than other of the un attainable projects. In the Foium for August Prof. Fridtjof Nansen, the explorer of Greenland, out lines his plans for reaching the north pole. lie is to take advan tage of the Jeanotte's experience, and wi!l enter the polar ocean by ISering Strait and sail westward to the New Siberian Islands and there await a favorable opportunity for reaching the highest poseible latitude in onen water. It was the intention of Professor Nansen to start for Berine; Strait next February, but there may be some delay, lie t xpeets to pass through Bering Strait next June and reach the New Siberian Islands in August. The Xorweigian assem bly has granted $53,000 for the ex pedition, and the King and twelve private citizens have given an additional sum of $;0,000. lien em! Greeley is not impressed favorably with Professor Nansen's plans. If is tiie opinion of the ex-signal ollicer that the north pole is covered with an ice cap of enor mous thickness, which will bar progress across the pole. General Greely paints the horrors of a drift journey in latitude S4 degrees ! and concludes : "Arctic explora tion is sutliciently credited with rashness and danger in its ligiti mute and sanctioned nethods, without be.iring the burden of Dr. Nansen's illogical scheme of self destruction." It is possible and probable that ieneral Greely has not justly considered the capabili ties and the resources of the Northmen. Your school tax will be delin quent it not paid at once. Look alter it ami save costs of collection. New and complete stock ol ladies and uents' cold watches just received at F. AL French's, the corner jewelry store. Yoti should see those balance rockers at Thomas Brink's. Call and get one before they are all sunt. HUMPHREYS IK. Ht'MPiiuMV'A SrKcitif-sare scientiticilry ;uil curelully prcparcil prescriptions; u-ed tor maav e.in in private practice with tuic rLisrt, a.i fr over thirty ye km use. I by the ; 'pie Kvery (linle apeoidc is a cure lor the iiscX'W n:unel. These pe :irto cure without ilrutrKiiiK, puriu ir rt-lti;in the system, &tnl are in t .ma (lee-l the sovereign rtmeJieij of the world. LKT OK PRINCIPAL Si:9. CCRttS. PRICKS.. 1 Fevers C-nitfestiuii, inflammation. .4 J Worms, writi lever, worm colic... frying Col if, or teethim of infant.. 'lit 4 LM.trrl:c, ol vhihlreo or adults.'. .... 'lb I!eiiterv, Griping, liillioua Culie 2a l Cholera .Morbiw, vc Tinting...... t: 7 t'ouh.s coI in, bront-hitU..... ............ 2i i,5 NV'imiU'ia, ttM:h.iJie, Fuceache "J . 1 lkai:u:he, sick h.ala;he, vertigo. 11 S"i'ire.-a or i-ainfui i'crio.i... 12 Whiten, too profuse uaiotls id I'p-tpepsta, buiioud stoinai h l i Croup, coiitfh, dilllcult breathing 14 Salt Khetim, eaympelas. erupttoim. 15 Kheunatisin, rheun atie painrt li r ever and ayue, chills malaria : 17 1'iles, blind or bleeding f l: Catarrh, inrluenza, cold in the head 'JO V h'Htpiu Om'ii, violent cou'h 5o (ieiier.il debility, phsical weakness &0 J7 kidney disease Mi :-S N'ervou debility 1 00 kt I'rinarv Weakness, witting reti fo 'SI VisvM of the he-art, palpitation.... 1 V Sold by druggists, or sunt postjaid on re ceipt of price. r. Humphrey' Manual, (144 pae) richly bound in clih and ifTld, niuil ree, HtMPIIUKVSMKl, O., Ill k lid W illiam St , New York, SPEC I FIGS CALIFORNIA POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ELECTRIC I INAMENT " CURE' CATARRH, RHEU MATIS M, Neuralgia, Corns. Headache, and ad pain. TheCalif..r nia positive and negative ELECTRIC COUGH CURE, cures colds, croup, consump ttion. Sold by all druggists. Each 2.V.. oOe. and $1. Creas inger A Co., Pros., Los Ange les, Cal. Children Cry for PITCHER'S Castoria also an exact reprwluction SPRING OUR STOCK OF SPRING WAGONS COMPLETE ON THE PACIFIC COAST, AND COMPRISES ALL THE LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and Moun tain Wagons; SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS, ONE - HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pay all par.ies want ing Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the host, Stave r & NEW MARKET BLOCK, - WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK ON Til E PACIFIC COAST OF Machinery ani Vsliiclos of Every Description. SEN!) J'OK CATAI.OU'E AND THICK LIST. W. OJJAV1S ALBANY, Do you want to be happy and make those about you pleased, if so go and get one of those lovely toned piano's at Mrs. Ilymans. If you have not drank Coionado mineral water, you should try it. It will s jber yon up, give yon a clean stomach and a good appe tite. The men of this vicinity ncd not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looka the ladies are talking about, it is the go'jd i'.ia!ites of the cook and heating stoves they sell. Kvery one sens to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. School fax Not iff. The school tax in school i.. . x I i . nistrici , .no o, is now o ue ztn.i pay- the same before it becomes de liiniuent. C C. lit kk in n r. District Clerk. c 1 u Commencing Aug. 19, We will sell Summer Goods at a price that will sur prise all and surpass anything evor offered in Albany. Recluctiori of IO Per Cent. Two Hundred Parasols and sun Umbrellas at less than wholesale prices. Remember, this is no odd ALLEN BROTHERS, Wo esae CIGARS, TOBACCO AHw CHOICE FRUITS lit ? OF ALL KINDS IN LAROE OR SJtALL (QUANTITIES IN SEASON. FLI NX JILOCK, WAGONS. IS TIIE LARGEST AND MOST HALF-PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS, SCROLL SPUING WAGON'S, "HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR OR THREE SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EXPRF.SS WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, pi ices lowest, quality considered. Walker PORTLAND, OREGON. CO. AGENTS ORLGON. CROWDER BROS Contractois and Builders. Jriice on First street with Wal I ace & Cusick, real estate agents, . Jbany, Oregon. Estimates given n all kinds of buildings or carpen er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simftson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothinc blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill wiii be kept in stock. These goods art the best in the market and will give entire satisfaction. Watches, chains and spectacles, sjecialties at F. M. French's. Buy your spectacles and eye glasses at F. M. French's, ami have your eyes tested and your ulasses properly fitted. Glapses from 95 cems to 10. Ilanan & Sou's fine shoes sell on their own merit, and always gives satisfaction. Try a pair at T. L. Wallaire & Co.'s. or tt 1 U I viimmni' -For One Week We Will ON ALL DRESS GOODS. lot or bankrupt sale, but a genuine BENEFIT and Retail - - - Mcry ! ,.A FULL STOCK OF.... Staple Groceries The !est outs, etc. quality of .t'-KP, ccOu-s, cuilis FRE3LI BASED BUEAD EVERY DAY. At thin oIJ reli:0!o houiw li a!io to lw found a complete anortnirnt of 'rfili fuinilv groceries, to whirl is cousUi'ilj Immiik a.li!. 1 all the sixwonalile lines ol -ro.:i ri-!i ami jiro vibioiu, uch ai Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to crdcr Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Ytastetn Buckwheat Flour, i JJannea Goods of Ail Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Ete, These goods were all ho.it'lit when prieiv ere low and the benefit of tke margin will Ik- :ven to his customers. IteitieinU-r thepla. it the old coiner on First and l;nu...llin Sl. Conrad Myer. DR. W. C NKGUS, Graduate cf the Royal College of London, England, also of thy J;lle vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice anil n:ak-'- a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofula en!arcincuts,tuinors ind wens, without pain or tho knife. He also niake3 a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practii eil in the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended Jay. eight. His motto is 'V.OU WILL TO ALL." t"Otlice and residence, L .baron Ore"r"n Mefsrs. Hyman & Biownell are prepared in "their nursery to fur nish all kinds of st(4'k, and those 7t;:i1iiig to plant should call upon tYiem. - - ItnotA anil Slioft. Purchasers of I'.oots and Shoes bear in mind that bit; advertise ments and oilers of lir discounts io not always mean best values. You will have to pay some one a profi as no one can do busiuesB without expense. The quest on is who can sell you the best goods for the least money. Sami kl E. Young. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens lit Parker Rios. Try Coronado mineral water, the purest on earth, for sale by all drutists. John lsom Jr., tole agent. Pay your school tax and save costs of collection. Make a- SALE, at . Grocers. ALBANY. OKEUON. Star Crockery IIU STEWART & SOX -DEALERS IX- Ikcll Engines, Separators and Slack's, OSBORNE BINDERS, We carry no machinery that has not been tried in this locality and found to be satisfactory, and as we rcpreseut factories, no responsible dealer can give better terms. Springfield Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SFRINGFIF.LD,) PROPRIETOR. Sli:i25(JIFI3LD, - - - ORKUOiN. rAlhnny yard and office on Railroad, between Fourth and Fiftl r eets, A. Wheeler, Alhanv Manager. , 1 Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not BurpasseC or the prompt and satisfactory -illing of orders, I rcsctfully solicit s hare of the trad, . A. WHEELER. Ak my nccnlM for V. I.. Dmiclan Miom. II not lor mile in your olurr iimU yur ili-alcr in m-ikI lor riiliiloKiiis . u it- ilm a'( iii y, and ail tlirm lor vo:i. Si-TAKE NO SI UfiTlTfTE. JlZ M t WHY IS THE 'or to; equs-.is rrencn im- LrANI Aa liorteil shoes which cost from UUUULAo 8to?i2. CO OLIalT FOR 4 ha.id sewcl welt shoe, une 593 OnUb CENTLEMEN calf, stylish, comfortable and THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOB THE MOHEIfJ (lnrabl T,e best shoe ever otl'. i vd at this price; same grade . "as custom made shoes costing from $(i to i. $::.r0 p. dice shoe; farmers, railroad men and letter carriers all wear them ; fine calf, seamless, smooth in-ide, heavy three souls, exten sion edge ; one pair will wear a year. $.2.50 fine call ; no better shoe ever offered at this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. $L2"i and $2.00 Workingman's shoes are strong and durab'.e. Those who have given them a trial wili wear no other make. HOYS' $2 and $1.75 school shoes are worn by the hoys everywhere; thev sell on their merits as the increasing sales show. LADIES $:', hand sewed shoe, best Dongola; very stylish ; equals French imported shoes costing from $4 to $0. Ladies $2.50, $2 and $1 7 shoe for Mioses are the best Dongola. Stylish and durable. Caution See that W. L. Louglas' name and piice are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, P.rockton, Mass. In Driiffs, -Also carries the tumtsmi i Pianos & Organs IS THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE. ALBANY, OREGON. Portland UniversMy. Ol'KN'S SEPTEMHEU 14. Beautiful healthful site near the city. Expenses are as reasonable as any otlier insiiiuiionoi learning on the coast. Uiassicai, merary, scientific, theological, preparatory, normal and business courses. Stu dents of all grades received. Care ful oversight and direction given to all students. Ladies boarding hall under experienced 6nper-t-;a;.r, irrfssnr nf excellent scholarship and much experience employed. For information ad dress C. C. Stratton, I. 1)., presi dent, or Thos. Van Scoy, I). I)., dean of college, Portland- Univer sity, Portland , Or. FOR SALE OR RENT. JEFFRSON FLOURING MILLS, Also SAW AND PLANING MILLS, Jefferson, Marion Co., Or. For particulars apply to CORBETT & MACLEAY, (VI and CO Front St., Portland, Or. MOWERS & RAKES. L. E. BLABN fUI.I ALiiANY, AUKNT . - OREtJON. It is a seamless shoe, w ith no tacks or wax thread to hurt the ft-et; made of the beft fine caif, stylish and easy "1 lirrvrir-rTD VI alt'' "y'r" Wjesof this grade than any other manufacturer, it equals hand sewed fihoes costing from fl to f5. $".00 genuiue hand sewed.the G.L. Blackmao, DKAI KR IS Paiuts, Oils, PerfuDierj AND TOILKT ARTICLES) And a full line of Books, Stationery, IV-riodicak Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. finest lines of -THE- Opens September ISth, 1S!1. COURSE OF STl'DY arranctl exiirew'y to meet the iitetl0 ot the farming and niecnani oal interests of the etatc. Larve, cotuoilioiio and ell-ventilatfl huildinirx. 1 he eo!lc,:c is located in acullivated and ChriMian com- munitv, and one of the healthiest in the State." Military Training. Expenses Need Xot Exceed S150 for the Entire Season. Two cr more free BtholxrHhtpn trom every coantv. Write for catalogue to B. U AltXOLU, Pres., Corrallis, Or. Albany Nurseries. WE II AVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, aa fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds aa can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN & BROWNELL. GFNEUAL AGENTS and canvawera look ing for a permanent money-making hinioen", no competition, should secure the sale of the Patent Adjustah'e Shoe, Ad dress with sump. CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO., Salem, Mass. C;!i:-c THE- Yaquina Route ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T.J E. HOGG, Bccalvar. Aire Oregon Development Co.'s Steamship Lin m M1M0RTEB. AND 22 Hours L,e Tim Than by any ether route: Accomodation! untnrpened for coafert M wtety. Kara and frriirLu via Veqblae a the Oregon Deve opment company' 9hi, much lee that by any other route ween all points in we ituuanieue mi Mid Sen Franciecoa SAILINO DATES, raoK nqouA. W'llUmette Valley.... Au 4th W V 13th Willamette Valley tt, SI raou max ruicuw W July II Willamette V'alley. lu Willamette Valley " la, M The company nerve the right to ebaif tvaiuera or aailinK Uaiea. daily r AHuneu Tuna, kacept Sunday.) L Yw,alna:00 iaLr Albany 1140 H ConallilU:36aMl" Corvalli lK)r Ar All-tuiy i:jo a u I Ar laquiua r. . O A C. liaiiu connect at Aiten aad CM W. II . Heaa, C, , Boon, General Mau, U. F HP. Agent Corrall is, O em EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE MOUNT SHASTA R0CT1 California exprta. train run daily Loral Paaa. TralB Datlj- -(Ex. anute S0am..Lv..... Portland Ar.. 4.-0. 1:20 pm..Lv.... AlUnL..ll.-l l 6:40 p mAr.....Kox;Durg LrlMiaaB Hraaeau 2 3tip.Lv.....Albai.y Ar.. :ttaa 2:36 pm Ar .... Lebanon... ..L :)! 7:'iO m..L Allny Ar.. .M pm t.iiim..Ar Lcl(anon.. Lt.. ftu fm ALBANY LOCAL, DAILT (Except S US day) 5.00 r n..Lv.. Portland Ar.....0 A M.oo I M Ar. .. Albany LT....t.M A PL'LLMAH B UFFETSLEEPEK8. TOURIST SLEEPmQ CARS, For accommoaation ot St CMd Ciaj P. eengers attached to Kxprea ' WM Bide lllet.B. Between l'oi tland And Conrallifl Mall Train Dally - Except Inady 7:( a m.'.Lv ..PortianJ ...ArTi SOa. laiO p m. .Ar Cortaiii... LvllMp. m At Alliany and Corvalli couaect vltA train, ol Oregon PacillcKailroatt. Expre Trala Dally (Exrtpt loaAay 4:40 p m. . LvTT. 7. Portland... Ar.. I:aai 76 p m . . A r JlcM in nrille . L . . M tm THROUGH TICKET8 lo All Point EAST AND SOUTH fVFor tk-keta and full 'luformatien re lfartirif rate mapa, etc., oall on oempea1 a;i nt at Albany. K. KOKHLER, . P. BOOEBJL Mauarer AatU.r A WEAK MAN Can cure himself of lha d- I tiU(l:tbli l'PRlilla if parlv a rill a anal i perfectly restore his vigor and tital I ity by our home treatment. Th j remarkable cures of hopeleM cum ! of nervous debility and nrivata I comnlaints are ever where tamp ing out quack-ery. Treaties and question list, a physician'i gift to suffering humanity, will be Mnt fiee to those arrlictec. AddreM with stamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, 405 Kearny St.. Room 2. Kaa j Francisco, Cal. Ye carrj'.a large stock of printti'd stationery, well as sorted, bought direct from tht manufacturers at a low figure, and can give the best of work in all kinds of printing for tho least money. Try us. II. fl. Cobb. THE MARKETS. At BANT ODOTATIOn. Wheat Gate IZi Hour 4.25 per bbl Potatoes a."c Fitks 25c Butter 20c Lard loi$I2e. Hams 1415c. Shoulders 10c. Bacon l'2c Hops 30c. Hay Timothy, 10, otU aid C1MI App es Green, $1 per bu. PlUAit Dried, c per . App'es dried bleached 9c tBBdrl4 S c. Chickens-$4 5oe500. Beef 33c grosa. Mutton t:i3 50per head. Hogs SJc. drea. V eal 6ut6c. Wool I821c. ECGS FOR SALE. I Will Bell fllll I.lnrwt tulinn - - v.ww avw. mm etres. loth mncln and mava mmk for $1 60 per 13. also dotted Wy an' uuus, Li($ni orsnmas, Lainganaa and Plymouth Rock, at tha Mn price. L. J. Hotje-. - - '- or in f a in..Ar.... a. Kraiiciuo.i.r.. -u pea TangeDt, Or,