THE MORNING HERALD: SATURDAY. JULY 18, 1891 ON SALE. The Daily Herald will be on ale each morning at H. J. Jones book atore.where it can be procured at 5 cents per copy. M05KYTO LOAN. In sums to suit, from six months to live years, on good Albany and Linn county real eHttte. V. K. McPlIERSON, Opp. Russ House. Albany, Or. JOTTINGS ABOUT TOWN. The Phoenix to-night. Fresh bread every day at Parker Bros. New jewelry of latest patterns at Will Stark's. I'hv vonr school tax and save j j costs of collection. Have von seen that elegant piano at Klein Bros. M. J. McKinney, of Turner, was in the city yesterday. Take a look at the piano at Klein Bros, shoe store. " Klein Bros, are giving a fine piano to their customers. Mrs. Saltmarsh and daughter Carrie are visiting in this city. Mrs. V. K. Bilyeu went to the bay yesterday with her sons. Have you examined that beauti ful 4400 oiano at Klein Bros, shoe store. A fine line of ladies' lawnNorfolk waists just receivod at the Ladies' Bazaar. Kxoerts Dronounne Klein Bros. piano one of the finest toned in struments. (Jo down to T. L. Wallace & Co. to-day an l buy a summer coat and vest lor si. Geo. Caldwell has returned to this city after an absence of sv era I months. Light weight underwea"- is eoing I ke not calces at c et at, l. l.. Wallace & Co. 'a. If vou are hungry go to Tarker Bros, and get a loaf of the best bread in the city. Miss Vesta Mason is visiting in Kuuene. the guest of Mr. Jas. F, Kobison r.nd family. Try Conn & Hendrieson's svrup the finest in the market. Retail in quantities to suit. Calumet baking tiowder is aho lntely pure and wholesome. Try a inn. C. E. Brownell. Your school tax will be delin uuent if not paid at once. Look after it and save costs of collection llanan & Son's fine shoes sell on their own merit, ana always gives satisfaction. Try a pair at 1 . 1 Wallace & Co.'s. We are the only people who car ry the celebrated E. & V. collar and cuffs. Always have the latest styles in stock, T.L. Walla- e & Co. Miss H. R. Gilbert will be out of the city for the summer and Mrs. Archie Hammer will take charge of her music class. Those desiring to take lessons in music will find her at her residence, corner of Seventh and Jefferson streets. Lawn Sociable. On Tuesday of next week the Y. P. S. C. E. of the First Presby terian church will give a sociable on Mr. D. P. Mason's lawn, corner of Sixth ami Ferry streets. The grounds will be made attractive by China lanterns and other decora tions, and rustic seats and chairs will be placed in ditlerent parts of the yard, from which music by the college orchestra, ouartettes, etc., may be enjoyed. In the art gal lery, which will be located in a tent, will be found attractions for those of most cultivated tastes, as well as for those who perhaps may not be able to tell all the "good ,K)ints" of a picture. An abun dance of ice cream and cake will le on sale. All will be made wel come, old, young, rich. toor, fat. lean, married and single and their friends. The Silver King. Harrv F. Keene's com pan v played "The Silver King'' to a fair-sized audience at the opera house lest evening. The piece is a dramatic one and the situation full of tragic interest. To-night they put on the sensational drama "The Pinenix," a play full of spectacular scenes of uueurpassed interest. After the close of the play a social dance will be given, to which all are invited. The price of admission will be fifty cents to all parts of the house, and no extra charge for reserved sea's. Not Held. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Wyatt returned yesterday from Lyons, wheie an examination had been held of Henry Sullivan, charged with throwing the Kay lxy over an embankment, on the 4th of July, injuring him almost latally. As no prior intent of in jury could be established the young man was discharged. The Kay boy is slightly improved, and hopes are entertained of his final recovery. Church Notice) There will be preaching to-morrow at the Presbyterian church at 11 a. m. and 7 :4i r. m. Subjects oi the sermons will be, "Some dif ficulties Explained," and, "A Christian Prisoner Before a Hea then Judge," Sabbath school at 12 :15 r. x. Y. P. S. C. K. meeting at 7 r. m. All will be made wel come to these services. Examination of Teachers. Notice is hereby given that the regular examination of applicants lor ceruncaies to teacu in me puu- lie schools of Linn county, Oregon, will oe held at the superintend - ents office in Albany, on August I'J, I8U1. G. F. Ki hSEi.i., County superintendent, CADQHT THE BARN BUHNER. The Quiet Work of Marshal Hoffman Brings Oat tho Buolt. The announcement yesterday that the guilty person, who was the author of the several iires mat occurred among the barns in this city last April, had been caught caused considerable excitement. But when it was known that the accused was the young son of our respected fellow townsman 1. 1. Beam, who is wen Known aim highly popular as a business man, the astonishment was unbounded and the general expression was that it must be a mistake. It could not be that so quiet and peaceable a boy could be guilty of such an offence. The matter has been in course of investigation for some time. Marshal Hoffman discovered that . ' , T ' .. a sneu adjacent to air. ream etore, used as a tool house, had been saturated with coal on. jjv watching the marshal caught Oi in lieain setting lire to a on ins u ing to the building, and as the re sult of being caught, finally con fessed of tiring the several barns, including that of his uncle, Geo. V. Hochstedler, R. A. Irvine's and Mrs. Stimpson's, the barn in the rear of the Russ House and the shed near his father's store. He had been sent to Portland to attend school and Marshal Holt man made the arrest while he was there. He was arraigned before Justice Coshow yeBterday, and waived ex amination, and was placed under 2000 bonds to appear before the next urand jury to answer the charge. A Shocking Suicide. Ashland Tidings: On Monday imrninii last the community was shocked to learn that Dr. L Town send, of this place, had committed suicide at his tome on Oak street The doctor slept in a room on the first floor of the house, and his wife occupied a room on the floor above. Ahout five o'clock Mon day morning Mrs. lownsend was awakened by the report of a gun in the doctor's room, and hurrying down stairs took a glance into the room where the horrible tragedy had been enacted. She then dressed huniedly t nd went to the house of Gen. McCall, her nearest neighbor. Mr. and Mrs. McCall went home with lur and they saw that the doctor had found in etaut death. lan Stone, who was passim;, was called by Mr. McCall and alter examining the body with him, went at ouce to the residence of )t. Parson, coroner, and notified him of the death. Irointhe way in which the bodv was found the manner of the suicide was a plain as if it had been witnessed The doctor had taken a shotgun loa-'ed with buckshut, and sitting upon the edge of his bed, dressed onlv in his unaerciowung, mm placed the stock of the gun on the floor and the muzzle close to the lower part of the right ear. Then he touched the trigger with his thumb, and the discharge tore away si part of the right side of tl e face and head, and a great part of the forehead above the left eye, vt here the charge passed out. 'Death wes of course instan taneous, and the body fell forward upon the floor with the head downward, in which position it was when the coroner's inquest began. The scene was ghastly and horrible in the extreme, the wall, ceiling and bed being be spattered as if from an explosion within the head. A Close Call, Scio Pres : Last Friday as the lumber teams were returning from Leonard's saw mill, loaded with lumber, and a part of them had crossed the Hanna bridge, the first bridge across Thomas creek, below Jordan, when Walt Miller drove on, o:ie side of the structure gave way, precipitating horses wagon and driver into the creek below, a distance of 12 or more feet. In the fall one of the horses was killed outright, its neck being broken, while the other had three ribs broken, and was other wise badly skinned and bruited up. Mr. Milter waa floundering around in the water when a small boy, hearing the racket, went to the scene of the accident and seeing Mr. Miller's precarious condition, pushed a board to him, thus enabling him to get out of the water. It was thought at first that he was seriously injured, but when the physician leached him, no dislocations or fractures were discovered. The general shaking up and nervous shock were sufficient to cause Mr. Miller to take a lay off from active business for some days, lhe bridge has been regarded aa being unsafe for some time by those persons familiar with it. One end ot one oi ine post cans had rotted away, thus letting one side of the bridge down. Horticultural Matter. (Jen. James A. Yarney of the State Board of Horticulture was in Albanv yesterday looking after the fruit interests of the country. He finds that the coddling moth is as aclive as ever and that the apples will be wormy whenever spraying has been neglected. At the recent meeting of the associa tion at New berg all specimens of apples and pears brought in were affected, some very badiy. He alno finds that fruit shipped from California is largely affected by the San Jose scale. It is contrary to the law to bring such fruit here and it should be carefu'ly looked after. Oct Up Early. The excursion train to Newport Sunday, July HI, will start at 7 a. m. The Corvallis marine band will accompany the excursionists. ; pon'. faii to participate in this the nnel.t excursion ot the season, fHre for the round trip only $2. 1 I For lame back, side or chest, ' line Shiloh's porous plaster. Price 5 cents at Foehav & Mason. A GAME MONDAY. The Albany tod JcBtraoa Bait Ball NUes Will Coss Bats. A game of base ball will be play ed in this city Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock between the Jeffersons and Albanvs. The Jefferson nine is a strong one, and the game win no doubt be very close and inter esting. George Moorehouse, man ager of the Albanys, has been working base ball matters in this city, and as a consequence some Kood games will ue wiinesseu iu the near future. Til Salt-ins will probably meet the home nine on their grounds soon, and a being arranged with the Lehanons. itarrisourg claims the honor of having the best twirlera of the sphere in the county, and have signified a wil lingness to meet any amateur nine in the valley. Manager Moore house has written the manager of that team, and will endeavor to arrange a game with them. It is the intention to have a series of games on the Albany grounds, one or two every week. It costs mon ey to get good talent, and as at present there isnoencioseagrounu it will be necessary to take up a collection. Next season it is prob able that a valley league will be organized and an enclosed ground will be prepared and proiessionai players signed. CA3E8 OF R0BBEEY. Pendleton East-Oregoniau Sunday evening County Treasurer J. II. Uobbms visited his reset vation farm near Pendleton and found that some uninvited guest had called during hie absence and taken treat libei ties, also every thing else in sight. A wh.dow waa broken open, though which the visitor enected entrance He nearly cleaned out the home stealing one fine suit of clothes, two or three poorer suits, an over coat, blankets, bedclothing, some canoed goods, a good silver watch and solid gold chain. In fact it was a veritable picnic for the thief, probably some weary tourist who chanced to pass that way in search of a raise. Monday of last week, two young men, Walter Lindsev and Gus Milkev. hired two horses and saddle from Denton's livery stable in Pendleton, a new saddle from James Graham.and said they were iroine out on a short trip to return the following day. That day came and the next and the next, but the voune men did not return. Mr. Denton began to grow suspicious and when told by John Garrison that he had met the couple on the road to Alba, and the wanted to trade horses with him, his suspic ious weie confirmed. A warrant was sworn out for the arrest of the young men, and Sat urday Deputy Sheriff George Jones and Mr. Garrison started on their trail. They were followed to Teel Springs and down the Grand Koude river to La Grande, where it was found they had sold the horse and taken the train, probably for the east. Mr. Graham's saddle they had expressed to Sioux City, Iowa. A bay mare, branded with a heart, was also stolen by the boys somewhere along their route, and left at LaGrande. Deputies Jones and Hailey have returned. The latter went east as far aa baker City. The thieves bought no tick ets. They received $ 30 for the two horses, one of which has since been shipped. The tramp evil is developing large proportions near home. The traveling gentry are flocking in great numbers, and considerable petty thieving is the result. Athena has been especially unfor tunate. Tramps, eight of whom were bounced Tuesday night by Deputy Sheriff Stamper, have been camping in the grove near that city and raiding the poultry yards and gtrdens for a livelihood. Mon day night they began business on a larger scale. The postotfice store of John Edtngton was entered through a window. Four cases of knives, two of razors, a quantity of tobacco, cigars and other goods were stolen. So far no trace of the thieves has been found. About the first of this month, a young man was seen lurking in a suspicious manner around the house of J. V. Gibson, situated just west of the limits of the city, from which Mr. Gibton and his family have temporarily removed. Last week it was ascertained that the house was entered by way of the cellar, and several articles and trinkets of trifling value were taken. A trunk was pried open with an ax, its contents disar ranged, and a set of silverware laid out, but the enterprising burglar must have been frightened away before he had time to take them. He took, however, a fine wallet containing papers of value to Air Gibson only (these were after wards found on the bank of the ditch near the house) several silk handkerchiefs, a toy bank, belonging to one of the children, containing seven cents and a coll ir button, and three toy houses made from maple sugar, which Mr. Gib son had brought from the east. One of these he traded to Mrs. Brittian for his dinner that day. Other articles are mi'ssinz, to the value of about fifteen "dollars. The robber had never been in the real estate busi ness, evidently, as he failed to steal the lot when he took the houses. A valuable watch which was in some clothing in a closet was over looked by the robber, for which lie will please call and offer a suit able a j)ology. Tidings. Arm Broken. Scio Press : Mrs. Perry Odborne of McDowell creek, mother of Mrs. M. E. Bilyeu of this city, while trying on Friday last to prevent a hawk from carrying off some of her fine young chickens, slipped and fell, striking the ground in such a manner as to break her right arm just above the wrist. ADAH GUSHING LUCKY AGAIN. Governor Feznayer Eofmei to Surrender Him ti the Washington Authorities Adam Cuehing, who was recent ly tried in the criminal court on the charge of stealing $4000 worth of of freight from the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern railroad companies, and acquitted after the jury had been out a few minutes, is playing in big luck eays the Ore.onian : He was re-arrested, charged with stealing freight from the Northern Pacific at Tacoma, and Prosecuting Attorney Evans and Ch ef of Police Eilis came down with a requisition from Gov ernor Ferry foi him. Armed with it, they repaired to Salem and Executive Clerk Munly told i hem that the governor had not issued the warrant on the requisi tion as he wanted time to consider the matter. Subsequently the Tacoma officers telephoned the governor and he informed them tuat ne did not leei use issuing a wirrant for Gushing. ThsTacoma men think that this ends the mat ter and they wil' go home without Cushing. A dispatch from halem regard ing the ground of Governor Pen noyer's refusal, says: "Govtrnor Pennoyer reiused to grant the warrant on the ground that Cushing did not nee, out was brough to Oregon troin Nebraska to answer for a crime ; therefore, the constitutional provision re ouirinir the surrender of fugitives, does net apply to his case, and it would be a most grievous imposi tion to take advantage of his forced presence here to subject him to arrest for a crime com mitted in another state, holding that bavins been brought to Ore gon and tried and accquitted, he is entitled to the privilege oi leav ing the state a free man." Kallroad Humors. Lebanon Express : Just at this time the minds of the people in and about Lebanon, Albany, lall man. Sodaville and Waterloo are somewhat agitated oyer the rail road auestion. The first of the week the report was that Dr. Hill and associates were to build an electric railway from Sodaville to Albany via Tallman or via Lebanon conditionally. The plats of the various routes have been prepared and prices of narrow eauue track had from Portland; and a representative dispatched to San Francisco to make enquiry in to cost of equipment. Now the rumor ib that Messrs. J. K Weatherford and Thomas Kay have made a proposition to the Southern Pacific Kailroad Com pany to tirade the road bed, if the company will complete and oper ate an extention ot the road irom Lebanon to Waterloo, and the proposition is said to have been accepted. Engineer E. J. O'Con nor is now making a survey. Excursion to the Coast. Here is your opportunity to take a cheap trip to Newport. Special train leaves Albany, Sunday, July latitat 7 a.m. arriving at New port at 11 a. m. Keturning ar rives in Albany at 9:30 that evening, giving an excellent op portunity to have a pleasant day at the seaside. The tides are just right for surf bathing, weather very pleasant, and with the fare at $2 for the round trip, those who care for the pleasures of a days outing can't afford to stay at home. Mother? Castoria is recommended by chvsicians for children teething, It is a purely vegetable preparation its inuredients are published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harm lees. It relieves constipation regulates the bowels, quites pain cures diarrhiui and wind colic allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions soothes the child and gives it re freshing and natural sleep. Can sona is the children s panacea the mothers' friend. 35 doses, 35 cents. Through Train. Notice has been given that com niencingon Saturday, July 18, the the train to the tront, on the Ore gon Pacific, will run clear through to Coe, and on every Wednesday and Saturday thereatter. BITULESS AKMIA SALVE. The best salve in the world for CuU Bruises, So.cs, L leers, Salt Rheum Fever sores. Tetter. Chapped Hand, Chilblains. Come, and skin Eruptions, and pos tively cures Piles, or i.o pay required. It is guaranteed to giv perfect satisfaction, or money re. funded. Price 25 cents per box. Fcr gale by Foshey & Mason The trotting hred stallion Alwood Breeze will stand for service at Tritea Bros., stable Al bany Saturday's of each week un til futher notice. Silk mitts at the Ladies Bazaar. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria 1 Highest of all in Leavening Power. I ABSOLUTELY PURE MERIT WI.VS, We desire to Bay to our tili ztns, that for years we have been sell ing Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr Kind's New Lift; Pilis, Burklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bittt-rs. and have r.evr handled remedies that sell as, or that have given such universal satisfac tlcn, We do not hesitate to guaran tee them' every tide and we stand ready to refund the purchase in ice, if satisfactory r suits do not follow their use lhesc remedies have won greit popularity purely on their merits, Foshay At Mason Diuggists, TIICfcM ICKT )l MMHSS Stanard& Cusick druggists, be lieve that the secret of success is perseverence. Therefore thev per sist in keeping the finest line of perfumeries, toilet articles, cos metier, drugs and chemicals on the market. They especially in vite all persons who have pal pita- ion, short breath, weak or hungry pells, pain in side or shoulder, oppression, nightmare, dry t-ouirh,, dropsy or heart dis ease to try Dr. Miles' uncqualcd New Heart, before too late. It has the largest sale ot any similar ' emedv. J?ine hook on testimonials free. Dr. Miles' Restorative Ner vine is unsurpassed for sleepless ness, headache, fits, etc., and it contains no opiates. TIIK NEW UlM'OVI-Ul. You have heard your friends and neighbois talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experi ence just how good a thing it is. If you have evr tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the home. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle and give it a lair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or monev reiuntied. 1 rial iiotti 's free at Fo?hay & Mason's drug store. A SI t t rSH L M Oil k I US. Work cannot be successfully continued unless there is an acti .e mental interest in it. If the mind is not clear, bright and buoyant, then the work is drudgery and the worker is a machine. An occasional dose of Moore's Re vealed Remedy will put the body and mind in such harmonv that the hardest tasks will seem as play. TIIK .KAI KST SI it Ik V. Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his New lloart cure has proven itself to be one of the most important. The demand for it has become astonish ing, Already the treatment of heart disease is being revolution ized, and nianv unexpected cures effected. It soon relieves short breath, fluttering, pains in side, arm, shoulder, weak hungiy 1 mi gry spells, oppression, swelling of ankles, smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles book on Heart and Nervous Disease, free. Th unequaled New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by Stanard & Cusick, also his Restorative Ner vine for headache, fits, sprees, hot flashes, nervous thills, opium habit, etc. I'nlvernity of Oregon at Kui;ciie. Next session begins on Monday, the 21st, day of September, IS'.li ; tuition, free. Four Courses : Classical, Scientific, Literary, and a short English course, in which there is no Latin, Greek, French or German. The English is pre eminently a business course. For catalogues or other information, Address J. W. Johnson, President. Suie Cure for the Liquor or Opium IlaliiU. The East India cure for these awful hahits can he given without the patient's knowledge, and is the only known specific for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured hy Emerson Drug Co., iNtn .lose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cuiiniiing's drug store only. French Tmmy Wafers. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful ami irregular menses, and will remove all oh structions, no matter what the cause, and are sure ami safe every time. Manufactured hy Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal.. and for sale at J. A. Cumicing's drugstore only. Trv Coronado mineral water, the purest on earth, for sale hy all druggists. John lsom Jr., sole agent. Arimiimtratrlx's Notice. NOTICE IS 1IEEEBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned lists lieen duly ap pointed Administratrix of Hie estate of W. II. Cliurcliii1, deceased, liy tho Honorable th County Court or Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate of eiid W. II. Churchill, deceased, are hcrchy notified to present the eaim: in writ ing, nuly verified, to tne in person, or to inv attorney 0. W. Wright usii.. at his law otlice. over the Hank of Oregon, in Albany, J.inn county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. M. J. Cnt'iti tiii.i.. Administratrix. G. W. AVrioht, Attorney foi Admin ist rati i x. Dated June 2T. GIKL WANTED To do Rcneial li.iuse work. None but first claw lie'p need apply, Call at Mra. W, K. liilvcu a. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report, Baking Powder TUE WOULD ENRICHED. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on ly perfect laxative known, as it ii the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the tafte ami prompt and effectual tocleanse the system gently in the Sprin time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the more popular it becomes. NEW TO-DAY. Opera House, Warner & Orator, Lessees & Managers. THREE NKUITS Saturday, July 18th Triumphant return of the Unriv aled favorites, HARRY F. KEENE'S -WELL KNOWN- STOCK COMPANY, In an elaltorate production of the sensational drama Wilh all the original (fleets used during its tirst pro dueti'in in New York. CIIANGK OF PLAY NIGHTLY. Admission, Me and 75c Keats on sale at Will & Link's. European Stwli; Agent?. THROUGH TICKETS unit fi-'.m Kurope try all (irat-clau line Ti. V -u iro n y pU-e in Europe tn ny point in tli 1'intfel States, cr f tun this ountrv I1 Kurcpetn pointa sultl over the following lilHt-rlmt!! lines: Y irtli Ueriunn Lloyd, via New York, Nnrili CiTinan Lloyd, via Baltimore, Allan Liiie, Anchor Line, American Line, Sta'e Line, lti-aver Line, Cun&rd Line, Itid Star Line, Wh'U-SUr Line, (Juion Line. DKAFTS AND MONEY ORDKRS koIiI on all Euroiiean citiesat current ratea. Iiitvrnatiiin collections. For information reii inlinn prices of pansajre, date of wiling, etc . call 01 or addrcas, C, K. WINN, Albany, Or. -THE- I Opens September 18th, IS'.li. COrtfSE OF STl'DY arranged expressly to meet the need ai the CaruiiuK and niecnani- tttl interest ft the state. Lame, comoriious and ell-ventilted liuildinirs. lhe college is Irsated in cultivated ami Chriitian coiu- iniinitv. and one of the healthiest in the State. Mil Hart 'Training. Kvi't'iiKs X.-cd Sot Exceed 8150 (or the Kl.tirc Scasi.u. Two r more free seholtrships Iioul every cnuuTv. rite tor citahriie to R. L. AllNOi.l), Itcii., Corvallis, Or. I FOR SALEJR RENT. JE1FRSON FLOURING MILLS Also SAW ANI PLANING MILLS, Jeflerson, Marion Co., Or. For particulars apply to COKliETTA MACLEAY, (14 and 0 Front St., Portland, Or. AsalRnee's Notice. NOTICE IS HEKEBT UlVEN that Gee, W, Jim, CUw, and Nancy WcPtfall partners doing business under tlin Cum name of Kwone, Woo, Kee, Company insolvent debtors in Albany on the 1:h1i day of June 1891, inside a general assignment to the undersiuncd for the benefit of all the.r creditors. All persons haxinr claims i.i present the gam : duly verified to Hie undersigned at the bank of Ore sron, Aljany. Oregon, within three months from the date licieof June 15 1SU. Jat W. Bi.iiy, L. IT. Montatnk, Assignee. Attorney for Assignee. DixDolutlon of Dro Firm. vtotii:e is hereby given that by mutual coiiHcnt, S. A. Hulin and Fred Dawson hare thi day diwolved partnership in the druir Imsinctw, S. A Hulin haviuv iiurchamyl the interest hitherto owned by Kred ltauaoii All outstanding Indebted new will le settled by, and all accounts are piyalilc to S. A. Hulin, who will, aa hither to," tie found ready to accommodate hi natrons at his store on French's corner. 1 S, A. HULIff, FRED DAWSON. Albany, July 1, 1S01. Notice. To a!! whom it mac concern, notice is here by (fiven that my wife, Angie Tritcs, has left inv bed and board without any just cause or prni-a'ioD, nd I will not be responsible for any debts of her contractlnif. W. D. Teitis, Albany July 1 UB1, College GRAND! CLE U -WILL WALLACE Sum m er Cloth ing Liirlit Wt Under war, Shirts and all Sewililb Goods at Actual Remember, this gives vou new and richly tailored clothing at is large, and you can select juat as the season. T. L. WALLACE & CO., THE BIRTHPLACK OF GREAT AND HONEST BAR JAIN'S. C-A-XiL SEE THE VERNON HAY PRESS Unequaled for fast work and light draft. Manufactured at tlie foot of Baker Street, Albany, by PRICE & VERNON. HAVE YOU SEEN THE Gram C OF SUMMER OE: HOT -:- WEATflER -NOW Iv. Leading The Wilier SALE! i i HO. SELL- an opportunity to buv any of our tin; same pi ice we paid. Our stock well now as you c mid ear'ier in GOODS TO BE SOLD IN THE iMry: IX STOCK. Blain, 01-:- MONTH. Merchant Tailor.