the HOBirme herald WEDMESDAr.JtlT. 2p inqi ,.T w a w a,a l i ' ' ' - Ranting g)ailBttfttd D.A.inY and wkekm TIRM8 OT B0B8CRirnO5- rubllahed ry Bornlnf uctft Monday.) hvarad h carrier. DM tot .m. i Bail r M fFuBHahss eary Friday Moraiaf .) aopr. per . la ad re nee,. WW WtM aol paid In ad nan.- 1JS TBS AIU. Malta U the Albany postofflceclose Foe eUohVat aorta rbc Eastern steles 639 la West side I Aad the Mum Oa ajs . 4 J at Portland and Sekta 11 a. a arraUia and Vaqaina , 30 r. a ;eoo Taa . tb p. a" imetaaUa will bi dja 4 aacb evenlaf a ali to ssraa 'stock. Ulattrig welter tar- tha ly morning traia should be Ballad baton o clock lb Kreyioas sranjnr. ORKGON PACIFIC TDU TABLB. Arrives Depart JlllSpmlllMpm t 1411m 7.4fiam women, as jurors. An e u Urn paper recently told an amusing and characteristic story regarding the eligibility of women to serve as trial jorora. Uupon a failure to convict a woman charged with an offense especially irritating to the average woman the paper in question de clared that a female advocate in women jorora exclaimed: "We would not have been moved by the hussy's tears. She niighthave wept until the judge and district attorney had to send out for galoshes, but we'd have convicted her if we thought she was guilty and of course she was. I knew that as I read about the case in the papers last winter." The intuitive faculty upon wliich woman prtues nerseit - is a very valuable possession in many in stances, and its exercise often leads to correct as well as startling n sults ; but as the law now stands jurors are sworn to try case and render verdicts according to the evidence, not according to intui tion, and it is hard to see how the average woman, if sitting on a jury, would be able to redeem her promise in this regard. To this it may be answered, and with much force, says the San Francisco Chronicle that a verdict rendered by a jury of women act ing wholly from intuition would be quite as apt to be a just verdict as moat of those which are by juries of men, who are very apt to act under a total misapprehension of the effect of evidence or from passion, prejudice or natural stu pidity; but while this may be con ceded, still it would not be prudent to abrogate the rule which re quires the verdict to be based on the evidence, for that is the only available measure of its correct ness. If is a matter of grave doubt whether the average woman could try a case fairly and impartially, no matter how strongly she might be disposed to do so. She is more than willing te exercise mercy and charity and generosity, especially in concreti cases, but when it comes to doing exact justice be cause ii is justice she is very apt to be unheeding of the appeal sim ply because it is couched in what is to her an unknown tongue. She will do right, as she regards it, mnch quicker than the average man, but she seems lo have no adequate conception of general rules or laws of right and wrong, : v i .x . . vi ii sue ass me exceptions are more numerous than the rules. Mixed juries might do, where the intuition of the women would aid the sluggishness or stupidity of the men, but to commit an im portant case, especially a criminal case, to a jury composed wholly of women would be taking despeiate chance either for the prosecution or the defense. Tub Panama canal question bobs up serenely every few days. The latest news concerning the great ditch is that a committee of the rench senate has recommend' fT7 the government to co-operate with the Credit Fancier in its attempt to raise funds to complete the un dertaking. We presume there can be no valid objection to the French government assisting- the - enterprise with its credit, but if the interest which may thus be acquired is subsequently used to gain the management of the canal there will surely be trouble. It may not appear to the average Frenchman that Americana are much in earnest on ths subject of -the Monroe doctrine, bdtcircum stance may easily ariaJtavhich would make every citizen of the United States earnestly demand that no foreign government shall extend the sphere of its influence on this continent. In such a con tingency the French would be comoelled to abdict the canal, if they evei take hold of it, just as promptly as they were compelled to withdraw from Mexico as soon after the war of tha rebellion as we were able to tarn our attention to affairs in that country. Tulaki, California, proposes to furnish a very novel exhibit for the fair. From a gigantie red wood tree, 3U0 feet high, and 26 feet in diameter, will be cat two lengths forty-five long, and these will be transformed into full-sized railway coaches by hollowing out the interior. The rough bark of the tree will be left on the roof and on the sides and ends the natural wood will be left unpol ished. The interior will be fin ished after the style of Pullman cars. One will be a buffet dining car, with bath, barber-shoD ai.d kitchen, and the other a sleeper, with observation room. Ordinary ear trucks will be put underneath, and the men of Tulare, with their wives and children, will make their trip to Chicago in these strange coaches and live in them while there. The intention is to keep these cars in the exposition groundi, and to sell as mementos the portions of the tree cut away in their construction. Land carriage will never be able to compete successfully with water transportation. 'The Cleve land Iron Trade Review notes that "iron pipe is being shipped from Philadelphia by the all water route to Seattle, a distance of 13,000 miles, in direct competi tion with western iron towns and foreign dealers. Nearly all the water-pipe in San ' Francisco, San Diego and Portland also went by this route." The ' travelers and pleasure seekers form one of the fruitful resources of income, for many localities. The Chicago Herald says that Switzerland owes a great deal to the tourists who visit that land. Last year the 8wiss hotels and boarding houses dis posed of 62,600 beds that were used by 5,720,000 tourietB, who paid over 71,000,000 francs fo their accommodations. Some cf the idiosyncracies of human nature are well illustrated by observing what article! men place special value upon. For in stance it is related that in 1858 there was a sale of Madeira wine in Paris, when forty-four bottles were bought by Rothschild for their weight in gold. The wine was from the famous 1815 pipe of Madeira, which had lain at the bottom i of the sea for thirty-six yeai s. : OBTAINED MORI KKLIBS rroanaCaaofOK. T. Than Any thing Ha iTtr Used. wi t .. me writer oi me iouowing is a Baptist . minister of many years sianuing, wen Know as a mis sionary to the Indians, and is now i teacher in the school recently All- 1 1 . . rt . . cHuiuiieueu at forest lirove loa the education of the Indian youth : foRBHT urove. Or.. March 8. ffiSS sought aid from different phy sicians, and even changed ciimates 10 ouutin reuet, but bave met with indifferent success. Hearing tlirHigh a friend of the Oregon Kidney Tea. 1 obtained a box of t and have derived more 'benefit train it ttian from any thing else I nave yei lounu. Rkv. J. C. Hukf HUMPHREYS Da. HuarHKBT-sSrscrriasre scientifically ami carefully prepared prescriptions; used lor manv years in private practice with suc cea, and for orer thirty years used by the people, trery ain(le apeciBe ia a cure lor uie unease nameu. new, Bimincs core wiinout amggmg, purRiuif or reducing the system, and are in act and deed the sovereign remedies of the woria. Lin op rai.vcint soa. cvsss. rxicxa.. 1 Fevers, Const eat ka, inftammation..S 26 2 Worms, worm (ever, worm colic.,.. 24 S trying Uabc, or teethiag of infants. . 26 4 Diarrhea, ol children or adults...... 26 5 Dysentery, Gripine. Billions Colic 2S Cholera Morbat, romitiuir. cnoiera Morons, vomiting..... 4 7 Coueh, coMs. bronchitai 26 26 IS 8 Neonduia. towhaLha. Pacaacha. 9 Headache, aick hradache, vertigo, iv ivjcma, ouitoos atomacn iiisuppreaMor rainful Periods 26 12 Whites, too profuse peiiods 25 13 Cronp, cough, difficult breathing...... 25 M Salt Rheum, eayaipelaa. eruptions.. 25 Is Rheumatism, rheuiratic painaM.m. 26 ISPeverand aime. chilla malmrim mi Piles, blind or bleeding..........,.M. 60 .. vw in, wiuuniH, cuiu iu ne neau ou 20 Whiiopinit Couyh, violent couxhl . 60 2t General debility, physical weaknea 60 27 Kidney dianae 50 " ra Sf"1"'' 1 00 JO Urinary Weakness, wittiag bnj 60 32 Diaeaaa ot the heart, palpitation.... I 00 Sold bv dragrnte, or aeat BostpaM on w ceipt of price. Dr. Humphreys' Manual, (14 pages) nchly bound in cloth and old. mail, ed ree. IIUMPHKKVS'MED. 6 111 a 113 WilliamSt , New York. SPECI F IC S Childran Cry for riTewaa'a - , C astor ia I svitri raemilasl a aKJis-ft tri rant if I I . I ' ' ' " ' 1 ' 1 - 1 1 1 . - SPRING OUR STOCK OF SPRING WAGONS 18 THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ON THE PACIFIC COA8 r, AND COMPRISES ALL THE LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and tain Wagons, SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS. ONE - HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pay all partes want ing Spring wagons otany description to call uppn or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the best, Staver Walker NEW MARKET BLOCK, - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE 8TOCK ON THE PACIFIC COAST OF Ifccilawy aai Voiiclw . of Eviry : D scriptioa. BBND FOK CAT A LOU I B AM) PRICE LIST. . W. O. IDA. VIS ALBANY, - Do you want to be Iisddv and make those about you pleased, if o manages one oi those lovely l 3 ; 1 . w w wjueu puuio s ai Airs, nymans. If yon have not drank Coronado mineral water, you should try it it wiu sooer von no. mva von a ciean swmacn ana a rood ai)De -i . - . ---- tite. The men of this vicinity need not be jealous because- their wives talk so constantly about Matthews ana wasnnarn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking, about, it Is the good oualitesof the cook ana neaiing slaves toey sell. Every J 1 . ' .a a. one seems to oe aeugnted when they buy from M. and W. ftcho! rax Nolle. The school tax ' in school district No 5, is now due and pay able. Call at- my afire and pay the same before it became de linquent. C. G. BURKHkT. i. District Clerk. AL'LEN BROTH ERS CI3ARS. TOBACCO' AND. CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KIXD8 IN FLINN BLOCK. Bprio The public is mense stock of Drv FORTHESI a it w His assertasnt it biggsr than evsr before, and be prims. The Highest Market rf rice Paid for Country Produce. WAGONS. Moun- HALF-PLAT! SPHIN ft SCROLL SPRING "HANDY WAGONS." .'TAYLOR OR THREE- I SPRING WAGONS, HALF-8PRING WAGON8, EXPRESS WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, prices lowest, quality considered & CO. AGENTS OREGON. LBAN, Y ALBANY 0REQ0H .....1SSI A Eull Ctrps of Instructors. Clartral, tola tlflc, Utarary, oonuaaroia. and nomal Hanaai. Couraaa ot aunty ar-raaa-ad lo moat tha naada ol all fmif of todanta. Spatial iadocamaala ofarad to atudaata from abroad. Tuition raojrai (ran te aitJn) 1 far Vara. inaaranMatai instruction In moaW wi liraa by Man Laura Ooitra. Board la print tamilim at kw na caraful aaaarriaoa axardsad arar wmit wmlw m mail itiii n. a away from bona. .. For drcnlaia and full nwthmlua : tha anaidnit. aav. ELBERT N. OOROIT, ' Aiaaay.Oraron, CR0WDER BROS Contractor and. Builders, Office on First street with Wal lace & Cusick, real esUte agenta. JDany, Oregon. Estunates given n all kinds of buildinKSorcaroenv- erwork. All work intrusted ta will be promptly wxeouted. and FORM Q WAQQr WaGO Colkiate e ai LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES IN SEASON. amodcemenT invited to inspect the im-: is preparsi. ta ) i FULL STOCK OF.. Staple Groceries assware. Tha beat aula, ale. quality ol teas, coffees, candle FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAT. AtllufoM rcllabla houae la alao to ba louDd a complete aanrtmaat of freab (anily rrooarlaa. to wbl& la eooataotly baiur addad all tha naaonable Unea ot groccrlei aad pro- Cranberriw, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, tastetn Buckwheat Flour, Gannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, Tbeee goods were all boutrht when price ere low and the benefit ot the margin will be ivon wo oia customeri. lumemDer theplaoc, u tha old ourner on First and Broaialbin Sta. Conrad Myer, DR. W. C. NEQUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle- vne Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and praotioe and makes a ape qialty of chronio diseases, removes canoe rs, scrofula enlargemenUjtumon and wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Hal praotit ed in the German French and Encliah hospitals. Calls promptly attended lay night. His motto is V.OD WILL TO ALL." SaTOffioe and residence, - Lebanon Oregon IFI-A-ICTO. T1H08B WISHING A FIRST-CLASS IN. a rrjmeot. tbe beet made in mtnA k climate ol this coast, can ba suited by oa ling - m, uiiuaiie uie auaonic Teaiple, Kint street. The latest vocal aad instrumental muaic kepftor sale. Also tbe largest assortment ol stamping patterns to elect boa this side of 'Frisco. Leaeona iTen in puntlnc: and embroidery at faei HVU0 over Lino County Rank. Give her row eraer ana you will be pleased. pi or aery. Mefs-9. Hyman & Brownell are prepared in their nursery to fur nish all kinds of stock, and those intending to plant should call upon them. Boots and Shoes. Purchasers of Boots and Shoes bear in mind that big advertise ments and offers of big discounts lo not always mean best values. You will have to pay Borne one a profit aa no one can do business without expense. The quest-on is who can sell you the best mxxln for the least money. Samuel E. Young. Star Bakery Crocershs i m-mu ki v a a a, i.wirti i Goods satisfy customers ia quality AT - STEWART S SOX, -DEALERS IN- Eon OSBORNE BINDERS, AVe carry no machinery that found to be satisfactory, and as. we ueaier ran give oeiier icrme.- - - Springfield. Sawmill A. WHEELER, (8PRINGFIELD.) PBOPBIETOK. SPIUNGFIELD. 'Albany yard and office on reeta, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. t Having lumber not excelled in quality..' and facilities not surpassed or the prompt and satisfactory Jiling of orders, I respectfully solicit n are oi tne trade. A A sy si tin far w. 1. Desilat tteet. I " ' H AIM rnt far ami In yaar Ua ak raar , l . rli III Is dernier to acad liar catalaarae, aacsre the 'T. - acaney, and sot thaan Car van tTTAKk MO HV BSrTIT 17 Ta . aCTM-f l"f I lBwavllafl 'BaVBJBBswaSBawaskBBBw WHY I VVn ftasa IWWVwSBvf-i4MtolS. - 03 SHOE cfPA... WJSii Ss THE BE8TSMOE himjSrOim.w, TblZ offered at this price; same grade aa custom mad shoes costinf troni 6 to H. e $3.50 police shoe ; fanners, railroad men and letter carrirs all wear them ; fine calf, seamless, smooth inside, heavy three eoulsv eaten- aion edge ; one pair wtll wear a year. . . ; .. s .;,-.. $2.50 fine calf ; no 'better shoe ever offered at this price ; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. $2.25 and $2.00fWorkingman's shoes wno nave given tnem a trial win BOYS' $2 and $1.75 school shoe arc- worn by-tWoya-eerwhere; they sell on their merits as tbe increasing sales show.- -LADIES $3 band sewed shoe, tet &onf;veryMyiM?)aaaki French imported shoes costing from $4 to $5. '.--' ' ; ' Ladies $2.50, $2 and $1 75 shoe for Misses; are tbe best Doagoi. Styiisb and durable. - , Caution. See that W. I Douglas' name and pi ice are stamped on tbe bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. BROS IMPLEMENT5 PORTLAND, BRANCH HOUCC ALDANY, OGN I JOHN ROBSON, Have on band for the season of 1691, btndees, mowers, farmer's tools and harvesting machinery of all kinks. . r Our stcck of bugeies. carts, sitrins most complete on tbe Pacific Coast, ivies. At ieyoe & Kobton's old stand, opp. iilusaberg Unocs. Sa "In Spring trie young man's fancy Lightly turns to thoughtsfDf ,love t" 111 I The wise younK man. tha old man, turn tneir steps, wban searciunf sor butter, fresh laid esse. staaU aad fancy .a a - a a a grocery store of C. E. Brownell. I"1 -MO WE8 RAKES. has not beam triad- to-tiiia Iohalit and represent faetories, no ceapwnaibla ' -- :i - - OREGON. Railroad, between Fourth and FiftL A. WUEELivH. -.- . TaLBANY, - - OREGON. It it a sesmlssa shoe,, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt tha feet; made of tha best Aaa calf, styliaj and sasy and because we make more . shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer; its equikf .baud. sewed aboesT' coatibf iron at joao. Mr" Itf.OQ ctaoiue hand sewed, tha finest bait shoe offered at ar . 1 . w- A a A C ported shoes which cost from are strobe aad . durable. Thoas wens noatbec mace.. . OREGON. MAN AQER.i- r wsgoua, etc. is the larsmt aad and-comprises .all tbe Jeadkif - - O0jw. w w w h ..1. IKaisotetoi ft the thrifty haasewllav ail wdjt 1 S1X 1 . - I iraau nanmaiaaj csm sroceries of ail Uiida W - IS 1 - ar W P0DM fill c : ? THB !ia Route ! 0RK0 PACIFIC RAILROAD T.. si. BOOG, Reoalror, Aire Ore2on Dayelopment Co.'s Staznshlp Lln ill 83 Hours lomm Tims Than by nay other roaU: lansniatlons anenrpeased tor comtort an alety. . Farea aad trebrhU via Yaquiua an Dare onmaM eaaanaiiT'a SUBS, ntoeh last that by any other route all SB taa WUUaawfr al SAI&IMQ DATES. no. TiaoniA. Winaaaetta Tallay.... . Juoe 4ah . 1st VUtoy...;; VSMl aaarmaauaob Xe Vaian . May SI . Juue . IS. 7 to chaif WUIaaaaMa VaUar . The oampaay tLserra tha rig-fat naiLf fuuHU fmaDts. auapt Baadars.1 i. T;aipTXHi a u OorvalitalOjSaM 1 1 It Albany 11.40 H il" Oorvallis ln ra 1 1 Ax Yaquina S r. a. Am Albany 11 A a I Ax Yaauina o. V. uaios connect at AlLea and Cot Wh If Hnl. C, Baaos, Oeneral atananar. .W F. Affeot ComJIU, O on i EAST SOUTH VIA PACIFIC SOUTHERN ROUTE. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROOTS Oaltfomia express trains run dally soria Lr... Xv... .Portland ...Ar.. .Albany L.. S. Franciaeo.Li.. 10:ttpai. w-JBi aa S:r. am S-Obpm enl raaa. Train Bnll7-Kx. Suudar . a ..Lt... Portland WaBni..LT.. Albany. S:apaAr.....Boseours Ly, . b Aiua ...Albany. i..lehanos kUpai A. S.txaa..Af :pia H'Suaia S.Mt pin -u pa . Albany. .Ar.. AIA4ST boosts waiLT (Except Buoday) -AO r;.L..PorUand....Ar..... a a S.SS ra Ar. ..AlhnyLT....6. a a PULLMAN BUFFETSLEEPERS. TOURIST LEEPINU CARS, IW irnnajianmaUua ol Saoond-Claa ta awxiers attached to-Kxpraas lYaina, Between Portland and Oorvallis' toll Trail Saxly - Except noeiiej 7 JO a FoAiand .Oorvauis .Ar.6.S0p. a ,iivl2.6ep. a ltlSf ..Ar.. AA Albany aaa OoreaUia couaaut wtth ar- Qrefoa JarhVUal Iraad. TraJa Sally (Exrtpt Bnudxy fcaepa..Lr..:V PoKlaiKi: Ar;.-d0aa, atcMianTille.Lr . aa THROUGH TICKETS . . lo All Point EAST AND SOUTH frar tickets and-Ta 'Infonnation re- ?i" a-oaaajaaJ'S aseat at Albany. a-. . v. " Can cure 'iximiatlf' 4bf fK" iiti ' akirabia resnlis efearlr abnae iia ' . LESSHORTER. (AKD perfectly restoilkhwrtsaai- . itybyaur liome : rvmarkablecdjMof ITkMlMaaaBv . of nervous ilekinty-. aTi'priVate I comolainta $&e;9ye.( where sUtnV ing out quackery. Treaties and question liMPfrpKyalciartV gift -to- sunenag numSjUM, am-be seat fiea to; those wflfietek?. Address with stamp " .' ; ' ' 1'iraEER INSTITUTE, ' ; 405 Kearny SL. Room- 2. Kh r ranciaro. uai. - t " E n .'7 -1t We rarry. a large eloek of pnnUr'd Btationenjr, well" air sorted, botaeht direct from" the ; manufacturers at a low fieure. and can give the beet of work In all kinds of printing for the least money. lry us. - ' ' JI. -t Cobb. - THE MARKETS : 1AKI tJUOTATIOHa. Wheat-84c r Oats tfe -. Flour . pet bbl PoUtoes 35c aersioe Lara lOallSUc Haaia-i-14asloc Sboulders 10c iaonr-123ic - Hons 30c. ' Hav-d-TinioUiv. am fata4 a mrA V... t ApeaQren. l rr bn- f Zfr " arsja oiaacBea He soadrlsd ' Qdckaas 14 SoaSOO. f aejane arose. Woo isaiio. EGGS FOR : SALE: 'I will sell full blond Mff ,rboth-inKle and rose Zomb, fe?1 f?r I3' "J80 dotted Wysn tt light Brsbmaa. Langshan and Plymouth Bocks at the ssma ..h' Hotel Tangent, .j4 .