THE MORNING HERALD "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. 1891 f LA.IbY AMD WKKKI.V TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION- daily 'uniuhrd 'erery ciornirit except Monday.) c!lverl by carrier, per it - b-JO y null, r ) rar .. 6 10 WKkKLVt Published every Friday Morning;.) m copy, rwr annum, In m4hance.....f-.C0 W uen not will in advance 2.40 TUB MAILS. Mail xt the Alt any postotfice close f jt all offices DOrtll Itie Kacrn statsa (.6,30 A. H, The Went Side f And the Ifarrow Ga -et R. R j J off Portland and Sau 11 A. M orviliis and Ynuina 1'-';'!0 r. u ; ortice "' ........ 7;30 r. The poetolUce will be djjilcach evening a ail lo (even o'clock, ttotiaterod matter lor the ly mnrnlnir t Un Ahoulil be mailed before o clock the (.revioua ereninir. fi OREGON' PACI?fC TIMETABLE. Arrives Departs raawnver.. rUht. U.13m 1120;.m 3.4'. ijpm:7.45anl corsers ix ii:a t. 'Corners in wheat at Chicago have generally resulted in afford ing the wheat growers of the I'a ciiic slope an opportunity to mar ket their grain in Great Britain at high figures, while the reaction at Chicago has carried prices back to a lower level than that from which fieystarted. The projected wheat orner of the farmers' alliance is c-rtuin to check Kuropean pur chases; the deficit in Europe is not so large but that the Ameri can surplus can meet it with a slight increase on prices of the past year says the Seattle Post-In-telligencer : The farmer who sells his crop promptly is likely to come out better than tie who holds his crop for a rise, for the Kuropean deficiency will lead to a wide in crease in the wheat areas in the southern hemisphere now going under the plow, and unless the United States sells its wheat the first half of the crop year, Ameri can wheat will go low the last half of the year, so that the far mers' alliance corner, if it suc ceeds, will put money into the poc kets ol every wheat grower in the world, except those in the I'nited Slates. Our crop is large, and must be sold before the crop of the nex year is produced, and its price wi be decided by the law of supply an demand. The man who waits for $1 50 for his wheat will never it; it the American farmer can market his surplus at one dollar this year he will have reason t feel contented, and lie is not like! to get much more, for a successful corner would only drive Europe to a halt as a buyer, and when the corner bursts there mu:ht be some farmers under the wreck. The farmers' alliance to get up a wheat corner is nude a crim inal conspiracy in Minnesota by constitutional amendment intro duced by Ignatius Donnelly, now president of the state alliance, 1SS7, and passed by the legislature and ratified by the people in 18S3 mainly through granger efforts This amendment provides tlj(' any attempt to monopolize .-(lie markets for food products in the state, '"or to interfere with or re strict the freedom of such markets is hereby declared to be a criminal conspiracy," punishable as the legislature may provide. PRESIDENTIAL CAS DID. I TE.S as ine time oi tiie next presi dential contest approaches, publ it- interest increases as to prospective candidates,. Concerning the dem ocratic side of the country there is room for but little speculation. Cleveland will probably be the nominee, and it is the humble opinion of the writer that he will be a much easier man to beat than he was in 1SSS. It looks very much now as if the contest would be between the same old enemies. Harrison and Cleveland, although Blaine could no doubt have the republican nomination if he w ould. Alter a man lias been president and ha returned to the private walks of life, has become a simple ordinary citizen, and not a particu larly brilliant one at that, the ad miration which he may have com manded and tiie reverential esteem he may have enjoyed, deserts him, and is not easily rekindled. This is what is the matter with ( "eve land, which along with his silver views which are obnoxious in the West may cost him the nomination. The republican nominee will certainly be Harrison or Blaine, unless their respective friends wage such a contest as will give it to a dark horse. Senator Spooner, of Wisconsin, was interviewed in Chicago, the other day, on current political matter, when he said: "I think President Harrison is growing stronger every day. 1 fe has given the cocntry a clean, honest, able, ami tlioroughly satisfactory ad ministration. To the best of my knowledge there is no clash be tween the president and Mr. Claine. The attitude of the party toward both is one of admiration. Mr. Blaine has conducted the department of state with the highest ability and without the slightest jingoism. He is as strong with his party to-day as he ever was, but I do not care to dis cuss the question whether or not his name will be presetted to the convention. I am not talking of candidates. At this early date it is folly for any one to do so. It would be better to talk of Ohio, al though even with the politics of that state I am not in touch. There is bat one safe thing to say regarding Ohio, and that is that one or both parties there will always have a presidential candidate. The laws of this, country cer tainly need amending concerning property riguts oi women. it . . 1 1 t Among the decisions just handed down by the Michigan supreme court is a case which will occasion no end of comment. Sarah Barnes nursed Robert S. Moore, a wealthy man, through a fit of sickness. Moore was boarding in a bouse where Barnes and his wife lived. When Moore died Mrs. Barnes brought suit against the estate for nursing the man and won her case in the lower court, but the heirs took an appeal to the su preme com t, and the judges held that Mr. Barnes should not bring suit without her husband's re linquishment of his right to her portion of the pay. The decision practically amounts to saying that every man has the right to com mand his wife to pay him half of what she earns, unless he relin quishes claim to it. Tiie decision is ridiculous, and if justified by law should be Hastily modified. HUMPHREYS Dr. IIi.'mi'iirkt's SpaxiricHare scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions; used for uianv years in private practice with uuc-ces-i, and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single apecitio is a cure fur thedisexso named. These aiKX-ilics cure without lruririii, punriut; or reiliiciinr the system, and are in fact and deed the sovereign remedies ol the world. LIST OP PRINCIPAL SOS. Ct'RKS. PRICKS. 1 Fevers, Congestion, iiiHammatinii . . 3 2, 2 W onus, worm fever, worm colic... !i 3 Crying Colic, or teething of infants.. 4 Diarrhea, of children or adults 2; 5 Dysentery, Griping, ISillious Colic ..... 2; li Cholera Morbus, vcmiting 2 7 CotiylH, coMh, bronchitis..... ...M...H.. 2. b Neuralgia, toothache, r'aceache......... 2 u Headache, sick htadache, vertigo.... t 10 l)MMMia. billions stomach 2 11 Suppressed or 1'ainful l'eriods 2 12 V lutes, too profuse peiioils 2 l'l Croup, couu'h, ditll.ult breathing 2. 14 Salt Ulieinn. erysipelas, eruptions.. 1 Kheuma'isin, rnemr;itic pains K Keverand ague, chills malaria 17 l'lles, blind or bleeding 1: Catarrh, influenza, cold in the head 20 WhHping Cougn, violent cough...... 21 debility, physical weakness 27 Kidney diMeasc ma....WM......H..... 23 Nervous debility .... 1 OU SO Urinary Weakness, witting bed.... 60 L'.2 Diseases ol the heart, palpitation.... 1 00 Sold by dnigi'ists, or scot postpaid on re ceipt of price. Dr. Humphreys' Manual, (144 pages) richly bound in cloth and gold, mail rce, HUMPH KEYS MED, O, 111 & 113 William St , New York, S P LCI fkc s X ollafe utHulror Uouils of IRfe jt of llliiin v. Oregon . .Notice is hereby civen that as act ol, tliorizeil and provided by an the legislature of Oregon, entitled, "Aa act to incorporate the City of Al- hiinv. and to rcncal nil Hi-fa tw parts of aits in conflict herewith,'' li'ed in the office of the ecrctary of the state of Oregon. ri-Druary iiii, i-:ii, anil also as nro. vided ry ordinance No. 217. of suiil eity of Albany, the Common Council of the city of Albany, Oregon, will Issue and dispose of bonds of paid citv at par value; to the amount of 7fj0mi in denominations oi jauti; payable 'JO years uiu-r uaie oi issue, with interest thereon at the rate of (to six per cent ter annum: payable seuii-aniiiillv Sealed proposals for the pur chase of said bonds will be eccired by the treasurer of said ritv until the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. Tups'. day, the 1st day of September, 1111. t which time the iironosalssiibmitti-d will be opened and considered; and said bonds w ill be sold to the liiyliest auu oesi iiiuuer iiiereror. The city tresstirer herby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Aluany; Oregon ; July :'0th ; H. Fakwei.i., City Treasurer. ALIFO R N I A POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ELECTRIC L INAMENT s CURE CATAURH, RHF.U MATIS M, Neuralgia, Corns. Headache, and ail pain. The Califor nia jiositive and negative L K 0T R I C COUGH C IT R P. cures colds, croup, consump tion. Sold by all druggists. Kach 25c. 50c. and $1. Creas jnger A Co., Props., Us Ange les, Cal. Children Cry for VXTCHBB'S Castoria SPRING OUR STOCK OF SPRING WAGONS IS THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ON THE PACIFIC COAST, AND COMPRISES ALL TIIE LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and Moun tain Wagons, SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS, ONE-HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pay all parties want ing Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the best, Staver NEW MARKET BLOCK, - - WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND ill ft 1'AClf 1U COAST OF SIaehiner7 and VeJiicle3 of Evary Description. SEND FOR CATALOGUE W. 0. 13 A. VIS ALBANY, - Do you want to be happy and make those about you pleased, if so go and get one of those lovely toned piano's at Mrs. Hynians. If you have not drank Coronado mineral water, you should try it. It will sober you up, give you a clean stomach and a good appe tite. The men of this vicinitv need not be jealous because their wivee talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good qualites of the cook and heating dtoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. School Tax Notice. The school tax in school district No 5, is now due and pay- aDie. au at my oitice an.l pay the same before it becomes de linquent. C. G. Bl'KKH RT. District Clerk. ALIvKN BROTHERS. Wholesale CIQARS, TOBACCO AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KIN'I3 IX p. r I liN BLOCK. Him The public is mense FOR THE His aasortinent is bigger thaa axi prioa. 8 The Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce. WAGONS. HALF-PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS, SCROLL SPRING WAGONS, "HANDY WAGONS," TAYLOR' OR THREE SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, prices lowest, quality considered. Walker - PORTLAND, OREGON. MOST COMPLETE STOCK ON AND PKICE LIST. CO. AGENTS OREGON. CROWDER BROS Contractor and Builders. Jffice on First street with Wal lace & Cusick, real estate agenta, . Jbany, Oregon. Estimates given n all kinds of buildings or carpen er work. All work intrusted U will be promptly executed. The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothing oianxeis ana nanneis ana all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods are the best in the market and will give entire satisfaction. Watchei, chaina and spectacles, specialties at F. M. French's. Buy your spectacle and eye glasses at F. M. French's, and have your eyes tested and your glasses properly fitted. Glaeses from 25 cents to $10. 1 1 an an & Son's fine shoes sell on their own merit, and always gives satisfaction. Try a pair at T. L. Wallace A Co. '8. and Retail CraceisM LAUUK OR SMALL (21TANTITIKS IX SKASOX. - - - AMODMCEMRST invited to inspect the im stock of Dry SPRING OF ever before, and he is prepared Star Bakery ..A FULL STOCK OF.. Staple Groceries n i rti wery. uiaware. The best quality of t, coffers, camjiea uta, tc FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable house Is also to be found a complete assortment of fri-sli family frroceries, to which is constantly Ihmiik aldl all ine seasooauiu uucb ui )cruceries auu iru ruioiia, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, tastetn Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all boiurht when pnecs ere low and the benefit of the margin will be ifiveb to his customers. Keiiieni'ifr the pli, it the old corner on First arid ilroialbiu bts. Contful Myer, DR. W. C. N EGOS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, Kngland, also of the .Belle- rue Medical Col lege. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of tudr and practice And makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enlargements, tumors and wens, without pain or the knife. tie also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practii ed in the German French and Englich hospitals. Calls promptly attended day night. His motto is "u.OD WILL TO ALL." tTOffice and residence, Lebanon. Orejfn. ZPI-A-TSTO. 1UI0SE WISHING A FIKST-CLASS IN . s'rjment., the best made to stand the climate of this coast, can be suited liyca'linjr ai mis: t. r.. iiyiuan s, opKmiu trie aiuxomo Temple, First Btreet. The latest vocal and instrumental music km it for Bale. Also the uracil assortment of stamping patterns to select from this side of rnsco. Lemons given in painting and embroidery at her studio over Linn County Bank. Give her your srdcr and you will he pleaae-1. (Xurser). Menrs. iivman ot JJrownell are prepared in their nursery to fur nish all kinds of stock, and those intending to plant should call upon tnem. ttoots and Shoes. Purchasers of Boots and Shoes bear in mind that big advertise ments and oilers of big discounts do not always mean best values. You will have to pay some one a profit as no one can do business without expense. The quest:on is wlio can sell you the beet iroods lor nie least jnoney. , Samukl E. Young. AL1JA1S Y'. ,()RK(iCNr. 7 I - " - ' " Goods 1891 At . to satisfy customers .in quality STEWART & SOX -DEALERS IN- Russell Engines, Separators anil Stackers OSBORNE BINDERS, We carry no machinery that has not beeu tried in this locality and found to be satisfactory, and aa we represent factors, no responsible dealer can give better terms. Springfield. Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIELD.) PROPRIETOR. SPUING FIELD, - - - OKEHON. "Albany yard and oflice on Railroad, between Fourth and Fifil reets, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not BurpasFec or the prompt and satisfactory ailing of orders, I respectfully solicit t hare of the trade. A. WHEELER. A Bit my agents for W. L.. Donslna 1 1 not lor unie In voar dIrco unit dealer to neud for catalogue, nee lire the agency, and get them for you. tf TAKE NO HI B!ST1TITE.1 THE III 11 WHY IS WW Is. lVVVIItn0iofrj. CO CUnC EPR. $4 hand sewed welt shoe, fine W wnUfi CENTLEMEN calf, stylish, comfortable and THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOB THE UQHEtt durabl Tjie best Ehoe ever offered at this price; same grade aa custom made shoes costing from C to $!). $.'.50 police shoe; farmers, railroad them; line call, seamless, 8 moot n made, Heavy mree souis, exten sion edire : one nair will wear a vear. $2.50 fine calf ; no better shoe ever offered at this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. $2.25 and $2.00 Workingman's shoes are strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial wili wear no other make. r,OYS' $2 and $1.75 school shoes are worn by the boys everywhere; Uiry sell on thoir merits ob the increasing sales show. LADIES $3 hand sewed shoe, best Dcngola; very etylish ; equals Fiencb imported shoes costing from $4 to $0. Ladies $2.50, $2 and $1 75 shoe for Misses are the best Dongola. Stylish and durable. Caution. See that W. L. Douglas' bottom of each shoe. w. PORT LAND, OREGON. BRANCH HOUSE ALBANY OGN JOHN R0BSON, MANAOEU, Have on hand for the season of 1S91, binders, mowers, farmer's toob and harvest ing machinery of all kinks. '" ''--. Our stcck of butreiee. carts, spring most complete on the Pacific Coast, styles. At Ieyoe & Robson s old stand, opp. Blumberg Block. G.L. -Also carries the Pianos & f:a itaH2isasWslMsH IF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, MOWERS & RAKES. Hhoes. L. E. BLAIN, SOLE AUKNT. ALBANY, - - OREGON. your It is a seamless shoe, w ith no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy ami because we make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equali hand sewed shoes costing from $4 to $5. $ .00 genuine hand sewed, the finest calf shoe ever ollered for $5; equals French im- A Q ported shoes which cost troui men and letter carriers all wear name and pi ice are stamped on the U pouulas, isrocKton, aiasp. wagons, etc.. is the largest and and comprises all the leading Blackmao, DEALER hf IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Diw, Paints, Oils, Perfwy AND TOItET ARTICLH8 And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals Prescriptions Carefully Comoounded finest lines of Organs ALBANY, OREGON. THB- Yaquina Route OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T., E. IIOGti, llcreWer. INC Oregon Development Co.'s Steamship Line ITER. 01 AND Hours Less Time Than by any other route: 22 Aa omodatiens nnvurpatised for f a safety, tares and Irtit hts ia 1 a,i.itii a the Oregon leve opu.ent compsi y's ehi!s, much haw that hy any other route with all points in the Willlan t'r l and San Francisco, 55A I LI NO DATES, raOM TA4UIHA. Willamette Valley.... . Am; 4rh WV ' lain WiiUuH tU: Viil.y .. 82, 31 raom Eia rkAMucc rV ...... .............. July SI WiMaictte Valuy........ Au.,' ! W illamette Valley . " le, I The company rtierve the ri&ht to cha'iff team era or sailing Uaus. Daily nuuiin trains Kneej.t Sundays.) L Yar,.iir.a7:O0 l a I l.v Albany 12:50 H Corallii lu:3li an" Curvaliis l:0i r II Ar AHiany a m I Ar Va)tiiua 4- r. a. O. &. f. tiaiiib jniic.t t AIU:i and lot W m. U. Hio, C, , livers, General Maunder, M.f & P. Agent Corvallis, O on EAST SOUTH via PACIFIC SCUTHERN ROUTE. THE EGTNT F.CITE California i x rrss trains mi daily 9""u L hoi-TU l:w . UL.I.v 1'urtland ....Ar.. am lo:j p ni.. l.v Alhary Lv.. ti"S km H.lj am..Ar S. t'raiH:ifteo.Lv.. 9 00 -pin Loral f'aoii. I raln Itaily- Kx. Sunday .-00 a m..I.v I'.-rtlu d . 12:2opui..Lv Aliony..., 6:40 i niAr l(o-cuur. . . ...Ar. . 4:i j o .... L.. I'i.u aia . . . Lr. . t..Jt am Uuimin i:raarii. i.M p -Lv Aliiany Ar.. !:: m 2::f."ipiu Ar ....l.elaii.n Lv h 4ti ji 7:i a in.. Lt Allany.. Ar.. 4 ;-t piu ,Sii..Af LibaiK-i Ly. i-4opm AI.B.WV LOCAL, UAILV (E0pt Sllllda) ) 0 m..Lv i'crtlai.d Ar....9.ot a M 'Jmu v m Ar. ..Albany. Li a 1 V LLMAiS JU FFKTbLKhi'KKS. TOUKLST f.LKi.riKtj f AKS, For aceoinuirmatioii of heoon 1-Clas :'a Senders a'taLhid to 1 v r.-sn Jiallia, Wesl Mile lnls',.n. Hetween i'oitlaiid nd Cuivis'.lia tl.ll Train l:lly- Kire.-t Sunday 7:3" a ns..L-!l . lilu p iu..Ar... Ccnaii'S. Ar.ft.sOp. L: li.i. p. At All any antl Corvallis uuinci-t s of Ort-tr n Cicilii la;lroa.l. aitb Kaprrfts Trnln IhI1j (Ijcctpt Sundy 4:40 p IU..I.V.. ":2i p m.. Ar.. . I'ort land . . . Ar.. k'.'O qi .l!Mini.v;lle.Lv..6.4.'aui THROUGH TICKETS lo All Point EAST AND SOUTH tTFor tit Vets and full !iiiloruiation re cardini; r;itit maps, ete., mil cn ccmitiy's a'elit al Albanv. It. KoKiil.KK, F. P. litKJF.RS, Vai.airer Awt. i. F P, A A WAK JV!AN .Can ore himself of the de plXiable ri'.-r.l t if early nl tife mid peril ci'y n t')lc his igorcud vital ityyliy our lion.e treatment. The r iiiai I.;: I !e i-.iies of i,o 1 1 ts rapes of nervous .l.ility and private connlaiiit are et-r win-re stamp ing out U:ieiciy. Treaties and tpict-tk'i Iit, a iivfei'-iuii'e gift to eutierirg humaiiity, will be sci.t fiee to alliutir. Additts willi stamp l'loXIKIi lXSTITl TF, 4f'."i Kearny t., Koom 2, San Fiar.cift o, t'al. f.'irrv a nro sfoi k of tirintci .s station' rv. well as- . sorted, lm;lit direct fn in the manufacturers sit a low ligure, and can give the In st e-f work in all kinds of printing for the least money. Trv us. II. C. Coi n. thFmaets. r AT.BAXT QCOTaTIONS. Wheat Me OaU l.'-c Hour (4.2T. pti ,bl Potutoes :)c P u trs '.'.V Butter Pc Lard UW-c. Hams- Hl.rc. ShouldiTs loc. Bacon lloiis 'JOc. f sUay Timotby, $10. oaU and cheat App cs fireen, tl per bn. Plu m Dried, J(Hc. pi-r Jb. App'es dried bleai lied ic cundried ( c. CbickeriB 14 5aUM. Beef 3::c pross. Mutton M:j 5orCr head. Hotrs SJa'c. dresses. Veal 6wc. Wool lS21c. EGGS FOR SALE. . I will sell full Mood Lechrrn eggs, both Kinule and rose crmb for n B0 per 1:5, nl.o dot ted Wycn dotts. Light Urahmas, Lnncil an and 1 lyiiK iilJi L'oekp at. ti e fm P'ice. L. J. IlorcK, Tangent, Or,