i THE MORNING HERALD: SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1891 ON BALE. The Daily Hkralo will be on tale each morning at H. J. Jones' book store, where it tan be procured at 5 cents per copy. JOTTINGS ABOUT TOWN. "Lost in London" to-night. S. A. llulin, druggist, French's corner, j J.W.Brown, of Niagara, is in the city. Royal Patch cocoa at C. E. Brownell's. Have you seen that elegant piano at Klein Bros. I 'ay your school tax and save costs of collection. B. F. Thayer and family have returned from Y equina. Prof. D. V. S. Keid, of Euaene, was in the city yesterday. Klein Bros, are giving a fine piano to their customers. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Blain return from the seaside yesterday. Mack Monteith, a Spokane real estate man, ia in the city. II. F. llulburt and family have returned from Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Pugger, of the Scio Frees, are visiting in the city. Have you examined that beaini- f ii I S400 piano at Klein tiros, shoe store. Experts pronounce Klein Bros, piano one of the finest toned in struments. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at Parker Bros. J. J. Dubruille and family leave Monday for a month's outing in the mountains. Just received at the Ladies Bazaar The "Sensation" the latest novelty in hate. If you are hungry go to Parker Bros, and get a loaf of the best bread in the city. Mrs. w. li. .st. John lias gone to San Leandro, Cal ti visit her daughter, Mrs. C. Q. Hideout. Your school tax will be delin iieut if not paid at once. Look after it and save costs of collection. Mr. Thomas Kay, of the Salem Woolen Mills, was in Albany on business matters intent one day this week. The new firm of Dts. Maston & Pa vis have their card in our columns. They will make a strong team. Look at T. L. Wallace A Co.'s display of neck wear, anything in window for 25cts. Both Windsor's and Four in Hand. G. L. Blackman. W. C. Twee- dale and Archie Blackburn have returned from the depths of the Cascade mountains. Mr. and Mrs. ieo. M. Brown and Misses Addie and Maria Brown, of Vacdaha, 111 , are r g istered at the Revere. M. Hyde has removed bis lis! market to Schultz Bro?.' old stand on First street,across from St.wrt i Sox s hardware store. Sleepless nights, made miserable by tiiat terrible cough, Shiloh'a Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by Foshay & Mason. The play this evening Lost in London is said to be first-class in evary respect. Beautiful tableaux are among the pleasing features We are the onlv people who car- rv the celebrated E. Ac W. collar and ends. Always have the latest styles in stock, T. L. Walla- e A Co Have you seen the fine line of summer neckwear going at 5'i cents at T. L. Wallace A (Jo's? EU ant l goods all g for ":) cents. The Toledo Coal Company have procured the necessary urills and tools to thoroughly work the coal mine, and are pushing the work in earnest, Mr. John Waters and family have returned to their old home in Brownsville, after a sojourn of a few years in the sound country near Seattle, The largest core wheel ever made in Oregon is being cast by the Albany Iron Works for the Salem Water Company. It will completed by the first of the week. We are informed that Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Wigle, of the I.ynton House, Harrisburg, have decided to make Brownsville their borne, and will probably erect a hotel there. The way the sign painters con nected with the Leak advertising car sling paint and decorate large surfaces with really artistic letter ings is a caution, and usually at tracts large audiences as well as does the car itsvli. Mr. Peter Hume, ho has been a leading Linn county citizen and Brownsville business man, now living in Koseburg, came in th's week with his family. His wiie and children are at Sodaville. He was in the city yesterday on his way to Yamhill county to visit relatives. Tb I'll; To-night. This evening there will be pre sented at the opera house Newton Beers' lyric spectacular pioductioii of "Lost in London." It has achieved success the past thres season, solely tbroi'gh givi-ig a meritorious performance that all classes of theatre-goers can a pre date. The play is a simple story of woman's weakness and a man's devotion told in good English with an easily defined plot. It gives, however, a faithful pictuie of English north country lite- The s,ecial features introduced are strong and original, making the - . -. . i . i : .... : . . entertainment uuuuiy mi -icoi-ug aaJ attractive. The special! s :enery of this production will be' p aced on the.stage as advertised, and a thoroughly satisfactory en-1 (erUinment is guaranteed. GOVERNMENT 80BVEY. How it it Progrtiilnf ip tbi Sant'an:, aid Other IUai Rock Ckelk, Aug. 7. The government surveyors are working on township lines on the south side of the Santiam river. They are in range 4 add 5, town ship 10. There is strong prospect of a sawmill being put up at Minto on the O. P. Harvesting is welf under wry here. Con. Miller has purchased a self binder to cut his large crop on King's prairie. Postmaster Robertson is better. T. Henness and family have gone to the top of one of our high est mountains to rusticate. Rumor has it that Mr. Wiggs has sold out and contemplates moving to Albany, The Henness brothers talk of prospecting in Eastern Oregon. Huckleberry picking is the rage at present. If signs do not fail workmen on the O, P. K. R. will on arriving at this place shout, "change cars for Quartsville." I am of the ODimon that inside ot ten years there will be a large city at that place with a branch railroad run ning there. Several persons who visited these parts last year Irom Indiana are coming back. . The hop crops of Hester and lurnrulge promise well. Mrs, Lamson has purchased a house of Mr. roster. It is astonishing the amount of land is held by tiling on it, by men who do not live on it nor do they intend to do so. E. 3. Barzee has discovered a large paint mine on Potato Hill Capitalists may do well to invest in it. Hesselman A Barzee shipped a large amount of strawberries and blackberries tins season. Harvey Ward's happy shout is beard all over the land as he ped dies beef to all. The Stayton Times published the statement that foul play is suspected in the case of the lost man Tucker. Persons giving vent to such assertions should consider that they are stepping on danger oub ground and are liable to be called on for proof. Those men accused undoubtedly are innocent, They are among our best citizens, and none believe such trash that know them. How Thy Do It. Over on the Siuslaw they climb the tall fire trees to shoot the bear. At least that is what the "West" says about it. This is the way it relates the incident: "It must certainly be a very large bear or an exceedingly brave one that will "tree" three full grown men, and all these men armed with shooting implements. Such is the story Messrs. Kimball, Stevens and Koefoed told on them selves upon there return from an exploring tour in the mountains one day this week. The story would probably not have leaked out bad not the trio been more or less maimed in their mad Scramble for the topmost branch of a giant fir tree. When they ere once seated at a safe distance from bruin they egan firing and after eventy-three shots had been fired his bearship laid down and died." Ttaa Wkul YUld. The harvest has progressed far enough to demonstrate that the yield will be fully up to expecta tion. On Hon S. A. Dawson's farm, whose threshing has been completed, the yield will over run ;!0 bushels to the acre. Mr. Shaw on Mr. Strauder From an 's farm has also finished the fall wheat crop, and reports a 30 bushel yield. The presence of wild oats in wheat is reported to be more than usual, and it is said that the weight will probably not average as high as last year. That already delivered goes about 01 or t2 pounds to the bushel. The crop is a good one, bo ever, all around. About ("lie lusurance. There seems to be an error in the statement that only foreign insurance companies lost in the recent Lebanon lire, for one of Julius dradwliol s companies, the Oakland Home, paid Wednesday to Mr. Bach, the full value of his loss in that company to his entire satisfaction, which seems to be the usual custom of Mr. Grad w hoi's companies to pay promptly their lull loses a9 soon as they occur. Therefore if you want to insure your property well go to Mr. GraJ-.vhol, who represents six No. 1 insurance companies with capital of a hundred million dollars. Cal Oa Th Bay. Yaquina Pest: 'The Toledo Coal Co., has been vigorously driving a tunnel this week through the- hard rock to reach their 8-foot the lower ledge. Reaching the S-footer, they will then be under four ludgeB of coal, measuring a total of nineteen and a half feet, perpendicular, of coal, great beds ot black diamonds that apparently stretch out longitudinally all through the Hat-topped mountain, which bides millions of tons ot the best of fuel. The company hopes to be prepared to shovel out hun dreds of tons daily of prime coal next month. What Cupid U Doing, Two marriage - licenses were granted by the county clerk, breaking the he of serenity that ' has prevailed in that department I for about two weeks. William M. I Downing and Emma E. Clark, J. ! A. Elliott and Anna Minice have I decided to go through the walks of life together. To offset, three divorce suits were entered on the docket for the October term. COAST NOTES. Interesting Items in Brief from North west Exchanges. The Coos Bay News says that parties living in the neighborhood of North slough are killing spotted fawns. This is aginst the law, and people doing so are subject to arrest. Some fine yields of grain are reportd from Yamhill county, in the vicinity of Dayton, where the threshing machines have been at work for several days. Smith Stevens succeeded in getting 30 H) bushels oil' a 100 acre field, the average being thirty-six bushels to the acre. John Campbell's field averaged thirty-seven bushels, and that of Neil Yerstai thirty eight busheis to the acre. Re ports of Lig yields from Marion county wheat fields have not yet commenced to come in, the bar vest having been a few days later here. Last week while Cbas. Becker was returning from Baker City the conductor asked him for his ticket, whereupon he said he had given it to him, but the cenductor said not and Becker insisted yes. So the conductor stopped the train and put him off, for winch he asks the road to pay him $20,000. The conductor's story may t'iiler from Becker's. The "Malheur cattle king" afterwards found that he still bad a ticket in his pocket, and that the conductor simply treated him in a customary man ner. He can hardly recover damages under the circumstances. Harnian Larsen killed one of the largest bears ever seen in these parts on Hynes slough, last week. The bear had been killing hogs in that neighborhood, and when overtaken showed fight. Herman shot him several times and then had to climb a tree to keep out of his way, the animal showing a dispositian to fight to a finish at close range. He finally got a bul let in the right place and bruin's days were numbered. When skinning him be found three old bullet wounds in the carcass, and part of one foot was oil', as if the animal had been caught in a steel trap a long time before. The hide is nearly as big as that of an ox. Coos Bay Jews. Tariff Woolsa Goods. In a report dated New York, way oth, ur. Consul weneral Booker thus refers to the effect of the McKinley Tariif upon the limed Mates worsted and woolen industries; "The worsted goods industry has been marked by fresh life, since the Taritf has to a great extent cut otf the importa tion of the lowest grades of such goods. All the old factories have staffed up, and are making goods on safe orders ; and new mills are being erected by European and British capitalists with a view to manufacturing a finer class of dress goods, &c, than ever before has ben pro luce J in this country. The woolen goods industry, apart from ladies' clothes, does not snow any perceptible signs of improve ment, but keeps on a slow, steady gait, apart from drpetings and woolen underwear. Both of the latter industries have been unusu ally busy during the last six months at fairly profitable prices." London Economist, July 11. A Beep Sea I'ort. Astorian: Captain Seweil, of the American ship Solitaire, who crossed in from sea at 1 1 o'clock yesterday morning, reports finding thirty feet of water in the shallow est part. The captain of the schooner Norma, when became in yesterday, crossed right over where Peacock spit used to be, and found 25 feet of water. At high tide there is from 34 to 33 feet of water, according to the height of the tide; at lowest low tide 27 feet in the shallowest places. The Columbia river bar is abolished. It has ceased to be. The port of Astoria is as much of a deep water port as any seaport in the I nited Mates. 500,00 Prize for the Best Short 8tory. We have read with much pleasure Brains, a semi-monthly journal for literary folk, published at Meadville, Pa., by the I'nited Publishing Co. It is devoted to pratical literary details, aims to help the writer and has such eminent contributors as Albion W. Tourgee, Julian Ilawthrone and Thomas Wentworth Higgin son. The publishers are olfering a prize of five hundred dollars for the best short story submitted to them before December 1. They make it a requirement that all competitors be subscribers to the paper, and will forward sample copy and ruleB upon request. Getting- Involved. TliomlnrA Tpnnvunn a vnnncr druggist has left Tacoma and is now en route to Minneapolis. He is about $SO0 ;n debt here, princi pally to personal friends, but he aa written a letter from Portland atntinir that h would niaka annH all him Bei'niint) "n rearliinir Min neapolis. About two years ago Tennyxon realized handsomely on nma rani oat.it p in vpHtments. ami cleared up from $12,000 to $14,000. His fortune was spent in gambling. Ho oraa mari-ipil seven months ao-n . .t. wj - - D and sold out his drug business (Sat urday to one ot his wile s relatives. The Rains. The remarkable continuance of rains at this time of year has raised considerable alarm, for fear that the crop of wheat would be in jured. Nearly every day during the week there has been some rain and on several occasions copious showers. However, no material damage has been done yet, and if the baunteous supply sliu a off with the preB-;nt week, there will be no special damage with the excepliou of delayed work. IEAL E8TATE TRAI8FER8. Win. R. Ray to A. T. McCully, 40 acres of the donation land claim of Wm. M. (iilchreet; considera tion, $12.50. Amanda E. Wyckoff to John A. Conser, 31 acres of tho donation land claim of George Miller; con sideration, $10.00. Mary E. Newman et al., to John Conser, sundry tracts in Linn county ; consideration, $1087.55. J. M. Ralston to Alfred E. An sorge, lot 6, blk 22, Kalston's ad dition to Lebanon ; consideration, $80. T. C. PeeWer to Susan R. Peeb ler, 1 lot in Ralston's addition to Lebanon ; consideration, $80. Serious Accusation. In her application for divorce from her husband, Mrs. Arthur N. Miller, of Puyallap, alleges that she believes him to be worth $100, 000. They were married about six weeks ago, and she asks to be per mitted to resume her former na.ne, Kate Vandusen. In addi tion to alleging private iniquities, she accuses Miller of driving her father, the late Dr. Shouey, who commuted suicide a few weeks age by swallowing poison, from the house, and on the niuht that he suicided allowed him to lie all night in the front yard. She says that Miller refused to allow ber to leave the house without his per mission. Both were previously married. Chans; of Time, The following notice regarding a change of time on the Oregon lacifichas been received. Com mencing with August 5th, the Oregon Pacific trains, east of Al bany, will run on the following time ; No. 1, leaves Albany, going east, at 12:40 r. m., arriving at Halstead at 3 i m. No. 2, leaves Halstead at 7 a. m., arriving at Al bany at 9 :40 a. m. On VV ednes day and Saturday of each week, this train will run through toCoe. arriving there at 4.05 r. m., and leaving there at 2:10 p. m., arriv ing at Halstead at 5 p. m., where it will lie over night, leaving for Albany at 7 next morning. This is an advantageous arrangement for nearly every one who desire to reach this section of the country, starting north, south or west of Albany, as they are not compelled to lie over one day at Albany. It also enables parties living on the line east of Albany to come there and transact banking or other business, and return home the same day. Cram's VnrlTalled Atlas. The new edition of this unrivall ed work is now being delivered by I he agent, Mrs. A. M. Talt. The work is a most excellent one, and this edition is a great improve ment upon former ones, giving all the latest date and much new matter that was not in the previous editions. It should be in every family, and on every business man's desk. Those who are not supplied can procure the atlas by addressing P. O. Box No. W) Al bany Oregon. Saie Cure (or the Liquor or Opium Habits. The East India cure for these awful habits can be given without the patient's knowledge, and is the only known specific for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cumming's drug store only. French Tansy Wafers. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful and irregular menses, and will remove all ob structions, no matter what the cause, and are sure and safe every time. Manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cumming's drugstore only. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh'a porous plaster. Price 25 cents at Foshay & Mason. Notice of l'arntership. NOTICE is lic.ebv iriren that J. W. Gaiu- lier has Durrliaw.il a ona hilt interest hi the bcio Holler Mills, an 1 the business will hem- after be run under the lirm name of Coins K Camber. Scio Aiifrxst 1 1:91. Ed Coins, J. W.Uakber. Your City Taxes. The citv taxes for 1S91 are now due and payable. The money is needed and every individual siioulil Icon tne mailer up sou Mpe that thev are iid. If not Daid immedi ately they will become delinquent. The doit rax is auo due ana u not pam me orucr wm he tnven to kill all the dugs on whom taxes hve not been paid, J. N, Hoffman, Marshal, EWART DETACHABLE LINK iw BELTING. The But. Th. Cheapest- Reduced Price List of drive belt and other specialties for Elsva torn, Conveyors and Machinery for hauling any material In bulk or package. Link Bklt M m iiinkrv Co , Chicago. .Stock cairied by J. M. AKTlll'K k CO., Portland, Or. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castorial Highest of all in Leavening Power. Bent) ufi r 1 M ABSOLUTELY PURE THE WORLD ENRICHED. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on ly perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt andeflectual to cleanse the system gently in the Sprin time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the more popular it becomes. Important to Housekeepers. It gives Julius (iradw hol great satisfaction in selling his line Golden Rule teas and baking powder, with elegant prizes or without them, that his customers who have purchased invariably re turn and say they are well pleased, that the tea is No. 1 and the bak ing powder is as good as the best. All his teas and baking powder bears the name of j alias (jrad whol's Golden Rule Bazaar, and are expressly put up for his busi ness, and he still continues to give with each pound of tea or baking powder an elegant piece of glass ware. BUCKLES S ABMC A SALYK. The best salve in the world for Cut, Bruises, So.es, Ulcers, Salt lilieum, Fever sores. Tetter, (.'hupped llanc'., Chilblains. Corns, and skin Eruptions, and pos tively cures Piles, or l.o pay required. It is guaranteed to giva perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, Price 35 cents per box. Fcr gale by Foslmy & Mason Opera House, Warner & Cranor, Lessees & managers, Last Great Attraction. Saturday, August 8th Direct California Tour of the Gifted Actor HKWTOJN" JJEKIiS, In his Masterpiece of Melodrama LOST IN LONDON, Supported by the principal actors oi ins original oranu opera, a. Y. Company, including the beautiful young emo tional actress, JESSIE LEE RAXIM.I.HI. o The grand scenic effects in LOST IX LONDON, are Heart O'Bleakmore, Great Coal Mine Scene, Ixmdon Streets at Kight, Job's Vision. o Seats on sale at Will & Links, 53 and 7"c. REAU And you will not REGRET CALL on us and you will find us always ready to OFFER you great induce ments from our large line of goods GOOD reaches, Berries, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Apricots, Apples, 1'lumbn, Melons, BETTER Corn, Peas, Benns.Potato, Onion .Cabage Turnips Beets Carrots Sweet Potatoes BEST Soap, Soda, Rice, Salt, Honev.HopB, Pickets, Tea, Flour, Meal, Spices AM Constantly adding new goods and latest noveltiES Do net fail to get our prices. C. E. BROWNELL, Albany. Administrators Sale. NOTICE IS 1IEKEUY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned as administrator of the estate of Henry Meyer,- decerned, in pirtm ance of and hy virtue of an ori'er of the county court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record by said court at the July term thereof will on the l!Uh, day of September 1-!1 at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the court house door in the ' ity of Albany in Linn county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand the fol lowing described real proierty to wit; Beginning at a point (24) tenty-four feet and 5 inchej east of the northwest comer of lot (I) one in block (")) ten in the city of Albany Linn county, O egon as the name is ilparTibedonthemapsar.il ula of said city on file in the office of the county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, ana running rrom thence east alonf the north line of itl lot (15) fifteen feet and lOj inches to the center of the party brick wall, thence southerly along the center of said party wall and Siarallel totne western oiuiiuiary nue m nam ot km. one hundred feet to the alley. thence westerly along the cmth line of said llv fifteen feet ten and one hnlf in-he. thence northerly in a utraijjht line to the place of oeginning. As administrator of the estate of Henry Meyer, deceased. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report NEW TO-DAY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids for the construction of tin- Lebanon and Santiam canal, a per n'ans and specilicatious at their ollice in Lebanon, Or,, will be received till August ;;, at 1 p. m. Ihe com pany leserves the right to reject any and all bids. M. A. Miller, L. Foi.bt, Secretary. President. Lebanon, July "JO, 1891. GENERA. E.- Suropean Agency. THROUGH TICKETS To and from Europe by all flrst-class lines. Tickets from any place in Europe to any point in th United States, or fiom this country to Eurcpen points sold over tbs following tint-class linen: North German Lloyd, via Near York, North Uennan Lloyd, via Baltimore, Allan Line, Anchor Line, American Line, Sta'e Line, Beaver Line, Cunard Line, Ked Star Line, , Wh'te Star Line, Guioo Line. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold on all Euroiean cities at current rates. Intcriiatic.il collections, for information regarding prices of passage, date of sailing, etc., call o i or address, C, B. WINN, Albany, Or. FOR SALE OR RENT. JEFFRSON FIjOURINU MILLS -Also SAW AND PLANING MILLS, Jeilerson, Marion Co., Or. For paiticolars apply to CORUETTA MACLEAV, 0-1 and CO Front St., Portland, Or. Forty Uoiveryty. OI'EMS SKl'TEMHKK 14. Beautiful healthful site near the city. Exjmnses are as reasonable as any other institution of learning on the coast. Classical, literary, scientific, theological, preparatory, normal and business courses. Stu dents of all grades received. Care ful oversight and direction given to all students. Ladies boarding hall under experienced super vision. Professors of excellent scholarship and much experience employed. For information ad dress C. C. Stratton, D. D., presi dent, or Thos. Van Scoy, D. D., (lean of college, Portland Univer sity, Poitiand, Or. -THE- i Opens September 18lh, lS'.ll. COUIISE OF STl'DY arranged expressly to meet the needs i the farming and uiecnani cal interests of the state. Lare, comoilious and well-ventilated buildings. The college 11 lotated in a cultivated and Christian com muiiitv. and one of the healthiest in the State. Military Training. Expenses Need Not Exeeed tlJO for the rjilire season. Two cr more free 8' ludariihips from tvery comity. Write for catalogue to B. L. AKNOLl), Pres., O.rvallin, Or. FIRST NATIONAL BAM rPRANSACTS A GENERAL BAH KINO PRKNIDKNT L. PLINK. VTCK I'KKSIOKNT S. K TODNO. ASIIIKK K. W. LAKU WN. BISECTOEa : S. E. Toms, L runs Lj IE. uuih, c t. sol. E. W Lahsdos Cashier, Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. IIYMAN & BROWNELL. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale and Retail Dnajsts Booksellers ALBA" OHIO ON T nniT mPDIi! Avail Yourself of JJUUJY lli'HLl'J the benefits of the Utah Marri utre En. dowim-ot Association of Salt Lake Citv anil secure for yourself $1,000,1X10 nt the timo of your marriage. Send 5 cents in stamps for information and terms, to insure Dtompt reply. Ad dress Utah Marrlsire Endowment As sociation. Salt Lake City, t5T"Agunts W anted, t'lease mention paper, Dissolution of Drue Firm. NOTICE IS IIEREBV GIVEN TOAT BY mutual consent, S. A, Hulin and Kred liawnon have this day dissolved partnership in the druu' business, 8. A. Hulin havini; purchased the interest hitherto owned bv Kred Dawson. All outstanding indebted ness will be settled by, and all accounts are payable to S. A. Hulin, who will, as hither to, be found ready to accommodate his patrons at his store on French's corner. S, A. HULIN, KRED DiWSOS. Albany, July 1, 1891. Notice. To all whom it niay concern, notice is here by riven that my wile. Angle Trites, has left my bed and board without any Just cause or proiication, and I will aot b responsible for any debts of her contra:tinir. W. D. Tan li, Albany July 1 1S91, Agricultural College ORANDi CLE T.L -WILL WALLACE Summer Clothing light Wit Under w, Slits and all Seasonal Geods at Actual Remember, this gives von new and richly tailored clot lung at tin- name pi ice we pail. Our stock is large, and you can select just an well now as you could earlier in the seasou. T. L. WALLACE & CO., THE BIRTHPLACE OF GREAT AND HONEST BARGAINS. Albany Collegiate Institute, WiyiSYTNI V, OUJSGON, September 9, 1891. June 10, 1892. A Ml Corps ef Four departments of study : Oollt'iale, Normal, Business, Primary. Tys writing and Short-hand are l:i'ii:lit. For catalogue address, REV. ELLKICI" N. CONDIT, A. M.. President. HAVE YOU SEEN THE C OIF1 brant SUMMER w -NOW IX L. ED. The Leading Clothier E :. SALE! SELL an opportunity to buy any of our EApciwd Teachers. GOODS TO BE SOLD IN THE e ZlVET: STOCK.-- BLAiN, & Merchant Tailor. ONE-:- MM. Sa M GOODS