MOKNTNG HERALD: THURSDAy, AUGUST 6, 1891. w Him Celele Are Brekea Ip im afleatBauu Proa th Virginia City, Moat MtdisMia. When we find a medicine we know to possess genuine merit' we cenaider it a duty, aud we take pleasne in telling the public what it is. Suck a medicine we found Chamberlain'! Cough Remedy, last winter, when la frippe was prevailing. We are satisfied that it warded off aeveral attacks that were threatening by the use of your syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe colds, add in the course of two ur t hree days, entirely broken them up by its use as have aeveral of our menus whom we nave recom mend it. It is all that it is repre sented to be by he manufacturers. If you have a cough and want to stop it, Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy will do the work. For sale by Foshay 4 Mason. Take the Union Pacific railway for the East, thirty-five hours quicker than any other transcon tinental line. Elegant new dining cars, Pullman palace sleepers, free family sleeping cars run through t louver, Oin ili i. Council Blurts, KanSas Citv, .St. Louis and Chi cago. C. li. Kaw lings, city ticket atfttut, toot of Brot-lalbin street. LlttU OUst and Cowloe' Bros, boys, misses and child ren's shoes -different styles all sites and widths mads solid all tijroiuhi. Try a pair nothing better medium in price. Every pair warranted. Coraatt Coraata! W- matt & -oecialtv of ! iea and misses tine corsets and w its. W have a drive in a F nch antettn corset at 75 cents, rxtra good value. Samukl E. Ye aa. Tha Union Pacific. Is the only line running two fast trains daily from Portland to Omaha, St. Paul, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis and all points Kat and South. Buy your tickets of C. O. Bawling, foot of Broad al'oiu street, Albany. It you want a dtir.ihle monu ment go to E. W. Achwon, who are haudling uotuiug but the beat grades. Bleopless nights1 m tde miserable by that terrible cough, Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by SUiloh's Cat arrah remedy, price 50 cent. Nasal injector Iree, sold by Foshay A Mason. Th t sour-tempered, cross, dys- Jeptic individual, should take Dr. .11. McLean's Sarasaparilla ! It will make him feel as well and heart t as the healthiest of us. He jievdi' bracing up, vitalizing, that is all. Nwtkce to 1'alraua. Albany Or. May 3D 1S1. I have this day made arrange ments with Messrs Knapp Burrell A Company of Albany. To furnish all patrons with Deering Binders. 1 lease call at once. Also arrange ments are made them fore yery thing in the farm impliment lino including triue. Mast Miixkr. Financial Agent. Meuiher of Lion County rarmar'a AlUaac. You are hereby notified that I have c-.intratted with the well known firm of Stewart A Sox, at Albany, to supply you with binders mowers, rakes, twine, hai lcs, bug gies, wagons, plows, etc., as well as all oth-ir articles iu tlie line of general hardware. M.ition cjn ty numbers can purchase at the same place on the sunt-terms. Ben. 11. Financial Agent. Beautiful Woman The rnVcts of Wisdom' Bob.utiue as a beautiti-r aiii preserver of the onip'.jx ion have been altes'.cd bv thutiauds of the leading lad'u e of society and the st age. Il is the only ar'.icle ever tliscoveretl whiirii gives a natural and beautiful tint to the com- fdexiun, removing tan, sunburn, reckles and all roughness of the face and arun, leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvety. All re mark on iu delightful, ceding and refreshing properties, a distinction not found in any similar prepara tion on the market. Sold every w he re. It you ntTcr pricking pains on moving the eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and find your sight week and falling, you should Sromptly use Dr. II. McLean's trengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents a box. F. H. French keeps the largest and most complete stock of spec tacles and eyeglasses in the count;. Every pair warranted to give perfect satisfaction. As a table and medicinal water, the Coronado can't be best. Try it and be convinced. Bottled at the world renowned sanitarium, Hotel Del Coronado, Coronado, California. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeter es. put up by E. W. Achison, at all he cost of stone. A fine line of gold rings just opened at Will A Stark's. New jewelry of latest pat terns at Will A Stark's. Attention.! The very latest news is that von can buy at Julius Gradwohl's (olden Rule Bazaar, for net cash, 15 pounds of granulated sugar for $1.00 and 13 pounds of Extra C sugar. All goods sold for net cash from 10 to 25 per cent less than regular price, as I intend to open a strict cash business. Julrs Gbadwohl. Albany, Or., July 21, 1891. LaeUee Tlma Ihaes. I make a specialty of handling ladies fine shoes. I carry some of the best brands made in fine and medium grades in widths from A to EE. All warranted goods ; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind sold that will ! rip or oreaa. easauei . loung. UCITEM EST run high in this city over System Builder as every body is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches will find it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store be fore purchasing, a3 there has been quite a reduction in prices. The Corner jewelry store. Naw Spring; Goods. I am now receiving my first in voices of spring novelties in wash C'XhIs, prints, gingham seersuckers, etc., also just received a new line of all wool summer plaids and beiges. Samuel E. Young. rira Klndlors. If you want a good and easy fire kind! ier, one 'hat will kindle your fire easy every time. Call on or come and see me. A. J. Fox. One Half Dollar Reduction on every pairof Lud lows Fine Shoes. A good line of them at Samuel E. Young's. BUSINESS LOCALS. French keeps railroad time. Conn A Hendricson, grocers. Fresh bread every day at Parker Bros. That hacking coukIi can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it". Sold by Foshay A Mason. Lawn sprinklets, Matthews A Washburn, garden hose, Matthews A Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews A Washburn, pumps, Matth ews A Washburn, bath tubs, Matthews A Washburn, water closet-t, Matthews A Washburn, gasoline stoves, Matthews A Wash burn, the beet of everything Matthews A Washburn. Some of tne test styles of ele gant bed lounges can be seen at Fortmiller A Irving's, as they have ' just received a large invoice. Buy gasoline stoves from Mat thews A Washburn. New sprit g novelties in dress goods and dress silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Buy your gasoline stoves of Hopkins Bros. Shiloh's Cure and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures coneumption. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Thomas Brink has received a stock of baby carriages which he is offering at prices as low as the lowest, and they are first-class goods. Every grocer, druggist and sa loon man should keep Coronado mineral water on hand. It will be called fer, as it is the best. John Isom Jr., sole agent. Allen's do their own delivering, carefully and promptly. Something nice in coffees at Allen Bros. They run their own delivery wagon, and deliver goods promptly, Cftave your orders for dressed chickens at Allen Bros. New and complete stock of spectacles and eye glasses just re ceived at F. M. French's. Every pair fitted by Johnston's Patent eye-meter, every pair fully war ranted to fit. Take a look at the piano at Klein Bros, shoe store. Chauga of Bualnaaa. Notice is hereby given that Mueller A Garrett have sold to E. J. Lanning their entire business, goods, wares, merchandise, book accounts, fixtures, ec. Parties in debted to said firm will please call and settle at once with E. J. Lan ning. to whom all accounts are payable. All outstanding indebtedness will be settled by Mueller A Gaa rett. Mueller A Gabkktt, E. J. Lanninu. Albany, May 25, 18!H. Examination of Taacbara. Notice is hereby given that the regular examination of applicants for certificates to teach in tne pub lic schools of Linn county, Oregon, wiil be held at the superintend ents office in Albany, on August 12, 18'Jl. G. F. Russell, County superintendent. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igars, manufactured at Julius Joes ih's cigar factory. Try Coronado mineral water, the purest on earth, for sale by all druggists. John Isom Jr., eole agent. i Kamovad. P. J. LaPorte has removed his shoe shop from near L. Viereck's barber shop to the building adjoining Brown's barber shop, opposite the Rues house, where he is prepared to do work in a first-class manner. He in vites his customers to continue their patronage at bis new quarters. Delinquent Taa Netlee, School taxes are now delinquent. The clerk is making out the delin quent list which will be in the hands of the sheriff as soon as com pleted. Those who have not paid, had better do so before costs of collection are added. Laet notice. THE ONLY ONE At Albany, Wednesday, August 19 SELLS BROTHERS' -ENORMOUS ALL- m TEDSHOWS Regal Roman Hippodrome, Wild Moorish Caravan, Spectacular Pilgrimage to Mecca, Greatest Triple Circuses on Earth, Only Five Continent Menagerie, Huge Tropical Aquarium, Aviary, Olympian Festival, and Arabian Nights' Entertainment. TRANSCENDENT FEATS -:- -:- AND LIViNCHATURES Nowhere else exhibited, and each alone amply repaying the one price of admission to a thousand allied wonders. Astounding Paradoxes of Var ious Species ! Whole Arenas of Pei forming Beasts, Birds and Tre mendous Amphiba! Only Colossal Amphitheatre ! TkrrerirraltlMg! Moublr Elrvnti-tl SIiijji-! Tlirillina High Air Novrl tlrs! UrulrMiur 4'itrnivi! All klml of 'oIim'Uiii Wild Iteant and laokie ltarr! All I ho Most lllulrluut Arllt iiimI Hrllllnnl Art! AbuHlulrly tUt Only Lit in;; l ulll.roun tMO.MO Giaot Male & Female Hippopotami TO BE SEEN ANYWHERE TOGETHER. ONLY WILD AUSTRALIAN More Marvelous than the Centaur. Veritafclo Animate Mitos from Elf dor.. All Sarin's Quadrupedal Miracles. The Most Stupendous Program, Only Scriptural "Behomotns-." The Greatest Lady Jockevs. The Greatest Chariotoers The Fleetest Thoroughbreds Tho Most General Porformors. The Greatest Bareback Eiders. The Greatest Aerialists. The Greatest Athletes. The Greatest Companies. THE ONLY BIG A Millionaire Alliance Free Street Parade The Most Superb, Stupendous and Enchanting Ever Given. pBBB-aIBBBaBBBHrBBBBaBBBMBBBBBBBBjBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB FIVE FOLD MORE FOR THE ONE PRICE 8F ADMISSICN TO ALL THAN ANY OTHER Management has either the Nerve or Liberality to Attempt. Two performances dai'y, at 2 and THIS SEASON I Wnl'rous Mammoth and 4'rr ilar-t ibat do Mrrytblna liul Talk! i'Ulenl and Raman ale Or.'rnlal 'ngrniit! Weird Kiirharir Aiblrllr IVrformiinrr r.llin prl ami fast lmr for I lie l.llllr lolk: uiii pi linn Ills pliiy for I be Laidlr! I'radlR louo Svntiitioiiw aud llarnileas llilarily for All! Jtaysto THE GREAT, I THE W(iKI.I FAMOUS, rc-Kniini'nt Emotional Span A Dllicer The Only Fl K-k ol Full Grown LiU UOliUWllW Ever Publicly Exhibited. Only Ureal nVM-rl lirruo! Only Koyul JnuanrM Circux! 1 nn'' :t-',-B"re rldrr! . Only llt-rbcr A Brdouiu Alhli-lr Lessons to Esnslit and Charm tha Young I J Darkest Africa's Hii'e Sensations. munortCTnnllDCDC tun CUM MAVFRC lULUDlHOI UUUII JLIltf ftliu lull Hinnknv. The Only Pair of - Lilliputian .Cattle Snial t-st and Cnmiintn-M liovincs Eyer fete. i on Karth. The Biggest Spectacles, The ISigtzcst Menageries, The llijBPHt Circuses, The Hiiwest Aquarium, The Biugeet Wild Beasts The The Big- gest Craze, The Biggest Crowds. The Biggest Successs, ihe Big gest Holiday, Bigger and bet ter man ever, ana aosoiuieiy ONE COMING I 8 v. m., Doors open at 1 and 7 r. u. PlainfiblD ! CONSOLIDATION The Cheapest and Best Because the lots are 50x100; because they are ins:de property ; be cause iney are an clear no stumps, no roots, no rocks ; Decause ine land is elevated and has a fine view of the city ; because they are near three motor lines not in contemplation, but all now in operatiDii ; be cause buy now, to-day, for the 10th day of next month they will ad vance $25 each ; because they are a snap. Ask those who have seen. Seeing is believing. Are you in it? R. F. ASIIBY, Manager, No. 65, Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. C-A-XjIj -A-HSTID see THE VERNON HAY PRESS Unequaled for fast work and light draft. Manufactured at the foot ot Baker Street, Albany, by PRICE & VERNON. OH, MAMMA HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. irzt3E.l T IE-PL IGE, - r, - OPPOSITE OPEti H3US The Albany Furniture Co. A FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING. OF SAN FRANCISCO f ao Ablntelv Safe Investment FOB SMALL MONTHL AMOUNTS. Six dollars per month will doubling the amount invested in that time. Money loaned on real estate security at 6 per cent. For full particu lars apply to S. N. STEELE A CO.. Local Agents. Ss?Sdijf&:hii!5 111 i s 1 1 1 1 If i 12 tiling? Are S; aware j DE.. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY . forCouglis, Colds and Consumption is beyond question the greatest of J : all Modern Remedies? It will stop a Cough in one night. It will check Z a Cold in s dar. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Coat-. Sfumptioniftaienln time. 'You can't afford to be without it- A25c. ! bottle may save you $100 in Doctor's bills mareave your life f Ask ! BANK OF OKEGON, ALBANY, OREGON. H. F. Merlll, Fri., E- J. Lunlnr, V. 3. w". Blaia. OMlilar. Tnnaactf grenenl braking baraiM. Exchuir bought and fold on all th prin cipal cities of th United Statea, alio, Great Britain, Franc and Germany. Collection at all awawibl point mad on iavorabl term. Iutarett paid on tim depoaita. DEVKRE HOU8K, ALBANY, OR. CBAS XV FfeUltr, Prop, only nimciaa m n th citv. Lana (ampl room 'for marcial man. Me Chlnamw Msplorad in WMwn. Ooral ta offlr Dorr all aj. LOTS I Buy in the Market. 5T "Have you Been those I lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, and an in spection will prove it. Prices always the lowest. amount to $1000 in seven years, 01 sis- Scsaf 00 i i mi S23S m i mm a VHY DO YOU COUGH?! Do you know that a little cough is adancrerousS you aware that it often fastens! on the lungs aud far too often runs into Con-; sumption ana onus in jjoat n ( l'oopie euuer- ing from Asthma, Bronchitis, l'lipuinoiiia: and Consumption will all tell you that , 41 IT STARTED WITH A COLD"; ,:Can you afford to m-glect it? Can yiu i-trifle with so serious a matter? Are you; that ? RED CROWN MILLS ISOM. LAKXIXS a CO., Prop. NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior lor family and Baker' aae) i Best Siorane Facilities SaTHIgbeit caah prior aid tor wbcafSa ALBANY - ORSGON PHYSICIAHS W1 H. DAVIS, IL D. PBTS1C1AH AJTD u.eon. can D loona at aw omo room ib Scrahan'a block, Fint treet, Albaa Oregon- c. C. KELLY. PUTSICIAH AMD 4UK- geon Albany. Oregon, oOoa a rtarot new block. Omo hour, fraai li l. tJ r. a. A J. ROSSITER, VETKRINART 8UBV n, geon, graduate or Ontario Tetenaary college and meat bar of th Ontario veterin ary medical aociety, ia prepared to treat tot dueaae ol all domesticated anlmala en aeientlflc principle. Office at Ana Marshall ' livery stable Keeidenc 4th and Calapooia treeu, Aioany, Oregon. c U. HAMBERLIX, M. D., Homopatbi Physician, office at Dr. Wallao' old Bund, Broadalbin ttreet. Office hours, 7 to v a. a.; i to s ana s to a r. m. DRO. A. WHirNET, PBTBICIAM AMD surgeon. Oraduat of Bellarne Hospi tal Medical College, New York City. Diseases of women a specialty, OfBes in Foster bleak ATTOBNKY ntO. E. CHAM BKRLAIN ATTORNEY VT at-law will practice ir aU th court of uic tle, bpecial attention given to mi ten iu probata and to collection, eStce ia Fiiun block. 1EO. W. WKIOUT, ATTOKKEY-AT-LAW A and notary rubiic. Will practice in all tlie courts of this elate, Office, front rooms over uaiik ol Oregon, Albany, Oregon. D. B. I, SLACKSl'Sit. a. c. VAISOX. 1)LaCKBURN, A WATSON. Attorneys at j Law, Aioany Oregon; umce in Odd rellow'e Temple. Buainees in our hands u ill receive prompt and careful attention. HEWITT A IRVINE, ATTORNEYS-AT Law. Will practice in all th court o Uie mate. Otfic in t linn's block, tkm treet. w, t. Bi'RNir. i. w. pui BURNiV tt DRAPER, ATTORNEYS at law, Oregon City, Oregon. Twen ty years experienc-e as register of thaU. 8. Laud otnee at Oregon City and in tne land practice recommends us in our specialty liuuneu before the Land Offloe or th courts and involving Uie practice in th geoeral JN. DUNCAN - ATTORNEY-AT LAW . and notary public. OSc in th Strahan oluck, rooms Ho. I and J. OLVERTON CUARLE8E. ATTORNET at Law, Albany. Or. Omo in rooms IS and 14 Foa'.ci BliK-k, over L. K. Blain's (tore, JK. WEATHKRFORD, ATTCRNKY AT . lw, Albany, Oregon. OS in th r min Block. Will practice ail th courts of theatate, and give specia. attentioa to all business. JAMES P. MEAD, ATTORMEY-AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice ill all the courts of th state. Ab Htractaof title furninbed on abort aoMo. Ton years experience. FOR SALE BY ALL DRDOOI8T8. "Some months eo I Durchased s box of Dr. J. P. Gill's Catarrh Cnrs for my own uae. but flndiag- my nephew, C. A, McMahan, Deeding such aiedl. cine, I let bim have inj box of medi cine. He now sends for three more boxee, laying it is the best thinir for catarrh ever tried by him ana bif friends. I pot another box to nse in my case, and cheerfully recommend it toothers. (Signed), JOHN McMAHAN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, Oregon, Springfield, Lane county, Oregon. Prof J. W, Johnson, president of the State university, says it cured blm of a cough after two other prescriptions had failed. Likewise two of his little tfirls used It to cure their coughs. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of Pref. Bailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and reeom mends it to all who suffer from colds and coughs. For coughs it acts like acharm, and can ba inhaled into the jipes or passages, where no other cough cures can reach. A FEW DOSES OF Moore's Revealed Remedy Will brace you up, put the kloons iu your cheek and the sparkle in your eye Strictly non-alcobolic, its ell'cct upon persons suffering from liquor habit is wonderful. Wm. Rossen, of Portland, Oregon, writes : "Moore's Revealed Remedy cured me of drunkenness and made a new man of me. All who are oursed with the liquor habit should take it. A. 6. Case, of Monterey, Cal., says : "It entirely destroyed my taste for spirituous liquors." Try it once. Sold by all druggists, or btewart-Holmes Drug Co., Seattle, Wash. TAKE TILE CAB RATES! To any part of the city, B0 e For calling, first hour $1.50, 4oti subsequent nourt 1. Frequently accidents, occur in the house-bold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family emedy.( Try Conn A Ilendricson's syrup, the finest in the market. Retail in quantities to suit. FROM mWm Soils TAILOR MADE For-:-Snnimer-:-Wear, Cost no more made of good material than ready made ill-fitting garments.; W. R. CRAIWM, The Merchant Tailor, has in stock the finest line of spring and summer suit ings ever brought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any style desired. Call and see if it is not trite. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen tat a first-class Cigar Company. MtJs't give good references. r. v. a. ciuak co., Salem, N. Q. so ion wm im nm ? If so call en I. BEAM He delivers his goods to any fart of the city free of charge, resh vegetables every day. y Nothing but the best kept at I. BEAM'S, 2d st, cor. Jackson and Jefferson. At my kila one mile east of town. or delivered anywhere in the city. W. V. UA8JA4 SKCBKT SOCIETIES. McPhsrson Post No. S, Q. A. B Stated meetlncs at tha O, A. S. Ball on tb second and FotarSa Friday evenings ot each month. Transiant Comrades ar eorcU y invited to meet with ne J. F. WH1T1HU, B. F. Tailbb, Commas), Adtutaat. A, O. U, W.-flafety Lodge No, IS; masts ovary Monday ovenins; at the O. A. a hall on Ferry (treat. betwMi, Beaond bA Third. Albany, Oregon. Strangers In tke aty and transient brethren cordially uvteat to Pension, Postal, Land and Indian lepredation Claims. LAW OFFICES OF mxiM mm or claxks, Under the management of W. R. HEARST. Ed. & Fsop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manager, 018 F. Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C Will practice in the supreme court of the United States, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, before committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain pensions and patents, Indian depredation claims and all classes of land claims, mining, pie eruption and homestead case pros ecuted before the general land of fice, department of the interior and the supreme court. Novelties In Ladles Footwear, I have just received for the sum mer trade the latest novelties in ladies fine shoes. Cloth top, iancy tips ; lace shoes with fancy tips, besides all the staple styles in hand and machine turns. These goods were made expressly for me and will be found nico enough for the most fastidious and cheap enough for any one wanting a fine dress shoe. I also carry late novelties in Oxford ties ranging in price from $1.25 to 4 00. 8. K. Young. "A God-sencTi8Ely'i Cream Balm. I had catarrh for three years. Two or three times a week my nose would bleed. I thought the sores wculd never heal.' Your Balm has cured me." Mrs. M. A. Jackson, Portsmouth, N. IL I have bad nasal catarrh for ten years so bad that there were great sores in my nose, and one place was eaten through. I got Kly'e Cream Balm. Two bottles did the work. My nose and head are well. I feel like anotter man. C. S. McMillen, Sibley, Jackson Co., Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh's Cure. For rale by Foshay k Mason, fill Brick for Sale