THE MORNING HERALD: THURSDAY, JUL I(, fo91. UAIbY 1ND WHKKUY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION- fubllkticd .every morning except Mondy.) e:itTtl by carrier, per wet'k...WH.... U'2V v mail, er )it - 8 W WKKKU, Published every Friday Morning.) ne copy, per annum, in aUv4uce.. 12.00 ft iil'u 11. 'l mid in advance. .... 210 irilE MAIL, Mails it the Allany poalomce close Kir all oiticrs north The tfcutem staum f 6;30 a. M, The West Side f AO'! the Journw Ga m R. R. ) or I'.v.Iiuiil ajiil !ati 11 A. U urs... and aquiua ......... I'2;f0 r. , , orti. e juth... H, 7:30 r. m Hie postortice will be clrdeach evening o n six 10 seven o'clock. tu-giMtered matter for the ly ruomimf tr:uii hnuld Im mailed before o clock the revt"Us eveninir. ORKUON PACIFIC TIME TABLE. -Arrives Departs rnwnsjer.. FuiK'ht...... 11 l.'lpm 12.20iiu , 3.-JOpuiii.45 a m Is all ages of the world there lias been talk and argument aliout womans sphere in life, and how she can lest fill it. That her place has gradually an finality with man is apparent to all. The Alinira Tele.'iam face tiously says that the old saying that a woman is at the bottom of of everything is coming to have a new interpretation in the light of the prominence she is assuming in the hazardous undertaking of life. The tiinidity of the gentler sex will soon cease to 1m? proverbial. The mouse may yet remain the symbol of woman 3 terror, but, as a mat ter of fact, there are few acclivities of endeavor that have not been Healed by woman, and man does not do well to speak of her always as of the weaker sex. The record of a single week gives the lie to such an utterance. A Second avenue woman chases a burglar dovn stairs, runs him out of his breath in the street, and has him locked up before he gets over his daze. Plucky Georgia girls drive a negro desperado from their father's home at midnight. One Connecticut young woman kills seven ugly traantulas. which drop . casually out of a bunch of bananas she is cutting up. All of which might once have been set down as juite in the order of the unex pected. But it is so no longer. Timid woman not infrequently ex hibits in these days an inclination to think and act for herself, and to be on deck when a stern emergency calls, and now the en trance of Mrs. Peary into the arena of arctic travel marks the progress of woman in thj only lield of travel she has yet unex plored. And the best of it all is that the world has grown 60 courteous and so circumspect that wumen have pretty nearly the freedom and independence in gj ins about that the men have. Nellie lily and Miss Uisland not j only go around Ihu world witinjut j escort, b'U even break the record in time. Mrs. Sheldon goes into the interior of Africa, fearless of harbaiians. Women have gone into the snowy heighths of moun tains about as far as there are human footprints, anil now who knows but that Mrs. IVary may rn' her pert little nose up against the north pole. Is regard to money movements the Globe-democrat says: Theie is now, ab jut two months before tiie actual demand for money in the movement of the crops sets in $l,oa,000,iX)0 in active circulation that i9, in the banks and in the hands of the people. This is about :f70,(X)0,00i greater than the circulation of a year a''t at this time. It is 100.000,OtMi more than that available at the middle of the crop-moving season of 18h! uud $120,000,000 more than was at hind when the pinch came in the fall of ISvSi. The crops in that year wer unusually heavy, and the monetai v demands w hich their shipment created were projiortion ately great. Comparison w ith the other recent years of heavy grain yield will show an even larger ex cess of active money now. The Chronicle probably voices about the truth of the matter w hen it says : It fs rather a late day for Captain Decker, a Belgian otlicer, to come to the defense of Barttelot and Jameson of the Stanley rear column. Jameson was convicted of the worst charge against him by his own diary, in which he recorded the purchase of a slave girl and her cruel niur der by the cannibals. Though he declared he was shocked by the butchery, yet lie remained and sketched the work of these human tiends. As for Barttelot, no de fense is possible for him. He ought never to have been t iven the power of life or death over savage or civilized people, and his death was simply the logical result of his cruelty and incapacity. Consider vBt.s billingfgite a being indulged in, by certain in terested politicians, in regard to the billion dollar congress. The fact that congres appropriated that large sum of money is only an indication of the growth and prosperity of the country, and the extent of that growth and pros perity. 1 1 is a matter of congrat u lation and not one of censure. If the try has any ell'ect whatever it will lead to an understanding of the situation in that respect anil will recoil against the very ones whe aie making it, for the people are in favor of all needed appro priations that are made for just and worthy purposes. Some institution to look after the boys ami girls of the state, w ho are without 11 a' ural guatdiaiiB, and w ho would otheiwise fall into viscious lives, is neeJed in Ore gon. An ounce of prevention is better than many pounds of cure in such cases and should certainly be applied. One of the aids in that direction is the building up of institutions like the one under the auspices of the Albany Ladies Aid society, and it is to be Doped that all the necessary aid and support will be given to the landies to cause the early completion of the building. The Ohio Democrats with Campbell in the field against Mc Kinley will make a good fight, but the sturdy and fearless McKinley will come out ahead. McKinley is the name of the next Governor of Ohio. OBTAINED MOKE ItEIJEK From a Can of O. K. T. Than Any thing He Ever Iseil. The writer of tlie following is a Baptist minister of many years standing, well know as a mis sionary to the Indians, and is now a teacher in the school recently established at Forest Grove for the education of the Indian youth: Forest Grove, Or., March 8. I have been troubled many years with weakness of the kidneys and tried many different remedies, sought aid from different phy sicians, and even changed climates to obtain relief, but have met with inditferent success. Hearing through a friend of the Oregon Kidney Tea. 1 obtained a box of it and have derived more benefit from it than from any thing else I have yet found. Hev. J. C Hiff. The trotting bred s'allion Aiwuod Breeze will stand for service at Trites Bros., stable Al bany Saturday's of each week un til futher notice. I have been bothered with catarrh for alxmt twenty years; I had lost sense of smell entirely, and I had almost lost my hearing. My eyes were getting so dim I had to get some one to thread my needle. Now I have my hearing as well as I ever had, and I can see to thread as fine a needle as ever I did, my sense of smell is partly restored, ami it seems to he improving all the time. I think there is nothing like Kly's Cream iJal.'ii tor catarrh. Mrs. r.. I-.. Grime?, Kendrill, l'eny, Co., O. The Thomas Kav Woollen Milh of Salem, have appointed G. V. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothiuv blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods are the best in the market and will give entire satisfaction. Smoke ths celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igrs, manufactured at Julius Joss ill's cigar factory. HUMPHREYS Dr. lirMniKRY'H SrmiFicflare scientific !ly ami carefully prepare! precritiiiiift; u-w-. lor manv years in private practice with r, and for over thirty yearn u.. hy the pci.ple. Every itirile sjn-oiiic id a cure fur the 'lie.vtti iiuiii mI. The; rtK.tii1cd cure without ilruetfiu, purtfiiikc or re. I u :iir the system, and are in fact and deed the sovereign remedies of the world. LIST OK PRINCIPAL XOi. CI' RIM. PRICK. 1 Fever. Congestion, inrlaumiatuiii . 'lb 2 Worms, ir.ii fever, worm colic.... 2; ? r in if Colic, or teething of infant.. -'." 4 Diarrhea, of children or adults 25 5 Dysentery, Griping, Hilliouti Colic Cholera Morhu. vennting 2n 7 Clinch, colds, bronchitis 2f 9 Neuralgia, toothache, Facvache 25 9 Headache, sick h. ad ache, vertigo. ... to 10 Dpspcpsia, billions tUomach 2f 11 Suppressed or I'amful 1'eriods 2; 12 Unites, too profuse peiiodn 2 rU'rmiti frtnr'h diftVnlt hrt.thinir 11 Knit KtuMim. ia.YMiiMt am. triitttiniin . V.i 15 Rheumatism, rhcim atic pains th Hi Fever and ague, chills malaria f0 17 Piles, blind or bleeding ;0 1A Catarrh, influenza, cold in the head 50 J0 UhiMipimr Ou?n, violent coughs. bo 2i General debility, physical weakness SO 27 Kidney di-tase 5o 2S Nervous debility 1 U0 M) I'rinan, Weaki.eas, w ttinif bed...... 50 32 Lisi4es ot the heart, palpitation.... 1 00 SoM by ilniirviatK, or sent poataiiI on re ceipt of price. I'r. Humphrey' Manual, (144 pae) ru-hly bonml in cloth and ifild, mail ed ne, IIUMHHKfcVSMKK. o, 111 & 113 William SI , New Yuik. SPECIFICS. Children Cry for PITCHXR'S Castoria SPRING OUR STOCK OF SPRING WAGONS IS THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ON THE PACIFIC COAST, AND COMPRISES ALL TIIE LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and Moun tain Wagons, SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS, ONE - HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pay all parties want ing Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond w ith us. We guarantee our vehicles the best, Staver Walker NEW MARKET BLOCK, - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK ON THE PACIFIC COAST OF Machinery and Vehicles of Every Description. SEND FOR CATAI.OO 7 R AND I'RICE LIST. W. O. DA.VIS7fccb. AGENTS ALBANY, ----- OREGON. Do you want to be happy and make those about you pleased, if so go and get one of those lovely toned piano's at Mrs. Hymans. If you have not drank Coronado mineral water, you should try it. It will sober you up, give you a clean stomach and a good appe tite. The men of this .vicinity need not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good tiualites of the cook and heating dtoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. School Tax Notice, The school tax in school district No 5, is now due and pay-1 able. Call at my ofln-e and pay the same linquent. before it becomes de- G. BritKiiiKT. District Clerk. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES FOR BOYS AN'I) GIRLS JULIUS CRADWOHUS GOLDEN RULE Spring The public is invited to inspect the im mense stock of Dry Goods FOR THE His assortment is li0or tlui and prices. The Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce. WAGONS. HALF-PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS, SCROLL SPRING wagons, "HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR' OR THREE SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, prices lowest, quality considered. ALBANY ALBANY, OREGON 1890....... lsl A Eull C( ips of Instructors. CI&Hgittkl, scit title, literary, 0 niuruia. ami normal clatrja. Courma of Mtuily ar ranged to meet the neoln of all grades o studeota. Spe. ial inducements offered t tudeDta from abroad. Tuition nunrea from 5.M 81S.S0 Per Term. Instrumental instruction in u.usk i given by Mint Laura Uoltra, Board in private families at low rated, and room for self boarding at imali expeuite. A careful (uperviatou exercised over pup 1 way from home. For circulars and full particulars, address the prrsideut, KEV. ELBERT N. COXDIT, Albany, Oregon. CHOWDER BROS j Contractor and Builders. Jffice on First 8treet wi,K Wt,t. 'I,- a, Pn; ir ii o,tt. non Jaany, Oregon. J-.stimaf i wven . ll t n all kinds of buildings or earpen er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. Colleffiate amodscemesT SPRING OF evjr before, an.l lie ia prepared, Won T 1 Hater Ml ..A FULL STOCK OF Staple Groceries The best quality of teal, ccfftis, candies outs, etc FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable house Is also to be found a complete assortment of fresh family groceries, to which is constantly being added all the seasonable lines of groceries and pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pichles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts. Eastern Buckwheat Flour. Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goiKls were all bought when price ere low and thelieuufitof the margin will lie .,'iven to his customers. Kemenilk:r the place, tt the old corner 00 First and ltr'.Aialbiu Sts. Conrad Mfcr. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, Eugland, also of the ilulle vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a so cially of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enlargements, tumors ind wens, without pain or the knife, lie also makes a specialty ol treat ment with electricity. Has practii ed in the German French and English I hospitals. Calls promptly attended ! day night. His motto is j ,OD WILL TO ALL. "OlBce and residence, Lha-ou Oreg n. jP iA.;tsro TUIOSK WISHING A KIKST-CLASS IN . s'rjmciit, the best mute to stund the climate of this coast, can lie suited bvca'ling at Mis: 11. K. liyman's, opposite the 'Masonic Temoln Kin.t. mrift 'I'hu l..t..u. instrumental music kept for sale. Als. the largest assortment of stamping patterns to select from this side of 'Krwo. Lessons triven in tainting arnl imitr.iifl..ri h... jtudio over l.inn Countv liunk. Give hi i your srUer ami you will be pleased, Nurserj . Mefi-s. Hyman A Brownell are prepared in their nursery to fur nish all kinds of stock, and those intending to plant Bhnuld call upon them. Kooih anil Nlioex. Purchasers of Boote and Shoes bear in mind that bit; advertise ments and oilers of bin discounts to not always mean best values. You will have to pay some one a profi as no one can do business wit!";xpen8e. The qiiest'on is who can sell you the best goods for the least money. Samcel E. YofNG. BAZAAR STORE. 1891 AT to satisfy customers in quality Crockery STEW AET & SOX, -DEALERS IX- kell Engines, Separators and Stackers, OSBORNE BINDERS, We carry no machinery that has not been tried in this locality and found to be satisfactory, and as we represent factories, no responsible dealer can give better terms. Springfield Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIELD.) PROPRIETOR. SIMtlXUFIELl), - - - OREGON. f sfTAlhaiiy yard and office on Railroad, between Fourth and Fiftl reets, A. Whi-eler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed or the prompt and satisfactory .iiiing of orders, I resectfully solicit hare of the tradt. A. WHEELER. Ash my afffntM for V. If not for Miilt iu yoi , Douglan inur ulitc iimU JiT TAKE NO SL USTITL'TE WHY IS THE for fit; equals trench mi W. L. D O U C LAS WSiS w ,,icb cost fr0U1 OO CLjnr FOR $4 hand sewed welt shoe, fin- OriwCi CENTLEMEN caif. ptvlish. comfortable and THEBEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE HONEY P fj shoe evet i.'ilt-red at this price; Fame ;rade as custom made ahoes costinp from fii to :;..ri(i police Klioe ; farmers, railroad men and letter carriers all wear them ; fine calf, seamle-e, smooth in ide, heavy three souls, exten sion edge ; one pair will wear a ypar. 2.50 fine calf ; no better shoe ever effered at this price ; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. 2.2" and $2.lXl'orkinginan's shoes are strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial wili wear no other make. HOYS' $2 and f 1.75 school shoes are worn by the boys everywhere; thev sell on their merits as the increasing sales show. LA1IKS if:, hand sewed shoe, best Hongola ; very stylish ; equals Fiench imported shoes costing from $4 to Ladies $2.50, 2 and $1 75 shoe for Misses are the best ongola. Stylish mid ilnrable. Caution See that W. T,. Longlas bottom of each shoe. W. mu BROS oiiTCAJsro, oiiegojst. BRANCH HOUSE ALBANY, OGN Have on hand for the season of ISiil, binders, mowers, farmer's tooh id hai vt-btini; niachincry of all kinks. an A Our sleek of bu-.'gies, carts, spring wagons, etc., is the largest ani. most complete on the Paeitic Coast, and comprises all the leadinp st vies. At leyoe & Kobson's old etand, opp. Blumberg Block. "In Spring the young man's fancy Lightly turns to thoughts of love!" The wise young man, the old man, the thrifty housewife, all will turn their steps, when searching for fresh table delicacies, choice butter, fresh laid eggs, staple and fancy groceries of all kinds,, to the grocery store of G. E. -Brownell. MOWERS &. RAKES. Shorn. L. E. BLAIN, vuur - iJ Al-BANY, - - OREGON. It is a seainleFS slioe, with no tacks or wax thread to Imrt the f-et; male of the lst line rail, stylish andeaey ainl because we make more shot's of this tirade than any aher inanufai-turer, it eqtiaU hand sewed shoes cot-ting from 4 to Ti. sfc.OO tienuiue ham' sewed.the finest calf shoe ever ottered name and pi ice are stamped on the I.., iirocKion, xviase. ivm rniiniXT 1UI ill .... irV.L'" r frrrtrrrrrrfrrrrr . . .- $ . It iotas to? 1! thus good lo Eat. as well. V THE- Yaquina Route ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T.J K. HOGG. Receiver. Oregon Deyelopment Co.'s Steamship Line w niTAiirr II IK 01 22 Hours Less Tim Than by any other route: AccomodationB unsurpassed for comfort u afaty. fr'nree ud freUchu riai Vxiuiua aa the Oregon leve opmeut corupin ' thipe, much len that by any ether route weeu all poinu in the illlaceftr and San Frauciaooa Sailing dates, Hnil VAAITTM. Willamette Valley.... ... . ..June h . lSt .. '22, Willamette Valley raoM sah raaxcuoo m Moy SI Juue ' 1H. X7 Millamette Valley. nu lamcue valley. The company rwrrve the right to cfca m team ere or aailinir daiea, dailt raabaKeu tkaom Kxoept liuntlayt.) L Ta;a!na 7:00 a I Lv Albany 12:20 r Con all n 10:3A a H I " Corrallli 1S r Ar AUmny ;i:Jo a I Ar Yaquina 4 SS r. a. O. A C. tiaiiia unuect at A!)aa and Col Wu. II. Hoae, C, Hoei'i, General Uacaiter, O. f k P. Agent Corvallla, O on EAST SOUTH VIA- S0UTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE MOUNT SEAST1 ROUTE California express trains run daily sour ii MOKTB 7:00 p tu.. I. v. ...Portland ....Ar.. :Si am lo:2ipm..Lv..... Albany Lv 6:21 am s :i a m..Ar...... S. Francisco, Lv.. V-00 pm Local hum. Train Ually- Ei. Sunday S0am..Lv.....Purtlai.d....Ar.. 4:00 im 12:20 p m..Lv.... Albany ..Lv..lZSV am t:u p mAr.....Kofotin; Lv.. ri:Ai am LcImmum Branch. 2.36 p..Lv..... Albany Ar.. :26 pm 26 p m Ar ....Lebanon..... Lv . -4u am 7:10 a in.. L Albany Ar.. 4. Mi pm b.22am..Ar Leliaiion.... Lv.. S-4o pm albaw local. DAILT (Except Sunday) S.00 r n. Lv.... Portland. ...Ar....9.00 a m 9.00 r m Ar. ..AIbAuy.Lv....5.00 A a PULLMAN b UFFETSLEErEKS, TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, Por auuemmnuation of SeooDd4:Uaa ea enters attached to Eapren '1 rains. West Side Dlvlslea. Between Poitland and Coivallia Mall Trala Dally - Except Sunday 730am..Lv ...Portlaftl ...Ar.6 0 p.m 12:10 pm..Ar Conauis.. L;12.66p. m At Albany and Corvallia counect wlLb trains of Orepou PaciflcKailroad. Express Trala Dally (Exeipt Sunday t:40pm..Lv Portland... Ar.. 8:20am 7:25 p m.. Ar MrUinowUe.Lv..l6.46Am THROUGH TICKETS lo All Point EAST AND SOUTH 3TFor ticket and full 'Information re ardinir rati niapi, etc., call on coojhj' went at Altmiv. K.KOK1ILKR, E. P. ROGERS, Manai-er Awt. O. K & P. A A WEAK MAN Can i;nro himself of the Je 1,1k ihkiiIis of earlv abuse and jierft ctly rehtoie his igorand vital ity by our home treatment. The icma'ikable cuieso' hopeless cases of nervous i.t-hility and private ....imi.I jIiiIu on. irr alicre stamD- ing out iuackeiy. Treaties and question list, a phvsician's gift to suffering htiuianitv. will be sent fiee to those atllietec. Address with stamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, 405 Kearny St., Room 2, J-an Francisco, Cal. We c.'irry a large stock of printer's stationon, well as sorted, bought direct from the inanufacturcrR at a low figure, and can give the host of work in all kinds of printing for the least money. . Try uk. II. C. Cobb. THE MARKETS. at.BANT QUOTAT10H6. Wheat He OaU 4sc Flour M X, pet bbl P't'ioes Xie Eggs toe Butter 2nc Lard 10(3 12c. Hams MgKK. bhoulders 10c Bacon 1'23-jC. Hops 30c. Hay Timothy, f 10. oats and cheat App es Oreen, 1 per u. PIujii Dried, Jc. per B. App'w dried bleached c anndrled & c. Chickens 14 5oC?ri00. Beef :i:c (rross. Mutton 1:5 3 50per head. Hoin SJc dre8se . Veal 6lKc. Wool 1821c. EGGS FOR SALE. I will sell full blood Leghorn eggs, both single and rose comb, for $1 50 per 13. also dotted Wyan dotts. Light Brahmas. Langahan and Plymouth Rocks at the same price. L. J. Hodck, Tangent, Or.